Welcome! This is my next project, titled Little Things, featuring Jacob and a brand new OC named Jenna. There will also be more Paul and his own cute little story woven in.
I'm trying my hand at something a little different, and Little Things takes place in New Moon, so we see teenage!Jacob and Paul the way I characterize them. It's been a while since I was that age, so we'll see how well I do!
Here's a small prologue!
It all started when Jacob Black had been born. Really, if Jenna were to look back and pinpoint a moment that served to begin her own downfall, it was Jacob Black's birth. Granted, she hadn't been born yet, but had it been necessary for him to come out first? It was downright petty, was what it was. What else could be expected of an Air Sign - so flighty and inconsiderate.
She'd said as much too, only to be told that as a Gemini, she was also an Air Sign. She wasn't sure how, but that was also Jacob Black's fault. Everybody thought he was so perfect, so kind and so considerate and generous - he was the devil. He was the devil in a lanky, unimpressive 5'7 boy's body. Loser. He wasn't kind or considerate to her - not by a long shot - and yet, everyone always expected Jenna to fold and to be the bigger person. Considering that Jacob Black was built like a beanpole and she more like a chubby Oompa Loompa, she was already the bigger person and it was unfair of them to continuously point it out.
When they'd been children and his pet rabbit had died, she'd been the one forced to go and be kind to him.
"You should pay your respects to Jacob," her mother had hinted, shoving her in his direction.
"I do not respect him," Jenna had protested, "but fine, if you insist."
She had been the bigger person, she had told him she was sorry for his loss, and rather than being grateful that she'd lowered herself to speak to him, he'd scoffed.
"Sure, sure. Of course, you are."
Evil, evil boy. Somehow it had been her fault when she'd kicked him in retaliation. Nobody seemed to care that he'd flung mud into her hair and called her Dopey the dwarf.
Jacob was grieving, they all insisted. He'd been upset and she should be more understanding. Jacob Black didn't have an understanding or kind bone in his body. It was a stance she'd had to reconsider when it was her turn to grieve, and what she'd lost was far greater than a rabbit. He'd come and stood beside her in silence one day, and spoken in a voice that was an odd in-between of boy and man.
"I'm not going to tell you that it's going to be okay, because I know it doesn't feel like it ever will be."
She hadn't been able to respond, keeping her eyes glued out at the water.
"It will get easier to live with though."
This time she had to look at him, questions abound in her eyes.
"I hope that happens for you, Jennifer. Sooner rather than later."
He'd walked away then, hands stuffed into his pockets. It took her a moment to realize that he'd called her Jennifer, he was the only person who had ever called her Jennifer.
The timing of the butterflies in her stomach couldn't have been worse, it was sick in a way, but she couldn't help but like it.