Rewritten as of 2/10/21



"Telepathic conversation"

Sacred Gear




*Sound effect*

Previously on Chapter 2…

We all chuckled before I stood up. "I am Izayoi Hyoudou, Disciplinary Committee Head, from Class 1-C and…" I smiled widely at them blinding Issei with the shine of my teeth.


I brought out my eight wings and flapped them before bowing with a hand across my chest. "…the Queen of Serafall Leviathan. A pleasure to meet you all."

The entire Gremory Peerage stared dumbly at me with their mouths open wide.


Chapter 3: I hate you Murphy

"So let me get this straight." Tomato said as she stared at me with an amused smile on her face, her elbows propped up on the table and fingers of both hands interlocked with each other's. "You crossed paths with the Maou Leviathan in Kyoto when you were 11."


"She had sensed your vast back then 'Mana reserves' and Sacred Gear, and then had stalked you for an entire year until jumping into a fight between you and a Stray Devil to 'save the day' so to speak of."

"She admitted all these herself. Proudly too."

"She then took you under her, pardon the pun, wings and had been helping you develop your own brand of Magic."


"Then a year later, on the night of your birthday, she offered you to be her Queen."

"It was a Mutation Piece."

"Since then, you've 'cranked' up you training so that you don't tarnish her reputation."


"I see."


"You have my condolences."

"…you know it's kinda funny how Sona had asked the same things you did now over six months ago."

Tomato took a sip of her fifth cup of Tea and raised an eyebrow, her aquamarine eyes glinting in amusement from Sona's suffering. "Is that why she chose you to be the Disciplinary Committee Head?"

"I was the one who suggested it."

"I see."

It took me half an hour to summarize my story so to speak of about how I became Serafall's Queen. Rias and Akeno were both amused with Serafall's actions, Koneko paid half attention to me and half attention to her snacks, Yuuto looked like he wanted to pity my luck but at the same time he wanted to sympathize with me, except he didn't know how.

"What about you Ise-kun?"


Tomato's eye twitched, Akeno chuckled and Koneko shot a disgusted look at him. Issei is slumped over the armrest of the couch, asleep and snoring.

I pointed a finger and shot a bolt of Lightning at him.

"Ouch!" Issei yelped awake and glared at me. "What was that for!?"

"Rias-senpai asked you something."

"Oh. Sorry about that Gremory-senpai! I fell asleep. Hehe~" Issei nervously said rubbing the back of his head.

Tomato nodded taking another sip of Tea from her fifth cup. "It's okay. Have you decided on whether you will become a Devil or not?"

"Yep! I talked with Izayoi on the matter, and he told me that the only way I can get myself a Harem is by becoming a Devil. I don't care how long it takes, I will have a Harem!" Issei's proud declaration was met with chuckles from Rias and Akeno, a disgusted look from Koneko and ignorance from Yuuto.

"Very well! Ise-kun, please lie down on the couch." Tomato said getting off of her seat. Once Issei lied down, Tomato brought out a box from a Magic circle and opened it.

"Which Piece will you use?"

Tomato pulled out a Pawn Piece and placed it on Issei's chest. It didn't glow. Tomato placed another one with the same result. She repeated it five more times before they all started glowing together. "Seven Pawns… what is his Sacred Gear? A Longinus?" Tomato mumbled to herself.

"I suggest you put limiters on five of the seven Pawns. The power boost from all seven at once will explode him."

"I'll die!?"

"Very well." A crimson glow surrounded Tomato. "I order you, Issei Hyoudou, in my name Rias Gremory! Shed your human skin and don the one of my kin! Be delighted, for you will be resurrected as a Devil, into my Pawn!"

The Pieces glowed and sunk into Issei's chest. In Canon, Issei had taken eight Pawns to be resurrected from the dead, when he had the Boosted Gear. In this timeline, he took seven instead of eight with Divine Dividing. Is it because he was alive that he required seven or is it because Divine Dividing is easier to Master? Well, not like it matters. This is Issei we are talking about, Plot Armor is his Trump Card.

"Huh? I don't feel anything different."

"You will. In daylight, you will feel weak. In the night you'll become stronger and all of your senses will be enhanced."

"Heeee? That so?"

"It will take about a week to adjust." I pipe in. "Well, it took me a week to adjust. It might be more for you."

"This week's gonna be a pain huh?"

"Yup." I turned to Tomato. "Rias-senpai. Leave his training to me. He'll be strong in no time!"

"You just want an excuse to beat me up don't you!?"

"By the way, he's already awakened his Sacred Gear last night with my help." I ignored him.

Tomato crossed her arms under her Tomatoes making Issei drool. "Really? I'm sure it is a powerful Sacred Gear if he took seven Pawns to turn."

I smiled up at her. "Two words Rias-senpai." I turned Issei around and slapped his back sending a pulse of Demonic Power into his spine making him yelp.


Two metal white wings with blue glass panels popped out. "Divine Dividing…!" Tomato's eyes brightened and a grin threatened to split her face in two. She threw her arms up and cheered. "Hahahahahaha! A Longinus! Hah! Take that Sona!"

"Anyway Rias-senpai!"


"Let's make a schedule for Baka-nii okay? I'll deal with his training and you'll teach him his duties as a Devil."

"I see. Do you have something in mind?"


"Hey! Don't I get a say in the matter!?"

I turned to Issei and raised an eyebrow. "Do you want a Harem or not?"

"Of course I do! But wh-"

"Then you'll train. If you're not strong then you're worth less than a pebble. I may not approve of a Harem, but that doesn't mean I won't help you attain one."


I grinned at him. "Don't think for a moment that it'd be easy. Because, you've already walked into Hell."

Rias snapped her fingers at me. "EMIYA, right?" Weeb spotted!

I winked at her. "Yup. 'That's Hell you're walking into.' Hmm, should've said that before you turned him."

Rias nodded. "You're right. It would've been funnier if you did."

"We can't have everything now can we?"

"Sadly we can't." Tomato perked up as if an idea just came to her. "Hey! Do you think Yuuto can pull an UBW?"

"The Reality Marble? Maybe if he really wants it as his Balance Breaker, but not out of it. But he can probably do the flying swords and stuff."

Both of us then turned our heads towards Yuuto making him tense. "Bu-Buchou?"

"Hey, want me to deal with him too?"

"Wh-What?" Poor dude looks scared.

"I'd be glad if you would."

Tomato and I shook our hands. "So I have two Devils to tort- err, train?"

"You were going to say 'torture'!? You were, weren't you!?"

"That's right Izayoi-kun. When can you start?"


"Hmm, how about four days a week sound? Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday? Do you have a training ground to use?"

"Hmm, there's a villa atop a mountain that you can use. Will you start from tomorrow?"

I turned to Yuuto. "What do you think?" I didn't ask Issei because he'd be sure to whine and reduced the four days of training to three, if not two.

Yuuto awkwardly laughed. "Hahaha, how do I say this…?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow. "I'll have you know I'm the two time national Kendo and Karate champion. So you shouldn't have any problem with the training should you? Besides, it's not like I'm going to teach you how to use a sword from the scratch. No, I'll teach you new tricks that you can use with your Sword Birth in the Rating Games in the future."

"'New' my ass! You're just ripping off EMIYA and Gilgamesh!"


"You'll get sued for copyright?" I rolled my eyes at his question.

"I guess I can try, at least. For Buchou's sake."


"With that out of the way, let's go grab lunch!"

"Ufufufufu~ someone's eager to eat~" Akeno said wrapping her arms around me from behind and pushing her Akenos against my head. "Would you perhaps like to eat this Onee-san~?"

'Oh? So you want to play it like that huh?' Faster than Akeno can react, I turned around, got on my tip-toes, pulling her tight against me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my chin on top of her Akenos. Ignoring her surprise, with half-lidded eyes, I replied in the seductive voice that Epis grilled into my system, "If you prove to be delicious enough, then I'll be glad to gobble you up."

Akeno shuddered and moaned. "Ahn~"

"Wow…" I don't have to turn around to see how impressed Tomato is. "…this is the first time I'm seeing Akeno like this…"

Akeno whined as I let her go. "Well, I've got a great teacher. She taught me everything about dominating others or making them submit to me."

[Damn right I am!]

Though Serafall was hard to dominate, but then again, she is a Maou.

"Anyway, all of you change into outdoor clothing. You lot shouldn't wear school uniform all the time you know?" No, seriously, why are they wearing school uniform on a weekend? Only Issei and I aren't wearing the school uniform.

"What's wrong with the school uniform?" Tomato asked in confusion.

"People will think you have a school uniform fetish if you walk around in public wearing school uniform on a weekend."


"Oh~? And what if I told you I have that fetish? Maybe the naughty schoolgirl who didn't do her homework?"

'You're just begging for another one right there Akeno.' I turned around with my arms behind me and leaned towards Akeno. "In that case, I can be the teacher who bends you over a desk and, pardon the language, fucks you silly as punishment for not doing the homework."

"Ara…?" Akeno looked genuinely surprised.

I grinned viciously and tapped her cheek making her shudder submissively. "That's what I thought." I narrowed my eyes, grasping her chin with my thumb and index finger, I pulled her down to my level before whispering into her ears, "Now, how about you change here right in front of me? Hmm? Make it a feast for my eyes, why don't you?"

Akeno shuddered again and her legs trembled.

"Hah! Just kidding!" I let her go and twirled around before standing beside an awed Tomato. "I wouldn't ask something like that of you without getting to know you better and going on a date or two." Not like I plan to. Serafall is enough.

Akeno quickly recovered and pouted. "That was rude of you Izayoi-kun. You shouldn't give hope to a pure maiden like me and take it away the next instant."

'Pure maiden my ass.'

"Like I said, if you want me to do them to you, then we'll have to know more about each other than what we do at the moment. Become more than 'Senpai-Kouhai', and for that to happen, dates exist." I replied confidently.

"Ara?" She cupped her cheek and looked at me with eyes that had 'desire' written on them. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?" Akeno only smiled.


We all paused and looked at Issei who was down on his knees, looking at me with tears of blood running down his cheeks and hands clasped together in prayer. "You are simply amazing Izayoi…! Teach me how to seduce women! For our brotherhood! For us poor fools that are bound to remain virgins for the rest of our lives. TEACH US!"

Needless to say, I refused.

In the end we agreed to starting Issei and Yuuto's training from next Sunday.

Issei's training will consist of relearning Karate from me, and mastering Divine Dividing. Then I'll push him towards Balance Breaker as much as I can until Tannin takes over.

Yuuto's training will be more of a transformation because I'll be turning him into EMIYA and push him into evolving his Sword Birth. Hopefully, his Balance Breaker will be EMIYA's Reality Marble. To make this successful, I'll be shoving everything I know about both EMIYA and Gilgamesh into his skull.

Since their training will be starting next week, Issei will be distributing the pamphlets this week. I've tasked Yuuto to watch every scene of EMIYA and Gilgamesh in YouTube. Though, I'm worried that he will end up destroying his TV after seeing Artoria using Excalibur on Medusa. Hmm, maybe I'll shove the idea of Excalibur Morgan into his head later?

Seems plausible enough.

"You know…" I spoke up entering an abandoned warehouse. "…you're not doing a good job at hiding yourself."

"Tch. So you noticed?" Dohnaseek stepped out from the shadows forming two light spears in his hands. I had half a guess he would do this, that's why I didn't kill him last night.

"And the rats you brought as well."

I had sensed the presence of 25 Fallen Angels in this town two hours ago after returning home from the lunch Issei and I had with the ORC. I had sent Grimm, my Panther familiar to see where they were. Grimm had reported that they were using one of the abandoned warehouses in the outskirts of the town and I headed there after evening.

I didn't inform Issei about it, because if I did then he would've informed Tomato and co, then drag them in, ruining my fun. You see I'm a bit of a battle maniac. I enjoy a good fight, and these 25 Fallen Angels will be the ones to provide me with it. Rest in pieces nameless Fallen Angels.

"Yer a cocky one ain't ya shortie?"

A big and burly Fallen Angel came under the moonlight standing beside Dohnaseek proudly displaying his four wings.

"I'm not cocky if I can back up my claims."

The Fallen Angel created a large javelin of light. "Then show it!" Dohnaseek stepped to the side and let Mr. Burly dash at me. I watched in boredom as the Fallen covered the distance between us in an agonizingly slow pace. Once he as right above me, he brought down his javelin on me. "Now die!"

I let the javelin land on my shoulder and looked the large Fallen in the eyes, taking minor satisfaction at seeing the shock and confusion that filled his eyes.

"That's it?" I asked grabbing onto the light javelin with my thumb and index finger. One major advantage of being Epis's host is that I have complete immunity to light despite being a Devil. "This isn't impressive. I've killed several two winged Fallens with light spears or swords more intense than yours."


With the slightest of squeezes, I shattered the light javelin and punched him in the Solar Plexus.


Mr. Burly doubled over my fist before shooting backwards destroying a wall as he crashed outside through it. He won't be getting up after that. I had coated my fist in Ki at the last second before punching him. I've damaged his very soul, so even if he stands up, he'll die soon after.


"Take this!" I stepped to the side dodging an attack from the second Fallen before side-kicking him into a third one. My hand shot to my left choking an invisible fourth Fallen.

"You're a mongrel aren't you?" The fourth Fallen's invisibility wore off.


"You're a Human-Fallen Hybrid born with a Sacred Gear. That makes you a mongrel. Do you know what a Mongrel is?" I backhanded a fifth Fallen before grabbing a sixth one to slam him into the seventh Fallen that tried to sneak up on me.

"N-No…" Even though I told you moments ago?

"It means a mutt born of mixed descent."




I snapped his neck and then used him as a flail to beat up the fifth, sixth and seventh Fallen leaving them in a gory mess.

I tilted my head and let a needle thin light spear pass through the place my head was. I waved my hand and turned the eighth Fallen into an Ice statue. I'll hand it to him, creating a light spear as thin as a needle isn't easy. Unfortunately for him, I'm too aware of my surroundings to miss it.

"Don't bother trying." I told Dohnaseek as I punched a hole through the ninth Fallen, his innards and bone shards hitting the tenth Fallen behind him giving me the chance to kick him between the legs reducing his jewels to a bloody mess. "I've placed a barrier that will prevent anyone from entering or leaving the place. You can't even call for backup as it is now. So…" I covered the distance between the two of us and grabbed his arm. "…don't try to run away, okay?"



"ARRRRGHHH!" Dohnaseek screamed in pain clutching the disfigured mess that I turned his left arm into.

"Now, now, don't scream so loud! No one will hear you~." I stabbed the 11th Fallen with an Ice spear before using him to hit the 12th Fallen. I stepped on the 12th Fallen's head and crushed his skull with a sickening crunch. "Think! All these Fallen Angels, your kin, your brethren are dying because you were too much of a coward to face me alone! You've done a great job in reducing your kin's numbers for Heaven and Underworld!" I elbowed the 13th Fallen in the face and then backhanded him into the 14th and 15th Fallen consecutively.

"J-Just who are you…?" Dohnaseek gritted out.

"Who? Me?" I pointed at myself with a silly grin as I plunged my fingers into the 16th Fallen's chest before frying him inside out. All of my eight wings popped out of my back and six wrapped themselves around 17th to 22nd Fallen Angels and snapped their necks instantly killing them. "I am Izayoi Hyoudou, Queen of Serafall Leviathan. Can't say I'm pleased to meet you considering what you and Raynare had planned for my brother." I absolutely relished in the terror that Dohnaseek felt.

"Y-You… are the… Leviathan's Queen?"

I kindly smiled at him. "I did introduce myself in that manner no?" I glanced at the remaining three Fallens including Dohnaseek, all of them staring at me in terror.

"Do you see what you did Dohanseek? You brought several of your own kin to their death, albeit it was unknowingly, I don't blame you really. If I had introduced myself as Serafall Leviathan's Queen last night then you wouldn't have thought about showing up tonight. Right?"

Dohnaseek hesitantly nodded.

"I know the kind of man you are, and I also know how to make you dance on my palm." I patted his shoulder and glanced at the remaining Fallens that were trembling in their boots. "You see Dohnaseek, from the very beginning I knew when you and Raynare came to the town, what your intention was and who your target was. All I needed to do was wait for the right time and then…" I picked up a shard of iron and crushed it in my palm. "…crush you."

The Fallen Angels whimpered and I laughed uproariously like those comic book super villains making one of them piss on spot.

"Tell me Dohnaseek, do you know why I didn't introduce myself as the Leviathan's Queen?"


I cruelly grinned down at him. "I was bored. I wanted to kill, hunt and play with my prey. And unfortunately for you, I chose you as my prey. So I left you alive last night knowing that you would do this. And you did not disappoint me my dear Fallen Angel!" I shot an ice spear through the skull of 23rd Fallen making Dohnaseek flinch and the last one to scream and beg for mercy. "Remember a year ago when several of your six winged Fallen Angels, ones that served Kokabiel, stationed in Florida disappeared?" I spread my arms to the side and smiled. "It was I who killed them." Though it was possible thanks to Azazel placing a bounty on them and Serafall volunteering to let me deal with them.

"BUT!" I crouched down to Dohnaseek's level and frowned at him. "You are not my real prey. Kokabiel is."


"Clairvoyance is a pain you know?" I lied through my teeth. "But at the same time, it's so handy! That is how I knew everything. And now… you'll die. Thank you for your service~!"

Drawing a Magic circle that Epis taught me beside him, I stood up and hopped away leaving two crumbling ice statues.

I walked home feeling lighter than usual with a large grin plastered on my face as the warehouse and everything in a radius of 200 meters burnt down to non-existence.

"Ah~ a job well done~"

Vali Lucifer watched from far away atop a telephone pole as the boy named Izayoi Hyoudou walked away from the burning warehouse looking jolly and self-satisfied.

He had been spying on his rival, the current White Dragon Emperor. What he saw had disappointed him to no end. An utter pervert obsessed with the female body. His parents weren't anything special too, normal parents with not even an ounce of Mana in them or Magical history for that matter. The same being applied to their eldest son, who had the unfortunate luck to be his rival.

He had almost lost hope of a good fight, but then the youngest child showed up.

At only 15 years of age, he already had eight wings after serving Serafall Leviathan as her Queen for two years. Normally, the number of wings tell what class a Devil falls into. Four to six wings meant that they are Mid-Class Devils, eight wings meant High-Class Devils. But Izayoi Hyoudou? That didn't apply to him.

Vali can already sense the immense reserves of Demonic Power that the younger Hyoudou has, easily on par with a weak Ultimate-Class Devil. Yet he had only eight wings? Unbelievable. He should have at least ten wings. Perhaps, he was hiding his true power? If so, then why? What's the use and benefit of doing so?

Vali's thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the tip of a nondescript sword touched his neck.

"Don't you know that it's rude to spy on others? Hmm?"

'When did he-!?'

Vali glanced at the person holding the tip of the sword at his neck, lo and behold, it's the same person he was just thinking about, smiling innocently as if he wasn't holding a sword on his neck ready to kill.

"Leviathan's Queen." He greeted in return with the name only a few knows of.

"It's quite unbecoming of the current Red Dragon Emperor to spy on others you know~?" So he knows? "Then again you are that rat Rizevim's grandchild. So I'm not surprised." A look of rage crossed his face before vanishing when the tip of the sword slightly dug into his neck. "Tut-tut! Don't be a bad boy Vali Lucifer~! Your great-grandfather would've been disappointed you know? I'm sure he's already rolling in his grave with how his son and your father turned out to be."

Vali calmed down and Izayoi removed the sword from his neck.

"I was merely scouting my rival's progress."

"And you're disappointed to say the least?"

"Yes. It's unfortunate that you aren't my rival, if you were then our clash would've been the most epic one in history."

"I'm aware. Maybe we would've done the same amount of damage Ddraig and Albion had done during the Great War?" he shrugged. "Regardless, I'm rather happy with what I have. I don't want a fire breathing winged lizard in my soul."

(What was that you brat!?)

"And there he is! Speak of the lizard and ye shall come!" Wasn't it Devil? "Hey! Hey! Ddraig! Do you even remember why you and Albion started fighting each other?"

(Of course I do! What do you think I am!?)

Vali suppressed a shudder at the shark like grin that settled on Izayoi's face. "Oh really? What was the reason then?"

(…why should I tell you? You're not even my host.) So he actually forgot?

Izayoi giggled. "Hehehe~ I knew it! You and Albion both forgot why you were fighting didn't you? How cute~!"

(Vali, murder him! Murder him right here and now!)

"Ufufu~ maybe another day?" the younger Hyoudou looked at his watchless wrist. "It's already getting late enough as it is. If I don't return home now, I might get into trouble~."

(So you're running away? Hmph! I didn't take you for a coward.)

"I never said that did I? I only told you to hold it off, maybe until the Golden Week? That time I won't have school, so we can find ourselves a good place to dish it out? What do you think Vali Lucifer?"

"Hmph. I'll think about it."


'Hush Ddraig. I have no interest in fighting him now. He may have taken down several Fallen Angels, but all of them were weak. I'd rather gather more intel on him first, then fight. He's not like his brother. He knew that I've been spying on his brother.'

Besides, Azazel had told him to lie low and not cause any trouble for him. Moreover, Izayoi knows who he is, regardless of whether it's about him being the Red Dragon Emperor or a Lucifer. Information is power, and in this case, Izayoi is the one with power. Not to mention the sheer confidence he had displayed, as if it didn't matter that Vali was the Red Dragon Emperor.


"Okie-dokie! Have a good night! Ciao!" with that the younger Hyoudou blurred away returning home.

'Hmm…maybe I'll send Kuroka to keep an eye on him?'

"Hehehe~ who would've thought I'd meet the edgelord so soon?"

From what I can recall, Vali had already stalked Issei in canon to find out more about the latter, but I didn't think it would be now, but sometime before Excalibur Arc. The fact that he did it now means that Azazel probably knew about Issei possessing Divine Dividing from the beginning and told Vali about it.

Let's see… Issei has become a Devil, thankfully this time without dying. Before that I've dealt with Raynare's group right in front of the Gremory Peerage and Issei himself. Next is-


I can't help but want to bash my skull into a wall now. Raynare's gone, Issei and her date never happened, Issei didn't die but became a Devil nevertheless. Now at one glance one would say there's no problem in everything that has happened so far, but I say "NAY!"

There's one big glaring problem! With Raynare gone, Asia won't be here! That means Issei and Asia's ship will not sail! For all I know she is dead! I mean it's not like Kuoh is the only place where Raynare and co. can extract Asia's Sacred Gear, they can also do it in another town and kill her! And if they do, then Diodora will jump in and 'save' Asia, then do whatever he wants to her!