Holy Shit! Wait, what? Why was I alarmed? what happened and why am I in a rainbow void? Why does it smell like strawberries? Is this space? the Afterlife? All i remember is being wet. wait. I slipped. Oh no! I went out like a bitch! I went out to the store to get some strawberry Pocky, and slipped in the rain and fell. and the this rainbow void. Hello? anyone there?
[Welcome Gamer!]
Welcome wha- wait. Oh shit. Is this really happening? Did I just get issiekai'd? Just like all the fanfiction I read? Woo!
[Yes, you have Gamer!]
Yes! Yes! Yes! Wait! What type of game system are you? Are you one of the sadistic Game systems?
[No. My personality will be moulded by the actions and reactions you have during your foray in your starter world.]
Well, that sucks. I was hoping to get lucky and get a mechanical system. Less ways for me to annoy a being who controls my existence. Kinda expected a response there, but then again, you have no personality right now. So, how does this work?
[You will be given a world to start your adventures/conquering/saving]
[Installing world presets…]
Please choose from these worlds
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Star Trek
Marvel Comics
High School DXD
Load More…
Pokemon! Pokemon! Pokemon! Screw all the others!
[World selected, Pokemon. This can not be changed]
Yeah, no I dont care. Wait. Did I just choose the games, the anime, or the manga? Because if it's the latter two Im screwed. Because in the anime the gods are basically animals, and the Manga has all sorts of crazy stuff, like Zaptrescuno!
[It shall be a mix of all three, so no exploitation of the worlds laws can be made]
I… do not regret my choice. I doubt it would let me just chain breed pokemon to get better stats like in the games, and if I could just get a bunch of pokemon to cry me to life if I died, this wouldn't really be a Gamer's story. But, still. The idea that existence can end, because Palkia and Dialga would fight for territory like dogs is a frightening thing.
[Please select Race]
[Human] [Pokemon] [Random]
I can be a pokemon? That would be awesome to be something like a Magmortor, but then again, if I was a pokemon I could be caught. Can I be caught? Hey, System. What are some of the differences between them, playstyle-wise?
[Humans are the dominant species of the planet and are the only race considered truly sentient by world governments. You will be able to fully customize your player model. Humans can access any [Class] [SubClass] and [Job] without obtaining other forms via Transphormation, [Race] Change, or bestowell from high powers. Side note: Humans are unable to be [Captured] by Pokeballs]
[Pokemon will obtain a [Prestige] depending on Species. The ranking of your [Prestige]will determine your Level difference. [Common] Will have your levels compared to humans be 1:10 in favor of Pokemon and increasing for each following [Prestige]. [Class] [SubClass] and [Job] will be limited for Pokemon depending on species. An Arcanine will not be able to obtain the [Cryomancer] Subclass, for example. Pokemon are considered Animals or Secondary citizens in all governments of this world. You will be able to be [Captured] by Pokeballs]
[Random will randomly select a multicellular lifeform from the universe. SideNote: It is possible for Human and Pokemon to be selected]
Wait, are you saying that even the weakest of pokemon will be considered Ten times as strong as Humans?! That actually balances out the possibility of being enslaved by a bug catcher! But the limited Classes and being considered an animal are some big drawbacks. System what are the chances of me having a higher [Prestige] if I choose pokemon?
[Probability Chart]
Comon - 85%
Umcomon - 10%
Rare - 5%
Huh, I kinda expected to at least have a chance at legendary. But at least with information and firmly say no to choosing Pokemon as my race. Huh, I almost expected that me thinking Pokemon would trigger that feeling like [Prestige]. I guess it would get annoying if every time I said pokemon I would feel like I'm invoking something. Sidetracked thoughts aside, Human it is.
[Human selected]
[Choose your Class]
[Physical] [Skill] [Magic]
Umm.. not what I thought it was going to say, but I guess it would be boring knowing everything that was going to happen. Anyways Magic!
[Magic selected.]
[Please choose Subclass]
[Elementalist] [Illusionist] [Holy] [Druid] [Warlock] [Necromancer] [Alteration] [Restoration] [Fundamentalist]
Well, I'm nobody's bitch-work boy, so fuck Holy and Warlock. Elementalist is easily countered in this world, so my pyromania is gonna have to take a back burner. I know it's comon place to bury the dead all in one spot in each region to curb the ghost-type population, so I could gather a horde quickly, if was I high enough level to deal with the seers and channelers. Restoration with a pokemon team would be OP since there are no actual magicians in Pokemon, just people able to use Infinity Energy. Alteration would also be great, being able to buff and debuff others, along with a cheap way to make some money. Being a Druid balances out, with it being easily countered here but being an easy way the take care of my Party while supporting them. I've never heard of Fundamentalist so I'll steer clear of it for now. Illusionist is out because of how it's countered so easily by Psychic-types and Aura, what's it matter if you could mislead someone if they just link to someone else to get around it. No way around it, as much as it hurts my dps loving heart, I'm going with [Alteration]
[Alteration: the Mystic Art of Change. You change the reality around you to your whims. +2 Int, +2 Wis, and +1 End every level.]
[Please choose your Name and appearance. Know that Subclasses will have a chance to impact your final design]
Oh, thank Christ, I didn't choose Necromancer. Imagine if I ended up looking like a corpse! Everyone in pokemon is attractive in some way here, I would stick out like a sore thumb. Hell, Wally was supposedly an Asmathic that never set foot outside and he still looked like a protagonist. Back on topic, I liked how I looked before so, Bald: check, Thick Red Beard: check, Tall with Wide shoulders: check. Six-inch Penis: check Hairy as a Bear: check Comfortable Dad-bod: check. Let's just change a few things, turn my eyes from Blue to Sapphire, straighten out my teeth a tad, and for the hell of it, add in my piercings. I don't know if I could get my ear pierced again if I get my endurance too high. And finally, with some exaggerated finger pushes my name.
[Name and Appearance set]
[Would you like to take on Flaws for Perks?]
Hmm. I'll take two and decide if I want more after. Nothing ventured, Nothing Gained.
[Flaws added]
[Eternal Rival: just like any normal protagonist you have a rival. Unlike other Protagonists, this Rival is going to dog you down for the rest of time. That's right! No friendship arcs or death itself is going to stop them from hunting you down and fighting you. They will always be above you in level and fight to maim you.]
[Nuzlocke Rules: People are going to go out of their way to kill any Pokemon you obtain in battle, you can only catch One pokemon per general area, Necromancy can not revive your Pokemon, Pokemon obtain by you will dramatically have decreased fertility, Healing Items can no longer be used in battle, and Shinies are an exception to rule two.]
God. Fucking. Damnit. I'm literally going to have some douche chase me down to kill my Pokemon and beat the shit out of me! Shit! And not only that, Everyone's going to be gunning for my Pokemon and I won't be able to Heal them. That's it, as soon as I'm able I'm taking [Restoration] as my second Subclass. I'll be the best god-damned Mercy my team needs. Whoo. Let's look at those Perks.
[Perks added]
[Mana Monster: you will gain 100 Mana for every point of Int and Wis. Perks, Effects, and Buffs that increase your Mana are also doubled. Most people have wells of mana, you have a water table of Mana]
[Story Benifits: Whenever you are at story sensitive parts, such as rival fights, Boss battles, interacting with characters from the actual story, or world saving events you and your companions get x6 to x15 times the Experience, Loot, Affection points, Stats, Perks, And Flaws.]
I'm. I'm actually drooling a little bit. [Eternal Rival] senergizes with [Story Benifits] so well, I'll just try to fight my Rival as much as I can before I catch any Pokemon, to grind as many levels as possible and then buff my pokemon with overleveled spells, that with [Mana Monster] I'll be able to cast constantly. If I can just get some more Perks that boost my Flaws like this, i'll have it made. System, I'll take two more.
[Flaws Added]
[Vagabond: Others will start out with a Negative Affection score for you, Shops will try to gouge you for prices, Affection Scores are harder to increase, you will be denied some services all together, and you increase CHA at 0.25%. Serves you good you hoodlum.]
[Scavenger's Luck: your chances of finding rarer items is abysmal compared to others. Drop rate of Loot and Money is lowered by 50%. You won't find any change in the couch this time.]
Well, that's going to hurt me really badly in the early game. But once I level up Alteration a bit, I'll just screw some people over with temporary gold. But this isn't the worst, I could have gotten something like Frailty or Limited Magic. Show me my Perks. I need some good news.
[Perks added]
[Work Smarter: For every 50 Int you have you will get a permanent increase of 25% of experience gain. For every 50 Wis you have you will get a permanent increase of 30% experience gained. Who the hell needs Brawn, your all Brain.]
[Alakazam's Brain: You will gain +5 Int every level and gain Eidetic Memory along with Perfect Recall. Well, I know what your mother was into.]
I'm gonna be fucking OP by the time I'm done with my first out right grind session. I'm going to have crap equipment and be poor for a good portion of my new life, but I'm gonna be the Ultimate Support! Get out the way Mercy, move over Blissy, get cucked White Mage, stay where you are Areith you're perfect, a new King is in town. Okay, maybe the monologue is a bit early, but once I get going i'm going to be like a boulder, forward momentum all the way. Okay System, what's left?
[Character creation complete, Please enjoy your Game, Clay Letum]
[Name: Clay Letum]
[Race(s): Human]
[Subclass: Alteration]
[Alignment: Chaotic Neutral: You do what benifits you and yours, but you tend to act unpredictably]
[Level: 1 (0%)]
[Hp 100/100 (regen 5% every minute]
[Mp: 2000/2000 (regen 10% every minute]
[Sp: 100/100 (regen 5% every minute)]
Str: 10
End: 10
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
Lck: 5
[Gamer's Mind: You now have the Mind of a Gamer, preventing all but the game itself
from Interacting with your mind. Also, emotional dampening to prevent things such as
Panic, Battle Craze, Fight or Flight, and Love Blinding.]
[Gamer's Body: You now have the Body of a Gamer, preventing permanent damage from
affecting your body. You will regain all Hp, So, and Mp and heal any Statuses when you
sleep. Dismemberment, Poisoning, Diseases, and Soul shenanigans count as Statuses.]
[Perfect Recall: You are able to recall any and everything you can remember with ease,
effectively reliving the memory in an instant. Note: Recalling past Damage will not
increase Resistances]
[Eidetic Memory: You are one of the lucky few able to remember everything you experience as a Gamer.]
[Burdening Touch (0%): When you touch something while casting this spell you increase it's weight and gravity by 25%. Way to be a burden. Cost: 10Mp and 10Mp to maintain this spell per 10 seconds]
[Open Lock (Apprentice)(0%): You can open the most simple of locks with a touch. Cost: 5 Mp]
[Protect Self (Apprentice)(0%): Increase End and Damage resistance by 10% for one minute. Cost: 10Mp and 5Mp to maintain this spell per minute.]
[Protect Other (Apprentice)(0%): Increase End and Damage resistance by 10% for one minute. Cost: 10Mp and 10Mp to maintain per minute.]
[Stark Reality(0%): Remove all items from the Target from a range of 300ft. Cost: 20Mp and 2Mp to maintain per second]
[Heat/Cool (Apprentice)(0%): affect the temperature of a 5ft cube and everything within, within 100ft by one Degree Celsius. Cost 10mp per second]
[Basic Elements (0%): Create a gust of Air or flicker of Fire or Manipulate a gallon of Water or 5ft cube of Earth. Cost 15Mp and 5Mp to maintain control per second]
Ah, it just gave me my spells at the start. Thank Go- I mean the System for that. Yeah, I'm gonna switch all my vulgar use of gods' names to the System. I mean it's gonna give me the potential to surpass gods at some point. I'm not even going to explain it to someone when others eventually ask about it either. So I look set to beginning my Game. Take it away, System.
[Starting Game]
Am I suppo-posed to be this diz-zzzz.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
AN: woo, this is my first ever story that I didn't immediately scrap once I began writing it! I've been reading Fanfiction for going on 6 years now, and I decided hmm… I want that, that and that. Done!". Of course I'm taking inspiration from the amazing Creators The-Dark-Wolf-Shiro, Mirlnir, Ageless Reaper, and Pravus666. With their amazing stories of Semi-SI Gamers and how they tend to wreck shit. I'm also going on the assumption that any of you reading this are familiar with Gamer fics so did skip some of the basic things such as explains what The Game is, How Stats work, How a bunch of stuff works. Yeah, I'm doing this as a Semi-SI and I wouldn't be asking basic things like that. I would just be like, "cool! Let's do this, this, and this! Done!" And regret not asking questions later. Anyways this is ClayZombie telling you to be kind to one another and read The-Dark-Wolf-Shiro's stories! You're depriving yourself if you haven't.