Chapter 24- Contacting Natasha
Willow rocked Andrew in her arms and silently prayed that Michael got her parents to safety… if only she and Andrew could find a way out too. She couldn't even fathom that she had just married her rapist. But was it even a real marriage in New York, the United States, or in the eyes of God? Polygamy was illegal in the U.S. and she was sure her grandmother would have made it unlawful on Spoon Island… except this clearly wasn't Spoon Island anymore. It was Marchesi Island now as Diane stated numerous times as she married Matteo to everyone.
As Matteo's family arrived, they all shook his hand including Angelica. Matteo pointed to each of his wives and concubines beaming proudly.
Alessandro patted him on the back. "Who would have guessed you'd be good for something. But only three kids? You've only matched me. Unless you count Nelle and that would be four. But she was a huge disappointment."
"I will have six children, at least," Matteo said. "All boys. Girls are a disgrace."
Angelica rolled her eyes, and Willow looked over and saw Harmony frown.
Alessandro slapped his other son, who looked to be Scout's age, at the back of his head. "You can learn something from your brother, Thadeo. Violence is what gets you places in this world. Take charge of what you want and knock over anyone in the process, even if they're not in your way."
Matteo announced that he'd be sharing his first dance with Charlotte and that it was the rest of his wives' fault for delaying it because it had to be at the reception for all to see. Matteo's mother Dior played the violin as Matteo and Charlotte began to dance. Charlotte acted as though she were on autopilot. She just stared out in space, wouldn't look directly at Matteo, and didn't smile once. Matteo, however, smirked the entire time.
Willow and the other wives and concubines were very quiet and wouldn't move from their seats, all probably too afraid too just like Willow. When Matteo and his family started having brunch, no food was offered to the wives and concubines except Charlotte who was seated right next to Matteo at a long table.
Andrew started to get fussy for his next feeding. Willow tried to calm him down, afraid of how Matteo would react if he found out she was still breastfeeding and wasn't planning to stop until the age of weaning. But as Matteo tried to talk to his cousins, he kept glaring over at Willow and the baby and finally pounded his fist against the table.
"Get that brat out of here!" Matteo shouted. "He's ruining my important day."
Willow stared at him, frozen to her seat. Unsure if she imagined him saying that.
"Maybe I didn't say it clearly enough," Matteo said. "Get that thing out of my sight! Take him to the nursery now!"
Willow bolted up and walked quickly with Andrew out of the ballroom, not looking back. Would she dare try to escape right then and there? She sped down the hallway and turned a corner. Seven knights stood guarding the front entrance. Her heart sank. Of course, it wouldn't be that simple. So, she took him back upstairs. Knight #142, aka Michael, stood on guard outside of the nursery with two other knights on either end of the hallway. Michael nodded at her before she entered the nursery. Matteo Jr. and Melody where still in the stroller crying, while Julian, Jonah, and Elias were squeezing wet sponges over the balcony and laughing.
Willow sighed. She rocked the stroller gently, then started to feed Andrew first. Once he was finished, she gave the other babies their formula.
"I got one!" Julian yelled and high-fived Jonah and Elias.
Willow set out three blankets in a row on the floor to give all the babies some tummy time. She sat by the wall and hugged her legs to her chest and began breathing rapidly. Just how did it get this far? And Matteo plans to have more children? What if he has more girls? Will he really not stop until he has six boys? This wasn't fair. She wanted to go home. She wanted off this island and back in the real world with all of her loved ones. She wanted a world without Valentin and the Marchesis.
She jolted out of her thoughts when the door opened, and Angelica walked in. Willow's heart sped up. She locked eyes with her, then scooped up Andrew in her arms.
"Relax, I'm not gonna take him," Angelica said, walking over to them.
Willow swallowed hard and held Andrew tightly, unsure of whether or not to trust Angelica.
"So, these are the poor little pip squeaks stuck with my brother as their non-father," Angelica said, then rolled her eyes. "Look, I'm here to help you. I've been trying to take down the Insignificant V all along. Okay, you're probably doubtful, fair enough. But I didn't kill your brother."
"L-Leo said that…" Willow said barely above a whisper.
"I wouldn't kill my slave after everything I did for him and his ungrateful family!" She crossed her arms. "I only went along with that plan because he said he would come back to me and all of you. And I made him promise he wouldn't run off and find some ugly chick to replace me, because I can't be replaced."
"You really like him."
"Like him?" Angelica laughed but didn't continue on that train of thought. "Well, he hasn't even had one date since he left, so he better be telling the truth."
Willow's eyes grew wide. "You've seen him? Is he on your family island or in V-Town?"
Angelica frowned. "Neither, unfortunately. Didn't Leo tell you he went through that hole? He's in the real world."
"But he's contacted you? How? Is he okay?"
"He calls me every night just about. Can't get enough of me."
"But how? I thought they shut down phone services and internet when V-Town took over."
"Not on my father and uncle's island," Angelica said. "They were going to follow the Stupid V but I talked Father out of it on day one. He does anything I want ya know."
"Where exactly is Danny?"
"Buffalo, New York. He tried getting help from the authorities, but they don't care. Says it's none of their business if we want to separate."
"But we're being held captive here."
Angelica shrugged. "Danny has been trying to recruit help. Says he has a few on his side. When he heard about the weddings and that you were one of the brides, he wanted me to talk to you."
"Has a few on his side? So, he's not alone?"
"Started attending University at Buffalo. His roommate's dad works for the police. Got Danny a part-time job there. They have some people they want to rescue from here too."
"So, they're coming to save us?"
"They need more manpower first. Danny wants to work his way up in the law to get more reinforcement."
Willow sighed. "But that can take years."
"I got news for ya… it's already been years! Get used to it."
Willow looked down at Andrew and kissed the top of his head.
"The Pathetic V is going down," Angelica said. "Granny's gonna defeat him."
Willow scrunched her face. "Your granny is on our side?"
Angelica rolled her eyes. "Not my granny! Yours and Danny's of course!"
"So, Alexis is alive too?"
"Of course, she is. She's been the best leverage my family has ever had against the Un-Powerful V. He was planning to kill her, but we abducted her first. Saved her life, really. Not that that was Father and Uncle Francesco's incentive. They just wanted power since the Iniquitous V wanted to kick us out of the takeover after everything we did for the cause, but it worked out in Natasha's favour. All of your favour, really."
"But we've been suffering since she was taken."
"You couldn't stay on this island forever… it's the greater good."
"I guess…"
Angelica yanked out a walkie talkie from her pocket and handed it to Willow. "This connects to one walkie talkie and one walkie talkie only. Natasha wants to communicate with you."
Willow took it from her. "You see her often?"
"Almost daily. She's locked up on Father's island."
"That's why they couldn't find her in V-Town…"
"But you gotta hide it like your life depends on it, because your life depends on it…" Angelica cleared her throat. "Only use it at 1am and do it quietly."
Willow nodded.
After Angelica left it felt like the day dragged on forever. Matteo didn't come to check on them and didn't seem to want to spend the wedding night with her, thank goodness.
Once the children were all asleep, she decided to let Andrew sleep in the crib next to the others, knowing that Michael was guarding the door. She slipped out to the balcony with the walkie-talkie, glancing back at Andrew every few seconds. She lifted the walkie talkie to her mouth and said, "Hello?"
There was a ruffling sound, then Alexis' voice came through. "Willow? Willow, is that you?"
Willow cleared her throat. "Alexis?"
"Yes, yes it's me. Are you okay?"
"As good as to be expected…"
"Your mom? Kristina and Molly? Leo? Everyone?"
"Um, well, Kristina and Molly have more children. Mom has been struggling since losing you and Danny and Julian too."
There was a long pause, then she said, "Julian? Did something happen to him?"
Willow looked up and Julian was standing there, his face as white as his pajamas.
"He's fine physically. He and Lucas were mind-mapped."
"This has got to stop. He's hurt our family enough."
Julian stared at the walkie-talkie.
"Years have been taken from us," Alexis said. "I wish we weren't Cassadines to begin with."
"I wanna talk to the lady," Julian spoke up.
"Is—Is that Julian?" Alexis asked.
"It is," Willow said. "Maybe it would be a good idea for you to talk."
Willow handed the walkie-talkie to Julian.
"Julian? You're with Willow? Are you okay?"
Julian swallowed hard, scrunching his face.
"Talk to her," Willow said. "Maybe you'll remember her."
"Julian… Words can't describe how much I miss you and the kids. I love you so much."
Julian's eyes got watery, then he handed the walkie talkie back to Willow. "I like that lady." He turned and walked back into the nursery.