Three's A Crowd

AN – This chapter is both shorter than I expected and ran away with me a bit. I initially wasn't expecting this ending but sometimes the stories write themselves!

Disclaimer – As ever, I don't own Thunderbirds.

Chapter Eight – Engagement

Having a pack of forty two (at last count) biomechanically enhanced dogs at your beck and call did cause a little bit of a headache, especially as John was completely opposed to anything remotely bad happening to them.

They proved their use almost immediately though, when they chased an intruder off the premises. Unfortunately the dogs couldn't get close enough to stop whoever it was – likely to be the person who had smuggled in the electromagnetic frequency generator – but having them around did keep the family safe and secure in the knowledge that the person wouldn't be trying that again anytime soon.

Most were left at the ranch, a neighbour bribed to take care of them on a routine basis. A small squad of six made their way to Tracy Island, where they provided additional security and many cuddles. And one, the puppy that John had ended up carrying for most of the day and refused to be parted from him, had been named Laika and was Thunderbird 5's newest resident. Somehow Brains had made her her own personal dog spacesuit. Laika had adapted to zero-G remarkably well, floating around happily while John coordinated rescues and only interrupting him for the occasional tummy rub. The main problem Laika had was that her over-enthusiastic tail wagging often sent her into a uncontrolled spin.

With two adult humans, one very quickly growing dog and a bossy AI, Thunderbird 5 was beginning to feel quite crowded.

Not that John minded. Yes, occasionally he would get annoyed that yet again his suit was covered in dog hair and drool and sometimes he would be irritated at how long Selene liked to stay in the shower but overall John was very happy with the way things were.


His trips down to Earth were becoming more inconvenient, he missed Selene whenever he was away but he couldn't abandon his family. Gone were the days when he just popped down if it was quiet though, he now only really came down for weekly dinners and special events. His brothers had noticed the distance, but they were also busy living their lives. Alan was studying for a distance learning degree, Virgil and Scott were getting more involved in the business side of the organisation and Gordon spent half his time in Kent with Penelope.

They noticed that John was becoming more distant, but were happy to leave him to it. His father, still adjusting even after being back on Earth for nearly a year now, just assumed that it was the way it had always been.

Still, today found John sitting with his family in the lounge, Laika sprawled over his feet. The only member of the family not present was Gordon, who had apparently already arranged a meal out for Penelope in Paris.

They had eaten well, mainly because Scott had managed to pick up a delivery of pizzas on his way back from the latest rescue. John could acknowledge that he did miss pizza when he was up on Thunderbird 5, although Laika had managed to snag several pieces from a box that no one was watching and he wasn't looking forwards to dealing with the aftermath of that later.

Now they were simply talking, discussing some of the most recent rescues and generally taking the time to catch up. Their discussion was interrupted by a blue hologram appearing in the middle of the table, Gordon looking inordinately pleased with himself.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt but we had something to tell you."

"Hi Gordon," Jeff smiled at his son. "Well, fire away. We're all ears."

Gordon reached sideways and pulled Penelope into the shot, her blue form waving shyly. John, however, was transfixed by the new addition to her fourth finger.

"She said yes!" Gordon cried, whooping loudly.

A stunned silence ensued, before a cacophony of noise broke out. Alan whooping, Scott and Virgil congratulating them all, Jeff trying to pretend he didn't have a tear in his eye and Grandma all out crying into her handkerchief.

They spoke for a while, Kayo demanding details of the proposal whilst Grandma wanted to know all about future wedding dates. Eventually, the discussion began to quieten down and Penelope cleared her throat. "Yes, well to celebrate we would like to invite you all to a small engagement party, in a couple of weeks time. The only request is that you all bring dates, please. Except for yourselves, Jeff and Grandma."

"Oh that would be lovely!" Grandma replied enthusiastically. "I haven't been to a party for a long time."

"Dates?" Alan asked, face scrunched up.

"Yes Alan, dates." Penelope confirmed.

"Hey guys, we've gotta go now but I'll be back soon," Gordon waved to them all. He and Penelope disappeared from the lounge.

"Dates." Alan repeated, still looking as though he had eaten a lemon.

"K-Kayo," Brains asked nervously. "Would you care to accompany me to their engagement party?"

"I would love to Brains," Kayo replied with a smile, causing groans from Alan and Virgil.

"Now who am I going to go with?" Alan pouted.

"Surely there must be someone from your degree?" Grandma asked him. "Some nice girl that you can drag along."

"Well…maybe. But that means I'd have to ask one."

"How about the rest of you boys? Got anyone in you could ask?"

"I could ask Kat," Scott mused, leading to Alan pulling a face and Virgil wincing slightly.

"Kat?" Jeff asked curiously.

"Kat Cavanaugh," Virgil supplied. "Reporter and general annoyance."

"Hey! I like her!" Scott frowned at his brother. "We've been kind of seeing each other for a little while now."

Alan shook his head. "Man, you do pick them."

Scott stood up, temper flaring. "Well I don't see that any of you have potential dates."

"Simmer down," Jeff instructed mildly. "If Scott wants to invite this Kat person, then he can. As long as she is aware that it's strictly a social engagement, no reporting."

Alan continued to pout, but Virgil rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I have an idea of who I could ask, strictly as friends."

"Anyone we know?" Grandma asked him.

"I'm not sure," the mechanic shrugged. "Depends if they say yes or not."

"What about you John honey? I'm sure Penelope and Gordon wouldn't mind if you didn't bring a date really."

"Gee thanks," John replied, rolling his eyes. "I'm not a complete social pariah, you know."

"You could have fooled us," Alan replied, flipping upside down on the sofa seat. "All you do is hang around in Thunderbird 5 with Laika and Eos… I don't think Penelope would let you get away with bringing a dog or an AI."

"You just worry about your own date, leave me to sort out mine," John replied mildly. He thought up to Selene on Thunderbird 5. 'Have you been following the discussion?'

The response came back almost immediately. 'Not properly, something about a reporter?'

Telepathic communication had become the norm between them following the attack on the ranch. 'Gordon and Penelope got engaged, they've invited us to a party to celebrate. Would you like to accompany me?'

'Really?' Selene sounded almost incredulous. 'Come with you to meet your family? After all this time?'

John nearly winced at the unspoken reprimand in her tone, only just remembering that he was surrounded by his family and they couldn't see that he was talking to anyone. 'I wanted to protect you from their scrutiny and questions,' he explained. 'But…it's beyond time now that you should meet them.'

'I'd be delighted.'

"Hey, Earth to John." John focussed once again on the group around him. Virgil and Jeff were looking at him in concern, Alan in annoyance.

"Sorry, I just zoned out for a moment there," he explained, embarrassed at being caught out. Up on Thunderbird 5 it didn't matter if Selene and he spent a lot of time in their silent discussions, but he had to be careful around his family.

"You've been doing that a lot lately," Virgil noted. Oops, maybe not careful enough then. "You've been up in space too long, you should spend some time down here for a while."

"Looks like I'll be Earth-bound for a party soon. Maybe I'll take some time off afterwards and actually stay down here for a bit."

John's announcement had them all gaping at him. "Did you just… willingly volunteer to leave space for a while?" Scott asked incredulously.

John shrugged. "You have a good point. But for now, Thunderbird 5 beckons." And the arms of Selene. He waved goodbye to his family and entered the space elevator, Laika following him in. John clipped Laika into her own transport harness before settling himself into the seat.

"Selene is very happy," Eos informed him as soon as John was on his way. "What did you say to her?"

"I invited her to an engagement party that Gordon and Penelope are planning." John replied.

"That would explain the singing."


"Yes, there is now music playing throughout the space station. It is not unpleasant." John rubbed his head with his hand.

"But I don't have a music system rigged throughout the space station."

A slight pause. "I don't think that has been an impediment."

Sure enough, when John finally reached Thunderbird 5 there was classic opera music playing throughout the station. Selene was humming as she moved around, checking calls and generally playing with his programming. Over the years he had patiently taught her about all of the word he was doing on Thunderbird 5, meaning he now had an extremely capable accomplice. Selene had lapped it all up, every bit as comfortable as John was to explore some of the less than legal sides of his operation.

Much to Eos's disappointment. John figured that Eos would get over it, it's not like she had the best record when it came to legality.

What really caught John's attention today though was that while Selene was busy doing something with computer code, she was also dancing. Bare feet were drumming out a beat on the edge of the gravity ring. To John, she was a vision of perfection – dancing in space with her hair flicking out behind her, light and graceful on her feet.

He stepped forwards and she swung towards him with a smile. Leaving the code, she grabbed his hands and pulled him into her dance. As he spun around, he couldn't help but smile at her.

"Selene," he started. "I've been thinking."

Selene paused her dance and looked at him, amused smile quirking the corner of her lips. "What is it, darling?"

John delicately got down on one knee, taking hold of her hand in his. He noted her confused expression and smiled reassuringly. "I don't know if it is something that you are familiar with, but would you marry me?"

The squeal and armful of bouncing woman told John that yes, marriage was something she was familiar with. He brushed a strand of white hair out of her face. "Is that a yes, then?"

Selene pulled back, looking up at him. "Very much so."

John pulled her in for a kiss, holding her close. They stood like that for a few moments, just content to be with each other. Eventually, John began to move, noticing something rather unusual as he did so.

"Selene… are you glowing?"