Hey guys I know it's been awhile but here's something I came up with after reading something dumb Hope you all enjoy it.

A brother's thoughts

Brother Damien of the Crimson Halos chapter looked at the UNSC's so called "Spartan". First was their physical ability's they almost identical to his brothers and himself mostly while the Spartans could fight equally to his brothers they were no near as durable or long lived when compared and that they were not mass producible like themselves. Second the thing of notice was their power armor Mjolnir it provided better speed and strength multipliers he could see that even tho he wasn't a tech marine. On the other their armor was made form far worse materials than their mark 7 power armor this yet again showed anther problem with them. Third was their training yet again he could see they had equal ability in area as well but were much less experienced than he and his brothers or any Astartes. Finally, unlike his chapter they were both comprised of both men and women rather than originally base human males. Overall, they had potential to become an equal fighting force to him and brothers by his gene father the great Angel he could see that, and he and his brothers would aid in that endeavor his chapter master and the Emperor be willing.

Ok I hoped you all liked this is what I would believe the opinion of a Astartes would think of Spartan based on canon abilities and lore finally the chapter is homebrew made it for this story.