Note: The following is a fan-based crossover parody. Kamen Rider is owned by tokusatsu and RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth. Please support the official releases.
Bold for device voices, Kaijin language
Underline for tracks (I own none of them at all)
"-" for talking
'-' for thoughts
Italics for other languages
JNPR Chaper One: Golden Awakening
As the dark fades, revealing a tower, a feminine voice can be heard telling the story of the world of Remnant.
("Legends, scattered through time, mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are merely remnants, byproducts of a forgotten past. Man, born from dust was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world of an inevitable darkness, creatures of destruction: creatures of Grimm! They set their sights on man and all his creations. These forces clashed and it seems that they were intent on returning man's brief existence to the void.")
The voice says as an image of humans rising from the earth before being attacked by monsters resembling snakes, boars, and wolves.
("However, even the smallest sparks of hope are enough to ignite change and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity would help lead them to the tools to even the odds.")
Now armed, the humans drive the Grimm off with the power of a crystal.
("They appropriately named this power: Dust. Nature's wrath at hand, man lit through the darkness and in the darkness came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life!")
She says as a map appears, showing four kingdoms: Vale, Atlas, Vouco, Mistral! After they become visible, the voice continues, but in a more somber and menacing tone!
("But even the most brilliant of light will eventually fade, and when they are gone, darkness will return. So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called 'free world', but take heed, for there is no victory in strength!")
As she finishes her empty warning, her voice is replaced by another one, one more masculine as he offers a childish alternative to strength
("Or perhaps victory in the simpler things you have forgotten, things that require a simpler, more honest soul.")
During all that, a red haired man walked into a shop with a cane in his hand and four henchmen. "Do you know how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" The leader asks as one of the henchmen points a gun at the owner of the place! The old man begs them to just take his lien and leave, but the leader assures him they don't want the money, instead they start taking as much dust (in both powder and crystal form) as they can. Eventually, one of the goons noticed a fifteen year-old girl in the store reading a magazine and listening to her headphones under her hood. He decides to walk over to her, thinking it would be an easy mugging. "Alright kid, hands where I can see 'em." He draws his sword before realizing her headphones were blasting music so she can't hear a thing! Annoyed, he gets closer to turn her around, getting her attention at last. He points to his own head, motioning her to take off her headphones. Now able to hear, the goon tells her to put her hands up in the air, she replies. "Are you robbing me?" Now irritated, he confirms it, but is suddenly thrown back into the general direction of the others. The leader looks at one of the other henchmen and gestures to him to take care of it, unfortunately, when he tries, he is thrown out the window by the girl as she jumps out of the same window and onto the street!
The girl pulls out a device that unfolds into a scythe! The four goons are in shock, but not the leader, so he gets their attention and orders them to attack. The girl uses her weapon to takedown the goons one by one until the leader is left! "Well Red, I say that this was an eventful evening..." The leader states as he raises his cane and points it right at her. "But, this is where we part ways." As he finishes his sentence, the man fires a 'flare' at the girl as a distraction to make his getaway, or he would have if he didn't see him climbing a ladder to a rooftop. She turns to the old man and asks. "Is it alright if I go after him?" He gives her a nod and she heads for the same rooftop the crook ran off to. Meanwhile, as he reaches the top, the 'once' leader hears the teen close behind! "Persistent!" He mutters in irritation when suddenly, a ship appears in front of them. After he boarded the vessel, he pulled out a Fire Dust crystal from a pocket from his suit. "End of the line, Red!" The man states before tossing it under her and shoots the crystal, causing the Dust to explode! As the dust cloud clears through, she is unharmed by a huntress, one that resembles a witch!
The huntress waves her wand and fires streams of Psychic energy at the ship, trying to knock it out of the sky as the crook stumbles into the cockpit to tell the two pilots what's happening! They both leave their respective seats as the guy takes the controls, to keep this 'bird' in the air. The woman in a red dress had reached the back of the ship with a man in a black hood and prepared to attack! The two ladies were evenly matched, redirecting and blocking each other's attacks while the co-pilot observing the girl with the scythe, seeing if she was worth the effort, until she folded her scythe into a sniper rifle and tried to take a shot at them with all but one of the shots were defected as one grazed his cheek, causing some sparks to fly! Now peeved, the co-pilot jumps off the craft before he started sprouting feathers everywhere! "Time to nip this in the bud." He said as he transformed, now appearing with different colored feathers covering his head, shoulders, and back.
While the girl was in shock at the man's new appearance, the Huntress took the initiative and used her Semblance to levitate the remaining debris and throw it at the monster, only for him to corkscrew dive through the now flying rubble and manages to reach her without being harmed himself! He then used the dagger mounted on his right wrist and his left fingers to strike the Huntress repeatedly, causing her to be forcibly flipped backwards and onto the ground hard with the last hit when he latched his left blades onto her right calf. Fortunately, the teen girl was able to impale the monster with her scythe before he could deliver the killing blow! "Leave her alone!" She shouted as she then yanked him away from the Huntress, only for her scythe to be yanked out of her hands while he dislodged the blade, letting green blood trickle out. "Nice tool, farm girl." He said mockingly as he then twirled her scythe expertly before resting the weapon on his right shoulder while attempting to slash at the girl with his wrist dagger. However, it would seem that the monster was counting on her moving out of the way because when she zipped behind him with blinding speed, he quickly turned around and threw all of his weight into swinging the scythe downwards, shattering through some kind of invisible barrier around the girl as the blade went right through her foot! "No one out-speeds this Undead." He proclaimed as the girl tried in vain to yank her scythe out of her foot while the Undead raised his left arm, ready to finish off the girl. When he suddenly felt something hit his back, causing the Undead to throw one of its blades at the Huntress's shoulder, the one who attacked him from behind. "Now where was I?" He asked himself as he turned back to the girl when suddenly, an arrow flew out of nowhere and strikes the monster's side, causing a small explosion and sending it tumbling back! As they look to where the arrow came from, they see three warriors in fruit-based suits with unique bows and belts that resembled juicers. One melon that looks like a samurai, one cherry that looks like a Viking, and one lemon that looks like a European knight, the former of which was holding a long bow as if he'd took the shot.
Track playing: Covert Coverup from Kamen Rider Gaim
"Undead, dead ahead." The melon-based archer says with a calm demeanor. "I see it, Zangetsu Shin." Says the lemon-based archer as he pulls back a piece of his bow and releases it, launching two arrows at the Undead's chest, staggering and even hurting him more. As the two were pushing the Undead further away from the wounded, the third archer had ran over to the two ladies. "Thank you." The girl says before the archer was able to yank the scythe out of her foot, causing the teen to whimper in pain before helping her up . "Don't thank us yet." The cherry-based archer said in slightly shrill female voice after she got them to another rooftop. "Stay here until the situation is over." She told the two before heading back. Annoyed, the woman on the ship hurls a burst of energy at them, it connects with the lemon-based man, stumbling him back and causing sparks to fly off him, but nothing more! "We won't be able to defeat the Kaijin with her providing it cover. Shin, Sigurd, hold off the Woodpecker Undead while I drive off the pests!" "Yes, Duke!" Zangetsu Shin and Sigurd said in unison as Duke focused on the ship before taking off a lock from the center of his belt and places it on one of the slots on his bow. "Lock On!" The bow says before going into standing by, Duke aims it at the ship, more accurately, the woman, who was preparing a fireball. "Lemon Energy!" They both fired, but one of the arrows hits and canceled it out the ball while the other made contact with the woman's wrist and blew it off, causing green blood to spew forth! She writhes in agony for a brief moment before turning to the cockpit. "Get us out of here Roman, NOW!" She screamed the last part to Roman as he complied hastily, flying from the fight. Before the beast could escape as well, Duke fired two more arrows, forcing the Undead to the ground.
As the Woodpecker Undead got back up, he sees Shin, Sigurd, and Duke surrounding him as Duke approached him. "It's just you and me now." Duke stated as he raised his bow and pointed the two blades on the front at him.
Duke swings his bow at the Undead as he does the same, staggering each other before Duke shot two arrows at the Undead after quickly recovering! Wanting to wrap it up quickly, Duke grabbed the two handles on the belt and pressed them to the center. "Lemon Energy Finally!" However as Duke's three capes glowed from the action, he was sucker punched by the Woodpecker Undead with considerable speed. Fortunately, Duke was able to find a small opening, which he uses to jump over the Undead, and while he was in mid-air, Duke's capes detached from his back and turned into a bright ball of energy which, once he was behind the Undead, then shoves it to him, causing it to explode onto the Undead's back and send it to the ledge where he nearly fell off! "System Shutdown." The belt stated as the attached lock closes on it's own, causing Duke dissolve and turn into a monster with gold-colored skin with black patterned across the spikes on his right leg, a pair of antennas, a small yet long pair of ear rings, and a stain-glass buckle in the shape of a heart. Finally as he goes limp, everyone could hear a sound that was similar to glass snapping which apparently was a cue for the creature to pull out a blank card and throw it at the body, absorbing it in before returning to the waiting hands of the golden monster. "The finisher was immensely effective, but it drained the Lock Seed..." "Lock Off." "I made the right choice in using the attack last." He finished as Zangetsu walks up to him with news.
"Joker, while you were fighting, I took the liberty of analyzing the blood near the ledge. The woman was a Joker Undead, like you but purely." Zangetsu stated as the Golden Joker commanded them to return home. However as they walk to the ledge facing the street, Sigurd and Zangetsu Shin suddenly spun around with their bows pulled back as they released two arrows that made a direct hit with the girl's weapon and the Huntress's riding crop! Though this was not an unprovoked attack, the two ladies were about to shot them in the back out of instinct when the Joker Undead revealed himself.
As the ladies recovered from the shock, they see that Zangetsu and Sigurd had disappeared while the Undead had fully turned around, looking at them as if he was judging them. He then leaped backwards, disappearing into the night. 'What the hell is going on in Vale?' She mentally asks herself, thinking she was losing her mind, before taking the girl to the police station. Just then, a new narrator can be heard, one with a much deeper and more authoritative voice.
("She was right in that: you will gain no victory in strength, but that is only if you rely upon it alone and more often than not, a 'simpler', 'honest' soul will be crushed the quickest.")
The voice states as 'man' and the Grimm are surrounded by a much greater threat…
("The Grimm are not the only things to worry about, for there are monsters that shake the foundation of this world! They are called 'Kaijin', humanoid monsters with varying powers and intelligence.")
Suddenly a row of Kaijin replaced the humans and Grimm as they all lines up in alphabetical order from: Amazonz to Zodiarts.
("As a subspecies to the much bigger beasts: the 'Kaiju', most Kaijins are capable of annihilating a swarm of Grimm without breaking a sweat but, some can even blend in with a village or kingdom and choose to live in peace with the inhabitants or exterminate them...")
He states as a Caucasus beetle Undead is seen after wiping out a horde of Goliaths before transforming into a normal human being in a crowd!
("My name is, Karmatus Kibō, I am emperor to the continent called: Pax, and 'this' is one of the many divisions that make up: The Harmony Foundation!'")
He introduces himself as he sits in a throne behind a curtain, thin enough to only see a silhouette of him as three warriors from before show themselves to the king before kneeling to him on one foot.
One with long, spiky blonde hair boy wearing a knight-themed suit with five capes decorating his body, (Right blue and Left yellow shoulder capes, a green and black waist cape, and an actual red cape) a smooth, black-haired boy with a magenta streak in it wearing a skin tight suit, decorated with two pink shoulder capes and a green waist cape, and an orange-haired girl wearing an authentic suit of Viking armor decorated with a pink waist cape that had a heart on both capes.
"My liege, We investigated the raise in Kaijin activity in Vale and found a Woodpecker Undead working with the notorious, Roman Torchwick. Furthermore, we encountered an Undead, category:JOKER." The blonde informs before the king gestures them to raise. "I trust you all will deal with both problems before they go out of hand, right?" Karmatus asks and told him yes in return. This makes the king smile Contently. "That's what I like to hear. Now Ren, Nora, Jaune, before heading to your sleeping quarters, I have two last-minute tasks for you. Ren, Nora, go and help Ravage with any final calibrations on the armors for your trip to Beacon." Karmatus informs Ren and Nora before they left the throne room. Afterwards, he turned his attention to Jaune to give him his last task. "Jaune, I want you to head for the eastern part of Anima. A White Fang group has stolen a convoy of supplies meant for our troops in the west." The king presses a button on his throne then suddenly, Jaunes right wrist starts beeping. "I've sent the coordinates to the location to you're communicator. If the White Fang gets away with them, they'll use the weapons to gain a massive advantage so destroy the supplies if you have no other choice! Understand?" "Yes, father." Jaune said, walking out of the palace and heads into a dart-shaped ship as he takes it to Anima.
(Miles from Mistral)
30 minutes later, Jaune was flying over a forest, far from any settlements from Mistral as he looks down to see a battle between the White Fang and Harmony Foundation troops (comprising of humans, Faunus, humanoid reptilians.) As he lands and jumps out of the vehicle, Jaune created an orb of fiery energy as it then changed shape and solidified into a red ornate trident! He charges on word, knocking any troops out of his path, but when he reaches two of the WhiteFang soldiers, he swings his trident at them, killing them on contact! This surprises the Faunus terrorists for a moment before one of them shouts. "Get him!" This proves to be fruitless however as Jaune sends them all flying with brutal swings from his weapon as he pushes forth until he reaches the last two standing, a mid-forty year old Bull Faunus and a fifteen year old Bull Faunus. "Taurus!" Jaune growls as he walks towards them. The older of the two draws his sword, ready to fight him to the finish! "Father-!" The boy wanted to help his dad, but was told to stay back by his father, believing he could handle him. The experienced Faunus charges towards Jaune to cut him down to size, but Jaune just side-steps out of the way and grabs his wrist, giving it a squeeze to make him drop his weapon! Forced to do hand-to-hand combat, the man slowly pushes him back, until Jaune found an opening and started to beat him down before sweeping his legs and impaling the Faunus's chest, shattering both his Aura and his collarbone! The boy was now paralyzed by fear as Jaune pulled the trident out of the body! The boy then became filled with rage and he charged at him blindly, wanting revenge, only to be thrown into a tree then hitting the floor, lifeless. As Jaune walks past the bodies with fresh blood on his blade (showing that the boy was long-dead before hitting the tree), he calls his father to inform him what happened, afterwards he was called back to Pax to rest for tomorrow!
The battle only lasted for mere minutes after he showed up! He was heading for his jet when a voice talked to him, speaking in Greek. 'Vlépo óti den chrisimopoiísate kamía apó tis dynámeis sas, Jaune.' It stated as Jaune told the voice that the powers of the Fire Warden was to be used as a last resort and it would have drawn attention from the city nearby. "Much like my true form did in Argus." He stated
Morning had come, Jaune and his two subordinates had gotten on a large airship alongside another team they knew back at the empire. A black-haired guy with a prosthetic hand and a greatsword on his back wearing a similar suit as Jaune's, a bald, scaly croc Faunus in a simple getup, a white-haired human, and a brown-haired hawk Faunus. Carrying with them were large suitcases filled with other equipment. Today will be the first time people from Pax ever attended Beacon academy! This should be a grand moment for them, if they didn't have to hear the same girl from last night looking a gift horse in the mouth while talking to a blonde girl. "...I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything." "Your right, you aren't." Jaune said in a calm manner. This gets both girls attention, but gets the blonde to think he was insulting the other. "What do you just say?!" The blonde shoves her face into Jaunes when suddenly, he grabs her throat and lifted her into the air! "First, if you're going to shove your face into someone else's, you better be ready to be KNOCKED OUT!" He shouted the last part before he threw her to the ground hard! "...and two, I meant that there are more child prodigies than you think." Jaune says with a little venom in his voice. Just as she was getting back up, rubbing her throat, everyone's attention was drawn to a T.V. Playing the Vale News Network. "The robbery was led by the nefarious criminal: Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities." A disembodied voice informs as a mugshot of the Crock from last night as Ruby and Jaune, both recognize him with Jaunes being very inconspicuous about it. "If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale police department. Back to you Lisa." The screen then cut to a woman with white-ish lavender hair. "Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday, a Faunus civil rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization caused the surrounding area to turn into a war zo-." Before Lisa could finish, the projector was destroyed by a crocodile Faunus, who had thrown a hexagon-shaped shield out of anger! "TREACHEROUS TERRORISTS!" This outburst startles everyone who isn't familiar with the Faunus on board. Of course they all then returned to whatever they were doing shortly after. Just as the Faunus calmed down, a hologram of the huntress from last night appears to welcome the passengers while he looks confused. "How is it still functioning?" He asks as Ren points to a secondary projector. "Who's that?" "Glynda Goodwitch, the headmistress of Beacon." A much taller man informs her as the hologram confirms it by saying her own name. "Names Guts Thrasherman." The man named 'Guts' pulls out his hand as the girl shakes it with hers. "Yang." The hologram continues its speech to the son-to-be students. "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace (Hawk Faunus:HA), and as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." As it finishes, the projector turns off and everyone looks out the windows to see Vale below! "Look, you can see Signal from up here! I guess home isn't too far after all!" The younger girl states as Yang tells her that Beacon is their new home. The moment was ruined however when Jaune started to groan and hold his stomach. "Well… I guess the view isn't for everyone." Yang rolls her eyes when suddenly, she is hit hard in the gut by Jaune before falling to her knees, face first while coughing up blood! "It's called air sickness, you cunt face! Ugh... Oh no!" Before he could continue, his stomach acted up and made him reach for his suitcase while Ruby got to her sister, checking if she was ok. "Wh-what the hell. Was that- Bluh!" Yang strains herself to get back up before spitting up more blood!
To be continued!
Note:It will be chaotic at times, but hopefully not a lot, their will be things that the original shows did not have like: Build forms that change the riders voice or Salem actually having a way of killing her (SERIOUSLY, JUST DESTROY HER TO THE MOLECULAR LEVEL! IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND!)... ahem. Sorry about that. There will also be another faction, a twisted version of the Harmony Foundation that will appear properly in volume 3 and at the end of every chapter, there will be a bio for either a character, weapon, or armor. If there are any typing or continuity errors in the series, please tell me in the reviews section along with your opinion and thoughts.
Character Bio
Jaune Kibō
Ht: 1.95' M tall (2.14' M with Helix Boots)
Wg: 109 Ibs (186 Ibs with Predarmor)
Forms: Karen rider Duke, Chalice, Kiva, Build, Golden Joker Undead, and Tailgon the Inferno
Armor: Predarmor (Fire, Earth, Wind, lightning, Water, and Darkness) and Berserker armor
Weapons, Sonic Double Arrow, Larvaint, Garuru Saber, Storm Slayer, Gale Scar, Terra Smash, and Scorch Maker (Repaired and Upgraded)
Semblance: Drake Contract and Fire Warden Powers
Race: Part Undead/ Part Fangire (Golden Joker)
Age:50 (Appears as 17 year old)
Team:JNPR (Leader)(Praetorian General of Harmony Foundation)
Now they will be updated after something happens to said character and/or their gear. Also until a characters name has been said, they will be addressed by their descriptions, so get over it snowflakes;)-
Creepy Kai: The rules are spoken! Their word is law! Eternal and unchanging! But I'm not done yet-
Oma Zi-o: Yes you are! (Opens up a portal underneath Creepy Kai as he falls through it.)
Creepy Kai: You little shi~! (Voice Vades as he lands back into the Time Nest in the DBZ timeline!)
Kaigu-hunter: Thanks Oma Zi-o.
Oma Zi-o: Ore Wa, Saikō, Saizen! Saidai! Saikyō! Ō Ohma Zi-
Kaigu-hunter: That's great, before I forget, I've placed Pax on the continent to the northwest. We'll see you all next time!
Update:I altered the title of the king into an emperor and changed the name of the city and made it the name of the continent, which is now Pax. The dragons That are mentioned are sentient beings that speak in languages older than Remnant, example! 'I see you didn't use any of your powers, Jaune'! Pax means Peace in Latin! And lastly, I've decided to remove almost everything involving Garo and Berserk. They weren't going to be able to get the respect they each deserved in this Fanfic, so I replaced the scenes involving them with something else. ;)