Disclaimer: I do not own Doom or Date a live. Doom is owned by ID software and Date a live is owned by Fujimi Shobo. My work is just imaginative work that won't be used for any monetary gain.

Samuel Hayden: "Until we see each other again."

The robotic man walked away with the Crucible in hand as the tethering system within the Doomslayers suit began to go off. The blue sparks began to generate as the Slayer was sent somewhere else to keep him away from Hayden's plan for argent energy.

Tengu city, 2012:

The city was a warzone. Ryouko and her forces were attempting to destroy Hermit but she created a blizzard like tornado to protect herself from harm. Even worse, princess arrived out of nowhere and Origami has shifted her full attention to her.

Somewhere near by, a blue flash of electricity sparked as a large armored man in green appeared out of thin air and landed onto the concrete.

Doomslayers perspective: The Slayer looked at his surroundings. He could see destroyed buildings all around him. His suit had told him that the environment was supposed to be summer but the temperature was dropping drastically. He turned around as he heard the sounds of battle, expecting earths forces to be battling the demonic horde. Except it wasn't, they were humans in suits of armor that allowed them to fly but they weren't fighting demons but a lone girl in a suit of glowing purple armor with a comedically large sword. The slayer was surprised but not shocked. From his multiple experiences in hell and battling along side the Maykers and the Night Sentinels, nothing could really surprise him anymore. He decided to make his way towards the battlefield.

Shido's perspective: Things were bad. Yoshino has sealed herself inside of a vortex of ice, meanwhile Tohka was doing her best to buy them time. "Shido you need to hurry before it's too late", Kotori shouted through his earpiece. Shido gritted his teeth as he approached the storm. He than saw a large shadow over him as a piece of the building that origami had thrown into the blizzard was flying towards him. "Shido!".

He closed his eyes waiting for the pain to engulf him but he felt nothing. He opened them to find that he was a few feet off the ground. "What?" He looked around to find that he had been saved by a large man in a green suit of futuristic armor. The man had put him down gently. He stood at least 6 foot, his large plate like armor covered his whole body. In his other hand was a sawed off double barrel shotgun. Shido was afraid but calm since this same menacing man had just saved him.

"Who are you?" Shido asked but received no answer. The man stood there silently, observing the chaos before him. "That doesn't matter anyway. There's a little girl trapped in there and I need to save her!". Shido stood up and began to walk towards the living wall of ice. His walk however was interrupted by something. A large metallic creature crashed down in front of the Bluenette, sending him skidding backwards. It was an odd creature, it was made of metal and had a singular glowing red eye. It's had a strange piece of armor around it's upper torso that resembled a stealth bomber in my opinion.

Slayers perspective: He watch as Shido's crusade was stopped short by this automaton. The Slayer didn't know what it was but he knew that it was dangerous. If what this young boy had told him was correct, than this thing was standing between him and the life of a child. He walked in front of Shido and stared the robot down. It was a real stand off, the wind carried dust as they both waited for the other to act. The machine acted first and shot the Slayer with a green laser beam that fired from its palm. The beam of green light clashed with the Slayers armor and made him flinch. It reminded him of an imp and that pissed him off. He ran forward with a speed that Shido nor the robot were expecting and he blasted it with his super shotgun as he quickly reloaded his weapon. The pellets struck the metal plating off its armor and even went through. The machine almost seems confused, as if a conventional weapon shouldn't have damaged it like that.

The machine decided that this battle would end in its demise in this state so it began to fly into the air and return fire. The slayer began zig zagging to throw off its aim. He equipped his heavy assault rifle with the scope mod and began to fire full auto at the flying nuisance. It flew away but not before a few shots could pierce its armor. To make sure he hit it, he swapped to his rocket launcher and fired three lock on rockets at the machine. It tried to fly away but to no avail as the rockets collided with it and sent it crashing into the cold ground. The Slayer walked towards the weakened machine. It went to slash at him in a last ditch effort but the Slayer grabbed its arm and shoved it into its head. He gave the arm a good squeeze, causing it's firing mechanism to activate as it blasted the machines head off and surprisingly as it died, he actually healed from it.

Shido's perspective: Shido was dumbfounded. This man just destroyed this machine with little effort and with conventional weaponry too. He saw the opportunity as he got up and began to run towards the twister. He was immediately met with a slash to the face with a fast icicle as the cut began healing in a blue flame. "Are you crazy, it'll be like walking into machine gun fire!" Kotori screamed through the headset. "It doesn't matter, I have to save her" He said as he walked through the ice against his sisters cries to stop.

Slayers perspective: The Slayer was impressed but concerned, he was about to run after the boy when something felt off. He turned around and saw dozens more machine's flying in the sky. He was out numbered by them but that made it a fair fight. He took out his gauss cannon with the siege mode mod and fired a destructive wave that destroyed three instantly. The other nine scattered and began to rain fire down upon him. What we're like Imp's we're now Revenants and that really pissed him off, especially after Plutonia.

He used his rocket launcher to lock onto two targets as he fired and the six rockets spilt apart in 3's and blew the dolls away. He switched to his chain gun and set it to tri-barrel mode and he began to fire away at the machines like a mobile anti air gun. After the carnage was over, multiple wrecked machines laid before him. The scrap sparking and smoking as the flames erupted from them. The slayer began to walk away but to his surprise, one survived and slashed at his back, it did about 23 damage to his health bar and he became enraged. He wanted to shoot but this was personal. He took out his combat chainsaw and revved it up. He brought the weaponized tool up and downward, the machine crossed It's arms in an x shape in an attempt to block but was to no avail. The teeth like blades tore through the machine as the Slayer cut it in half straight down the middle.

The temperature began to return to normal as the clouds parted and the rays of sunlight began to peak into the world. Mysteriously enough the military like figures disappeared as well. Perhaps what the boy did actually worked. Speaking of which, the giant vortex of ice finally disappeared, as all that was left was a crater. The Slayer approached the hole and found two figures, Shido and a naked little girl... the Slayer looked at the young boy and loaded his super shotgun with malicious intent. "I didn't do anything to her I swear! All we did was kiss." That didn't make the situation any better. He bonked Shido on the head in disappointment. "It's ok mister, he saved me. That's all" the Slayer looked at the young girl. She had blue hair like Shido but a lighter shade. Her eyes were the same color as well. She was an adorable child and she even had a puppet, a rabbit. She reminded him of Daisy. Daisy... his pet rabbit, his friend, his family. He clutched his rabbit foot and remembered the pain. The one he loved, the reason he hated the demons in the first place.

Yoshino flinched as the giant scary armor man reached a hand out towards her but instead of pain like she expected, he gave her a gentle pat. That caused the young girl to giggle. The Slayer didn't know what this new world had in store. He knew he had to get back home and stop Hayden from abusing argent energy but if this girl and this world were being threatened by powerful machines and humans like today, it was something that he needed to put a stop to.