Rating: T+

Pairing: Soma/Erina

Genre: Romance; Drama; Hurt/Comfort; Shonen


Hey Everyone! Zancrow Here!

And welcome, to "Classique", the sequel to "Nouvelle"!

I want to thank you all so much for all the love and support my previous story got, and for just how much you all have approved my decision to continue that very world I painstakingly crafted for all of us to enjoy. I want for us to enjoy this to the fullest, so please, if you liked "Nouvelle", please give "Classique" a try. This story will be a bit more "serious" and "realistic" than the previous one, focusing on different themes. The relationships will be tested, and the status-quo won't be guaranteed. So, be warned, as this will be written with many of my own experiences bleeding out into the page; however, it will not lose the essence of what made "Nouvelle" what it is, or, what made "Shokugeki no Soma" as enjoyable as it was. It may sound contradictory, but I hope I got my point across.


1. Do I need to read "Nouvelle" to enjoy "Classique"?

No, you don't. "Classique" is its own thing, and is meant to be enjoyed by itself. The plot here is self-contained, much like how "Nouvelle" was. That said, reading "Nouvelle" will still make reading "Classique" a lot more compelling. It is a continuation, and several plot threads hinted at there are the main focus here.

2. Must you feature the Noirs and he-who-must-not-be-named?

Short answer: yes. Believe me, I understand the frustration one feels with certain characters, and in SnS, the noirs and especially their leader are not liked characters. I know that. But I have a story I want to tell. Allow me the opportunity to use these characters and see if they work out better in my setting. Maybe I'm wrong, it is likely, but if I don't try, I'll never know.

Disclaimer: Don't own Shokugeki no Soma.

From Zancrow: Please stay safe everyone. Do take care of yourselves and others, and know that I am here if you need anyone to chat with.

Before anyone knew it, it was already dark out…

The phrase usually goes something like "time flies when you are having fun", but one could argue it also goes by very fast if you don't want it to because you are dreading what's to come. Something like that had just happened to him, and it was far from fun. He now found himself heading to the VIP viewing area, walking through the impressively lit stadium evenly, forbidding his body language to betray the uneasiness he felt. Two more steps, and he was inside. The area was adequate, allowing ample room for many guests, and to his right, a huge glass window from where he could easily spectate the matches.

"Ah, and there you are young man," one of the people already seated spoke up to him, his tone jovial and relaxed, the complete opposite of how he was feeling. "Your father and I were beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost. I apologize, this stadium of mine is a bit… maze-y."

"Oh, no worries," the young man replied, offering the older man that had just apologized to him, in a way that sounded more like a brag than an apology, a soft smile. "We do have some complex structures back at Tootsuki too. I'm half used to taking half an hour to reach a bathroom already."

The elder man gave out a soft laugh.

"They really do grow up so fast," the man continued, his attention now shifted towards the boy's father, who was currently sitting next to him, his gaze fixated upon the stage below them. "I feel like just last week you were carrying them in your arms, and just look at them now. Soe's a dead ringer to you when we first met, don't you think Senzaemon?"

Soe Nakiri shifted his gaze from their current bragging host towards his father, as the patriarch of the Nakiri family, Senzaemon Nakiri, gave out a chuckle. Unlike Soe's somewhat forced smile, his father sounded outright genuine, even to someone who knew him as well as Soe did.

"They still are, and will probably always be, children in my eyes," Senzaemon answered honestly. "A sentiment we probably share, don't we Sadatsuka? Your boy has grown up to become quite the talented young man, yet he'll always be your little baby boy."

"He hates me calling him that honestly," the elder Sadatsuka stated, "He's a graduate now, as he so eloquently puts it, and as such, should be referred to by name, Toshio, if not Head Chef Sadatsuka outright."


Both Senzaemon and Soe chocked a bit on thin air at the scoffing comment they both heard come out of the youngest person in that room. Sitting at the far right to Senzaemon, with the elder Nakiri and Soe besides her, the youngest Nakiri didn't even bat an eye or even try to disguise her annoyance with her comment.

"…Sweetie," her father tried, but Senzaemon had to actually put some effort as to not outright laugh. Soe did not look as amused, as he simply gave his younger sister a glare.

"What?" the Tootsuki heiress, Mana Nakiri, asked her brother bluntly, her eyes clearly showing just how bored she was and how much she wanted to be anywhere but there.

"Behave," Soe mouthed almost inaudibly to her, as she simply shrugged and turned her attention back to the arena.

"Do excuse my little princess," Senzaemon voiced, as Sadatsuka looked on from Senzaemon towards the young teen. He was clearly displeased by her comment and tone, but he seemed hesitant to act out on it. "She's quite tired as is," Senzaemon continued, "Her day has been nothing but taste tasting new dishes and giving consultations to several industry tops. It's not frequent that we can escape from Tootsuki and come here to America, so we couldn't quite let this opportunity slip by."

"The God's Tongue is a busy individual," Sadatsuka noted, his displeasure with this "brat" evident, but he did not voice it. "I'm glad our little arrangement has proven useful to you old friend."

"Are you really?" Senzaemon asked. "And here I thought you had set this all up to beat me down to a bloody pulp."

"Oh come now, you're not experiencing stage fright now, of all times, are you now?" Senzaemon's contemporary asked. "This has been postponed for far too long. Our back and forth banter is meaningless if we don't put our money where our mouth is, or so to speak."

"I suppose," Senzaemon noted, "Still, I did not expect it to be this big an event. A match between our two Academies was supposed to be a little less… extreme, or so was my understanding of it."

"A clash so grand, you'd limit it to only ourselves?" Sadatsuka asked with a hint of extravagance. "The culinary world itself eagerly anticipates this cooking duel between our aces, or in other terms, how was it that you called them?"

"Shokugeki is the term."

"That," Sadatsuka voiced. "Then this would probably be considered the biggest one of those your Academy has ever witnessed. The best North America has to offer, versus the best all of Asia has up its sleeve. An "Intercontinental Shokugeki", if you will."

"Hmm…" Senzaemon offered no more responses. His eyes were currently fixated upon the stage, whose very lighting had been adjusted, signaling the start of the match-up, and what could very well end up being, depending on the outcome, what could very well define Tootsuki Academy's future, for better or worse.

Soe, for his part, felt increasingly more anxious with each passing moment. Out here, out of their element, in the rival's court, so to speak, with even the WGO of all people ready to judge the fruits of their labor. No one in their right mind would be anything but nervous, as a poor performance in front of the WGO could ruin any man's career, Nakiri or otherwise.

Then he felt a tug on his sleeve. The young man turned to the side, fixing the posture of his glasses if nothing else than out of habit. His younger sister was staring at him, expectantly.

"Where were the restrooms?" she asked, nonchalant.

"You seriously need to go now?" the elder brother asked, his frown showcasing his outright disapproval.

The blonde girl turned her stare into an outright murderous glare, and even he had to admit that he was somewhat shaken by her stunning ability to shift from a cute young princess into a serial killer in the wake.

"…please," she said in a tone that was the complete opposite of courteous, and the elder brother could only sigh. He turned to his father.

"Father, if I may," he began, "Mana needs to use the restroom. We'll be back shortly."

"Don't worry," Senzaemon replied, "There's not much to do here anyways."

With a knowing nod, the Nakiri siblings quickly excited the VIP viewing area, leaving Senzaemon and Sadatsuka to their viewing, and as if on cue, while the duo was exciting, the background music began to flare up, signaling the start of the match-up.

"Of course that would happen," Soe complained, "Come, let's hurry so you can take a dump and we can hopefully catch some of the action… What's with that look?"

"You seriously think I need your help to find some bathroom?" an annoyed Mana flatly asked, her arms crossed against her chest, her eyes narrowed. "I just wanted to get out of there. The hypocrisy in that room was suffocating me, I don't know how you can even force a smile against that creep."

"That's going a bit far…" Soe argued, but he couldn't outright deny her allegations. "He is an old frie-erm, acquaintance of our father's. Same Academy and everything, it's just, that he was a little opportunistic in nature, and as such, the two had their falling out."

"Dad showed that asshole everything he knows about the culinary arts," Mana shot back, "He'd be some random pencil pusher had dad not began to establish Tootsuki with him back in the day. Jerk then travels across the globe and copies everything dad did and establishes this place, how is it that I'm the only one who can't understand why we're anything but hostile to these people? This isn't some friendly rivalry, this is outright sabotage!"

"Perhaps," Soe agreed, and Mana was a little shocked by his admission. "…Thing is, father hasn't told me anything either, but I do suspect he knows Mister Sadatsuka's intentions. Our father is no fool Mana. I know you don't frequent Tootsuki's halls very often, but we have quite the talent hidden between those very walls. He came prepared. We are well represented, after all."

Mana stared, her mind forming a response to that argument, but it never left her lips. As soon as Soe had spoken, the elder brother had turned his attention down the hall the two were standing in, and a group could be seen walking by, their direction clearly being the main arena just one floor under. Mana's eyes widened slightly, as she saw that very glimpse of talent her father had probably been festering in secret these last few months.

As the event started, the audience, formed exclusively of high ranking members of the culinary world and all the students currently enrolled in Sadatsuka's very academy, began to get a taste of the grandeur that would become the norm decades later. The judges, all esteemed members of the World Gourmet Organization, were at the ready; and the event host, a Third Year Student of Sadatsuka's, began his duty.

"Welcome one and welcome all," he announced, "To the first ever cooking duel between the two biggest culinary academies in the world. Our very own Sadatsuka's Premier Culinary Institute, the pride and joy of all our students and our families, versus Japan's finest: Tootsuki Academy."

The crowd gave a cheer, mostly from the eager students.

Sadatsuka hid his knowing smile with his closed palm.

Senzaemon looked on, his expression unchanged.

Soe and Mana went back into the room, and to Senzaemon's slight surprise, Mana walked forwards and approached the window, placing her palm against the glass to get a better look at the arena, her eyes showing something that could be confused for almost intrigue.

"Representing Sadatsuka, our top four recent graduates, each the number one student of their respective graduation year!" the host announced, as he presented the four chefs that entered the arena, to cheers and applause. "May I present to you our very best of the best! Erika Redfield! John Whiteaker! Roger Bluemont! And last year's graduate and my upperclassmen who taught me everything I know: Toshio Sadatsuka!"

The crowd went wild. It was as expected, this was their turf, after all.

"But, let us not forget, our challengers for the evening," the host continued, and the cheers soon turned to shows of disapproval if not outright contempt, as the crowd quickly began booing at the approaching foursome.

"They sure know how to make guests feel welcomed, that's for sure," the Fourth Seat said with just the barest hint of sarcasm.

"…Are we really allowed to go all out in here?" the Third Seat asked, his eyes scanning the arena, his expression unreadable.

"Sure, knock yourself out," the Second Seat replied, his trademark grin ever so present. "As for me, I'm going to make sure I give them a taste of this new dish I just dreamt up on the ride over."

"Can you not! This is an extremely serious event, now's not the time for your little experiments. Stick to what we practiced," the First Seat quickly shot down his friend's idea, his tone half strict and half knowing.

"Let's hear it for Tootsuki's representatives!" the host announced, in his defense doing an admirable effort to ignore all the booing and properly introduce the challengers.

And, after years of backhanded hostility, the representatives of Sadatsuka's stared down at the four student's before them, the diamonds hidden in the rough from Tootsuki Academy:

Fourth Seat: Riko Ebisawa

Third Seat: Azami Nakamura

Second Seat: Jouichirou Saiba

First Seat: Gin Doujima

"Did you seriously bring over students, Senzaemon?" Sadatsuka asked, his bewilderment barely contained.

"This is an academic showdown, is it not Takeo?" Senzaemon asked his rival. "What point is there in bringing in graduates who have more than likely learned quite a few tricks out of the academy? If I want proper representation, I much prefer to bring in those that are currently enrolled in my academy. That way, what you see here before you will be nothing more that our teachings and their natural talent, nothing more, and certainly nothing less."

Takeo Sadatsuka said nothing, but his eyes were narrow.

Soe held back a chuckle, as he shifted his attention to his preoccupied sister. "…You're going to break the glass if you press on it any harder, you know?"

"Oh shut up," she barked back, her eyes still glued to the arena. "Why haven't I met any of these guys?"

"Again, you hardly ever spend time in the academy itself," Soe replied. "While tending to your duties as the God's Tongue should always be your priority, I will never understand your insistence at being homeschooled when our actual home is the actual academy."

"No, you are right. You'll never understand it," she simply stated, and he felt a sensation of sadness in her tone.

"…Someone catch your eye?"


"Do you perhaps fancy one of our Elites, dear little sister?" Soe asked, his voice taking a mocking overtone, much to her annoyance. "I'm sorry to inform you, but, Gin already has a girlfriend, so don't get your hopes up."

"Which one of them is Gin?"

"The one on the far right."

"Ah, eww, no," she shrugged off, "He's build nicely, but much too old. Who's the one my age?"

"Ah… so you are checking him out."

"I am not!" a blushing princess barked back, almost outright growling at her brother. "I'm talking about possible friendships, I'm not like you!"

"Like me?!"

"Now just who was the guy who went to Denmark for his Stagiaire and came back not with restaurant connections, but with his neck covered in some very peculiar marks?" she asked with a smirk.

Soe said nothing. She had gotten him good.

"Wait, are we seriously dueling students?" the younger Sadatsuka asked, as he took a step forwards towards the Top Four Elite Students. "I mean, you're all aware of what it is we are betting with this match-up, right?"

"We are fully aware," Gin replied, "We were not aware that such important individuals would be present during our match, however. Had we known, we'd have come more properly dressed."

"Oh? Does the presence of the WGO bother such a big boy like you?" Erika asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"No, it does not," Gin firmly responded.

"Wait, hold up!" John spoke up, as the eight participants began to approach their stations and he was paired up with Azami. "Why do I get the middle-schooler? There's no way I'll be able to impress the WGO if my opponent is still taking pre-algebra!"

"Funny," Azami spoke up, his lips forming a small smile. "And here I was concerned about hurting your ego during this match. Seems like it will be alright after all, as you sound like someone who needs to be put in his place."

"What was that brat?!"

"Don't let the kid rile you up Johnny," Erika warned. "It's his only way of beating you. Getting you unfocused. Don't play into his game."

"Now that's an outright insult," Gin spoke up, as he paired himself up against Erika.

"Oh, what is?"

"The thought that Azami needs any sort of treachery to beat his opponent."

"Don't pay my teammates any mind," the other competitor, Roger, spoke up. "This is meant to be a fun event, and believe me my dear, I have nothing but admiration when it comes to exquisite, Asian girls."

"I see…" Riko voiced, a soft smile in her face. "Do you normally use a lot of hot air to cook all your dishes, or that only reserved for when you talk?"

Roger gave her a murderous glare, but her smile did not waver.

"Let's end this then," Toshio spoke up, disappointed that his big showcase would be wasted on mere students. His father had planned this out so well, yet here was Tootsuki, half-assing it as usual. "The sooner we get started the sooner we can-!"

His words were lost in his throat the moment he made eye contact with his opponent.

Jouichirou Saiba sat on top of the kitchen counter, his eyes fixed on Toshio. But, it didn't feel like a rival studying another rival. It was like a hunter stalking a prey, looking for any sign of weakness to readily strike to kill. Or, better even, like a demon perched atop an old, haunted building, masquerading as a gargoyle, ready to devour any poor soul unfortunate enough to walk into its line of sight.

"Well…?" Jouichirou asked, his trademark smirk still present, "Are we going to do this thing or not?"


"Welcome back one and all to "Is That A Kitchen?" with your host: Luka Miyano!" the prerecorded announcement rang through the sound stage, as the audience began to clap as soon as they were signaled to. The commercial break had ended, and with it, the attention returned to the stage, whereupon the show's after mentioned host, Luka, was currently seated behind his big signature desk, a big charming smile on his face.

"You know folks," he began his next segment, with a commanding yet friendly tone that made it clear he had been on-air for quite a bit of time already. "…This is right around the time in my show that I bring in my special guest, usually a well-known celebrity or a cooking prodigy. Well, tonight, I'm doing something a little different. Why? Because thanks to our lovely producer Makito Minatozaka, we-wait, can we get the man on camera? He needs to hear this applause directly!"

The camera panned away from Luka, and sifted back inside the studio, where a somewhat bashful Makito merely smiled and offered a gentle wave to the television viewing audience, which garnered even more applause.

"What a guy, am I right, and I'm not just saying that because he signs my check," Luka added, and the crowd gave a genuine laugh, no signal required. "But, as I was announcing, tonight, we are not having a celebrity or a world class chef. Oh no! We are having both at once! So please, everyone, a big round of applause to my very special guest, the young lady who has conquered the web and all of our hearts, Miss Erina Nakiri!"

Cameras shifted once again, to the side, where the guest would typically walk in from. The crowd went wild, surprising even Luka a bit, as he didn't expect so much enthusiasm from his viewing audience. And said screams only became louder one the leading lady stepped out into the scene.

Poised and proper, with an eloquent dress and a simplistic hairstyle, which she had decided upon after meeting her worried best friend Hisako and her overly pushy cousin Alice halfway, dressing in a way that they could deem "attractive, but professional".

"An utmost pleasure to have you here Miss Erina," Luka greeted, offering the heiress a soft hand shake and showing her to her seat. She smiled, shook his hand, took her seat and offered a greeting to the crowd, who began to scream again. "Now that's what I call excitement!" Luka offered, "We just might have to keep you around a little longer, won't we? Maybe take you out into the actual fieldwork we do, visiting famous restaurants and what not."

"Perhaps," Erina politely said, "Although, not entirely sure you could afford me."

The audience laughed, as did Luka, although he stopped himself after just the briefest of moments. He turned to the crowd. "Not entirely sure she's joking folks."

"Oh, I am," Erina added, all smiles, just as she had practiced. She was still not quite used to… this. To just how big of an impact that little showcase would end up having on not just her personal life, but her professional life too. Food consultation was one thing, but televised appearances, outside of Tootsuki to boot, now that was something she wasn't used to. "I do want to thank you for having me here, we at Tootsuki are big fans."

"That's so great to hear," Luka commented. "And, believe me, likewise. Isn't that right folks?!"

The applause restarted, and Erina tried her best to not just awkwardly stare while she was being celebrated. It felt like those times when she was getting sung "happy birthday", and she had no idea what to do until the song was over and she could blow out the candles. It was weird. Then one member of the audience, a young man not that much older than the God's Tongue herself, added a provocative whistle to the applause…

…and Erina immediately glared in his general direction. The applause slowly and awkwardly seized, and the camera crew quickly took the chance and pointed their cameras to the mischievous gentleman in the third row, who upon seeing himself on television and with such a murderous glare aimed his way, could only look down and mutter a soft apology to the blonde protégée.

"Now that's what I call crowd control," Luka noted, and some more soft laughter could be heard.

"…My apologies," Erina added, "I guess I still feel like I'm back at Tootsuki, trying to keep everyone in line."

"Nonsense, you are our guest of honor, do as you please," he replied, before turning to the audience, "And, before we begin this, a fair warning to all of you out there, do remember that Miss Erina here is taken for the moment."

The applause became a mix of knowing snickering and whistles from the crowd, mostly from the female audience, and despite herself, Erina felt her face heat up. 'Well of course,' she muttered in her head, trying her best to keep her outward appearance as unmoved as she usually played herself as being, 'Of course the first thing he was going to bring up was that!'

"So," Luka asked, playing to the crowd, "Any comments on that matter you wish to share with us?"

"…It is what it is," Erina stated matter-of-factly. She knew if she tried to deny anything or keep quiet about it, it would simply serve as fodder to make tabloids gossip even more about them, possibly exaggerating everything as they usually would. "I've never been one for romance, and it was a sudden revelation to us when we found ourselves, ah, together. Still, it's a normal occurrence when one is in high school, and culinary or not, Tootsuki is in essence just that."

The crowd seemed pleased with that answer, even if they could probably tell Erina was massively downplaying the whole event. Luka, for his part, did not push her any further, turning the theme of the topic towards the conversations she had actually agreed to discuss. They spoke at length about her work, how one with such gifted abilities goes on about her day, about life inside Tootsuki Academy, and what was next for the Nakiri family and their establishment. And, ever proper and professional, Erina answered it all perfectly, ever so often offering the crowds a soft, bright smile and a polite laugh at some of her host's added commentary.

"How does Tootsuki function?" Luka asked. "I mean, we know bits and pieces, but what most people ask, is the student council you guys employ. The Elite Ten, right? What's that like?"

"That would be a system which we've had in place for a long time now," Erina replied. "The ten best students are given roles with a bit more duties than that of the average student, but conversely, given access to more funds, equipment and programs to assist them in their learning. Being an Elite Ten member gives one the keys to succeed, and it becomes an almost guarantee that you will be a graduate at the academy, as our history shows."

"And you are one of them, correct?" he asked.

"I am," she answered, proudly. "I am the current Ninth Seat of the Elite Ten Council. I was the Tenth, but I sort-of gave it up, several things happened, and I ended up challenging the position. I ever-so effortlessly took it," she told them, and the crowd applauded, as Erina smiled knowingly. 'I should probably skip how I had an unofficial Shokugeki with Akira, and everything Soma did to have that seat emptied. Details.'

"Speaking of, please tell us," he pressed on. "What is an average day for Erina Nakiri?"

"Usually it begins with me getting together with my Grandfather," she began, as Luka nodded, with the crowd now quiet to listen to the queen speak. "He usually has a very busy schedule, much busier than mine, so we meet up to decide what we each will do during the day and get respective feedback on the matter. We usually also eat breakfast as a family, with my Uncle, Aunt and cousin occasionally joining us at the table… Oh, and my best friend Hisako too, even if she's always hesitant to do so, despite how much I argue with her otherwise."

"If I'm not mistaken, that would be Hisako Arato. She is also your assistant as well, correct, given how surprised our producers were when she was the one that called us back," Luka explained, more for the crowd than for himself, and Erina quickly nodded with a fond smile on her face.

"She's also the closest thing I have to a sister, well, her and Alice, but Hisako is not as annoying as Alice, so she gets first billing," Erina explained, and once again a few members of the crowd could be heard chuckling softly. "Anyways, I go my day juggling my activities, from classes, to food tastings, the occasional Shokugeki challenge from anyone I deem wor-I mean, from anyone who challenges my position, seminars, and the like."

"I see, I see."

"Then again, that's when school is in session," Erina noted. "Now that we're on break, and the new school year is almost among us, I've been traveling a bit more. Actually having time to finally come to your show, for example, which I've been wanting to for a while now."

"As we've been ever so anxious to have you, isn't that right?!" he asked, the crowd erupted.

"Yes. Yes," Erina continued. "And I'm also helping grandfather to prepare for the Open House Event at Tootsuki, the one time in the year that our gates are opened for one and all to come in and catch a glimpse at the life within those halls."

"Ah yes, open house time, that is usually a very crowded event, but," Luka paused, turning to the crowd. "I'm certain this year your attendance estimates must be through the roof. All that stir you all caused at the Hiei International Showcase is not for nothing, and now almost every random Joe in the street knows of this school, and anyone who dreams of being a chef is probably aiming to be the next success story. To be the underdog who manages to win big in that school. Or should I say, to be the next Soma Yukihira."

"I'd never understand why you'd want to-" Erina blurted out, before she caught herself and mentally smacked herself. 'Don't give him fuel, you idiot, don't comment on Soma! I hope he didn't catch that…'

Luka smiled mischievously.

'…He totally did.'

"And why would that be?" Luka asked, acting ever-so innocently.

"…Because, if you…" she paused, taking a deep breath and realizing it didn't feel right to downplay him, not here. So she answered honestly. "…If you go into Tootsuki, trying to copy what you saw Soma do in that Showcase, you will fail. Because there was a lot the cameras didn't show. All the struggle, all the sleepless nights, all the effort behind every single second shown on television. Soma didn't luck out, as many people are quick to say. It wasn't me who got him readmitted, and in a way, it wasn't my grandfather who did so either. He fought against our establishment, and showed us all an integral flaw in it all. And he beat everyone who tried to stop him from doing so. So, I cannot abide to anyone who goes into that academy with the hopes of being the next Soma Yukihira, because there is only one Soma, and he will simply use you as his next stepping stone if you try."

The crowd was silent.

Luka was silent.

'Crap…' Erina inwardly cursed, 'Too honest, Erina! Dial it back!'


"…because there is only one Soma, and he will simply use you as his next stepping stone if you try."

That sound clip echoed throughout the kitchen. It seemed to drown the sounds coming from the stove, which was flared up and boiling a vegetable dish on one side, while broiling a chicken one on the other. The orders were beginning to pile up, filling up the screen of the new Point of Sale system that had been installed, a very fancy one that made things easier in a way, but that took a bit of time getting used to what needed to be pressed to detail what was coming along and what followed. In a way, he preferred the old fashion hand-written notes, but it wasn't his restaurant, so he couldn't complain. It helped the environment, so that was a plus.

Unable to stop his smile at the sound of the Tootsuki heiress praising him in such an honest way, Soma Yukihira, grabbed both pots at once, pulling them out of the fire one second before the timer went off, placing them on the side, replacing them for another set of pots that were needed for the dishes that he had to prepare after these ones, and then shifted his attention back to the former two.

"All right, veggies on the side, let me get this chicken up to speed first," Soma muttered, pulling the meat out with his nearby color-coded tongs, and placing it on the cutting board before him. He swung his trademark knife in his fingers for the briefest of moments, still carrying it after all these years, still preferring none other. While he had grown fond of his other two knifes, particularly the Nakiri, for rather… obvious reasons, he still had the biggest soft spot for his mother's multi-use Santoku. A few, quick, systematic cuts and the meat was cut into the required diameter. Pleased, the chef twirled in place, grabbed the veggies, drained the boiling water, and then applied cold water, a process he used to do without even knowing there was a proper term for it before. "This is to blanch Soma," he reminded himself, "Don't want to get screamed at again."

"What's taking so long!? I didn't allow you to have the television in the kitchen just so you could lazy about!" he was screamed at again. No sooner had he finished up, than had the restaurant's owner burst into the kitchen, annoyed as he usually was. Or rather, as Soma noted, even more so, because of the certain new circumstances that had become the norm for him.

"What are talking about Boss?" Soma innocently shot back, placing the prepared dish on the expo counter, flicking the timer's switch once more one second before it rang at the same time; a big smile on his face. "Order up!"

"…Don't get cocky brat."

"He's doing just fine Shinomiya," Shino's Head Boucher Chef, Lucie Hugo, said as she came inside the kitchen as well, her arms filled to the brim with prepped ingredients for Soma to use. "Hey, kid, got all of this ready, what's next?"

"I've got everything set for everything on screen," Soma replied, eyeing the tablet hanging over his head for a moment. "…I think we could use a bit more beef, since I'm probably going to end up using a lot of it with these. What do you think, one more batch or two?"

Lucie shifted her eyes to a still glaring Shinomiya, who sighed and replied. "Make two just to be sure, we're still in rush. Lucie, bone the beef and get it ready to be cooked."

"…That's what she said," Lucie voiced softly next to Soma, who laughed despite his attempts at keeping a straight face.

"I will fire you both," Shinomiya warned.

"You'd never," Lucie sang, "You love me too much."

"And I don't even work here," Soma defended, "I'm just here on an internship, remember?"

"My biggest mistake," Shinomiya muttered, fixing his glassed by the rim. "I should have never accepted you back after you just barely passed your Stagiaire with me."

"I'll have you know I'm the only student in Tootsuki's history to pass two of those! Even if the first one didn't count, for some reason," Soma mused, sighing. "And that cruise was fun too, bummer."

"Ignore him Soma," Lucie told the redhead, "Shino actually likes having you here. He wouldn't have accepted you twice otherwise. Isn't that right?"

"…Stop feeding him nonsense," Shinomiya said, "Lucie, go to your station, now. And you, brat, stop wasting time and get those orders out. Don't lower your guard just because you are meeting our timing quota, always aim to keep your momentum high and the dishes coming out. That's how you counter future delays, got it?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

It took several hours of hard work, but Soma managed to finish his "shift" without incident, which when working at Shino's, is a damn miracle, as Gao liked to say. A very tired Soma walked out of the kitchen, and towards the now somewhat still busy tables, which was not usual for the time. It was getting dark, and that meant dinner was just around the corner. Granted, he was working the mid-shift, and he had a prior appointment to tend to, and for all the complaining Shinomiya did, if there was one thing the man did exceptionally well was to honor his employee's request whenever viable.

"Did Kou work you hard again?" he heard being asked, and he turned towards the table nearest to the kitchen, where he saw the ever faithful VIP customer, and in a sense, corporate rival to Shino's, Hinako Inui seated, a smile on her face and a drink in her hand.

"Ah, Miss Inui, yeah, you could say that," Soma replied, rubbing the back of his head and sporting a grin. "But not more so than usual, so he must be in a good mood today! …Eh?"

Hinako had etched closer to his face, inches from him, her eyes narrowed and sporting a childish pout. "Hinako."


"Call me Hinako, I'm not old," she scolded. "How many times do I have to tell you all that? Even my sweet Megumi keeps treating me like an old lady."

"I don't think that's the reason, but okay," Soma said.

"Is the brat bothering you?" Shinomiya spoke up as he stepped out of the kitchen and joined the other two near the table. "I could have security remove him if you wish."

"Stop bothering him," Hinako said. "Pay him no mind Soma, back home, he doesn't shut up about you and how much he wants to get you working for him full-time," she told him with a wink.

"I say no such things!" Shinomiya barked, but as Soma turned to his "boss", the elder chef just scoffed and shifted his gaze away, a light blush on his face. Soma could do nothing but smirk. "…That aside, that better have no alcohol in it."

"Oh, I forgot, I ordered extra-charged Moscow Mule by mistake," Hinako replied, sticking her tongue out at Shinomiya. "I'm not dumb, it's just Ginger Beer, no alcohol to be found, sadly…"

As Hinako turned in her seat and shifted her full attention to a still scowling Shinomiya, Soma couldn't help but glance downwards. The ever-slowly growing belly that Hinako now sported left little doubt about the relationship between two of the chefs that Soma most admired, and two of the greatest alumni to ever graduate from Tootsuki. Hinako looked positively glowing whenever he saw her, and Shinomiya, for as much of a grump as the man could be, lost a lot of his edge whenever he got close to her. Or rather, to them, as she was now caring for two.

"Excuse me," Soma said, excusing himself from the two who he was sure wanted their privacy. With a soft bow, Soma turned and walked away, heading straight out of Shino's, all the while giving a few of the customers who had grown to recognize him a soft greeting.

"Hey, Soma," Shinomiya called out to him, stopping him midway out the door. Soma turned, and Shinomiya offered him a rare smile. "Good work today. Give Senzaemon my best, oh, and little Erina too."

Soma blushed a bit, then smiled brightly at the couple. "You got it! Thanks for everything Boss! You too M-Hinako, take care of yourselves!"

And with that the almost Second Year student walked out of the restaurant he had worked at for quite a bit of time, the most of any, second only to his own Yukihira's. He raced towards his parked bike, knowing he was cutting it close even if Shinomiya had been considerate with his hours on his last day.

"Erina is probably already there," he muttered, as he placed his helmet on his head. It reminded him how much of a fuss Erina always made when he made her wear it. Then again, what wouldn't she complain about? "We haven't seen each other in weeks, I wonder if she had new recipes ready to use against our duels. Heh, she better be ready, since I've learned a lot these past few days. Imma show her…"

Then he paused, taking a seat and turning his bike on. 'She did look amazing in that interview, like always,' he thought, a small smile forming. Then his mind drifted towards the mental image of a smiling Shinomiya and Hinako, and he couldn't help but blush. A restaurant all to his own, fantastic employees that were practically family, a large and loyal customer base, and an equal if not more-so talented girl by his side, expecting…

Is that what a happy ending looks like…?

Soma shook his head, his face flushed. He was way too young to think of such things, he decided. He wanted to focus on his studies and his work first and foremost; all that other stuff could wait. In fact, he never outright considered himself an outright romantic, unlike most of his peers. Some made romance their most important aspect of their life, like Yoshiaki and Honda, and he didn't see any problem with it. Just, it didn't seem to be something to focus on so early in life. But, of course, no sooner had he planned that than had Erina Nakiri waltzed right into his life and left him no choice in the matter. Fall in love he did, and he either had the guts to pursue the relationship or watch her walk out of his life just as quickly as she had appeared. With a much needed slap in the face, Soma had taken the former route, and he didn't regret it.

'I'm actually anxious to see you,' he admitted to no one but himself, with the wind of the darkening night caressing his body as he rode towards their meeting place.


Soma, surprisingly, made it in time.

The place was packed with people. A big, fancy party held in a rather expensive looking location, because of course it would be, dedicated to a fancy ex-alumni of Tootsuki who he did not know, but someone who Erina had texted him that deserved the utmost of respect. A big-shot, probably, but weren't they all? Graduating from Tootsuki automatically made you a respected individual in the culinary world, Soma had grown to learn, especially given how hard it was to graduate from that place.

The valet gave him an outright stupefied look the moment Soma handed the boy the keys to his bike, doing as Erina had told him. "Don't try to park yourself, it's a maze out there," he remembered her saying, so valet parking it was.

"…Park your… bike, sir?" the valet who seemed to be wearing an oversized cap that did not match the rest of his form fitting attire asked, his tone sounding just as confused as his face looked.

"Uh, yes please," Soma replied. "I know it's not much, but treat her kindly, she's a special one."

"Worry not," the valet said. "You could give me a skateboard and I'd guard it with my life regardless."

"Thanks man," Soma replied, as he began to walk towards the entrance, before he was stopped by the guy.

"Um… sir, would you like us to store your belongings too?" the valet asked, and Soma stopped, half wondering what he meant before he realized he had all his kitchen tools hastily packed into the bag he was carrying across his shoulder. Something that would mostly likely earn him a scowl from Erina.

"That…" he said, "Might be a good idea. Thanks again!"

With his belongings safe and out of view, Soma once again made his way towards the entrance, now fully prepared. Then, of course, he didn't even take three steps inside before he was stopped once again, this time by a hand grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him aside.

"Haven't seen you in a while Kurokiba," Soma greeted as the taller boy pulled him towards the side of the entrance lobby, the latter's expression still as stoic as ever.

"…She was right," Ryou Kurokiba told Soma, pressing a bag he had been holding onto the boy's chest. "Milady figured you'd come here without the proper attire. Here, Milady Erina prepared this for you."

"Oh, Erina did?" Soma said, grabbing the bag. "…This feels somewhat heavy."

"Milady Erina may not be the best when it comes to personal shopping," Kurokiba stated. For some reason, Soma found that statement funny, but he didn't voice it. "She went a tad… overboard, I think. But, who cares, just wear it as you best see fit."

"Makes sense," Soma paused, looking at the contents of the bag once more, unsure of what to say. Kurokiba was always so… hard to talk to, at least outside a kitchen. "Guess I'll go dress myself up. Any idea where the bathroom is in this place?"

"That way," Kurokiba signaled, and Soma nodded as a thank you. "…Yukihira."

"Huh? Yeah?"

"…How do you manage? With Milady Erina, I mean," Kurokiba uncharacteristically asked, taking Soma by surprise. He really wasn't sure what to respond to that, if there was even anything to respond to. Kurokiba kept his eyes on Soma, however, eyes narrowed and expectant, as if he had massive interest in his reply. As if Soma had cracked the code on something Kurokiba had tried and failed to do for years.

"Not sure what to tell ya," Soma admitted. "Erina and I aren't as glued to one another as you and Alice are, considering how much we've been working out of Tootsuki for the past weeks. Still, feels pretty weird for you of all people to ask me for relationship advice," Soma said with a goofy laugh, "What did you do wrong now?"

"I did nothing wrong!" Kurokiba barked back. "Why would you outright assume…" he bit his tongue, deciding it was so not worth it, "Just get ready, the family is waiting."


"Told ya he wouldn't be able to set his tie properly," a voice spoke up as soon as a somewhat properly dressed Soma walked out of the bathroom. Soma quickly recognized the two "escorts" that had been sent his way, likely to keep him from getting lost. Erina's second best assistant had been the one of the two to speak.

"Oh, hey Julio," Soma greeted with a smile. "Looking mighty fancy there," then he turned to the other assistant, and his smile grew. "Hey Hisako, looking lovely in that dress."

"Thanks Soma," the blushing girl replied as she stepped closer to Soma, placing her hands on his tie and beginning to tie it up properly. "But, sheesh, you boys are all the same, when it comes to cooking you are all up for it, but getting dressed elegantly? Unheard of."

"You're starting to sound just like Erina, ya know?" Soma teased, and Hisako let out a soft laugh.

"Coming from you, not sure if you mean it as a compliment or not," Hisako joked with a smirk, before she turned to Julio, "Speaking of… Let's all get a move on, she is waiting after all."

As the trio made their way towards the main halls, with Soma feeling incredibly out of his element within all this fanciness, as per usual when it came to Erina, said heiress was just some distance away about to critique the hell out of the hors d'oeuvres, but someone pounced on her before she had the chance to.

"Erina, photo!" Alice could be heard shouting from across the room, reaching her cousin in record time as one of the photographers hired for the event eagerly set up her stand to capture a magnificent shot. It wasn't every day one could snap a pic of the two heiresses of the Tootsuki Empire out on social gatherings, and she wasn't letting this chance go.

"Alice, would you beha-ack!" Erina tried to keep calm as Alice grabbed her by the arm and spun her around, somehow managing to land both herself and Erina into a modeling pose, one which Erina had no choice but to smile to, otherwise she's appear in every magazine known to man with a scowl on her face. Can't have that.

The picture of the Nakiris was taken without issue, and somewhere, Alice figured, the Sendawara twins were eating their hearts out in envy.

"Thanks dear," Alice told the happy photographer. "Now then Erina, what should we do next? Perhaps try to see who we can exchange anecdotes with. I'm just dying to see who first asks me about my advances in the field of molecular gastronomy. You want to know the answer?"

"…A lot?"

"A lot!"

"Thrilling…" Erina replied, wrestling herself out of her cousin's surprisingly tight grasp. "But, calm yourself Alice. We are here on behalf of the entire Nakiri family, not just us. This is an event hosted by one of our greatest graduates, so we shouldn't be trying to upstage h-"

"Nonsense Erina," Alice shot back. "This is a Nakiri's birthright! To be the center of attention! It's both a blessing and a curse!"

"That's not entirely inaccurate…" Erina muttered. "That aside, where's Kurokiba? Wasn't he here with you?"

"He's right here!" Alice presented, as Kurokiba seemed to materialize right next to her.


"What the heck?!" Erina shouted almost unladylike, as Alice merely smiled and Kurokiba just stared. "Stop doing that, it's creepy!" Erina reprimanded her cousin's best friend, before she turned to said cousin, "And you! Listen to me! Stop vying for attention for once in your life! This isn't about-"

"Oh look, Soma's here!" Alice happily interrupted, pointing towards behind Erina, and causing the elder Nakiri to freeze in place.

She turned her head slowly, almost afraid, as if she hadn't fully prepared for this eventuality. She had invited him, coaxed him into coming when he had first indirectly protested, yet, now that the time had come, she felt… nervous. Not just at seeing him, even if that was a factor. They had been apart for weeks, only seeing themselves through video calls, and of course texting nearly every hour. But…

'…This is the first time I'll be seen out with him publicly. He is my… date, for the evening after all,' Erina thought as her face turned crimson. 'All the tabloids are going to eat this up, but I can't keep putting it aside. Soma wasn't afraid to show affection in public, I shouldn't be either… right?'

Then she saw the boy, dressed in her hand-picked attire, which fit him much too perfectly for it being the first clothes she had picked out for him. What could she say? She was very attentive to details after all, doubly so when it came to him. She knew his shirt size, pants size, shoe size, and embarrassingly enough, probably his underwear size too.

She shook her head. Focus, Erina, focus.

Soma caught her gaze quickly, almost as soon as he walked into the main hall. She was hard to miss, that much he knew. Erina, dressed in that fancy dress that clung onto her frame so perfectly that it made it hard for the oxygen he was breathing to reach his brain, reminding him so much of their match against Eizan where she cooked like a champ while wearing a very similar getup. She ended up greasy and sweaty, and she had never looked more beautiful than that night. Although, tonight she was giving that idea a run for its money.

He took guided steps to her, she held her heart in her hands, and as soon as he reached her, she felt like it was about to burst.

"Hey," the boy said.

"Hey yourself," the girl replied.

He moved closer, she bit her lip, and he placed his hand on her exposed shoulder, the feeling of her bare skin almost causing him to convulse. He moved in, nervous, and her eyes widened. They have kissed a few times already, with varying amounts of intensity, but it always made her nervous. It always felt like the first time, as if she wasn't sure it was going to last, despite how many months it had been since they got together.

Then she remembered her own words to Alice.

She shifted her face slightly, causing the boy to miss her lips and reach her cheek, a move which took him by surprise, but he nonetheless kissed the girl on her cheek, just a softly as he would have done her lips. It was quick, but she blushed all the same.

"Erina…?" he voiced, his tone suggesting he wasn't sure of why she had moved away.

"We shouldn't. Not here," she offered, "I-I mean, I'm here on business, in a sense, so I can't keep being seen like some love-struck teenager… You understand, right?"

Her eyes showed worry, and he couldn't quite say he wasn't somewhat hurt by that implication, but he understood. At least, he told himself he did. This wasn't nothing to fret over. He had had his way and had kissed her in front of an entire viewing audience; so he could offer her some space when she asked for it.

"Yeah, of course," he told her. He then tried to say something else, but his mind drew a blank. He had not seen her in a while, and usually, while they texted, they were never short of things to say. So why now?

"How was the inter-?"

"How was Shino's-?"

They spoke in unison.

They both stopped, glancing at their feet for a moment, which caused a nearby Alice to frown at the pathetic display. Kurokiba said nothing, just mentally noting that perhaps Soma had not quite managed to get past the minefield that was a Nakiri just quite yet.

"Guess it's still a little hard to talk to you, eh?" Soma told her with a grin, which caused the princess to frown at the suggestion.

"Excuse you? Me?" she shot back. "Am I the one who can't properly hold a conversation unless it's about food? Don't go blaming you inadequacies on me."

They both glared at each other, only for a moment, before they both burst out laughing.

"I guess I am like that!" Soma admitted, "But, come on, cooking is our passion. You of all people should understand me."

"And I suppose I may be a bit too picky at times," Erina admitted on her end, "Still, you should be used to it."

"…Yeah," Soma said. "Let me ask again before you cut me off, how was the interview? I saw a part of it, you did great!"

"It was fun, I suppose," Erina replied. "They were a little too preoccupied with asking me about you, no thanks to your current "displays"; makes me think they should just invite you next time."

"I don't think they'd want to interview me!" Soma tried to brush off, but the look he gave made it clear he'd love to go. Erina felt a sweat drop, he was so easy to read.

"My, my, is that little Erina?" a voice cut through the crowd, and the four teens turned towards the person approaching them, three out of the four recognizing the main person behind the event. Next to her, walked Soe and Leonora Nakiri, the latter who was quick to reach out and pat Soma on the head, something he still wasn't very much used to.

"Indeed," Soe replied. "That would be my oh-so adorable niece, Erina, and right behind her is my equally adorable daughter, Alice!"

"He says "equally", but we all know I'm cuter!" Alice cut in, and Erina began to pout before she caught herself and remained "professional".

"Pardon my cousin," Erina apologized with a curtsy. "And thank you for having us here, and as a member of the Nakiri family, many thanks for continuing to push forwards the spirit of Tootsuki Academy in all your endeavors, Miss Riko Ebisawa."

"Nonsense," the former fourth seat replied, smiling at the group. "I would not be where I am today were it not for my alma mater. Senzaemon will forever hold my gratitude, and you two Nakiris are indeed adorable, so inviting you is just a plus!"

Erina blushed at the compliment, and Alice quickly perked up.

"And…" Riko continued, turning her attention to the boys, one all serious, the other having his face disfigured by the over affectionate Leonora. "Are these your dates?"

"Ah…" Alice tried.

"H-He…" as did Erina.

"That's right!" Leonora answered for them both, causing both girls to flare up in embarrassment. "That hunky one over there is little Ryou, who has been with Alice since they were kids. And this one here," she said, pulling on Soma's cheeks to make him smile, "Is Soma. He's Erina's boyfriend!"

"Stop teasing them Leonora," Riko came to their defense, as she gave the girls a knowing look. "It's completely normal at that age. Right girls?"

"Y-Yeah, totally, who makes a big deal of such a thing?" Alice tried to save face, defiantly.

"E-Exactly, it's no biggie. No need to even talk about it," Erina did the same. Neither sounded as sure as they wanted.

"You were from Tootsuki?" Soma cut in, finally free from Leonora's grasp, who in turn had pounced onto Kurokiba, much to the boy's dismay. Soma wondered why it was that this woman seemed somewhat familiar to him, as if he had seen her before. Riko turned to him, her eyes lighting up for a moment, before a fond smile quickly adorned her face.

"That's right Soma," she said. "I've been looking forwards to seeing you. Seems like looking like your dad is an understatement. You're practically a clone."

"You know my pops?"

"Soma," Erina said as she tugged the sleeve of his tux. "Try to at least keep up on the important people, as in, the person hosting this entire thing! That's Riko Ebisawa, she's from the same year as your father and Gin Doujima, the former Fourth Seat of the generation to be in fact."

"Fourth?!" Soma excitedly exclaimed, his eyes lighting up even more.

"…Yes," Erina replied, almost afraid to do so.

"So, ma'am, you're very skilled in the kitchen, right?" Soma asked. "Want to have a Shokugeki?"

"Don't be so blunt!" Erina reprimanded him, pulling him away from Riko and towards the side. "Please, don't mind him. He only has one thing in his mind."

"No surprise there," Riko said, bemused.

Erina tried her best to steer the conversation away from Shokugekis, much to Soma's frustration, and then away from cooking methods, much to Alice's frustration. Surprisingly, Kurokiba ended up saving her, as he knew quite a lot about Riko's current projects, and thus the conversation was guided that way. When Erina, Soma and Alice eyed him strangely, Kurokiba only stared at the three and muttered a "What? I have hobbies too." before he continued to converse with the ex-Fourth Seat.

It seemed to be going well so far, Erina noted, and once she got relaxed, she began to have a nice time, even if she had to babysit Soma and Alice a bit to stop them from trying to challenge or propose a business to Riko. Soe excused himself not long after, having to attend a few things in Senzaemon's behalf, who had been unable to attend personally. Leonora also left to give the girls some "private time", as she explained it, much to Erina and Alice's embarrassment. Riko also excused herself, as many of the arriving guests wanted to talk to her personally, give how the event itself was focused on her doings.

Without even realizing it, Soma and Erina ended up walking through the place by themselves, and what had been originally thought up as insanely hard, became increasingly easy, as they both managed to talk and chat without much effort. At this, Erina felt foolish. She had made a big deal out of this, out of the first public "date" between the two, but nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. She should have figured she would have exaggerated everything; she tended to do that.

But then Hisako approached the couple, squeezing her way through the ever-growing crowds, until she was within earshot of Erina. Erina eyed her curiously, half worried that something had happened to her best friend while she was busy on a date.

"Erina, there's something you should know," Hisako whispered. "I think he's here. Do you think you need to leave?"


Then Erina realized her mistake. Riko Ebisawa was not just from the same generation as Jouichirou Saiba and Gin Doujima. No, there was one more notable person from that era, and it was not surprising that he'd be here.

"No. Just, no, that's nonsense," Erina voiced, even if her tone did not sound as sure as she wanted it to. If asked, she'd play it off, saying she felt tired or ill or something. But Soma noticed. "I'm not a little girl anymore. I have nothing to say to him, that fact hasn't changed."

"What's wrong?" the boy asked as he got closer to her, drowning out the crowd, but speaking surprisingly soft, clearly concerned.

"It's my father. Remember what I told you back at the ship?" Erina told him, and Soma's eyes widened as he realized just who she meant.

"…Azami," he muttered, and Erina was surprised he remembered the name.

"Yes…" Erina said, but shook her head. "But, forget him, we are here to enjoy ourselves, right? So, I'll do that. Hisako, don't give me that look, I'll be fine. And Soma, let's… let's see if we can find some other esteemed guests. I'll introduce you. Who knows, it might help you in the future."

"Oh, sure," Soma replied, and followed Erina through the crowd once more. Hisako did as she was told, but she couldn't help but stare at the retreading forms of both Erina and Soma. Part of her was worried, of course, but another part felt safe. That Erina would be safe.

'You're definitely not the same little girl anymore…' Hisako thought with a soft, fond smile.

It didn't take long for several people to reach out to Erina and give her some conversation so that she could try and keep her thought focused on something, anything except for that person. Amongst them was the Director of Japan Gourmet Society, Seishou Saotome, a very important individual in the culinary world, and someone Erina actually knew personally. He had even been a judge at Tootsuki several times, something she was sure Soma totally forgot even if when she introduced him to the man Soma claimed he totally did.

She played along.

"To think that Riko Ebisawa would be able to kick-start such a massive resort chain, one so heavily focused on gourmet foods, is nothing short of extraordinary," Seishou mentioned, champagne glass in hand, as Erina nodded and Soma tried his best not to look bored to death.

"Grandfather always did say that she was very apt at integrating comfort foods into all her dishes and elevating their effect greatly," Erina added. "So very much so, that once on her Third Year, she and the other Elites got into a…"

Soma stood back, pretending to be interested in the conversation, but then he saw Erina pause. And it took her a few seconds to continue. The others in the conversation group exchanged several glances at this, but none said anything.

"…Ah, my apologies," she said, to which Seishou merely shrugged it off, his way of telling her it was no big deal. "Seems I drew a blank. Don't seem to remember that story as well as I thought I did…"

She laughed it off, so did they, yet Soma kept observing her.

Then she grew quieter and quieter. Instead of leading the conversation, she began to follow it, just nodding and smiling, almost if out of habit. And she hated herself for it. She clenched her fist, her gaze slightly downward. 'I'm nervous… Why am I like this? Every time a see a man that even resembles him pass me by I can't stop myself from wanting to run away,' she reprimanded herself. 'Don't do this! You can't just keep running. You are important, you need to be here. I can't just excuse myself from these people. I have a duty to uphold, and even if I do end up bumping into him, I can handle it! I can manage… I, damn it, stop shaking, they're going to notice and you are going to make a fool of yourself! Stop-'

Then she felt Soma take her hand. She turned to face him, her eyes saying everything she was afraid to. He looked at her, and turned to the group.

"Hey, Erina," he spoke up. "I'm feeling a little bit sick. Can you guide me to the entrance? I need a little bit of fresh air."

"…Oh," Erina voiced, turning to the group before she turned back to Soma. She bit her lip, a tightened her hold on his hand. "Sure, I'll guide you outside," she replied, before she turned to the others. "Do forgive us, I'll be outside for a moment if I'm needed. I do hope you all continue to enjoy the evening."

The ever-so fancy people offered their good-byes to the couple, even if Soma was sure they were going to badmouth him later for being "inadequate" or something. Erina thought so as well, and she felt horrible at having him be the one to offer up the excuse, when she could have easily done so, had she not gotten frozen in place.

"…Sorry," she muttered.

"I really do want to get some fresh air," he lied. "So don't worry about it."

"…Sorry," she repeated.

The walk towards the outside proved longer than it had been when they came in, when they weren't worried, when they weren't trying to outright sneak out. But, Soma soon learned, it wasn't the same for him to walk through a crowd as it was for Erina Nakiri to walk through one, as countless people called out to her, while many others could be seen taking photographs of the pair. Erina played it cool, and Soma followed suit. Ignore them, just move on. Then Soma's gaze shifted to the left, to a staircase near to the bathrooms he had used to change, and someone caught his gaze.

Erina paused in her steps, causing Soma to stop to. They both saw him, and they were sure he had long seen them.

Azami Nakamura looked down at him. At them. His hand on the rails, a drink in his other hand, as he seemed to converse with a small group of guests. But Soma knew better, they had his attention, all of it. And he wasn't taking his eyes off them.

So Soma waved at him.

"Soma!" Erina exclaimed, her face flushed in a mix of fright and embarrassment.

"Trust me," he told her, waving happily at the unexpressive Azami. "This is far from the most insulting thing I've done to the guy."


"I'll… tell you more about that later," he replied, the tugged her towards him. "Come on, fresh air awaits, he can stare at my ass all he wants as we walk out."

Erina's concerned comment became an unladylike laugh as she quickly covered her mouth with her gloved hand, all the while Soma led her away from her father's disapproving gaze and towards the much needed fresh air.

Somehow, a very expensive limousine was parked in front of them, driven not by a valet but by one of the Nakiri servicemen. He quickly exited the vehicle and opened the door for the lady, much to both Soma and Erina's surprise.

"That is scarily on point," Soma noted.

"Hisako likely called for them beforehand," Erina explained. "You almost sound disappointed."

"…Maybe I was planning to drive you home myself?" he replied, and she smiled once more. It was still a nervous smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Let's go," she said, as she stepped towards the seats. "Need a ride?"

"I-I have my bike here," he said, now sounding even more disappointed. "Go, I'll be fine. I need to get myself back to Polar Star Dorms anyways. Everybody is probably back already by now."

Erina said nothing, as both teens looked at one another without any idea of what else to say. So they didn't. Erina stepped inside the limo, and the door was closed. Soma looked on, waving softly at her as the driver got back on and began to drive away…

…until the limo came to a sudden halt and the door swung open. Soma looked on, genuinely dumbfounded, as Erina came back out, and almost seemed to jog towards him. He tried to say her name, but she shut him up with her lips.

It was as soft as it was sudden, and very innocent compared to some of the ones they have shared before, especially if it was him initiating. But this, a kiss so tender from her, felt like no other to him. It ended far too quickly, as despite all this time dating, he still couldn't get used to just how soft her lips felt.

He reopened his eyes, just in time to catch her doing the same. They both stared, then shared a smile. She said nothing else, just walked back towards her limousine, and this time, left for real. He just stood there, smile still in place, watching as the limo took her back home. And just like his voice, his mind was also at a loss of what to say. How does one react to so many things in such a short order?

'So much for all our plans…'

"Sir?" a voice called out, and as Soma turned to the side, he was met by the sight of the valet with the oversized cap. "I brought your bike and belongings over," he told Soma, as Soma quickly smiled at the sight of his trusty bike. "As promised, not a scratch."

"Thanks a bunch dude, I mean it," Soma said as he approached the valet, grabbing his bag and taking the keys of his bike from the guy's hands. "I didn't expect to have to leave to early, but, such is life, I guess."

"Women," the valet said. "Am I right?"

"Uh… yeah, kinda," Soma said, not sure that was what was happening but he figured Erina would not want him to be telling her life problems to random strangers. "Still, thanks a bunch man, erm…" Soma said, as he handed the valet the best tip he could while looking at the guy's nametag. "…Suzuki."

Suzuki returned the smile.



"Yes, that bastard Azami just handed it to me," Soe Nakiri spoke up, holding his phone to his face on one hand and holding a document on the other, his eyes outright glaring at the offending pieces of paper. The person on the other hand spoke something, and Soe nodded. "Yes father," he replied. "It's legit, I made sure."

Soe had to make sure. He had called everyone before he had called his father. He didn't want to call his father at all if he could avoid it. But that man just had to appear, here of all places. He had already been told Erina had left the activity without incident, which made him at ease, but this was still not something that they could afford to overlook.

"I don't know how that man managed it," Soe told Senzaemon. "But he got every signature. All six other schools, agreeing to his proposition. They are going to send their best, from current students to recent graduates, all for the purpose of an Intercontinental Shokugeki against us. I've already began to get in contact with our recent graduates, so far Eishi and Tosuke have agreed to come back and-"

"No!" Senzaemon shouted from the other end so loud that it caused Soe to jolt.

"Father?! You can't possibly expect…?!"

"Our recent graduates have barely just begun to work out in the real world," Senzaemon explained. "I would be caught dead before I force them to abandon the paths they are creating for themselves just to come back here and help us. We have and have always had a countermeasure to any and all outside challengers. Our Elite Ten will suffice, they always have!"

"But against a challenge of this scale?" Soe argued. "This is not just one school, it's all of them! And with Eishi, Rindou, Tosuke, Momo and Soumei out, we only have five seated members as we speak."

"And we have plenty more who can fill up those seats!" Senzaemon replied. "Starting tomorrow, order the New Elite Ten Cook Off to be moved up. We shall have it take place in unison with the Open House, that way we'll be ready."

"Yes, father," Soe replied, as he glanced down at the set of documents before him. Written in it, the names of all six culinary academies that, excluding Tootsuki Academy, were approved by the WGO and considered the best of the best in their respective countries.

La Academia Real Cocina, situated in Spain.

Ada Akintola's Culinary Academy, the family-owned school in Africa.

Scuola Dotata di Arti Culinarie, Italy's own culinary masterwork.

École des Plats Cuisinés, in France.

Moscow International, the Russian institute.

Lestrade International Academy of Culinary Arts, the oldest among the bunch in the United Kingdom.

All six massively successful, massively respected, almost to the extent of Tootsuki itself. And, of course, he had timed it perfectly, just as Tootsuki had lost half of its pillars. But, Soe knew, that Tootsuki still had talent to spare. Come this event, those seats would be filled, and the lifestyle that each and every student of Tootsuki took for granted would hang on the shoulders of those top ten students, just like it had so very long ago.

But, as Soe and Senzaemon planned their defensive methods, unbeknownst to the two, there was a clause that would allow one more school to join in that challenge…
