Disclaimer : I do not own either of these series contained in this crossover they are property of their creators

All of Remnant's best scientists and engineers had come together to build the planet's first ever spacecraft that uses a new kind of dust that is kind of like Fire and Wind dust together but the dust can keep air veichles moving forward through space as to ensure the traveling from one planet to another one and it was pretty nicely built


Jaune woke up that morning expecting the day to suck for him like any other day that he has attended Beacon Academy because of the fact that he usually fails at everything he attempts and believed that this day would not be any different despite having gotten better,much better in everything if only the knight knew his day would start off awesome.


Professor (Doctor!) Oobleck was stood in front of the class looking even more peppy than he usually does,teams JNPR and RWBY gave him weird looks wondering why he seemed to look excited for something or another as he seemed like he was almost vibrating on the spot as he thought about the planet visiting project he'd give the eight.

The professor spoke up.

Good morning class as you all may have easily noticed already I am very excited today I want to tell you about the planet's first ever space craft also Beacon's two best first years teams this year JNPR and RWBY will get the chance to take a trip to another planet with the space craft and this is a project.

In this project you will be learning all about the other planet which is called Planet Earth which General Ironwood has visited already and noted it is inhabited by humans just like us so there must be a higher power out there that no one knew about and it is also inhabited by alien races from different planets.

You two teams will as I have already said be staying there for a few days and getting to know our hosts and I want you all to be at your absolute best behavior,you'll be noting anything of interest and reporting your findings the selected teams are officially dismissed to go and pack.

The class broke out into excited chatter half about how jealous they are of the two teams for their chance and half about how cool Earth must be since they probably don't have Grimm as team JNPR and RWBY got up from their seats and Jaune had a large grin on his face causing the other girls in class to giggle at his enthusiasm.


Jaune hastily burst into their dorm while Pyrrha and Nora laughed and Ren just gave an amused smile.

Jaune : "Wow man I'm so excited I wonder how cool Earth looks and how the people are there. "

Pyrrha : Oh hehe Jaune look I know this is exciting but you'll be bored if you're finished packing before us.

Nora : Yeah fearless leader like Pyrrha is seriously right heck not even I'm so excited about a trip to another planet.

Ren : They are right there,I mean even I'm excited for this trip but calm down a little bit.

And so Jaune had slowed down a little bit as him and the rest of his team packed.


The intercom went on to inform team JNPR and RWBY to gather in the courtyard.

Team JNPR stood up with their stuff and went out the door into the hallway where they met RWBY,both teams chatted about how Planet Earth must be like on their way to the academy's courtyard as Jaune animatedly made small talk with Ruby about how their stay on Earth would be,everyone else discussed literally anything.


After they were informed that they could sit how they wanted they entered and saw first blinking lights and then the observational windows and lastly the half oval padded steal seat,Jaune sat in the middle with Pyrrha to his right,Nora and Ren to their right and on Jaune's left side from right to left sat Blake,Weiss,Ruby and yang.

Jaune : I am so excited about this trip my motion sickness could go all the way straight to hell.

Everyone laughed at that

Blake : Oh ho you're probably excited that you might meet a new lady friend who's an alien eh Jaune?

She said teasingly nudging Jaune in the side with a teasing smile on her normally stoic face.

Pyrrha : Eh hehe oh come on Blake you are really starting to sound just like Yang you two are incorrigible.

Jaune just laughed and smirked at Blake's teasing smile and gave her a nudge right back in humor.

Weiss : Oh please it's not like the aliens there look anything like the humans they share a planet with.

Ruby : Wow Weiss if I didn't know any better I'd say you're possibly jealous of their possible looks.

Yang : Yeah I'd say one of those alien girls would probably get lost in Lady Killer's blue depths.

Nora : Ahaha she feels threatened that one of them could get our fearless leader's attention.

Ren : Lay off it Nora if you do I'll convince our hosts to make some pancackes for you.


An hour later.

As they landed on Earth and stepped out they saw three pink haired girls with spade like tails two of who had purple eyes while the taller one had Jade green eyes,a brown haired guy with brown eyes and a girl with the same hair and eye color,a girl with darker pink braided hair and lastly a blonde haired stoic expressionless girl

One of the shorter pink haired girls went straight up to Jaune and stuck her hand out to him to shake.

Jaune : Wow eh you don't waste time,the name's Jaune Arc,short,sweet,rolls of the tounge,ladies love it

Momo : Oh hehe I am sure they do handsome,I'm Momo Belia Deviluke third princess of Planet Deviluke.

Momo's hand lingered in Jaune's hand potentially longer than the other girls were probably comfortable with.
