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p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"This is Two Challenges to any all who are willing to take them./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"The Fist Challenge is thus;/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"NarutoXTsume/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"English First Language Preferred/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Multiple Chapters/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"All Citrus Welcome/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Time Line: Post Pein's Attack/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"While Trying to bring back everyone who died, Nagato miscalculates the amount of chakra he has left by just the smallest of margins and that slight margin leaves out the resurrection of only a single person, the one person who Naruto just realized he needed the most; emHinata./em/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Days later, lost in sorrow after the death of the one of the first people to tell him they loved him and emtruly/em meant it, the missing hero is found by someone, someone who for the last few days has been searching, not only for him, but emdesperately/em trying to find a way to thank him. Thank him for not only saving the village, but after finally rounding up all of the lost members of her clan and hearing the stories, came to the realization that without his intervention on to the one who called himself "Pein", that not only had more than three quarters of her clan had been brought back from the dead, but that those revived included not one but emBOTH/em of her children/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;" /p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;" /p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Challenge the Second/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"This Challenge is thus;/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"NarutoXTsume/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Multiple Chapters/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"All Forms of Citrus Welcome/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"English First Language Preferred/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"In This Story Tsume Is older than Minato by a few years/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"span style="font-weight: bold;"TIME TRAVEL/span/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"They had lost, utterly and completely. Obito had been obliterated in Kaguya's opening salvo. With the last of their chakra, Kurama empowers the last Kakashi's Kamui and they cast it on Naruto hoping to send him somewhere where he can truly be happy, after all he has done he deserves it./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"What they didn't realize, couldn't have realized was that at the last second, before Kamui connected, Kaguya had cast her own Dimensional Jutsu, intending to do the same thing, only much farther and nowhere near as nice./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"The collision of the two powerful Jutsu has an unintended side effect; it sends him back, back before the time of his birth, back when his own father was even younger than he was. He lands, violently, onto the Inuzuka Clan Grounds/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"(not sure of the size of the clan/compound at this point it time, that will be up to you)/p
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Naruto Challenges by Genesis D. Rose
Anime » Naruto Rated: M, English, Romance & Adventure, Naruto U., Tsume I., Words: 600, Favs: 4, Follows: 3, Published: 6/4/2020