Akito the Outsider: Titans in Exile part six

Going further into the inferno wasn't an easy stretch. But Anya said she needed to gather things. A quick bit with Leila's lasso, a light touch given all she had been through, was good enough for the team to go head with her idea.

"When Eclipso was in my mind, there were bits of her own experience I recalled," said Anya. "There was a time when she was held prisoner within a crystal."

"Wait, are you saying you know how to capture Eclipso?" asked Robin.

"I believe so," said Anya.

"Guess Savage was hoping this would kill you too," said Robin. "Otherwise he wouldn't risk that kind of intelligence falling into enemy hands."

"I...don't think he knows," said Anya.

"Guess once this Eclipso got what she needed you weren't worth considering," said Akito.

"That works fine for us," said Robin. "That means if this works we could have a way to get rid of one of Savage's strongest lieutenants. Finally some good news."

"You realize you're celebrating while we're in hell right?" said Ayano. "Perhaps not the best place to be happy."

"Well technically we're not in hell," said Robin. "We're just in a hell-like dimension so...that's gotta be at least marginally better."

"A marginally better hell is still a kind of hell," said Ryo.

The group made their way to a kind of shrine in the fiery realm. There Anya was seated at the center where she assumed a meditative pose.

"There are stones," she said. "Crystals around here. I need..."

Gino ran out and came back with as many red crystals as he could find within a hundred mile radius. There were quite a lot gathered. At least a thousand.

"Oh...now I just need to find one which could be a suitable vessel," said Anya.

"And what are we supposed to do while you play with rocks?" asked Ayano.

A roar in the distance seemed echoed loudly, indicating the distance was getting smaller.

"I think that just answered your question," said Robin. "Ashley, Yukiya, can you fight?"

"I'm...kind of...no," said Yukiya, struggling with his cloak of rags.

Ashley couldn't answer because of his bones apparently shifting into various shapes.

"Damn," cursed Robin. "Alright, Johannes I want you to hand back with Anya and keep them covered. Weinberg scout out and try to delay them. Leila take the skies. Ryo get to the base of the shrine, you're our first line. There's plenty of lava so you're good on ammo. Also see if you can raise the ground so who or whatever comes our way we can funnel them, make their numbers useless in case it comes to a close up fight. That leaves Akito, Ayano, and myself as the last line. This is our Thermopylae and we three fight like we're a hundred each."

Ayano was about to say something but the determined aura that Robin seemed to radiate silenced her. Thinking about it the plan was actually quite solid, using what they had to try and mold the field to their advantage.

"Well give Anya as much time as she needs," Robin continued. "We might have not have been able to save the people of St. Petserberg, or all those lost souls whom Shin took. But we can do everything to stop that monster before it continues on. Even if this is all because of how Savage planned it, I intend to give everything I have to make it right."

As he finished scores of demons from land and air were en route. Robin drew his staff while Akito readied his stick and Ayano drew her sword. All the while Anya began working through the rubies Gino had brought her. As Yukiya and Ashley continued to have difficulty. Though the latter's form begin to solidify.

On Earth the clash between the god and the demon continued. As it did the Beta ship piloted by Cyborg came upon the scene. Unable to raise Robin or the others he began to fear the worst, even as he saw this puzzling scene before him.

"Damn, this is getting nuts," said Victor.

He integrated himself into the systems of the ship and was able to bring it to full operational status. Including its weapons systems. He didn't know what he could do but he knew he at least had to be armed and ready for a fight.

Across the territories of the E.U, the Ares units began decimating civilian populations. Built to be more powerful than European Knightmare units they could tear through any military or police units that were sent to intercept them. It was like living through the invasion of Brainiac all over again. One of the heaviest hit was Paris itself. But just as swift as the attack came, reports were soon coming in of another phenomenon. A blur of blue and red sweeping through and taking out the Ares units. At the same time swiftly rescuing civilians from debris caused by the attack.
Some were insisting they saw a figure wearing a cape with a distinctive 'S' shaped logo.

The demons began their assault but Robin's plan was holding true. Gino, having gone out ahead, was making work in slowing their advance. Those who managed to get past him on the ground fell into Ryo's funnel. Using rocks and lava he was able to take out the advanced guard.
Those in the air were met by Leila's blade. One however was able to outmaneuver her and dove straight for Anya. But before it could get remotely close, Ashley leapt up, now in the form of an almost werewolf-like creature. He tore off the creature's head in one swing of his claws.

"What the..."

"Focus up," Robin yelled, keeping Ayano in focus.

Despite her best efforts, the numbers in the air were becoming so great that more were getting through Leila's line in the sky. They dove for the group which forced the third line into action.
At this time another phenomenon began to occur. Scores of shadows, not demons like the others, began to gather around Yukiya. Ayano slashed at one of the shadows, which actually joined into her sword.

"Wait these are...souls?" she muttered.

Her theory seemed to be proven right as Yukiya's cloak of rags began to grow from the massive amount of shadows converging on him. Robin noticed this as well.

"Yukiya, can you still control your cloak?" he asked.

"It's...damn it's a lot but...I think so," Yukiya struggled to say.

"Then shape up and kick some ass," Robin ordered. "Right now Beast Boy over there is proving more useful. You really want a Britannian knight to outdo you in Hell?"

Ashley, in his new form, growled at Robin for the use of the nickname. Yukiya however chuckled and began to try and exert his control over the cloak. It was difficult at first because of the large amount of souls now gathering in it. But his friends, the last of his old friends, were risking their lives. And he had to admit that he had developed a kind of respect for these Justice League guys.

"This is gonna be tough," he muttered as he tried to form a more cohesive shape around himself with the cloak.

An idea popped into his head and the cloak began to form itself. To the surprise of the others, those who were able to witness it and not immediately engaged, the cloak of ragged souls took the form of an Alexander frame. And it continued to grow, as more damned souls in this hellish dimension gathered for the promise of redemption through service.

"Sweet, now kick ass Ragman," said Robin.

The cloak frame nodded and leapt over the third wave. Ryo noticed and levitated a huge chunk of rock to help the rag based Knightmare along as it leapt into the horde of demons. The growing power of the cursed fabric Frame didn't simply decimate the horde on the ground. The cloaks would shoot up and drag down the flying invaders, breaking them and lessening the burden on Leila.
With them along with Ryo and Gino the horde was being held back considerably. This allowed Anya to focus on the gems before her. But while everyone was looking out in front of her they failed to look behind her.
All save Gino, who running past the at incredible speeds went to take a glance at Anya to ensure she was alright. He noticed how two shadows were rising to strike her. In a flash of lightning he caught her as she picked up a gem she believed would be perfect for her needs.

"Damn," cursed Robin when he realized what was going on. "Did you get..."

"I have it," Anya answered.

"Weinberg get her out of here so she can get us out," said Robin. "We'll hold these bastards here."

"Can you?" the shadow said as it took form.

As it took Shin's form. Seeing his brother, Akito's mind once more began to go wild. He leapt over Robin and charged at his brother. Shin raised his blade catching Akito's sticks.
Robin went to aid his comrade when the other shadow began to form and attack. Robin raised his staff in time and caught...a hockey stick. Robin looked in shock as the shadow formed into the image of Sportsmaster. The man who killed his parents.

Still keeping a distance from the melee of a Greek God and a demon from hell, Victor began to work out a plan. Getting a reading on their relative power levels Victor doubted that most of the Beta ships weapons would make much of a dent.
Taking further scans of the surrounding area Victor was saddened to see how there were no life signs in the area. No casualties, including his own people. He did detect an anomaly, a rather significant portion of advanced technology in the rubble of the palace.
The plan began to form as he began to charge the engines, setting them to eventually overload.

"Man this is crazy," he muttered as he opened up a Boom Tube, bringing a restrained Wilson along for the ride.

Seeing the killer of his parents, the man who destroyed his old life for so petty a reason as a carnival game, all restraint was lost on Rolo. All the anger he had buried in the time since becoming Robin came flooding out.
All the focus and discipline Barda, Lelouch, and even Cornelia had sought to instill in him vanished in that instant. And so it was now two vengeful young men wrestling with the spirits of the murderers of their respective families.

"Damn it," Ayano cursed as she drew her sword and went to help alongside Johannes.

However two more shadows erupted and took form. This time the form of the Tigress and Jean Rowe respectively. Tigress launched out crossbow bolts which forced Johannes on the defensive while Rowe and Ayano locked blades.

The Ares mech that had been at Castle Weisswolf had turned on the staff. Forced to retreat deep into the castle while Hammel's forces were throwing themselves at the robot to try and slow it down.
Silas, Cecile, Clause, Anna, Sophie, and the entire crew including a wounded Hammel and Takeru, were forced to retreat deep within the sub-basement of the castle where several prototype Knightmares Takeru had developed for his project, now mothballed by the E.U. Knightmare drones made using experimental shifting metals made from specific alloys.
Gold, Platinum, Iron, Lead, Mercury, and Tin.

"Shit, we're stuck down here," cursed Hammel, being tended to by Cecile.

"Mother Box should be able to Boom us out but..."

"But what?" asked Joe Wise, in a panic.

"She's...busy," said Silas.

Mother Box was still attached to Takeru's medical pod and kept giving off a pinging noise.

"What's it...eh she doing?" asked Wise.

An idea came to Silas's mind.

"She's trying to finish the project," he said.

Sophie examined her husband's pod and to her shock and awe, his brainwave activity seemed to be...improving.

"What the hell does that mean?" asked Clause.

"It means we don't have much time," said Sophie. "We need to get to work. Now."

"A carnival game," Robin yelled, dodging a blow from Sportsmaster and returning in kind. "It was just a stupid game and you killed my parents for that."

"No body, and I mean no body, beats the Sportsmaster or his lady," said Sportsmaster.

Robin yelled as he lashed out. However Sportsmaster caught his staff and delivered a powerful blow to Robin's midsection, sending him reeling.

"Looks like the big bad Bat didn't do you any good," Sportsmaster taunted. "You know what he did to my lady right? Before his big bro decided to do us in? He tossed her through the roof of that damn school, put her in a goddamn wheelchair."


Sportsmaster pulled out a bat and struck Robin on the back, keeping him down.

"The Bat was savage with her," said Sportsmaster. "I'd have loved to have returned the favor. Then that freak got to us."

"Good," Robin cursed.

Sportsmaster kicked Robin in the face, or rather he went to but Robin caught the boot and used his momentum to throw Sportsmaster off. He then leapt up and struck in Sportsmaster's core. Because of Sportsmaster's greater size and frame, along with his armor, the blow didn't do much damage. However Robin had a little surprise hidden in the blow. He placed a concussion charge on Sportsmaster's belt. The blast blew apart the villain, only for him to reform and attack again.

"You can't kill what's already dead," he said. "Thank the Batman for this."

"Batman didn't do this to you," yelled Robin.

Robin lashed out once more and Sportsmaster successfully dodged the wild attack and struck again.

"The Bat screwed over everything he ever touched," said Sportsmaster. "The only reason my lady, Thinker, and I were even at that crappy school was because we knew the Bat and his friends were there. If not for him we'd have never crossed and I wouldn't have had to clip your ma and pa's wings little bird. And now our daughter is alone in the world, because he put us in the path of a psycho he made. And look at what he did to you kid. Your perhaps the worst. The Bat's biggest fuck up. A twerp who can't even see that his hero was a psycho who didn't care about anything but getting back at the guys who screwed him over. He was as big a fraud, preaching about justice like old Chuck preached about Social Darwinism. You're just a little simp that the big bad Bat duped into drinking the..."

Robin thew a Batarang which lodged itself in Sportsmaster's eye.

"No!" he yelled. "I believe in the Batman. Whatever demons he personally wrestled with he still inspired others to truly believe in justice. People like big sister and..."

"Oh you mean the thunder and lightning bitch?" laughed Sportsmaster, tearing out the Batarang. "Oh she's gonna get what's coming to her."

Robin tried to ignore that.

"All of you, every one of you League losers, all of you were conned by the Batman," said Sportsmaster. "You most of all kid. Batman never cared about any of you. He just wanted vengeance. And look how he fell a part when he realized even that quest for vengeance proved to be a load of..."

"I...believe...in...the Batman," said Robin, holding firm to the image of the Batman he had in his mind and soul.

"You really are an idiot kid," said Sportsmaster.

"No...I'm Robin," he said, proudly.

Sportsmaster charged at Robin. But unlike before when all Rolo could think about was how Sportsmaster had murdered his parents for so petty a reason, his mind was clear. He masterfully dodged the various attacks with bat and sick that Sportsmaster tried to levy on him. Blocking with his staff at the right moments, studying his enemy as he fought.
As he got close Robin found his opportunity. He levied several hard attacks into Sportsmaster's body, getting through his defenses and finally delivering a powerful blow which tore the mask of his face, revealing a crimson demon face which faded into shadow.

"And that's game," Robin said, crushing the hockey mask beneath his boot.

Once Vic was on the ground he Boomed Wilson to a specific set of coordinates. This left him to dig through the rubble of the castle to find the technology he had detected.

"So you're what all the fuss is about," he chuckled, staring down at the Azrael.

The Azrael had been refurbished with technology from Apokolips, but because they were so similar to New Genesis tech like what was in him, Victor was able to interface easily.
He commanded the Knightmare to fly up and far into the air and initiated his crazy plan. As the god and demon were still engaged in a brutal challenge of fisticuffs, neither of them noticed the Beta now shaking with overloading power, bearing down on them in a Kamikaze run. By the time the two titanic combatants noticed what was going on it was too late.
Victor flew far enough to avoid the blast, just barely. He didn't know if this would do anything truly effective but hopefully it was all he could think of at the time.

In the desert the Britannian refugees were at rest. Though some members of the Shazam family were still up. Up and agitated as hell. For some, namely Ohgi, it was just another day of the continuous headache that was Shinichiro Tamaki.
Of all of them, Tamaki had the least patience with their current predicament. As well as with their charges. More than once had Kallen and Ohgi had to reel him back when he tried to 'discipline' Britannians who tossed out racist slurs or even scrapped over whatever meager food they had.

"Six months, six months of this godforsaken desert and for what?" Tamaki yelled.

"These people need our protection," said Ohgi.

"These people aren't our people," said Tamaki. "What about Japan?"

"Cornelia and her..."

"I don't mean about the goddamn Brits," said Tamaki. "Look, with Supes gone, I figure we're probably the most powerful people in the League right? We can totally take Ito out and then..."

"Then what?" asked Ohgi.

"Then...then we'll be..."

"There's still Savage," said Ohgi. "And even more, the people of Japan are following Ito because they choose to follow him. Follow him into madness, into slaughter. Face it Tamaki, our rebellion has devolved into revenge. Hope has been mutilated into a holocaust."

"A what?" asked Tamaki.

Ohgi sighed deeply at Tamaki's foolishness.

"We might be able to return to Japan one day," said Ohgi. "But we need to keep these people safe. They..."

"They're the ones who fucked Japan up in the first place," said Tamaki. "I mean...what the hell are we even doing this for. About a year ago we were all gung ho about taking it to these motherfuckers and then as soon as Kallen gets whisked away to fairy land and that goddamn Bat shows up, suddenly we're all like, 'oh those poor Britannians won't anyone stop and help those poor Brits'. Well no wonder everyone in Japan hates our guts, we sold out."

"You know it's not like that Tamaki," said Ohgi. "This is bigger than Japan and the Japanese. Savage and Darkseid are the enemy here. The Britannians...yes they did awful things. Some truly unforgivable, but none of that, none of it, means that genocide is justified. We have to try and make peace with what happened. What they did to us, what we did to them..."

"What did we do?" Tamaki yelled. "By the time that damn Bat showed up we had barely been able to do shit."

"We were terrorists," said Ohgi.

"We were freedom fighters," Tamaki rebutted.

"We were terrorists," Ohgi stressed. "We wanted Japan back yes but we didn't care about how we got it back. We became so fixed on the enemy we couldn't see that we had become the enemy. It's the first rule of the fanatic. It's what happened to Black Adam. It's what happened with Kyoto. And it's what's happening with Japan now. Japan has become the new Britannia. If I ever go back it will be to topple this regime of hate which has sprouted from the ashes of Area 11."

"You don't mean really fight Japanese do you?" asked Tamaki. "And I mean really fight Japanese?"

"If it has to come to that yes," said Ohgi. "Because those in Japan that would fight us are the worst of the Japanese. They're what we should have been afraid of even more than the Britannians."

"Okay, okay, but...fine but let's do it now," said Tamaki. "We could go now, pop Ito's head clean off and..."

"And nothing, the Justice League is not a kill squad," said Ohgi. "Batman made that perfectly clear."

"Fuck Batman," said Tamaki. "If we didn't go along with his stupid 'no kill' bull we could be sitting fat and happy and in charge of Japan ourselves. Not those old fucks at Kyoto. Us, we could totally run Japan like..."

"Like how Black Adam runs Khandaq?" asked Ohgi. "No, I wouldn't trust us with the stewardship of Japan. Especially how we were. Batman might have had his flaws but he had the right idea. Justice for all, Britannian and Japanese and for the whole world. He was a Britannian who saw the evils in his own nation and chose to fight against it."

"He was a punk kid who wanted to piss off daddy," said Tamaki.

"I doubt he considered the Emperor any kind of father at that point," said Ohgi. "And I think Kallen saw more in him than the mask and the anger."

"Just because she gave the bastard a pity lay doesn't..."

Ohgi grabbed Tamaki by the throat, his eyes conveying a very simple but most serious message. Tamaki raised a hand and Ohgi let him go.

"We're done," said Ohgi. "I'm going back to sleep."

"Japan first, that should have always been our goal," said Tamaki. "Then we wouldn't be in this fucking desert surrounded by these lousy Brits. They brought all this on themselves Ohgi. They're not our responsibility. They're not our people."

"And with that you just prove my point about what Japan has become," said Ohgi. "The successor of Britannia's doctrine of hate. I truly pity you Tamaki. But I hope you only keep this at words. Because if you even try to..."

"Hey I'm now fucking Judas," said Tamaki. "I'm just saying..."

"You're always 'just saying'," said Ohgi. "Hence why no one trusts you with the doing. Now good night."

Ohgi left without another word while Tamaki grumbled away. As he turned he thought he saw a shadow move across the sands but dismissed it, thinking he was just tired.
But there was something moving around in the shadows. It crept along the camp searching every tent for its target. Eventually it found what it was looking for, the sleeping form of Shiori Kozuki, Kallen's mother.
The shadow pulled forth a jar and spilled out its contents, which crawled into the woman's ear. The shadow then melded back into the darkness while the woman fidgeted in her sleep as her ear was penetrated.

Akito continued clashing with Shin. His brother's eyes were blazing and his mind was flooded with images. He saw the day of his own birth through a young Shin's eyes. He saw himself as an infant in his own mother's arms. While Shin looked over the rest of the clan he noticed one man, Akito's father, not the same man who fathered Shin.
The head of the clan, Shin's father, also noticed this. Akito saw as his biological father was slain, his and Shin's mother left weeping on the floor, while the head of the clan looked over her. He would keep her alive only so that she would suffer in the misery of her marriage to him. Akito could feel the disgust Shin had for their mother, and for his own father. He saw Shin cut his father's head. Even more he saw as shin looked into the darkness and four blazing eyes opened up. A deal was struck on that day. Shin was blessed with the power to control the minds with others. And Trigon would burn away the world Shin so despised.
The first use of Shin's power was ordering the clan to die, including their mother. Akito only survived due to not understanding death as a child. The command however had stuck in its own way. Manifesting as the berserker style of combat he displayed in the field.
A style which wasn't serving him to well against his brother.

"Akito, let me free you finally of this burden of life," said Shin. "Embrace the fire and darkness of the benevolent lord Trigon."

"That monster is going to burn everything," yelled Akito.

"Yes, a fitting end for such an awful race as ours," said Shin. "Do you know of what Savage plans for the world? Do you not see what our kinsmen in Japan do willingly under the monster Ito? How can you not look at humanity without anything but disgust? What in the world above is there for you? No family, no nation, only the thought of vengeance against me. And now thanks to Lord Trigon I am free of life. So your purpose in the world is gone. What is there to live for without the hatred of me in your life?"

Shin levied a blow against Akito which sent him staggering as it cut deep into the chest of the suit he wore. He caught the next attack with his sticks. Focusing on the blade he saw a reflection in the metal. He saw Leila fighting in the sky against the horde of demons.
Akito cared about Leila, she had always been kind and warm. Her heart full of compassion and righteousness. He often caught her glances but he would always look away. Feeling that his soul was too full of hate to let anything else in. Too afraid that he would loose everything again as he did once before.
This moment of contemplation almost cost Akito his life but before Shin could strike again, Robin's staff struck him on the nose.

"I know you're dead but you really should try to look alive," said Robin.

Robin followed up by knocking Shin's legs out from under him.

"What are you doing?" growled Akito.

"He's wasting your time," said Robin. "We can take him together."

"Can you?" growled Shin as he reformed.

"Willing to try," said Robin.

Shin chuckled and his eyes began to glow as if to use his power, when Akito threw one of his sticks into his eye.

"Not this time," said Akito.

Growling Shin charged out with his sword. Robin ducked under while Akito ran up and pulled out his stick. When Shin tried to swing to strike him Akito blocked the blow and Robin struck at the villain's knee. Or tried to but Shin drew. He was then forced onto the defensive as both Robin and Akito pushed him back.

From where she fought with Ayano, Jean looked back and was about to go to aid Shin. But Ayano refused to let her leave.

"Let the boys finish this," she said. "Your fight is with me."

Jean readied her saber and Ayano got into a stance. She wanted out of this literal hell hole, her and her friends. There was no more time to waste on ghosts like the woman before her. The two women ran out to attack, but only one blow landed true.
Ayano's sword, the Soul-Taker, carved deep into Jean and the shadow of the woman she was flowed into Ayano's cursed blade. At worst Ayano had a nick and lost some hair.
She then looked over at Akito and Robin, fighting Shin.

"Akito, end this," she cried, throwing her sword to him.

Akito caught the sword by the handle while Shin was being distracted by Robin's acrobatic dodges of his furious blade. Robin caught a look at this and an idea came to him. He drew back as Shin attempted to slash downward. He caught deflected Shin's blade but grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, rolling backwards with a kick to his stomach continuing the momentum.
Going along with this Akito ran up and stabbed the sword into Shin's chest once Robin had him on the ground. Shin and Akito shared one last look into each others eyes. In his mind, Akito could not help but think back to one scene from his childhood. Of when he had fallen and Shin had taken him upon his back.
Shin was then taken into the blade. Akito felt his heart skip a beat and his hands shook on the handle of the blade. Robin placed his hand there and picked up the sword. Before anything else could happen a flash of lightning picked the both of them up and carried them away. As it did with Ayano and Johannes. Ryo, Ashley, Leila, and Yukiya followed by air.
Soon enough they were all gathered around Anya. She gathered shadows around the whole of them and they were soon gone from the horrid realm.

The destruction of the Beta ship did indeed have at the least a stumbling effect on the titans clashing. The form Ares had made was damaged, but his power coursed through. Trigon also stumbled but none the less continued on.

"Damn, this thing just gets worse doesn't it?" asked Ryo.

The group was now back on Earth but the situation didn't seem any better.

"Ares...how?" Leila gasped.

"Oh great, now we have a giant God of War to deal with," moaned Ayano.

"So even if we deal with the big red guy we also have that giant asshole and...wait a minute," said Yukiya from inside the now massive cloak of souls, still in a Knightmare shape. "If that's Ares then what about..."

"Dr. Stone and the others at Castle Weisswolf," said Robin. "And all this damage, it...I gotta call Vic and..."

"Relax man, all good," said Victor's voice from a loudspeaker.

The group looked up and saw the Azrael flying down towards them.

"You mean that thing actually survived all this?" asked Ayano.

"The original Azrael was designed with technology that was out of this world," said Robin. "I guess it only makes sense that the new one be made with the same advanced technology."

"Well that's all well and good but how does that help now?" asked Ashley, having taken back his human form.

Victor landed the Azrael and leapt out of the cockpit.

"I set the Beta to blow and slammed it into those two," said Vic. "Guess it didn't do much good though did it?"

"No," said Anya. "He is...weakened."

"Excuse me?" Victor asked.

"Just go with it," said Robin.

"The power he exerted to survive and the power he's used to fight Ares, it's taking a toll," said Anya.

"Really?" asked Vic.

"I guess even Gods and Demons have only so much power," said Ryo. "I mean, I really don't imagine what we can do but..."

"If we weakened Trigon could you have a better chance at sealing him away?" Robin asked.

Anya nodded in response.

"Good, then that's what we do," said Robin.

"How?" asked Vic.

"We have a few things to our advantage," said Robin. "Like scores of damned souls who want redemption. A super-powerful Knightmare Frame. That's at least two things going for us."

"Why doesn't speedy here just go back in time before Shin blew us all to hell?" asked Ashley.

"Doing that the first time was a fluke," said Gino. "I'm not even sure if I can do it again."

"We'll have to make it work," said Robin.

"Okay but what about the other guy?" asked Akito.

"Ares is mine," said Leila.

"Are you kidding? He's..."

"Ares is mine," Leila stressed.

Before anyone could argue further she was off.

"Guess we're doing this," said Robin. "Vic, let me have the Azrael."

"Ryo, take out the ground beneath them," said Akito. "If they're hobbled they'll at least be easier to knock down. Yukiya, go with Robin and do what you can. See if those rags are worth anything."

"Hold on...what about Leila?" asked Ayano. "I mean we can't just let her take on that other guy alone."

"I'm detecting a lot of...tech in him," said Vic. "Like he's actually made up of...the Ares drones. They all fused together to make that thing."


"Man we're talking about an actual God how can I really explain all of...wait," said Vic. "He's made of tech, and probably had to use a lot of his power to keep that form together. And focus, if Leila can take his focus, then I can work my own brand of magic. But it helps to stack the odds. Come on guys, I got a plan of my own."

The continuous slug-fest between the god and the demon, despite the interruption of Cyborg's kamikaze run, continued. That was until Leila flew into the head of the god.
This seemed to stall the god. The demon was about to take the advantage when the arm it had raised to strike the god was caught by scores of rags attached to a large figure made of the same rags. With his free hand Trigon meant to swat at the fly but beneath his cloven hooves, the ground began to shake and shatter. Lava bursting fourth from the Earth, the legs of the demon and the god were robbed of stability. In that moment Robin came in flying the Azrael and lodged the flaming sword of the Knightmare into the elbow of the demon.
Using the blade as a lever and as Yukiya tugged, he strained the machine's servos to pop out the elbow of the demon lord.

"You really think this is going to do anything?" asked Yukiya, as the rags he used to pull Trigon's arm burned away.

"We're just stalling," Robin said over the com links. "We need to give Anya the time she needs to get this guy down for the count."

The great demon was beginning to regain his footing but Robin and Yukiya were using their smaller size to their advantage. Acting like mosquitoes they avoided his swipes and jabs.
All to buy even just a second more of time.

In the helmeted head of the towering robot, Leila saw the true form of the monstrosity. From shadow, fire, and steel, formed the figure of Ares who removed his helm to show Leila a familiar face.

"General...Smilas?" Leila gasped.

"Not quite," said Ares. "Although it must now seem so clear. How I showed you such favoritism even before you displayed yourself as the Wonder Woman. The least I could do for you my niece."

"How could..."

"Often the best place to hide is in plain sight," said Ares. "And it has been so long since any of your sisters saw my face. Even your mother might have been fooled. For a people who so readily and eagerly worship at the feet of my sister Athena, the Amazons always seem to display more naivete than wisdom. But when you are a race that so desperately attempts to see goodness where there is none, this is to be expected."

"And what horrid role do you play in this?" asked Leila. "One of Savage's pawns?"

"Take heed how you speak girl," said Ares. "I am the God of War, whilst all my brothers and divine parents chose to leave the Earth to its own devices I remained. I who was there when Darkseid first attempted to seize this world. I who saw Savage for what he was, what all his kind were. I will be the one to rule this Earth and thus shall as its only true god plant what life I see fit to grow. I had hoped that Europa would be a good place for my empire to be birthed. As Smilas I would be worshiped and reign supreme. And perhaps...I'd have found a very special place for you...lovely Leila. You and your mother, as well as your sisters."

Leila gritted her teeth and drew her sword.

"Now, as this metal shell which bares my name does stumble and your insignificant little friends play around Trigon?" Ares questioned. "Leila, you were an ideal soldier. You can be so again. Rally them and join me. We will slay this demon and then with your blade, lop off the heads of the foolish mortal money-lenders who believe they are fit to run a nation. We shall build a new Empire that even Savage cannot topple."

Leila said nothing and took a fighting stance.

"Foolish, like your mother, grandmother, and the rest of your Amazon sisters," said Ares, a sword of his own forming from flame. "Be glad Trigon appears distracted for the moment."

Uncle and niece lunged toward each other and clashed blades. However it was at this time a Boom Tube opened up and Cyborg, Ayano, and Gino leapt through.

"Help Leila keep the old timer busy, I need a moment to integrate with the systems," said Vic.

"You sure you can do that?" asked Gino.

"This thing's may be big and magic but it's still made out of a lot of tech," said Vic. "I'll be alright man. Just keep that big guy off of me and hope the others can keep big red off kilter long enough to make this work."

With that Gino joined Ayano in charging Ares. He drew another sword to block hers while keeping on the defensive from Leila. Gino struck at his various undefended fronts with super-speed powered blows. He doubted he was having much effect but still he needed to give Victor the time he needed.

Trigon had indeed found his footing and began swiping at the insects that swarmed around him. He got in a blast from his four eyes which struck Yukiya, burning away many of the rags that built up the large Frame from, shrinking him down as he began to retreat back.
Robin began exhausting all of the Azrael's weapons attempting to offer even more distraction. Victor had given him the rundown on his plan, so he had to try and keep Trigon from noticing how Ares had stopped moving.
But even as he tried to focus on the giant demon ahead of him, he couldn't help but notice something strange on radar. Something moving towards them at incredible speeds.
His distraction almost cost him his life when Trigon attempted to crush him in his right hand. But that was when the object in question rammed into Trigon's chest at such speeds and with such force it sent the demon falling on its back.

"What the..."

Robin didn't have much time to react as the Azrael was dragged to the ground and slammed with such force it disabled much of the instruments. However Robin was able to get a visual on the object, or at least a partial visual as the figure turned its back to the downed Frame. Robin's heart froze as he saw the emblem on the back of the red cape the figure wore.

"It...it can't be...Superman?" he muttered.

The swordplay of Ayano and Leila proved to be a considerable. But Ares was the God of War and he was not to be toyed with. With a flex he released a wave of flames and force which sent the three attackers back.
The God of War then turned to Vic, who began integrating himself into the body which bore his image.

"You would dare take the idol of a god for your own?" Ares questioned.

"Yeah pretty much," said Vic.

"Fool," said Ares.

He formed a spear of flame and tossed it at Victor. But Gino raced against the spear, catching it, but had difficulty moving it, no doubt due to Ares's power. Still he fought against the control of the God of War. He indeed seemed to be having some effect as it was slowing down the more he fought against it, lightning seeming to flow into his arm from the spear. Until finally the spear stopped moving.

"What?" Ares puzzled.

Gino wasted no time and raced with the spear to stab it into Ares's side. Even with his godly power Ares was caught by surprise. This wasn't the only surprise as Ayano stabbed him through the shoulder.

"Told you this was sharp," said Ayano, a satisfied smirk on her face.

With this Leila threw her lasso around Ares and upon tightening it she threw him out of the colossus which bore his image.

"Whatever you're gong to do Victor do it quickly," said Leila. "I'll keep Ares busy and..."

The entire structure was rumbled by Trigon regaining his footing.

"Relax guys," said Vic, wires hooking into the systems of the giant. "I'm in."

Victor's systems taking over the giant he reworked the machinery of the right arm of the giant into a cannon. As Trigon stood the demon was then blasted with a powerful burst of sonic waves, keeping the giant down.
But this only helped to enrage the demon who unleashed beams of heat from his four eyes into the cannon arm, destroying it. Before Trigon could attack again though, the same figure, with all its force, speed, and power, struck at his jaw once again.
Peering out from the hole she made flinging Ares out of the metal shell, Leila struggled to identify the figure.

"I can't tell who it is," said Leila.

"Doesn't matter we've got someone who can knock that bastard down," said Ayano. "But where are..."

Yukiya, using the surviving rags, flew up in a somewhat reduced Frame mode, and pulled up Trigon's head by the horns. Vic took the advantage and delivered a powerful blow with the surviving hand, sending Trigon back into the molten Earth.

"Nice one," said Ayano.

"Thanks I...we gotta move," said Vic, receiving a communique from Robin.

Anya sat cross-legged with the red stone in hand, focusing her desires into the stone. Shadows began forming around her, Akito, Ashley, and Johannes, who stayed behind to protect her. Soon enough it formed into the giant image of a raven and flew out to the battle of giants.
As Trigon began to try and rise again the shadowy Raven began wrapping itself around the demon. The demon tried to resist as the shadow bird pulled him towards where Anya sat.
Vic knocked Trigon down again and made it easier for Trigon to be pulled along the Earth by the shadow. As he was pulled the shadow consumed him. Consumed and condensed him until the shadow stuffed itself into the gem. The gem proceeded to place itself upon Anya's forehead. She swayed slightly from the exertion of so much energy but Johannes caught her.

Watching all of this from the eye of his asset Savage hummed.

"So indeed there is still power in the League," said Savage.

"Shall I dispose of them sir?" the asset asked.

"Is there any sign of Ares?" Savage asked.

"Only the giant," said the asset. "The girl is the property of her ladyship. To prove my loyalty to her I will..."

The image of Anya and Johannes was gone in a flash of light.

"It seems that Eclipso will have to go without one of her toys for some time," said Savage. "Still, they've served their purpose and yet might serve more."

"And Ares sir?" asked the asset.

"By now he will have learned that his tin idols are no more," said Savage. "He'll go to ground for some time. But his old mortal identity is no longer available. Pull back now, your mission is accomplished. My agents are ready to gather what is left of the E.U government. It is time to make our ultimate move my friend. And you are ready to take the stage."

Victor had boomed his team out of the metal giant, which fell to the ground. After that it was a matter of sending Gino to get Ryo, Anya, Akito, Ashley, and Johannes. Vic made sure to send a Boom Tube to Robin so they could load up the Azrael, refusing to leave that behind.
They were dropped off by the tubes at Castle Weisswolf. They charged in upon seeing signs of damage.

"A couple of bodies," said Gino, having gone to scout ahead. "Soldiers, loads of damage."

"Spread out we've gotta..."

Victor stopped when he got a message.

"They're alright, down in the sub-basement," said Vic.

The group made their way below where indeed there was a damaged Ares unit lying on the ground, at the feet of an unusual Knightmare. It appeared to be more human in appearance than other Knightmares, leaner and sleek, and made of gold.

"What the hell is that?" asked Ryo.

"Dr. Takeru Randal at your service," the golden Knightmare said.

"Dr...Randal's husband?" Leila gasped.

"Victor," Cecile called out as she and the others of Castle Weisswolf walked up to them.

"Glad you guys are alright," said Victor. "But what..."

"It's a bit of a story son," said Silas.

"What about you?" asked Cecile. "Did..."

"It's...a story," said Robin. "But for now...for now I think the immediate danger is over."

"What about Ares?" asked Akito.

"I don't know," said Leila. "And what of that being who could topple Trigon so viciously?"

"Not just Trigon," said Yukiya. "I saw that bastard throw down Robin here. No friendly that's for sure."

"No," said Robin. "But...for a second...he looked like a friend. I think...I think we're about to be in even worse trouble."

Tamaki still wasn't in a good mood the following morning. It was just so frustrating for him that this was how his life had wound up. How all their lives had wound up. They were perhaps worse off than when they were Elevens. The power wasn't a comfort given all the rules Batman and even Kallen imposed on them. He sometimes wondered if Black Adam had a point.
Sure he was often horrified by Black Adam's extreme actions. But Tamaki could agree with at least how the man's first focus was on the protection of his own people. Tamaki had always wanted to be a champion for the Japanese. He wanted to be someone whom everyone would just bow in the street to when they saw him. He sometimes imagined big statues of him in Japan, Japanese kids cheering him, Japanese women swooning over him.
But now there were no cheers, no swoons, and no Japanese save them. He was surrounded by Britannians who looked at him with either fear or whatever lingered of that smug sense of self-importance that defined their old empire. And they were all wandering in this desert for so long. He was just so frustrated with it all.

"Shinchiro," Shiori Kozuki asked as she walked up to him.

"Hey, Ms. K, everything alright?" he asked.

"Oh I'm fine," said Shiori. "In fact I've heard that there were some caves nearby where there's a cool spring of water. I was thinking I'd take Kallen there to try and help her relax with a nice cool bath. Something to take her mind off of all her troubles. She's wearing herself out and all for those...people."

"Yeah, kind of screwed up isn't it?" said Tamaki. "You know these bastards wouldn't do the same for us."

"Yes," said Shiori. "These Britannians were in such need of a good humbling. And perhaps some time to...think about how far they've fallen."

"Jeez, that's kind of dark for you," said Tamaki.

"That Stadfeldt woman humiliated me daily," said Shiori. "She was always a toad. Even before she literally became one. And now here they sit in the protection of those whom they once oppressed. And how it must be so hard for you and the others. Japan abandoning you and why? Because they think you care more about their oppressors than them. No better than the Honorary Britannians."

"Yeah," said Tamaki.

"And it's not like these people are ever going to change," said Shiori. "Yes this Vandal Savage person may have been behind the Emperor. But these people still went along with it. And they still are, they haven't learned anything. In fact...I've heard some rumor among them that there is a Britannian military base not too far from here. They're hoping to escape for it and lead a few Imperial remnants here. If they do, who knows what could happen. But if that base were...removed, they'd know that there is no going back. They belong here, to us."

"Uh, I...guess," said Tamaki. "Yeah, yeah we should show these Brits who's in charge now. Trashing a base and leading them to it will probably do the trick."

"I knew you'd say that," said Shiori. "I always thought you were the smartest of Naoto's friends. And oh, Naoto...what they did to him. It's their fault he died and his soul was condemned to become that...Spectre. I'll never forgive them for that Shinichiro."

"Yeah, me neither," said Tamaki. "You know what...you take Kallen for that bath thing and I'll get the others. Kallen gets a break and we get to go back to breaking some damn Brit shit, showing these assholes they're not in charge anymore."

"Oh wonderful, I'll go get Kallen," said Shiori. "But could you please, if anyone asks, don't say I mentioned any of this. I don't want the Britannians to know I've been spying on them."

"Hey don't worry Ms. K," said Tamaki. "You know you can count on me."

Tamaki flew off leaving Shiori to walk off to meet with Kallen, smiling darkly.

"Oh Tamaki, I'll be sure to keep that...in mind," she whispered.

The remnants of the Forty Man Assembly had been gathered at an emergency conference, not in Paris, which had been so badly damaged by the Ares attacks. Rather they had been moved to Germany, in a city called Berlin.
Evidence was presented to the Assembly that Smilas was the one behind the Ares attacks in a bid to seize control and form his own Empire. But of course the main topic of discussion, was the savior of Europa. Discussion on social media was all about how it could have only been one person based on various unconfirmed sightings. Images were also being released of Trigon rising from St. Petersberg. As well as reports that both he and the Brainiac beta were destroyed, ending their threats to the E.U. All attributed to their savior.

"My friends, now is a crucial time in deciding the future of not only our republic, but the world," said the chairman of this assembly. "Our enemy Euro-Britannia, as a result of the actions of their mad leader Brother Blood, and their dealings with such unnatural creatures. Surly their actions would have doomed us and our beloved republic. But we have survived, thanks to the efforts of one man. One man who has stood for justice and righteousness. One man who has demonstrated the power and character our republic needs to protect it from all threats, both without and within. That man is...Superman."

With that all attention in the assembly hall, and the attentions of all those who watched from their homes and in the streets, turned to see the figure walking up to center stage. All gasped upon seeing their 'savior'.
Clad in blue and and a red cape, stood the figure of Superman. With half his face and body replaced with cybernetics.

"What the hell?" yelled Ashley as he and others watched from Castle Weisswolf.

"Good lord," said Tohdoh, holding onto Chiba as he and those with him watched from Blackhawk Island.

"It begins," said Fate, observing this alongside C.C.

Milly fell to her knees as she and the rest of the unit with Cornelia huddled around a small screen on the ship. Euphie knelt down and put her arms around her while Pat put his hand on her shoulder to try and give her some comfort.

"It's not him," Milly cried. "It can't be him."

"People of Europa," the 'Superman' cried. "I know my appearance must seem...upsetting. The result of my battle with Brainiac. The damage that was done in the defense of my adopted world. But I have survived, thanks to the alien technology which brought me to this planet. I survived and with renewed purpose. To deliver the justice I promised to the world by bringing about the fall of Britannia. And yes, I did save Britannia during the invasion. I did so only because I wish for Britannia and all her people to have justice done upon them. Have we not known for centuries the horrors they are capable of? How they have devoured nation after nation? Robbing people of their dignity and freedom? But now we know of the true horror that lies in Britannia? The godlessness of them of all as they make deals with aliens and devils for the exchange of power, putting all of humanity at risk. I can only say it will be worse, especially with this maniac who has assumed the throne of the hated Emperor Charles Zi Britannia. And beyond Britannia, threats of the stars, conquerors of like mind whom they have no doubt been in contact with as well. They will come and they will threaten the security of our planet, our people. Yes, I was born a galaxy away but I have always loved this world. I love this world and I will fight for it. But no longer can we afford to be a divided world. Against the threat of the genocidal Britannian Empire, and against their allies from beyond who would seek us destroyed, it is time to dissolve all previous national barriers and unite under the banner of the One Earth."

Applause erupted from the Assembly, and from the streets and homes of Europa.

"And I do mean One Earth," said 'Superman'. "We must seek out the friendship of the Chinese Federation. The Superpowers of the world must be united for the goodness of the entirety of humanity. To bring all our arms together instead of turning them on each other. And in addition, I will supply the same technology which saved my life, so that you may join me in saving our world."

That caught a lot of attention.

"I shall implement a new, stronger force dedicated to the preservation and protection of the peace of the Earth," said 'Superman'. "Stronger than any Empire that came before. Stronger than my former allies of the Justice League. I promise, the formation of...the One Mankind Army Corps. And all citizens may apply."

"This cannot be good," said Ryo.

"It ain't," said Vic.

"This shit is trending like crazy," said Yukiya, his phone out. "Everyone's going nuts over this guy."

"That's not Superman," said Robin.

"Try telling them that," said Akito.

"This is insane," said Guilford. "Are people really going to go for this."

"Of course they will," said Cornelia. "He's Superman, the savior of Earth."

Milly could only watch in horror, tears flowing from her eyes.

"This isn't him," she cried. "This cyborg monster...it's not Rivalz."

"Grant me the authority to lead you," said 'Superman'. "Let the old divisions die, no more E.U. no more Chinese Federation, and united soon there will be no more Britannian Empire. Let the world, let the universe know, there is only one Superpower now. There is only the One Earth."

Once more the assembly erupted in applause, led by Savage's agents. The streets were filled with cheers at the promises of this man who saved their lives in the night of horror before them.

Castle Weisswolf was being abandoned. Surprisingly, Clause came out as an informant for Amanda Waller. Apparently she had been secretly developing her own intelligence network for some time.
It was she who leaked information to Manfredi. She had estimated that there would be a time when the E.U collapsed and she was ready. Her people were helping Leila's move all their equipment, hoping to find a new location.

"So...what's next for you?" asked Rolo.

He and Akito looked over the evacuation of the castle. In spite of the obvious disaster that was ahead of them, the two of them found this slight moment of peace. Time to reflect on what happened.

"You've gotten your revenge," said Rolo.

"So have you," said Akito.

"No, Sportsmaster died a long time ago," said Rolo. "All that was...was a ghosts. I'm still alive and I'm gonna keep fighting."

"I guessed," said Akito.

"What about you?" asked Rolo. "Shin's gone."

"He is," said Akito. "But...it didn't really do anything did it?"

"No, I don't think revenge does," said Rolo. "Do you know if those other guys are gonna go?"

"Actually apparently they want to fight too," said Akito. "They want their place in the world and want to fight to make it. They're getting a little tired of being Outsiders. So for now they're gonna go along, they'll stay in Europe though. Try and take on whatever this...Cyborg-Superman has in mind. Leila said...she's gonna go home. She's going to go speak to her mother. Perhaps try and get her in the fight."

"So I guess that leaves you free as a bird," said Rolo.

"What kind of bird though?" Akito puzzled. "And those guys...they're going to need help. I didn't have a nation to defend. Or a family to protect."

"You were an Outsider," said Rolo.

"I was," said Akito. "I am. So I guess...I'll be sticking with these other Outsiders. Don't think the Britannian guys are gonna stick with us though."

"Actually I think Vic wants to take them with us," said Rolo. "He even wants to name our unit, the Titans, in honor of our old school's team."

"Titans and Outsiders," Akito hummed.

Akito turned to Rolo and extended a briefcase.

"This is the suit you loaned me," said Akito. "You said it was a variation of one of Batman's. Only fits that you hold onto it."

Rolo thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"Batman's legacy is more than just a suit or a Knightmare," said Rolo. "The Batman stood for exacting justice. That's the real legacy that needs to be preserved. And I'd...like some help doing that. Although...you're going to need a name."

"Really?" asked Akito.

"Yeah, all of you do," said Rolo.

"Well I guess the others have taken some of their own," said Akito. "Yukiya seems to respond well to Ragman. But me...I don't know."

"Well, it definitely can't be Batman," said Rolo. "But you can't just go winging it in the night and...hey how about...Nightwing?"

Akito hummed in thought.

"Nightwing? I like it," said Akito.

"Nightwing and the Outsiders," said Rolo, extending a hand.

"Robin and the Titans," said Akito, taking his hand. "Good luck."

"Thanks, I think we're all going to need it," said Rolo.

Across reality, on the hellish world Apokolips, in the chambers of DeSaad was an elaborate device for torture. A device used to bore into the mind and consciousness of one whom DeSaad experimented on at behest of his master. To try and find that which his master so craved.
But on this day the occupant of the device was its own maker. The subject of the devices intent had left him there before covering himself in a cloth and carefully creeping out of the palace. He descended into the darkness of the vast Armagettos of Apokolips. And as he crouched in the darkness, the only light came from a faint glow in his left eye. The glow came from a unique sigil. It almost appeared to be representative of the Omega Symbol, although split and fashioned in an odd way. It almost look like the arches of the symbol, were the wings of a bat.

Author's Note: Sorry if this chapter wasn't quite as epic as it could have been. I just really wanted to get this out so I could get to R2. I've been plotting that for a while and am eager to get to it as soon as possible. A lot of what is set up here will be revealed more in R2, such as what'll happen with Kallen, which is going to be intense. And for those who have seen how Khandaq in this story features characters from Re;surrection know that while there will be influence it will be largely different. Also while it seems like Ares just vanished, that'll be addressed in R2 as well. I hope to get the first chapter of R2 up soon. Detailing Lelouch's trials on Apokolips and more. See you all then.