Sora grunted and dodged the attack. How could Anti~Sora be so much stronger. 'Well it could be because of his unfair advantage. I mean I can't even melt into the ground.' Sora thought. A whoosh of cold made him blink.

"Pay attention." Donald yelled and blasted one of Anti~Sora's copies.

"Sorry. Geez." Sora muttered and hit Anti~Sora with his Pumpkinhead key. (A.N.: For me so far Pumpkinhead and Fairy Harp are the most helpful.) After a few more slashes and Fira's Anti~Sora disappeared.

"I think we had better luck with Ursula." Sora said. (A.N.: That's just my opinion.)

"Speak for yourself." Donald said just as pirate heartless appeared.

"Complain later! Fight now!" Peter said and charged at the nearest heartless.

~*~*~ Transverse Town: 2 Months Later ~*~*~

Leon, Aerith and Yuffie were in the small house in Third District when the sound of a struggle were heard.

"Sora's back." Yuffie said.

"How can you tell?" Aerith asked. With an amused smile Yuffie pointed to the window. Aerith turned her head and screamed.

"Geez Aerith I didn't think it would make you scream." Yuffie said.

"That was a heartless Yuffie! It isn't funny!" Aerith yelled. "Why must you be so childish?!"

"Well that's what I am Aerith. A child." Yuffie said and opened the door for Sora. When Sora saw her he grinned and hugged her.

"Yuffie!" Sora said along with Goofy and Donald.

"At least someone is happy to see me." Yuffie muttered and let them in. The trio walked in and Yuffie walked out.

"Where you headed Yuf'?" Goofy asked.

"A walk." Yuffie said simply and closed the door. She walked around Third District and fought some heartless, picked up some munny and walked through the connecting doors to First District. She walked up the stairs and into the Accessory Shop.

"How can I- hey kid. What are you doing here?" Cid asked. Yuffie walked over to the counter and sat on it.

"Well I figured if I was going to be a child I might as well be one here." Yuffie said.

"Wha?" Cid asked confused.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. So how has your day been so far Cid?" Yuffie asked. She was tired of people calling her a child. She's been through just as much as anyone else had and yet they still thought of her as a child. Granted she wasn't as old as they were but still. Sure what she did was a little childish but she was trying to have a little fun. The times have been hard. You had to always watch where you were going and you had make sure nothing the people in town stayed safe.

"Not as busy. Kid are you okay?" Cid asked.

"I guess you and everyone else are right. I am a kid. Sorry I'll just go now." Yuffie said and jumped off the counter. Cid watched her go confused. When Yuffie got outside she walked towards the item shop. She walked in. Huey, Dewey, and Louie looked up.

"Hiya Yuffie! What can I get you?" Louie asked.

"I wanna buy 10 potions, 5 Hi-Potions, and 3 Ethers." Yuffie said. "Oh and a tent."

"1,000 munnies." Louie said. Yuffie gave him the munny and he gave her the stuff she asked for. "What'd you need those for?"

"Sq- Leon and Aerith need more. We ran low so they sent me." Yuffie said.

"Already? They came and brought some yesterday." Huey said.

"Yea well you know Leon. Always looking for a fight with the heartless." Yuffie said and mentally cursed her stupidity. "Better get these back to Leon and Aerith."

"Okay. Bye Yuffie!" The three called as Yuffie left. Yuffie waved and kept walking. She walked into the Gummi Garage and looked for a working gummi ship. When she found one she got on and left.

~*~*~ Hotel: Second District: night ~*~*~

"I didn't mean to snap at her. It was just I got frightened." Aerith said.

"She's probably just hiding. You know she's probably just trying to keep us worried." Leon said. Though he wouldn't admit it he was worried. It really wasn't like Yuffie make them worried. That and when she left he got a feeling she wasn't coming back.

"You know Yuffie wouldn't do that! Maybe if you guys paid more attention to her you would notice that even though she is sad she goes out of her way to make you all smile." Sora said. When he first got here Yuffie went out of her way to make him feel better and told him a lot about her. Aerith and Leon looked at him then at each other.

"I'll go talk to Cid. You go talk to the trio in the Item Shop." Leon said to Aerith and they walked out of the Red Room.

~*~*~ Accessory Shop ~*~*~

Leon ran into the A.S. and Cid looked at him.

"What can I get for- Leon?" Cid asked confused.

"Have you seen Yuffie?" Leon asked.

"She was in here about 1 or so talkin' about sorry for bein' a kid and what not then said she'd leave me alone." Cid said and Leon cursed. "What happened?"

"Can't talk now. Gotta find Yuffie." Leon said and walked out of the A.S. and over to the Item Shop where Aerith was.

~*~*~ Item Shop same time Leon walked in and talked to Cid. ~*~*~

"Have you seen Yuffie?" Aerith asked.

"She was in here earlier and brought some stuff. Said you needed 'em." Huey said. "Did she go back to you?"

"No." Aerith said and shook her head.

"Maybe she's been fighting heartless? You know there have been a lot since Sora came back earlier." Dewey said just as Leon walked in.

"Anything?" Leon asked.

"She's gone. Came by and left." Aerith said. They walked out of the Item Shop and ran into Sora.

"Our Gummi Ship is gone. It had to be Yuffie." Sora said.

"This is all my fault." Aerith cried. Sora bit the inside of his cheek to keep from saying anything. (A.N.: I decide that since I am a dork and have no idea how old Aerith is she is going to be 19 and Yuffie will be 17, and Leon will be 20 though I think people said he was like 25... Anyways and Cid is 43... I think)

"Don't worry we'll find her!" Goofy said.

~*~*~ Yuffie ~*~*~

I landed the Gummi that turned out to be Sora's at the Olympus Coliseum. I got off and met up with Hercules.

"Hey Yuffie! What are you doing back here? And in Sora's ship?" Hercules asked me.

"I'm here to compete in the tournament." I said.

"Oh cool! Have fun." Hercules said and walked away. After I walked in and signed up for the tournament I walked into the corner and sat down waiting for my name to be called. I sat there for 2 hours lost in my thoughts when someone shook me. I blinked and looked at Phil.

"Yea?" I asked.

"You're up kid." Phil said. I expected it from him. After all that's what he calls all of us. Meaning Sora, Leon, and me. Anyway I got up and made my to the arena. I fought to my heart's content. But by the time it was the 4th seed I was bruised and cut in places I didn't know were possible and I seemed to have left my potions and stuff in the ship. When I saw my opponent I almost fainted. It was Cloud!

"Cloud?" I gasped in shock Cloud looked at me but didn't seem to know me.

"Fight!" Phil called. Cloud charged at me but I couldn't defend myself and I lost after a few good hits I was down and even more bruised then before and bleeding. I looked up at Cloud and my eyes unfocused and I welcomed the darkness.


Well. this is my first Kingdom Hearts fic. I'm sorry if it's not so good but I will try and make it better. Review and tell me what you think.

Bye Bye,


Oh yea! Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN KINGDOM HEARTS! Okay now that that's done R&R.