All right everyone, this is the end of book 3 :) Stay tuned for Book 4, it'll be from Willow's POV!
Chapter 57- The Sacrifice
"Let me go!" Maxie hollered at her parents and struggled against the grip they had on their arms. "I need to get back to Peter! The Magnificent V will not be happy about this!"
"You are mind-mapped!" Mac said, not letting go of her. "Come on, we'll take you home to see Georgie. Then when we know that things are calm, Dr. Maddox can do a procedure on you."
Curtis and Scott carried James and Malcom, and followed Mac, Felicia, and Maxie towards the village.
"Grandmother!" Spencer called out, running over to embrace her.
"Oh, Spencer. Nikolas. I've missed all of you so much," Laura said.
Chase slowly walked over to Finn and set his hands on his shoulders. They stared at each other for a moment, then hugged tightly.
"Come on," Kevin said, taking Laura's hand. "Let's get you all home. Lucy has Pavlov. I can pick him up later."
Laura scrunched her face. "Pavlov?"
"And once things settle, I want to introduce you to Nikky," Nikolas said. "But Ava took him and Avery to the village for now."
"Uhh… I guess I missed a lot?" Laura said.
"Lulu…" Sam called out to her. "Jax took Rocco to my place. He's safe."
"You can come home with me," Anna said to Robert. "To see Robin and the kids."
After the captives went with their loved ones to the village, and Chase suggested Finn and Hayden go to Elizabeth's for the time being, Julian and Drew walked over to Sam, Danny, Lucas, Kristina, and Leo.
"We saw two explosions from across the lake," Drew said. "Is everyone okay? Is anyone hurt?"
"Where's Lex?" Julian asked.
Sam wrapped her arms around Drew's waist and leaned against his chest.
Lucas stepped closer to Julian and frowned. "They took Alexis."
Julian's eyes grew wide. "What? She was supposed to be well-guarded!"
"She was," Lucas said. "But they knocked Max and Milo out. And now, she's gone."
All the colour drained from Julian's face and his nostrils flared when Jason, Cameron, Jake, Max, and Milo walked over to them.
Julian grabbed Jason by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the castle wall. He yelled at him through gritted teeth, "You were supposed to protect her! I only let you stay behind because of your heart condition!"
"Dad…" Lucas walked over to him and pulled him away from Jason. "I know you're angry, but it's not Jason's fault."
Julian exhaled deeply. "You're right. Sorry, Jason… It's my fault. I should've stayed behind regardless. Alexis should have been my priority."
"Look, Dad, if you want to blame someone, blame Valentin," Sam said. "All of this is his fault. It's not yours. It's none of ours."
"We'll get Lex back," Lucas said. "This island needs her. Her family needs her."
Julian nodded. "I'm going right now to find her."
Chuff. Chuff. Chuff. Chuff. Chuff.
Everyone looked up as five helicopters, with the words V-Town written along the sides, came towards Spoon Island.
"Oh no!" Lucas shouted.
Two of the helicopters flew over the village and dropped two bombs, causing two explosions.
Everyone outside of Wyndemere screamed.
"Molly's in the village!" Kristina cried out.
"Oh my gosh! Willow! Scout!" Sam shouted out and made to dart towards the village, when hard winds swirled around them.
Matteo Marchesi jumped from one of the helicopters and—
He shot Chase in the shoulder and Kristina ran over to him.
The three helicopters landed on the castle grounds, and those that had guns, pulled them out.
Luca, Rafaele, Thadeo, and Angelica Marchesi all stepped out of the first two helicopters, followed by Alessandro and Francesco, and several V-Guards.
And from the final helicopter, stepped out Peter August followed by a seething Almighty V.
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Valentin's voice boomed over the helicopter sounds
Julian stomped towards him and pointed his gun in the centre of Valentin's forehead. "I COULD YOU ASK THE SAME QUESTION! WHERE IS ALEXIS!?"
Valentin glared at him. "What do you mean, Where is Alexis? Just tell me where Charlotte is!"
Jason shot and killed two V-Guards, while Rafaele shot at Leo, just narrowly missing him. Danny shot back, just scraping Rafaele's arm. And Matteo shot Cameron in the leg.
Valentin grabbed Julian's arm and the two men fought over the gun. It shot fire and hit a V-Guard in the side of his head, and he dropped to the ground.
Sam darted towards Valentin and Julian, with her gun pointing towards her uncle, but the two men kept moving so much, she didn't risk shooting Julian. "IF THOSE EXPLOSIONS HURT EITHER OF MY DAUGHTERS…"
Jake shot Luca in his thigh and Drew shot Peter on the left side of his chest. Peter dropped to the ground, blood spilling from his mouth.
Danny shot a skinny, young V-Guard in the chest, and he fell backwards off the cliff and they heard a splash.
Danny felt like he was going to be sick. Did he just kill someone!?
Matteo pulled the trigger again and stared at his gun. He was out of bullets!
Danny lifted his gun again towards Matteo, but Matteo ran inside the castle! Angelica trailed behind him, and Danny chased after them.
"Having fun?" Angelica asked Matteo as she followed him down the hallway.
Matteo yanked a sword from one of the statues.
Danny pointed his gun at Matteo. "You're cornered. There's no point in running."
Angelica turned around and smirked at Danny.
Matteo just smiled. A nasty, disgusting smile. "You're not going to shoot me. Not when I don't have a gun too. You're too much of a wimp to do that."
"Yeah?" Danny furrowed his eyebrows. "Just try me!"
Matteo's eyes moved towards another statue, then yanked out another sword. He handed it out to Danny. "Put your gun away. I challenge you to a fair duel."
Danny stared at the sword. "You? Suddenly want to play fair?"
Matteo laughed. "Fairness is for wimps."
Danny clenched his jaw, then took the sword and tucked his gun away.
"Danny, don't fall for it!" Angelica scream whispered.
Matteo glared at her. "Suddenly changing sides again, are you… Cupcake?"
"Your just jealous that Father doesn't care enough to have a pet name for you!" Angelica said.
Matteo turned back to Danny. "Scared, Cassadine?"
"Actually… I am a Cain!"
Danny charged at him and their swords came together with a clang! Matteo stepped back and swung his sword at Danny, but Danny jumped back, the edge just narrowly missing his abs. Danny struck his sword against Matteo's again, then swung it down on Matteo's face, leaving behind a trail of blood from his right temple down to his left jawline.
Matteo stepped back and touched the blood on his face. "You'll pay for that, FILTHY CASSADINE!"
He darted at Danny, their swords clanging together once more. Then Matteo shoved him hard and knocked the sword out of Danny's hands, and it slid down the hallway.
Danny's heart sped up and he made to run and grab it, but Matteo seized him brought his sword down hard on the inside of his right elbow.
Suddenly, Danny saw stars and his ears rang, as right forearm fell to ground and blood splattered from his upper arm. He dropped to his knees, thought he heard the faint sound of a bang!, and dropped fully to the floor, and everything went black.
"I couldn't save the arm."
Danny faintly heard the sound of his Uncle Lucas' voice as he slowly opened his eyes. It took a minute for his vision to clear, and he saw Drew and Lucas standing over him.
"But I've sewed up the wound, and he'll be fine."
Fine? Danny felt nauseous. He was in one of the Wyndemere bedrooms, and he stared down at the missing half of his arm. His elbow wrapped in bandages.
"Are you okay, bud?" Drew asked, squeezing Danny's shoulder on his good arm. "Everything's going to be okay. Your mom went to the village to find your sisters. I didn't find out what happened to you until after she left."
Danny sat up a little. "Is he dead now? The V and the Marchesis?"
Drew sighed. "No. They escaped on helicopters again. But Peter August is, and a few V-Guards are dead."
"Anyone else? Anyone on our side?"
Lucas shook his head. "We don't know about those in the village. But so far just injuries here. I better go check on the others." He left the room.
"We anticipate that they'll be back," Drew said. "But it's been over two hours since they left."
"They'll keep coming back," Danny said barely above a whisper and lowered his gaze. "They'll always come back."
"Danny, we're going to win this," Drew said. "We have to believe that.
Another explosion sounded.
Drew's eyes grew wide.
"Okay, Danny," Drew cleared his throat. "I have to get back out there. But Max and Milo are just outside. I have to protect you from the outside."
Danny nodded.
Drew turned, but Danny called out to him. "Dad?"
Drew whipped around.
"I love you," Danny said. "And I'm glad that you're my dad."
Drew smiled and leaned down, hugging him tightly. "I love you too. More than you'll ever know.
Danny watched as his dad took off. He stared out the window at all the smoke and knew what he had to do.
"Hey, Slave," Angelica's voice announced her presence and she sat at the edge of his bed. "Those boys just won't stop—"
Danny sat up straight and kissed her firmly on the lips. He could feel her lips turn into a smile, then she deepened the kiss and ran her fingers through his hair.
"My my, Slave. I forgot what your lips tasted like when they're not wet."
Danny smiled at her.
Angelica crossed her arms. "You can thank me at anytime, you know."
"What for?"
"What for!? I only saved your life. Matteo would have finished you off, but I shot him. Just in the arm, but he ran off."
"Well then… thank you," Danny said, then spotted Leo running past the room. "LEO!" Danny shouted after him. "Gel, go get him! Please!"
"Okay, okay." Angelica stood up. "Now who's trying to make the other a slave."
"Just get him, quick!"
Angelica hastened to the hallway. Danny felt a huge weight on his chest. But he thought of his mom. His dad. His sisters. His grandparents. His cousins. Uncle Leo. He had to do this. He had to do this for them.
Seconds later, Angelica returned with Leo.
"Danny, what's up?" Leo said. "I'm so sorry about your arm… but I need to be out there!"
"I know," Danny said. "And I'm going out there too. But I need to talk to you first."
Danny, Angelica, and Leo headed out to the battlefield. Danny held a gun in his left hand, which would now be his dominant hand like his grandma's. Bullets were flying back and forth. The Insignificant V, the Marchesis and the V-Guards hiding behind their helicopters, and residents of Spoon Island hiding behind rocks, trees, and whatever barriers they could find.
He spotted his mom with Julian behind a tree, and Willow was standing behind a tree with Julian. Danny's eyes bulged. What was she doing here? Willow didn't know how to fight! Or that's what he thought…
Willow shot a V-guard in the leg. Okay… maybe she could fight somewhat.
Danny took a deep breath and ran towards the helicopters, Leo following him.
"Danny!" Sam yelled.
"Leo!" Julian called out.
"Danny, what are you doing?" Drew shouted. "Get back here!"
"NEVER!" Dante yelled from behind a rock.
Danny shot at V-Guard, narrowly missing his arm, and Leo shot Alessandro in the arm.
Danny stepped between Valentin's helicopter and the edge of the cliff and pointed his gun at Valentin. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU HURTING MY FAMILY! NOW GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK, OR WE'LL KILL YOU!"
Leo stood beside him, also pointing his gun at Valentin. "First you killed my mother, and now you abducted my step-mother! YOU GIVE LEX BACK NOW!"
Valentin grinned. "You think I'm going to listen to a couple of teenagers!?"
Danny noticed Drew, Sam, and Julian walking their way at the corner of his eye, but they were still far away.
Danny jerked and looked down at red gushing out of the left side of his chest.
"DANNY!" he heard his parents shout.
He looked up at Angelica, pointing a gun at him, and he felt the colour drain from his face. Then he looked back at Willow, teary-eyed next to a tree, and his frantic parents running towards him. He dropped to the ground and his eyes closed.