Since the day at the station when people realized that Lucifer could speak many different versions of Chinese, they had been getting more and more old Chinese businessmen showing up and asking for Lucifer to translate. Lucifer found it rather amusing that it gave the new Captain symptoms of an ulcer and enjoyed himself learning about the local Chinese community.

On one day, a congregation of dignified older Chinese people visited with an ancient woman with delicate features and lively eyes. The older man who had spoken to Lucifer on their first visit told him that "the elderly Lady is hoping you might be able to speak her tongue, which none of us know. She can speak with us, of course, as she knows several languages, but her heart longs to hear her own native tongue as well. Can you try, Mr. Morningstar?"

Lucifer stared at the old woman with the young eyes and said in his usual perfect Mandarin, "My dear Lady, speak to me in the language of your youth, if you please."

She spoke, and was delighted when Lucifer knew the language and spoke it well. He had tea with the lady and listened to her stories of her homeland and never noticed that Chloe smiled at him from time to time.

And this act of common courtesy brought the whole community of older Chinese with insufficient English skills into contact with the police. They spoke out against the gangs, and gave testimony with Lucifer as their favorite translator.

A younger woman who spoke Cantonese was very upset about Lucifer's name and told the older people that Lucifer was the Devil. They laughed at her and said, "Lucifer Morningstar told us he is the devil, but he is the devil that punishes the wrong doer, not an evil devil. We like him. He is welcome in our homes and has served our community with great kindness and protection. Instead of persecuting, you should meet him."

So she went to the station and asked to meet Lucifer, who had just come in with Chloe from a crime scene. He was terribly angry, and the woman was frightened when she first met him, because she saw just a glimpse of hell fire in his eyes.

"Forgive me, Master Lucifer," she said, trembling, speaking in her native tongue, and hoping he spoke it, "I did not mean to offend you."

Lucifer looked at her and favored her with his usual seductive and slightly smirking smile, "It is I who must apologize. We just came back from seeing the dead body of a little girl. It always enrages me at the evil that mankind can be capable of."

"I see," she said thoughtfully, "I was afraid of you when I heard rumors that you are the real Devil. The local Elders tell me you are the Devil that punishes, not the Devil who does evil, so I came to see for myself. "To her surprise, her eyes filled with tears. "I see they are correct and we have the favor of the One who punishes those who do evil. Thank you for all your help. The older people have been terrorized by gangs for so long, and because they are not particularly rich and can't speak English, the gangs have hurt them. I want you to know that I fear retaliation against them will take place. Will you protect them then, my Lord?"

Lucifer became solemn. "I will have a little talk with the gangs and let them know who is under my protection."

The woman's face lit up, and she bowed very respectfully.

Then as all things happen in life, they received a report from a very worried Dan that the ancient Lady, who was known as Jasmine Flower to her friends, had been kidnapped by one of the gangs.

"Lucifer, they are saying that this is in retaliation for you helping them. I'm uh, we're really worried because Ms. Jasmine Flower is very old and needs medication."

The older lady had sent a large meal she had prepared to everyone at the Precinct, and Dan had really been touched at the elderly lady's kindness and the delicious food.

Lucifer grabbed Chloe and Dan and took Chloe's car to race to China Town.

Once they arrived, Lucifer turned to them, and said, "Don't come in until I call you."

Dan looked concerned, but Chloe just felt sorry for the gang members, ever so slightly.

Lucifer seemed to become one with the darkness and was gone. "He's not even wired," said Dan, looking nervously into the night.

Chloe on the other hand was constantly seeing Lucifer do the impossible, and was pretty calm. "Just keep your gun ready, and if you hear anything, we'll call it in for backup," she said

Then they heard a high pitched scream in the distance that raised the hairs on the back of both Detectives' necks. Chloe pulled her phone ready to call for help, and heard more screams, quite a lot of them.

"Holy Shit, Chloe," said Dan, licking his lips, "It sounds like a recording from hell."

They heard no gunshots.

Then the screams stopped, and they saw lights go on in the building. The door opened, and Lucifer walked out, carrying a tiny body.

Dan and Chloe were out of the car in the flash, running to Lucifer.

"Is she?" asked Dan, while Chloe placed a hand on the delicate skin of the older woman.

"She is alive, but needs care," said Lucifer looked down affectionately at his friend.

Chloe wondered for just a moment. There was a shining feather in Jasmine Flower's hand gripped tightly.

"Where are the kidnappers?" asked Dan, smiling at Jasmine Flower, relieved that she was okay.

"They are rethinking their life goals," said Lucifer, and walked to the car, while Chloe called for an ambulance. Then he just stood with the older woman in his arms. "She is fragile as a jasmine blossom, but as resilient as a willow tree tossed by the storm." Said Lucifer gently, "She will be well. The ones who kidnapped her are now ashamed of their actions and will be turning themselves in for punishment to mark the start of their new path."