Two Tickets to Rome
Summary: Two strangers. One train. A ten-hour journey. Who said magic can't happen on a train ride to Rome? A new take on the first meeting between our favourite Witch and Wizard. RomioneAU
A/N: Thank you for the massive feedback on last chapter! It is truly warming this author's heart. I would like to send a huge thank you to Guest, Romione Granger-Weasley, AzureAlquimista, James Birdsong, and lastly: the other, but still much-loved Guest.
Capitolo venti: Two Days
It took two days before Hermione got Ron's letter.
She had spent all morning cleaning cages, then all afternoon tending to three newly hatched dragons. Charlie had been helpful getting her mind off of other things in the meantime.
Then, her owl arrived.
It had landed safely out of reach for the dragons. It scratched itself between the feathers with its beak, still keeping a wary eye out for its fire-breathing cousins.
The white letter on its foot stood out in the forest like snow in Sahara.
Hermione met Charlie's eyes, and he nodded, Take a break.
She slipped out of the leather gloves and protective helmet.
Her owl came to her and she untied the letter. It slid off of the bird's foot easily. When the thread loosened, her owl immediately flew away. She didn't blame it, as the dragons had watched it since the second it had arrived.
Her throat closed off. Finally, she would have an answer.
She broke the sealed envelope and took out the dreaded parchment inside.
To Hermione, it said.
I am very sorry for leaving you this way.
I have done what I promised to do. I have sorted everything out with Lavender. She won't bother us anymore. I persuaded her that to break up was the right thing to do.
Once again, I'm really sorry for leaving you. It won't happen again.
The lump in her throat burned. Her eyes stung. She had to blink away tears, not knowing if they were tears of sadness or of joy.
I have been thinking about us.
It was the sentence she dreaded the most.
And I have realized that leaving you was running away from my feelings. I really like you, Hermione. I am sorry that you will have to read it instead of hearing it from me yourself. Please, don't leave. I will be back.
The ending was scrabbled, like he'd been in a hurry when writing it.
Still, her entire skin tingled.
I really like you, he'd written.
The tingling intensified until all she could feel was numbness. It was aggressively delightful. She felt lighter than ever before. A weight she hadn't known was there, was taken off her shoulders.
Behind her, Charlie had taken off his protective gear. He looked at her in concern, "Are you alright?"
Hermione kept blinking tears out of her eyes, her brain unable to form coherent thoughts.
She clutched the letter between her hands as if her life depended on it. She had spent so many hours doubting herself, feeling angry or sad for never being able to be with him. Now, all those negative feelings had been proved wrong. Ron was hers.
A loud crack! resonated in her ears, jarring her out of her daze.
Instantly, the fog in her mind lifted, and the lump in her throat cleared.
"Ron!" she exclaimed, seeing him standing on the other side of the clearing, by the trees.
His head snapped towards her, his eyebrows high and his mouth drawn into a broad smile, "Hermione,"
She couldn't hold back. The feelings ran over the brim. The tingling in her skin returned, humming pleasantly underneath. Her heart beat so fast, all other noises became ghosts in the wind.
She was beaming with joy, feeling the breeze in her hair, and hearing the sound of her running feet, on her way towards her favourite person in the world.
He caught her in an embrace. His arms flew around her, squeezing tightly, as if he were afraid that she would disappear if he didn't hold her.
"Hermione," he said, his voice wavering.
Then, in a burst of courage, so sudden that she didn't even think about twice – Hermione leant back and kissed him.
His lips were soft.
She sensed a change in him, and he leant towards her, kissing her back.
She could feel herself melting into his touch. Ron's fingers tangled with her hair. She put her hand on his neck, and her shaking hands stilled.
A sense of calm washed over her.
They broke apart. Hermione's chest stung for a moment, as if her heart tried to leap out through her skin. She didn't want him to stop.
"I like you like I've never liked anyone before," he admitted in her ear, his voice crisp and clear.
The relief she felt was overwhelming. She wanted to cry.
She opened her mouth and heard herself speak, "I like you, too, Ron,"
She stayed in his embrace, feeling his warmth, drawing in his smell.
Ron took Hermione's hand in his, and she kissed him on the lips again.
"We have a lot to talk about," he said lightly, brushing her hair away from her shoulder.
"Agreed," she said, admiring how the light played around in his eyes. It created a depth in them, resembling something much deeper than the clear blue sky of the same colour.
He chuckled.
It was a warm chuckle. It sent excited shivers up her spine.
With her hand in his, he led her down a path continuing past the trees.
Just before they disappeared from the clearing, she looked over her shoulder.
Charlie met her gaze. She smiled at him, and he winked back. Of course, he had been right, she thought. Ron had come back for her, just like he had said.
Ron squeezed her palm, having noticed her exchange with Charlie, "Did you two have fun when I was away?" he asked.
"Yes," Hermione laughed. Above them, the birds were singing, unseen among the treetops.
He looked at her, not bothering to hide it when he looked too long.
She turned to him, laughing, "And by the way, you need to work on your handwriting,"
Jokingly, he grimaced. He wrinkled his eyebrows and opened his mouth into a horrified 'o'. He looked ridiculous.
"It is just as bad as Charlie's, if not worse," she added.
The grimace disappeared, leaving the face of the sweet Ron she knew. He laughed, once again making Hermione feel warm on the inside. It was a sound she would never forget.
She squeezed his hand.
He didn't need a week, only two days to decide that he loved her.
Joy bubbled in her chest.
Ron had come back for her. A two day's wait was worth it, for the rest of their lives together.
A/N: Now, what is a RonHermione story without a cliché running, then kissing scene?
That was the ending, everybody. I am considering writing a two-part epilogue as well, if my beloved readers would like to see more of our favourite couple.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this story. Please, leave a review and tell me:) Much love from me, to you.
Thank you for being part of the journey.