Hello, everyone! Icelandic here. Again, some while has passed since I last posted a chapter. Oh well, sometimes it's just the way it goes, yes? At least I haven't abandoned it! I dearly hope it will never come to that. Anyway. I have made a habit of posting links of various women in Harry's life. His lovers, his mother, queen Shala... However, I have not yet posted a link to a picture of our main man. A travesty! (This reminds me, I've yet to post a link to a certain vampire...)

Ever since I began writing the story, I have gone online every now and then, and browsed and browsed for a picture of someone I felt had the qualities I was looking for in my Harry. I found none. Such a shame! So, in the end, I decided the only way for me to be happy with whomever I would post as a look a like for Harry, was to commission someone to simply 'create' him for me.


The very talented artist Eurephora did an amazing job, wouldn't you agree? I'd love to hear your thoughts. I gave her a description, and a couple of reference pics. I know he looks slightly old. Remember, he looked around twenty five after taking the potion, and by this point, he's been fighting Voldemort basically by himself for a year at that point, so he would look kind of weary and serious. I told her that, and this is what she ended up with. Amazing, simply put. I urge you all to think about contacting her if you want some work done.

Another thing I try to do every time, is to thank everyone who has commented, put my story in their favourites/follows or given me kudos. You humble me, and I hope I will keep on proving worthy of your precious time. Even if I don't respond to you personally, don't ever think I don't appreciate your words. You guys really are great :-)

This time, I feel I have to make a special shout out to a user who goes by brasheril_holmestalentsmaster over on AO3. Should you see this; thank you for your detailed and helpful comments. While all your comments were positive for the most part and you very clearly like the story, there were a few negative parts, but they were presented in a way that was helpful, and I can see myself going back to some of them, if I ever write another story. Thank you, Brash. You're aces!

Now, to the chapter itself. A lot happens this time. Quite a few developments plot wise, and we see Harry truly accept and begin to develop into the leader he was always meant to be. Also, something happens I know many of you were hoping for ;-)

There's a lot of talking this time around, but we all know this story has always been about the characters, first and foremost. But don't worry! There's some action, and the chapter ends on quite a scene, which sets us up for the final act, I think. The story may get an ending, one of these days!

I hope you like this one.



Harry and Hedwig appeared in the room they had left from before, and Harry was holding her close. They simply stood there for a moment, enjoying the intimacy of the embrace. They leaned back and looked into each other's eyes. Emerald into amber, and there was nothing but love and respect. Hope.

Bryn appeared, and saw the new lovers. She cocked a brow, before snorting in disgust and marching from the room. Too much emotion was... Like bloody teenagers they were.

Harry smiled and watched Bryn leave. He turned his head back, to find Hedwig still looking at him. He gathered a stray lock of hair on a finger, and brought it behind her ear. He then leaned in for a kiss, which was returned with a passion.

Once the kiss was over, Hedwig put a hand on Harry's chest, feeling his heartbeat. I don't think I have ever been happier, Harry. To finally be able to be with you. To hold you, and love you. I... I only wish we weren't heading for war.

Harry brought Hedwig's hand to his lips and kissed it. "If we do this right, there will be no war. I will go and defeat Surtur, and that will be that. And once it's done, we'll go back home to the others."

Hedwig looked searchingly into Harry's eyes. You sound so confident. Do you think it will be that easy?

Harry snorted. "No. When is it ever?"

Had she be able to, Hedwig would have let out a giggle. A giggle! She wasn't a little girl, but Harry made her want to be a bit silly. And the idea of going back was very appealing to her. They had proper bacon over there, after all.

Harry let go of Hedwig's hand and headed for the door. He opened it, and was about to step through when he caught the sound of sandals on the stone floor. He dropped to the ground and rolled forwards as Hedwig's spear came stabbing at him from behind. Coming out of the roll, Harry unsheathed his sword and just about managed to parry Hedwig's next attack.

"What's going on?!" Harry asked, and dodged another attack.

Eventually, I mean to train you properly, Harry. You must stop getting hurt every time you come up against an enemy that isn't a monster of some kind. You will become so injured one day, that you'll die. I refuse to let that happen!

Hedwig rushed Harry, her large spear leading the way. She was moving faster than anyone Harry had ever fought before. Quite a bit faster than his mother, and he had thought her extremely fast. Harry managed to parry several attacks, before Hedwig cornered him by a wall, the tip of her spear at his throat. She eased the weapon back, and made her way to the plaza Harry had crashed in before.

You must be better aware of your surroundings, Harry! Hedwig barked in his head. Again!

Harry got up and approached once more. The two of them circled each other for a moment, their weapons at the ready, the circle getting ever smaller. Eventually, Harry charged Hedwig, his sword coming in from the left, aiming at her hip.

Hedwig easily parried the swing with her spear, using the change in angle when it hit the sword to try for Harry's thigh. Harry twirled around Hedwig and managed to hit her in the back with his elbow, only to be hit in the back of the head with the butt of her spear.

"Aaah!" Harry shouted and rubbed the back of his head furiously. "That hurt!"

Instead of answering, Hedwig simply charged him again and Harry was not keeping up. She was just too fast. And whenever he did manage to parry, or get a hit in, she almost always managed to strike back at him. And it didn't help that they had amassed quite a crowd, Bryn among them.

"Your movements are too big, boy!" she growled as Hedwig parried yet another attack and pricked Harry in the arm with the tip of her spear. "You have to be more compact!"

Taking heed of her words, and also remembering Gryffindor saying something along those lines, Harry tried making his movements smaller, more precise. And still, it wasn't enough. After a while, Hedwig seemed to grow bored. She rushed Harry, and almost immediately had him on the ground, panting.

She took a deep breath, before vanishing her weapon and offering her lover a hand up, which he gratefully accepted, but there was an air of annoyance around him. "I'm not that good at this, am I? I keep getting hurt and losing..." he asked no one in particular and made his way back to the hall from earlier, shaking his head in disgust.

Hedwig watched him go and was joined by Bryn, who was looking impressed. "He managed to hit you... He's a fast one, my friend."

He is, Hedwig agreed. Extremely so. And he was holding back, even.

"Truly? How is he against beasts and monsters?" Bryn asked, and cocked a brow at Hedwig.

Better than almost any I've seen, Bryn. He has astounding reflexes and incredible instincts. His mother told him earlier that all he needed was experience, and that is true. He gets injured much too often, however. He needs to be more ruthless.

"And you haven't the time to train him properly right now," Brynhildur mused. She sighed. "It is what it is, Hedwig. Why don't you go and give your man a bath. I'd say he deserves a reward for being the first for a thousand years to draw blood," Bryn said, lifted Hedwig's right arm, and turned it, revealing a tiny scrape.

Hedwig bit her lower lip, and gave Bryn a sly smile. I rather think I should, she said and made her way to the hall to find her Harry sitting in one of the chairs by the fire, cleaning his sword.

"I'll do better next time, Hedwig. I promise. I couldn't even keep up!"

Hedwig sighed. He was much too hard on himself, as always. You did fine, Harry. Better than most, she said and put a hand on his shoulder. Remember that I am not exactly a newborn. I've been fighting for untold centuries. The reason you keep getting hurt isn't just the lack of experience. You're holding back. Stop holding yourself back, and I promise you, very few opponents will even be able to touch you.

Harry stared at Hedwig. "Holding back? I am not-"

Harry, Hedwig interrupted with a raised palm. You are an extremely kind and caring person, and it is that which drives everything you do. It's one of the things I love about you the most. But it's also one of your handicaps.

"What?" Harry wasn't sure he understood. And he was annoyed with himself for it.

Hedwig sighed softly. You aren't a killer by nature, Harry. Not like Malfoy or Riddle and others like them. Or a trained one like Bryn and I. Killing comes easy to us, but for you, it's difficult. It's the reason why you struggled so to take the lives of your enemies when you should have. Why you always took them alive when you should have destroyed them, rather than turn them in to the corrupt ministry.

Harry was silent for a while. She was right, he knew. He was responsible for the deaths of numerous people, because he'd been too weak to kill the bastards... Useless, pathetic idiot... "I have to be better, if I'm to protect you, Hedwig. You and everyone else." His voice was laced with self loathing.

Hedwig traced her fingers to Harry's neck, and began playing with his hair. You don't have to protect me, Harry. Or the others. We are all very capable people, who make their own choices. You've heard all this before. You must stop carrying the lives of every person you meet, on your shoulders. And I know you blame yourself for the lives taken by those you didn't kill, but it does you no good. Strive to better yourself, and avenge them.

Harry turned his head up to argue the point, but was stopped by Hedwig claiming his lips in a kiss. She needed to make him feel loved. Raise his spirits. Enough, Harry. You understand, and that's enough, Hedwig said in a stern voice. Now, you and I are going to take a bath together, in which we'll make love, and then we're going to sleep. And most likely make love again, before we return to your parents tomorrow.

Harry blinked several times, before he found his voice. "Ummm..." The conversation had taken a decidedly unexpected turn.

Hedwig huffed. I haven't had sex in a long time, Harry, and I 'really' like sex. She took the sword and rag from his hands and put them on the table. Follow, she simply said and left the hall they were in via a door to the left, which revealed a long corridor. Harry followed dutifully along a slight blush on his cheeks.

At the end of the corridor, Hedwig opened another door, and led Harry through. My quarters, she stated.

Harry's eyes scanned the room, finding it rather... empty. There was a desk with a chair, a single window and a dresser, onto which a mirror had been fastened. Harry noted the only thing that was in any way elaborate in that room was the full bath, which was fairly large and ornate, and the very comfortable looking bed.

Are you going to bathe with your armour on, Harry?

Harry turned toward Hedwig, and his eyes nearly bugged out. She was naked. Completely. Harry let his eyes wander over Hedwig's perfect body, taking in every minor detail. After a moment, his eyes found hers, and he discovered she was smiling a knowing smile. She looked good, and she knew it.

She raised a brow. Well? she asked, prodding him on.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Harry began removing the various armour pieces and placing them on Hedwig's desk. He stole a look at his lover, only to find her sitting cross legged on the edge of the bed, enjoying the show. Harry felt completely out of his depth. He had been shy around all the others, but Hedwig was different. She was Hedwig! She stared at him with rapt attention, her fierce amber eyes noting every minor detail. He had the sense he was the prey, and that she was the predator that was about to devour him.

When Harry had taken off all his clothes, Hedwig rose from the bed and walked slowly over to him, her eyes never leaving his. She grabbed his hand and led him over to the steaming bath. Once they were both standing in it, Hedwig wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and mashed her body against his. She bit his earlobe and breathed into his ear, making him shiver and a single word of Hedwig's echoed through his mind...



Kaskia, the second in command of her father Talin, leader of the orcish community of Thule, made her way into the mining village of Dak's Venture. The devastation was utterly complete. The bodies had been burned to a crisp, the huts destroyed. There were also body parts here and there, dropped at random, it seemed. Her experienced eyes scanned the area carefully, taking note of everything of import. This was the work of a dragon, clearly. She had heard whispers of a dragon roaming the Highlands, but thought them nothing but silly rumours. Apparently, she'd been wrong to dismiss them.

"Milady Kaskia!"

The woman in question closed her eyes in annoyance and turned to her companions, who were racing to her. "How many times must I tell you, Zardoc? It's just Kaskia. I'm no lady."

If a stranger had been passing by at that moment, they would most likely have agreed with Kaskia's comment. She was almost seven feel tall, and very muscular. Not large or bulky, but sleek and powerful. She wore a simple loincloth, and a linen strap, wrapped around her bust. She had fur lined leather arm braces and matching leg braces, but no shoes. Orcs tended to go barefoot. And to top it all off, she wore a black fur cloak.

She had a mane of dark red hair, aside from a few braids of various sizes that had been fitted with a few golden beads. She also had several golden rings in each pointy ear, and one ring through her septum and lower lip. Around her neck, she wore a couple of leather bands, on which she had fitted several large teeth, trophies of her first solo hunt. All this, coupled with her ferocious golden eyes, and fine tusks that extended from her lower jaw gave her a wild and dangerous look.

Zardoc nodded, and passed her a shield that had clearly been wreathed in hot fire, but the exquisitely crafted shield had held up well. She turned it this way and that, but her eyes kept finding the engraved lion on the centre of the shield. It looked very familiar, especially the ruby eyes, but where had she seen it before?

She turned her attention to her companion. "Zardoc, does this emblem look familiar to you?"

Zardoc took the shield back, and studied the engraving carefully. "Hmmm... If I were to guess, I'd say this was the Coat of Arms of Lord Gryffindor."

Kaskia's eyes widened. Lord Gryffindor had been here? And had fought the dragon? Surely not. He had retired from adventuring many years earlier, instead focusing on trying to maintain the peace of the world. Trying as he could to act as a mediator between the different factions. He and his closest friend and ally, Lord Slytherin had worked tirelessly to achieve a lasting peace. Along with the Potters and a few others.

"I have my doubts that Lord Gryffindor was here," Kaskia began, but did concede the point. "But I also very much doubt there is another such fine a shield that bears his emblem."

"Agreed, milady," Zardoc said. He grinned when he noted the look of resigned annoyance on Kaskia's face.

Another two orcs came walking their way then, but each shook their head. "No survivors, Kaskia," her friend Larina said.

"The attack was... I'm not sure 'brutal' would be enough," the fourth orc in the party rumbled.

"What do you mean, Oklok," Saskia asked, and strapped the shield to her back.

"It almost seems as if the dragon went out of its way to kill every single being in the camp in the most gruesome way imaginable. Not all of them have been roasted in its fire. Some were crushed by its tail, while others were slashed with a talon. It's..." Oklok shook his head. "Animals do not do this, Kaskia. Not even Dire Wolves or dragons, intelligent as they may be."

"I agree," Larina said. "It's clearly done by a dragon, but something about this whole attack seems foul and unnatural."

Kaskia nodded. It was a feeling they all shared. And then, there was the shield. "Let's see about taking care of the remains, then let's head to the Keep. My father has surely reached it by now. He must learn of this."


Hermione Granger was dreaming. She realised this, because she was standing at the edge of a forest clearing on a starry night, when she had just been reading a parchment sent her way by Mr. LeChuck. She saw a pond in the middle of the clearing, and she made her way over to it. She leaned over to look into the water which reflected the sky, and now, her face.

It was etched in worry and she had large bags under her eyes. She had barely slept after Harry and the others had... left. At first, the Black sisters and Minerva had been like she was now. Fretting, nervous and didn't sleep. They had slowly gotten over it, and were feeling better, utterly convinced Harry would return to them.

Hermione shook her head and looked at the stars. Why was she feeling so out of sorts? Why wasn't she feeling better like the other four? They were Harry's lovers, not she. Hermione ran a hand through her hair, and turned her gaze back to the pool. Harry... She missed him so, so much. His presence, his strength. And his new, rugged good looks and that body, she admitted to herself with a blush. His smile, his laughter. His newfound sense of humour. Watching him and Tonks going at it was a delight.

What a fool she'd been! He had offered her his heart, and she'd not grabbed it with both hands and crushed it to hers. No, she'd allowed others to matter more. And Harry, the self sacrificing idiot that he was, had let it go. Left the decision in her hands. But what they were hoping to do was just so very important...

Hermione closed her eyes, and images of their earlier adventures ran through her mind, followed by possible futures. Weddings, houses, children and grandchildren appeared in her mind's eye. So many children. She reckoned some of them simply had to be cousins of her own children. She smiled, and felt a tear slide down her cheek and she opened her eyes to watch it fall into the pond.

It fell in and there was small ripple effect as she had expected, but it became larger suddenly, and spread out to cover the whole surface of the water. When it cleared, Hermione was looking at Harry, and he was looking past her, at something in the distance. He looked... different. His hair was slightly longer, and he had a stubble. He then looked at a pair of knives and his expression was grim, to say the least. Hermione knew that look. She'd seen it once before, when Harry had told her he was 'going rat hunting' and then killed Pettigrew.

The image disappeared, only to be replaced with another. This time, Harry was leaning back against a tree. He was sweating an awful lot, and quite obviously in great deal of pain. He was talking to a young girl, who appeared very worried. That also applied to Hermione, who knew if Harry was grimacing like that, he had to be truly injured, used to pain as he was.

The image shifted once more, and Harry was underwater this time. Hermione was at a loss. Harry had gone for a swim? Her hand went to her mouth and she let out a cry of alarm as an absolutely massive... creature appeared, its immense size nothing short of awesome. Harry had faced that thing? Alone, most likely.

Yet again, the image vanished, to be replaced by another. Harry was running along a cave, his sword in hand, his expression desperate and panicked. What had happened? Hermione's answer came shortly as the image blurred, and refocused on Harry as he was clambering along the back of another massive beast. A dragon, Hermione realised to her chagrin. She watched as Harry slew the beast, and began falling. And that was the moment the water cleared and became a regular pond again.

Hermione stared at the surface. "No!" she shouted, and dropped to her knees. "What happened?! Harry!" she shouted at the water in desperation.

"He cannot hear you, Hermione Granger," came a woman's voice.

Hermione bolted upright, her wand at the ready in an instant as she turned toward the voice. Hermione was faced with a woman wearing a simple blue gown, her long golden hair done in a couple of braids.

"Who are you?" Hermione asked, an edge to her voice.

The woman smiled in a pleasant and disarming manner. "Don't you recognise me, Hermione?" the woman asked with a kind smile.

Hermione studied her more closely, and felt her eyebrows rise as she realised who she was talking to. "You! Harry's new Patronus!"

The woman inclined her head. "Indeed, I am. It is lovely to finally meet you, Hermione. I am Freyja."

Hermione was speechless. Freyja? Norse goddess Freyja? What on earth... "Wh- why are you here? And why does Harry's Patronus take your shape?"

Again, Freyja smiled. "I would be glad to tell you, dear. However, would you not prefer to sit? Why don't you will a couple of chairs to appear, so that we may be comfortable."

Hermione frowned. Then, she understood. This was her dream, and the goddess might not have full control over it. Hermione closed her eyes momentarily, and when she opened them, a pair of comfortable chairs had appeared and the two women sat down.

"Well?" Hermione simply prodded.

Freyja arched an eyebrow, impressed with the directness the girl displayed. Very good! "I brought your subconsciousness here to show you how Harry's been fairing since he and his companions disappeared through the Veil."

Hermione's heart swelled with joy and she felt as a warm breeze gently flowed through the clearing, and the sun was rising to her right. "Harry's alive?" she asked, her voice trembling ever so slightly.

Freyja inclined her head. "He is. As are the others. They are well."

Hermione slumped back in her chair, and let out a massive sigh of relief. She felt as if the weight of a hundred Stones had been lifted from her shoulders. Harry was alive! Of course he was. She really should have listened to the other three women, who had been so sure of his return.

"However," Freyja went on in a serious voice. "He is not free of danger. He will soon face his biggest challenge yet, and the fate of every universe rests on his shoulders."

Hermione sat up straight, her mind refocusing. "What do you mean? Riddle has been taken care of."

Freyja nodded. "I am aware. But there are older, more dangerous threats hiding among the countless worlds and realities of the cosmos, Hermione. Tom Riddle is a mere afterthought, compared to some of them."

Hermione sighed. "And how is Harry involved with that?" Would her friend ever be free?

"He's my Champion, Hermione," Freyja said with a smile. "And a most capable agent he has been, I might add."

Hermione didn't know how to react to that. Harry was the champion of a goddess? "What?"

"I've gone through all this with Harry, and I honestly cannot be bothered to do it all again. Suffice to say, that soon, Harry will have to fight an ancient evil that is threatening to break loose, and will need love to emerge on the other side unscathed."

"Love?" Hermione asked. "Is that why he's involved with all those women, because he needs it to survive?"

"Yes," Freyja said. "The ancient texts say the love of seven women should be enough to protect a man from the dark and evil influences of Muspelheim."

Hermione's eyes widened. She knew the name, and who lived there. "Surtur..."

"Indeed. But I have a problem, Hermione," Freyja said with a frown. "A large problem."

"And what's that?" Hermione asked.

"I have not told Harry this, but the love of those seven women will not enough. There's a large hole in Harry's heart. A gaping, bleeding hole, and only one person can fill it. Make his heart complete," the goddess said with a meaningful smile.

Hermione was reeling. Harry needed her? And he had found the Owl? She discarded that for later. Right now, her only worry was that Harry needed her and would possibly perish if she didn't help him. But how? She was stuck back home in England and Harry was... wherever he was.

"How can I help?" she asked. "I'll do anything."

Freyja smiled. "Fortunately, all you have to do is acknowledge you love him. Fully accept it. Love, hearts and souls are very powerful things, Hermione. They can easily reach beyond the thoughts of mere mortals. Trust me, Hermione. Once you've fully given in to your love for him, his heart will know. He may not realize it himself, but his heart will know."

Hermione closed her eyes. Harry... Yes, she loved him. Dearly and completely. Ron had been right, this was no one's business but hers! She would not deny herself what she wanted. And she wanted Harry. Her harry. They belonged together, and when he returned, she would be the happiest woman on the face of the earth.

Hermione felt herself grow tired once more and slowly, her head began slipping. Just as she lost consciousness, she could have sworn she saw a small globe of golden light leave her chest, and float over to the waiting palm of Freyja, who gently cupped the orb as if it was the most precious thing in the universe.

The goddess looked at Hermione, who had finally faded away from the clearing. "Sleep, child. And know I shall bring him your love."


Harry woke up in the arms of his Hedwig. He felt light. Happy. He thought of Hermione, and felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He did not know why, but he wasn't going to question it. He disentangled himself from the arms of his beloved and rose from the bed, and made his way over to the window. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, fitting his mood perfectly.

Morning, my love. Hedwig said, and came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him. You seem happy this morning," she observed and placed a gentle kiss on his shoulder.

Harry turned around in her arms and smiled at her, his eyes shining. "I am happy. Is there a reason I shouldn't be? I am standing with the arms of my lover around me, and she's beautiful. As far as I'm concerned, that's all a man should need to be happy."

Hedwig snorted, and stepped back. Hopeless idiot, she said and grinned. We should get dressed and get ready to head back to your parent's villa. I imagine they'll be heading for the Keep soon. They have a big part to play, after all.

Harry nodded. "We're flying there?"

Of course we are, Hedwig replied as the pair went about getting dressed. You need to learn how to move properly, but I don't think you'll have any problems, Harry. Your instincts are strong, and your stamina is quite sufficient.

Harry was just about done with his armour. "I can't wait! I love flying."

Hedwig could only smile at his enthusiasm. And I am looking forward to go with you, as I told you yesterday.

Once they were ready, they made their way to the mess hall, and ate a modest meal. It was not a good idea to go flying with a bellyful of food, after all. When you were upside down, things tended to... return. A fact every new Quidditch player learned the hard way.

Harry and Hedwig stepped out to the dais, and discovered the dragon was being harvested. Scales were being removed, bones taken and teeth. These were incredibly valuable ingredients for potions and components for weapons and armour.

One of the Celestials came to them, carrying a smallish scale in his hand, which he gave to Harry. "A trophy as proof of your kill, lad," he said with a grin, before he went back to his work. Harry looked at Hedwig, a clear question in his eyes.

Celestials take trophies, Harry. You did so yourself, not too long ago, if you'll remember. It's a token of pride and honour. For a mortal to slay a beast like that... A rare feat, unmatched for centuries.

She took the scale which had been fitted with a leather cord, and tied it into Harry's belt. She then went into the Bag and removed the teeth Harry had cut out of Sharky, and it was only then that Harry noticed they had been fitted with similar cords. When had that happened?

Hedwig fitted both teeth to Harry's belt, right next to the dragon scale and nodded, satisfied with her work. People should know what you're capable of, Harry. Your humility does you credit, but from now on, you have to take ownership of your victories and wear them proudly on your sleeve. This place is different from Wizarding Britain. Here, people respect strength and you have plenty of it."

Harry felt like a fool. "Hedwig-"

No! His lover's eyes were hard, yet fiery with passion. You are a warrior, Harry. Fierce and powerful. Act like it! Carry yourself as you should, and people will follow you, as they will, Hedwig said, and made a sweeping gesture with her arm.

Harry followed her movement and saw a large group of Celestials, men and women alike, standing around them in a large circle. What was going on? The old man who taken Harry to see Freyja approached them, his face serious.

"When the call comes, the Wings are yours, Mr. Potter. Our elite force," Sigurður declared. At the old man's declaration, the large group thumped their left breast with their right fist, and let out a small cry.

See? Hedwig smiled.

Sighing, Harry nodded at the old man. "I appreciate it, Sigurður. I'll try and be worthy of the trust." He turned to Hedwig. "Can we please go? I'm becoming embarrassed."

Hedwig suppressed a sigh. Harry was a natural leader. He'd get there, eventually. "Yes. Come here, stand on the edge of the cliff, and bring out your wings."

Harry followed Hedwig over to the edge of the cliff and stood beside her. He closed his eyes, and when he 'found' his wings, he let them free. "Now what?"

Hedwig stepped off the edge, and floated upwards, her own wings unfurling at her back as she did. She remained still, suspended in the air. Strictly speaking, I do not need my wings to fly, Harry. Sure, they assist, make me faster, but they're not necessary. You, however, cannot hover like I am doing now. You need to keep moving. Now, when you're ready, just step off the cliff and let the upstream carry you to me, Hedwig told Harry and floated further away.

Harry nodded. That made sense. He closed his eyes for a second, before jumping off the cliff and spreading his wings. He fell a few feet, before he felt himself rise in the air. He was moving away from his lover, though, so he leaned up a little and to the right. He found Hedwig, who was smiling at him.

That's it, Harry! Feel the currents of the air. Let them guide you! Circle around a few times while you get used to the feeling.

Harry did as Hedwig suggested and he felt incredible. The feel of the air wooshing around him as he moved around was indescribable. He did a series of twists and turns, dives and swooping circles. This was flying on a different level and he would get addicted to this feeling, he knew.

Having fun?

Harry turned his head toward Hedwig who was coming up beside him. "Yes! This is amazing!"

I know. Hedwig then twirled in the air, and did series of manoeuvres which Harry managed to replicate fairly well. He would be an expert flyer before the day was out. I often wondered what flying with you could be like. I am almost overwhelmed by happiness that we're sharing this moment.

"Me too, Hedwig," Harry said and smiled brilliantly. "I feel incredible."

Now, let's get moving, Harry. We will reach your parent's home in less than a day, given favourable air currents.

Harry nodded at her. "Which way is it?"

Hedwig smiled. The sense of direction would come in time. She turned in the air and motioned for him to follow, which he did. He eyed the Bag on Hedwig's back and felt a little silly, but she had insisted on carrying it. It made sense, since she could fly without the use of her wings.

They had been travelling for a while when Harry remembered something Fleur's 'other half' had mentioned once. Something about the Old World. He was really curious to know what she had meant, and was certain Hedwig knew.

He floated nearer to her. "Hedwig, what is the 'Old World?'" he asked.

Hedwig eye Harry for a moment, before taking a deep breath. The Old World is 'your' world.

"My world? Earth?" Harry asked in confusion.

Yes, Hedwig replied. Back in the olden days, almost all of the creatures and some of the races you'll find in this place, existed on your world. Elves, orcs, dwarves. The sirens, just to name a few.

Harry stared at his lover. Was she being serious? "But why doesn't anyone talk about it? This is a pretty glaring omission in history, wouldn't you say?"

Yes, it is. But you have to understand that these races are ancient, Harry. Older than humanity. Some, like the elves, left when humanity was just starting to come together as a sort of civilisation. The dwarves and orcs stayed a while longer, and the sirens were the last to leave. Some chose to stay. Goblins, House Elves, Merepeople. There are more, but you catch my drift.

"Why did they leave?" Harry asked, and swerved out of the way of an oncoming bird. "And even if they did leave, surely there would be records of their existence! They must have left something behind."

They left, because they foresaw how fast humans spread across the world, Hedwig stated. Not unlike what's happening here, as a matter of fact. No one desired a bloody war. Not the ones who eventually left, and not the gods. So, they gifted some of the races Gates. Gates, which could be used to travel to another world. One way, and you could never return. As far as they knew, at least.

"And this time, they won't be pushed out by the humans..."


"I suppose the dwarves were gifted the Gate we left through?"

Yes. The elves lived where Britain is now, and the orcs spread across the north. Of course, those weren't the only places where those races lived, but each one had a region they called 'Home'.

"I just can't believe no one knows!" Harry grumbled. "This is a massive thing!"

There were some who knew. You have to understand that any information coming from those times is unreliable, at best. The agents placed all around the world by the gods performed their jobs of waylaying the truth perfectly, as well.

Harry was silent for a while before he understood. "Folk tales. Fairy tales, legends and myths..."

Hedwig smiled. Smart boy her Harry. Exactly, Harry. The truth was already out there, and the gods knew it would be all but impossible to make the knowledge disappear, so they hid it in plain sight. It's there for all to see, but no one knows how to really 'look' any more.

Harry digested that, but there was something he needed clarified. "Why didn't the agents of the gods destroy the Gates? Why leave them there for us to find?"

Hedwig looked at Harry, her face serious. They are there as a safety measure.

"Safety measure?"

Yes. In the event of something catastrophic happening, any who had found the Gates could escape through, should they be desperate enough to brave the unknown. And you know as most everyone does, that no one has ever returned from beyond the Veil in the Death Room.

"But that doesn't make any sense, Hedwig," Harry told her. "Anyone could have found those things!"

That was all controlled, as well. Have mages find them, and there would be no problems with overcrowding, with so few mages. Nothing was left to chance. You should have realized that by now, Harry.

"There are Gates here, aren't there?" Harry asked, his voice strained with excitement.

Yes, Hedwig confirmed. One. Very large. In the Underworld.

Harry sighed. Of course it was. He decided he had had enough conversation for a while, and focused on his flying, and sped up, which helped soothe his mind. But he couldn't shake the increasingly painful feeling he needed to go back to Andie and Cissy. Well, he missed Minerva and Hermione something awful, but the sisters were always at the forefront of his thoughts. Harry grit his teeth. He 'had' to find the way home!


James and Lily mounted their horses in the courtyard of Potter villa, and waited for their companions to join them. They were setting out for the Keep, to join their friends and allies for a last bit of planning before the summit, which was only just over a week away. James secured Storm's lead to his saddle, then eyed his wife, and saw she was worried. He reached over and took a hold of her hand.

"He's fine, Lily. An actual goddess gave us her word that he was."

Lily sighed. "I know, James. I just... It's endless! I just know Artemis didn't tell us everything. I know in my heart that our Harry isn't done. Not even remotely."

"Oh, he's not, Lily," Sirius said as he and Amelia entered the courtyard. "There's something big going on, and we all know Harry's right in the middle of it. I'm not talking about elves and humans going at it, either."

James shot his friend a hard look, but turned his attention back to his wife. "We'll be there for him, Lils. All of us. Won't we, girls?"

"Too right!" Tonks barked, and mounted her mare. "That boyo won't be alone ever again, if I have anything to say on it. Bring it on ya mangy cunts!" she yelled at the sky and made a fist.

"Oui," Fleur agreed with her lover and gave her a dazzling smile. "He's ours, non? We take care of things that belong to us."

Bellatrix simply shook her head at their antics. "Are we ready?"

"I should think so," James said. "Let's go!

The trip to the Keep was mostly uneventful. When the group passed the Black estate, James and Lily had spotted activity at the very top of the path which lead up to the estate, and they had set a hard pace well beyond. They did not want to risk a confrontation with the Blacks at that time. Sirius was a hot head, and Bellatrix was most likely the same. Add the wildcat that was Tonks to the mix, as well as an emotional creature like Fleur, and they had a fire bomb on their hands.

Sirius and Amelia rode up to the Potters, leaving Bella and the other two behind, as they were in a deep conversation about Harry and that crazy relationship of theirs. "Didn't fancy meeting the Blacks, eh, James?" Sirius asked with a raised brow.

Amelia snorted. "And how well do you think that would have gone, Sirius? With all those lose cannons?"

"Oi!" Sirius exclaimed loudly. "I will have you know that I am probably the most stable per- Ow!" he shouted as James punched him in the arm. "Straight in the wound, you git! She almost killed me!"

Lily smiled viciously at him. "Of course Bella gave you a taste of her magic, you thick twat. You questioned her love for Harry. Any idiot can see she adores him more than life itself."

Sirius was more than a little incredulous. "And you're fine with Bellatrix being involved with Harry? Your son?"

Lily closed her eyes momentarily. "It will take some time to understand it, and accept it, but Harry loves her. I will trust in his judgement."

James nodded. "She's right, Padfoot. Harry's an adult. This is a decision he made and we must honour it. Besides, I don't think the other women in Harry's life would be willing to allow Bella anywhere near him if she wasn't safe."

Before Sirius could reply, Bellatrix and the others came riding up to them. "I know I will most likely never receive your blessing, James, Lily. But know this, I do love him and I asked him to hide our involvement with each other from you. At least until we got to know each other."

"And let me tell ya, our boy wasn't best pleased," Nym said with a grin. "Didn't see why Bellatrix thought it was a good idea."

"Non, he was not happy," Fleur confirmed. "Harry is so kind and caring, that he sometimes forgets that not everyone else is as forgiving as he is."

Lily felt a sense of pride over Fleur's words. She had heard of everything her son had done over the years, but hearing about all those other things, and what it was that drove him on, told her that Harry was a rare sort of man. And if he had chosen to follow his heart and allow himself to forgive and love a person like Bellatrix Black, the least she could do was accept her.

She locked eyes with James, who nodded. No doubt he had similar thoughts. A good man, her James. "This is difficult for us, Bellatrix," she began, and put a hand on Bella's shoulder. "But we will try our best. Our son seems happy with you and I thank you for bringing some joy into his life. And you two of course," she said and looked at Fleur and Nym, who smiled at her.

Bella smiled brightly. Things were looking up!


Queen Shala was standing on the balcony of her chambers, looking over the elven quarter, deep in thought. The summit. It had to be successful. Things would descend to war, otherwise, tense as relations were. She was so deeply worried. And yet, her thoughts kept straying towards Harry. He was important, there was no denying it. Not only to her, but to everything. Something in her heart told her so.

She gasped as a Shadow landed on the railing of the balcony, her hand on her chest. "Milady," the Shadow said.

Why did those mongrels always have to do that?! Suppressing her annoyance, she motioned for the spy to speak. "What news do you bring me?"

"Most every major player has arrived in the keep, or are within a day's journey. Lady Kaskia and company arrived in the night at a dead gallop, bearing grim tidings from the Highlands. A dragon has decimated one of the orc mining settlements. Not a soul survived. There are rumours that it has been slain. Nothing has been confirmed, yet."

Shala sighed. There had been rumours, her sister had said. Of one of these mighty beasts roaming the skies in the Highlands. Not a rumour, then. Talin would be in a mood. And he wasn't an easy person to work with at the best of times.

"Anything further?" she asked, and sat down in one of the chairs on the balcony.

"One of the serving girls at Potter villa came into town, and informed me that Mr. Potter has been summoned by the Celestials, milady."

That revelation did not surprise the Queen one bit. Of course he had been summoned by them. A sudden thought entered her mind, then. "What way did Harry take on his way to meet with the Celestials?"

"He was in a hurry, so he cut through the Highlands, my queen."

Shala nodded. She waved the Shadow away and frowned. If there was any truth to the dragon having been slain, she was willing to chance that Harry had been the one to do the deed. It was simply what he did, that boy. She felt warm, picturing him fighting and slaying a mighty beast. Again, how could she not fall for him?

There was a knock on her door. "Enter!" she called, and rose from her chair.

"Shala! My dear, sweet girl!"

Queen Shala just about managed to suppress a shudder of revulsion. It did not help that her sister was walking and grinning behind that absolute moron Oric as he swept into the room as if he owned it. He was wearing a garish, golden embroidered coat, with silk breeches and his long dark hair was even smoother than hers. She compared his outfit to Harry's plain and functional garments, and was even less impressed with him.

Careful to maintain proper decorum, so as not to give the idiot any ideas, she greeted him. "Prince Oric. It's good to see you," she said and inclined her head.

Oric waved a hand dramatically. "So serious all the time, Shala! We're friends, aren't we? Surely, there's no need for such formalities!"

Shala bit the inside of her cheek to refrain from lashing her venomous tongue at the blithering idiot. Instead, she plastered on her best fake smile. "Indeed, our people are close allies and friends, Prince Oric. Might I ask you what brought you to my chambers?"

Uninvited, Prince Oric sat down in the chair opposite the one Shala had sat in before and poured himself a goblet of wine. "I just wanted to see you, Shala. After all, you 'are' the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on, and you know how I feel about you." He took a sip of the wine, obviously enjoying the taste.

"Prince Oric," Shala began in an effort to turn him down as gently as she could for what had to be the tenth time. But he interrupted her with a raised palm. Shala was unsure what the sudden serious expression on his face was, however. It was completely out of character.

"I know what you're going to say, Shala. We've been doing this dance for a while now. And I've heard whispers that a man has found his way into your heart." He frowned in an ugly way. "A man who isn't me. A human!"

Shala almost gasped. How did this idiot know that. She almost stole a look at her sister, but refrained. "Prince Oric," she began in a cold voice. "I do not know who told you this, but even if it is true, my love life is no business of yours."

Prince Oric slammed his palm on the table, making the various utensils jump up and clatter onto the table again, and some fell to the floor. His goblet fell over, wine spilling onto the table and began dripping onto the floor. "It damn well is if the bastard really is a human! What does that foul bred filth have, that all the elves that have thrown their hearts at your feet don't? That I don't?"

Shala felt her brows sink lower and lower as he went on. What did Harry have that this pretentious waste of air didn't? She almost began listing everything she could think of, but called on her training, and managed to maintain calm.

"I think it may be for the best if you were to leave, Prince Oric," she said in an eerily calm manner. "I have given you an answer to your advances many times. They have been the same every time, and this one will be no different."

Prince Oric was glaring at her. "You didn't answer my question, Shala!"

"Nor shall I, Prince," Shala replied, her tone indicating barely controlled anger for the first time. "Are you going to leave, or will I be forced to call my guards?"

Prince Oric fixed his heated gaze on the object of his desires for a while longer, before he rose from the chair and made a show of fixing his coat. "When this man you've chosen to give your heart to shows his face in the Keep, I will know. I shall challenge him to a duel for your hand, Shala. No human will put his hands on an elven queen so long as I draw breath!"

And with that, he stormed out of the room, leaving the sisters behind, speechless. What the hell had happened to the idiot? He was still the same arrogant, spoiled and rash fool he had always been, but this day, his manner had had an edge to it that neither of them had seen before.

Shala reached down, and picked up a fork and a knife off the floor and placed on the table, and righted the goblet. "What did you do?" she asked her sister, and gave her a wide eyed look.

Shana shrugged nonchalantly, but it was clear she was slightly shaken. "I may have whispered something to one of his serving girls in bed last night..."

Shala sighed. She understood what her sister had been trying to do, but she knew Shana hadn't expected this reaction for the moron. "This is a mess, Shana."

Shana made her way over to a table to the side, and poured herself and her sister a cup of spiced wine. "I know. I was trying to get him to lose interest. The Oric we knew would have fretted over it, and then whined to his father, who would have ignored him as usual."

Shala accepted the cup from her sister and took a small sip. "Harry won't like this," she pointed out, almost more to herself, than to her sister. "He's not one for needless fighting. But more than that," Shala said, and turned a worried gaze upon her sister. "When Harry kills Oric, and he will if he has to, this will create a very dangerous situation. After all, Harry is human, and he will have killed an elven lord."

Shana grimaced. "And even if it is an officially sanctioned duel, fought according to the ancient rules, it will cause a rift." Shana bit her lip.

Shala placed a hand on her sister's shoulder. "I'm not angry with you, sister. I knew you did what you did for my sake. It's just something we'll have to try and prevent from happening."

Shana grabbed her sister's hand, and held it. "And just how do you suppose we do that? He is completely in love with you, and has been for years."

Shala stared out over the city. "I don't know... Perhaps it might be best to simply have Harry beat him. And hope Oric doesn't challenge Harry to a duel to the death. It's a mess..."


The sun was growing weary when Harry and Hedwig arrived at Potter villa. They landed in the courtyard and called out. A moment later, a servant came running. Harry greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Artartes. Have my parents left for the Keep already?"

"Greetings, milord, milady" the servant said with a slight bow. "Yes, they left this morning, along with Master Sirius and Mistress Amelia."

Harry frowned. This was not happening. "I'm not a lord, Artartes. Please do not call me that. Ever."

The servant paled, and nodded quickly, before he scurried away.

Hedwig groaned on the inside. That boy of hers... Alright, Harry, she said. Let's go. We have nothing to do here. If we travel quickly, we'll catch them before they arrive at the Keep.

The pair of them wandered out of the courtyard, and launched themselves into the air, and set a hard pace towards the Keep. Harry was eyeing Hedwig, who in turn was throwing irritated glances his way.

"What did I do now?" he asked and eased himself up to his lover.

Harry, what did I tell you, just this morning?

"That appearances were important," Harry said, his voice dry.

And responding properly to servants who address you is one of the things you need to think about, Hedwig informed him, her voice serious in his head.

Harry scowled. "I don't care. If people value appearances over actual personality or abilities, then I'm not sure I want anything to do with them. It just tells me they are idiots."

Hedwig let out a tired sigh. I am inclined to agree with you, but this is how politics work most of the time, and this time, you will not be able to hide in the background and let Hermione and Narcissa fight your battles for you.

Harry knew she was baiting him by basically calling him a coward, but he wasn't going to bite. Besides, she was right. If he was going to lead, then he would have to stay in the limelight, much as he hated it. Still, he had his values, and he would not lose them.

Harry nodded. "You're right; I won't be able to hide. But if I'm going to lead, I'm going to do it my way, and not anyone else's. I'm not going to change who I am to please someone else."

While not quite the answer Hedwig had been hoping for, she was glad her Harry was so assertive, and even better, he had ignored her bait and not gone in for the row she had been trying to pull him into. Very good! She threw a smile at him.

And I'll support you all the way, my love, she said and reached out with her hand.

Harry reached out and grabbed her hand. "I know."

Harry turned his attention back to the front and in the distance, he could see the lights of the Keep lighting up the dark. He scanned the ground ahead of them and found a group of seven. He smiled happily, and pointed. "There!"

I can see them, love.

The flying pair accelerated, intent on meeting their friends. Once they were almost upon them, they descended at an fairly steep angle, swooping over the riding party, the members of which stopped and saw two people land somewhere in the darkness ahead.

"Who goes there!?" game the call of Amelia, and Harry heard weapons being readied.

Bellatrix focused on her staff and a circle of light began forming around the party, then extended further out and the two people who had landed in front of them were revealed.

"Harry!" Nym shouted, leaped off her horse and ran into his embrace.

Harry smiled at his Nym, and embraced her tightly. "Hey, Nym."

His mother approached then, and hugged Harry when Nym was done. "Hello, sweetheart," she whispered in his ear. "It's good that you're back."

"And it's good to be back," Harry assured her.

"Harry," his father said, and hugged him with one arm.

Harry waved to both Sirius and Amelia, before he turned his attention to Bella and Fleur.

"Bella," he said, and gave her a kiss.

Bellatrix cupped his cheek and gave him another kiss. "Please try and stay for a while this time, alright?"

Harry nodded. "Will do," he said.

He pulled Fleur to him, and gave her a passionate kiss. No words were needed, and they simply stared into each other's eyes.

"Who's your companion, Harry?" Lily asked, and eyed the woman who'd been standing a little off to the side, watching the proceedings.

Harry disentangled himself from Fleur, and made his way over to Hedwig, and wrapped his hand around her waist. "Everyone... Meet my Hedwig. The real Hedwig."

There was utter silence for a moment as everyone gathered, stared at Hedwig, who stood proud and tall next to her Harry. Nym walked up to her, and looked her up and down. Then she made her way over to Bella, holding out her hand.

"Pay up!"

Bellatrix grumbled and handed her niece a couple of gold coins. "You got lucky."

"I knew it was her!" Nym declared haughtily.

Fleur laughed and threw Nym some coins. "You did not, cherie!"

"Ummm," Harry began. "What's going on?"

Nym walked over to Harry, and grabbed his arm, and began walking towards the Keep, which was some distance away, still. "We girls made a bet on who would be next to be added to this group of ours."

"Hmmm?" Harry was a little lost. "You're taking bets now?"

" 'Course, lover boy!" Nym exclaimed. "It's a riot!"

Harry shook his head. "And who did you two have?" he asked Bellatrix and Fleur, who had come up beside them.

"Not telling," Fleur said, her voice all serious.

"I'd rather not," Bella agreed. "Now, to the more pressing issue. Just who are you, Hedwig?"

Hedwig looked at Harry. Not here. Too many ears can hear us, Harry.

"Yeah, you're right," Harry agreed. "Not here, Bella. Can we talk somewhere in the Keep, mum?"

Lily's eyes widened and she looked at both Harry and Hedwig, before she nodded. "Yes. We're heading over to a friend's house. They are very serious about their security, so we'll have a secure place to talk."

"And who's this friend?" Harry asked.

"Godric Gryffindor," Lily revealed.

Harry's brows rose. "Huh."

"How did you get back so quickly, Harry?" Sirius asked, his gaze steady on his godson.

"I flew," Harry said, and grinned.

"You flew?" James asked. "How?"

Harry's grin grew wider. "You'll see, when we get to your friend's house."

Nym groaned. "You git!"

Fleur kissed Nym on the lips, and gave her a hungry look. "Patience, cherie. You know how sometimes, good things come to those who are patient." She gave Harry a similar look. "Isn't that right?"

Harry swallowed, suddenly feeling a little nervous. "R- right."

Hedwig grinned at him, and brought Storm over. Oh, you're so completely outmatched, Harry.

"Don't I know it," Harry muttered and swung into the saddle, before offering Hedwig his hand. She grabbed it and Harry yanked her up behind him.

When he saw everyone had mounted again, he spurred Storm on, eager to be out of the open. "Let's go. On me."

Fleur, Bella and Nym followed immediately, while Harry's parents, Sirius and Amelia shared glances. Not that it mattered exactly, but Harry was the youngest person there and yet, the way he had ordered them to follow, and the way the four women had obeyed without a word was... a little strange. More strange, however, was how natural the power dynamic was.

Sirius could only shake his head. "This is so weird," he muttered, and spurred his horse on, followed by the other three. "To think Nymmie would fall in line like that..."

"Harry's a natural leader," Amelia remarked, her eyes fixed on Harry's horse. "People gravitate towards him in a way I've not seen in many, many years. Not since Alastor was a much younger man, in fact."

"It's his heart," Lily said. "Can't you feel it?"

"Feel what?" James asked.

"The kindness, the strength, the... goodness," Lily went on. "It's rolling off him in waves. It's not really any wonder those women are head over heels in love with him."

James stared at his wife. "No, I can't say I can feel it."

"Nor I," Sirius and Amelia agreed.

"Well," Lily said and shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you."

The four of them hastened to catch up with Harry and the others, and they were at the gate in less than an hour. They left their horses in the care of the stable master since no horses were allowed within the city walls. Once they arrived at the gate proper, James flashed a token of some kind, and the guards opened the gate without a word. They entered the Keep, and Harry let his eyes roam.

They were in a market square, which was rather busy, despite the fact that it was evening, and the sun was almost all the way down. The summit, Harry decided. Quite the boon for business owners in the Keep.

He closed his eyes and took in all that he could hear, and when he opened his eyes, he turned his head towards the curving street that led to the harbour and the Silver Cutlass. But his attention wasn't on that path. It was on the narrow street entrance next to it, and he grimaced.

The smell from that place was unpleasant, and he could hear some alarming sounds coming his way on the slight breeze. He instinctively slowed down and stopped, his eyes intent on the path. He had even turned a little bit, heading for the alley, when he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.

"The slums, Harry," his father informed him, a warning in his voice. "Every quarter has them. Come on. Let's keep moving."

"People are being hurt in there, dad," Harry bit out, his hand on his sword. "I can hear the screams and whimpers."

"I know. Your mother and I have gone in there a few times, working for the Fighter's Guild," James said, his voice heavy. "It is what it is. There's very little we can do about it. Remove one slum lord, and another one takes their place. Most likely worse than the one who came before."

Harry sighed, and turned back. His father would know better than him. When they had joined the others, Bella took his hand in hers, and gave him a kiss.

"Come on. I'm hungry." Harry didn't say anything, but instead squeezed Bella's hand tightly and followed Sirius and Amelia as they made their way further into the Human Quarter.

Once more, his parents eyed each other. Their son was... Lily wondered if he had some kind of Superman complex. If that was a thing... The need to always put himself in harm's way for complete strangers was endearing, but possibly deadly. Eventually, they found themselves in the richer part of the quarter, and Harry looked around.

Wherever he looked, there were large manor houses, surrounded by thick walls and guards were patrolling the streets in numbers. He sniffed the air, and found it pleasant and clean. Quite a contrast to the smell from before. He followed his parents to a very large building, where they were stopped by a guard wearing a deep red tunic with a very familiar lion blazed on the front.

"Halt!" the very young guard called out.

James rolled his eyes at his wife, who grinned back. Good old Tomkins. "Come on, Nathan. It's us!"

The guard cocked his head, then his brows shot up. "Mr. Potter, Sir! Didn't recognise ya. I beg your pardon, Sir!"

Lily laughed at his flustered manner. He was just so precious! "It's quite alright, Nathan. Is the master in?"

"He is, Milady. He's entertaining some guests, but he told me to show you in, should you arrive."

The guard opened the gate, and through the group went. The made their way up to the house, and were greeted by what Harry assumed was the head butler. A bald man with round glasses, wearing some kind of white shirt, a green vest and ridiculous pants that were really tight on his lower legs, but baggy around his thighs. Harry just about managed to suppress his laughter, and Nym whimpered. The man bowed.

"Welcome to Lord Gryffindor's estate, esteemed guests."

Sirius slapped the man on the shoulder and grinned at him. "Barnabas, old chap! Jolly good to see you!"

The man – Barnabas, forced a smile. "Mr. Black. You have returned."

"Indeed, I have!" Sirius exclaimed.

Amelia rolled her eyes at him. "Come on, you idiot. Let's get freshened up," she said, and dragged him off towards a hallway to the left.

Barnabas watched them go with a look of mild disgust. "I shall never understand how a lady such as her-" Then he seemed to catch himself, and stood ramrod straight.

"I beg your pardon, Lord and Lady Potter!"

James laughed out loud at that. "Don't worry about it, Barnabas. We're always wondering the same thing. Now, let me introduce you to our companions. The man is Harry, and his travelling companions, Hedwig, Bellatrix, Fleur and N – Tonks."

"Almost signed your death sentence there, James," Nym pointed out with a raised brow.

Barnabas cleared his throat and bowed slightly. "And I am Barnabas Basil Foulty, Lord Gryffindor's majordomo."

Nym grinned, and slapped his shoulder in an almost identical way Sirius just had. "Nice to meetcha, Barney! Where's my room, then? I need to get out of those stinking clothes."

Poor Barnabas was about to cry. There was another one? What on earth had he done to deserve such a horrible fate?

"Excuse me, sir?"

Barnabas turned towards Harry. "Yes?"

"I assume there are more rooms?" he asked.

"Yes, of course. Will you be needing three rooms?"

Fleur had an arm around Nym's waist, and Bella threaded her fingers with Harry's, looking up into his eyes. "Three, I think," she told the majordomo without breaking eye contact.

Harry turned his head to Hedwig, who waved away his concerns. I'll be fine, love. Stay with Bellatrix tonight. She needs you. She acts as if she's alright, but she's not. And she won't be for a long time, Harry.

Harry simply nodded.

Barnabas clapped his hands. "Very well. This way, please."

"We'll see you in a moment, Harry," Lily told him and made her way with James, down the same corridor Amelia had dragged Sirius down.

Barnabas led Harry and the others down a long corridor to rooms that were across from the hall from each other. "I regret to inform you that baths will have to wait until the morrow. When you're done, please head back the way we came, and make your way up the stairs. I shall be waiting for you."

"Thank you," Harry said and inclined his head.

Harry and Bella went into their room, and as soon as the door closed, she turned around and slammed Harry into the door. Before he could respond, Bella lunged at him, and kissed him passionately. Once the kiss was over, the pair of them were breathing heavily.

"I missed you," Bella whispered.

"I missed you too, Bella," Harry assured her. "How could I not?"

Bella disentangled her from Harry's embrace and opened her saddlebags. She took out a gown, not dissimilar to the one Freyja had worn, and a pair of leather sandals. She laid the items onto the bed, and began removing her armour. Harry stared at her, completely flabbergasted that he had the love of such an amazingly beautiful woman.

"Change clothes, Harry," Bella said, which roused Harry from his stare.

As he made his way over to the Bag, he noticed his lover had a knowing smile on her face. She knew the effect she had on him, and she relished his looks and open desire. Oh, he was in for a hell of a night...

Harry quickly removed his armour and reached into the bag for some clothes. He grabbed his khaki pants and shirt, but his hand brushed against something else. A dark green, golden trimmed tunic. He removed it and held it up, looking it over. It was obviously a very fine piece of clothing. Harry saw a fine leather belt, worked in gold in the Bag, obviously part of the whole outfit. Hedwig had put it in there, surely.

"It would fit you beautifully, Harry," Bella said, leaning against one of the bedposts.

"I dunno, Bella. Perhaps some other time," Harry replied and carefully put it back into the Bag.

Once Harry had gotten dressed, the pair of them quit the room and found their companions waiting for them. Fleur was wearing a gown much the same as Bella's and incredibly, Nym had worn one too. She noticed Harry's look, and grinned.

"Not what ya expected, hero?"

Harry snorted. "So, you'd not prefer to be wearing an old leather jacket and torn jeans?"

Nym laughed at that. "I bloody well would, but some people," she said, and gave Fleur a playful glare, "think I make these rags look good."

"Well, she's not wrong," Harry said and flashed her a grin.

He turned to Hedwig, who was still wearing her amour. "No dress for you, Hedwig?"

I have protected you for many years, Harry. I will continue to do so. It is perfectly acceptable for a bodyguard to wear her armour at the dining table.

Bodyguard? Harry nodded at her and led the group to the foyer, where his parents, Sirius and Amelia were waiting. The women wore gowns in the same fashion as Harry's girlfriends, and Harry's father and Sirius wore finely made tunics with breeches and polished leather boots. Harry was beginning to feel a bit underdressed.

"You don't have anything fancier to wear, Harry?" his mother asked and looked him up and down.

"He does," Bella informed her mother in law. "Decided not to wear it."

Fleur sighed softly. "He wore clothes even less suitable for his first Wizangamot session as head of Houses Black and Potter, Lily. Narcissa was not happy."

"I'm not exactly a fan of robes, mum. And I was definitely not going to wear one of those bloody hats."

Lily groaned at her husband and his best friend. "That is exactly something those two idiots would do," she grumbled and began making her way up the stairs.

James and Sirius roared with laughter, joined by Nym who was having a blast with all this. The other three women simply shook their heads. Children, the lot of them. When they entered the hallway, Barnabas was waiting for them.

"Right this way," he said, and led them a ways down the hallway. He stopped at the second door to the right, and opened the door for them.

Harry led the group through and they found themselves in what Harry assumed was Gryffindor's study. It was a pleasant room, and Harry felt comfortable in it. Perhaps because it looked almost identical to the study in the Stronghold.

Harry focused on the four people that occupied the room, and he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of awe. Standing before him were the four Founders. Harry quickly took in their appearance. Gryffindor had longish red hair and a big beard. He was wearing a tunic similar to his father, and carried himself with a quiet grace and confidence. His brown eyes were warm and kind.

Helga Hufflepuff was standing at his side, wearing a simple yet finely made dress, and had an apron tied around her waist. She had honey coloured hair which had been done in a loose braid, and hung over the front of her shoulder. She was the shortest of the four, but she had a tangible no nonsense air about her, despite her welcoming hazel eyes. Similar to Molly Weasley, Harry felt.

Salazar Slytherin was next. He was a tall and thin man, who had a slightly cold look in his dark eyes. His black hair was fairly long and wavy and he wore a goatee, and a long heavy robe. He reminded Harry a lot of Igor Karkaroff.

And finally, there was Rowena Ravenclaw. If Harry hadn't been so used to being in the company of who he considered to be the most beautiful women in any possible realm, he would have been stunned speechless by her beauty. She had on her usual blue dress, and her hair was gathered at her back, held in place by a golden brooch. Her blue eyes projected intelligence, and Harry felt he was being weighed and measured.

The silence had stretched for a moment, when Gryffindor marched over to the group and enthusiastically shook hands with Sirius and James, while he kissed the knuckles of both Lily and Amelia.

"As always, it is wonderful to see you, my friends," Gryffindor said with a huge smile.

He then gave Barnabas a look. "Milord! Let me introduce Ms Tonks, Miss Fleur Delacour, Ms Bellatrix Black, Hedwig and Harry Potter."

Gryffindor kissed the knuckles of all the women, and assured them all that he was 'most charmed' by their presence. However, when he came to Harry, he stood there for a while and looked Harry up and down. Then he smiled, a gleam in his eye.

"You've grown, lad! Strong and powerful!" He then pulled Harry in for a hug, which Harry returned.

When they broke apart, Harry grinned at his mentor. "The part you left behind joined the rest of you?"

Gryffindor nodded. "It did, and I must say, sifting through the memories has been quite an experience."

"Well, I've been busy."

"I can see that," Gryffindor said, and eyed the scar on Harry's nose and the one by his eye. "You defeated the enemy before you were sent on your way?"

Harry shook his head. "No. But I got rid of all the Horcruxes."

That had Gryffindor smiling widely. "Good lad! I have confidence your friends dealt with him, once he could be killed."

Hufflepuff made her way to Harry, and smiled kindly at him. "My husband has told me much of you, young man. It's good to finally meet you."

Then, a deadly energy from a certain redhead caused Gryffindor to look at his friend Lily, and lose all the colour in his face. "Lily-"

"You knew?" she asked, seething. "You knew what my son was going to do, and you didn't see fit to tell us, his parents?" Her eyes were on fire.

"And what would that have accomplished, Lily?" Helga Hufflepuff asked in a calm voice. "What would you have been able to do?"

Lily was very upset. "I would have-"

"Done nothing, Lily," James said and put a hand on her shoulder. "We both know there isn't anything we could have done."

Gryffindor's expression was that of sadness. "I am sorry that I kept this from you, my friend. I truly am. I only wished to save you the fear and pain you would have felt, caused by your helplessness."

Harry walked over to his mother, ignoring the touch of anger he felt when he remembered similar words spoken by Dumbledore after Sirius's death. "It's alright, mum. What's done is done. I finished what I set out to do, and now we're together."

Lily closed her eyes, and calmed down. "You're right, Godric. I apologize. I understand why you didn't tell me."

"Think nothing of it, lass! You were just being protective of your son."

"Hmmm," came a voice right next to Harry. "You really managed it, Godric." Harry's head quickly turned to the right.

"Indeed, he did, Salazar," came another. This time from his left.

Harry backed away a step, and found Slytherin and Ravenclaw looking at him, their eyes burning with curiosity. They approached him again, their interest apparent. He wasn't sure he liked the way they were looking at him. In fact, it made him distinctly uncomfortable.

"Look at the eyes!" Ravenclaw said.

"And the ears..." Slytherin muttered.

"I'm not some kind of lab rat," Harry said firmly. "This is making me uncomfortable."

"Alright, you two," Gryffindor said. "That's enough. Yes, Merlin and I did indeed perfect the formula. Young Harry here is the only one who possessed of a willpower strong enough to withstand the assault of the spirits in the potion."

"Interesting," Ravenclaw said, her finger tapping her upper lip. "And you're always in control?"

Harry sighed. "Yes, I am. Now, I need to tell you lot something. Can we get to that? Or are we going to have to keep playing the Question game?"

Hedwig stepped up to Harry, her eyes intent on him.

That's right, Harry. You are the leader in this room. Take control. Do not let them bully you into stepping back. You need to project confidence and strength. Always. Even if you don't know what you're doing. But never be afraid to ask for advice. A good leader listens to other people, but ultimately, they are the ones who have to make the hard choices.

Harry looked at Hedwig, then over the room and knew he could trust every person in there. "I think I'd like to begin by telling you who Hedwig really is," Harry began. "She is the daughter of Freyja, the Norse goddess. A Valkyrie. The very first."

"What?" Nym was staring. "I..." she shook her head. "It's not enough that she's some kind of shape shifter? She has to be a warrior princess, too?"

Fleur shook her head. "Incroyable! Always, you overdo yourself, Harry."

Bella simply raised a brow. Honestly, she didn't think anything would surprise her about Harry. Not any more. But she was feeling more than a little apprehensive. Harry was unusually serious, and that always had her a bit on edge.

"Harry, what-" Sirius began, but Harry interrupted him.

"Freyja sent her to keep an eye on me," Harry went on. "To keep me safe."

"Why?" Bella asked, her voice tight and her eyes hard as steel.

Harry let his eyes roam over all the people present, and sighed. "I'm her champion, apparently. Ragnarök is coming and she needs to me bring everyone together, should the worst happen. And if we can prevent an all out war, I have to travel to Muspelheim and kill Surtur..."


When Harry was done relaying to those gathered, almost everything Freyja had told him, those present were shocked. Completely. Harry was supposed to prevent the end of the world? By himself? It was absurd.

Let it sink in, Harry, Hedwig sent his way, before he could say anything. It's a lot to try and understand.

"I know," Harry responded. "It's just that I've just told my other lovers that once again, I'm going to face danger in a place where they can't follow. I promised them I wouldn't."

It is what it is, Harry. They're intelligent enough to understand that.

Harry's other three lovers had moved closer to him as he recounted his tale, and they were all looking at him in a mix of anger and sadness. It wasn't incredibly obvious, but Harry could feel it. See it in their eyes. In there was also a demand for what he had obviously held back from the tale. He nodded at them. He was going to have to tell them about their love being the key to any hope of success, later. That bit wasn't anyone's business; it was between him and his lovers.

Harry carefully avoided his mother's gaze. He couldn't look her in the eyes at that moment. He felt like he was stabbing her with a knife, and twisting it in the wound. He was putting her through an awful lot.

"Well then," Slytherin said after a while. and eyed Harry up and down. "How are you going to start with the 'unification' of this place? It's wound quite tightly, and I fear everything the four of us have done in the past few centuries may have been in vain."

Rowena shook her head. "Not in vain, Salazar. We have prevented many wars. As have Lily and James."

"Indeed," Godric agreed. "We have managed some victories."

Helga frowned. "It bothers me that we haven't found a way to prove that Morgana is working for the enemy."

Harry couldn't help but notice the Hufflepuff founder used the same sound of loathing as his mother and Amelia had, when discussing Merlin's famed arch enemy. He eyed his mum, who shook her head in anger. He was infinitely glad she wasn't still staring at him like she wanted to wrap her arms around him and never let him go.

"She's a miserable, twisted, evil bitch," Lily told him.

"And she's been known to take tea with my folks," Sirius supplied. "That in and of itself is pretty damning. But without any sort of proof, we can't act. She's got some powerful friends."

"Assassination has never been suggested?" Bellatrix asked with a raised brow. "Seems like it would have taken care of the problem."

Salazar nodded. "Of course, Ms. Black. However, Morgana is very powerful, and more than that, she is very careful."

"And you have to understand that our... 'faction' is well known, Ms. Black," Rowena said. "Should she be assassinated, all eyes would be on us. Any murder of well known individuals on Thule is very well investigated and the Seekers, the investigators deployed by the Celestials, are very keen."

"Well, it doesn't matter," Harry said. "I have already made contact with the Dark elves. I am on good terms with Queen Shala."

There was a snort to his left. "On good terms he says," Nym chortled.

Fleur laughed a cute little laugh. "Oui, cherie. He really is blind when it comes to women."

"Hmm?" Harry was lost. "What are you on about?"

"Harry, Shala doesn't just like you. She fell for you. Completely. In truth, Fleur and I thought she might be the Owl," Bella informed him, keeping her face neutral.

Harry turned to her. "She's an eight year old girl!"

"No, she is not, Harry," Lily said. "She's a few centuries old, actually. I never got the chance to tell you before, during our initial conversation. She is known to travel in disguise."

James grinned. "It was rather impressive that you realized who she was, Harry. Well done."

Harry sighed. He'd have to try and let the Queen down gently... "Well, in any case, I think she'll help us. And I imagine she has some influence with her lighter kin?"

"She does," Gryffindor said. "However, we might possibly have a problem on our hands. A problem by the name of Oric."

Hufflepuff gave an exasperated sigh. "That boy is truly a fool. After almost two hundred years, he's still pining for her, and she has turned him away many times."

"Love is an irrational force, my love," Gryffindor told his wife and wrapped an arm around her waist. "But yes, Prince Oric will not be pleased, should he learn of Queen Shala's infatuation with you, Harry. His father, King Olran doesn't take him seriously at all so the kid might do something foolish. Keep that in mind."

"And the orcs?" Salazar asked.

"Freyja reckoned they would pledge their support once they learned I had killed an Irontail. It was also the beast that destroyed an orc mining camp up in the Highlands." Harry looked at Gryffindor. "Oh, and it was possessed by a Horcrux."

Gryffindor closed his eyes in annoyance. "Brought over here by the enemy, no doubt. These things cause chaos no matter where they exist."

"Well, preventing Ragnarök comes first," Sirius said firmly. "We can hunt down Aðalsteinn later, and go looking for that third one."

"Yes, agreed," Gryffindor said. "I assume you still have Caliburn in your possession, Harry?"

"I do."

Gryffindor called out to Barnabas and asked him to fetch the weapon. After a moment, Barnabas came rushing back in, the sword in his hands. He handed it to Harry, who unsheathed it and presented it to Gryffindor, handle first. His former teacher accepted the sword and examined it carefully.

"It's in excellent condition, Harry. You clearly have taken very good care of it. Good lad!" he enthused and gave the sword back. "The dwarves will at least have to respect your ownership of this weapon."

"Why, though?" Harry asked. "I don't see why carrying a sword made by a pair of dwarves should make them respect me."

"Harry, the dwarves are a complicated race that tightly guards their secrets," Hufflepuff began. "Not unlike the goblins, they prize their creations very highly. They believe a person's worth is strongly tied to their weapons. They claim some of their priests can look into a warrior's soul through their weapons, that they are an extension of their personality."

"Alright," Harry said with a nod.

"What kind of foes have you slain with that sword, Harry?" Ravenclaw asked with a raised brow.

Harry pursed his lips in thought. "Let's see... Quite few humans, couple of giants, a few werewolves, vampires, loads of Dementors, a sea monster and that Irontail. Oh, and I killed a leshen."

"Well, then!" Gryffindor said with a smile. "We won't have any problems with the dwarves, I think."

"Indeed, think this is a very good start," Salazar observed. "A good foundation and likely enough to at least ask the parties mentioned to at the very least listen to us. There is a week until the summit. More than enough time to approach the leaders of each one."

Sirius stepped forth then, his eyes focused on Harry. "Harry, you did not answer my question earlier. How did you arrive here as soon as you did?"

"I told you, Sirius. I flew."

"Even mages cannot fly, Harry," Amelia pointed out. "Only the Celestials can boast of such feats."

Harry eyed Hedwig, who nodded. They need to know, Harry. I know it's just one more thing that makes you unique, but you really ought to be used to this by now. She grinned at him.

Harry sighed and began unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled it free from his pants and handed it to Hedwig, before turning to face the rest of the people in the room. "As I said before, I flew." He flexed his back and out came the black wings, slowly and surely. Sirius and the others were struck speechless.

Hedwig allowed hers to appear as well, and stood tall next to Harry. They truly are beautiful, my love.

"How completely fascinating," Salazar said. "That potion of yours is a marvel, Godric."

"I... It's much more than I ever thought possible," Gryffindor said faintly. "I knew he had enhanced senses and strength, but..."

"I can breathe underwater, as well," Harry said, and stroked his fingertips over his neck as his wings receded slowly.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Nym exclaimed. "Those are right brilliant!"

Harry grinned at his lover, but noticed Fleur staring at him, her eyes slightly darker than usual. Every other man in the room was staring at the Veela in almost a trance. Her eyes became darker and darker, until they had turned black. Nym was pretty much gone by that time.

"Vous êtes plein de surprises, bien-aimé." Fleur's voice had a... feral quality to it.

Harry quickly made his way over to Fleur and wrapped his arms around her. She did the same, but dug her nails painfully into his back. "Fleur," he whispered gently in her ear. "Come back."

"Oh, but I told you before, my sweet. I am her, as she is me," the Veela whispered right back, and bit Harry's earlobe. "How am I supposed to resist a glorious creature such as yourself?"

Bellatrix was about to intervene, when Hedwig stopped her, and stared at her. Harry has to deal with this on his own if that creature is to ever respect him. This will happen often over the course of their lives, and Harry will have to remain in control. It's the only thing Fleur's other half will respond to.

Despite being very troubled over having heard a woman's voice in her head, Bellatrix stopped and watched the scene unfold.

Harry eased back, but before he could speak, Fleur lunged in for a heated kiss, full of wild, unchained passion. It seemed the Veela wasn't satisfied with being held back any more. Harry let the kiss go on for a moment longer, before he grabbed her upper arms and forcibly held her at arms length.

"That's enough!" Harry's eyes were cold and hard. Angry. "You asked me if I would protect Fleur, and I told you I would do so with my life. Do you remember this?"

The Veela nodded, her eyes heavy lidded. "Oui."

"That means I will also protect her from 'you', if I have to. If you keep breaking out, which you know causes Fleur to feel weak, and worse, embarrassed, I will search everywhere I can think of for a way to exercise you from her body. Do you understand?"

The Veela stared into his eyes for a moment, before she smiled. "Yes, I understand perfectly, dearest." She cupped his cheek with her hand. "My Flower truly is a lucky one."

And with that, Fleur's eyes changed back, and she slumped into Harry's arms. He picked her up and held her in his arms, bridal style. Fleur raised her hand to Harry's cheek and brushed her fingertips along it.

"She's growing stronger Harry," she mumbled. It's this place. The energies. I fear I may not be able to hold her back for much longer. And if I let go, I may never find my way back. It's been known to happen to Veela who have been through severe emotional trauma. They never last long..."

Harry kissed her forehead, and she laid her head onto his shoulder. "Don't worry, Fleur. We're not staying too long. We need to get home. The others are waiting for us." Fleur smiled at him and fell asleep, exhausted.

Harry turned to the others, who were gathering themselves. "This will have to be it for tonight," he informed them. "I know there are more things we must discuss, but I will not do that without Fleur."

His mother walked over to Hedwig, took Harry's shirt from her, and draped it over Fleur. "We understand, Harry. We'll head to bed ourselves soon, as well."

Harry nodded, and quit the room with his lovers. The people left in the room shared a few glances, before Hufflepuff brought out a bottle of wine, and poured everyone a good helping. They all took a large sip and sat down in chairs and sofas spread out around the room.

"That was... interesting," Salazar said, staring at his best friend.

"Indeed," Godric said, his hand on Helga's thigh.

"If his mind is that strong, he might actually see this through," Rowena observed quietly.

"You should have seen him banish a hundred Dementors when he was thirteen," Sirius told her, his voice full of pride. "If anyone has a hope of coming through this storm in one piece, it would have to be Harry."

Lily and James looked troubled. "I just think it all might just be too much," James said. "One person can only take so much, before they break."

Lily nodded, but she was unconvinced. "I fear for him, Sirius. I can see it in his eyes. He's tired. So awfully tired. At twenty years old!" she lamented, her voice holding traces of desperation.

"He's stronger than you think, Lils," Amelia told her. "I have known many great people in my life, from all over the world. Moody, Dumbledore. And now, Arthur and Merlin... He has that same air about him. And he's not alone. Those women love him. And they will do what they can to share in the burden. What was that phrase again? 'Beside every great man, is a great woman...' And Harry has seven of them, all more than willing to take on their share of the load. He will see it done. Do not doubt."


Harry slowly made his way down the corridor, Fleur cradled protectively in his arms. When they were standing outside their rooms, he turned his attention to Bellatrix who was studying Fleur with a frown. She noticed Harry looking at her and gave him a soft smile.

"Stay with her tonight, Harry. I had hoped to share your bed tonight, but it's not important. Fleur needs you. And my niece."

"Bella," Harry started, but she shook her head.

"I'll be fine, Harry. There's a night after this one, after all," she said and bade them all good night before retreating to her room.

You make sure to spend tomorrow night with her, Harry Potter, Hedwig told him firlmy. She's lonely, and fears for your safety. We all love you so very much, but our flaming love for you, pales in comparison to the massive bonfire that rages in her heart. I'll keep her company for now, since I know she won't sleep.

"How do you know she won't sleep?" Harry asked.

Because I barely slept the whole time you were gone after Fawkes took you from me, she said and gave Harry a long look. Now, go to sleep, Harry. You have a series of very long days ahead, I think. Then she entered the room Harry shared with Bellatrix.

"Come on, Harry. I'm tired," Nym said, and opened the door to her room.

Without a word, Harry followed her into the room, where the pair of them stripped Fleur down into the bed. Once that was done, they got into the bed on either side of their lover, lying on their sides, playing with the Veela's hair.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Nym asked after a while. "Things have been rather hectic today."

Harry laced his fingers with Nyms' on top of Fleur's stomach. "I'm alright. Being around all of you helps me with all this. Always has. And hopefully, always will."

"I'm glad," Nym told him and smiled. "Just be sure to talk to us, Harry. We can't help you if we don't know if you have a problem."

"Then I'll ask you to do the same," Harry said. "I know you must still be hurting after Remus died."

"I'll do that Harry," Nym assured him. "And I'll talk with mum once we get back. But right now, I need to sleep, Hero. And so do you."

Harry felt like he had slept for less than an hour when he felt someone kiss him on the cheek. Fleur. He opened his eyes as he turned toward her and locked eyes with her. She was smiling, despite obviously being quite tired. Harry brushed a lock of hair from her face, behind her ear.

"Bonjour, mon amour," she said.

"Morning. How are you feeling?"

"Better, Harry. I'll be alright. What are your plans for the day?"

Harry put his hands behind his head, and Fleur laid her head on his arm. "I think I might go have a chat with Shala. We're already on good terms, so it's best to just get that bit out of the way, right?"

"I would agree, Harry," Nym said from the other side of Fleur. She kissed Fleur's shoulder. "Morning, luv."

Harry used the distraction to get out of bed, and dressed into his clothes. He looked out the window and saw it was light out. "I'm going across the hall to check on Bella and Hedwig."

Harry quit the room and looked in Bella's first and found it empty. He also checked Hedwig's room and found it empty as well. He made his way to the foyer and down a corridor to the left and found a small dining hall, where everyone was gathered, having breakfast. Salazar's and Rowena's scents were faint, so Harry assumed they had left the night before.

"Morning, everyone," he said by way of greeting.

Everyone bade him good morning, and after a moment, Nym and Fleur joined them, dressed in their shirts and trousers, as Bella had worn hers and Hedwig had once again donned her armour. Harry made his way to Bella and sat down.

"I think I'll go see Shala later," he informed the rest of the room.

"People usually send a dispatch and the two parties agree on a time for a meeting," Gryffindor said.

Harry grabbed a slice of ham and small piece of bread. "I'm not wasting any time with that. I'm walking over there once I'm done eating. I need to get things going."

"I agree," James said. "We," he continued and motioned to everyone else, "will go meet up with our allies and see what's happening."

"Good, " Harry said with a nod. "And I assume you four will come with me?" Harry asked his lover. Unsurprisingly, the answer was anonymous. Of course they were accompanying him.

A little while later, Harry and his companions were out of the manor, outfitted in their armours and capes. They set out toward the Centrum, the large central district that held the various markets, the headquarters of the guard and the embassies of the smaller races that had seen fit to keep a presence in the Keep. It also was the location of the Forum.

The Forum. The gathering place for those who were leaders among the races of the world. It was a large round, ornate building, built from sandstone. Harry examined it as they passed it, his eyes wandering over the building. It was a mix of what Harry would say were Greek and Arabic influences. Tall and wide columns and a large, domed roof.

In less than a week, this place will be absolutely bursting with people, Harry, Hedwig told him in his head. Diplomats, traders, peddlers, travelling performers. Everyone who thinks they can scrape together a couple of coins.

"There are never any problems?" Harry asked, and watched a little street urchin steal an apple from a careless vendor.

An annoyed growl to Harry's left had him smiling at Nym. "I 'hate' that I can't hear what Hedwig's saying, Harry! Why the bloody hell can't I?"

I choose who can hear my voice, and when they can hear it, Nymphadora Tonks. Hedwig said. You humans speak too much about things of no consequence. If my time as an owl taught me anything, it would have to be the value of silence. Something you might want to look at, girl.

Harry let out a hearty chuckle at Nym's rather outraged expression. "She's got you there, Nym."

"Sweet Merlin, yes," Bella agreed, doing a perfectly good job of keeping her face neutral.

Fleur sent her girlfriend a look. "You do like to talk, cherie."

Nym looked from one person to the next, ending with Hedwig, who's lips were starting to curve in a teasing smile. "Agh! Of course you would make sure everyone heard you this time!"

The group, Nym included, broke out in raucous laughter, which drew the attention of several vendors, who tried in vain to lure them to their stalls. Harry paid them no mind, his attention solely on what was in front of him for the day. What was he going to say to Queen Shala? There had been talk of a disguise. What did she really look like?

So deep in his thoughts was Harry, that he didn't notice an orcish woman sitting at a small bar some ways off, staring at him with a curiosity. Her eyes followed him as he made his way across the square taking note of his companions, especially the one in the golden armour who took up the rear of the defensive formation, and another who hung slightly back, a staff in her hand.

"A formidable group, milady," her servant Zardoc observed. "Two swordsmen, a fighter, an archer and a mage... Not to be trifled with."

Kaskia rubbed her chin with her index finger. "Well equipped. I wonder who the leader is? An unusual elf such as him would be well known, I should think?"

Zardoc frowned. "Agreed, milady."

"He does carry himself as a veteran of many battles. As do the women behind him. The other two, less so," Kaskia observed.

"That was my founding as well. Curious company he keeps," Zardoc pointed out. "I will go and put an ear to the ground."

"Thank you, Zardoc. I feel very strongly that we would be well served to learn what we can of him. Bring your findings to my father and I as soon as you have them."

"As you wish, milady," Zardoc said, and slipped away.

His mistress raised her flagon to her lips, and took a long drink as she watched the group make its way toward the elven quarter. Interesting. The elves were notoriously inhospitable to anyone who wasn't an elf and the four women who accompanied the fascinating man looked very human. Very interesting indeed...


Harry slowly made his way to the open gate, his eyes on the four people standing guard, two Dark elves and two of their 'paler' brethren. He noted their hands were close to their weapons, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. He also picked out a few less obvious guards stationed at rooftops along the street the gate stood on.

Harry and the others inclined their heads as they walked past the guards, who eyed them suspiciously, but did not otherwise engage them. Of course, the elven quarter wasn't closed to anyone, but beings other than elves should be expected to be treated with indifference at best. Humans were often treated with open scorn.

Harry looked around, and there was a definite Japanese feel to everything once you were past the gate. The wooden houses mostly had two stories, and either a straw roof, or wooden tiles. The walls were not too thick, and the doors slid to the side when you opened them.

I've always felt the elven quarter was incredibly beautiful, Harry, Hedwig said, and let her eyes roam.

"It is," Bellatrix said. "It feels... peaceful."

Yes. The elves have a very peaceful culture, Bellatrix. I am very confident they will support a treaty that has the potential to ensure permanent peace.

"If there is such a thing as permanent peace," Fleur said. "Has there ever been? In any world?"

Not that I know of, Hedwig informed Fleur. Conflict is in the nature of sentient beings, and humanoids most of all. It really is unavoidable.

"Well, we're just going to have to do our best, everyone," Harry said, keeping an eye on two Shadows that were running the rooftops some distance away. "There are a pair of Shadows watching us."

"Things are tense, Harry," Bellatrix said.

"Yeah, you can say that," Nym agreed, and stared at a gathering of troops coming up a side street. "I'm seeing a lot more guards than before, and they do not look friendly." Nym's hand inched to her rapier.

Hands off your sword, Nymphadora! At all times. We do not want to cause an incident! Hedwig said in a firm voice, brooking no back talk.

"Right, right. Sorry," Nym said, and stuck her thumbs into her belt.

Harry led them along the street, very careful to not make any sudden movements. He noted the looks of the people watching them were not all hostile, but everyone was on edge. He realized he himself was the target of many puzzled stares. It was becoming rather annoying.

After almost half hour walk, Harry and his companions came upon a white wall with a roof that sloped to each side, and a gate. Harry recognized it as the same wall he had been at when he saw Asha to safety, only it was on the other side.

Kalas was there outside the gates to greet them. "Harry!" he called out with a smile as they approached.

Harry made his way to the elf, and clasped his wrist. "Kalas. It's good to see you."

Kalas bowed slightly to Hedwig and the others. "Likewise. I can see your troop has gotten larger," he said, eyeing Hedwig.

"Yeah. Her name's Hedwig. She's an old friend."

Kalas's eyes widened. "You mean..."

"Yes. Exactly. You'll find out more later. Is Ash- the queen available? There are some important things I'd like to discuss with her, if I could."

Kalas nodded and led them through the gate. "For you Harry, the queen will always make time."

The way Kalas had used the words 'you' and 'always' made Harry a little uneasy. Was there any truth to what he had been told about her being in love with him? That would complicate things...

Kalas led the group into a wide courtyard, which had a large pond in the middle, and a red painted wooden bridge that arched across it. On the other side were a pair of very large, two story buildings with white walls, and brown, tiled roofs. A roofed pathway connected the two houses.

"Welcome to Shinsei palace, Harry. We were made aware of your arrival, and my mistress sent me out to greet you. If you all would please follow me to the Lotus chamber. Queen Shala is waiting for us."

Harry and the others followed Kalas toward the house on the right, but they didn't enter the main building. Instead, they walked along the wooden deck around the corner and into a smallish back garden. They went down a few steps, and made their way along a tiled pathway towards a structure that overlooked the ocean. A single person wearing a kimono with a flower pattern, was standing by the railing, looking at a ship that was heading toward the horizon.

Kalas stopped and bowed to Harry. "It was good to see you again, Harry. I'll be back in to get you once you're done." And with that, he left.

"Leave us," Harry heard the queen say sharply and a pair of Shadows he had heard some time ago, dropped from the ceiling and darted away.

Once the 'Ninjas' as Harry had begun calling them in his head had disappeared, the queen turned around and Harry stared. Just stared. She was so utterly beautiful, that he wasn't sure he could ever find the words to do her justice. She was just as beautiful as Bella and the others. Of course, the way she carried herself with confidence and grace had something to do with it.

"Hello, Harry," Shala began, and started walking towards him, her piercing, light blue eyes intent on his. When she was close enough to him, she pulled Harry into a tight hug. "It's so good to see you!" she whispered into his ear. "I missed you."

Harry hugged her awkwardly back for a moment, before easing her away. "Queen Shala."

Shala raised a brow, before snorting in a most unladylike manner. "Oh, don't you even dare do that, Harry. If you start being all formal with me, I'll throw you off the balcony! It's just Shala, to you."

You didn't even flinch when you met my mother, an actual goddess, and you're being all formal and proper to her? Hedwig asked, with a bemused expression.

Shala turned her attention to Hedwig, looked her in the eyes. "I was fairly certainthere was more to you than met the eye, Hedwig."

Hedwig inclined her head. Elves have always been sensitive to magic.

"True enough," Shala said and turned her attention to the others. "Fleur, Bellatrix, Tonks. It is good to see you well."

As per usual, Nym wasn't a shining example of proper decorum. "Ya know, the last time we saw you, you were a snappy little brat."

Shala laughed. She like Tonks a lot. It was refreshing to be treated like just another common person. "I was. I hope now that you know who I am, my incessant curiosity makes more sense."

"It does," Fleur said. "A woman of your stature would want to know as much as she could about her travelling companions."

Bella simply hung back a bit, her hand safely clutching her staff. Shala felt she wasn't in a talking mood and simply nodded at her, before directing her gaze back at Harry.

"So, what brings you to my door, Harry?" she asked, her eyes once more seeking out his. She really was fascinated by them!

"I need your help, Shala," Harry said. "Or rather, I need your support."

"For what?" the Dark Elf queen asked curiously and motioned for them all to sit around the table in the middle of the chamber.

Once they were all seated, Harry took a deep breath and explained everything Freyja had told him and by the end of it, Shala was clutching the sleeves of her kimono so hard her knuckles were stark white. She stared at her young friend, her eyes full of fear and near panic. Not unlike the way Nym had looked at him when she had learned the last Horcrux was bound to his soul.

"And you must do this?" she asked incredulously. "Alone?"

Harry was silent for a long while. He needed to tell her he wouldn't exactly be alone. But he hadn't gotten a chance to tell his lovers that he wouldn't exactly be 'alone' in Muspelheim. Oh, Bellatrix was going to thump him over the head with her staff, he just knew it.

He eyed them all, before he opened his mouth to speak. "I won't be alone, so to speak."

"What do you mean, Harry?" Bellatrix asked, her voice serious.

"You'll be with me, Bella. All seven of the women I love."

Harry's words were like a knife in Shala's heart, but she was well trained, and she hid her pain well. However, the way Harry's eyes had darted her way, gave her slight hope. After all, they had just met, in way. And he was young. There was still time to get to know each other.

"I should have told you this in private," Harry muttered to himself. "I will carry your love with me in my heart, to battle. It will shield me from the evil of that place. Protect me. Show me the way. At least that's what Freyja tells me."

"Seven?" Shala asked. "I see only four."

"My sisters and our friend, back from whence we came, Shala," Bellatrix informed her. "I can only assume the power of love transcends the boundaries of time and space. Not overly surprising, I suppose."

Harry was staring at Bella and the others. "You're being awfully calm about this, all of you."

Fleur smiled at him, but it was slightly forced. "We all knew there was something pulling us to you, Harry."

"Fleur, my feelings for you all are completely genuine!" Harry stated firmly.

"Oh, we know that, Harry," Nym said.

"But surely you must have wondered how things seemed to happen very quickly, Harry?" Bella asked. "And things were rather... convenient for some of us."

Harry couldn't deny it, of course. "You're right, I did. And I asked Freyja-"

Stop everyone, Hedwig said. Look into your hearts, and you'll see the truth of it.

"There's no need," Fleur replied, and leaned over to Harry to give him a kiss. "I love you so very much," Harry.

Harry looked at all of his lovers, and he knew they were steadfast in their love, even if they were questioning the 'how' of it all. "And I love you all."

Shala cleared her throat, forcing her envious heart under control. Her time might yet come. "You have my support, of course. But you knew that, before you came here. You would like me to help you convince King Olran of the need to unite against this possible threat."

"Yes, I do. If you don't mind?" Harry asked.

Shala smiled. "Of course I don't mind, Harry. Olran and I have known each other for a very long time, and we respect each other very much, even if we rule in very different ways."

"Thank you," Harry said gratefully. However, before Harry could get any further, there was a commotion outside the chamber, and a shout. It was Kalas.

"Prince Oric! Stop! The queen is not available to you!"

Harry and the others stood up from the table, at the same time as an elf half ran up the steps to the chamber. Instinctively, Harry moved himself between Shala and the newcomer, his eyes steady and his hand on his sword.

"Shala!" the man exclaimed. "Who are those people?" he asked, his eyes looking Harry and his companions up and down. He seemed to dismiss everyone but Harry, however. "Who is he?"

Shala put a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder and moved slowly from behind him, her eyes frosty. "They are my friends, Prince Oric." Her eyes narrowed. "Not that it should be any of your concern, as I've told you before."

An ugly look found its way onto the face of the elven prince. "This... freak is the one they say has stolen your heart? This... thing!?"

"Oi!" Nym growled. "Don't ya go talking that way about our Harry, ya prissy cunt!"

Hedwig shot Nym a dark look. Nymphadora, shut up!

However, Nym wasn't the only one who was unhappy with Prince Oric. Bellatrix glared at the prince, her staff smouldering. "Not very bright to go hurtling insults at a group such as ours, you soft brained idiot. Especially unarmed."

Fleur's eyes were darker than usual, but she was managing to mostly remain in control. "Oui, Bellatrix. Not smart at all."

"Everyone, calm down!" Harry hissed.

The prince didn't pay anyone any heed, his eyes staring hatefully at Harry. The intensity of it was almost startling. Harry had only seen this in the eyes of Riddle, and occasionally in Draco.

"Prince Oric," Shala said, her voice as cold as ice. But on the inside, she was panicking. If he did what she had mentioned to her sister earlier... "Why don't you leave, before you do something you cannot take back. Something that might cast a shadow onto your father. He might take a dim view of it, given the importance of the coming days."

Shala closed her eyes in horror, when she saw Prince Oric pull a small dagger from his belt and throw it onto the floor. He had done it. Fortunately, he hadn't cut his skin before throwing the blade down at Harry's feet.

"In front of all these witnesses, I hereby challenge you to a duel for the heart of Queen Shala of the Dark Elves. This coming sunset at the Forum."

There was dead silence in the Chamber of the Lotus, before Kalas managed to utter out. "Weapons? Terms?"

Staring unblinkingly at Harry, the prince bit out his words, laced with malice. "Blades. Shields, if you prefer. The duel is to be fought until either combatant is incapacitated. Bring your second, freak."

And with that, he stomped out of the chamber, a pair of Shadows following in his wake. Queen Shala pinched the bridge of her nose. Well, this was salvageable. Prince Oric was very good with a blade, but she was confident Harry was better.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Harry asked. "Did I just get called out?"

Kalas sighed. "You were, Harry."

"Well, shit."

"The good news is that the idiot didn't bloody the knife before presenting his challenge. A bloodied knife means a fight to the death," Shala said, just barely able to look at Harry.

Harry put a finger under Shala's chin and made her look him in the eye. "Is what I've been told true? Are you in love with me, Shala?"

The queen closed her eyes, and mustered her courage. "I am, Harry. You are a fascinating man. Kind, strong, honest and true to yourself. And you saved my life and that of my people at the mine. How could I not?"

Harry sighed. "Shala, I don't know if-"

Shala put her fingertips onto his lips. "Don't. We can discuss this later. Go and prepare. I will go and meet with Olran. Explain what has happened. I am sure he will not hold this against you, Harry. He knows his son is impulsive and foolish. And I will inform him of everything he needs to know of what you've told me. He is a wise man, Harry. He will support you. Now go."


In a room, not too far from the Chamber of the Lotus, a woman was holding a small, warm mirror to her face, her eyes puffy and fearful. "The challenge has been laid down, mistress," the woman spoke into the mirror, her voice tight.

"Ah, well done, slave!" came the voice of the mistress. "When will it take place?"

"A-at sundown, mistress," the frightened woman said.

"A good hour for death," the mistress mused. "We are nearing our goal! Keep doing as you're told, and I will release your lover. You may even be spared when the time comes."

The mirror grew cold, and Shana almost dropped it in relief. She carefully put the mirror down onto her desk, and buried her face in her hands. What had she done?


Gryffindor frowned. "He issued a challenge? Prince Oric issued a challenge?"

"He did," Harry said. "He wasn't in his right mind. The hatred was rolling off him in waves, Gryffindor. It was actually a little alarming."

"Well, he has been in love with queen Shala for a very long time, Godric," his wife supplied. "And then comes along this human who presumably is going to take her for himself... As was said before, love makes people do irrational things."

"There's nothing to be done but to see the duel through, Harry," Gryffindor said, his voice level. "Just knock him on the head with the pommel of your sword, and be done with it."

"Do you think it will be that easy?" Harry asked.

"No, I do not," Gryffindor replied. "Prince Oric may be a soft little dandy, but he's very capable, and deadly with a blade. So you must not hold back, Harry. Do you understand?"

Harry blinked. "How do you..." He eyed Hedwig. "You told him?"

Hedwig nodded. I did. I thought hearing it from your mentor might help you understand.

"She did tell me. But I also know you, Harry. I know who you are, and what you're about. And as noble as it is, it is naïve and will only hurt you in the end." Gryffindor was completely serious. "And it has, in the past. I saw it in your eyes, just then."

Harry locked eyes with Hedwig, who looked right back at him. You know we're right, Harry.

Helga put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I know it's hard, Harry. I have been through what you have. I was always the 'softest' of us four. But eventually, I thrust it to the back of my mind. Taking the life of an enemy doesn't make you a bad person, Harry. So long as you do it for the right reasons."

Harry stared into the fire for a while, then nodded, and turned to his friends. "Alright. Let's go."

As Gryffindor and Hufflepuff led Harry and the others through the human quarter, they were joined by Ravenclaw and Slytherin. No words were spoken, nor were they necessary. Harry noted Shadows on the roofs.

"She's keeping an eye on you, Harry," Gryffindor said. "You've really made an impression, lad."

"Too much, I'm starting to think," Harry muttered.

"No such thing!" Gryffindor roared. "Not from a beautiful woman!"

"Is that so, husband of mine?" Hufflepuff asked, her voice icy.

Gryffindor dared not look at his wife. "For a young lad, that is!"

"Always the same, eh, Godric," Slytherin chuckled.

"He won't ever change," Ravenclaw said with a shake of her head.

"We're here," Gryffinor announced, and led the group up the stairs to the main doors of the Forum. A few guards of all the main races were stationed outside.

"Harry!" Lily called out, and ran up to him, along with her husband, Sirius and Amelia.

"What did you get yourself mixed up in now, Harry?" Sirius asked with a raised brow.

"Hell if I know," Harry said, and smiled at his mum.

"The Forum's been in an uproar all day," James said. "Every major player is here, except lady Kaskia."

"She's here," Slytherin told the group, and Harry turned to the stairs and saw a few orcs make their way up the stairs.

"Lord Gryffindor," Kaskia called out, when she noticed them. Her eyes lingered for a moment on Harry, before she turned her full attention to Gryffindor.

Harry managed not to stare at the woman who led the group of orcs up the stairs, but it was very difficult. She was the first orcish female Harry had ever seen, and she was incredibly beautiful, tall and strong. She had a wild, look to her. Feral. And there was a power in her, hiding beneath the surface, ready to pounce at the first chance. He could feel it. Her golden eyes were mesmerizing.

Gryffindor smiled. "Milady Kaskia. A pleasure, as always."

"Likewise," Kaskia said. "Zardoc! Bring the shield."

Zardoc stepped forward and handed Kaskia the shield. Harry recognized it immediately. It had been cleaned, and obviously cared for.

"Hey, my shield!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I thought I'd lost it, back at the cave."

Kaskia's brows rose. "Your shield?" she asked, the doubt clear in her voice.

"Yes, indeed," Gryffindor said with an amused smile. "I gave the lad this shield. Oh, must be a good two years ago now."

"You were at the mining camp?" Kaskia asked, still holding the shield.

"I was," Harry said. "Then I found the dragon's lair and went up there to kill it. It's dead."

"Is that so?" Kaskia asked, her voice still doubtful.

"Yes," Harry said, and brought her attention to the red scale on his belt. "An Irontail. Big and ugly bastard."

Kaskia stared at the scale for a moment. "Fair enough," she eventually said, and handed the shield over. "Mr. Potter. You've caused quite a stir in the Keep this day."

Harry hooked the shield onto his back, and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, well I tend to shake things up. It's a stupid thing, really." Harry stole a look at Bella and the others. They were being awfully quiet.

Kaskia frowned. "The heart of a queen is a stupid thing?" she asked in a deadpan voice. She had noticed the looks the young man had been giving her, and she was feeling a little playful. She always did, when a battle was at hand. Or a fight, as it were.

"What?! No! I mean, I-" Harry stuttered.

Kaskia let out a roaring laughter, and started towards the double doors into the Forum. "Too easy!" And kept going without looking back, the dark fur cape flowing behind her.

"She's lively as always," Sirius pointed out.

"Yeah," James agreed. "Great fun, though."

Amelia snorted. "You just like her, because she wears nothing but that cape, a loincloth and a strap to cover her bust."

"Perverts," Lily grumbled.

Sirius gasped, offended. "We most certainly are not!"

"Yes you are, ya barmy bastard!" Nym shouted at him, and chortled.

"Can we just go?" Harry asked. "I want to get this crap over with."

"I agree," Bellatrix said and stood beside Harry. "I'm tired and my bed calls to me. And I will not be spending the night alone, Harry. Do you hear me?"

Harry grabbed Bella's hand, and gave it a little squeeze. "I do. Don't worry. It'll be fine."

"We will always worry, Harry," Fleur said. "We cannot help it."

Feeling a little overwhelmed, Harry began walking towards the double doors into the Forum, Gryffindor beside him. "Have you chosen your second, Harry?"

"I have. Hedwig will stand in my stead, should something happen."

Gryffindor nodded. "A good choice."

The four founders took the lead and led Harry and the others through a large entrance hall, which had a pair of curving stairwells on each side, leading up to the next level. A few guards from each race strolled along, keeping an eye on things.

"The offices and chambers of the representatives of the largest races are housed on the second story," Gryffindor said. The top floor is reserved for kings and queens." He then pointed straight ahead, to a set of bronze doors. "Through there is the actual Forum."

The group walked along, and stopped at the door, when a person called out. "Harry!"

Harry turned and saw Shala making her way to him, an elf with her, his gaze hard and calculating.

"Harry, this is King Olren."

The elf regarded Harry for a moment, before extending his hand. "Mr. Potter."

Harry grabbed his hand. "King Olren. It's good to meet you."

The king merely nodded. "I wish it was under better circumstances. I am sorry my idiot son has dragged you into this foolishness. The way he behaved was unbecoming, and will not do for a man of his standing."

"Apology accepted, King Olren," Harry said. "For my part, I plan to end the duel as quickly and painlessly as possible. Once it's over, I was hoping I could steal a moment of your time?"

"Ah, yes. Queen Shala had brought your story to my attention. I must say I am sceptical," the king said, and eyed Shala. "However, queen Shala has faith in the truthfulness of your words, and I've never known her to be a fool. Later, please join me in my chambers. And you as well, queen Shala. We have much to discuss."

And with that, he left, striding swiftly through the bronze doors.

"He is a reasonable man, Harry," Shala said, and watched him go. "He will join us, of that I am quite certain."

A young boy came running towards them, then. "Mr. Potter is summoned to the floor! His opponent grows weary of waiting," the boy said, his face embarrassed.

Without a word, Harry and the rest made their way into the Forum proper, and Harry looked around, quite impressed. They emerged from the doorway, into a massive room that was built like a Roman theatre.

The stands curved into what was just a hair more than a semi circle, and reached what had to be at least a hundred feet into the air. Below, opposite where they had entered, Harry could see the stage which reached all the way across. That wasn't what caught his eye, however. It was the floor, down in the middle. It was covered in white sand, which had obviously been carefully raked so that it was even. On it stood Prince Oric, a pair of swords strapped to his back. He was staring up at them.

"Harry, we cannot go any further. Only your second may accompany you down to the Floor," his mother said. "We'll go find seats in the auditorium." She hugged him quickly. "Be careful, sweetheart."

After everyone had offered him their well wishes, Harry and Hedwig made their way down to the floor. An dwarf woman in an official looking outfit greeted them. "Evening. I am the umpire, Alis. Sword and shield, please. I must check them for any poisons."

Harry eyed Hedwig, who nodded. He handed the woman the items requested, and she studied them a moment, before allowing a creature that looked like a cat to sniff them. Once that was done, she handed them over to Harry again.

"Everything seems to be in order. Now, remember, this duel will only be fought until one of you has been incapacitated. Once that has happened, stop immediately. Failure to do so will be met with severe punishment."

"Understood," Harry said and Hedwig nodded.

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road," Umpire Alis said.

The three of them made their way to the centre of the floor, where Prince Oric and his second were waiting. Prince Oric's second was another elf, who had a pair of small knives sheathed at his belt. He nodded at Harry, before clasping Hedwig's arm. The pair then made their way up to the stage, where they would watch the duel.

Good luck, Harry. Remember; no holding back!

"Prince Oric," Harry said with a nod. The prince was wearing a simple leather jerkin and light leather boots that allowed for maximum movement. The little bugger was fast, then?

"Freak," the prince said, his words oozing hatred.

"Prince Oric!" the umpire hissed. "This is improper!"

"Sound the gong so I can humiliate this low bred fool," Prince Oric seethed and backed away, unsheathing his swords as he did.

"I have yet to make the announcement!" Alis seemed slightly affronted.

"Just sound the gong, woman! Everyone here knows what's at stake," the prince shouted.

Harry watched Alis make her way to a large gong and grab the large gong beater. As she raised it to strike the large bronze disk, Harry unsheathed his sword and reached for the shield. He got into his stance at the same moment Alis sounded the gong.

At the sound, Prince Oric exploded into action, his slightly curved swords leading his charge. "Aaaah!" he shouted as he began swinging quickly, his swings large and powerful. He was clearly hoping to overpower his enemy as quickly as possible. The two fighters slammed together, swords and shield pressing together.

"Shala belongs to me!" Prince Oric hissed so low that only Harry could hear him.

"I was unaware that she belonged to anyone, except her people," Harry replied and pushed back, only to be attacked with she same ferocity as before.

Don't hold back, Harry! Hedwig chided him. You're faster than him. Much faster.

I know! It almost feels like he's standing still, compared to you. I'm going to let him get it out of his system. And I don't want to embarrass him. Who knows? We might need him.

Idiot... Hedwig sent his way, but she didn't contest the point.

Harry felt himself slide into calmness as he carefully blocked the hits with his shield, and occasionally with Caliburn. He backed away a step, then stepped to the right, forward a step, and to the left, then forward two steps, careful not to be backed up against the wall, but very slowly moving his opponent towards a different section of the wall.

There came a tiny hitch in Prince Oric's flurry of attacks, and Harry used the moment to go on the attack. He moved carefully, his attacks small and precise. A thrust here, and a swing there. Prince Oric proved equal to the task, however and parried all the attacks, returning with some of his own. And yet, Harry was slowly moving the prince backwards.

Harry managed to look the Pince in the eye and the hatred was burning as hot as before. What had caused him to be so vicious in his hatred? Surely the fact that he was in love with Shala wasn't enough for this level of enmity...

Prince Oric came at Harry then, his initial plan of simply beating his enemy into submission seemingly abandoned, since he was obviously more careful than before. However, Harry stood firm. He blocked Oric's right left sword with his shield and attacked with Caliburn, forcing the other man to retreat a step. The elven prince darted a look behind himself, and noticed he had almost been backed into the wall.

With an enraged yell, Prince Oric suddenly leapt back, planted his feet into the wall, and lunged forward and slightly upwards in a corkscrew motion. Harry rushed forward and using his superior speed, grabbed one of the prince's legs, and threw him to the side. This was met with a raucous cheer from the crowd.

Prince Oric twisted himself in the air, and managed to land in a roll, his swords twisting safely in his hands to keep from impaling him. Harry didn't fare as well, however. He fell to one knee and dropped his shield as a very familiar spear of pain lanced through his head.

He had very nearly lost consciousness when he registered Prince Oric raising his swords, obviously meaning to knock him out. Harry quickly rolled out of the way and as he came out of the roll, leaped clear to the other side of the floor, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Harry, what's wrong? Hedwig asked.

Harry looked up at her, his eyes wide in alarm. He's been possessed, Hedwig! There's a Horcrux in there...That's the reason for his complete hatred for me.

Shit, Hedwig cursed. This complicates things.

You think?! Harry asked sarcastically as he evaded an attack from the frenzied prince. I can't kill him, Hedwig! If I do that, we can kiss any alliance with his father good bye.

Hedwig was silent for a while, and watched them battle. You have to, Harry. You know it's the only way. If he's left alone, he will poison everything and everyone around him with his evil.

Harry parried a double thrust from his opponent and returned with a swipe of his own, which was met with a parry and a riposte. It was like the prince had sensed Harry's inner turmoil, and he began pressing his attack more and more.

Can't I just defeat him, and then we can assassinate him? Harry asked, hating himself for even suggesting it.

No. Think, Harry! You defeat him now, and then he turns up dead tomorrow? You know who will be blamed for his death. The guard will be at your door in less than an hour after his body's found, and the Seekers 'will' find the truth. They always do.

Then what the hell do we do? Harry asked as he spun out of the way of a particularly nasty attack and slammed his shield into the prince's back.

You have him in your grasp, Harry. I can only advice you to kill him, and pray Shala has enough influence to calm his father down and explain to him what was going on with his son.

Harry sighed. Why could things never be easy? He steeled himself, tightened his grip on Caliburn and charged the prince, moving so fast Prince Oric panicked and just about managed to block the attack, but one of his curved blades was knocked out of his hand. Harry set about breaking down the prince's defences, and with each strike, he moved closer to his goal.

Harry could see prince Oric was in a deep state of panic, his movements becoming erratic. Harry moved methodically, almost as if he was fighting against one of Gryffindor's training dummies. He went through the forms expertly, and while the prince obviously knew them, he simply could not keep up with Harry's superior speed.

And then, the opening presented itself. Harry had intentionally mistimed one of his swings, and the prince took the bait, swinging his sword, only for Harry to suddenly knock the sword out of his hands, and with smart reversal of his grip and a quick backstep to create some space, Harry thrust Caliburn through prince Oric's heart. The prince's eyes went wide and he stared at Harry as if he couldn't believe what had happened.

The Forum went deathly quiet.

Prince Oric fell to his knees, and Harry yanked his sword free. "Why... how... where am I?" Prince Oric tried to utter out as blood began seeping from his mouth. Harry knelt in front of him, and supported him.

"I am sorry, Oric," Harry whispered. "You were possessed. This is the only way."

A look of understanding dawned on his face. "I don't remember anything since-"

Prince Oric was looking up at Harry as the light in his eyes faded, and he slumped against Harry as he died. Harry gently lowered the prince onto the sand, and closed his eyes. He could hear the footsteps of the guards approaching and Hedwig jumped from the stage, to his side.

It'll work out, Harry, she said.

The guards finally arrived, and Harry threw his weapon to the ground. A pair of guards took hold of each arm, while a third shackled Harry's hands behind his back.

"I hope so, Hedwig. For all our sakes," Harry muttered back as he was lead towards the dungeons...


There you go! Chapter twenty. I hope it was worth the wait.

Lady Kaskia: post/619761057763819520/testing-the-waters-here-a-pic-of-auburn-drawn

If you want a full body picture of her, try googling Auburn altagrin. She really is one fine looking orc!

Until next time, everyone and thank you for reading!
