Jaune stood in the middle of the training room looking right in front of him with a sharp focus in his eyes as he concentrated on regulating his breathing in preperation for training and then he heard the automated voice announce "start simulation" and his face hardnened into a scowl as ten training bots came out of the ten of thirty slots in the walls towards him.
Five of the training bots circled Jaune three of them each equipped with an automatic two handed Sub Machine Gun and one of them with a Broadsword while the last one carried a sword and shield just like Jaune himself leaving the other five to stand ready to take their place if they're out the bot with the Broadsword advanced on Jaune swinging wildly.
Jaune held his shield far in front of himself while also holding his sword tightly but not too lightly as he made his own advance and as the Broad sword holding bot continued to hammer onto Jaune's shield the three with the SMG's all shot at him in short bursts of machine fire which also was blocked by his shield and the sword and shield holding bot approached.
Having now had enough Jaune knocked the Broadsword holding bot's sword clean off of it's arm pole to the side with his shield sending the shield flying at the sword and shield wielding robot with such force that the point of the Broadsword lodged right in it's face causing it to short out and explode then he stabbed the now weaponless bot through the torso.
Only the three SMG using bots out of the first five of a total of ten bots remained and Jaune charged at them all the while holding his shield in front of him so it was with a loud warcry that Jaune shield bashed the first gunbot he got to and stabbed it in the head causing it to fall apart and cut the next one's head off after which he cut the other one clean in half.
The next five bots advanced towards him swiftly to which he cut down a spear wielding bot even before it could lift it's spear to throw it at him and then he pulverised a two hand heavy shield bot with the force of a powerfully aura infused overhead downslash which opened a path to the last remaining bots and allowed him to cut up a smaller bot.
Only two of the next five bots remained and Jaune stood ready to destroy them too even though they were both literally twice his size and he charged in giving a shield bash to one of the bots against it's legs and severed it's legs with his sword prompting the last bot to charge at him but he just slid through under it's legs and cut it in half and stood up.
Jaune : "I didn't think I'd beat all of those bots so easily but as I said I'll prove all my doubters wrong!"
(Applause and cheering)
Jaune spun around to see Pyrrha being the one who was clapping for him and cheering for him causing him to grin widely at her and blush from the praise in her really enthusiasticly filled cheers as he got butterflies in his stomach from her presence and voice so she noticed his blush and celebrated internally that he does seem fairly attracted to her.
Pyrrha : Well done Jaune that was excellent see I told you that you'd improve.
Jaune : Thank you Pyrrha and I appreciate all your unwavering help and also support.
Pyrrha : Alright now Jaune seems you need some help with that rage of yours don't you think?
Jaune : Yeah eh I also think so Pyrrha I did kind of go ham on all those training bots there just now didn't I?
Pyrrha : You kind of did yeah and I'm here if you feel like talking about it Jaune mh after all I always am.
Jaune : I know Pyrrha eh you go out of your way to help me and at times I've felt like I'm undeserving of that help.
Pyrrha : I know this can be frustrating Jaune and I know it sucks but just have a little faith in yourself I do.
Jaune : You really are too good to me Pyrrha like a Spartan angel who gives too much time to a guy like me.
Pyrrha : Thank you Jaune so that means that I'm more angelic than Weiss is since she's so cold to you.
Jaune : Yeah she's more an Ice Demon now that I think about it where as you are so sweet towards me all the time.
Pyrhha : Hehehe well I am glad that you have realised it finally and I think you deserve a kind of reward for that.
Jaune felt the butterflies in his body explode and his heart flutter at the way that Pyrrha smiled at him and at the way she pulled him into her arms and squeezed him in a hug of proportions that dwarved the hugs that their ginger haired team member gave either of them but the difference being Pyrrha's hug was warm where as Nora's are painful.
Jaune : Pyrrha uhm I might just get the wrong idea if you keep hugging me like this not to mention the others.
Pyrrha : Jaune ever think that it could be the right idea you and other people might be getting whenever I hug you?
Jaune : Ugh what no way you can't actually be serious like I uhm mean Pyrrha do you like me?
Pyrrha : That's something you are going to have to figure out on your own but for right now let's spar a bit.
Jaune : That's cruel Pyrrha for real but alright then I need to train so lets go then you beautiful Spartan you.
Pyrrha lightly smirked at Jaune's playful tone and so Jaune just smirked back at her as they both lifted their swords and shields and slowly started circling each other.