Jaune,Momo,Pyrrha,Nora,RubyYang were engaging in really fast paced combat that seemed non ending as every time one of them took down one of the robots another would take it's former comrade's place although Pyrrha was really having fun letting loose with her semblance for the first time in a while,Momo was lost in bloodlust in her "Combat Mode".
Jaune was really keeping up for a change and found that he didn't really struggle the way he used to and he was doing pretty well too,Yang and Ruby were showing great teamwork seeing as they were used to each other's fighting styles since after all they've been on a team together for a while and knew each other for more than twice as long being half sisters.
Pyrrha threw her shield at a group letting it ricochet off them and then she shot a few in their heads with her rifle and cleaved them in half with her sword,Momo did a series of flips landing devestating single and double kicks to the robots sending bot heads flying,Jaune slashed,kicked and shield bashed wildly as Ruby and Yang shot,kicked and sliced for all their worth.
Nora was swinging for the fences gleefully smashing the faces of robots in and occasionally blowing up a whole group of them with grenades all the while giddily cackling like a mad woman which if you asked students who's legs she had threatened to break and would have done so were it not for Jaune talking the girl out of it they would say she is.
Yang was noticably having the time of her life punching with jabs,hooks,uppercuts,over - and under hands ducking and weaving under and in between the robots as they swung their sword attachments at her which proved futile for all her robotic enemies as the brawler obliterated them faster than they could even process most of her movements.
Ruby was zipping incredibly quickly between robots,cutting,hacking, slicing,shooting and kicking thus swiftly dispatching the robots with speed and agility totally unrivaled by the speed of anyone on the whole of Earth and Remnant her movements precise and efficient as the speedster turned them into scrap metal as effortlessly she even sniped at a few.
Lala was really trying hard to figure out how in the actual hell to cause any damage to the huge robot and swept her sight over it to try and see if she could find any weaknesses that they could exploit on it but she couldn't find any chinks in it's armor so the giant robot's physically imposing metal frame was even more intimidating to look at than before.
Frantically Nana commanded her flying animals that she brought out for battle as she shouted orders left and right coördinating her animals to try and damage the bot but truly to no
avail whatsoever as their attacks seriously didn't even make the bot flinch which made her let her hot headedness take over so letting loose a war cry she rushed it.
Mea kept rapidly firing off her arm cannon in short rapid bursts trying to score a lucky enough shot which thankfully wasn't tiring her out because she is energetic as hell and the unrefutable fact that she's a transformation weapon also completely made it physically impossible for her to tire out like a human would.
Yami was ducking and dodging over and under the giant robot's arms shifting her hair into different shapes as she analysed the giant robot's movements attempting to completely utilise her years of experience of being an excellent assassin to find a weak spot on it but it was proving to be much more difficult than she had anticipated which frustrated her.
Weiss was flying her queen lancer and using fire glyphs to try and put a few burns on the giant robot while zooming around on the summon and avoiding the robot's strikes as her and Yami criss crossed passed,over and under each other to try and confuse it while taking care to not collide which could be disastrous from so high so they were careful.
Ren was running silently beside Blake with Stormflower in his hands silently keeping an eye out just in case possible robot stragglers attempted to blindside them and and so Blake was also keeping an eye out with Gambol Shroud in one hand even though it was still sheathed however tho she could easily unsheath it at a moment's notice.
A little bit later Pyrrha saw all of the robot parts laying around and despite seeing that more robots were approaching them she had an idea as she put her shield on her back and then used her free hand to levitate lots of robot scrap with her semblance and the others saw this and went to stand back to back with her as she rotated the metal around them.
A maelstrom of scrap metal swirled around the group of warriors at such alarming speeds that it looked like a metal tornado with wires in between and the robots that were still trying to attack them were swept up in the vortex and pelted by various different kinds of scrap metal remains of their fallen brethren and ripped to shreds at the speed of the twister.
Lala,Nana,Mea,weiss and Yami gave each other a look and regrouped then Lala instructed the the other four at what to do,Lala and Nana charged up their tail beams,Mea did the same with her arm cannon,Weiss made a fire glyph and Yami distracted the giant robot as the others let loose with their attacks which ultimately rocked the robot and sent it teetering.
Ren and Blake jumped into the robot's head where they went and severed it's wires from it's core and they jumped out and were caught in Nana and Lala's waiting arms the giant robot toppled over and fell with a crash.