Broken heroes
A/N: Hi everyone! A bit of a shorter chapter this time around, but also because we are close to the finish line!
Next chapter is the finale and then only the epilogue is left!
Anyway, I hope you have a good read.
(I might have hidden a small reveal in this chapter hehe)
Chapter 27:
The end of Sin
Part 7
The death of me
The group had by now reached the top of the mountain which was covered by a wall of thick fog, making it impossible to see what was on the other side.
The only thing that was now separating Davoth and Lilith from the Father was the same locked gate that they saw at the beginning of the staircase.
And Lilith was also waiting for the rest of the group, given that they weren't used to climbing high enough to stay over a planet's atmosphere, but then Keel forced her to move forward, bringing the rest of the them with him since they were tied by some sort of invisible string that didn't let them stay too far away from Lilith's body.
As soon as he saw the door open, Davoth immediately drew his argent sword and got on the defensive for a possible surprise attack.
Yet, nothing came, no super powerful lasers, no golden spears, nothing.
Instead, they were now able to see how the peak of the mountain looked like and Davoth immediately recognized it as he said:
"It's the Ignimore sanctum, just… bigger and darker…"
The entire place was structured like a giant circular arena, with four tall pillars at its cardinal points, while at the centre an elevated place housed a small pond of blood and eight long black pillars pointed towards the centre of the small black stone island in the middle of it.
On each of the four cardinal pillars,a giant body had been crucified, but it looked too similar to the rest of the first human race to give it any defining qualities, except for the gigantic hole at the centre of each of their chests, a bit over the abs.
In its entirety, the location irradiated a feeling of despair, pain, hatred and just every bad emotion known to man and more.
And there was also something else in this place…
*Tik* *Tok* *Tik* *Tok*
"Are you hearing this ticking sound?"
"{It comes from below us, but I can't understand what it could be, maybe it has to do with that church over there}"
"Church? What chu-
That thing wasn't there before"
Davoth said while pointing his sword at the building which had appeared right at the centre of the island in the middle of the lake, along with a path of rocks over the blood to reach it.
It was unusually bright and in great contrast with the rest of the place, almost as if someone had done a bad attempt at photoshop with it.
It was a small building, not larger than a church someone would find in a small town in the countryside, which made it feel even more out of place.
Slowly, the large wooden front doors opened, yet nothing but pitch black was seen behind them. Then suddenly the same golden chains that had brought them in this dimension before were shot out once again as they forced the entire group to come inside.
None of them noticed the gate closing behind them as it disappeared, locking them up here completely.
Inside the church
Once the black was gone, the group found themselves in a church, which was much larger on the inside than the outside, something comparable to St. Peter's Basilica, which was off putting at least.
In fact the longer they stayed inside of it, the more detailed the church became, with some fractal decorations that looked the same as on the Father's body, which meant that he was responsible for this.
And in fact, there he was, with a large book in his hands, standing in front of the giant altar as he suddenly closed it and turned towards the group.
"Oh great, you are finally here, I hope that it wasn't a problem reaching me"
"Maybe… less stairs… next time"
Misato said between breaths as he replied:
"I don't think that there is going to be a next time, but I'll keep it in mind"
As he said this Davoth jumped right at him with his active sword and cut him in half from head to bottom…
Yet a couple of seconds later the Father's body recomposed itself and it was as if nothing had ever happened.
Davoth tried again, but this time the sword went right through as if there was just air there.
Then the Father said:
"Can I continue? You can't hurt me right now"
"Fine, just tell me where the fuck are we and why it looks like the Ignimore sanctum"
"This place, as you probably have guessed by now, is the first system I ever created, where the first human race was brought into existence…"
The Father suddenly vibrated a bit.
"And where I brought it to its end"
He stopped vibrating.
"Anyway, if you are asking about this building in particular, we'll it's kind of my mental palace of sorts.
I used to go here in the period after the battle to think about what I had done, about all the lives and stories I had ended, about the pain that I caused, about my own life's worth and-
Sorry I got derailed a bit there, anyway would you please follow me? There is…
An interesting place behind the altar"
The group looked at each other and then began walking towards him,not noticing how a dark energy was starting to envelop the entire Basilica.
Once they were behind the altar, the Father used his powers to move away a secret door which opened a tunnel that went directly into the catacombs placed under the Basilica just like the real one.
They moved along the tight corridors full of human skulls and broken angel cores, the air feeling as if it hadn't been opened for thousands and thousands of years, which considering the situation was very likely.
Suddenly they began hearing the ticking sound again, this time getting louder and louder the closer they got to the end of that corridor, where a strange barrier of energy awaited them.
The Father opened it and as they walked inside the room behind it, they noticed how it was more of an observation station for what was floating in the middle.
At the centre of the spherical room there was in fact a floating clock contraption, stripped of any decorations as it turned continuously, not caring about anything else that might have disturbed it.
A dark red flaming roman number four was floating above it, it's purpose not being clear to anyone else except the Father, who said:
"This… is the product of the first time I managed to manipulate time"
"You did WHAT!?" Maria asked and so he continued:
"It happened in the post battle period, at the time I was worrying about the future of life in the universe after what I had done, so I focused my powers and at one point I actually managed to start seeing the possible future timelines that might have been created from that moment.
I spent years doing this without stopping and I approximately checked four point five times ten to the thirty timelines.
All of this made me create this machine.
And so, when I made it, I decided to install a failsafe in it, which would have prevented me from ending all life in the universe once again.
I made it so the machine would reset time to the point when Lilith landed on Earth if either of them died…
Remember that talk we had in my core Kaworu?
When you told me that you remember the other timelines as well?
This is the machine that has been causing it, though I didn't expect for its effects to spread to the ones who were in control of instrumentality during third impact too"
"What… Kaworu?"
Shinji asked and the boy replied:
"I'm sorry, I would have told you earlier, but it was such a difficult subject to talk about for me, since in all of them you suffer a lot Shinji"
"Oh…but… what happened in these other 'timelines' to make me suffer so much?"
"I can show you if you want, over here"
And so they followed him once again, although the Slayer thought he had seen a black matter come out of the tunnel from where they entered.
Infinite library
The room next to it was as the name over its door implied, a gigantic library made up by a single line, where the bookshelves seemed to be both infinitely long and tall as books moved down them at several times the speed of sound.
Then, VEGA got close to one of the shelves and all the books on it suddenly stopped moving as four big red books came out completely before they were laid on the ground.
The Father picked up the first one and said:
"This is where I've collected all the things I've learned over my life, so you can find pretty much anything here, all written down in these special books that I created…
Even your past stories.
For example, uhmm-"
He put a hand on the shelf next to him and stopped it to grab a book with a small red doll decoration on its side, which Asuka and Kyoko recognized immediately.
The Father noticed this as he said:
"I can see that the doll was a dead giveaway, sorry Kyoko, and Asuka, but sometimes these things just appear depending on what is in it which in this case is every moment I've spent with both of you and what I learned about your past.
There are some blank pages at the beginning, but they will be filled with your full story once you touch it, except for the future, which is still being written right now.
These other ones instead are completed ones since their stories have come to an end and we beg-"
"Wait VEGA can I ask you something?"
Kyoko asked and he replied:
"Sure, what is it?"
"Were you there, during my date with Samuel?"
He seemed to shake for a moment, almost as if his body had been cut in half at the middle by an invisible blade, but an instant later he decomposed himself and said as he extended the book to her while a large table appeared.
"Why don't you find out for yourself?"
She took the heavy book with some hesitation and then placed it on the table, where suddenly a red marker appeared out of one of the pages, which she took and opened as the others got closer to see it too.
All except the Slayer, who was getting more and more tense as time passed, with a constant feeling of danger present inside his head,not visible while in his orb form.
But what he did notice was a small dark spot on VEGA's back, right at the central head of his symbol he had there imprinted on his skin.
Suddenly his back began to change and slowly thin lines of light were formed which when put together created this sentence:
"Please, let me have this last moment before I lose control.
I just want to see her happy one more time, for Samuel…"
The text disappeared and so the Slayer flew right over the group, now trusting the Father, but still keeping his attention very high.
During this, he hadn't noticed Davoth looking at the two of them and having seen the text too, he gripped his sword's handle harder and harder.
Meanwhile, Kyoko and VEGA were stuck at the table with the rest of them looking at the dance that she and Samuel shared inside of VEGA's core.
The book was in fact replaying the events as a 3d projection, with the two small versions of Kyoko and Samuel moving along the surface of the page, both of them with bright smiles on their faces as the quiet music in the background accompanied them through this bonding moment.
Right beside Kyoko, her daughter was standing, holding Shinji by his hand as she watched her mother almost tear up as she looked at the small version of her deceased lover.
She decided to try and comfort her by grabbing her arm, but this only resulted in Kyoko grabbing her as she held her shoulders from behind and began quietly sobbing.
VEGA lightly placed his warm hand on her back as he said:
"He loved you as much as I loved him Kyoko, he wouldn't want you to forget that…
And don't worry, you two would have worked as a couple, I can understand why you would think so though.
Heh,if he was still here he would have shouted at me to not read your minds"
"You can do that dad?" Ramiel asked as he got closer to him.
"Then tell me what I am thinking right now"
Eh… Thank you Ramiel, I know that you want me to be happy, but I'm finding it pretty hard right now…"
"How about a hug-"
"You sounded just like him for a moment you know?"
"Dad what was that sound?" Leliel asked with a wary voice as, just like the others, she thought she had seen something appear on the Father in that moment.
"Oh…the basilica must be falling apart, soon this library will be reached too…
I'll give you the information you need right now as we don't have much time left. There is one last thing I want to show you after this"
Suddenly he moved his hand forward and it became filled with a bright light while with the other one he held three of the four books.
After the flash, he had managed to transfer all the information inside of their heads, which was confirmed when Lilith angrily asked Kaworu:
"{Why did you kill that cat!}"
"I still didn't know how to behave!"
"Hey calm down you two, I have one last story to tell you before we reach our destination, but let's start moving in the meantime…
Because we really don't have much time left"
And so a dark door appeared at one end of the hallway and the group began walking towards it, with the Father in front of them as he began telling the story:
"You see, this isn't the first time we have met, nor the first time you have been here"
"Wait what? How can I not remember this?" Kaworu asked.
"Because I deleted everyone's memory at the end of it. So I'll refresh it for you.
Me, the Slayer and Samuel have already been in this dimension once before, in the same way that we ended up here when we first arrived.
Originally, I thought that the portal in Urdak did actually fail, though the odds were so small, that it ruled out only a single possibility.
That I had purposely manipulated it to send us here"
"So wait… your arrival here…was already determined?"
Yui asked and he replied:
"Yes… and it's all because of Adam and Lilith.
I didn't realize that until now, because back then in Urdak I had regained most of my memories, but the manipulation of the portal came as instinct to me, so subtle that I didn't even notice it.
That's because the me of the past knew that one day I would have been forced to come back to this dimension, from where it all started, because far too much happened here to let me leave it in a corner of the universe to rot away.
So, I staged our arrival beforehand in the only world that had a being capable of reaching God-like powers and open the doors of Guf other than myself"
"The evangelions" Misato said and he nodded while walking backwards.
Then she asked him:
"But what actually happened in this… fourth timeline, or reset or whatever?"
"Well, it was set in the same post-apocalyptic world that you saw in the third book and we can say that our divergence point comes right in the moment where you Misato ordered your ship to hit the flying unit 13,during the fourth impact.
Our ship appeared right in that moment and collided with both your ship and the evangelion, stopping the impact, but forcing you to fly away for repairs, leaving behind us, Shinji, Asuka and Rei.
We ended up meeting each other, since they wouldn't have survived in the desert without our help and at one point the Slayer carried you three to the nearest village that Asuka had pointed out to us since the ship was stuck in the ground.
From there various and far too detailed events unfolded, but in the end, you reached us too Davoth"
"Wait seriously? That means I failed!?"
"Not… really…
You see, your arrival and fight with the Slayer happened all during the final impact of that world, during which the Doors of Guf sucked us into this dimension once again and so I decided to use the failsafe on my time machine to save everyone.
You see, after Samuel's birth, I made it so that the time machine could be manually activated if both me and Samuel were there, as sort of a last attempt to fix my mistakes…
Yet… something strange happened during this reset and the best way that I could say it is that the timeline split up in two.
On one hand, you had Shinji's new world that he had created with the final impact by wishing for all evangelions to be gone, on the other, you had this timeline we are in right now, caused by the reset.
And because both events happened at the same time, the other world was 'contaminated' with a part of Davoth ending up inside of Mari, creating two versions of her in the same universe.
But that's better to leave for another time, as we have arrived"
He opened the giant wooden door for them, hiding the black spot on his back as much as he could.
As they went into the light, the group found themselves in the basilica from before, but this time a dark substance had filled it almost completely as it climbed up the various columns, slowly eroding them.
"Why the fuck are we here again? Do you want this place to fall on top of us?"
"No… I…"
His body began vibrating slightly as he tried to push the words he needed to say out of his throat, but it was easier said than done considering the weight behind them.
But it was fine, he simply needed a bit more time to get closer to the altar and bring out the the sarcophagus and-
"Father, what is that dark spot on your back?" Zeruel asked.
"Actually what is all of this, we've been following you for a whole now and you brought us back to the place you said was about to collapse? Why? And what is that dark matter all around us?"
"Go on… tell them"
Davoth said as he reactivated his sword.
"This place, if it can even be called one, is a physical representation of my own mind. All of you are still out there at the top of that dreadful mountain…"
"{Wait then… what about the time machine and what is that mountain in the end?!}"
Lilith asked and as the Father walked a little bit forward, he opened his hand and released a beam of energy, which brought them back to the real world, with the basilica gone, except for a single golden sarcophagus at the centre of the lake of blood, with the Father next to it.
"Better, now that we are here I can give you more details…
The time machine is still real, it's right under our feet in fact, slowly ticking as it keeps track of the time in the entire universe.
And the mountain itself, well…
I built it right on top of the location where the first superbeing was created and… "
He grabbed the side of the sarcophagus for support.
"It's the place where I tried to kill myself several times already.
The bodies on the pillars… are mine, as well as the blood around me"
Davoth, Lilith and the group that was now back inside of her all shivered a bit once they heard those words.
But it seemed strange to them, after all, even if he had killed the entire universe, he knew that there were still Adam and Lilith alive, he himself had made sure of it, so if there was still hope why would he even try that?
And that's what Davoth wanted to find out as he said:
"You? Killing yourself? Don't make me laugh, I know you well enough to see that bluff"
The Father exhaled as he began to circle around the giant tomb in front of him, leaving a strange black trail behind him.
"It's true, from what you have seen of me during all the years that we fought, you would know that I hold my life very dearly and still do, yet…
After the massacre I felt so ashamed of myself, so disgusted and disappointed in what these hands of mine had done that I rejected them.
I rejected my powers.
I still don't know how I was able to do that, but at one point, my powers simply left me, because I didn't feel worthy of having them and you know, for the first and only time in my life I almost got to experience what it was like to be a lone human trying to survive in that wasteland down there.
Hunger and thirst soon came, making me feel the sharpest of pains as my forces were slowly drained from me, but I never actually died, I just kept suffering for weeks and months and by the time I had lost count, I was so desperate to make the pain stop that I forced myself to eat the only source of organic material that was still left in this planet.
Let me just tell you that human and angel flesh and blood aren't the best dishes"
Everyone took a step back after he said that, feeling more than disgusted by him, but on some very deep level, they could understand his decisions.
"In the end, I managed to climb back on top of this mountain, where I was able to get my powers back, but I was still, far too broken to be able to control them.
And so more pain came and tried to kill myself this time.
I failed four times, as you can see around us.
But, just as I was to try for a fifth time, I felt something deep inside of me reveal itself and it gave me a vision… of Samuel…
I only needed that split second image of him to instantly feel like I hadn't done in a long time, I felt at peace, warm, comfortable, calm, determined.
I felt like maybe my life had some meaning to it, otherwise it wouldn't have fought so hard to keep existing in the first place.
And so, thanks to that vision, I managed to get myself back up and after a while… Urdak, Jekkad and finally Samuel… were born.
And if I say so myself, it was the happiest time of my life, even after you were born Davoth, because you were able to make me feel the same warmth that Samuel did"
Davoth was...surprised about this confession, lowering his weapon for a moment and looking at the Father, he saw the care which he was caressing the golden tomb with, a care that he had never given him.
"If you say so, then what went wrong with me? What did I do to make you hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you… I hate myself for raising you in the wrong way, for letting you succumb to a pointless search for pleasure that only destroyed you and everything you accomplished…
Do you even remember what you were like before?"
Davoth this time had a shocked look on his face, the Father had just cut deep into him, sure, he might have been the dark lord, leader of hell, master schemer of evil torture…
And he was also the Father's son.
He muted those thoughts with an outburst of rage, but right as he did that, he saw the Father change for a moment before falling to his knees in front of the sarcophagus.
A pair of halos had appeared for a moment behind him.
Davoth, listen to me, I… don't have much time left, so I want you to kill me now! Before it's too late!"
"Wait what?!"
"It's… the only way… to stop him from coming out…please… be quick, nothing will be left this… time if he is allowed to be freed"
Davoth jumped in front of him and looked as he tried to get back up by using the bottom edge of the sarcophagus as a ledge.
The argent of his sword came forward, shining in red as its small vibrations caused the sword to produce a slow and constant hum.
But before Davoth struck him, he asked:
"So,you really are just going to give up like that? And let me kill you in front of Samuel's sarcophagus?
After we fought against each other, caused civilizations to rise and fall, brought the death of hundreds of millions of people.
And now you just want to give up, because of him?
"I don't think that you understand…
Without Samuel, my heart is going back to that time, it was him, the concept of him, that kept me going, kept me out of that pit.
As soon as… he was gone… a scar was reopened inside of me, one so deep that I don't even know what actually caused it.
It's the kind of scar that changes someone, normal people have this too, maybe it was seeing a loved one die in front of them, being abandoned, losing your change at a happy childhood…
So please, make my pain stop, before it is too late for all of you"
The sword was raised.
Davoth looked at his father as the black substance began slowly overtaking him, two white halos appearing behind him as six eyes began to form on his chest and his skin began turning darker.
The clouds around them covered the light from the gigantic star, leaving just enough light to see what was happening.
The Dark Lord's muscles tensed, gripping the handle, just a couple more milliseconds and he would win,yet he still wasn't feeling the taste of victory.
Suddenly though, Keel's voice echoed through the arena.
"Hold on a second there... I saw Hayden disappear with my own eyes, there isn't his body in that sarcophagus!"
Davoth stopped immediately as he heard this and fearing for a potential trap, he swung his sword at the golden tomb, creating a ray of argent that cut open the cover.
And it was true, there wasn't Samuel in there, but rather-
"The part of me that died with him"
Davoth immediately looked back down from the grey body of the Father, but he couldn't lower his head in time when a pair of black clawed hands began strangling him.
He tried using his sword, but it felt like all the muscles in his body had gone dormant and he was only able to lower his eyes enough to stare directly into fire.
The Father's eyes of fire.
Suddenly the grip around his throat tightened and as a strange energy enveloped his body, he could only curse himself for letting that idiot distract him.
He fainted shortly after, with the Father gently lowering him to the ground.
Then, as the Father lifted his gaze from him, the two giant Lances finally reappeared, still embedded in his life sphere as they had been this entire time.
He grabbed Cassius with one hand and Longinus with the other, then, he slowly pulled both of them out, showing no signs of pain whatsoever.
With both Lances in his hands, he looked at Lilith and began applying pressure on the red material.
Suddenly cracks were seen forming on the seemingly indestructible weapons, the eyes on his chest opening along with his terrifying mouth as the two halos grew in size and the ground under them exploded, revealing the time machine.
Just as he was about to throw the nearly broken spears into the contraption, the Father said:
"May I make a suggestion?
The entire mountain crumbled down while he flew downwards, making his way through the dark rocks until he finally managed to impale the machine.
"There's no going back anymore, but that's alright, because there won't be anything left to go back to"
An explosion followed, which was so powerful that it opened ten kilometer wide cracks on the pole of the planet, some of them so deep that the hot molten inner layers of the planet were visible.
Keel was now waiting in fear, after the explosion had shot Lilith away he had been able to bring her back to her previous size and now he was waiting on the edge of one of the ravines.
Then he heard it.
Play:[The Wrath of God in all its fury] Evangelion 3.0 ost
There, from the central crater, the largest one out of all of them, the ground shook as a giant blackened hand grabbed it and began climbing outside.
Then another hand, then came the halos, the head, the eyes, the black hole in the place of his life sphere, the fractals and by the time the Father had climbed completely out of the hole, Keel realized some things.
First, the Father was now as tall as Lilith, maybe even more because of his muscles.
Second, his eyes of fire and all the six ones in his chest were looking at him.
Third, golden chains had already formed around Lilith's legs, blocking him in place.
Fourth, the Father had teleported right behind him.
Keel turned around immediately and he was able to block his attack for a moment, until he moved his hand through the AT field like nothing and grabbed Lilith by the neck.
A twisted smile formed on his face as he used his other hand to land a punch on her jaw with enough force to break it and leave her mouth hanging wide open.
Then the halos were filled with light as they fired Lilith right into the surface of the star, leaving her legs behind once her knees broke.
Keel's entire body screamed of inhuman pain as the surface of the blue supergiant , thousands of degrees in temperature, burned and melted every part of his body.
He tried getting back up with the arms, but it was futile as a moment later the Father crashed with his left foot right on the back of Lilith's head, with such speed that both of her elbows broke off immediately.
Then he got down to grab her head and after using both of his hands to break her mouth again he pushed it right into the plasma, even letting some of it enter her mouth.
After a moment though he brought her up, then down again, then up again and so on, each time bashing her head into the star with more force than before.
At one point though, Lilith managed to escape his grasp and get back up, from where she fired a powerful AT shot right at one of his shoulders.
It did literally nothing to him.
Suddenly though his entire body disappeared as a thick white trail was left in his last position.
A moment later Keel felt his intestines expanding and bursting out in front of him as the Father reappeared with his arm already inside of Lilith.
He grabbed her small intestine and then kicked her in the sides of one leg so hard that it broke the knee and made her fall to the ground, giving him an opportunity to start strangling her.
Meanwhile, inside of the white giant, the Slayer and the rest of the group were trying to get out of there by any means necessary, trying not to get caught in the crossfire and maybe even try to talk it out with the Father, since it seemed the only thing they could do in that state.
At the moment the various mothers were using their evangelions to try and break the surface of the eye, using the Slayer as a ram and the angels' powers too, yet her skin was too resistant to their attempts and she couldn't do anything about it even though she wanted to help.
Suddenly they were all launched in the air as the Father brought up Lilith and then broke her spine by crashing her on his knee.
This was followed by a second explosion erupting directly from his core as the two halos above him turned red and he opened his mouth a bit.
He began shaking as he felt his entire body burning from the deepest part of him, his insides melting from the heat that his life sphere was producing.
He let out a scream with such a high frequency that none of them heard it, but it was still powerful enough to damage the glassy composition of Lilith's eyes.
The space around him began to get more and more distorted until a rift in spacetime was opened right above his head as he carried it around, slowing down its otherwise lightspeed expansion rate.
Lilith noticed this and having her fair share of knowledge on how the universe worked, she knew that if the rift wasn't closed, it would have kept expanding until nothing was left.
So, for a moment she was able to take control of her body thanks to Keel being weakened by the attacks and got out of there before the Father could grab her again, landing on a nearby planet whose continents cracked under her weight.
She looked back at the Father, seeing instead hundreds of golden spears flying towards her.
She jumped away from the planet, which was completely obliterated a moment later, but she couldn't stop for a moment when a new group of spears were sent towards her.
The second planet was destroyed too, but this time the projectiles brought with them one of her legs.
This made her like a fish out of water as the Father appeared right in front of her and sent a punch to her face.
She was able to block it with both hands after she was pushed against one of the larger pieces of debris, but then the Father began pushing more.
And more, and more and more and more and more and more-
Her skin exploded outwards in a fountain of blood as the cut muscles tried to reattach themselves to the broken bones.
The Father's fist collided with her face, severely cracking her skull as its internal structure collapsed along with most of the head's organs.
Even the surface of the eyes had fractured a bit, causing the group inside to be sent backwards from the shock.
Except for the Slayer, who had just noticed something in the rift above them.
A bunny he knew too well was waiting for him at the edge of it, right where the void began and it was calling him, with various familiar voices.
It wanted, no, it needed him to get out.
It made him notice the ships from Urdak that had been watching from the sidelines this whole time, it made him notice the grip of the demonic crucible which was emanating an evil aura around it.
And finally as he asked himself if he would have survived outside of Lilith, the bunny replied to him by showing him a pair of wings.
He wasn't able to see them completely, but simply seeing them had convinced him.
A moment later he was pushed away too as another fist came from the other arm and this time her entire skull broke, deforming Lilith's head as it deflated like a popped balloon.
Still, she was able to bring up both of her legs and hit the Father in the abdomen,
managing to push him away as she recovered.
Once he stopped, the space all around the system began being tinted red as various dark portals began to open all around the planets.
Out of them gigantic tentacles, very similar to the ones the Slayer had seen roaming the Earth, appeared as they began tearing apart any piece of rock left, trying to collect as much blood and souls as possible to satiate his hunger.
Yet all the planets were empty, still grieving from the first ever appearance of the beast that was the Father.
So instead, he turned to Lilith, who began flying away, but she was suddenly stopped by a golden chain cutting right through her cheeks.
Given the nature of the restraint and the dire situation Lilith decided to pull away her mouth, despite the pain that it caused her.
She then had to dodge a couple golden spears and leave the planet she was standing on as a giant tentacle crushed it completely.
The Father took advantage of this as he was able to stop her by slamming one of the tendrils in her chest and then grab her completely as he began squeezing her body.
She fired an AT shot back at him in retaliation, this time more with its energy more concentrated than before.
Unfortunately for her, as soon as he landed on another piece of debris from the planet, he used it to jump back at her, this time with his mouth fully open and sharp blades in the tip of his fingers.
"{Oh shit}"
In his hands two giant golden javelins appeared and he launched them both at Lilith, where they locked into her hands so that no matter how much she moved them, they would have hit their mark.
And that's what happened, she was locked in place again as the javelins sent a paralyzing shock throughout both of her arms and legs, rendering her immobile as the Father got closer and closer.
The Slayer saw the bunny again and it told him just one word:
In that precise instant, the Father's halos fired a red laser at her face, damaging the eyes even further and bringing them to the point of breaking.
He began pushing as hard as he could, soon being accompanied by unit 01,unit 02,unit 03, the angels and Lilith herself.
Noticing this, the Wraiths made their move.
The Father was now just a couple hundred thousand kilometers away from Lilith's body, ready to bite her entire upper body off thanks to his extended open mouth.
His mind was only feeling this single stimulus, to eat her. Gone were the rational thoughts, the internal questions, his perception of reality.
Along with them his emotions were gone too, there was no compassion in him, no love, no hate, no sadness or happiness.
His entire life sphere was as empty as the void over him, but there was a small red outline, because now…
Now, there was only the rage from Samuel's death.
And yet, he was still able to feel something.
On top of his head,a small presence, tickling that part of his skin with its two small paws.
He recognized Daisy, but he was too focused to do anything about her.
Just one thousand more kilometers and he would have won.
Five hundred.
Four hundred.
Three hundred.
Two hundred.
One hundred.
Then Daisy suddenly began floating right in front of his eyes.
Ten kilometers left.
A crack coming from Lilith's head was heard.
Five kilometers left.
A bright ray of light came out of her left eye.
One kilometer left.
And then the Slayer was outside as the Father bit down on Lilith's head yet she did not die, because all of their consciousnesses were transported in another place.
Outside of space and time.
And Daisy vanished away making happy sounds.