The Slayer was sitting across from Kotori at a desk, laying in front of her were pictures of the Maykr's, the battle with the AST and the aftermath.

Kotori: "So let me get this straight, you're saying that literal angels have come into this world to try and kill you? Not only that but they also have a history with you and will try their best to destroy you?"

Vega: "That is correct."

Kotori: "Sigh. First nightmare now this. What's next, actual demons are going to show up too? We're gonna have a battle of biblical proportions at this point."

Vega: "They just might if this keeps up actually. Demons and the Slayer go hand in hand after all, he wouldn't be who he is without them."

The young girl ordered Kanazuki to enter as she began to beat her frustrations into him with her chair as he moaned out in pleasure.

Kotori: "Listen you two, we already have the Spirits and AST to deal with. We don't need your crusade getting in the way, now get out!"

She threw them out of her office, not literally of course. With how Kotori was in her black ribbon form, she still did not want to piss off the angry chainsaw man.

Vega: "That went well. Perhaps we should head home now. Do be sure to visit young Yoshino on the way."

The Slayer walked towards the teleporter room as the alarm went off. The door opened as Shido ran past him, hurryingly greeting him.

Vega: "It would appear a new Spirit has appeared. Hopefully this one won't be too much trouble"

He walked to the bridge where everyone had gathered to watch the spirit. She was a young girl of course with rather large breast, like the biggest he had ever seen for a girl her age. It seems like Shido was living very man's dream. Shido went down to talk to her but she immediately began to loose her mood and attacked him, suddenly the AST came in as her mood suddenly spiked and she began to fly at and flirt with them.

Vega: "It would appear that we've run into quite the issue. How is Shido going to make someone who only likes woman fall in love with him?"

Kotori: "Don't worry my stable diffusing friend, I have just the full proof plan for this situation."

We cut to a couple of days later where the Slayer is walking through the halls of Raizen high school, he didn't really intend to come here at first but Yoshino invited him. They were currently having their annual festival where they would have various forms of entertainment around the school. Japanese school were unique in this aspect, the Slayer never remembered doing something like this in his school. He continued to walk until he bumped into someone.

Shiori: "Oh I'm so sorry mist-…"

They both stared at each other for a good moment. The Slayer could tell that this was Shido but dressed up like a women. He couldn't tell if this was a part of his training or if he was a pervert. Suddenly Yoshino came running down the hall to them.

Yoshino: " -San, Shido has to dress like this because of the spirit he's trying to seal. He is not being a pervert who needs to be shot in broad daylight!"

Yoshinon: "You never know though Yoshino. Shido-San might love doing this. imagine all the scandalous photos he could take of him self~"

Before anyone could say anything else, a group of girls approached them. Their leader was the spirit from the other day, a girl with indigo colored hair and silver eyes with the biggest breast of anyone within the direct vicinity. She approached the cross dressing boy and smiled at him.

Miku: "good morning Shiori, how are you today? You're looking as fetching as ever."

Shido: "How nice of you to say"

Miku: "I've gotta admit, those clothes suit you. If you give up now, you can be my maid slave forever."

Npc: "Miku you shouldn't waste your time on her-"

Miku: "You should all leave" The girls began to walk away as she said that as if they were under some sort of trance. "That means you too". She said to the Slayer with venom in her voice but he didn't move an inch, he just stood there and stared at her. She began to sweat nervously as he stared at her as she began to shiver. "You know what Shiori, we should go on a nice date far away from here as possible". She said as she grabbed Shido and dragged him away from the big scary man as quickly as possible.

Kotori: "We should have you go out with Shido more often, he'd be able to seal spirits more effectively". The lolimander chimed into his communications.

Yoshino: "Slayer-San, let's go enjoy the festival~". She grabbed his hand and began to drag him around the school (you don't know how many times I had to rewrite "the" because I kept hitting "y" instead of "t").

They went around experiencing different things from each class. Food stalls, haunted houses, a play of Romeo and Juliet, your average anime high school festival events. For once, it felt like the Slayer was having fun… but should he be able to though?

After their time perusing through the school, it was time for the concert. The Slayer and Yoshino sat down and watched as the spirit known as Miku used her spirit powers to sing for the crowd. Everyone erupted into cheers for her, making Shido feel a sense of dread that he might lose. It was now time for Shido and his band to play, they began to put on a show but the Slayer had gotten an alert from Vega that there was a battle going on above the arena between Origami and the A.S.T. He was about to get up but is train of thought was cut off as Shido's band finished. The crowd erupted in applause at their performance.

Afterwords the winner of the show was announced to be Miku but in a twist of fate, the winner of the overall contest was Raizen high due to the maid cafe. Miku looked angry at this news as Shido had a proud look on his face. Miku used her spirit powers and began to unleash them onto the crowd.

Miku ordered the women on stage to grab Shido. Once he was pinned down she began to molest him and found out that he was a man. This caused her to be shocked, flabbergasted but most of all, angry. She then ordered everyone to kill Shido as Yoshino flew up from next to the Slayer and began to attack. The Slayer got up and leaped onto the stage, he fired his shotgun at some ice shards heading towards Shido.

Shido: "Oh thank goodness you're still ok Slayer-San. Please don't kill them, they're under Miku's control."

Miku: "It's that big scary man from before. Kill him, kill him now before he hurts me please!" She demanded in fear.

The Spirits began to attack the two men expect for Tohka. It appears that she didn't remove her ear plugs after the performance so she was not under Miku's control. The two of them fought off their friends to the best of their abilities. The Slayer was used to slaughtering his enemies but to have to fight Yoshino of all people, it made him very angry. Spirit or not, this Miku needed to be taught a lesson.

The giant rabbit bit into him as he grabbed its jaw, he began to force its mouth open before tossing a grenade inside. The grenade exploded inside its mouth as it fell back and crushed Yoshino underneath. He lifted it up and moved her safely behind stage.

Yoshino: "I'm sorry Slayer-San, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just doing what Miku-Nee ordered." He patted her head and left her there.

He was about to renter the fray when suddenly the ceiling exploded, as a woman descended onto the stage. She had long blonde hair and purple eyes, she looked just like Karen, the woman who had given him the device that could disguise his armor. She wore an advanced looking realizer that looked more powerful than the others he had seen before. She flew straight towards Tohka, Tohka went to block her attack but she flew right past Tohka as Sandalphon faded away and blood sprayed from her. Tohka fell as the woman caught her and proceeded to fly away with her.

Meanwhile back on the Fraxinus, Kotori and a majority of the crew became under Miku's control. Kotori did not hesitate to push Fraxinus's main gun button to blow Shido away but it didn't work.

Kotori: "Wha- why the hell isn't it working?!" She began to slam on it repeatedly.

Vega: "I'm sorry , I can't allow you to do that. You would be sad after killing your brother." Before she could complain, the door opened as Mana jumped in and delivered a chop to the back of Kotori's neck, knocking her out cold.

We cut back to the battle at the stage, our hero's fighting off the spirits.

Vega: "Things are all secure up here but I suggest taking Shido and leaving the premises immediately for his safety. Also, try not to hurt the other spirits too much."

The Slayer lifted Shido up and jumped into the air. He landed on the heads of the twins and used them as stepping stones as the blast from his boots and their wind currents sent him flying into the sky. He saw Origami with a confused look on her face and grabbed her too as the trio flew off into the distance.


Adeptus 3 or better yet knows as Jessica was laying down after surgery. She was in pain and felt like her body was about to explode as she recoiled in pain. Soon Isaac walked into the room and approached her.

Isaac: "How are you feeling now Jessica?"

Jessica: "I'm in a lot of pain sir but at the same time, I feel so… powerful." She clenched her fist.

Isaac: "Good, good. With this you are now the first successful subject of project "Argent". I expect great things from you Jessica." He would begin to walk away.

Jessica: "Y-Yes , I promise that i won't disappoint you!" She got up and saluted him in pain, the pride of knowing she was the start of his new program filled her with glee.


Authors notes: I had so much trouble writing this chapter. It took me forever to continue, rewriting things to make more sense and cutting the ending. I'm sure that it will be reflected in this chapter how hard it was to write so please feel free to leave the usual critiques.