Kagome awoke slowly. There were extremely loud voices yelling around her. Something also smelt really good. It was like a fresh waterfall mist in the early spring.
"Wench, get up! You've got some explaining to do."
"Inuyasha! She just woke up!"
"I don't give a damn. She needs to get her smelly ass up and explain herself!"
"Sit boy."
Kagome glared at the half dog demon.
"Inuyashsa, if you want to call someone smelly, then sniff yourself."
Everyone turned their heads towards Kagome. Including the three wolf demons that have been visiting for a week now.
Koga was the one to break the silence in the campsite.
"Kagome, what does Dog breath smell like?"
The young miko's face scrunched up as she thought about the smell.
"He smells like graveyard soil, rotten flesh, and a stink that is purely natural. It is absolutely awful."
Miroku, Sango, and Shippo all tried to stifle their laugh. Koga just seemed to thing really fast.
"What do I smell like then, Kagome?"
Kagome sniffed the air and her muscles relaxed. Her happy sigh did not go past any of the demons in the clearing.
"You smell like the fresh spring mist coming off of a beautiful waterfall. There is a scent of freshly picked mangos with a hint of honey. Your scent is absolutely wonderful."
It was then that Inuyasha decided to throw another one of his fits.
"God damnit Kagome! Why the hell are you flirting with the wolf! Just because you are one does not mean it is okay. Did you mate with him?!"
The words were so sudden and so unexpected, that Kagome didn't even fully process it yet. She was still thinking about what he said as everyone began to argue around her once more. Getting up, she went over to her bag and pulled out a mirror. A small gasp left her lips.
Her hair was a light icy blue with black streaks. Kagome could now feel a tail and looked at it. The tail was a golden color with an icy blue tip. She had pointy ears and fangs. Kagome's outfit had even changed as well. It was a golden wolf pelt and chest plate. There was a cape around her shoulders in the same color.
It was then that kagome remembered what had happened. There was a dream that she had before awakening. Midoriko had spoken to her about something.
Kagome was lost. It was dark and there was nowhere she could go. All of the light in the area was gone. Not even the moonlight was there.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? Hello!"
Midoriko appeared in front of Kagome and hushed the younger miko.
"Hush now Kagome. Everything is going to be alright. There is nothing to be afriad of. I have brought you hear for a great gift."
"What are you saying? I do not need any gifts. It is okay.
"Kagome you need this gift in order to complete your quest against naraku. I have given you the gift of what your heart truly desires. It is your job to figure out what it is that your heart wants. I must go now. Be prepared to make some very important decisions."
Just like that, the dream had ended and Kagome had woken up.
End Dream
"Kagome? Kagome. Kagome!" Koga began to shake Kagome gently.
The said girl had come back to reality and looked at Koga. She had just noticed that his tail, fur pelts, and hair, had changed colors. Koga's fur pelts were now a silver color. His tail and hair were now dark blue, with black streaks in his hair.
Miroku looked around at everyone in the clearing.
"Should we all be worried about Kagome-Sama's change, or the fact that there is a hoard of Naraku's demons coming towards us?
Thank you so much for reading this one-shot! It will actually have a story to go along with it, but this is a prequel to that one. For now, please favorite, comment, and share my one-shot. I love you all.
§Ro is out