Disclaimer : I do not own RWBY it is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum

Summary : Follows after the villainCinder kills Pyrrha but is Pyrrha really dead?

Jaune was at his now usual training spot in the forest with the voice of Pyrrha guiding him along the way as it had been since a while after the day of her death even though he had the nagging feeling that he couldn't quite shake that she may actually be alive and not dead like they thought,he sighed in annoyance.

Jaune : "This is just frickin ridiculous there is no way I'd be lucky enough for her to be alive".

Though Beacon's been restored he still went to that usual spot in the woods and everyone wondered where he kept going only his friend Ruby knew but she wasn't the only one who was worried in fact everyone was concerned he'd always close up when they asked him so now he was on his way back to Beacon.

Jaune : "If only I hadn't let you shove me into that locker and run straight to your own death!"

He clenched his hands into fists squeezing till his knuckles turned white and his short clipped fingernails dug into the flesh of his palms almost drawing blood but he didn't care if he did make his own palms bleed the problem would be his friends noticing scars if he'd made some then they wouldn't leave him alone.

Jaune : "They would follow me like hawks if they saw the scars I could probably amass like this."

? : I see you haven't changed a bit you are still self deprecating I guess I'll have to reveal myself.

Jaune : Who said that?!(he had his sword by it's hilt in an instant wary of this familiar voice).

? : Jaune it's me(? said as she stepped into the light of the bright street lamp).

Jaune : N-no way(his eyes widened him recognizing the person before him). P-Pyrrha?!

Pyrrha : Yes it is me Jaune I should have come out sooner I just hate seeing you so depressed.

Jaune : B-but how I just I-

mean Ruby had seen Cinder turn you to ashes in the wind.

Pyrrha : I can't explain it myself but when Beacon got restored I woke up where I seemingly died.

Jaune : I I can't believe you are back it's been nagging at my mind I missed you Pyrrha!

Pyrrha : And I missed you Jaune since the restoration of Beacon I've seen you crying so go ahead.

Jaune : Pyrrha!(he cried and embraced her the moment she stepped close enough to touch).

Pyrrha : It's okay Jaune I'm back and I'll never leave you again(she tightly hugged him back).

Jaune : Every time I trained while watching that pre-recorded video of you it all hurt so much.

Pyrrha : I am so sorry Jaune it broke my heart to see you like that(her grip on him tightened).

Jaune : I'm just glad you're back and this time I'll do anything to protect you(his grip tightened).

Pyrrha : Jaune I think we need to let the others know about the fact that I am alive again.

Jaune : Yeah I think that would be a great idea Ruby would be thrilled to know you're alive.

Jaune took a hand of Pyrrha in one of his hands and intertwined their fingers it was exactly on that spot that Pyrrha had run off to her supposed death and now it's the spot where she had revealed to have been alive all along,after a while they entered the lobby with Jaune standing in front of Pyrrha as they went in.

Jaune : (Sees everyone else) Guys promise you won't freak out I've got a surprise for you.

Nora : What's the surprise?

Ren : I also want to know.

Jaune : You can come out now(he stepped sideways to reveal Pyrrha they were all shocked).

Pyrrha : Hi you guys.

Ruby : That you Pyrrha? Oh my gosh but you died right in front of my eyes.

Pyrrha : (Stepped forward and intertwined her fingers with Jaune's fingers) It's a long story.

Everyone gasped in more shock when Pyrrha had grabbed Jaune's hand and he blissfully sighed and relaxed in her hold when she held his arm with her free arm,she took a deep breath.

Pyrrha : When I fought Cinder and was shot in my Achilles Tendon and in my chest I expected to die but when I supposedly turned to ashes I was actually being teleported to somewhere else in the world so those next few days though unconscious I knew I was still alive then I woke up where I lost.

Jaune : That explains it none the less I'm extremely glad you are back.

Pyrrha : Thank you Jaune that means a lot to me,funny Cinder didn't know I was teleported.

Weiss : Pyrrha thank goodness you're back now Jaune can be himself again what a relief.

Ruby : Jaune was so sad that he refused to talk to anyone for quite a while.

Nora : Yeah he was like a lost puppy he had told us about the kiss too probs wanted another

Pyrrha : So not only did he miss me he also wanted another kiss?(she then looked to Jaune).

Jaune : Well you're the first girl to ever kiss me so I realized that you...(he stops to blush all over).

Pyrrha : That I what?(when he didn't answer she surprised him by kissing him softly deeply).

Everyone laughed as Jaune's eyes went wide and his blush darkened but then he slowly relaxed and kissed her back and then the two pull away.

Jaune : I knew that you loved me so could you please tell me as much in words.

Pyrrha : Jaune I love you with all my heart and I'm glad I have another chance to be with you.

Jaune : Pyrrha I love you with all my heart too will you be my girlfriend?

Pyrrha : Yes Jaune I'll be your girlfriend (she kissed him and he kissed back immediately).

Jaune and Pyrrha

later slept

next to each other

The End.