How Truth and Lies should really have ended.

This is my version, posted with Jean of Ark consent, of how her own Fanfiction Truth and Lies should have ended, as I take the opposite side of TMI Fairy on the argument.


"He did what?" Ned asked to old Nan, who had just informed him of one thing his wife had hidden to him; " he raped her, my lord; a kitchen maiden helped her to bathe after, and she saw the signs; she informed me because she had no clue of what to do with that. But I have served House Stark all my life, and I know you Ned since the day you came out of lady Lyarra!" She look him in his eyes:
"Robert Baratheon is no more the man you loved as a brother; you need to wake the wolf, Eddard Stark, or your family will suffer more!"

With that words, Old Nan left and Ned Stark spent the rest of the night waiting for his sentencing restless; he thought about Lyanna, about his Fathe, about his Brother; but more of anything he thought about Cat; she suffered because of him, because he could not fight his best friend; well, no more.

The day come and before all the lords of the North united Robert made his accusations; but Ned kept his head up and look Robert straight in the eyes: "I kept my nephew safe, because I knew that neither you, nor Tywin Lannister would not have rested until he was dead; I kept it a secret, even to you, my lords, because it was my burden to bear, it was my duty to keep it a secret. telling it to you would have meant made you partner in my treason; yes I am guilty of treason, Robert, but only because you can't see past your hate and obsession; my lords you fought to avenge my father and brother, and that has not changed; now Robert had you only tortured me I would have taken my punishment and accepted your sentence! But you tortured my children, and YOU RAPED MY WIFE!" he uncharacteristically yelled the last four words, and the lords of the north exploded in outrage, but Eddard silenced them before Robert could.

"For all of that, I demand Trial by Combat!" He said "you want blood Robert Baratheon? Come and take it if you can!"

Fury obfuscating his better judgement Robert Baratheon stood up " So be it! But if I win, your family is over!" Ned nodded at that, and Robert ordered his man to surrender if he was defeated, after Ned promised them safe return to the south.

They moved in the Godswood, where the two man wore armour; Robert had somehow managed to get inside his, and Ned still was fit enought;

Robert charged with his hammer, but Ice was Valyrian steel, and while Ned was seething in rage too, his was the quite, cold fury of the Winter; he parried and dodged, and let the bigger, stronger man burn out his reduced stamina; soon the blows lost theyr intensity, and Ned seized his moment, passing throught the shield Robert was using amd then knnecapping the fatter man who fell.

Ned brought his heavy iron boot down on Robert's manhood, eliciting a belluin yell from the King;

"This is for Cat!" he said then he look his old friend in the eye seeing the conflict beetwen love and hate, the same conflict that there was in his own eyes "Do it Ned! I already died when I realized she never loved me!" He said. And Ned did it "This is for Jon!" he cleaved his head out with a single thrust.

So it was done, his best friend, his brother, his king was dead byhis hand; he could not stop a single tear to fall, before he wore his lordly mask again.
Robert men were shoked as they surrendered, included the kingsguard, who had tried until the last moment to prehent the king for fighting by himself.

The Northern lords were shoked in the same way, but the Greatjon Umber was the first to recover
"The King is dead! And the Starks are cleared, the gods have spoken; King Robert insulted the Starks and the North with his actions, and I say: Why should we bent the knee to another Baratheon? I say, there is only one King I will bend my knee to and his name is Eddard Stark! THE KING IN THE NORTH!" He said bending his knee in front of Ned.
The other lords followed his example.

Ned managed to force himself from his own shock, and spoke "My lords, I was born a second son, and I wasn't groomed for be Lord of the North, let alone King in the North; however, since my action have put the North in danger, I accept your decision as yet another burden to carry; I will not lie to you, there will be a war; as long as my nephew is alive the South won't relent; I can only promise to you, that I will not relent myself until the north is safe, because Winter is Coming and soon it will come for the South too!"


King's Landing
"So King Robert returns, without his head; and the North is no more part of the Seven Kingdoms"
Littlefinger said "you have your war!"

"Yes, but Jon Targaryen is alive, and his uncle plan to crown him King in the South" Varys replyed "It may stall my plans""And Ned Stark is alive" he added "it seem we both have gained far less then what we hoped for"

"A little gain is better then no gain at all" he said "Jon Arryn is no more Hand; Tywin Lannister was named as such; but regency is contested; Queen Cersei or Lord Stannis?" He asked rethorically.

"Stannis needs to go." they both agreed and and "Tywin is next!"