~*~*~ Transverse Town: First District: Accessory Shop ~*~*~

"Is anyone goin' to tell me what happened?!" Cid yelled. Everyone looked at him with blank expression. "WHY ISN'T YUFFIE WITH YOU?!"

"Oh... I don't really know the whole story. I just know it happened when I got here." Sora said then looked at Leon and Aerith.

"Well what happened?" Cid asked looking at the two as well.

"Well... it all started when Sora got here earlier Yuffie said..."

~*~ Flashback ~*~

Leon, Aerith and Yuffie were in the small house in Third District when the sound of a struggle were heard.

"Sora's back." Yuffie said.

"How can you tell?" Aerith asked. With an amused smile Yuffie pointed to the window. Aerith turned her head and screamed.

"Geez Aerith I didn't think it would make you scream." Yuffie said.

"That was a heartless Yuffie! It isn't funny!" Aerith yelled. "Why must you be so childish?!"

"Well that's what I am Aerith. A child." Yuffie said and opened the door for Sora. When Sora saw her he grinned and hugged her.

"Yuffie!" Sora said along with Goofy and Donald.

"At least someone is happy to see me." Yuffie muttered and let them in. The trio walked in and Yuffie walked out.

"Where you headed Yuf'?" Goofy asked.

"A walk." Yuffie said simply and closed the door.

~*~ End Flashback ~*~

"So I guess that makes it my fault." Aerith said quietly looking down.

"I think we all had a part in this." Cid said.

"We all? You mean you, Leon, and Aerith right?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea ki- Sora." Cid said remembering how Sora reacted the first time they meant and he called him kid.

"So what are we going to do? We're out a gummi ship and we don't know where Yuffie is?" Goofy asked.

"I don't know." Sora said.

"Well... we search for her. Every other world out there. She has to be in one of them." Leon said.

"Unless the heartless got her!" Donald exclaimed. Everyone glared at him. "What? It's possible!"

"ANYWAY! The gummi wasn't to high on fuel and what not so she could only be in Olympus or Wonderland." Sora said.

"What about the possiblility of warping?" Cid asked.

"Not enough power for that." Sora said.

"What if she tried? And the heartless got her?" Donald asked. Leon grabbed the duck by his shirt collar and pulled him(Donald) up to his(Leon's) level.

"Shut up bird. The heartless don't have her and she is alive somewhere with her heart in tact." Leon growled out. "And if you say anything about the heartless having her I'll give the heartless your heart on a silver platter."

"Leon leave him alone! He is just stating another possibility." Aerith said. Leon dropped Donald with a scowl.

"It's not a posibility. Yuffie is still out there." Leon muttered.

"Of course she is Leon." Aerith said though she wasn't to sure anymore.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to Wonderland and find Yuffie." Cid said.

"What makes you think she's there?" Aerith asked.

"Seems like somewhere she would go. I'm not around her as much as you guys are." Cid said.

"She's at the Coliseum. If she's that upset she'd want to vent." Leon said. Everyone looked at him. "What? She told me once."

"Well then let's go." Goofy said. With that the group of 6 went to the gummi garage and got on a gummi ship.

~*~*~ Olympus Coliseum ~*~*~

Yuffie groaned as her eyes opened. She hissed and closed her eyes before opening them slowly and blinking. She sat up and noticed she was in the infirmary. She slid off the bed and walked out. While walking she heard the voices of the people she wanted to see/hear the least. She quickly ran in the opposite direction of the voices and cursed when she noticed it was a dead end. She looked around before finding a door. She opened it and gasped then blushed.

"Sorry Herc. Gotta jet." Yuffie said and closed the door and ran towards the gummi garage praying that she wasn't spotted. When she got there she noticed that Sora was by the gummi ship. Sora looked up when the garage door opened. He spotted Yuffie and walked over to her.

"You know they are pretty worried about you." Sora said.

"Good for them. Now let me pass. I have to go Sora!" Yuffie said desperately.

"Fine. But promise me something." Sora said.

"What is it?" Yuffie asked looking at him then the garage door and back at him again. "Well?"

"Promise to stay safe. I don't want to lose another friend." Sora said. Yuffie hugged him.

"I promise. You take care of yourself to Sora. And don't give up hope." Yuffie said and Sora let her pass. Yuffie go into the gummi ship and took off immediately. A few minutes later the rest of the group walked into the garage and noticed the gummi was gone.

"You let her go?!" Leon yelled.

"No. I had to go to the bathroom so I went. When I came back the ship was gone." Sora lied.

"Idiot!" Leon hissed and did his best not to attack Sora.

"When nature calls you answer." Sora said.

"Where do you think she is going now?" Aeirth asked stopping the fight before it started.

"Anywhere that you three aren't." Sora said and thought not knowing he said it outloud.

"What was that?" Cid asked glaring at Sora. Sora looked at them startled.

"I said that out loud?" Sora asked.

"DUH!" Donald said.

"Well I simply said that she would go where you aren't. I mean think about it. She didn't even think you would bother to come look for her and look what happened." Sora said.

~*~ With Yuffie ~*~

Yuffie put it on warp drive and warpped to Hollow Bastion. The place has horrid memories. Her 'friends' wouldn't think to look for her there. Not unless they wanted to relive the memories all over again. Yuffie got out of the gummi ship and made sure she had her potions and stuff this time. She wondered around the Bastion for some time before settling in a chair by the window in the library. She got comfortable in the chair and went to sleep. Her last thought being, 'When did things become so bag?' With that she slept in a dreamless sleep not knowing the dangers that awaited her and her friends.