Note: The following is a fan-based crossover. RWBY, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman are owned by Rooster Teeth, Tsuburaya, and Production Toei Company respectively. Please support all official releases!
"A" for present teammates
"a" for absent teammates
Track playing: Blade Brave from Kamen rider Blade by Nanase Aikawa (English rewrite by June)
In a dark room with light coming from the stage, Kamen Rider Chalice, Zangetsu Shin, Sigurd, and Amazon Omega were standing on stage in their fighting stances.
(Bound by fate and your destiny! Wandering reality! Change the world! Rid yourself of all the doubts that are dragging you down!)
During the day, A hooded child in skinned animal pelts was walking through a desert when he lifted up his hood, revealing himself to be a much younger Jaune!
(In your heart, what is it you bare? Fleeting hope or dark despair?)
In a plateau, as if mirrored, Emperor Karmatus along with a near carbon copy, both in silhouette form, were standing authoritatively over two sets of people. The former's were standing proudly while the latter's were kneeling miserably.
(Round Zero. Your time to fight is now! Entwined in a web of sin, will you lose to what's within?)
Meanwhile in the lobby of a manor, Night Rogue sitting on a throne at the top of a staircase while Blood Stark and a spider-motifed look-alike both stood alongside each other as Cinder sat at the end of the staircase. Suddenly, lightning blinded the room as a black and red demon loomed over them all with his long red-tipped claws stretched out around them!
(Break up all the lies! See yourself arise, and take flight to the sky!)
In a burning forest, an army of Grimm, Kaijins, and Kaiju were marching towards Beacon Academy as Teams JNPR, RWBY, GARO were making a stand against them!
(Prophecies lie in the tarot spread! What is the truth? What is left unsaid? Your misdirection, your recollection!)
As the forest turns into a battlefield under the sunset, Chalice was gracefully slicing and shooting his way through the army as Pyrrha helped him out with spear and shield in hand, both without stopping! As they fought, Ultraman Hikari and Cosmos were flying through the air as a swarm of air borne Kaiju and Grimm followed them!
(Fight your way to the future that lays ahead! Crumbling eras of decadence! Secrets behind all the world's pretense!)
The Ultras then changed forms as one donned armor that covered his face and chest while the other now appeared with silver, red, and a hint of gold. The former performed the Knight Shot as the latter raised his arms in a circle before bringing his right arm down with his left one as a brace, firing a beam each at the swarm!
(Bring out your trump card, ready a new start! You are the one who will cut through to the new day! Blade Brave!)
Finally as the shattered moon rose, the protectors of Beacon were now resting on the outskirts of the academy.
JNPR:Chapter Twelve:Gold and White
Sly charged at the two as Ixa parried a sword strike from his sword before wacking the side of the Mefilas Sejin's head with a swing of a crystal-covered wing, staggering the swordsman before getting shot point blank! "Agh! Excellent improvisation!" He complimented before re-engaging, forcing Ixa to block or parry his barrage of thrusts!
Blake was watching the event unfold when Kamen rider Mach appeared next to her. "Come on, that Mefilas is gonna keep coming after you as long as he knows where you are!" Mach told Blake as she agreed before running out of Beacon grounds with the figure in tow! "Blake, wait!" Ixa called out to her before kicking Sly away and running to the two Faunuses. Unfortunately, he was struck from behind by a bolt of purple lightning, which shuts down the Driver's functions and forces Orion out! "Sorry, but I have an ex-employee and a new recruit to deal with." Sly told him before walking past the struggling Orion, who is suffering from the electrical surge. Sly then pointed his sword at the escapees and fired a bolt at them!
"Signal Bike! Signal Koukan! Kikēn!" "Let's see how you like this!" Mach said as he stopped and fired a blast that turned into a sharp-toothed bullet which collided with the bolt, causing an explosion that pushed the two further away! "You'll need more than that to counter anything I have." Sly stated when his legs were suddenly encased in crystals! "What the hell?" He muttered before getting suplexed by Orion in his Dragon form and then kicked straight into the statue! Orion then formed a spear out of the same crystals as he then approached the downed Mefilas Sejin to deliver the killing blow. However when he reeled his weapon back, Sly fired a small beam that stopped him in his tracks! "You didn't waste time, did you?" Sly asked the frozen human as he got up effortlessly before retracting his blade. "We suppose you may live for now, but only so that you can deliver a message. Tell your masters, 'The Kaiser shall return soon'." Sly stated before disappearing in a beam of purple, just as Orion was able to move again, however he then dropped to one knee and panted heavily. 'Caesarem? Quod bonum esse non potest.' Gemma stated as Orion agreed, and the latter was about to call Jaune after pulling out his scroll. However a second later, he notices that it's not turning on, probably because of the electrical shock. "FUCK!"
(Vale, Two days later)
Kamen rider Grease was flying above the buildings with a helicopter blade made of gel. "Gold Devil, this is Slippery Girl! I have no visual of Night Kitty on the rooftops. Over!" She told Jaune through her helmet as she then landed on a roof.
"Understood. And since when did we agree on codenames?" Jaune asked while walking through an empty street with Pyrrha and team RWbY behind him with two of them shouting Blake's name! "First, the White Fang and now the Sly of Evil? The race for Blake is getting out of hand already. If we don't find her, she'll be dead either way!" He told his partner, before groaning from hearing RwbY's shouting. "BLAAAAAAAAKE! WHERE AAAARE YOOOOUUUU!?" "BLAKE!" Ruby and Yang yelled, making Jaune snap! "WILL YOU TWO SHUT IT BEFORE I INCINERATE YOU!?" He threatened the two sisters as his claws caught on fire! He saw them stop in their tracks and had quit yelling before turning around to call Ren and Guts on his communicator. "Rogue, Kabuto. Any visuals in the sewers?"
"Nothing, Jaune. And may I add that we're glad that we can't smell through these suits." Kabuto told him as his and Rogue's visors glowed. "Well, most of the Rider Systems are skill and power-oriented while a few are sense-oriented, but they do have the same perks." "Well even with night vision, we're not going to find her he-!" Rogue cut himself off when he heard water being splashed. "Did you hear something?" He asked Kabuto as he nodded his head before telling him what he heard. "I think we're being followed." Kabuto then pulled out a pistol with a bladed bottom as Rogue did the same. "Nebula Steamgun! Funk!" "Jaune, we're gonna have to call you back. Wanna rendezvous at 'From Dust till Dawn'?" Kabuto asked as he agreed before hanging up. Just then, a Squid Undead and a Crocodile Orchnoch came up from behind them! "Two Kaijins? We can take 'em." "What about four?" Rouge then pointed to a Rat Fangire and a Shark Amazon! The duo nod to each other before letting out a battle cry and charge at two Kaijins each!
"Thanks again, Tukson." Glynda said as she and Oobleck walked away from the Faunus's store. "Jaune Kibō, this is Glynda and Oobleck. We didn't find at Tukson's Book Trade." She told Jaune through her scroll while gesturing to her coworker to get Jiro, who was flirting with a winged Faunus. "It's like a needle in a haystack if the needle kept moving!" Jaune said as she agreed before telling him that she'll be heading to his location before hearing they were heading for 'From Dust till Dawn'. She then hung up as she saw Oobleck and Jiro walking to her.
"Damn, it's been two days and no sign of Blake at all!" Jaune stated stressfully, as if she had vanished from the face of the globe! He then turned to Ruby and asked her if there are any other places at all where Blake has been, even once, while shaking her a bit. "I don't know! I mean there is a small cafe Nora and I showed her, but it was only one time." "Enough!" Weiss then shouted, catching everyone's attention. "Face it, Jaune, we did our best-" "you did nothing!" "... you did your best, but I think we need to hand this case over to someone else, like the police!" She suggested before he threateningly told her that she will not tell the police Blake was a White Fang soldier! "Weiss, maybe we should let her explain herself, even if she's either an on-going member or a deserter." Pyrrha said to her, trying to defuse the situation. "Well that's rich coming from you! Someone, who I had looked up to when my sister went off to Atlas Academy only to find out that they were like the creatures that attacked us ever since set foot onto Beacon!" Weiss retorted with prejudice. "Weiss, that's enou-!" "Wait a minute, your role model is the same age as you?" "The point is that you were a person whom the people of Mistral saw as an inspiration, but now I see you for what you are,(Jaune:Weiss, stop it!) a monster! Something far worse than any Faunus!" Every word she said, pierced Pyrrha like a thousand knives as her body started seizing up and tears ran down her face! Suddenly, she changed to her Amazon form and flew off! "No, Pyrrha wait!" Jaune called out to her while shortly running to her for a second, but she didn't listen and was gone! "Serves her right!" Jaune's eyes then turned bloodshot and slited before looking at Weiss, who was walking past him.
"Now, you said we were going to 'from Dust till Da-?" Weiss was asking when suddenly, she was punched square in the jaw, causing her to fall down before gripping her jaw! "Ow- what was that for?!" "How dumb can you BE?! She was just starting to make progress and now, you've gone and made it worse!" Jaune yelled at her while Yang was going to enterfine when Ruby, with a stern face, put a hand in front of her, believing that what is about to happen next is necessary. "So what if she does, I'm still right." She argued while getting back up. "It's not ABOUT BEING RIGHT! You have lived your whole life on handouts to the point of you expecting everything to go your way! And no one had the common decency to tell you, you're nothing more than A SPOILED BRAT, or that You and your father are vile, despicable, SORRY EXCUSES FOR LIVING BEINGS!" Jaune yelled at her as she backed away! "You don't belong at Beacon, your father is the reason the White Fang went rabid, and YOU! ARE! THE MONSTER!" Jaune finished while landing two more punches on her, knocking out a tooth while another hung by a root before kicking her a meter away from him! She then looked at him with fear before she then heard the words, "get out of my sight" and like that, her instincts took over and started running for her life! "The search is off, I'm going to Castle Doran. You two can go ahead and continue if you want." He told the others before leaving when he suddenly pulled out Storm Slayer and held the edge close to Penny, who suddenly appeared to his left! "Hello, what are you all up to?" She asked cheerfully while ignoring the blade at her throat. His anger slowly subsided as he sheathed his katana and told her that Blake's gone missing and that they were looking for her. "Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!" "You've seen her?" He asked before she shook her head and said no. "Then forget it." He told her before pulling out his phone before turning it into a Ride Machine. "Build Change!" "If anyone needs me, reconsider it!" He then drove off to Beacon, believing that his partner would be heading there. Ruby was starting to feel like this was a lost cause herself when a dropped communicator sounded off with Grease's voice on the other line, though the tone is like a whisper. "Gold Devil, are you there? Can you hear me? Hellooo!?" "This is ruby, what's going on Nora?" Ruby said to her after picking up the device.
"Ruby? Where's Jaune… actually, never mind. I found Blake!" Grease informed her while spying on Blake and the monkey Faunus from earlier from above a building! "Really!?" "Not only that, but it also seems like they're planning to do a stakeout!" She told her as she then said she'll see them soon before walking away from the two.
Back with Weiss, she was exhausted, bleeding from the mouth, and confused. She ran for what felt like hours to her until she bumped into someone and fell down. "Hey, watch where your… Weiss?" Ravage asked after realizing it was the heiress who smashed into him. She was breathing heavily as she came to her senses! "What happened to you?" "J-Jaune… he… he attacked me-!" "You pushed him too far like did, didn't you!?" Ravage concluded before crouching down to her level. Instead of answering, she took a moment to calm down completely before asking him a question. "Do you think I belong in Beacon?" This caught him off guard, but also made him understand what her current situation was all about. He bluntly told her no before yanking out the hanging tooth! "Ow! Why'd you do that!?" "I wasn't going to be able to take you seriously with that tooth hanging for long." He claimed, making her realize how dumb she must have looked with it. "Now, the reason why I think you don't belong at Beacon is that you lack the warrior's spirit. Beacon academy isn't a place where the high-class reign supreme, it's where the smart and strong thrive and the weak and dumb die. And in your team's case, most of you have like a 50% chance." He told her before offering a hand to pull her up which she took after a few seconds. "Now let's get your teeth fixed." He told her before walking off with the heiress behind him. 'I guess I was wrong about Faunus… and maybe about Pyrrha for that matter.' She thought to herself before smiling a bit. "Thank you, Ravage."
(Emerald Forest, Castle Doran)
Jaune had reconfigured his vehicle back into phone mode and looked to the carcass of Grunbeld, which had a leg missing, before walking up to the door under Doran's neck.
"Master Jaune, what happened in town?" Basshaa, in human form, asked as he then said that Pyrrha ran in like she couldn't get away from something fast enough! "That's because Weiss did something truly unforgivable, insulting a traumatized girl." Jaune said before walking past him and continued to one of the guest bedrooms. 'Eisai sigouros gi'aftó? Boreí an ypotropiásei.' "She already did, Hydran! I just hope I can fix this." Jaune told him before knocking on her door and waiting for a response. He then heard claws scurrying for a brief moment before it abruptly stopped. "I'm coming in, Pyrrha." He informs her as he then opens the door, turns on the light, and closes the door behind him, eyeing his partner's room as he sees that it was nearly spotless with a shelf full of neatly kept books and a twin-sized bed, save for Pyrrha's spear and Shield on the floor with a week's worth of dust on them. "I know you're in here." He tells her as he walked to the bed and crouched down next to it, seeing his partner curled up like a cat getting comfortable, albeit she's sobbing and sniffling right now. "I tried, Jaune... I really did." Pyrrha whimpered as her voice broke. "Pyrrha, it's okay. No one ever gets anything right the first time." "No one but you! You should have just put me down then and there, then I wouldn't become a problem for you and a danger to others." She tells him before breaking down into tears, leaving Jaune surprised for a moment before remembering something from his past, the day he came to one of the four major kingdoms.
He then sat down beside the bed with his back turned to it and sighed. "I hardly had any self control when I left Menagerie the first time. I wanted to stay focused on my quest for revenge, but my body demanded the thrill of combat to the point of antagonizing just about anything." Jaune calmly tells her as he reminisces about one of his 'episodes'.
On the edge of a mostly ruined village, the Golden Joker Undead was engaging a team of humans as he ran the first guy through with his trident before sprouting a tail and decapitating another's head! The Undead then dislodged the blade with a twist and jumped over a third one as she was about to slam him in the back with a hammer before slashing the back of her legs and shoved his hand through her heart, killing her almost instantly while her blood came flowing out!
(I tried to focus my mind on revenge, but my body demanded combat from anything…)
The Golden Joker then changed into a 15-year old version of Jaune Kibō, sporting a bob cut, clothing fashioned from the hide of two reptilian-mammal-like creatures, those of which are a Inostriceva and a Scutosaurus, and a plain and simple Greatsword. Jaune then eyed the last two and brought his sword out, terrifying them more than they already were as they chose to run for their lives! Unfortunately this was enough for Jaune to chase them down as his Greatsword became engulfed in flames!
(Or anyone.)
(Present day)
Jaune was sitting down with his eyes closed as Pyrrha's front half came out from underneath the bed. "How did you do it? How did you learn to control it?" She asked while she wiped the tear off her face as her partner opened his eyes and softly looked at her. "It wasn't easy, it took me years to suppress my nature, and that was with the help of my friends at the time. Even my Fangire half barely did much to help." Jaune told Pyrrha as he changed his hands into that of his Undead counterpart's before telling her that, in the end, it doesn't matter what you are on the outside, but who you are inside. "Who I really am inside?" Pyrrha muttered to herself as she remembered what Weiss said to her.
(The point is that you were a person whom the people of Mistral saw as an inspiration…)
Before anything else could happen, Jiro came into the room, holding a scroll. "Lord Jaune-" "what is it?" Jaune asked a bit irritably, interrupting Jiro before he continued. "It's Ruby. She says they found out where Blake will be and wants to tell you personally." Jiro informs Jaune as his eyes widen.
(Docks, 10:00 PM)
Blake was currently laying down, stomach first on top of a building that overlooked dozens upon dozens of shipping containers with the words,"Schnee Dust" with a snowflake in between them. "Did I miss anything?" "Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Blake told the Monkey Faunus as he walked up to her holding two apples when he handed her one. "You're gonna want to stay focused." Just then as he said that, a ship descended onto the cargo bay, whipping up a lot of wind before it touched down as a ramp extended and touched the floor, letting a black-hooded man wearing a mask that covered his eye disembark off the ship. "Oh no." "Is that them?" The Faunus asks Blake as she confirms it while staring at the man as he turns to the ship, revealing to the two that he was White Fang! "Alright, grab the tow cables!" He shouted as multiple White Fang soldiers rushed in to secure the container full of Dust.
"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" "No, Sun. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." Blake stated when she heard someone walking up to them. She snaps behind with her sword in hand as she tried to bring the sword down! However, the blade was blocked effortlessly by the Ixacaliber, and when she saw the person, she stopped. It was Kamen Rider Ixa in Save mode! "I see you've forgotten how to say thank you for last night." "Orion?!" "In the flesh." Ixa stated as he and Blake both put down their weapons as the former then walked over to the ledge. "Classic heist operation. Though they should've gone by boat, less risk of drawing attention that way." He muttered before the three heard someone familiar down at the cargo bay.
"Hey! What's the holdup?!" Roman Torchwick demanded as he and three others walked out of the ship, one of which was holding a pitch-black version of Pyrrha's driver with purple eyes. "We must be quick yet stealthy, if we lose the shipment, we'll have to answer to lord Atrositus." A male human in a full-body camo suit warned them loudly as he and another then pulled out a bulky USB stick each. "Trigger!" A blue USB announced as the man pressed a small button and maneuvered his finger into plugging the stick into the palm of his gloveless hand, transforming himself into a blue robotic creature with a scope lens on his face and a longnose rifle connected to his right hand. "Game start." He said as he jumped onto three stacks of shipping containers before kneeling down and lining his lens with the gun itself, causing the former of the objects to glow red. "Metal!" A greyish-silver USB announced as a male Rhino Faunus dressed in a gunmetal grey construction suit threw the stick behind himself before quickly removed his shirt as the device boomeranged to his back, plugging itself into him as the Faunus turned into a metallic humanoid with one red eye. The 'metal man' then grabbed one of the cables and ran over to the container of Dust before hooking it into the frame effortlessly. "Come on, children! Grab the tow cables!" He ordered as they picked up the pace.
"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a Human. Especially not one like that." Blake stated as she was about to walk off the edge of the roof when Sun grabbed her arm and yanked her back. "What are you, nuts?!" "I need to get to the bottom of this." Blake told him as she tried to rip his arm off her's, until Ixa grabbed her other arm. "The only thing you'll get to the bottom of is the ocean from those two Necro-overs!" He warned her, but instead of listening, Blake created a shadowy version of herself around her before shedding it off, causing her to jump off the ledge! "What the-?" "It must be her semblance!" Ixa concluded as he and Sun ran after her.
"No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!" Roman told a white fang soldier, who was holding a clump of rope. Suddenly, Blake appears behind Roman with her sword close to his neck! "What the-" "Nobody move!" Blake ordered everyone, which got their attention and they all drawed and aimed their weapons at her! "Drop the man, noob!" The gun-armed Kaijin ordered as he aimed his rifle at her head. "Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady." Roman said as Blake used her free hand to remove her bow, revealing a pair of cat ears underneath. "Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?" She demanded as the soldiers looked at each other for a moment before laughing, as if she had just told a good joke. "What's so funny?!" "They're laughing because, 1: they're no longer Faunus. And 2: even if they still were, the White Fang and I are going on a joint business venture together!" Roman informed Blake as she watched in horror as the White Fang soldiers turned into light grey Orphnochs, each one resembling either a Butterfly, Owl, Longhorn, Coral, or a Frilled lizard! This shocking reveal causes Blake to gasp and loosen her grip on Torchwick. "Say hello to the Orphnochs, humanity's next step in evolution." He declared as Blake was only able to hear two shots heading her way when they collided with each other, however this caused enough of a distraction for the metal man to come up behind her and wack her on the head, forcing her away from Roman completely! Fortunately her Aura was able to absorb the impact as she was able to shake off the blow, albeit still disoriented now.
"Dispose of her!" Roman ordered as the Orphnochs charged at Blake when Ixa and Mach jumped in, killing the Owl Orphnoch while knocking back the Coral one with the IxaKnukcle and the Zenrin Shooter respectively as they bursted into blue flames and disintegrated into ashes! "Return the lives you've stolen to god." Ixa tells them in Burst mode as they then charge at the last four enemy Kaijins.
"Finish hooking the container to the Bullhead, Gozo, we're cutting our heist short!" Roman ordered as Gozo nodded and jumped onto the crate and proceeded to latch the last cable on before signaling for the Bullhead to move out when two more ships showed up. "Hissatsu! Zenrin! Full Throttle!" "I.x.a. C.a.l.i.b.u.r. R.a.i.s.i.n.g. U.p.!" As his blade crackled with energy, Ixa brought his sword down on the Butterfly Orphnoch, splitting it diagonally while Mach jabbed Longhorn Orphnoch after spinning the wheel on his weapon, causing a grid-like net to form on its skin, freezing it in place. The latter then jumped over the paralyzed Kaijin and made a break for Roman, who spotted him and fired an explosive flare at him, only for Mach to slide underneath it before the Rider lifted the piece containing his Signal Bike in and pressed the button just behind it. "Hissatsu!" The belt said as Mach then slammed the piece back into place before jumping upwards! "Full Throttle! Mach!" It said as Mach brought his right leg out for a kick. However, at the same time, Blake had appeared from around the containers of Dust and leaped at Roman with her sword drawn! "HE'S MINE!" Blake yelled angrily as the two attacks successfully made contact, unfortunately not with Roman, but the well-dressed human, now wearing the Driver.
"Actually, you're both mine." He told them as he held Mach's leg and Blake's weapon before he flipped Kamen Rider Mach backwards and threw Blake over his shoulder, slamming her onto the floor before he then turned the handle on his belt, causing the eyes on it to glow. "Sigma." "Amazon." He muttered when a sudden shockwave erupted from his body, sending Blake rolling to Mach's feet. As he helped Blake up to her feet, he saw the Rider that took the mysterious man's place… "It can't be…" Only this wasn't a Rider, but rather a lizard-like Kaijin with a belt slapped on.
Track Playing: Sigma from Kamen Rider Amazons
"Nemesis Inc. has successfully recreated a Sigma type?!" Mach questioned as Blake ran back into the fray! Before he could stop her however, he got shot at by the blue marksman, who jumped down from the containers. "We have some unfinished business, traitor."
As Blake reached Sigma, she tried to strike him, only for him to sidestep her attack and punched Blake in the jaw, causing her to fly backwards while flipping! "One." He said before sprinting to Blake as he then slammed his fist on her stomach just as she landed! "Two!" The impact cracked most of Blake's rips, causing her to scream loudly in agony! Suddenly, Sigma was sucker punched by Ixa in Burst Mode, hurling him a yard away while Blake fell to the floor! "Are you okay?" "H-he's a monster. I think he broke my Aura and all of my ribs!" Blake stated as Ixa helped her up while she tried to bear the pain when suddenly, Sigma jumped off the floor and landed on his feet perfectly, however this reveals that his head was horrifically bent to the right! "Is he immortal?" Blake asked in shock as Sigma grabs his head and straightens it up, making a nasty cracking noise. "No, I just don't feel pain." He answered as he was able to hear the Faunus before proceeding the work towards them while turning the handle on the left side of his belt. "Violent Strike!" "Checkmate." He said as Sigma broke into a sprint as Ixa pulled out a Fuestle and inserted it into his belt before ripping the knuckle out! "I.x.a. K.n,u.c.k.l.e., R.a.i.s.i.n.g. U.p.!" Ixa then charged at Sigma as the latter jumped into a drop kick while the former pulled back his armed hand before two attacks clashed for a second before they got pushed away by the two forces! As Ixa, while changing to Save Mode, slowly pushes himself up, trying to conserve his strength, Sigma effortlessly stands up like nothing happened. "Well done, you exceeded my expectations." Sigma stated as Ixa finally stood up.
"But I'm just getting warmed up." Sigma declared as he then gripped the right handle and pulled it out of the Driver, revealing a spear with a black substance dripping off the tip. "HEY!" Before anyone could make their next moves, a familiar voice yelled out, catching everyone's attention as they turned to the source. It was Ruby on top of the same building Blake, Mach, and Ixa were on, twirling her scythe before stabbing it into the rooftop. "A silver-eyed warrior? That's impossible!" Sigma stated in genuine shock as Penny walked up behind Ruby. "Ruby. Are these people your friends?" "Penny, get back!" Ruby warned Penny, but too late as Sigma then leaped greatly towards them, landing next to them! "I suppose it doesn't matter. In two moves, I'll have wiped out the only remaining Silver-eyed warrior to pose a threat. While the other will soon be dealt with." Sigma declared as he then lunged at Ruby and kicked her across the rooftop and punched Penny in the head with his a hand, also sending her skidding across the rooftop! "One!" He said before he turned to the recovering Ruby and proceeded to throw the spear at her! However, before it could reach her, a Chimera Amazon jumped in just in time and smacked the spear to the dock, right where Mach and the blue sniper were fighting! "Leave my friend alone, abomination!" It ordered in Pyrrha's voice!
On the wooden floor, the two were observing Pyrrha as the spear next to them started to melt away, leaving only the handle. "So many surprises tonight." "Yeah, like this one." "Hissatsu!" The sniper then turned around in confusion when he suddenly got sucker punched by Mach's weapon. "Zenrin! Full throttle!" The punch sends the sniper back a good ways while forcing him back into Human form as the USB stick comes out of his hand.
"Pyrrha, is that really you?" Ruby asked after she had gotten back up, causing the Amazon to look behind herself. "Sorry for the wait" She told Ruby as Penny also got back up. "Hey!" She shouted to Sigma, who then looked at her. "That was not nice!" She stated as the three saw Penny actually look angry while a bit of the skin around her right eye was missing, revealing a metallic under-skin. "Hahaha! And what are you, a sentient 'Real Girl', going to do about it?" "She won't, I will." Pyrrha declared as she walked in between the two. "Penny, protect Ruby. He's mine." Pyrrha told Penny as she complied with the order.
Track playing: Stranger I remain from Metal Gear Rising (Game Ver)
The two Amazons then lunged at each other as Pyrrha forced Sigma off the building and onto the dock floor before throwing him in the direction of his former spear! He grabbed the handle and reattached it to the Driver. "Let the game begin." He said as he and Pyrrha charged at each other once more before Sigma tried to roundhouse kick her, only for her to duck underneath and swat him to the side with her tail, causing Sigma to roll! Then Pyrrha went on the offensive and attempted to strike Sigma with her claws only for all three of her attacks to be redirected before she got jabbed in the chest, then uppercutted, and finally kicked a yard away! Now on all fours, Pyrrha roared out at Sigma animalistically as her bottom jaw splits in two before charging at him like a bull!
As Ruby and Penny watched the two fight with increasing ferocity, the latter starts to notice that one of the shipping containers was being lifted into the air by the Bullhead as three more arrived and were heading for the combatants! Suddenly, without warning, Penny jumped down from the building as her back opened up like a compartment, sprouting out eight swords! "Penny, wait!" Ruby protests with her words fell on deaf ears as Penny's blades flew straight into the haul of the farthest left Bullhead before she yanked it into the others with all her might, showing anyone with a keen eye that the swords were manipulated by wires! Unfortunately as the three falling ships were moving away from the two Amazons, they crashed into the shipping containers, causing them to explode while lighting some of the containers on fire!
From a few yards away, Pyrrha and Sigma covered their eyes from the shrapnel and flames! When Pyrrha uncovered her eyes, she saw Sigma suddenly rush her with two sickles in hand just before he slashed at her chest, causing her to yelp while sparks flew off her skin! However, all it does is enrage her! "This! end! now!" Pyrrha declared as she slammed her tail down!
Que lyrics
(I finally found what I Was looking for! A place where I can be without remorse, because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war!)
Pyrrha then thrusted her arms forward, launching black veins out of her wrists at Sigma's feet which forced him to jump back, unaware that she only did that to slingshot herself at Sigma! Pyrrha kicks Sigma straight into an intact container as she then continued her onslaught, using her claws to damage his skin twice before roundhousing him near a fire! Sigma then charged at her, trying to hit her with his sickles, only for her to grab the blades and snap them off before uppercutting him with her tail in a backflip, forcing him onto his back!
(I finally found what I was looking for! Here I come!)
As she landed, Pyrrha was able to see a white portable tank with a symbol of a snowflake on the side, getting her to have an idea just as Sigma got back up, looking furious.
Meanwhile not too far from Ruby, the Golden Joker Undead was watching on as Team's GARO, rWbY, and jNpR attempted to control the blaze from the streets, when the Albino Joker appeared and approached him.
Sensing her, the Golden Joker turns to her as she forms two scythes, one the original, and the other resembling Ruby's but white.
(I sharpen the knife! I look down upon the bay, for all of my life! A stranger I remain!)
In response, the Gold Joker formed a trident as the Albino Undead joined the ends of the two weapons together before they charged at each other, clashing their weapons! They then ran into the docks without giving up any strength in their weapons!
(I have come from nowhere, across the unforgiving sea, drifting further and further until it's all becoming clear to me!)
Back near the growing inferno, Pyrrha was beginning to lure Sigma closer to the canister while jumping back from every attack he throws! "STAND STILL WILL YOU?!" Sigma demands as he throws a punch that gets grabbed by Pyrrha before she throws him into a container, which falls due to the impact!
(But violent winds are upon us and I! Can't! Sleep! Internal temperature's rising, and all the voices won't reseed!)
As he prided himself out one arm at a time, Sigma started to snarl. "I'm through messing around, I just want you dead!" He stated as the class on his hands grew longer! He then roared primarily before rushing her as Pyrrha did the same!
(I finally found what I was looking for! A place where I can be without remorse, because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war! I finally found what I was looking for! Here I come!)
As they collided, Sigma plunges his claws into Pyrrha's skin before throwing her into another container, most likely out of spite. However he was unaware that Pyrrha had stuck her veins onto his shoulders as she quickly recovered after bouncing off the metal crate and then yanked Sigma forward before jumping over him, letting him fall onto next to the tank! Just then as he got back up, Sigma started to notice that his left hand was beginning to melt away while he gasped on in horror! "It's over, false Amazon!" Pyrrha declared as Sigma's breathing gradually became more rapid. "NO!" "Violent Break!" "I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU!" Sigma screamed in rage as he pulled out a spear from his belt and swung downwards onto Pyrrha just as she sprinted towards him, stopping the weapon with her claws!
(The heat disturbs me, but it's the creaking of the boat that woke me up.)
As sparks flew from the friction, Pyrrha slid underneath Sigma and swiped his remaining handle as it turned into a dagger! "Don't fuck with me, girl!" Sigma told her as he twirled his spear backwards and tried to stab her!
(I sharpen the knife! I look down upon the bay, for all of my life! A stranger I remain! A stranger I remain! A stranger I remain!)
However he missed her as she jumped over the spear, and punctured the tank instead, covering the tip in a light blue Dust powder, freezing it to the tank as Pyrrha lands on the shaft before swiftly cutting a horizontal gash across the tank, forcing more Dust out as it froze Sigma's entire body in ice just after Pyrrha jumps right off and behind Sigma before dropping the blade and brandishing her claws! "Checkmate!" She declared as she then swiped and took off his head before flipping herself forward, slamming her tail onto the remaining body, shattering everything except the Driver he was wearing!
As she took this victory to catch her breath, Pyrrha noticed a Bullhead taking off with a container of Dust. Before she decided to do anything else, she started to hear more combat amongst the fire before heading to it.
Track Playing: Flight Form Arc from Kamen rider Kiva
The Golden Joker thrusts his trident at the Albino Joker, only to be blocked by the jointed scythe! In response they simultaneously punched each other in the chest, forcing one away from the other before they shot a purple energy blast from their free hand, causing a small shockwave as the two charged each other before striking each other with their weapons! The Undeads stopped a few feet away from each other with their backs turned as they stood still for a few seconds before suddenly, green blood spurted from them, causing the golden Joker to drop to one knee and the Albino to collapse onto both. "I thought we would be allies. Obviously that was wrong." Gold Joker states with a sarcastic snark as he uses his trident to pull himself up as his opponent does the same. "Come on, we both know Undeads were made for combat." Albino Joker told him before she turned around and ran at the Gold Joker with her scythes ready! After the Gold Joker turned around he ducks under a swing and thrusted his trident at her gut, forcing her back while holding her stomach as it drips with blood.
Meanwhile as the fire was becoming more manageable, Ruby started to hear the two cut-covered Undeads fighting and headed for the fight using her Semblance. Seconds later, she spots the two Undeads as they clash their weapons together, one trying to force the other back. Just then, as the weapons were in place by each other, Ruby noticed that one of the two scythes resembled her's when suddenly, it hit her as her eyes widened! Back with the fight, the Gold Joker was able to kick the area where the two scythes connected and broke them apart before jamming his wrist blade into her chest and throws her a few meters behind himself, forcing her to drop her scythes as she crashed down! As the Albino Joker got up to one knee, she slammed her fist onto the floor before glaring at the Gold Joker with her right eye glowing! The Undead then pushed herself onto both feet while firing a stream of fire from her right hand at the Gold Joker!
Fortunately, the Gold Joker was able to bring up his arms up in time to protect his face and chest from the blast as it slowly pushed him back for a few moments before the blast died down, leaving the Albino Joker watched in shock as the Gold Joker lowered his scorched arms and showed an enraged expression! "That is Amber's POWERS!" The Gold Joker yelled as he bursted into blue flames that lit up the surrounding area!
Track playing: The Final Deathmatch from DBS (Short Ver.)
As his body was engulfed, the remaining fires around the docks began to fly towards the glowing Undead, causing the flame to grow brighter! "What the…" the Albino Joker started to say when she was sucker punched at near break-neck speed! The Gold Joker then used the flames to form a fire-themed Longsword before attempting to strike her with it, only to be deflected by her wrist blade! However the Gold Joker was able to spin clockwise and slice off her arm by the center forearm. Before she could react to the pain, she was nearly blasted by a torrent of fire when a flash of red lights appeared between them as both the light and the Undead vanished while the blast exploded safely in the water that caught everyone's attention completely! Seeing the Undead disappear, the Gold Joker let out a monstrous roar out of anger as his form then burnt away immediately after, turning back into Jaune. Afterwards he was left breathing heavily as the only sound left was the crashing of waves and sirens.
(5 minutes later)
"You had the killer of Amber!? And YOU let it SLIP AWAY?!" "She had help slipping out! If not for that, she would've been CREAMED!" Jaune argued with Ren as everyone else was standing while they were standing a few feet away from each other as he then told Ren that he'll have his revenge soon. "WE better, because we still have Nemesis Inc. to deal with." "Excuse me!" Ruby called out to the pair as they turned to her, seeing that she had gotten up. "Um. What is Nemesis, and why are they working with the WhiteFang and Roman?" She asked before Jaune told her it doesn't matter as he then turned to Orion and thanked him for calling them, leaving Ruby puzzled as to why he dodged the question, "I was doing as told while keeping Blake safe." Orion stated as Blake began to look downward before speaking out. "Guys, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-" "Save it… because if any one here is supposed to apologize, it's me." Weiss interrupted Blake as everyone now looked at her! "Ruby. You're reckless and childish, but after coming to the realization that being a Huntress is about adapting-" "Being told!" "Shut up Ravage!" Weiss told Ravage before telling Ruby that she's sorry and that she, herself, doesn't belong in Beacon. It was safe to say that everyone but Ravage was surprised when Ruby smiled. "About time you gave a real apology." She said as most of them looked confused while Ravage and Jaune knew what she meant immediately before she explained. "Ravage told me to only forgive you when you gave an apology, instead of the reason why you said all those things." "Speaking of which. Pyrrha, Blake, I want to say sorry for what I said to both of you respectively. I shouldn't have called you a monster, and you, unintentionally, an animal and a terrorist." Weiss told Pyrrha and Blake as the former smiled at this. "This is great, but I think somebody owes us some answers." Yang interrupted as she then looked at Teams JNPR and GARO. "Sorry, but that is on a need-to-know basis." Guts protested as most of them agreed, safe for Pyrrha and Jaune, the latter of whom was mentelly going over what he saw. The possibly stolen WhiteFang ship & crew, Roman Torchwick's involvement, and the Albino Joker Undead with a late associate's weapon. "You want to know what's going on, fine but you must keep it a secret! If word gets out at the wrong time, it could cause a disaster." Jaune told Team RWBY as the others were about to protest when Jaune stared them down.
Meanwhile, Sun tried to sneak off only for his feet to be trapped in crystals. "Not so fast. If we're confessing to Team RWBY, you are too, traitor of Nemesis." Orion told him, causing Sun to sigh and slouch.
(Unknown warehouse)
Hours later, near a large warehouse, a hooded Reptilite was flying to the facility on the back of an insect-like dragon with a saddle on its back and a large case on the side. When he landed, he dismounted from the creature and approached the doors.
Meanwhile inside, the Albino Joker had changed to her human form and was now on a table being worked on by a WhiteFang, who was busy attaching a robotic arm to the nub on her arm. "After all that trouble, all we got was one shipping container of Dust." Roman complained as he, Emerald, and a gray-haired, silver-eyed boy wearing a gray and black sweatsuit walked up to her alongside the other two participants of the failed heist. "Cinder, are you going to be okay?" "Practically a flesh wound. But I assure you, this will be the last time I lose!" Cinder declared to them when suddenly the doors were being pried open, alerting everyone in the warehouse! As they reached the door with a woman wearing red full-body biker suit, a short woman with multicolored hair and eyes holding a rapier with an umbrella handle, and a well-dressed man holding a yellow-stripped whip, the Reptilite then removed his hood and revealed his red-scaled head with a kabuto crest on, shocking the gray-haired boy before he and four others composed himself and kneeled before him. "Mercury?" Emerald questioned right before the Reptilite spoke. "So this is why my newest general hasn't reported for a year." "My apologies, lord Atrocitus." Mercury says as Roman asked if he knew this creature when they suddenly heard a whistle blow and saw the monster he rode on pounce Roman and pinned him down! "Night Rogue! Am I to assume you are here as well?" Atrocitus called out as the mentioned individual dropped down from the rafters and briefly bowed to him. "What is the meaning of this?!" Cinder demanded as Atrocitus disrobed, revealing a red suit of armor underneath as he then pulled out an identical device that Jaune uses. This proved to be enough for her to realize who he was! "You-your the one who led the attack on Beacon Academy decades ago!" "Yes, my dear. How is that body holding up?" He asked almost sarcastically as she retorted that it was manageable. "Hm. So Mercury, what do you have to report?" "Yes, your majesty. We've been making preparations for your conquest of Remnant. But we've started to hit a snag in the form of a Golden Joker Undead." Mercury informed him while most of them walked further into the warehouse as Roman struggled to push the mantis-like arm of the dragon off of himself. "Vlad Arc the 3rd?" "He and his subordinates have halted an operation of ours and a Barossa Sejin's assassination attempt on said general." Night Rogue explained as Atrocitus then asks if they can make a guess as to where he is. "Easily. They're at Beacon Academy." "Then proceed as planned." The Reptilite ordered as he started to inspect the place when Roman was finally able to get free of the dragon.
"But Mr. Atrocitus, they're making our job tougher to do." "Then get him to focus on something else. Ozpin was the one to set himself up for trouble when his duties with my brother ended." "But that's only part of the problem." Cinder intruded before telling him some news. "Apparently he's also allied himself with a Silver-eyed girl." This news causes Atrocitus's eyes to widen in shock as he then tried to regain his composure! "Impossible. The last one was killed sixteen years ago!" "Apparently Summer had a baby before I dispatched her." Cinder claimed before she unconsciously rubbed the front of her neck. "Then it's a good thing I brought some 'toys' to give you a better edge." Atrocitus stated before whistling to the dragon, getting it to head to him with the case before taking it off its person. Atrocitus then hands it to Cinder, who opens it to see Sangoku Driver with a blood red orange Lockseed, a belt with a purple logo with an X covering it, and an identical device to Atrocitus's and Jaune's with three black-cased capsules that have three different monsters on them! "Two of my troops will be sent here to assist you." He informed them as he and his ride began walking off as Roman and the short girl took the Drivers as Cinder took the device and looked at it with a conflicted depressed expression. "By the end of this 'festival', Vale will be mine and this world will be one step closer to ruling this world. After all, my brother and the headmasters aren't leaders, just children."
End of Book 1!
Character Bio
Cinder fall
Ht: 1.73M
Wg: 116 Kg
Form: Albino Joker Undead
Armor: None
Weapons: Joker Scythe and Summer's Scythe
Semblance: Unknown, unknown additional power
Race: Undead (pure)
Team: None
Age: Unknown (Immortal)
Note: This concludes Book 1 of JNPR. See you in the first spin off!