Hey guys just a new story I wanted to write. Please let me know if you like it or not!
Emily picked up the empty cup of coffee and wiped the table as the last customer left the shop. She washed the cup as Maria turned off the TV and sighed.
"Busy day today" she said and took off her apron.
"Yeah" she wiped her hands on her trousers. "Gotta go give me a sec" she said as she headed for the bathroom. She hadn't peed for over five hours now. The coffee shop was full today and they were two hours overtime. It was 2 in the morning and she didn't know how she was going to get home. There were no buses this late at night.
She flushed the toilet and began washing her hands as she inspected her reflection. Dark hazel green eyes that looked like she hadn't slept in days. Long dark brown hair were falling apart as she had put them up hastily onto a low ponytail. Horrible. Just. Horrible.
But she didn't really care for beauty and fashion since she ran away from home two years ago. Between looking like shit and your psychotic half-brother chasing you to kill you because he wants to inherit the money of your murdered father, she would take the low ponytail.
And it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. When she arrived in Gotham, she thought that it would be so difficult to hide from him. That he would find her and end her in matter of weeks. But as time progressed, she realized that as long as she stayed 'dead', she was safe.
The most difficult part was getting used to turning when people called her by her new name. It took her months to get used to that.
She got out and observed as Maria was mopping the floor.
"Hey you don't have to do that it's my turn" she said approaching her.
"Nah don't worry about it I just want to go home" she said. "Hey Ems" she said as Emily started walking towards the counter "Have you heard about the Wayne's party?"
"Yeah? What about it?" she said as she began counting the money.
"Well Dave was hired as a caterer you know? And he said that their boss said they get to bring two more people if they want to. But they will be heavily inspected."
"Why?" she frowned.
"I don't know. Wayne said something about including the community. Anyway… He said that I should go with him but I don't want to go alone" Maria said placing the mop in the bucket.
"So don't go" she said. She looked down at the cash and sighed as she started counting again.
"Yeah but then Dave will get angry at me" she said as she approached her.
"Ok then go" she said as she continued counting.
"Yeah but I don't want to go alone"
Emily sighed exasperated and let her hands fall on the counter, exhausted by how much this girl was making her confused every time.
"Look, if your boyfriend gets mad because you don't want to go to a party you were not even invited to, is a talk you have to have with him. And what the hell is your business at Wayne's party anyway? It will be full of rich people and shit" she said.
Maria remained quiet for a second "Our business…" she said.
"Sorry what?" she said confused.
"Our business at Wayne's party… you and me?" she said with an innocent smile.
"One more time" Emily said giving her the death stare, her delicate features frozen into place.
"Pleeeeeeease Ems please? I mean look we will never get another chance like this again! I mean it's Bruce Wayne's Party! Do you even know what that means?"
"Fake smiles and fake compliments while fake people talk with fake manners and suck on each other's fakeness" she completed as she finally counted the money and placed them in a bag. Yeah, she had her fair share of glam parties when she was little. And for a while it was fun, especially when she was a little girl cause all she did was ran around photographing the guests and occasionally creating chaos with her crying.
"Noo Emily it means we get to wear our fancy dresses and-"
"I don't wear dresses"
"-have Champaign-"
"I only drink beer"
"And talk to Mr. Wayne and Harvey Dent and-"
"-then puke on the balcony"
"Oh my God! Can you just be a girl for five seconds?" Maria yelled annoyed. "Come on Ems please I really want to go! Stacey can't go that night cause she's working so please?"
"Wow if your only two choices are me and Stacey you have really skewed-"
"Ems! Please! To the point! Come. Please. I'll… I'll clean and lock for a month!"
Emily started to say something and then paused. Clean and lock the store for a month. Now that was something. She never minded opening up and getting the store ready but locking it? Yeah that was a nightmare.
But there would be just too many people there. What if there were cameras and photographers and then her face ended up in the newspapers the next day? And maybe a week later as well when her brother murdered her.
But looking at Maria she really felt like she was backed up into a corner. If she didn't do this she was sure she wasn't going to talk to her again. And who would blame her? it's just a simple request of going to a party.
"I feel peer pressured" she finally said.
Maria screeched and threw herself over the counter at her, kissing her cheek. Emily pushed her back "but no photos and no cameras. I can come with you and then you just do you. You go and have your Champaign and your whatever whatever"
"Aren't you just adorable" Maria pinched Emily's cheek with a sweet tone in her voice.
"Stop touching me" Emily said with a hidden smile.
"I mean… Come on. Just look at this. Come on" Maria said looking at her reflection in the mirror of the elevator. "Ems, look"
"What!? You're fine!" Emily said as she observed the buttons as they lit up one by one.
"Oh I'm not just fine honey. I'm fabulous" she said as she rearranged her golden hair on one side of her head. She turned around and looked at her ass and the weird back her red dress had. Emily snickered.
"You're nice yes" she admitted.
"So how does it feel to wear a dress?" Maria asked as she stood in front of Emily.
"It's fine I guess. Wha- what are you doing?" she frowned as Maria lowered her dress, revealing more of Emily's cleavage.
"Look" she said as she forced Emily to turn towards the mirror. She observed the little black dress and how her almost invisible breasts seemed as if they actually had some meat on them.
"There you go" Maria smiled "Yeah I wasn't sure about the color but no, I like it on you. Nice ass by the way." She said "Your hair is nice I love the makeup" she said "Now maybe you have a chance with some rich guy. Ugh. I wish I was single tonight" she said as she turned around.
Emily frowned and looked at her. "Hey, don't do anything stupid like bringing someone over to talk to me and shit. I am here just so you get to have your fun alright? Stay out of my shit"
Maria rolled her eyes and soon enough, the doors opened. An old man greeted them as they entered and Maria smiled at him with excess charm.
She turned back at Emily with her mouth wide open in shock.
"Wayne's butler!" she mouthed.
"Ok go nuts" Emily told Maria and she smiled devilishly. Emily smiled herself before she took a glass of Champaign and sat on a nearby couch.
"Kill me" Emily whispered to herself. After she had made sure that there were no cameras around she had grown more confident into getting up and getting a drink.
But now she was just straight up bored. She searched the room for Maria who was nowhere to be found. Maybe she is having a conversation with Mr. Harvey Dent, who, of course, has nothing better to do than talk to a waitress she thought and snickered. Or maybe she was fucking David. Who knew.
She felt a light breeze on her back and turning around, she saw that the balcony door had swang open and someone entered the room. She stood up and walked towards the balcony door. When she saw that there was nobody outside, she smiled to herself and got outside. She walked towards the edge and gasped.
"Wow" she whispered. The view was beautiful. The street lights fell like golden liquid on the streets of Gotham and spread like a river throughout the city. She could hear sirens and yelling in a distance and a the faint sound of cars on the freeway.
She sighed as her thoughts enveloped her.
She was always a big city girl and Gotham was a beautiful city. Yes it had its problems but for many it was…home.
And where is that? She snickered humorlessly. When she found out that her brother killed her father, she went to the authorities and of course, nobody believed her. Hell they never even investigated the possibility. It wasn't until her brother was standing on top of her with a knife in his hand that she realized she could no longer stay there. She knew too much.
She touched her belly at the spot where the mark was and closed her eyes.
She wanted her mom. If she was still alive that was.
She doubted that.
This wasn't home for her. This was never going to be home and every now and then she would catch herself wondering if it would be better to return to Detroit and be killed by Jasper. She just wanted to go home.
She pressed her pinky on the inner corner of her eyes to stop the tears from ruining her makeup. Yeah she was leaving. She didn't want to be here anymore. If she was going to start crying, she was going to do it with dignity. At her place. Alone. With a bottle of tequila.
She went back inside and searched the room for Maria. When she located the red dress and walked towards her hastily.
"Hey. I'm not feeling very well I think I'm gonna go home" she said.
"No stay! I'm sorry I left you alone I just you know Dave-"
"Nonono don't worry about it. I told you today was just so you could have your fun. I'm just really…" she sighed "I think the Champaign got to me. I'll just go home"
"Oh… okay… are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"
"No don't worry. Stay" she said.
"Okay text me when you get home though alright?" Maria said.
"Sure thing" she said. She started walking towards the elevator when the doors opened. A man fell right onto her feet and she jumped to the side in surprise.
And then was when she heard the gunshot. The room fell silent.
She saw something purple moving in her peripheral vision. Turning to the direction of the movement, she saw the man everyone in the room was staring at.
The Joker.
She frowned in confusion as he passed, not sure what was going on. A thought crossed her mind like thunder and she felt the blood leaving her face.
"Good evening ladies and gentle-men" he began "We are, tonight's entertainment. I only have one question. Where is Harvey Dent?" he said.
Emily let out the shaky breath she didn't realize she was holding.
Don't be stupid. She told herself as she closed her eyes. She was getting paranoid. Here she was, in the presence of one of the most notorious criminals in Gotham city, and her first thought was Oh my God, Jasper found me, he hired the clown to kill me.
"For fuck sakes" she whispered to herself.
"Get back" one of the henchmen said. Emily glanced at him swiftly and then moved back slowly as she continued to observe the Joker. He was now out of her line of vision. She gazed upon the crowd and finally found Maria, who looked back at her in shock. Her blue eyes were twice their normal size and she was white as paper.
Emily signaled to her to calm down. It would all be over soon. They were not Harvey Dent.
"I said get back bitch" the man told her again, pointing a gun at her face. Emily turned to him and stepped back apathetically.
"Do you have a problem with that?" he said getting closer to her. He was much taller than her and three times her size. She looked at him confused. Did she seem like she had a problem with it?
"That's right bitch" he said as he walked away. Emily had to suppress the laughter that fought to escape her mouth. She shook her head and sighed.
Suddenly, pandemonium ensued. People screamed and others clapped.
"It's batman!" she heard someone say.
"Quiet! Be quiet! BE QUIET!" one of the Joker's men yelled as the rest of them pointed a gun at the crowd. They wouldn't listen.
"Fuck! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" one of them said.
Suddenly, she felt a hand grabbing her arm and then her back was glued onto something warm
"Shut up! Now!" she heard the man that had got up in her face yelling next to her ear and she moved away in pain as her head span at the volume of his voice.
"Stay still bitch" he said as he placed a gun to her head. Her feet were tangling in midair as the man held her to his chest tightly. The room fell quiet and Emily was now the center of attention. Everyone was looking at her with horror in their eyes and she searched the crowd just to make sure nobody was filming this.
They all gasped as they heard glass shuttering on the other end of the room and suddenly Joker's men were running towards the elevator. The man was still holding her like a ragdoll as she realized that he was leading her with them.
"NO!" she heard Maria's voice as she was squashed with force into the elevator with the rest of the men. She suddenly felt as if she couldn't breathe.
She wasn't a short woman, but these henchmen were huge. She gasped for air and finally saw the top part of the elevator doors closing.
"Let go of me now please" she told the man softly.
"What the fuck did you say to me?" he said squeezing her tightly, hurting her on purpose.
"Children children" she heard a snickering voice. "Play nice now" he said as his men let him pass.
The man finally let her go and she rearranged her dress. When she looked up she just saw purple. She was face to face with his shoulders and looking up, she saw the man that was standing in front of her. His scars extended in a cruel smile across his cheeks and Emily was so close that she could smell the sour smell of his war paint. His black glistening eyes were fixed on the man that was holding her before.
"Is this her?" he said, not even glancing down at her. Emily felt her legs go weak. Oh God… What if Jasper had indeed found her? And had hired the Joker-
There is no chance he knew you were going to the party. A voice in her head reassured her.
"Yes boss" he said in a deep husky voice.
"Fine" he said as he readjusted his gloves.
He grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around. Emily felt something cold against the skin at her throat.
"Now now don't be-" he began but when he saw that she didn't react, she felt him shrugged his shoulders behind her. She remained motionless with a knife at her throat as they came down to the lobby. She could smell gasoline and paint behind her and a rusty smell from his gloved hand that was near her throat.
And finally, the doors were open. Suddenly, she felt the grip around her belly tighten so unbearably that she thought her two year old stiches would open up. She gasped for air as the Joker carried her with a knife on her throat. The security guards of the building were aiming at them.
"Wow wo wow put down the woman!" one of them said.
"The police are on their way! Put down the girl and you will not get harmed"
"Last warning! Put her down!" they shouted as the group of men moved synchronized towards the exit.
"Excuse me? What?" he said and snickered as he moved. "What was that? Last warning?" he said as he carried her towards the exit. Emily heard the screeching of tires behind her and for a moment she thought it was the police.
But when she heard his men climbing inside the vehicle, she knew she was not saved.
She gasped again as his grip tightened even more, pulling her up into the van with them. And with that, the doors were closed.
He shoved her off of him in an instant and giggled loudly as he sat on one of the seats of the SUV. His men laughed as well and Emily got the chance to sit normally on one of the seats, rubbing her abdomen in pain.
"Hey boss" she heard a husky familiar voice in front of her. Looking up, she saw the man that she had 'argued' with sitting across from her. He was staring at her with a cruel smirk on his face. Emily stared at him frowning at the way he was looking at her.
"Yeahhhh?" the Joker said running a hand through his hair.
"Can I finish the job?" he said taking out a knife.
"No no no Happy. We don't want to ruin the leather on my new car now do we? We will uh, stop to drop our little guest off" he said finally looking at her with amusement in his eyes. "If you want to be the one to do that, I won't mind" he said with a giggle.
"Sure, boss" the man said and took the knife in his hands, looking at Emily. She looked back at him mesmerized at how incredibly stupid he looked and finally she looked out the tinted window.
She tried to understand where they were but she didn't know. They had left the party too hastily and she was disoriented. When her eyes shifted by chance onto the Joker, she blinked. He was staring at her now. And with an unwelcomed curiosity that she couldn't place. His dark eyes glistened in the dim lighting of the car and she tore her gaze away from him and to the man in front of her. He was still looking at her with that stupid manly smirk on his face and she couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly.
"What's your name sweetcakes?" she heard the Joker's voice. She glanced at him and then down at the floor of the car.
"Emily" she said.
"Emilyy" he sang "Do you have a last name EEmily?" he said.
"Willows" she said. The car fell silent.
"Well Emily Willows" he said with a snicker " Since you've been so helpful these past few uh, minutes of our encounter, I have a gift for you"
Emily looked at him, waiting for the punchline. When she realized he was not going to reply she just sighed and looked down at her lap.
"Hm" she heard him murmur to himself.
Finally, the car came to a sudden halt. Emily looked around only to see that they were under a dark bridge. Without warning, she heard shuffling on her right and she suddenly felt a hand wrapping around her shoulder.
"So" the clown said next to her ear "Emily. It's been a delight to meet you but, unfortunately, we have other business to attend to" he said. He suddenly grabbed her chin and turned her face towards him. She could barely see him through the darkness but she could see that he was studying her with interest. "Hm" he said again.
"Well! Until next time!" he said loudly. Emily heard a click behind her and she was suddenly falling. She hit the ground hard as the door shut above her head. She had to pull her head out of the way, as the tires screeched on the road and the car disappeared into the night.
Emily was left staring at the smoke and dust that it had created and coughed at the unpleasant scent of burned tires. She stood up dumbfounded and stared at the direction of the car before shrugging her shoulders and walking towards the city. She had to move fast. She was nearly in the Narrows.
In the car the Joker stared out the window with a smirk.
"boss?" said Happy. "You said" he said with hidden anger in his voice "That I could kill her"
The Joker grinned at him. Ever since that crazy fuck left Arkham, he thought that everyone was after him. Of course, he did his job well so he wasn't going to complain about a minor problem with his uh… mindset.
"All in good time boy. All in good time"