AN Welcome back!

Mikasa wrinkled her nose as she sliced into the carcass of the dead Crawler that Grice had managed to drag back for them.


Mikasa raised an eyebrow at Hange, who stroked her chin while holding a torch. "What is it, Section Commander?"

"Your blades cut through it rather easily," Hange noted in surprise. "But I had already tested guns on the skin earlier. It didn't even penetrate the skin."

Mikasa paused before looking up to where several bullet wounds had definitely injured the creature, but many more where the shots had left marks but didn't breach the surface. "So, the skin is resistant to bullets, but not to blades?"

"So it would see. Marley either has strong guns or ones that can just shoot quicker. Or both," Hange theorized. "Still, this is good. We can definitely fight against Crawlers if we need to."

Mikasa nodded before walking to the elbow, where the skin was obviously tougher. She made an attack against it and proved her suspicion correct." The head and joints are protected. The only reachable vital spots would be the neck."

"The more things change, the more they stay the same," Hange murmured with a headshake.

"Section Commander? May I ask you a question?" Mikasa asked idly.

"You can just call me Hange for now," Hange waved off casually.

"Hange," Mikasa repeated. "Do you have any theory as to why all of this is happening?"

"Hmm?" Hange looked at Mikasa curiously.

"I understand vaguely why...why the traitors did this, that Marley wanted something from us," Mikasa said with a scowl. "But why is all of this with these creatures happening too?"

"They do seem to be two different events, I admit," Hange admitted. "But I doubt they are. The giant creatures, what Eren and the others have turned into? They are clearly connected to the Titans somehow."

"But you ruled out Eren being a Titan?" Mikasa recalled with a frown.

"I did, but him not being one doesn't mean there is no connection. For now, I have only theories," Hange said, glancing to the side with a troubled look.

"There is something else, isn't it?" Mikasa deduced, making Hange wince. "Ever since the battle, you've sometimes had this strange look on your face."

"I make strange faces a lot," Hange deflected with a smile. "After all, I'm learning so many secrets and making so many discoveries every day now!"

Mikasa looked less than convinced but didn't pry further for now. She didn't distrust Hange.

Well, as long as Eren's decency wasn't involved. She didn't trust the four-eyes woman anywhere near Eren's groin, and neither did Eren most days.

She wasn't sure if context made that thought better or worse.


While obviously the strongest of their group, Eren knew there was one huge drawback of his form.

Stealth really wasn't an option.

It had nothing to do with his size or weight, though those didn't help. No, the real issue was that his body was covered in golden scales. He stood out in any amount of light. Grice and Boris could at least possibly blend in with a certain amount of darkness, but unless it was completely night and the moon was either dim or empty, there was no way he could go unnoticed by anyone keeping any kind of watch.

Luckily, their enemies were already under attack.

"Remember, we're not here to win, just do what we can," Grice reminded grimly as they heard the gunfire, explosions, and monstrous screams coming from the wall. The group of giant creatures were all gathered in a forest within viewing distance of their objective, the darkness of night still thick enough to hide them for the moment at this range. "We take one of the Dogs if we can, but above all else, don't die. That's mainly for you, Boris."

["Why me?"] Boris asked in confusion.

[You haven't been in a fight in a long time, right?]

["You might have a point,"] Boris said with a hissing sigh. ["But we all know the plan already. Let's see what we can do. Just watch out for the furry Titan."]

Yeah, that was a concerning topic for them. Grice was fairly certain that was just the Beast Titan, but the alternative meant Marley found the Lake of Death, and that didn't bode well if they had their own monsters under their control.

Still, the trio nodded and separated. Boris flew high into the air, Grice ran to sneak towards the wall with the intent to scale it, and Eren did the only thing he could do. He headed towards the breach in Wall Maria.

As he ran, Eren could feel his blood boiling, his hate rising as memories came back to him so vividly. The helplessness, the rage that turned to despair, and so much more.

This was where it all went to Hell for them.

And now, they had chosen to use this place, his home, as a base to further whatever terrible plans they had for the People of the Walls?

Eins was the angry one, but pure hatred flooded Drei and even Zwei.

{[{[We Will Kill Them All!}]}]


The situation, as it stood, was not terrible in Zeke's opinion.

True, they were dealing with unknown creatures similar to the Titans, but they were far from invincible. They could heal far more than a normal creature ever could, but they lacked the outright regeneration of Titans and they died of blood loss and organ damage just like a human was.

They were very tough though. Sustained gunfire and concentrated explosives were the only ways to truly injure them without the use of a Titan.

It took some adapting, but they were holding them off.

However, these beasts were in fact thinking beings. Not human in intelligence, they were still extremely cunning and learned from the mistakes of themselves and their comrades.

Their numbers couldn't be infinite though.

"Are you sure about this, Eldian?" one of the Marleyan soldiers asked as they stood in a fortified building in the city, almost like a castle.

"Hmm. You're thinking I'm going to let you all die," Zeke said grimly as he took a few last drags of his cigarette. "I have no intentions of that, I hope I've earned that enough. But I understand your concerns. I AM using you as bait after all. But given our situation, I cannot devise a better recourse."

The officer grunted, glaring at the ground, but offering no alternative. "You can't control these monsters, I believe that much."

Zeke made a point not to wince. He had come very close to almost getting killed the first time he fought these creatures. He didn't know a beast like that could move so much like a snake. He remembered looking up from within his Titan and seeing fangs poking through the Beast Titan's neck, very close to him. "If all goes according to plan, we'll thin out their numbers greatly."

"Those on land, but what about the flying ones?" the officer countered.

"They are much rarer, thankfully," Zeke mused. "I should be able to deal with any if we're careful."

"If we're careful, tell that to Braun," the officer sneered before stalking off.

Zeke hummed. Reiner had been greatly troubled since he and Annie had returned. The loss of Bertholt was great, and worrying to know the people of Paradis might possess it.

But more than that was the other news. This golden beast, and that name. Eren Yeager. It should be impossible, but it seemed his father had survived to make it to the walls somehow.

Had another son, another pawn to play in the schemes to restore the Eldian Empire.

Zeke's first instinct was to help his half-sibling, if he had the chance. But this new power? Just where had it come from? It had to be connected to these creatures.

Could the Power of the Titans have mutated, evolved somehow?

If so, why now though? If not, then what could it be?

Too many questions


Everyone in the building jolted at the voice and the loud thud as he rushed over to the nearest window, looking out to see Pieck in her Titan. "Are they coming?"

"Not who we were waiting for," Pieck informed grimly. "Something large and golden is about to enter the city."

Zeke stiffened. What wonderfully horrible timing.

"We need to change plans," he said grimly.

There was a loud crash as an echoing screech rolled over them.

"That wasn't one of them!" the officer yelled. "Zeke, what the hell is going on?"

"It's the creature Reiner warned us of. Their Golden Dragon," Zeke answered.

"...The thing that defeated the Colossal Titan?" the officer asked grimly. "what chance do we have against that?"

Zeke scowled as he felt the ground rumbling. "We're about to find out."


Bertholt stared with dull eyes. He stopped crying and begging a while ago.

They decided to leave him his hands, if only so he could feed himself.

But every few hours or so, they would come in and do it again.

Cut off his legs.

It was horrible, unending pain. Eventually, he would become too exhausted, and he'd pass out while his regeneration slowed.

And then he'd be awakened by another amputation session.

Why didn't they just kill him? Devour him, take his power, and end it?

He didn't want to die, to be eaten.

It terrified him, even if the image of those who died because of him haunted his mind.

But this was just pure torture.

"Have you ever heard the story of the Hydra?"

Bertholt looked up warily.

There was the face of Hange Zoe.

A face and name he had come to fear, loath, dread, and have nightmares of.

"It was said to be this terrible monster. Actually, it sounded like Eren in a lot of ways," Hange mused conversationally, light glaring off her goggles. "Like a giant snake or lizard. But if you cut off its head, it would grow two more. And two more and two more, until you were facing dozens of heads."

Why was she telling him this? What did she want?

"A hero came along and killed it of course, but that's part of a larger story," Hange mused. "He killed it with fire. After cutting off the head, he cauterized the wounds so nothing could grow back."

Berthold's eyes dilated with fear.

"Obviously, that didn't work with Eren. Your transformation basically burned his heads away, but they still grew back," Hange mused absently. "But, I wonder if might slow down a shifter's ability to heal?"

"...What do you want?" Berthold asked shakily.

"Hmm? I'm a scientist. Why do you think that isn't all I want, to answer that question, to test that theory?" Hange asked curiously.

Berthold trembled.

"I can make the pain stop, you know?"

He went still.

"Honestly, as terrible as it is what you did, there is no point in keeping you in this kind of Hell. You know, besides keeping you from transforming,' Hange answered with a sigh. "I can provide you will some painkillers in your meals. It'll still hurt, but it'll be better."

"...What's the catch?" Bertholt asked cautiously. "W-what do you want?"

"I'd like to talk to you. We're supposed the same people. I want to understand how the outside world has pitted us against each other," Hange mused. "But for the sake of that, I only want you to answer one question. Do that, and I will take the pain away."

"...What question?" Bertholt asked, almost desperately.

"Why did you do all of this, exactly?" Hange asked curiously.

"I already told you-!"

"No, no, I mean "You" Mr. Hoover," Hange interrupted, holding up her hands. "I understand why you, the Warriors, were sent here. But why did you become a warrior?"

Bertholt was silent for a moment before answering. Not just to her, but to himself. Because it seemed so long since he thought about home so clearly. "We...Eldians? We're not treated well."

"Right," Hange acknowledged, letting him get it out at his own pace.

"My father is very sick. Even if we had the money, they probably wouldn't treat just any Eldian," Bertholt answered softly. "Becoming a Warrior means our families are honorary Marleyans. They get better treatment."

Hange was silent for a long moment.

Bertholt swallowed.

"So...they turn children into weapons, with the offer of better treatment for the families," Hange said somberly. "I'm so sorry."

Bertholt didn't know what to say to that.

"Are you sure your father is even alive still?" Hange asked with a raised eyebrow. "Was the sickness that treatable?"

"It's..." Bertholt paused and laughed.

"What is it?" Hange asked in concern.

"I forgot the word to describe it. It's not something you can get rid of. It's not...deadly if treated. You can live a long time with it. With treatment," Bertholt repeated, more to himself than her. "So he should be fine. Unless they think I'm dead."

Hange furrowed her brow. "Does death end the Honorary status?"

"Failure does," Bertholt clarified.

"You're a good son, let no one make you think otherwise," Hange said with a nod. "...How many do you think are forced into trying to become warriors, so their parents can have better lives?"

"Most of them, really," Bertholt admitted, mind drifting to Annie and Reiner. "...Why couldn't you all just die...?"

Hange ignored that while looking at Bertholt's half-returned legs. "I'll have food brought in for you with the medicine. You'll probably pass out before we take the legs again."

Bertholt opened his mouth, but then closed it and gritted his teeth.

Hange turned and left without another word. She took a deep breath as she exited the underground area, looking up at the night sky.

"He ready, Four-Eyes?" Levi asked, leaning against the wall next to the doorway.

Hange didn't answer. "You know, he's the Colossal Titan. He kicked in Wall Maria's outer gate, and his friend finished it off. Hundreds of thousands of people died because of him."

Levi said nothing, letting him talk.

"I still feel like shit, doing this all to him," Hange admitted soberly. "Lady Frieda wants us to keep him alive now for some reason, instead of just taking his power."

Levi nodded. They didn't know why, but they hadn't gone against it. Even if they wanted to, they'd need to feed him to a Titan.

Or maybe something similar.

"Hange, remind me to ask that woman a question next time we see her," Levi remarked.

"Hmm?" Hange looked at him curiously, but when he didn't elaborate, she let it go.

"I'll go feed the brat his medicine," Levi said, taking a tray of food and drink with him.

Generously laced with something to dull the pain.


[I know you're here! Reiner! Annie!]

Eren stalked through the dark streets with a menacing pace to him. He smelled, looked, and just outright sensed for any sign of life.

The city was greatly damaged, and much of it was fresh. True, there was plenty of rot and overgrowth from years of abandonment. But the outright destruction, houses caved in or burned down? Much of that was more recent.

As were the corpses. Some humans, Marleyans no doubt. But also of Crawlers. Not a lot of them, just a handful

But beneath all of that, Eren sensed life throughout the city, near the center.

[Are they hiding in the buildings?]

[[If they are, why are they so spread out?]]

[[[Maybe we should find out?]]]

Eins craned his head to look into the window of an attic.

There was someone in there, he could sense as much. And they were alive. But they weren't moving. Not out of fear but just...not reacting.

[[[[I don't like this.]]]]

He subtly glanced around. Boris and Grice still hadn't revealed themselves or been spotted. Good. Let the enemy focus on him.

He stopped suddenly, eyeing the corner of up head..

[[I know you're there.]]

[[[I can smell you.]]]


With a lurch, he ran forward, heads craning around the corner.

The lightning already came down as the Female Titan took form, but not before he caught Annie's shocked face.

He didn't even give her time to finish transforming as his jaws found purchase in an arm, a leg, and her side. Annie reacted instantly and tried to break free, punching at his rightmost head to try and free her arm.

But it was not enough as Eren lifted her up and slammed her down like a rag doll. With her stunned for a second, he pulled with his left head, biting harder until the leg was ripped off.

The Female Titan let out a terrible scream of pain as Annie felt like her real leg was being torn away.

Zeke scowled as he heard it. "So, he really can inflict pain through the Titan forms," he realized grimly. "You're up now, Reiner."

Annie hardened her nape and hands, trying to defend her real body.

Eren responded by biting his middle head onto her own, while Drei went for the throat.

Annie cursed as she felt the space within her Titan growing cramped. At this rate, Eren would either crush her or rip her out through the front of the throat.

Eins opened his mouth to attack before jolting, turning his head around as he saw another Titan running for him.

The Armored Titan's fist connected with the reptilian skull, stunning his foe. Zwei released his grasp to roar and lunge at Reiner. But the Warrior managed to avoid the bite, grabbing Annie and literally tearing her away from the final head. The front half of her was gone, but it would regenerate soon enough.

Reiner tossed her away, to buy her more time, rounding to face Eren. "Dammit. Is he even bigger...?" Reiner asked himself in frustration as Eren rose to loom over him menacingly.

[I'm going to tear you apart!]

Reiner didn't understand Eren, but he got the intent.

End of Chapter

At the long await return has come! God of Hate will return to beng monthly updates. I'm slightly rusty with this story, but I'm getting back into the groove very quickly. But yes, we open with a preemptive attack on Shinganshina while the Warriors are dealing with the maddened Kaiju-shifters. Mikasa is dealing how she can and Bert is...not having a good time.

Happy Halloween!

Early viewing of chapters 30-31:

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