"Duck Ani!" Qui gon Jinn yelled.
But the mysterious figure was to quick, he grabbed the young Anakin Skywalker, quickly turning his speeder and heading for his spaceship his master Darth Sidious would be most pleased with his success in capturing the young Anakin Skywalker.


"You have done well my young apprentice" Sidious said addressing Maul.

"Thank you my, Master" Maul said bowing to Sidious the Dark Lord of the Sith.


Sidious shot Anakin with Sith lightening, "You will join me or die boy" Sidious said evilly.
"I won't join you" nine-year old Anakin Skywalker snappednback.
"You need to learn your place boy" Sidious said spitting out the last word "Then you will suffer and then you will see reason and join me and become my Sith apprentice" Sidious added clearly and full of hate.
"I don't want to be your apprentice" Anakin whimpered frightened.
"I don't care if you don't want to be, you will join me" Sidious said hitting him with another blast of Sith lightening.
Anakin tried to escape the pain, but he couldn't, he curled up in a ball hoping Sidious would leave soon.


A couple weeks later Anakin had learned he was in a Sith temple on Malachor, he had access to most of the Temple during the day for a few short hours to not lose his endurance and the whole time he had access Sidious made him work hard keeping in shape and learning how to wield a lightsaber, Sidious refused to teach him any Force abilities until he excepted his Destiny in the Darkness, So Anakin tried to get punished as little as possible when he was out of his cell and Sidious tortured him every time he was at the Temple.
Anakin knew that Sidious wasn't on Malachor, without any help he had learned to sense his powerful Force Presence, when he had been a slave, he had learned to sense emotions and when familiar people where near, and it also helped him win the Podrace that secured his freedom for a very short time. Anakin was locked into a small dark cell when Sidious wasn't there, and he hated it.


The liberation of Naboo had come through without issue, the assassin had shown up again and nearly killed him, but thankfully he had managed to survive, he had been in a coma for a couple of weeks, After he had woken up they had knighted Obi-Wan his Padawan due to him defeating a Sith. Qui-Gon Jinn was now back to full strength and gone on a mission to try and track Anakin after a few months though he had been forced to give up the search, though he was very unhappy to give up the search for the young boy he'd come to know and even love going against the code by doing so.


It had been months since Anakin's disappearance and Padme' Amidala had gone to Tatooine to free Shmi in honor of something Anakin had promised his mother he would do, she had found her freed by a Cliegg Lars who had married her, Padme' had helped them move to Naboo to have a nicer life along with Cliegg's son Owen and girlfriend Beru Whitesun.
Padme' had helped them to get a house in the remote Lake District where they could live in peace and over the years Padme' and Shmi would go to search for Anakin multiple times always failing.


Obi-Wan Kenobi had been assigned a Padawan a female Nautolan with blue skin and large black eyes her name was Shia Nind and was a stickler for the rules much like himself and had a fun and easy spirit like Kit Fisto.


It had been seven years since Anakin's capture, he stayed strong through the torture he received instead of becoming angry as Sidious wanted, he stayed calm not giving in to Sidious.
When Sidious was away he taught himself how to use the Force, Sidious had subjected him to many different tortures, sometimes electrostaffs, mostly Sith lightening and the rest of the time it was Sidious or Tyrannus lightsaber, Tyrannus was a the replacement to Darth Maul after his death at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin learned to survive covered in scars visible and invisible at the young age of sixteen without becoming angry or resentful, much to the annoyance of Sidious who he refused to call Master.

Hi everyone, this is my second story, hopefully it's better than the first story I wrote, enjoy, and please Review and P.M me, it would be greatly appreciated! I hope you liked my first chapter and I will probably put up two chapters a week. Please Review!
