Earth, one of Jurai colonized planet where the humans repopulated due to Jurai assistance /after/ the 3rd impact occured. The people of the Lilin are no more, but at the very least the lilin of other planets older, namely that of Jurai were happy to repopulate or restart the whole process again. There is happiness all around with a process not yet revealed. Rei never existed because Yui Ikari never died. Gendo becomes awkward, if loving father because his most important person is alive and he's not plotting the end of the world to reunite.

Asuke is in Germany with a loving mother and a surpassingly [not] absent father. But she's happy and not in the army so thats a plus. Angels were destroyed and the original Lilith as well of earth. But... never mind.

Rei , a reminder of the last world process is gone forever, or not. Perhaps she's watching all of this with a impassive eye, taking in her love ones happiness. Keisuke and our 1...2nd...3rd favorite side character Toji never met because Nerv did not exist to gather children with potential together in one area. Thats a friendship lost, but with a decent enough world, who's complaining?

The school bell signals the end of class, and it will be hours before the sun sets. yet Toji is sitting , being very visibly bored with everything. At fourteen years of age you expect him to be busy with afterschool work, girls, and chasing space pirates [no wait wrong Misaki].

Toji is very much the same, a wonderful younger sister that goes oversees with his dad a lot more than he does. Though the reason is unknown to him, Toji ... well, he feels a bit left out out of the family. With their mother dead, the siblings had thought it would be them, their grand father and single father. But no, it seems that in most days, it felt like Toji was by himself. His grand father seems more keen on training tenchi with sword play, something that toji thought was dumb [cool] as hell. Mostly because this was a modern century, nobody did swordplay unless they did it professionally on sports [ie fencing]. Its not like he was /jealous/ or anything of his older by a year cousin.

He's not.

Anyways, Koji is very much someone who wants to be doing something out there, but this year he didn't make the cut for the baseball team in their local school, so he has a lot of free time after class now. Its not even something he likes to think about, being not good enough compared to the other people in his family. He doesn't think about it at all.

"Hey um...Toji?"

Ah, there is Tenchi. His cousin, his... say source of jealousy, even though he will deny it to his grave. After all What Misaki can claim to be jealous? Its not anyone of them is special!

"Yeah cuz? there a problem? One of your classsmates go too far with the jokes?"

Being the grandchildren of a priest, tends to go nasty when in school. Because with the rise of science, it seems that faith is decreasing, not that Toji cared or anything about faith. He's all for it.

"No! Its just that class is done for the day, and we should really go."

"I'll take the later train. You got to head back to the temple, you know how grandpa gets when your late for training."

Its not like actually knows, since grandpa tends to keep quiet about what he's doing with tenchi over there. And he often feels unwelcome over there. He just feels it. He has nothing to prove it with but still.

"Ya...see you later then."

"See ya."