So this is the chapter I envisioned when I first came up with the character of Blair. I hope you all enjoy the return of the Cullens and the reactions of each character. I don't own anything you recognize. There will be no triangle, but…there will be some things in here that make Jasper jealous…just for fun.
Blair's world was crashing in around her. When they'd first abandoned her, all she could think about was seeing them again. But that was 6 months ago. That was before her family was destroyed by their absence. Before her heart had grown hard and cold to them and everything around her.
Standing in front of her, were Peter and Charlotte, looking worse for wear, as if they had run through forests and lakes and swamps to get there. They were assessing her with wide, relieved eyes. They'd have been a sight for sore eyes and they were looking at her with the concern she'd missed. But the time where she would have been relieved to see them was gone. Now there was only bitterness.
Peter reached his hand out, and she took a step back in shock. His face changed from relieved to see her to heartbroken. She had never flinched away from them.
"B," He choked out. Blair's heart spasmed at the nickname. It spurred her out of her shock and helped her find her words.
"I'll ask you again. What the fuck are you doing here?" She snarled lowly. Peter looked at her incredulously and Charlotte put her hand on her mate's arm as a warning not to overreact. The female vampire could see the pain and weariness in Blair's eyes.
"What the fuck are we doing here?" Peter asked, "We get a call from Jasper, saying that you guys broke up 6 months ago and you don't want to see us, and you ask what the fuck we're doing here? As if we'd believe that? What the fuck is going on, Blair?"
Anger filled her body. Jasper had lied to them. The mother fucker had lied to them. But that didn't explain where they'd been for the last 6 months. It didn't explain why they hadn't called her, not even on her birthday. It didn't explain why their phones were disconnected. It didn't explain any of that.
"Is that what he told you?" She replied in a soft hiss.
"We didn't believe it, Blair. We know you better than that," Charlotte replied cautiously. Blair snorted and tilted her head.
"Do you?" Peter opened his mouth to say something when he stilled and glared behind her. Blair had honestly forgotten all about Bella as her younger sister came up behind her.
"Peter? Charlotte?" Bella sounded a mixture of shocked and elated. She didn't seem to care that her sister was close to having a panic attack. Blair was certain she was just happy that vampires were there, that it might mean that Edward was close by too. Peter only glanced at her and ignored Bella before turning his eyes on Blair.
"We're coming in, Blair. And you're going to explain to us what the fuck has been going on." Blair recognized the tone and knew there was no way they were going to leave her doorstep until he got what he wanted, so she opened the door wider and stepped aside.
Peter and Charlotte walked in and Blair was careful to move back so they wouldn't touch her as they walked in the house. She couldn't handle that. They walked past her to the living room. Charlotte sat down on the couch, while Peter leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.
"Start talking, Blair Renee Swan," He said quietly. Bella had scurried in after them. She seemed to be smart enough to hold her tongue about asking about the Cullens but Blair could tell she was still waiting for an opening. Her fear of the two vampires was outweighed by her desire for information on "her" vampires.
Blair crossed her arms in reply, "What's there to talk about? I haven't fucking heard from you in 6 months. Jasper left. End of story," She said with a blank tone.
"That's not…" The door burst open in that moment and Jacob ran into the living room. Immediately, Charlotte and Peter were standing in front of Blair, snarling. Jacob took up stance in front of Bella and was shaking.
"Jacob, if you change in my living room, you're going to be running on 3 legs. Enough, all of you," Blair said sternly. Charlotte and Peter loosened their stance slightly at Blair's words but didn't move from their post in front of her. She sighed and walked around them, "Everyone is fine. Jacob isn't going to hurt me. Peter and Charlotte aren't going to hurt Bella. Fucking, enough." Jacob's shaking slowed down to a tremor.
"What's the mutt doing here?" Peter asked.
"I could ask you the same thing, Leech," Jacob snarled. Peter's teeth curled over his lips in a snarky, vicious smile and he took a step forward. Charlotte put her hand out in a stopping signal and Peter stopped, but the smile never left his face.
"What are they doing here?" Jacob asked.
"We're here for Blair. Why don't you take Bella into the other room so we can talk to our girl without your stench reeking up the room," Peter snarked. Jacob growled and Blair rolled her eyes. It was then she made a mistake. The room had started to heat up, so she took her sweatshirt off, not thinking in that moment about her scars. A snarl erupted from Peter and Charlotte didn't attempt to stop him as he grabbed Jacob by the throat and slammed him against the wall. Bella had been pushed to the side, landing on her ass and looked close to screaming out.
"Why the fuck does she have claw marks on her chest? Did you do this, you flea-ridden dog? I'll fucking kill you." Jacob was now shaking at full force against the wall he was pinned against and Blair knew he was only moments from shifting. Charlotte had come in front of her to inspect her but Blair swatted her away with a look. Charlotte's eyes turned hurt.
"Stop it!" She yelled, "Stop it right now." Peter didn't listen. His hand tightened on Jacob's throat and surprisingly the boy laughed.
"I didn't do that to her. That was the wolf she calls her best friend. Ask her." Peter dropped him to the ground and turned his back on him, telling Jacob he didn't consider him a threat. He looked at Blair, his eyes demanding answers.
"What happened?"
"This is none of your business. None," Blair snarled. Peter looked at her incredulously.
"None of my business? None of my fucking business. You are my business." Blair laughed cruelly.
"I haven't been your business for 6 months. You guys need to leave before Charlie gets home."
"He's with Billy, planning Harry's funeral. He won't be back for a while," Jacob said, and Blair frowned, remembering that Harry had died of a heart attack yesterday. This whole situation was becoming a clusterfuck.
"Regardless…" Blair was interrupted by another knock on the door, "Jesus Christ, who else? Bella, get the door and tell whoever it is to go away. We're busy." Bella had gotten up and was now standing away from the action, wide-eyed and looking at Peter with fear. The vampire looked like he couldn't have given a crap less. He only had eyes for Blair and was looking at her with such concern that it made Bella's heart ache that Blair's vampires had come back for her.
Bella made her way to the door and opened it. This time, it was her breath that got knocked out of her.
"Alice?" Bella didn't even hesitate to launch herself at the pixie and hug her. Alice stiffened in shock and pulled away.
"Bella?! How are you alive?" Bella looked at her with confusion.
Blair came to the door and her eyes widened in shock at the appearance of the small vampire. If Alice was near then that might mean…
"What the hell are you doing here, Alice. I told you all to stay away until I called," Peter said from behind her and Blair jumped slightly. Alice looked at Peter sternly, the frown looking out of place on her usually exuberant face. She looked at Bella.
"I had a vision of Bella falling off a cliff and I didn't see her getting pulled out of the water. I had to come check. Jasper is losing his mind right now." Blair stopped the noise that wanted to rise from her throat at the mention of her ex's name. Alice looked at her with pity and Blair glared back at her. She didn't need her sympathy.
"You could have phoned it in," Peter snapped. Jacob pushed past Peter and came to stand beside Bella in a protective stance.
"How many more of you are going to show up?" Alice wrinkled her nose when he got close.
"Just me…for now. I had to convince…" She paused and glanced at Blair, "…Jasper to stay back until everything was sorted. If it wasn't for you and your pack of mutts, I would have seen that Bella survived." Her voice turned to a slight snarl and Blair's eyebrows raised at her tone.
"I need a fucking cigarette. You guys sort your shit out." Blair pushed past them and stepped outside. She could tell Peter and Charlotte were right on her heels and just wanted them to go away. She ignored them and sat on the porch swing, pulling out her pack, and lit the stick up with a deep inhale.
"You're smoking?" Charlotte asked. Blair waved the cigarette in the air as if to say "obviously".
"What the hell happened, B? What happened to your chest? Why is Jasper saying you don't want to see us anymore? You better start explaining right now," Peter demanded. Blair felt her temper flare. How dare he!
"I don't owe you anything. What happened to me? What happened to you? I haven't heard a fucking peep from you for 6 months and you just show up one day demanding answers. You haven't been here. You left me on my own like you always promised you wouldn't." Blair took another deep inhale to calm herself down. She was getting worked up. The walls that she had carefully built around herself felt like they were starting to crumble, and she couldn't let that happen. She couldn't let them back in.
"We thought you were with Jasper! We thought you were safe. You're the one not answering the phone every time we called!" Peter exclaimed. Blair stood up then. They were lying. They were manipulating her just like before.
"Bullshit," She snarled, "I haven't gotten any phone calls from you since…" The door burst open and Alice and Bella joined them on the porch. Blair wondered what the hell was going on now. They're conversations kept getting interrupted and she was never going to be able to give Peter and Charlotte a piece of her mind. Jacob joined them, seeming to be pleading with Bella.
"We have to go," Alice said urgently, "Rose told Edward about my vision. He thinks Bella is dead. He's going to the Volturi to ask for them to end his life." Blair rolled her eyes towards the sky. Everyone showed up and now her life was going from 0 to 60 in just the matter of minutes.
"Let him," Peter snarled. He didn't know what the hell was going on, but he had a very good feeling that that fuck had something to do with it. Alice snarled.
"He's part of our family, whether you like it or not." Blair recognized the determined look on Bella's face. She was going, and like the big sister she was, even when she didn't want to be, she wasn't going to let her sister go to the Volturi alone.
"Let's just go." Blair walked back into the house and grabbed her wallet before coming back out to join them.
"If Blair goes, so do we," Charlotte said, her voice giving no room for discussion. Blair didn't argue. They were going into the literal vampire's den and the more protection she and Bella had, the better.
They headed towards the cars, Jacob right on their heels.
"Bella," He pleaded. Blair tuned him out as he begged Bella not to go. They piled into the car she recognized as Carlisle's, and she climbed in the back seat. Peter and Charlotte climbed in after her and she scooted as far towards the door and away from them as possible. Peter noticed and the hurt look took over his face again. Blair pushed the feelings of guilt away.
It was only moments later that they took off, leaving Jacob in their proverbial dust. Poor kid, Blair thought. He never stood a chance, and he especially didn't now that Bella was about to get another dose of her addiction if they did find Edward in Italy, or she was going to even more damaged if they didn't find him in time.
"Did you tell Charlie?"
"I left him a note." Blair sighed.
"That's not good enough. I'll call him when we get to the airport." Bella didn't argue, letting her sister take the burden of dealing with their father. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she winced when she saw Paul's name light up the screen.
'What the fuck are you doing? Jacob's out here howling about Bella taking off with leeches and you joining her.' Blair sighed.
'I can't let her go alone. I'll be back and that'll be the end of it. I'll need you to pick me up from the airport, whenever that is.' There was no response for a moment before her phone buzzed again.
'I fucking hate your sister. Get your ass home safe. Text me when you're back and I'll pick you up so you don't have to ride with those leeches again.'
Blair didn't reply, especially when she saw Peter gazing at her disapprovingly from the corner of her eye. He had no right but she didn't comment. She was about to be stuck on a plane with them for no telling how long. She was too tired and already emotionally drained from the night to be her normally antagonistic self.
They made it to the Port Angeles Airport in record time. Like Edward, Alice had a built in warning system for cops. It was when they arrived that her phone started going off. Charlie was calling. Blair walked away from them as Alice went to the counter to get their tickets. Peter and Charlotte seemed to hover but give her space as she stepped outside. She lit and cigarette, took a deep breath and picked up the phone.
"Hi, Dad," She said tiredly.
"Blair! What the hell is going on? I got your sister's note that she's going to California to see Edward? Over my dead body. Where are you?" Charlie's words were rushed and angry in only a way a concerned father could be. Her stomach turned at yet another thing her father was going to have to go through because of them, because of Bella's epically dramatic romance.
"Edward has apparently gone off his rocker and threatened to kill himself. Bella, of course, has decided to go to his rescue and I'm going to make sure that she's safe." She could practically imagine her father's face reddening at that moment.
"Get her and come home now," He spat out. Blair sighed.
"You know that's not going to happen, Dad. She's 18 and she's going to see him. I can't let her go alone." The other end of the line was silent for a moment before her father heaved a sigh that made him sound older than he was. Blair immediately felt guilt at yet another thing that his children were putting him through.
"Keep in touch. And tell Bella she's grounded the moment she gets home."
"I will. I love you, Dad." The line was quiet again.
"I love you too, Blair." She ended the call and stubbed out the butt of her cigarette before walking back through the door. She ignored Peter and Charlotte, walking right passed them and up to Alice. Alice silently handed her her ticket and they walked swiftly towards the gate.
The ridiculously long flight seemed to drag on forever. Peter and Charlotte tried to talk to her multiple times only to be met with stony silence. She blocked every attempt at conversation until they eventually fell quiet. Oh, it wasn't over. She knew that. They weren't giving up, and she didn't know why.
Blair didn't understand it. She didn't understand anything right now, and definitely didn't have time to explore it. It didn't seem like Bella's romance gave her any time to explore her own feelings ever. It hadn't for the last 6 months, and it wasn't going to now.
They got off the plane quickly and headed out of the crowded airport towards the outside. It was then that Alice and Peter nodded to each other and left them all behind to disappear into the crowd. Blair assumed it was to find them a ride.
She was right when 2 cars pulled up, one a bright yellow Porche and the other was a more practical but still sporty car she didn't recognize. Alice waved to Bella from the Porche and she quickly climbed in. Blair frowned as she had a distinct feeling that this was a plan to get her alone with Peter and Charlotte. However, it was a good plan, because she had no choice but to climb into the car with them. The Porche was a two-seater and there was no more room for another person.
They took off before her seat belt was even on and an awkward silence settled over the car. Blair definitely wasn't going to break it. It wasn't her job to break it, and she really didn't want to discuss anything at that moment. Everything was happening too fast and only proving to confuse her.
"When we're brought before the Volturi, mind your manners, B. They don't take kindly to disrespect," Peter said, not taking his eyes from the road.
"I'm not an idiot, Peter. Besides, I think you should be more worried about what the Volturi is going to do when they find out 2 humans know about vampires."
"I ain't worried about that, B. There's a plan in place for you. Eddy is going to have to give in on changing Bella if he wants to make it out alive."
She swallowed hard at his words. There wasn't a plan for her. Not anymore. She wouldn't allow them to lull her into a false sense of security again. She couldn't handle it. Her mind couldn't absorb anymore, not after the year she'd had.
"You'll be safe, Blair. We won't let anything happen to you," Charlotte said softly. Blair's former friend looked like she wanted to reach out to touch her, comfort her the way she used to, but the blank look on Blair's face must have stopped her.
Peter cursed and they both looked at him, "Eddy boy is going to force the Volturi's hand. He's going to step out into the sunlight at high noon," He said, looking at his phone.
"Idiot," Charlotte hissed.
"He's always been a dramatic little shit," Peter agreed. They turned onto a cobblestone street and it suddenly became very crowded. He stopped behind Alice, "We'll have to go on foot from here." They all piled out. Alice and Bella had already gone ahead and disappeared into the crowd of people celebrating what looked like a festival. Peter grabbed Blair's arm and pulled her close. He began to navigate the crowd towards where Alice and Bella had headed. She didn't protest, not in this situation.
Things seemed to happen in slow motion. Bella had taken off running towards something. It was then that Blair saw Edward. He was shirtless, just moments from stepping out into the sun. Briefly, she wondered what he must be feeling. How would she feel if Jasper was dead and not just estranged? Her heart clenched fiercely at the thought. It took Bella what seemed like hours to reach him just as he stepped into the sunlight, his skin lighting up with its diamond-like quality. Bella practically tackled him. He didn't move, just wrapped his arms around her. They stood there for a moment as Bella seemed to be frantically trying to get him to move before he seemed to wake up and they disappeared back into the building he had apparently come out of.
"She made it before anyone saw him," Alice said, hurrying over to them.
"The Volturi will summon him soon. He won't get away with almost exposing us," Peter said, never taking his eyes off the crowd.
"I know. They'll want all of us there." Alice's face was stoic and serious. It looked so out of place on her face.
"Stay close," Charlotte murmured to her. Blair didn't argue. She was in dangerous territory, and she wasn't stupid enough to think she could handle any of this without them. They began to make their way to the building. Voices could already be heard inside. Blair took a deep breath and stepped even closer to Peter and Charlotte.
"Jane," Peter crowed as they walked in. Blair recognized it as a persona almost immediately. He was trying to portray his normal confident self. Bella was in Edward's arms and Blair knew she would feel disgust and pain at sight of the penny-headed vampire had she been able to feel anything but fear and caution. The other three vampires were beautiful, as expected.
Jane, the one who Peter had addressed, was young, almost immortal child young, but her blank, unyielding face told that she was probably older than Peter. A large, hulking vampire stood to her side. His face was emotionless and his presence was as obvious as Emmett's.
The third vampire was the best looking. He noticed her looking and flashed her a saucy grin and winked.
"Captain Whitlock," Jane replied, a tone of almost respect in her voice when she addressed Peter.
"Peter Whitlock," The good-looking one greeted. His voice was smooth and Blair could tell he used it to get what he wanted often.
"Demetri," Peter greeted. Blair's memory flared with recognition. This was the tracker that Jasper respected so much. Jane was the one with the pain power and she had no clue who the other one was until Peter turned to greet him, "Felix," He nodded.
"I see you brought the other human. Good. Follow us," Jane said and began to walk away without waiting for an answer. She knew they would follow. They had no choice.
They followed them down the tunnels. It got darker the further they went, but Peter and Charlotte presence never left her side. When they had to jump down into a hole, Peter wrapped her up in his arms and ensured that the landing didn't jostle her too much. It made her heart ache. He was being so protective, just like she remembered. But, nothing was like she remembered anymore. The tunnels gave way to elegant halls and Blair had to stop herself from looking around in awe.
"This way." Jane said, her tone bored. A lady sat at the desk they passed and she stood up as they passed.
"Buon Pomeriggio," She greeted cheerfully.
"She wants to be one of them," Blair heard Edward explain to Bella. It made sense. She assumed that ones such as the Volturi would need human envoys to run errands for them during the day.
"And so she will," Demetri commented. Then he looked at Blair slowly, "For lunch," He continued. He was obviously trying to shake her but Blair kept her face carefully blank. Demetri raised an eyebrow.
"Your human is much better at hiding her fear than the other one," He said to Peter in an almost good-natured tone. Peter just returned his comment with a feral smile that was all teeth. They continued to a large door and Jane pushed it open with ease, even though it looked like it weighed a ton.
There were 3 thrones in the center of the room and upon the sat, who she assumed was the Volturi. Each was young and old in their own way. Peter had once explained that their stagnancy and age had caused them to change. They were no longer beautiful in the way of other vampires, but in an ancient way that couldn't be explained.
"Sister, we sent you out to get one and you brought back four…and a half," A dark haired boy said. Alec. It had to be Jane's twin. The one she assumed was Aro stood and clapped happily.
"What a happy surprise. Bella is alive and well. Captain Whitlock! And the elusive Blair. How amazing! I love a happy ending." His voice sounded so pleasant like he was actually happy to see them, but Blair wasn't fooled. Peter had told her all about him. He was the evilest of them all.
"Good to see you again, Aro. Caius, Marcus," Peter greeted respectfully with a tilt of his head. The one she assumed was Marcus tilted his head in reply. Caius just looked at Peter without acknowledging his greeting.
"Happy endings are so rare, aren't they?" Aro immediately picked up Edward's hand and held it. Blair could tell he was using his power. A cruel smile formed on Aro's face and Edward's thoughts filtered through his mind. He glanced at where Blair stood with Peter and Charlotte, "Although I'm not sure how long they'll last." Blair felt confusion at his words but felt Peter stiffen beside her. Aro turned back to Edward.
"Your thirst for her is so great. Makes me thirsty. How do you resist?" Aro asked in a pleasant voice.
"It's not without great difficulty," Edward replied.
"Yes. To find one's mate is a rare thing indeed, but to have your mate be your singer. The fates can be cruel. I'm surprised that Major Whitlock isn't here with his mate," Aro replied, looking back at Blair.
"The Major sends his regards. He's entrusted Blair's safety with us." There was a stern edge to Peter's voice, a warning in his tone that almost sounded like a threat. Aro grinned and Blair saw Felix shift towards them slightly. Demetri stood stock still but with a grin on his face that was more appreciative than angry.
"Yes. Yes. Of course, he would. There is no issue with Blair. I know of your plans to change her," Aro said happily. "It's fascinating though. Edward can read neither Blair nor Bella. I wonder if they are immune to my gifts." He turned to Bella, "If you would do me the honors, my dear." Aro held out his hand with an expecting look on his face.
Blair stiffened, but felt Charlotte put a hand on her shoulder that told her to stay quiet. Bella walked forward hesitantly and placed her hand in Aro's. There was a moment of silence before a frown made it's way to his face.
"I hear nothing. Interesting." He turned to Blair and it was Peter's turn to stiffen.
"Aro," Edward warned, "She's not just silent. Her mind has an offensive gift." Aro waved him away dismissively.
"I'm aware of the possibility, dear Edward. I, however, am too curious to see if young Blair is immune to my gift." Aro walked up to her slowly, as if not to spook her. Blair could see almost respect in his eyes, a wariness and she knew it was a wariness of Jasper and not her. The man thought she was Major Jasper Whitlock's mate. He was right to be wary in his thoughts, even if he was wrong.
"You'll only get to touch her under the guarantee that your guard won't attack if something happens," Peter hissed slightly. Aro paused.
"Of course. No one is to attack her, regardless of what happens," The ancient vampire announced to the room. Blair saw Jane frown and shift forward, her instinct to protect her master. The only one who seemed unperturbed was Demetri, who had an anticipatory look on his face. Aro held out his hand. Blair looked to Peter, who hesitated slightly, before nodding.
She hesitantly reached out her hand and placed it in the cold hand of Aro's. Aro closed his eyes and then his face contorted. He fell to his knees, letting go of her hand immediately and Jane was over him before anyone could blink. The room had gone quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
She hadn't felt anything when he touched her hand, but it seemed her mind had protected itself like it always had against Edward. Peter pulled her behind him slightly and glared around the room, as if daring anyone to attack her.
"I'm alright, my dear," Aro said to Jane, rising to his feet. He began to clap and smile, "Fascinating! An offensive and defensive talent from the two sisters. Never have I heard of such a thing. The pain from trying to read your mind is quite intense. Isn't it Edward?"
"Yes," Edward replied, his voice slightly surly. Aro turned back to Blair.
"And you have no control over it?"
"No, sir," Blair replied respectfully. Aro approached her slightly but seemed careful not to touch her.
"You will make an intriguing immortal, dear Blair. Should your…situation not clear itself up, you can always consider a place amongst us here." Blair paused and felt Peter and Charlotte tense beside her at the offer. The last 6 months flitted through her mind. The pain, the embarrassment. And before she knew it, her reply came out of her mouth.
"I might take you up on that." Peter jerked slightly beside her but Aro paid him no mind. He just smiled gleefully.
"Aro, there are still matters to attend to," Caius called out coldly. Aro clapped his hands once.
"Yes," He turned to Peter and Charlotte, "You plan to change Blair, correct?" Peter nodded.
"We know the rules, Aro. The plan is set to leave the least amount of suspicion." Aro nodded before turning to Edward and Bella.
"If only Edward had the same plans. You know we can't allow a human to know about us and live, Edward." Aro glanced at Felix. Blair swallowed hard.
"Peter…" She whispered desperately. Peter stepped forward quickly.
"That won't be an issue. I'll change the kid myself if I have to," Peter spoke up.
"No!" Edward snarled and Blair wanted to slap him. Did he not want them all to make it our of here alive?
"Don't act like you could take me in a fight, Eddy. Our laws are our laws." Aro smiled at this.
"Yes, they are. I'd hate to waste such immeasurable talent by killing Bella."
"Where's the proof?" Caius snarled, "These are just words." Blair began to hate the blonde vampire more than the one standing in front of her. Miserable little shit that he was.
"Bella will be one of us. I've seen it," Alice chimed in quickly, "Let me show you." She took off her glove and scurried quickly over to Aro. Aro didn't hesitate to take her hand. Blair wasn't sure what the vision had showed but when Aro let go, he seemed satisfied.
"What a gift. To see the future as you do." Aro cupped Alice's cheek and Blair couldn't help but think of what a creep he was. His gift seemed to make him think he had permission to touch anyone without their permission, "I am satisfied that this matter will be taken care of," Aro continued, "Go now, make your preparations."
Peter stepped forward, "There's one more thing."
"What is it?" Caius snarled. He seemed tired of their presence or disappointed at the lack of death. Blair couldn't tell. Maybe it was both.
"Last year, a vampire named James attacked Blair. Jasper didn't take to kindly to that." Blair's eyes widened as she heard Peter give away what had happened last year. She saw Edward turn to them and glare, his body stiff. His eyes seemed to be warning Peter not to continue. Peter ignored him and Charlotte looked supportive by his side.
"Yes, of course. Interfering with or threatening a vampire's mate is punishable by death should the mate choose to exact their rights," Aro said. Blair's eyes narrowed as she saw his eyes flit to Edward before flitting back to Peter. She saw Edward's gaze drop tot the floor and wondered if he felt shame for being Jasper's messenger.
"Yes. And they usually exact that right. However, James had a mate, Victoria, who is trying to foster her own revenge."
"I'm sure you and The Major…," Caius spat, "can deal with a wayward vampire."
Peter ignored the blonde vampire, and continued to meet Aro's gaze.
"Her gift is that of evasion, so we haven't been able to catch her. But she's making newborns at an alarming rate and leaving them to their own devices." Marcus sat up straight and Aro's smile disappeared. Blair could tell they took their laws very seriously. Peter raised a hand in a placating gesture.
"We've managed to destroy most of them before they exposed us, but any help in finding her would be greatly appreciated." Peter's tone was respectful, but Blair could tell he hated asking for help, especially from the Volturi.
"Of course. We cannot allow a rogue mate to expose us to the human world. Dimitri's tracking ability will serve you greatly," Are said. The vampire in question walked forward with a smirk on his face and his hands behind his back. He looked the picture of ease with an edge of excitement of a hunt, "He has something to take care of before leaving. He will meet you in Washington in one week's time."
Peter nodded his thanks. He seemed to know Dimitri would be the one assigned to help them and seemed pleased, but wary at the same time. It could have been the interested look that Dimitri was now throwing Blair, but the girl herself was sure it had to do with the display of her unintentional power that had the vampire gazing her way.
"Go now. And remember, we do not offer second chances," Caius drawled. The door opened behind them and Peter and Charlotte took up stance beside her as they were ushed out the door. Dimitri followed close behind them.
The hall was no longer empty now, but filled with what looked like tourists. A vampire led them towards the open doors and Blair heard Dimitri whisper something to her as they passed. Peter's grip on her became tight and painful.
"Keep looking forward. Don't look back." A sense of dread washed over Blair and she had a feeling she knew exactly what was about to happen. Her dread was proven when the doors slammed behind the tourists and the screaming began. She kept walking forward, knowing there was nothing in this world she could do, but bile washed up to her throat. There were children in that group.
The breath she was holding left her body as they were led to another room and the screams faded away as the door shut behind them. Dimitri pointed to chairs in the corner.
"You'll wait here until the sun goes down. I'll see you all in a week and take care of the mess you seem to be unable to." Dimitri's tone was mocking as he walked towards the door. He paused in front of Blair, "I look forward to seeing you as well." Peter growled under his breath and Dimitri flashed a challenging smile before disappearing behind the closed door, the echoed screams making their appearance briefly once again.
"Blair," Peter started. She held up a hand to stop him.
"Can we just not, Peter. I'm tired." Peter had a defeated look on his face but nodded. Charlotte put a hand on her mate's shoulder in comfort and remained silent. Blair saw Edward pull Bella so close, she might as well have been under his skin and sighed. Here they went again.
It had officially been 3 days since she'd gotten any sleep. Her body felt like it was on fire but too exhausted to go up in flames at the moment. She attempted to sleep on the plane to no avail. Every hour that passed brought her closer to home, but it also brought her closer to seeing Jasper. He would be there. That much was obvious and the dread in her stomach made her want to throw up.
She couldn't see him, but she didn't think she'd get much of a choice in the matter. He would demand to see her. Why, she didn't know. But Peter had made it clear that she wasn't going to be able to avoid him. Even if she ran to Paul's car. She'd text him with her landing time and he said he would be there. The only hope she had was to keep the interaction short and leave with her friend.
When the plane landed, the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. She could do this. She'd survived the last 6 months. She could survive 10 minutes in her ex's presence. Fuck, she couldn't wait for a cigarette.
The deboarding took less time than she wanted and before she knew it they were heading out of the gates. She hung back, but Peter and Charlotte were right there to usher her forward. And then, there they were. Carlisle and Esme…and Jasper. Rosalie and Emmett weren't there and Blair wondered if it was so they wouldn't overwhelm the humans. As much as she didn't want to, her gaze found Jasper's as if they couldn't help themselves. They both froze as their eyes met.
He looked different somehow. He seemed worn. Still the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, of course, but now he seemed somehow tired. He was wearing brown contacts, which was odd to her, as he had never bothered to hide his golden eyes. The contacts did nothing to hide the pain in them, so much pain it hurt Blair to look into them.
"Blair," He whispered. She felt her heart crack and knew he could feel it when his face contorted in pain. She averted her eyes and looked away as they reached them.
"As much as I'm sure Bella would like a reunion, we have to get home," Her voice was stern as she looked over the rest of the Cullens, avoiding Jasper's gaze completely. She began marching past them towards the exit. She hadn't looked any of them in the eyes. She didn't want to see their apologetic faces or pity.
While their apologies might work on Bella, they certainly weren't going to work on her. Her phone dinged with a text from Paul, stating that he was 10 minutes out. She cursed him internally for being late. She could feel Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte at her back, and just wanted them to go away. So, as soon as she hit outside she lit up a cigarette, hoping the smell would make them back away. It had the desired effect and they backed away a few paces. She stood by the loading zone, her eyes begging Paul to hurry the fuck up.
"We brought our cars, Blair. We can take you home," Carlisle started gently.
"I've got a ride. I'd rather not be stuck in a car with any of you." Peter stepped forward.
"If it's Paul, over my dead fucking body are you getting into a car with him." It was then that Blair's temper flared to dangerous levels.
"It's a good thing you're already fucking dead then. I've survived without you for 6 months. You can't just come back and tell me what the fuck I can and can't do," She hissed with such venom that Peter's eyebrows met him hairline and Charlotte's mouth turned into a frown. She still wouldn't look at Jasper. She couldn't.
Blair glanced at where Edward and Bella were standing. Edward was supporting most of Bella's weight and her eyes were mostly closed. Blair felt that tiredness in her bones, but her desire to get away and out of the current situation outweighed the exhaustion. She internally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the tell-tale sign of Paul's mustang pulling up.
Paul pulled up in front, and even through the tinted windows, Blair could see his glare. He got out and Blair stopped him with a look. He paused and stayed by his open door.
"Bella, get in the car."
"No," Edward snarled, causing a chain reaction. Jasper whirled around on him, lip curling over his teeth. Peter and Charlotte growled lowly at his tone. Bella whimpered and seemed to dig herself deeper into Edward's skin. Blair sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Bella wasn't going to come easily and the only solution to avoiding a scene was to let her go with Edward. She walked to stand in front of them, her lip curling in disgust as she surveyed them both.
"You get your ass straight home. You've both put Charlie through enough." With that she got into Paul's car without a backwards glance. Paul hit the gas too harshly and squealed his wheels as they exited the airport loading dock.
They were silent for a moment, neither one seeming to know what to say. Paul opened his mouth.
"I don't want to talk about it Paul, but yes they're back. Yes, they probably staying. And no, I'm not going back to Jasper." Paul's mouth snapped shut. She hadn't been wrong that those were the questions that were on his mind, but he really just wanted to know if she was okay. Her answer provided more insight that she was definitely not. Not for the first time, he wanted to kill the leech family for the effect they were having on his best friend.
The rest of the drive to Blair's home was in silence. She didn't feel like talking and Paul wasn't going to make her, not until later at the very least. The Cullens had somehow beaten them by the time they arrived home, most likely due to vampire driving. Or maybe Edward didn't want to give Blair a chance to poison Charlie against them, as if she'd have to. Charlie already hated the Cullen family. Her father's deep tone could be heard yelling from inside and Blair closed her eyes briefly before unbuckling her seat belt.
"Do you want me to come inside?" Paul asked. She shook her head. That would just make things worse. Paul sighed, "I'll park my car and be in the woods until they leave." She just nodded and got out of the car before heading inside her home.
Her father rushed her as soon as she walked through the door and pulled her into a hug.
"Don't you ever do something like this again," He turned to Edward, who was the only Cullen present, "And you get the fuck out of my house and don't come back. You're not allowed here and I'll arrest you for trespassing. Or shoot you," He muttered the last part under his breath.
Blair could only assume that Bella was already in bed if how dead on her feet she was at the airport was any indication. But what confused her was the way Edward was looking at her. His expression was one of deep sorrow, guilt, and if she was correct in her reading…fear.
"Just go, Edward. You've done enough," Blair whispered quietly. Edward nodded and walked towards the door with Charlie following his every step to make sure he left. When the door closed behind him, Charlie pulled Blair into his arms.
"I'm not going to ask you what happened yet since you look like you're exhausted, but I will expect answers, kid and I don't trust Bella to give them to me honestly." Blair nodded into her father's chest, "Go to bed." He pushed her gently towards the stairs and she sluggishly went up to her room.
Edward was no doubt in Bella's room by now but she couldn't find it in her to care. She crawled into her bed and fell asleep, tears streaming down her face.
"Blair…Blair" It felt like she'd only been asleep for 20 minutes when she was being shaken awake by her sister. She looked up and glared before snuggling back into her covers. She was too tired to deal with her sister right now.
"Blair…please. Edward still doesn't want to change me. We have to take this to the others in the family."
"I don't give a fuck, Bella. I haven't slept in 3 days and I don't have the energy for this shit," She growled back, wishing her sister would disappear into oblivion. Bella shook her again.
"Please. Please don't make me do this alone." Blair was silent for a moment before she threw the covers off herself violently and began to get dressed without another word to her sister. She heard Bella sigh in relief, "Edward will take us…"
"No. I'm taking my own car. I'm not getting stuck there until your boyfriend decides to take us home," Blair snarled as she pulled on a sweatshirt and some shoes.
"But Charlie…" Bella started. Blair finally looked at her sister, who shrank back at the anger lurking in her eyes.
"Charlie will think I went to see Paul. He'll check on you, make sure you're still there and then go back to sleep. You can leave then. I'm taking my own fucking car or I'm not coming." Bella was silent for a moment before nodding and leaving the room to go back to her own.
She grabbed her keys and made her way silently down the stairs and out the front door. She tried not to slam her door in anger as she got in her car and looked up at her father's window. The curtains had moved and she knew he was aware that she was leaving. She prayed this didn't hurt him any more than everything already had. With a pause, she started her jeep and backed out of the driveway.
She drove slower than she normally would have but before she knew it, the Cullens driveway was in view. The lights were all on and the house was more alive than it had been in the last 6 months. She parked her car and just sat. Inside were the people who had once meant the most to her, and now they were just strangers. Strangers with all her secrets. It made her uncomfortable.
She'd managed to get out of the airport without really talking to Jasper, but that was all about to change and she didn't know if she was ready. Her hands gripped the steering wheel and became slick with sweat. Blair knew she had to get out of the car before they came and got her, but she couldn't move.
Then the choice was made for her when her door opened and Jasper was there.
"Blair," He said softly. She swallowed hard and looked up before taking a sharp breath in.
"Your eyes." They were red as fire and that could mean only one thing. He was on a human diet. He looked at her straight in the eyes, looking sad and guilty but she had a feeling it wasn't over the color of his eyes, but over everything that had happened over the last 6 months.
"Will you come inside?" He asked gently.
"Do I have a choice?" He looked down at her reply.
"You always have a choice, Blair." She ran a hand through her hair and slid out of her car, making sure to avoid touching him. She didn't wait for him as she marched towards the house, but felt his presence behind her all the same.
Edward and Bella had beaten her here and were standing on the stairs when she walked in. Peter immediately moved to her side and she moved away to lean against the wall with her arms crossed. A look of hurt flashed in his eyes, but she was too tired to care anymore. Too much had happened for her to care anymore.
Rosalie and Emmett stood side by side and were looking at her with such sadness that it almost made her heart ache through the numbness. Almost.
Blair couldn't have known what was going through their heads. She couldn't have known that both were devastated at the loss of their friend and anger at Bella for the tired, pinched look on her face. Bella had to call this meeting now, with no regard to how tired her sister was. Jasper stood close to Blair, despite her tenseness.
He had never wished she was like her sister Bella, but he couldn't lie and feel like he wished that Blair would run into his arms the way Bella had to Edward. But that wasn't who Blair was.
Esme and Carlisle looked grim. They're family had fallen apart in the last 6 months, and while there was now a chance it would be brought back together, that was only if Blair could forgive them all, which didn't seem likely right now. They wished they had never let Edward talk them into leaving and destroying their family.
"You all know what we want," Bella started, "So…"
"Leave me out of this, Bella," Blair hissed and everyone in the room flinched. Bella swallowed hard and nodded before continuing.
"You all know what I want. I think the only fair thing would be to vote."
"No," Edward growled before Bella turned to him with a stern look.
"Shut up, Edward." That normally would have made Blair smile had she been capable of it.
"I vote yes," Alice said with a smile and walked up to hug Bella, "You know I already consider you my sister." Blair snorted at that and Alice faltered only a moment before moving back to her place amongst the Cullens.
"I vote yes," Jasper drawled, but he wasn't looking at Bella. His intense gaze was focused on Blair and Bella knew that his vote had nothing to do with her but with his desire to spend an eternity with her sister, who was stoutly ignoring her mate. But Bella would take what she could get. It was Rosalie's turn.
Rosalie gazed at Blair for a second, who still wouldn't look at anyone in the room. She felt anger at herself and her family for the damage they'd done to the only human she'd ever felt connected to. The room was shocked at the next words that came out of her mouth. She turned to look back at Bella.
"I vote yes. While I don't agree with your choice and I wish there had been someone to vote no for me as this is not a life I would have chosen for myself. I've come to learn that the decision is yours, but so will the consequences."
Blair felt a twinge at the progress her former friend had made, but she pushed it away. This wasn't going to make up for the last 6 months just because they'd had a change of heart.
Emmett rubbed her mate's shoulder before turning to Bella himself, "I vote 'hell yeah'. We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way."
Esme was next and her vote was yes, just as Blair expected it to be. She wanted her family back in whatever way she could have it. When it was Carlisle's turn. Blair knew that to Bella and Edward, this was the most important vote. Carlisle was like Edward's father and was the head of the family. Carlisle walked forward.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Edward whispered and Blair felt a spike of anger. He was always making things about himself.
"Because you refuse to live without her and I refuse to lose my son. So, my vote is yes." And that was it. Bella would be a vampire. Edward looked like he'd been sucking on a lemon and if Blair hadn't been so tired, she would have enjoyed it. But it was finally decided and so Blair lifted from the wall and started heading towards the door.
"Blair! Where are you going? We have to talk about you too," Bella cried out. She was confused as to why her older sister was acting this way. Jasper had come back for her if the looks he was giving her were any indication. Why was she fighting this?
"No, we really don't. The Volturi are sending Demetri to help with the hunt for Victoria and will be checking to see that we're both vampires. The answer is obvious. I don't want to die, but that doesn't mean that I have to spend time in the presence of any of you until then," Blair snarled and the room flinched.
"What the hell is your problem? They came back. They came back for us. Jasper came back for you." Bella knew the words she's said had been a mistake when Blair's body stiffened to the point where it looked painful.
Everyone in the room held their breath as they watched the two sisters square off.
"They came back because your boyfriend took a swim up mentally ill river and decided to off himself. Now, they're trapped into making us vampires or the Volturi will kill them. Forgive me for not seeing the "brighter side" in all of this."
"That's not true, B" Peter snarled, "We came back for you and you alone." Blair ignored him. She wouldn't allow herself to believe him, not this time.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you determined to ruin this?" Bella cried. The anger Blair had been feeling came to an all out roar.
"I'm ruining this? You and this fucked up family ruined our family. Have you ever thought about what you did to Charlie…to me during the last 6 months? They left us to fend for ourselves with that red-headed bitch sniffing around and I'm the one who's ruining this, you selfish cunt?" The room froze at her words. Blair had never talked to her sister like that, but it was too late to stop her. Every bitter thing Blair had felt and thought was coming to light and Blair just couldn't hold back anymore. Edward snarled at her words and Bella turned red as rage filled her own body.
"And you're so perfect. Everyone knows that you've been screwing Paul since they left. Maybe you didn't care about Jasper as much as everyone thought," Bella snarled back. Jasper let out a roar before Peter clasped his hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Blair continued to ignore him as her rage quieted down to a soft, lethal tone.
"How the hell would you know, Bella? When was there a time when you checked on me if it didn't have to do with gaining possible access to Edward? And what about you? Does Edward know about Jacob? Poor, pathetic Jacob, who is so in love with you that you've been using it to get by. But you don't care as long as you get access to your "sun". You're trying to turn this on me? Paul knows what we are. Paul isn't in love with me," Blair laughed with no humor, "But Jacob is in love with you. Why don't you tell everyone what you've been doing to get by in their absence?"
"Blair," Bella choked out, but Blair wasn't about to stop.
"Tell Alice why you were actually cliff diving. Tell everyone how all you wanted was to see a fucking hallucination of your boyfriend and you were willing to put your family through anything to do it. Let's be honest with ourselves, Bella. You ruined our family and Charlie should have had you committed a long time ago. You and Edward should have shared rooms."
The room was quiet and Bella opened her mouth several times before closing it, unable to know what to say as her sister laid into her with every bitter thought that had crossed her mind over the last 6 months.
Blair was done. She was tired and now she just wanted to go home so she turned towards the door.
"Blair….I'm your sister," Bella called with tears choking her throat. Blair didn't turn around as she replied.
"It obviously doesn't mean anything to you so why should it mean anything to me?" With that, she walked out the door towards her jeep without looking back.
It was hours later and still dark as Blair lay in her bed. She'd heard Bella come back but hadn't gotten up to check. She was done checking on her sister. Her energy was gone. Her ability to care was gone. Her life had changed so much in the last 6 months and here it was changing again,
The offer the Volturi gave her was running through her mind and she couldn't sleep. She didn't want to be a part of their coven, but it was a way out. She'd be a newborn, with no training, but she couldn't fathom the thought of having to be around her former family for the rest of eternity…or at least until she got a handle on things.
Her thoughts were interrupted when her window slid open and the one person she didn't want to see appeared. Jasper. He stepped in smoothly and didn't say a word as he just stared her down.
"Are you following in your brother's footsteps of creeping into windows without permission?" She hissed, pulling the covers tighter around herself.
"You won't talk to me any other way," Jasper said with a raised brow.
"You'd think it was on purpose and that I just don't want to talk to you." Jasper sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"We're talking whether you want to or not. I don't get where you're coming from. You're the one who ended things with me." Blair's eyes widened in rage.
"I broke up with you?" Jasper whirled on her, his own rage in his eyes.
"You're the one who wrote the letter. You're the one who told me never to come back." Confusion filtered into Blair's expression.
"What fucking letter? I waited for you for three days until Edward…" Blair stopped, her mind racing. He wouldn't. Edward wouldn't have been that cruel. Jasper stiffened, his eyes flaring with full-blown fury.
"Until Edward what?" Blair swallowed hard. This wasn't making any sense, but Jasper was demanding answers. He walked over and leaned over her with a demand in his eyes. She shrank back slightly to avoid him touching her, "Until Edward fucking did what?"
"He…he said you were breaking up with me. That you were using me the whole time. He said a lot of things." Jasper stood straight then, his back snapping into place in a military style stance and then he was gone out the window he came without another word. Blair cursed and got out of bed.
There was no signs of a fight next door so Edward wasn't here. Regardless of her confusion, she had a feeling things were about to get bloody. The truth was out and she didn't even have time to process it as she threw her shoes on.
"This doesn't make any fucking sense. If Blair asked Jasper to leave then why is she acting like she's been abandoned?" Peter growled at the Cullen family. He was pacing back and forth.
Edward sat in the corner, having returned when Bella fell asleep and knew it was time to come forward. He would have to beg for mercy and pray that being truthful would win him some points. Jasper wouldn't kill him. That would hurt the family, but he knew it was going to be a painful apology.
"Peter…"He started, and Peter's back snapped straight in a military stance. Thoughts filtered through his mind as his gift gave him answers to all that had caused the last 6 months and then Edward was flying through the air.
Edward's back hit the wall and Peter's hand closed around his throat. Edward heard his family race up to find out what was going on, but Charlotte was now pacing in front of Peter's exposed back in a protective stance.
"What the hell did you do, boy," Peter snarled with venom flicking out of his mouth and onto Edward's face.
"I did what I thought I had to…please. I just wanted to protect Bella," Edward choked out.
"By destroying Blair and Jasper?" Peter roared. Then he started to laugh a laugh so cynical that it had a shiver running down Edward's spine, "Funny thing is, I'm not going to do a damn thing to you yet but hold you here because he knows. Jasper knows and he's coming."
End of that chapter and it felt like such a ride. I hope you enjoyed it. Read and review. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon, which will be mainly in Jasper's POV.