Heyo this is my first fic so its gonna be quite short but it is mainly intended as an experiment to see what works It may also have spelling mistakes because I don't have a beta reader. But even despite all of that I hope you enjoy it. DISCLAIMER: The content in this chapter is fairly tame but some later segments do warrant the need for an MA rating.It was a fairly normal day for Luka she had woken up pulled the stands of hair away from her eyes and slowly gotten out of bed. She walked to the bathroom in her small apartment to the left of the bed to freshen up. But the door was Locked she assumed she had locked herself out the night before but that wouldn't be possible because of the way the lock worked. She pulled hard but it wouldn't budge. She kicked the door with full force in an attempt to open it , The door didn't open but she did hear a loud gasp, Someone was in there. She Pounded on the door, "Who's there" she shouted, "I'll call the police if you don't get out now" She said still not fully awake. The door slowly opened to reveal her friend Hatsune Miku looking scared. "What the hell" Luka managed. Miku, embarrassed said "I-i was h-here because I couldn't stay home". " I don't get it" Luka said flatly "why couldn't you stay home" Miku blushed bright red and replied "I-i Kind of...Locked myself out" Miku seemed relieved after saying that. "How long have you been...Here" Luka asked extremely confused. Miku Turned her head down towards the floor "Overnight" she responded quickly. "Thats kinda wierd Miku" Luka said still shocked. Miku sighed dissapointed in herself "Yeah I Know". Luka still had more questions, " Were you in the bathroom the whole time. Miku paused if Luka found out what would she say? "Yes" Miku lied. "Okay" Luka said "Im just going to ignore how insanely wierd this is and change the subject". Miku Looked up back at Luka. "Dont you have a physics class in a few minutes" Luka asked already knowing the answer. Miku paused for a moment and then checked her phone. "Your Right!" She exclaimed Dashing to the other side of the bathroom looking around. "What are you doing?" Luka asked. "Trying to find m my backpack" Miku replied casually. Luka was astounded, "You brought a backpack?". Miku casually responded " Yeah it. was the only thing I had with me when I got locked out. Miku put her backpack on and dashed out the door of Lukas apartment and out into the lobby. Luka closed the door and yawned loudly, "That was one hell of a morning" She commented. Luka walked into the bathroom finally able to start her day. She brushed her teeth and showered all of the things she should have done an hour ago and truly woke up three hours after she got out of bed. She Was washing her hands when out the corner of her eye she saw Miku's jacket sitting on the floor and she could have sworn she saw something shiny in the pocket. She didnt want to snoop around but she was so intruigued she looked in Miku's pocket and saw her house key! Miku was so bad at looking for things. when Miku got back Luka would give her the key and it would all be resolved. After she was all ready for the day it was time for her to go to work at the local coffe shop. While Miku was at school the fact she had lied to Luka was in the back of her mind all day She needed to come clean. Meanwhile Luka still couldnt understand how Miku hadn't found her key it was right there. But even with these distracions Miku completed her assignments at school the work wasnt to out of the ordinary she had a nintey minute physics lecture on advanced arodynamics and though she was a smart studnet it still proposed quite a challenge. After that she had to start a paper on the subject that was due the next week. Luka had a fairly slow day at work, for whatever reason the usually full cofee shop was empty except for a few regulars, It was slow and tiring but eventually she finished her shift. As Luka walked down the long hallway to her apartment building she saw Miku sitting by the door looking down at her phone, When Miku heard Luka's footsteps clicking down the hall she glanced up from her phone. "Hi", Miku sounded almost short of breath as she spoke. Luka looked down at Miku and smiled a caring smile. This small expression made Miku feel much more guilty for lying to Luka all this time. Luka slid the key into the lock and opened the door. As they entered the apartment Luka sat down on the couch, she patted next to her signifying for Miku to sit down. " I found your key" Luka said optimistically. Miku didn't respond she simply looked away and sighed, It didn't sound like a bored sigh it was more of a sad sigh the kind you here before a confession. " I know" Miku finally said even though it wasn't a full confession Miku finally felt relived enough to tell the truth the entire truth.
Alright that was chapter one it was quite short but I aim to evolve both the length and quality in the upcoming chapter, Hasta Luego