Edit: This is my third time uploading this chapter. It keeps deleting my page breaks and it's driving me insane. It just makes the story harder to read.

First off, thank you for all that reviewed and followed this story! I'm really trying to move it a long, so I'll be updating when I can.

Sarah0406: I'm trying to make this as different as possible. This chapter will contain snippets of the next three years of her life with Peter and Charlotte. While there will be Bella and Edward bashing, they will be as cannon as possible. I don't want to make them overly evil or selfish. I wanted to create a character who didn't cater to them. Thank you!

This story will go all the way through the books, but there will be some changes, obviously since I've added a new character. New Moon will get really angsty, but not in the ways you expect. Here's the next chapter. Let me know what you think.

Blair had been right in her obvious assumption that her mother would freak out. She'd rushed her to the hospital, dragging Bella along, and shooting out questions in a hysterical tone. The hospital called the police. Blair owned up to lying about where she had been the night before, but said she didn't know who attacked her, leaving Peter and Charlotte out of it completely.

Her mother had burst into tears when the officer had asked her if she had been sexually assaulted, before her sobs turned to one of relief when Blair said that she hadn't. The police, of course, never found out who did it. Renee had kept her home from school for a week to ensure she healed, and then grounded her for a month. For once in her life, her mother kept to it.

Charlie had come down, and Blair was grateful for her father's calming presence to counteract her mother's hysterical one. Her younger sister, Bella, was relieved that she was ok, but didn't pass up the opportunity to say 'I told you so', just like Blair assumed she would. Blair had just stared her down until Bella's uncontrollable blush had rushed to her cheeks and she went back to her hidey hole of a room.

The girl, once at the height of popularity, never spoke to her friends again. Their refusal to drive her home had showed their true colors, and she had no interest in associating with them after that. Besides, she had Peter and Charlotte.

Over the next three years, she became as close as possible to the vampires who had saved her life. They told her everything about their world: the good, the bad, and the ugly. They told her about their feeding habits, of tracking the terrible people of the world and using them to sate their hunger. Blair had surprised them by being wholly supportive, happy that there was less scum in the world every time they fed.

Blair supposed that she should have reacted differently, but like humans who slaughtered cows, it was their food source. Humans just weren't on the top of the food chain like they thought. It was a year before they told her about their laws. It was a few days after her 16th birthday, which they'd gifted her a used jeep wrangler, knowing she's never be able to explain a new one to her family on her babysitter's salary, that they sat her down to have a serious talk.


Peter was nervous, an uncommon emotion for the vampire whose past had bred confidence into his very DNA. His mate smiled at his nervousness.

"She'll understand." Peter hoped that was the case. His gift proved to useless in telling him the girl's possible reaction. Over the last year, he had watched Blair blossom into the exact type of girl his maker would love. She'd accepted everything about them, a trait Jasper would need in a mate. Blair, of course, had no idea the real reason they'd saved her. She was just content to know they had, grateful that they had kept her in their life.

Peter hadn't expected to love the girl like he did, but Charlotte pointed out that they loved Jasper, so why wouldn't they love the girl he was destined for? Blair was due any minute, always coming by after her babysitting job unless they were out of town feeding. It was easy to feed in a city like Phoenix, easy to cover up their attacks by making it look like a gang attack or robbery. But they'd periodically leave the city to be sure their kills were spread out and untraceable.

Her scent signaled her approach. Charlotte had been right that the girl was truly addicted to coffee. Blair walked through the door, not bothering to knock, with said drink in her hand. She smiled in greeting and plopped down on the couch.

"The Walton twins are a fucking nightmare. Those brats smeared dog shit all over the walls," She whined. Peter didn't smile the way he usually would, keeping his expression serious. Blair straightened up, sensing the solemn air in the room.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to talk to you about something," Charlotte started gently. Blair felt dread pool in her stomach. Were they leaving her? Did they finally decide they needed to move on from the teenager that had invaded their lives, causing them to stay in a city longer than they ever had?

"Now don't go jumping to conclusions, sugar. We ain't goin' anywhere," Peter said firmly. Blair let out a breath of relief before lifting an eyebrow.

"Then what's up?" Peter glanced at Charlotte before launching into an explanation of the Volturi and of their laws. Her brows furrowed as he explained that any human that knew of their existence had to either be killed or changed. Charlotte put a hand on her shoulder, attempting to convey comfort. When Peter finished, he braced himself for her tears and fury. Blair surprised him by doing neither.

"I'm surprised about the whole vampire government thing, but I kinda figured this is how it would end up. I doubt I'm the first human to find out about vampires, and you guys can't have everyone knowing about you." Peter's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline.

"B, you realize that this means you'll have to say goodbye to everyone, to your family." Blair hesitated. She had thought about that. She'd thought about her mother, who was erratic in the best of ways, of her father whose strong presence was always a comfort, and of Bella, who she loved as a sister, but didn't like as a person. Who would protect her from herself and those that thought they could take advantage of her people-pleasing nature?

Who would watch hockey with her father during the summer Blair visited when Bella refused to? Who would make sure Renee didn't float off into the abyss of her next big adventure? Peter watched as those thoughts raced through her mind. While he and Charlotte had no doubt she'd thought about the consequences of 'running' with vampires, the thought of truly leaving her family behind had never been at the forefront of her mind.

Blair wanted to be a vampire. It had been something she'd tried to build up the courage to bring up but had never broached the subject. She wanted the freedom, the power, but had never truly considered the consequences until they were staring her in the face.

"When?" She asked shakily.

"You still have a few years, sweetheart. The Volturi don't know about you, but we can't risk that one day they might. And humans don't last long in our world. We won't risk losing you," Charlotte said softly. Blair understood then. They were telling her now so that she could prepare. She could say goodbye to her family and experience every good thing about being human before leaving it all behind. She breathed a sigh of relief before nodding.

"Which one of you will do it?" They had told her how painful the change was, and while it wasn't something she was looking forward to, she didn't have to think about it now.

"We'll decide when it gets closer to time." Peter wasn't going to tell her that it was most likely going to be neither of them. That honor would belong to Jasper. Blair narrowed her eyes, seeming to sense his evasiveness. She was too observant, Peter thought crossly. But she let it go, trusting him in that moment.

"Besides, you still got a lot to experience, kid." And guarantee she experience it they did.


"Does he have any idea what he's doing?" Blair asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope," Charlotte replied, popping the 'P'.

"He's in an apron."

"Yep." It was her sixteenth birthday, and Peter had decided that Blair deserved a hearty Texan dinner. He was failing quite miserably at it. He had yet to start the grill, standing in front of it with a puzzled look on his face. Growing frustrated, Peter pulled out the lighter fluid and squirted it over the coals. Flames shot up, rising into the air.

"Aren't you guys flammable?" They ended up ordering Chinese that night.


"Dammit, woman. Release the clutch and push the gas slowly," Peter said as she stalled again.

"Stop yelling at me!" Blair hissed back. Her jeep wrangler was a stick shift. Peter hadn't considered that she wouldn't know how to drive it. She started the car up and tried again. The car jerked again before dying. Peter shook his head in exasperation.

"It's not that hard!"

"I'm sure you hear that a lot." Charlotte watched from the backseat, keeping her giggles to herself. Fortunately, Blair did eventually learn.


"Cajun accents are sexier than Texan accents," Blair said stubbornly.

"Bullshit. You get no better than a Texan boy." Peter looked over to Charlotte for help.

"Sorry, Blair. I'm gonna have to agree with Peter." He looked over to the teen triumphantly.

"You have to say that. You have to hear his accent for the rest of eternity. It's not as enjoyable if he's bitching." Charlotte grinned and winked back at her.

"I don't bitch. I whisper dirty sweet nothings into her ear that make her melt," Peter said petulantly. Blair rolled her eyes.

"I still want to go to New Orleans instead."


"Step. Step. Kick. Step." Blair sighed in frustration.

"Why am I doing this?" Peter paused in his attempt to teach her country line dancing.

"Because I don't want you to make an ass out of yourself at the bar tonight."

"Charlotte," The girl whined, falling onto the couch next to the vampire, and laying her head on her shoulder.

"Peter, leave her alone. You can't line dance either," Charlotte replied, never looking up from her magazine.

"I won a trophy last time we were there," He said smugly.

"Only because no one else entered," Blair shot back.

"Little shit," Peter muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"I said you're a little shit," He said loudly before Charlotte's magazine hit him in the head.


"So you guys are hard as granite and you sparkle?" She asked, voice sparkling with humor.

"Yes," Peter said cautiously. Blair tilted her head to the side

"Are you always hard everywhere?" The man ran a hand over his face. Charlotte sucked in her lips, attempting to keep her laughter at bay.

"I ain't answering that." The girl smirked, knowing she was making him uncomfortable.

"Okay. Okay…Do you sparkle everywhere?" She had a feeling that if vampires could blush, then Peter definitely would be.

"I ain't answering that either." The dam broke, and the teen started to laugh, holding her sides. From that moment on, whenever sex was mentioned, she couldn't help but call it a vampire's magic wand and disco balls. Charlotte thought it was hilarious. Peter just wanted to strangle her.


"Ok serious question here." Peter and Charlotte turned to her in curiosity, their attention no longer on the movie. Blair was blushing, which was an oddity in and of itself considering the crass humor that usually came out of Peter's mouth. They nodded for her to go on.

"When someone takes a shit, how long after can you guys smell it?" They both stared at her for a moment before turning back to the tv, ignoring the question completely.


"He's really mad," Blair said, although her voice wasn't at all concerned as she watched Peter tear apart the room.

"He'll get over it."

"If it wasn't for that damn gift of his, he wouldn't know at all." Peter was breathing hard by the time he finished, looking around the room at his handywork.

"Why, Blair?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Did you even like him?"

"Like 'like him, like him'?" Peter threw her a frustrated glare.

"This isn't funny, Blair"

"What's the big deal?" She really didn't understand. While she was never going to tell Peter what she had done, his damn gift had told him as soon as it happened. Vampires were incredibly sexual beings. Why did this matter?

"The big deal is that you had sex with a boy you hardly know." Blair huffed. She was almost 17, a late bloomer compared to some.

"I've known Paul for years," She argued back. Peter turned to Charlotte.

"This is just great. She's supposed to meet Jasper in a little over a year, and she fucking lost her virginity to a fucking shifter," Peter said, his lips vibrating as he spoke to his mate at a speed Blair couldn't understand.

"Peter, it's archaic for you to expect her to wait for a mate she doesn't even know she has," Charlotte replied. The girl looked between the two, annoyed. Peter deflated a bit.

"It's not that. She's too young." His mate gave him a knowing look before nodding to Blair, who had her arms crossed and was glaring at him.

"Well then tell us more about him. Do you like him?" Peter asked through clenched teeth.

"Not really. It was kinda a right place, right time kind of thing." Peter thew his hands in the air, shaking his head.


Over the next three years, Peter and Charlotte did everything in their power to make sure she got to do everything she could possibly want. Blair convinced her mother to try sky-diving and bungee-jumping. She never told her mother who her friends were. Renee just assumed that they were people from school. Bella could always be counted on to be, in her own opinion, the voice of reason.

Blair would just roll her eyes, knowing it had more to do with Bella's introvertive nature and trumped up opinion of maturity that had her younger sister lecturing her against her next idea. Regardless, Blair tried to experience everything she could over the next few years.

Blair normally went to her father's over the summer. The Cullens moved to Forks the summer before her 17th birthday. Peter and Charlotte convinced the girl to visit her father in California for the next two summers. Blair had questioned it, knowing her father would be hurt if she didn't come. It felt especially important when Bella flat out refused, demanding they meet in California instead of going to Forks. She thought it was selfish, making her father spend money on a vacation just because Bella didn't want to go to Washington. Peter convinced her that he just knew it was for the best. Although she didn't know the real reason, it just wasn't time to meet Jasper.

She placated her father by explaining she was using the summer to make money for college. When her mother met Phil, Blair was happy for her and tried her hardest to get to know the significantly younger man. They married quickly, unsurprisingly expected of her mother and her impatient nature.

Seeing how unhappy their mother was staying behind as Phil traveled the country, Bella suggested they move to Washington to be with their father. It was a choice that propelled her younger sister into self-identified martyrdom. Bella, of course, thought she was being selfless. Blair knew of the underling feeling of judgement her sister felt at their mother's erratic nature.

She knew it was a good idea, but how could she leave Charlotte and Peter? Would they follow her? Could she ask them to? Over the last three years, they had become her family, and she didn't know if she could handle not seeing them every day. Blair knew she had kept them from traveling like they normally would. This could be their opportunity to travel again before it came time to change her when she turned 21, the age they decided was best.

It was a week before they were set to leave before she mentioned it. Peter knew it was time before she even walked through the door.

"You should go," Peter said after watching her fidget, an unusual action for the normally confident girl. Her eyes snapped up to meet his. Of course they knew.

"You should use this time to spend time with your father," Charlotte continued. 'Before you're unable to' was unspoken but understood.

"But what about you guys?" Peter grinned.

"We're going to use this time to travel for a while. We'll call you every week, I promise." Peter wasn't sure how he felt about letting her go but knew there wasn't much of a choice. It was just time.

"There's something you should know though, sug." Blair looked at them questioningly, prompting her to continue.

"There are others of our kind in Forks." Her eyebrows shot up. Vampires in a small town like Forks? How did they disguise their kills? Charlie hadn't mentioned anything about a spike in deaths.

"They aren't like us, sugar. They feed on animals," Peter said, seeing the question in her eyes. She frowned at this. Was that even natural?

"They live as a family. Seven of them in total," Peter paused before continuing, "My sire is one of 'em." The two vampires had glossed over their time in the Southern Vampire Wars. Blair had been curious beyond belief but hadn't pushed it. She sensed that it was a subject they didn't like talking about. Peter had spoken proudly of his maker, however: Jasper Whitlock, the famed Major of the South. They took his surname after they'd escaped the wars. Blair knew the vampire could feel and control emotions and that he was an extremely lethal vampire but hadn't gleaned any more information about him.

"You'll be in school with 5 of them," Charlotte continued.

"Why in the hell would they be going to high school?" Peter snorted.

"Been asking myself that for 50 years."

"It helps them stay in town longer. Jasper was changed at 20, but can pass as a senior. The other four were changed in their teens. Their coven leader, Carlisle, is a doctor. He's married to Esme. They act as their adoptive parents." Charlotte's tone suggested that she thought it was weird, something Blair understood. Why would these vampires, who had seen decades to centuries, play children?

"Who are the others?"

"Emmett and Rosalie, they're together, and Alice and Edward. Alice can see the future and Edward can read minds." Peter's tone gave Blair the impression that he wasn't too fond of the last vampire, but she didn't focus on that.

"Isn't that going to be a problem?" Her voice's pitch went up a notch.

"Alice can't see the past, and I have a feeling Edward ain't gonna be a problem when it comes to you." Blair sighed in relief. She learned a long time ago to trust Peter's feelings.

"You can NOT tell them you know us. If you tell 'em your story, you say it was two nomads feeling generous and you never saw them again."

"Why?" She questioned.

"It's just gotta be that way." Blair's expression turned shrewd.

"Why don't you like Edward?" Peter huffed out a laugh.

"He's a tightwad," Peter replied crossly, "A century year-old virgin with a stick up his ass. Maybe he'd be better off if he banged one out with someone in that coven in Alaska." Blair started to giggle and opened her mouth to comment.

"Don't you fucking dare," Peter said, pointing a finger at her. She closed her mouth with an amused huff before moving on.

"Why do I have to talk to them at all? I'll graduate in May and then meet up with you guys, wherever you are. I won't even be there for very long." An inscrutable look passed between Peter and Charlotte. Blair felt her temper flare up. They weren't telling her something…something important.

"What?" Peter cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully.

"Edward is going to be important to your sister." She lifted an eyebrow. Her sister was going to be involved with a vampire? She didn't know how she felt about that. It would be hypocritical of her to stop it, when she herself had been involved with vampires for years.

"You can't stop it, sweetheart. It's going to happen regardless. I want you to stick close with them if you can. It'll keep you safe while we're gone. Jasper will keep you safe."

"But he won't know that I know you," Blair reasoned. Peter swallowed hard.

"I know that. But he'll do it." Peter wanted Blair to love Jasper on her own, so he decided not to tell her about what he knew. He didn't want her to think that was the only reason they saved her. It wasn't, and they both loved the girl like a sister. She would learn about her destiny soon enough. She narrowed her eyes before focusing on something more pressing.

"When do you leave?" Her voice was thick, as if she was trying not to cry.

"Tomorrow." She pulled Charlotte into a hug which the vampire carefully returned. Peter was next, and she held on tight, unable to believe that her vampires wouldn't be around.

"We'll see you sooner than you think, sugar," He whispered, and she sighed in relief, knowing he wouldn't lie to her.

Please read and review if you can. Just to be clear, there will be no love triangle for Blair in this. I don't really like them. I hope you enjoyed this peak into their lives and got a feel for her personality. The next chapter should be up soon.