The Right Choice
Chapter 1: Choosing Right
(NdA: as I grow increasengly frustrated by the amount of stories in which Theon's betrayal happens, as I think that that choice was forced on him by Martin, but was not in character with him I decided to try my hand in this fiction; everything you reckognize belongs to GRRM)
He stood there looking at his father and sister leaving the room after humiliating him; Things hadn't gone the way he had planned.
He retreated to his room to try to think of a way to salvage the situation. He felt alone, hurt and betrayed, but, as he toyed with the idea to align himself with his blood family, the thought of Robb, Ned, Sansa, Bran, Rickon, even Snow, strange as it might sound, came to him;
No, he wouldn't betray his true family, the family who raised him, the memory of the man who never treated him as an hostage, but who instead was more then a father then his own had ever been nor the siblings he grew up with.
With this certainty in his heart a plan started to form, a plan which involved another blood relative of his, his mother's brother Lord Rodrick Harlaw.
"My, Theon, how much have you grown; your mother would be so proud if she could see you!" Rodrick said as he hugged Theon.
He smiled to his uncle even if his heart clenched a bit at the mention of his estranged mother "Thanks uncle" he then said " I need to talk with you " he added, and they retreated in the captain's quarters of Rodrick's personal ship.
The Reader sat, and Theon sat in front of him after removing a book from the seat. "Uncle, father wants to involve us in another war we can't win."
Rodrick sighted "I'm aware of that" he said. "the only thing I can do is to limit my support to a token one and to hope I can weather the storm when it will hit us. Do you have a better idea?" He asked .
"Actually I have; let's ally with the North and take Casterly Rock with them!" he said. "Do you believe the Young Wolf can win this war?" Theon looked his uncle in his eyes" Alone, no, but with us he will" He said "and what about your father attack?" Rodrick asked. "I have already taken my countermeasure"
Rodrik nodded "Allright, I can give you my ships and I can convince the Goodbrothers, the Botleys and the Blacktydes to give you theirs; you will have half of the Iron Fleet at your call." Theon smiled.
He decided to try to fix things with Yara, next, and the first thing he did was to apologize for the way he treated her when he didn't know she was his sister.
Yara smirked and accepted his apologies, then they started to reminisce about the old times, the good and the bad; then he added "Yara, this endeavour in the North is a fool's errand" She tried to argue then he added "The Northmen have theyr defenses up, we will be crushed" in truth, they wouldn't have hadn't Theon tipped them about the possible attack, but Yara didn't need to know that.
Yara thought about it "You know, father sees you as a greenlander, for you getting the Seastone Chair and the Driftwood Crown will be hard" he nodded "I realized it, but you are a woman; Women can't sit on the Seastone Chair, but they can sit on the Golden Lion Throne"
Yara understood the implication and grinned "Allright little brother; I'll help you with your little plan" she said.
Lately he told his father he accepted his offer to lead a small group of raiders; the moment he was aboard the ship he ordered "New orders, we are going south" Dagmar Cleftjaw was an hard man but he had a soft-spot for Theon, so he obeyed, and 3/5 of the Iron fleet did the same thanks to Asha's persuasion;
Robb chuckled and frowned at the same time reading Theon's letter "My birth-father is a cunt he is planning to attackt he North, but I have taken 60 of his 100 ships, and I will lead them to take Lannisport and Casterly Rock for you; I sent a warning to the Glovers, you should reinnforce Moat Cailin."
Robb had immediatly sent orders for that to happen; he was currently residing at the Crag, were he had managed to resist his growing sentiments for Talisa Maegyr, a kind and passionate Volanteene healer.
He assembled his lords and prepared to march to Lannisport.
Theon notched and fired, notched and fired, notched and fired again; way before his longship rammed in the Lannister ship he had killed a third of the defendants; once they were locked in close combat he had drawn his sword, killing a dozen of Lannister troopers with it; they had won, in the end and they had captured the enemy ship, and soon the Iron Fleet managed to break Lannisport's harbour defenses; the Northmen stormed the main gate. Soonenought the Ironborn and the Northmen had conquered the city and after a pitched battle, Daven Lannister surrended himself.
"All Hail Theon Greyjoy, fourth of his name, the Young Kraken, the Lion Breaker, King of the West and of the Iron Islands!" Proclaimed Yara after the battle and the Ironborn cheered thunderously.
"King Robb!" Theon called "King Theon" Robb replyed as Theon hadbeen crowned with a kraken shaped gold and driftwood crown, and was anointed with saltwater by a young Drowned Priest Yara had "convinced" to perform the deed.
They grinned to each other as a bloody muzzled Grey Wind, who was, if possible, even bigger then last time, now nearing a small horse in size, licked Theon's hand.
Then they took a resolute expression as they both looked up to theyr next goal. "Sister, look there, your seat is waiting for you" Theon said,
Yara smiled "Indeed, my king, I look forward to the moment I can take posses of my new house!"
Theon could not believe his good luck; when he had decided to reserve the best brothel of Lannisport for himself he was simply looking for pleasure; instead he found something better, he found informations. "And so you were one of the Imp favored whores?" He had asked to Lenore.
"Yes my lord, and for the right sum, I might reveal you a secret" she had told him smiling; He had given her a big bag of Golden Dragons and she had continued " You see, the Imp took us in a secret room he had built in the sewer system of the Rock; he blindfolded us to avoid us discovering the entrance, but I managed to lift my blindfold, and so I know the way"
That information was worth way more then one bag of gold; he did not waste time and informed Robb of his discovery; the two young kings hatched a plan.
That very night, a commando composed of Northmen and Ironborns sailed on a small fishing cog, and it reached the secret entrace to the sewer system; guided by Robb and Theon themselves, they entered in the Rock, killing by surprise any unlucky sentinel, and opened the Lion's Maw allowing theyr armies to storm the keep; when dawn arrived, the Lannister Lion was gone from battlements, and the Greyjoy Kraken together with the Stark Direwolf had taken its place.
They had done something no one ever did after Lann the Clever himself, they had taken the Rock;
As his sister took her place as Lady of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, he smiled to Robb.
Later, in Yara's new solar, the Kings and Yara herself pondered next move; "Allright, we now have surly stirred the Old Lion in action; he can't let us take his own seat from him without reacting, his lords won't allow that." Robb said.
Theon and Yara nodded "Indeed." Robb continued "The next move would be to stop the Tyrells from joining him, as my mother wrote to me telling me that the Reach, after Renly's death, at the hand, seemingly of his own brother, with to boot, is negotiating with Littlefinger, a Lannister envoy"
"They are offering them Joffrey's hand for Maergery" Robb added " what we can offer them?"
"Well" said Yara "my brother is not bethrothed "
Theon blushed at that but reluctantly nodded " They won't sate themselves with the Seastone Chair, which you still not have!" Robb said " Well if they ally with the Lannister, they will get at the best three regions on nine; if they ally with us they could get six of them" Theon reasoned.
"Allright, I'm going to negotiate myself in Hightgarden" Theon then added. "Meanwhile, six, you should marry Daven Lannister" She frowned at that "Are you kidding me?" He shook his head "It will strenghten your claim to Lannisport and to the Rock"
Yara was not enthusiast but promised to think about it. Theon prepared himself to depart from Lannisport, firmly convinced he had made the right choice.
(Ok, remember that English isn't my mother language, and please review, no flames, thanks)