Disclaimer : I do not own RWBY It is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum

Blake had been watching Jaune for quite a while in that time she came to find him really cute it didn't matter that there's another blonde in the school who was as good looking as Jaune or even that Jaune was always self deprecating if only cause of his personality and sincere blue eyes(Also in this fic Pyrrha doesn't like him like that yet).

Blake watched Jaune all the time after Weiss easily turned him down twice causing him to give up and go train alone on the rooftop of Beacon and accidentally then unlock his aura the moment he had become enraged completely at himself for really and truly struggling to get the stances correct that he was practicing cause she found him very inspiring.

Jaune : Man dammit I'm struggling even with my aura unlocked this is damn annoying!

Blake : Hi there Jaune anyway I see you're struggling to actually perfect your combat skills.

Jaune : Gah! what oh Blake uhm I uh did not notice you you kinda startled me there yeah it is difficult for me.

Blake : You were concentrating so hard that you got a fright which was cute if I'm being honest with myself.

Jaune : Thanks for the compliment I've never gotten gotten one of those before and I did get a fright.

Jaune blushed as what Blake said and the implications thereof eventually sunk fully in and he blushed a really bright crimson red causing the usually quiet and stoic Blake to giggle mirthfully at Jaune's face adopting the color of a ripe tomato which she actually found really quite charming obviously because he seemed a shy person like she was and that sealed it.

Blake : Jaune you know what I don't usually take to people too quickly but I think I might like who you are.

Jaune : Woah there Blake are you saying that you want to be my girlfriend?

Blake : Yes of course that is what I meant so you just earned yourself a girlfriend.

Blake rushed over to Jaune and pulled his body flush against hers and proceeded to kiss the guy silly then.