The boy walked in, he had a blue hoodie, black jeans, and black sneakers. The teacher, Katherine Gill, smiled when she saw him
"Ah, you must be Perseus Jackson, you can have a seat next to Peter there." she pointed to a seat in the back. There sat a boy with brown hair and brown eyes, Peter waved and smiled. Percy in return nods.
"Just Percy" mumbled the boy, Percy. He walks and sits down his eyes averted, he gazes out the window.
"Okay class, this is Percy Jackson and please welcome him here, Percy will you tell us something about you?" Mrs. Gill says brightly.
Percy shoves his hands into his pocket, fidgeting with Riptide, He looks at Mrs. Gill,
"Um, My name is Percy Jackson, and I like horse riding, swimming, and cookies. I have dyslexia and ADHD and I live with my mom," he says, sitting down, Mrs. Gill smiles and continued to teach about Ancient Greece and their religion. (though the overused joke really)
Percy looks up and scans the room as if looking for a threat. His gaze swept across Maeve Morgan, a strawberry blonde with blue eyes, she fluttered her eyes at him, leaning toward hugging her curves, but Percy just went onto the next person.
Huh, she was a soldier, Marines probably judging by the way she carries herself, her back is straight, she served for about 10 years before she was discharged, wounded in the left shoulder, thought Percy, as he finished his sweep of the room and accepted his paper with a smile. He looked at it and laughed silently to himself, he was supposed to name as many Greek philosophers and what they did, he was kind of glad he listened to Annabeth during her "classes", she taught the younger demigods about Ancient Greece.
After handing out the worksheet on Greek philosophers, Mrs. Gill studied Percy's posture. Percy carried himself like a soldier, his posture rigid and tense as if ready for anything that might attack him. Percy looked up at her, she was shocked by his eyes, they were a beautiful sea-green but they don't contain the youthful naivety of many of his age, nor happiness, they look mature as if he had seen too much in this cruel world. They were broken and sad. She saw this in only war veterans, not 17-year-old boys. She met some WWll veterans, and they had the same look. Shattered, broken beyond repair. About 20 minutes later, when she collected the worksheet, she noticed that Percy wrote nothing in the favorite Greek gods or goddesses section. It was a bonus, to see how much they knew about Greek mythology.
"Percy, why did you not fill in the gods and goddesses section?" Percy smiles and laughs.
"Oh, I like all the deities especially Poseidon though, I could do without Hera" Thunder rumbled outside, though there was not a cloud in sight.
Percy muttered something under his breath but she paid no attention to it.
"Okay, you have all worked hard this week and I want to have some fun!" a cheer swept through the class," We are going to play around the world, and I will name the domains of the deity and you name the god or goddess-" she was interrupted by someone walking through the door. Mrs. Gill smiled as she saw Clarisse, one of her louder students, she picks fights with almost everyone in her class and fights with her on a daily basis, however, her grades may not be straight A's, she can see that Clarisse tries her best with both ADHD and Dyslexia.
"I apologize that I am late," said the girl, as she handed in a late pass.
noticed that when Percy saw her, his eyes widened, They must know each other then. Clarisse turned around and locked eyes with Percy. Her eyes widened and Mrs. Gill could see her smirk. They definitely know each other.
"It is fine. Clarisse, go to your seat, we were going to start playing around the world and as I was saying I will name the domain or domains of a god or goddess and you have to name the god or goddess and the first to say the name wins. I will give you 10 minutes to go through your notes. Percy as you know you do not have to participate,"
"I am fine with it, I spent some time at camp and we had an activity that involved Greek gods and goddess, we had to do some researching." Percy looked whimsical and nostalgic as a faint smile appeared on his lips.
Clarisse walks over and sat in her seat, coincidentally next to Percy. She took out her things and a small piece of paper, and a pen. She saw her scribble something on it and pass it to Percy, who read it and smirked. He took out his own pen. Mrs. Gill noticed Clarisse's eyes widen and worry filled her eyes. She glares at him and throws a wad of paper at him.
I wonder why is she so angered about a pen? Did he borrow it and forget to give it back?
Percy shrugged and continued to write. Passing it back he looks at the window, while Clarisse rolls her eyes, obviously, it was an inside joke as she snickered.
"Alright, times up, I am going to start with that end and make my way around."
had started and half the kids did not know anything about the deities of Ancient Greece. She kept an eye on Percy and Clarisse, they were looking at the other students as they tried their best. But Thor was not the god of war, that is an entirely different pantheon. saw Percy and Clarisse share a meaningful look and when it was their turn, they got up way too quickly and faced each other.
"Not a chance"
(Guess who asked what,) there was a previous rivalry between them, they looked like 2 siblings arguing over a cookie, except it was all silent, it reminded her of her own siblings.
"God of the Sky and-"
"Goddess of Marriage, Mothers, and Families"
"God of the Sea-"
"Posideon" Percy smirked when he said it.
"Goddess of Agriculture-"
"God of the Underworld-"
"Goddess of War-"
"God of travelers-"
"Goddess of the Hunt-"
"God of Personal Fear, Panic and Rout"
"Phobos" Clarisse's face twisted into one of disgust, why?
"Okay, you guys win, how do you know so much about the Greek gods and goddesses?"
Everyone else looked at the 2 students in shock, Percy and Clarisse looked at each other and burst out laughing. They giggled for about a minute before looking at her.
"I am so sorry but this is bringing back so many memories of when Clarisse and I had the same competition at camp, we both choose the activities for Greek gods and goddesses, and we were on opposite teams and my team absolutely crushed hers," Percy laughed as he looked at Clarisse, his eyes fond, as if he was looking at a younger sister. (okay, I don't know her age and I can not find it anywhere so bear with me and just say she is the same age as Percy, anyone knows, tell me pls)
"You did not! You cheated!" came the retort.
"No, we just had Annabeth!"
"That is the same as cheating!"
Mrs. Gill watched them fondly, she could tell they were good friends and trusted each other with their lives. She had seen the same comradery between herself and her platoon. She noticed that Clarisse and Percy had the same broken, sad, seen too much look. They looked like they both fought in wars and were at each other's sides. Katherine could see there was no romantic love, but purely platonic sibling love. It made her heart both crack and melt. She could see the faint scars on their arms and they seem like sharp blades and arrows had penetrated. It was obvious they had been in fights and most likely had to trust each other with their six. Their conversation was beginning to get heated and it didn't seem as if they were going to stop.
"Okay settle down, settle down, we only have 5 minutes left and you should pack up and wait for the bell, you can chat amongst yourselves" The class erupted with noise as everyone began talking to their friends. Percy and Clarisse nod and sit down, packing their things and continuing their discussion, (although it seemed more like an argument than a conversation).
The bell rang and everyone began filing out, saw Percy and Clarisse continue to talk as they walked out, seeming to become more and more excited. She smiled as they left the room and turned the corner. They seemed scarred and broken, you can see they became stronger because of it, the way they held themselves, ready to attack and defend, on constant alert, and close comradery, they seem to know exactly what the other is going to do and when. Even behind the layers of everything, the scars, the ADHD and Dyslexia, saw the youthful demigods, still having an entire life ahead of them.
How is everyone? with this crisis going around I hope you stay happy and healthy! I have stayed off posting and I kinda feel guilty, and yes I am working on Artemis Fowl reads. with this quarantine, I have more time and I hope I can post more. stay safe, my fellow fandom members!
(i got sucked into Hamilton and have listened to it Non-stop, and I will never be Satisfied, and anyone who wants to fangirl[fanboy] about it)