I know this is a very long chapter but I didn't want to divide it. let me know what you think
Emily covered her eyes in pain as the light from the camera hit her face.
"Miss Willows! How does it feel to be the sole survivor after two encounters with the Joker?" shouted one of the reporters at her as she pushed her way through them. The officer was holding her tightly by the shoulder, leading her away from those mad people.
"Do you fear he might come back?"
"Can you tell us what happened to you?"
"Were you and Tom Jeffersons engaged?"
"Do you think the Batman should had intervened?"
The officer pushed her head down, protecting it as she got in the car and closed the door. She sat back as he waved at the driver to start.
"Crazy night huh?" said the officer on the wheel. Emily didn't reply. She stared out the window at the walls that were infested with pictures of her face. It was probably Maria who informed the authorities of her disappearance. And now, she had to start all over again. It took a miracle for her to stay undercover right now. Her brother had probably heard about the young girl who got kidnapped twice by the Clown Prince of Crime. And he would sure come to the city, if he was not already here.
"You look tired" the officer said again, staring at her through the rearview mirror.
"Yeah I am" she said turning her attention to him.
"Yeah it's not easy being around here. Especially when you cross the wrong people"
Emily stayed quiet but felt a light tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach.
"Hey uh, I know this is completely inappropriate and completely unprofessional but uh, my wife just gave birth and she wants me to buy diapers for the baby. I know I am supposed to drive you straight home but if I do the store will be closed by that time. Can we like make a stop on our way there?"
Emily stared at him and her heart dropped. She nodded unconsciously, unable to understand what else she was supposed to do and waited.
"Ah thanks you are so sweet!" said the man happily.
She took in her surroundings and realized that they were in fact heading towards the area where she lived. That was comforting. Maybe this guy was telling the truth after all.
Pay attention she thought to herself wildly.
They drove for a little while longer until he took a sharp right turn and parked just outside a convenience store.
"I'll be right back" he said as he got out. Emily watched him closely behind the fence of the back seat. He got in the convenience store just as a blue car with tinted windows parked outside. She slid to the left side of the car and opened the door quietly.
Something was off.
She saw the police officer standing at the entrance of the store and talking to one of the men in the car before pointing discretely to her direction.
"Get out. Do something" she commanded herself before jumping out of the car. She ran away as fast as she could before she heard the screeching of tires.
She glanced over her shoulder for a second and saw that the car had turned around and was now coming down fast to her direction. She almost fell to the ground as she took a sharp turn and ran into a dark alley on her right. She heard the car coming to a sudden halt behind her followed by running as she crossed to the other side of the street and she let a helpless squeak of fear. She dissolved into another alley as she tried to hide herself in the shadows.
She was weak and she couldn't ran as fast as she could. She didn't know who these guys were and what they wanted but all she knew was that she was TIRED of people trying to kill her.
She found a small space behind a dumpster and she crouched down, hiding herself into darkness. She held her breath as footsteps got closer and finally, she saw three shadows running past the little shortcut in which the dumpster was.
She finally began breathing frantically as she tried to catch her breath and stood up, heading to the other end of the street. She read the sign of the small bakery across the street and realized where she was just as she was about to exit the alley.
A large shadow appeared out of nowhere, blocking her way. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked up at the monster who was staring down at her.
He was huge. A giant even. She could see his bold head glistening in the darkness as he stood tall in front of her. She backed away in shock and whirled around to get away.
"No no" said another man in front of her now. He was shorter than the beast behind her, but equally muscular. She was being surrounded.
She looked back and forth between the two men as more of them finally joint them. "You brought five men to the party?" she asked breathlessly "Are you afraid of a small little girl?" she said spitefully.
"No Miss Chiarelli" said the shorter man and she froze.
She took a step back and stared at him with wide glistening eyes. Her stomach turned and for a moment she felt as if she was going to throw up. He knew her name. Her real name. "It's just that your brother is offering us a whole lot of money to kill ya. We don't want to take any chances"
She panicked as the beast behind her picked her up and slammed her up against the wall. She squeaked in pain as his hand wrapped around her throat pulling her upwards so that her feet were dangling off the ground.
"No" she cried with difficulty as tears filled her eyes "Please"
The shorter man approached her as she struggled, his eyes observing her body with interest.
"Jerry remind me" he said to the beast. Judging by his movements and the arrogance that radiated from him, it seemed like he was the leader of the gang "Did Mr. Chiarelli say anything about how to kill her?" he questioned with fake enquiry.
"No" said the beast as he stared at her. His voice was unnaturally low as he spoke, as if he wasn't even human. She opened her mouth in a desperate attempt to get some more oxygen inside her lungs.
"No…" said the leader as he licked his lips "Come on Jerry, that's no way to treat a lady. Let her down" the beast gave her a wicked smile and released her.
She gasped and coughed as she collapsed to the ground before scrambling away in an attempt to escape under their feet.
"Sorry boss" he said and it was as if the whole ground shook by the depth of his voice "She's got a pretty little face"
"Yeah she's- No no" said the leader as he noticed her crawling on the ground before kicking her hard in the stomach. "Jerry, let me show you how you treat a lady" he said before grabbing her by the hips.
"NO! NO!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, trying desperately to avoid what was about to happen "NO!" she screamed again as if her voice could break glass before she felt two strong arms lifting her up from under the arms. The beast held her waist into position as the man worked on the zipper of her pants. There was laughing from the rest of them as two grabbed her feet and removed her boots in two swift movement. She screamed and kicked frantically, which only made him more turned on as he finally managed to move her pants past her knees. He removed them despite her frantic uncoordinated attempts to get him off of her and looked down at her underwear before working his own zipper down.
"NO! please! NO!" she screamed and cried as two men held her legs open, before a hand cover her mouth tightly. The fifth one was now above her head and was directing a punch to her direction.
"Not, the face" roared the giant above her and the man stopped midair. He lowered his fist but stared down to her amused. She looked up at the night sky, avoiding the hungry look of the beast above her. She felt his hands on her hips as he grabbed her, pushing her underwear aside. She closed her eyes and sobbed, bracing herself.
And then she was on the ground. She gasped and opened her eyes. She saw the beast from where she was lying, with a face of utter shock and surprise. There was something coming out of his throat accompanied by a gagging sound. She rolled to the side as he collapsed on his knees and finally he dropped dead next to her feet. Emily looked to the side and was met with a familiar pair of brown shoes. Her eyes traveled up to the man with the bloody knife in his hands and she almost screamed with relief at his sight.
"Who the fuck are you?" said the leader of the gang as he closed his zipper hastily.
"Now boys ah" the Joker began "I know you people are new in town so uh, let set some ground rules" he said before shooting one of the gang members down. They all started to take out their guns before three sets of blades were on their throats, pushing them backwards. Emily grabbed the Joker's leg and crawled towards him,. He didn't move. She looked back at the men with the knives that had disarmed the gang when a familiar face gave her a slight nod.
"Hey darling" the angel man said and she stared back at him dumbfounded.
"Gentlemen I want you to know that I will not take much of your time. The rules as simple and they are three" the Joker began clapping his hands. "Nuuuummmmber one. One might assume I am crazy, but I am not a pervert. This town is above all the uh, sexual tension that you boys might have in your uh…village. Every man that rapes in my city, is a dead man." And with that, one of his goons, slid the throat of the man he was holding.
"Number two, I am more font of explosives and knives than any other form of uh, violence. Running after a little girl without any form of weaponry expect these" he said showing his gun "doesn't meet my expectations" he said and with that, another man went down. "And number three" he said quietly crooking his head to the side. He looked at the half naked man in front of him. He pointed the gun at him and was ready to fire when the man spoke.
"Wait! Wait! You don't understand! If you kill me, the whole city of Detroit is gonna come after ya" he said as the angel man behind him pulled him back, cutting into his skin.
"Nono Makie. Let the little boy finish" he said with a grin. She brought her feet closer to cover her exposed body and pressed her back on his legs as she stared at the man dead on. She was pleading him with her eyes. Threatening him even. She knew there was no point to it but leaving a secret so long held to be spilled like that was just out of the table.
"Look, the man who paid us to finish her, gave us a lot of money to do so" he began. She snarled in frustration and fear and was about to say something, when she felt a hand reaching down to touch the top of her head. She looked up and saw that he was focused on the man and paid her no attention as his fingers played with the top part of her hair. She knew he was telling her to shut up but that made her even angrier. She felt as if she was petted like a dog by the way she was crouched up against him but she didn't dare move.
"But that's not just it. Even if you kill me tonight, more will come. They will never stop coming, until she is dead"
"Mm" the Joker simply said as he looked down at her with an interested smirk on his face. She held his gaze pleadingly but he went on. "And why is it that uh, everyone is after this little uh, pain in the ass?"
The man stared back and forth between them for a moment before giving him a blank stare. "Come on man! Don't you know who she is?"
The Joker remained quiet and she felt the energy of his fingers shifting as he petted her.
"Scarlett Chiarelli? Augustus Chiarelli's daughter?"
The fingers on her head stilled. She held her breath and felt his eyes burning down on her like acid. She didn't know if he knew the name or not but she was not very font of that reaction.
"Chiare-llllli" he sang and giggled "Is that Italian?" he joked as he looked down at her and she jerked her head away from his touch.
"Hmm. Doesn't ring a bell" the Joker said as he lifted the gun towards the man.
"Wait! Fuck! Augustus Chiarelli was the leader of one of the greatest crime families in history in Detroit. That was until his precious daughter murdered him in cold blood by planting a bullet between his eyes" he said looking down at the girl.
"WHAT!?" she shrieked in surprise.
"What?" the Joker laughed manically.
"Since then, she fled the city and all the allies of the Chiarelli family swore an oath to find her and kill her"
"I did NOT kill my father!" she roared.
"Your brother gave us all the evidence and fingerprints from the scene of the crime. And also showed us the scar you gave him when you almost stabbed him to death before leaving the house!" he said accusingly.
She opened her mouth in shock and began chuckling to herself. She covered her eyes with her hands as the laughter grew louder.
"I can't believe this" she said grabbing her hair in utter disbelief. " I'm being pranked" she said as she kept laughing but tears were rolling down her eyes.
"If you kill me, you will only make yourself the target of the whole circuit of mob families in Detroit. And believe me, they will come for you. There are two men waiting for us in the car. They will find out what happened here and they will rain down on you like Armageddon" the man went on "but, if you let me go and give her to me, nobody will bother you again. Ever. You will be free to rule your city with no distractions from us" he said.
"Hm.." he simply said, crooking his head to the side. She felt his foot tapping on the ground impatiently before he spoke.
"You see" he said quickly licking his scars "There's really not much to be said here. Your uh offer is completely logical. After all, business is business" she looked up at him shocked as he went on "I guess I should just hand her over then and uh, everything will be fine. Right boys?" he asked his men with a grin.
They all laughed, obviously at an inside joke and the man watched them uncomfortably. She felt his leg, pushing her hard which only made her lose her balance and fall down on the ground face first.
"There you go" he told the man indicating the half-naked body in front of him "All yours" he said playfully.
Mak let him go with a hidden smirk on his face as the man stumbled forward. She stared up at him and recoiled in fear.
"J" she pleaded in disbelief. He couldn't just let them have her like that. Even if he had decided he didn't want her there anymore, she didn't believe he would let someone else have her.
"Off you go" he said to the man dismissively, ignoring her completely.
She felt her heart shuttering by his tone. She really did mean nothing to him. All that time locked away in that room, she had tried to make excuses for him. She was trying to figure it out and it all boiled down to the fact that maybe he had grown bored of their little exchanges. But the fact that after all that time she was still alive forbid her from believing she meant nothing. Until now.
The man stared at the Joker for a moment with hesitation. Then, he reached down and grabbed her by the arm pulling her up with him. She struggled with force, pulling her whole weight downwards so that he couldn't lift her up.
"Let's go boys!" said the Joker with an unexplained grin on his face as his men lowered their weapons and walked out of the alley. Some of them looked back at the man with an amused smirk before heading towards the street.
"Stop it" the man growled at her through clenched teeth.
"Fuck you!" she screeched and spat on his face. The man closed his eyes and gasped disgusted.
"You piece of-"
"Oh!" a voice interrupted his oncoming punch. The Joker turned towards them just as he was leaving "Almost forgot" he said with a smile. He danced back to them and she tried to get out of the man's grip. He twisted her wrist to stop her from moving and she shrieked in pain before falling down on the ground.
The Joker giggled darkly "I haven't told you all my rules yet. Since you'll get back to your employees, it would be nice to uh let them know how things roll in my city dotcha think?" he said and licked his scars.
"Yeah…uh…sure" the man hesitated, obviously thinking that this clown was crazy.
"Ok so where was I where was I…" he mumbled to himself "Number one rape… number two.. the knife thing…number three… Oh! Right!" he barked suddenly. He took out a gun and without warning shot the standing man in front of him in the dick.
He screamed in pain and fell on his knees, holding his area with both his hands. She backed away and glued herself on the wall, her attention swiftly captured by the laughing men behind the Joker. He moved forward, slowly, nodding to himself and licked his scars. He leaned down and brought his face in front of the screaming man's "Ya see I'm a pretty possessive guy. I don't like people messing with my stuff. Especially when they want to break them" the man was crying as excruciating shrieks and curses left his mouth. "So uh… to sum it up. Nobody touches my things" he said spitefully before grabbing the man by the hair and slit his throat slowly. He laughed manically with the dying man still conscious in his grasp, before letting him drop to the ground. He suddenly grew serious as he spoke.
"Clean this up" he told his men "Put them in a nice display. I'm thinking… something uh.. extravagant for this one" he said as he finally turned his attention to her. She was sobbing quietly when he picked her up in his arms, carrying her out of the alley. All those thoughts that made her disgusted of him only seconds ago had now dissolved into thin air as his strong arms touched her body, securing her in an iron grip where she, and only she, felt safe in. She involuntarily wrapped her arms around his neck and cried hard in his shoulder as he spoke.
"Can't leave you alone for five minutes" he murmured to himself "You have to get into trouble don't ya you little shit" he comforted her teasingly as she cried. It seemed to her that it was the closest to apology she would get from him and she was fine with that. She completely pushed aside the realization that those were the most words he had spoken to her in the last two weeks. She didn't care. He'd come back. He'd picked her. She didn't know how he had found her or why he had followed her or maybe he saw the incident out of pure luck and decided to help. All that mattered was that he was here.
He put her down and opened the back door of the van before pushing her inside gently. He jumped next to her and pulled the door shut.
"Shall I leave boss?" said the driver and she jumped in surprise.
"Nah wait for them this time. They did well" he said before grabbing her exposed legs and pulling them up into his lap. "Hey" he whispered forcefully as he grabbed her chin. The tears were still streaming down her face and she avoided his gaze in embarrassment "Hey. Look at me" he said "You're ok. You're ok" he said, rubbing a gloved hand on her thigh as he spoke.
"You found me" she whispered through sobs burying her face in the crook of his neck. The Joker caressed her hair and leaned down, placing a soft kiss next to her ear.
"And you lied to me" he whispered back with hidden rage. She froze in his arms but didn't dare to move as the door slid open and his goons got in.
She felt the car moving and she buried her face deeper in his shoulder. For one, she could feel the curious glances of his goons as she almost sat on his lap like a little child and two, she just couldn't face him in the eyes.
She could feel his body rumbling quietly as he hummed to himself without a care in the world, oblivious to the fact that a whole city was about to come for him. He pushed her away gently as the van came to a halt and his men jumped out of the car without a word.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and almost carried her towards a seedy looking building. The way he was holding her reminded her of the times they walked together either to her apartment or at their little date night and she came to realize that he was about to play some sort of game with her again. She was exhausted, humiliated and half naked so his plans didn't seem very appealing to her at the moment.
They got in the building and locked the door behind them as most of his men sat down on a couch in the middle of a dark room. He led her upstairs quickly, finally releasing her and letting her walk normally. She followed him wordlessly, watching how his curls dance at the back of his head with every step he took. She wouldn't lie if she said that she was scared. Well, nervous would be more appropriate. To her, it seemed like they had a fucktone to discuss and she didn't know if he would reciprocate the need for the clarification of some teeny-tiny issues.
They finally reached the third floor and he opened a door for her. She stood frozen with wide eyes before as he waited for her to get in.
"No" she frowned with awe.
"Don't, push it" he sighed.
"What are you gonna leave me there for another two weeks? No thanks" she said stubbornly stepping back and crossing her arms.
"I am not going to just leave you here now will you please drop the spoiled little bimbo attitude and get in? it doesn't suit ya" he said calmly but there was an edge to his tone.
She stared at him determinately as his eyes burnt in hers. He finally threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
"Fine!" he said sharply taking something out from his pocket and tossing it to her. "There, now you have the key. You can lock me inside if you want" he said and got in the room, leaving her to stand there in the middle of the empty floor alone. She squeezed the key in her hand with doubt when finally she followed him. She looked around at the well preserved warm room with curiosity. It was so much better than the last place he had taken her and she couldn't help herself but compare the two. He took off his coat and tossed it on the chair of his desk before turning to her with a huge grin on his face. He clapped his hands once and approached her with stalk like footsteps. She stayed calm and rolled her eyes, expecting the annoying and provocative remarks that were about to follow. He circled around her and pushed the door shut before sniffing her hair as he moved behind her.
"Sooo" he said getting in her face. He was towering over her with dominants with a grin that spread from ear to ear. "Scarrrrlett" he sang "You are truly full of surprises aren't you" he narrowed his eyes and shook his head "I should have seen it sooner" he said almost to himself.
"Of course… Now it makes sense. You didn't scream and shout when I took you the first time, you knew how to use a gun, you were ready to DIE rather than give up your secret, you know how to fight judging by how you beat up your friend's boyfriend" she opened her mouth shocked as if to say something but he went on "yeah… I can see it now. You have mob blood in you" he purred running his gloved finger on her arm. "And now, I find out you not only lied to me about who you are, you also pretended to be this scared little mouse all the time when in actuality, you killed your own father" he giggled. "I gotta say doll this is" he paused for a moment as if unsure of what he wanted to say "well actually this is kinda turning me on"
"I didn't kill my father!" she shouted and moved away. She paced up and down the room angrily "My brother did! And now he is blaming me for the whole thing!"
He grabbed her arm gently and moved her in front of him "Now you see, I know you feel nice that you didn't get raped tonight and that's just uh, amazing for ya but uh, I'm standing on a very thin line here. I would advise you not to move or lie to me again if you want to keep your throat intact" he said forcefully with a grin on his face that didn't really make it up to his eyes.
She lowered her eyes with sudden melancholy and sighed as she stood still. She looked down at his vest unable to hold back the words that formed in her head "I don't like it when you threaten me like that" she whispered and felt her shoulders tense up.
To her surprise, he remained quiet and she looked up, half expecting him to be looking down at her mockingly. He was not. He was frowning as her eyes met his momentarily and, unable to hold the weight of his stare, she diverted them to the side.
"Look" she began slowly "I know I lied to you. And you have every right to be mad at me. But I didn't know you all that well ok? I mean, for all I knew you would just hand me over to them and be rich beyond imagination. I don't know" she said feeling the lump in her throat swelling.
"You think I would… hand over my toys just for…money?" he said almost offended. She looked up at him then and he was serious. Not just serious for the sake of some sort of game but actually serious. he was looking down at her, expecting a reply from her.
"I mean" she gulped "You had no problem locking your toy up for two weeks without an explanation after fucking it so I don't see your point"
He threw his head back then and laughed as his hands traveled up to her shoulders and squeezed a little too tight "Mmm… Yeah…we have that little pickle" he purred almost to himself.
"You see" he began tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. His gloved hand traveled from her cheek to the side of her neck with slow, soft movements. But his voice didn't match his tenderness "after I woke up that morning, I wanted to kill you" he smirked as he let his hand wrap around her waist. She pushed on his chest momentarily and turned her head to the side achieving only to give him better access to her neck "So badly… and even the days that followed, I would come up to the room, determine to shut those pretty green eyes once and for all" he purred with a dangerous edge in his voice as he ran his painted nose on her exposed neck. She heard him taking a deep breath before moving on "I was even trying to find ways to uh, make you part of my plans so your death would make for a greater spectacle" he said caressing his scarred cheek on hers "but, after a while I just couldn't do it"
She was very cautious. It seemed to her like he was playing a game. And he was making up the rules. She wanted to surrender to him completely, to give in and let him fuck her to death by the way his arms held her securely to him and his breath tickled her ear. But his voice didn't match the emotion he was giving her.
"You got to me" he whispered seductively "and I hated it… it made me very, very angry" he added in a low growl.
She gulped feeling her throat dry. Suddenly, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him "I mean, why else would you still be alive?" he snarled "You kept pushing and pushing me. And what did I do instead of spilling your guts to the floor? I brought you to my place?" he said almost to himself. He licked his scars as he looked down at her amused "I mean, what did you think was gonna happen huh? Getting your head involved with an obsessed man like myself?" he said with a dark laugh and she tried to connect the pieces in order to follow his train of thoughts. She wasn't sure if he was talking to her or to himself.
"And even now" he continued finally releasing her chin in a 180 degrees change of mood. He lowered his head to her neck and traced it with his tongue. She had to bite her lip to hold back the sigh that had formed in her throat "I find out you lied to me, I made all these mental notes in my head to break your ribs when we got here and now" he said as his hands moved downward to her exposed backside "All I can think about is the fact that you're not wearing any pants"
She wasn't sure if it was a threat or not anymore. This was so confusing. If it was meant to be some sort of confession of his feelings for her he was doing it in the most weird disturbing way in existence.
"I'm sorry" she closed her eyes and he stopped. He looked up at her releasing her from his spell and smiled with curiosity.
"For what?" he said sucking on the inner part of his scars.
"For lying. I was scared I'm sorry" she began avoiding his gaze. It was too surreal. If the man in front of her was not wearing a purple suit and clown makeup, they looked like a couple that held each other tightly in the night. "I wanted to tell you as soon as you let me out of the car but I chickened out. And it didn't seem like it would make much of a difference anyway"
"What do you mean?" he asked seriously, dropping the teasing and menacing character he had adopted a minute ago.
"I mean, you wouldn't even look at me. You just…let me go. Just like that" she said almost accusingly. She didn't want to push him but he was the one that asked about it.
He remained quiet and she went on to cover the emptiness that filled the room "Anyway…I'm sorry. For lying and getting you in all this mess now and… ugh" she sighed.
He giggled then and pulled her even closer, grabbing her by the hair "Oh doll…don't flatter yourself. You didn't get me into this mess. I got in myself thank you very much" he replied as if she had just insulted him "After all, if anyone is going to kill you, that's gonna be me"
The last statement, made her eyes shoot up at him. She held his dark eyes with hers as she saw just a little flame of light flying through them. She couldn't help but throw him a very faint ghost smile and to her surprise, she saw the right part of his mouth twitching upwards.
She pressed her lips on his involuntarily and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close to her. He didn't push her back this time but instead, she felt his arms tighten even more around her waist as he gave into her.
That's what it felt like. He had given up. One might say she had won. She smiled at the thought and lifted herself on her toes to get better access in his mouth. He seemed to notice her little smirk when he bit her lower lip hard, almost drawing blood and she yelped in pain.
He kissed her harder then, the rusty taste of her blood shared between them as he pushed her backwards until she hit a wall. She moaned with anticipation in his mouth as his hands traveled to her backside and squeezed her exposed flesh.
He pulled back and let her inhale a sharp breath as he attacked her neck with his mouth. She closed her eyes and played with the ends of his hair oh his neck when an approving growling moan left his throat. He pushed his already enlarged member onto her and she pushed her hips forwards grinding against it in return. His gloved hands traveled up her body and under her shirt, lifting it up over her head and tossed it to the floor. His touch was so much more softer than last time and she couldn't help but smile inwardly at the realization. Of course that didn't mean she was not satisfied with his performance the last time they were like this, just that she enjoyed the fact that he gave her something that felt private. She somehow knew that if she dared to talk about this to someone outside this room, she wouldn't live to see another day.
It was all just for her. Maybe not the way she really wanted it to be but it was good enough for now. And judging by the man that was currently removing her bra, this was far beyond his capabilities.
She pulled him close by his tie and crushed her lips on his as she began undoing it. She breathed him in as he returned her urgent kiss and his hands squeezed on her breasts softly. It was satisfying feeling the leather of his gloves onto her even if she knew that just some time ago, he had killed a man wearing them.
But he had killed him for her. For a moment, she felt that the thought was twisted and disgusting and in actuality one might assume it was. But she didn't care. All she cared about were his fingers that had travelled down between her legs.
She moaned as he rubbed her clit tenderly and felt her legs buckle underneath her as she pushed her hips forward. She unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his lean strong chest before he took it off himself, momentarily breaking their contact. He slipped her panties off of her and they fell softly to the floor as he covered her lips with his.
Now it was her turn. She attacked him with wet kisses on the neck, feeling the extreme warmth of his body as he put his hands on each side of her on the wall. He was letting her take control. She continued sucking on his skin as her fingers traveled down his chest and to his trousers. She smiled up at him a wicked smile and he crooked his head to the side taken aback.
"Got a pretty little smile there dollface" he said breathlessly "Never seen it on you this way before ah…" he began saying as she ran a hand on his manhood. He leaned on her shoulder and licked her skin as her hands unzipped his pants and grabbed him tenderly.
He bit down on her skin then with a throaty moan, which she only assumed meant that she was doing something right. His bite wasn't painful and she found herself somewhat enjoying this new found reaction from him.
She took his erection in her hands and stroked it slowly before she felt his body relax against her yet his muscles where painfully flexed under his skin. When she saw that he was disoriented, she whirled him around and pushed him hard against the wall, taking him off guard.
"Careful doll" he said squeezing her ass and slamming her body on his. His eyes burnt into hers "I can play rough too"
She gave him an amused smirk before getting down on her knees, pulling his pants and boxers down with her. She began working her magic on him and he groaned in satisfaction as he let his head fall back on the wall.
She felt a hand on her hair pulling her back and he was suddenly on top of her, pinning her down on the floor with excess force.
"Minx" he said before he entered her leaving her breathless for a moment. She wrapped her legs around him with a sigh as he moved and brought her hips up to meet his.
"Fuck" she whispered almost to herself throwing her head back. Her shoulder blades were hurting by the friction on the floor but the heat between her legs made her forget about it pretty fast.
He lifted her up suddenly and forced her to follow, making her straddle him as he moved inside her. she dug her nails on his back and he moaned loudly before grabbing her by the hair and pulling her face close to his.
"Harder" he snarled quietly. She blinked somewhat confused.
"I don't want to hurt you" she whispered. He squeezed his gloved hand that was entangled in her hair and pushed downwards, exposing her bare neck. She shrieked in pain for a moment.
"Harder" he repeated as he continued moving. She dug her nails even deeper in his flesh unsure if that was what he truly wanted or he was showing off his power again.
"Like that" he whispered hastily to himself as he moved even harder inside her, forcing repeated moans from her. She turned her head to the side in pain and he, to her surprise, let go of her hair and let her head fall on his shoulder. His hands were roaming her back as she moaned in pleasure before feeling herself bursting powerfully. She grabbed onto him for dear life as he moved with her forehead pinned down on his shoulder.
Her breath came out in short shaky doses as her muscles relaxed, still feeling the heat from the power of her orgasm. She heard him snicker to himself and when she looked up at him, his eyes had a brown color that mixed unusually with his dark gaze.
She gathered the remaining of her strength and pushed him down hard, forcing him to lie on his back. She sat on top of him, legs on each side of his hips before she started moving.
"Now now.." he said before grabbing her waist painfully and rolling her around. She screamed in surprise as he was now on top of her "Let's not push it too much" he said and kissed her hard. He had indeed given her too much freedom tonight for his standards and she felt proud of herself for finally reaching a limit with him. She was figuring him out somehow.
He pushed up with his hands and crooked his head to the side as his painted smeared face looked down at her lustfully. He began pounding inside her with extreme force and she squeezed her eyes in painful pleasure. It should have been agonizing. But she didn't know what had gotten into her today to make her want him to hurt her so much.
She closed her eyes as moans left her throat and grabbed his shoulder to ensure some sort of contact between them. Finally, he let out a couple of deep groans before collapsing on top of her with a shaking body. He stayed there, panting breathlessly and sighing with ecstasy as the wave still radiated in his flesh.
Finally, he moved to the side and lied down next to her with closed eyes, still panting. She turned her head to look at him as a familiar scene came to mind. What if he didn't talk to her from now on? She couldn't go through it again. Maybe he had his own mood swings but why did she have to deal with them every time he wasn't sure if he wanted her here or not?
Her heart jerked as he moved sitting up on his elbows. But instead of leaving her alone, he grabbed his coat from the chair of his desk and pulled it down. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, placing her arm forcefully on his chest. There were of course much gentler ways to imply that he wanted her to cuddle with him but he was not the type to ask. She moved closer in understanding as he covered their bodies with his purple heavy coat. She stayed like that, head on his chest unsure of the situation they were in. it felt somehow as if what they were doing was too much. Too sweet. Too kind. For her, it was fine. But she didn't know how long it would take for him to get over it and get bored. Maybe the next time, she would ask him to kill her instead.
She opened her eyes, not realizing that she had drifted off to sleep for a while. He was playing with her hair, one arm behind his head. She shifted to get herself closer to him as the coldness of the floor started to make her uncomfortable.
"So is it Italian?" he asked suddenly. She looked up at him and he was staring at the ceiling distractingly.
"Your name sweetness" he asked then looking at her. His eyes seemed completely relaxed and for a moment she felt completely safe to talk to him freely.
"Yes" she admitted "My dad was Italian"
"Augustus" he said with an Italian accent.
She lied back down on his chest and sighed heavily.
"So how did you kill him?"
"I told you, I didn't" she said slowly. Before he could react she lifted her head "I'm not lying" she said sharply just as he was about to say something. He smirked at her and licked his scars.
"Fine" he said controlling his laughter "Then what happened to make you hide away like a rat?"
She rested her chin on his chest and thought for a moment before he sighed underneath her.
"Seriously doll I am quite cryptic myself but I think you're overdoing it here. The cat's out of the bag just tell me" he said frustrated.
She shook her head but began talking "It was my brother. Jasper" she said. When he didn't reply she continued "He's the one that killed him and apparently he blames me for the whole thing"
"And uh, do you have proof?" he asked.
"No" she lowered her eyes "I uh…" she sighed and rolled off of him unable to do this conversation like that. She lied on her back and stared at the ceiling in an attempt to ease how uncomfortable she felt.
"I was coming home from a bar when I found my dad with a bullet between his eyes. He was in his study and he was lying lifeless on his papers with blood dripping down his pants" she said as if trying to solve a puzzle "you know, I didn't scream or something. I think I was too shocked to do that. It's just that…something fell off about the room" she knew he was listening even if he wasn't replying. He was waiting for something. "I went closer and the blood was not dry yet. It was as if he had just been shot. So whoever was in there had a silencer. After that I don't remember many things. I think I collapsed but…when I replayed it in my head, I realized that whoever had done it was still in the house. There were no windows open in his office, I came in through the front door, so there were not many people left.
"When I tried to explain to my brother that our father had been murdered by someone on the inside, he didn't believe me. He said that the men had pledged their lives to the protection of our family and that nobody would disrespect us in such way. I tried to explain it to him but he wouldn't hear it. Not even for a second" she stopped and closed her eyes at the memories.
"That's uh, sad sweetness but doesn't really proof your brother did it" he said after a moment.
"That's what I thought" she continued. "You see at that point I had not even considered the possibility that our dad was murdered by Jasper. Until I was cleaning my dad's office after his death. I found this notepad he had with the golden edges and wanted to keep it. He was old school you see and he loved writing and communicating with letters. He said it made him feel like a gentleman. Of course half of it was so that he would be untraceable by the police but… anyway… he love that kind of notepads. Every time he ran out he would buy a new one with the same decorations. And I noticed that I could make out the outline of something written on a page that had been torn. You know when you write something with pressure and then it can been seen in the next page? So I was just curious… about what my father had been up to before he died. And uh… I took a pencil and.." she sighed "It was a letter to his lawyer, saying that in case of his death he wanted me to take the lead to his company"
The Joker looked at her with a frown and amusement before shaking his head "Nah sorry can't see it"
She rolled her eyes and went on "Yeah it didn't make sense. I had never been involved in that kind of stuff I just wanted to play music you know? So declaring me the head of the family in case of his death was just… out of the blue"
"And your brother found out?" he completed. She nodded hesitantly pursing her lips.
"Yeap" she said swiftly to hide the upcoming sobs from her voice. She cleared her throat and went on "He was adopted you see, and my father didn't think he could inspire the necessary respect out of the town if he didn't have his blood. So, he killed him. The letter never reached my father's lawyer and my brother became the head of the family. I went to the police with the evidence but they wouldn't even listen to me. They were already paid off. And when he found out that someone else had read the letter other than me, he tried to kill me" she said coldly. She stayed quiet and bit her lip in anger and sorrow. She felt a finger on her smiley face scar before he spoke.
"Well uh, you can't even see it now" he said. She turned towards him and he was staring at her almost softly. She lowered her eyes and shook her head with humorless irony in her tone.
"and now… the whole fucking city is after me. And you by the way" she said glancing towards him. "Only because I was a big fucking idiot with rebellious STUPID ideas" she said clenching her teeth.
"Huh?" he said rolling on his side so that he was staring down at her. "Rebellious?" he said in disbelief.
"As fake as it sounds, yes I was quite rebellious back then. As a mobster's daughter you didn't just get to go out and have fun like other people did. You were always escorted or watched or whatever bullshit they decided to spray on you. And I.. just didn't quite like that that's all" she said proudly.
He smirked down at her with interest "So what did you do?" he asked.
"Well let's say I was… very good at sneaking out and you know.. getting into fights and… breaking things and…doing .. pot..Look! it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I gave everyone a reason to believe that I had killed him. I already fitted the profile of a rebellious aggressive junky teenager who disagreed with her father's ways so it made everything so much more believable. "
He threw his head back laughing and still staring at her. He finally rolled off of her and dropped to the floor in a fit of laughter. She stared at him dumbfounded in an attempt to understand what was so funny.
"Oh my my" he said after a while still laughing "I'm sorry I hah!" he continued laughing. She was getting angry now. "I'm sorry doll" he finally said "I mean…I always knew you used to have fun but ah, it's just that 'junky' got to me. I really can't see it"
She rose on her elbow and frowned down at him.
"What? You think I can't be tough? You think you have the monopoly on badass..ness?" she said hesitantly.
He wet his lips with a grin and lifted himself on the elbow as well "Well I'm sorry doll but uh, you are kinda…. Vanilla" he said. She stared at him for a moment, every trace of humor gone from her face.
"Vanilla" she repeated coldly. She was offended by that but didn't understand why.
He stared at her as his grin turned from playful to perceptive "Ahhh…" he finally said caressing her hair that fell smoothly on her back "You don't want to be called that? What's the matter doll? Do you feel like you need more? To be more like uh.." he gave her a quick kiss on the nose "me?"
She pulled back "What the hell are you talking about? I don't want to be like you! You're-" she began and paused when she saw the sudden darkness that threatened to enter his eyes. She raised her eyebrows innocently "One of a kind"
"Mmm" he murmured quietly as he relaxed "And you don't want to be one of a kind?" he asked quietly, observing her now.
"Well… yeah I guess everyone does-"
"Let's put this in a different way cause you're not really getting it" he interrupted her. "In a matter of weeks, the city will be filled with your friends. A loot of people will die Scarlett.. a loot of people" he grinned. The sound of her name on his lips seemed so unnatural to her still. "Are you willing to drop back to that uh, rebellious character you claim you have to help those people? To help yourself? After all, you are the one that got us in this mess"
She widened her eyes in shock at his words "but you said-"
"I said that I got myself into the mess. But you were the one that lied to me in the first place. If you had told me the truth, then maybe we would be able to figure something out beforehand"
"Oh please, you said you were debating on whether or not you were going to kill me. And now you're saying you would have helped me?"
"Ah" he clicked his tongue disappointed "I thought you paid attention doll. I told you. if anyone is going to kill you, that's gonna be me"
She stayed quiet then for a moment thinking to herself "I don't think smoking pot and breaking cop cars will help in this situation" she hesitated. He grinned then, catching on her silent agreement. He grabbed her waist and rolled her down, positioning himself on top of her. She felt her cheeks blushing by the way he was looking down at her as he entered her.
She sighed and lifted her hips up to meet him. He was up on his palms and was moving slowly inside her, as if to torture her as he spoke.
"What is it you need?" he said seductively.
She opened her eyes as she ran a hand on his forearm "I will need ah..training" she managed to say.
"You will have to learn how to use a gun properly. And your fists. I know you're good with those"
She moaned and nodded as he spoke. He slowed down the pace and she looked up at him in disappointment.
"You need to work for me" he suddenly said and her eyes went wide.
"What!? Ah fuck!" she yelped as he gave her a quick thrust to shut her up.
"It's the only way you'll learn these stuff. I will take you with me… with the rest of them until you learn…" he said talking to himself. His eyes grew darker and more sinister as he looked down at her "Yeah.." he said thinking to himself as he moved.
She closed her eyes in pleasure when, once more, he slowed down.
"So do we have an agreement?" he said softly. She looked up at him and after a moment, she nodded. He grabbed her chin and pulled it up towards him.
"Say it" he snarled as he was completely still now.
She looked up at him uncertainly. She knew she was doing something stupid. But at the same time she didn't have a choice.
"I'll work for you" she said after a while and he let her head fall to the floor. She felt his hand on her hip and when she looked up, the light had returned to his face.
"Anything else you need?" he said quietly.
She sighed heavily. She was scared and he knew it. Maybe he even wanted her to be. She didn't know if she had made the right choice but it was the only one she had. She couldn't stay here and do nothing, neither move to another city and start over, waiting for her life to be exposed again. And where would she go? The bare thought of going anywhere else than under him in that moment scared her. and the fact that it did, frightened her even more. Finally, she dropped the thoughts aside for now and promised to deal with them tomorrow.
She gave him a weak smile and pulled him down to her, kissing him hard, "I need you to fuck me"
And with that the conversation was over.