Hello everyone, so in this universe, Alexis is a single mom. Sam and Jax were together in college and Sam got pregnant. Alexis and Sam were never with Sonny. Sam and Jax are 20 in the first scene, Kristina is 14, Molly is 10. They have the same father, but he died, we'll just leave him unnamed (I might change that in the future, we'll see). It won't be Sonny because he'll be in this eventually. After the first scene, it's seven years later. I love the idea of Sam and Jax being Willow's parents and would love for that to happen on the show. I just hope they don't make Nina and Willow mother and daughter… So, this will be very anti-Jasam, anti-Sonny, anti-mob, not very Carly friendly. You have been warned. Sam will have some growing to do but she's supposed to be one of the good guys and a good mother (she just needs to learn some things the hard way). I'm debating who to pair Sam with, could be Jax, Patrick, or Drew, but it won't be Jason in the end. Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 1- Forever and Always

Sam sat on the table in her hospital gown, staring at her lap. She didn't tell anyone except Krissy. Not her mom, not Jax. Just what would everyone think of her. First getting pregnant and now getting an abortion…

"Okay sweetie, it's time for the procedure," the female doctor said as she walked in.

Sam placed her hands over her belly. She could just barely remember Krissy as a baby, but baby Molly was quite clear in her mind. Her laughs. Her first steps. Her first words. How much their mother loved all of them, how much she sacrificed for them. How could Sam even consider killing her own baby? Tears welling in her eyes, she looked up at the doctor and shook her head. "I—I want my baby." And that was that.

Sam changed back into her jeans and t-shirt and came to a halt when she saw her mom sitting in the waiting area. Alexis looked up and smiled sadly at her. Sam burst into tears and plopped down beside her wrapping her arms around her waist.

Alexis kissed her forehead and rocked her in her arms. "Oh cookie, it's okay. I wish you felt you could come to me."

"Did Krissy tell you?"

"I found your pregnancy test and got it out of her."

"I—I couldn't do it. Mom, I want my baby. I don't know how, but I want my baby."

Alexis smiled. "I knew you wouldn't be able to go through with it. We'll figure it out together."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Who's the father?"

Sam cleared her throat. "It's Jax."

Her eyes grew wide. "I'm surprised. But I've always liked him. He'll be a good dad."


Seven Years Later

Willow's lip quivered and her eyes welled with tears. "But I don't want to leave Grandma…"

Sam frowned and tucked Willow's brown hair behind her ears as they sat on the couch in the lake house. "I know, sweetie. I don't want to leave Grandma either, but we're going to start a new adventure with Jason. We have a lot of fun with him. Remember, you loved his boat?"

Willow lowered her gaze and started playing with Sam's hair.

"We're still going to see Grandma all the time and you're still going to Daddy's this weekend, that's not changing."

"Will we still have… will we still have popcorn night?"

Sam laughed. "We can have popcorn night every night with Jason if you like."

"Not with Grandma?"

Sam sighed. "We can still come over and have popcorn with Grandma. It probably won't be every night, but it will still be really special. And do you know what else isn't changing?"

Willow shook her head.

Sam lifted her onto her lap and kissed her forehead. "You and me we'll always be together, okay? You're my number one forever and always."

Alexis walked into the living room smiling. "Willow, sweetie, why don't you go help Aunt Molly with her puzzle? She's really struggling with the orange leaves."

Alexis stroked Willow's hair as she walked by, then turned to Sam. "Please don't go live with him, Sam."

"We've been over this—"

"You have Willow to think of too. Jason's life is dangerous!"

Sam rose to her feet and crossed her arms. "He will keep us safe. He makes me feel safe. He's good to both of us. Willow deserves to have a good stepfather."

"You haven't even dated him that long. It's only been a few months!"

"Sometimes you just know." Sam looked towards the hallways. "Look, I don't want Willow to hear us fighting and I don't want to leave things like this."

"I don't either," Alexis sighed. "Will you at least just stay here and date him a little longer?"

"Mom, it's time that Willow and I get out on our own."

"You dropped out of college. What if you just got a job?"

Sam frowned. "I know you wanted me to be a lawyer like you… but I'm just not smart enough."

"Sam… first of all, you were the one who expressed wanting to be a lawyer like me. I encouraged it because I thought that's what you wanted to do. And you are smart. It's tough trying to go through school when you have a child—"

"I don't regret having Willow."

Alexis shook her head. "I'm not saying that. We all love her. She's a treasure."

Sam sighed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be snippy with you. I wouldn't have been able to even keep Willow if it weren't for you. But I'm trying to do what I think is best for us. Please support me on that."

Alexis wrapped her arms around her. "You always have my support even when we disagree. I just wish you'd take more time to think about this."

"I have. We can't be dependent on you for the rest of our lives. I know Jason will keep us safe."

There was a knock on the door and Jason walked in. "Hey. Are you ready to go?"

Sam walked over and kissed him. "We're ready."

Alexis wiped away some tears from her eyes. "I'll go get Willow."

Alexis made her way to Molly's bedroom where Molly and Willow were sitting at the desk working on the puzzle.

"Do you like Jason?" Molly asked her.

Willow paused. "Mommy likes him."

"Yes, she does. I think both of you will be really happy with him."

"It goes right there," Willow pointed to the top corner, changing the subject.

"Right there?" Molly smiled as Willow set the piece in place. "Wow, I don't know how I'd finish this without you."

Willow blushed.

"Willow, darling," Alexis said walking in and kneeling next to her. "Jason is here. He and Mommy want to get going. Let's go get your bag."

Back in the living room, Jason smiled. "I ordered Chinese food for us."

"Oh, Willow will love that," Sam said.

"Carly set up her new bedroom for her."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Okay…" She sat up straighter when Willow walked in with Alexis and Molly. "Hey, sweetie. Do you have everything?"

Willow looked up at Alexis.

Alexis nodded and patted Willow's purple backpack. "She sure does. Clothes, stuffies, toothbrush."

"Your blankie?" Sam asked.

Willow lifted her pink blanket to show Sam.

"She didn't want to pack it," Alexis explained. "She wanted to hold it for the car ride."

"Okay, well, say goodbye to Grandma and Aunt Molly."

After a tearful goodbye, Jason took Sam and Willow to his penthouse. After getting settled, the Chinese food arrived, and they sat around the living room. Willow sat close to Sam and was really quiet as she ate, she'd only speak when spoken to.

"So, Willow, what's your favourite subject at school?" Jason asked.

"Math," Willow said in a soft voice.

"Willow just started the first grade," Sam said.

Jason nodded. "Math. So, you like numbers. Very impressive."

Sam smiled. "You've always loved counting, haven't you? But now you've started adding and subtracting."

"Well, I have a son in preschool. Maybe you can meet him someti—"

Ring. Ring.

Jason lifted his phone. "Excuse me." He pressed it to his ear. "Carly? What's wrong with Michael? Okay. Okay. I'll be right there." He tucked his phone away. "Sorry, I gotta go."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just Michael isn't feeling well. Carly thinks he might have chicken pox. She needs my help." He grabbed his leather jacket and rushed out the door.

Sam's mouth dropped slightly.

"Mommy?" Willow finally spoke.

Sam broke out of her daze and stroked Willow's hair. "Yes, baby?"

"Jason is friends with Carly too?"

"Yeah. Yeah he is."

Willow played with her food. "She's Daddy's friend too."

"That's right. Your daddy and Carly started dating. Do you like her?"

Willow shrugged and wrapped her arms around Sam's waist. "I don't want another mommy."

Sam smiled. "Honey, she's not replacing me. She's just company for your dad."

"Daddy likes her."

"But it matters if you like her too. If you don't like her, I'll talk to Daddy about it."

"Daddy likes her," Willow repeated.

Sam sighed. "If Carly does anything to make you sad, you let me know, okay?"

"I like Michael."

"Carly's little boy?" Sam asked.

"He's in grade 3. He smiled at me at the water fountain."

Sam bit her lip so she wouldn't laugh. "Well, he sounds like a really nice boy. She has two boys, doesn't she?"

Willow nodded.

"All right, missy," Sam said. "Finish your supper, then it's bath time. You have school tomorrow."