Chapter 2: All Might

A/N: Heavy editing on this chapter.

Izuku woke up groggily and shut off the alarm that was blaring. He closed his eyes again to sleep but leaped up, cursing, "Crap, I've to go meet All Might!" he nearly yelled. He checked the time, "Ok, I have enough time," he thought to himself and got out of bed.

He was about to rummage through his wardrobe to find something to wear when a snore made him stiffen. He slowly turned around. In the midst of his rush, he had completely forgotten that Watanabe was sleeping over. Thankfully, he didn't seem to have awoken considering the snore, but boy was Izuku lucky.

Izuku took greater care now to not create too much noise. He double-checked that Watanabe was awake before leaving the flat. Once Izuku was out, Watanabe kicked the blanket off of him, He smirked, "Finally! Pretending to be asleep is useful! Eat that Kaminari!" he yelled in his mind.

He quickly went to the peephole. Izuku was still in the corridor, so Watanabe waited for him to go downstairs. Watanabe wondered why Izuku was up so early. He himself hadn't slept a wink since he was contemplating how today would go. Watanabe doubted his presence alone would alter anything if the staff weren't on Izuku's side.

Watanabe peeked again and finding that Izuku was gone, he too stepped outside. He hurried down the stairs and caught a glimpse of Izuku turning a corner. He slowly walked to the corner and watched Izuku head down the road.

Since the streets were clear this early in the morning, Watanabe couldn't blend into a crowd and decided to wait until Izuku turned again before he walked after him. As he waited, Watanabe tried to understand whether he had heard Izuku right. He could have sworn he heard his cousin shout about going to meet All Might, but that couldn't be right, could it?

Then again Izuku had met All Might yesterday, so there was a chance, "But why would All Might ask Izuku to meet him?" Watanabe thought hard, "Perhaps because he handled the sludge nicely?... No, he could just talk to him publicly then, there wouldn't be any private reason,"

Watanabe saw Izuku turn another corner and followed, "Maybe I just heard wrong? I am pretty sleepy," Watanabe reasoned, "The only other reason All Might would want to meet is to maybe train him. But there's no way he'd train Izuku,"

Immediately after Watanabe thought that he got angry at himself, "Stupid! Izuku deserves to be trained by All Might just as much as anyone,"

In the midst of his self-inflicted rage, Watanabe lost Izuku's trail, "Damn it!" he yelled agitatedly. There were too many paths to choose from and Izuku could have gone anywhere. Watanabe was scared, "What if Izuku ran away? I did find out a lot of stuff last night. He might be scared I'll tell Aunt Inko," he thought anxiously, "I have to find him. I can't lose him too! But how!?" Watanabe groaned.

He tried to take each of the separate paths but those paths lead to more crossroads, any of which Izuku could have taken. Watanabe was just about to give up when an idea popped into his head. There were no crowds out yet, which meant he could just use his infrared vision to scout the streets! All he needed was a good vantage point.

He looked around, there were several buildings around but he couldn't get to the roof without causing a stir. The next best option would be a tall tree. If he remembered right, there was a beach nearby with several trees. Plus, considering the fact that the beach overlooked most of the roads, he'd probably be able to find Izuku easier.

Watanabe followed the signs showing the way to the beach. His nose wrinkled as he turned the corner to the beach,

'DAGOBAH BEACH!' A large sign was showcased in front.

Watanabe stared at it indecorously. He stared at the sign and back at the beach repeatedly, "Is this a garbage dump or a beach!?" he yelled to no one in particular. He shook his head disapprovingly and turned to search for a tall enough tree. In doing so, he noticed a familiar mess of green hair.

Izuku seemed to be waiting for someone given that he was looking in every direction. Watanabe's eyes widened as Izuku moved his head in his direction. Watanabe quickly, and regrettably, jumped into the landfill, the dirt crunching under his feet, "Ack," he clenched his nose at the smell. But in doing so, he breathed the fumes in through his mouth.

Watanabe nearly puked but managed to keep it in, "You shouldn't be able to taste smells!" he said a bit too loudly. Izuku turned quickly to his hiding spot. Watanabe cursed quietly as he placed his hands on his mouth and nose and ducked lower.

Izuku didn't see anyone and turned his gaze elsewhere. Watanabe waited to see if Izuku would move elsewhere but Izuku remained in the same position. Watanabe desperately wanted to make a run-out but that would alert Izuku. He sucked it up and remained motionless in the dump.

Watanabe switched to his X-ray vision. Izuku had already heard something, it wouldn't do to get caught peeking. He'd have preferred to use his infrared but all the metal casings nearby blocked his view. The dump was so shielding that his X-ray barely caught Izuku's skeletal figure and instead mainly saw his organs.

Pretty soon, Watanabe spotted another man walking up to Izuku. At first, he hadn't picked him up in his vision but once he had moved closer to Izuku, the man became visible. Watanabe gasped in horror; the man didn't have a lung! The left side of his chest didn't seem to have any cell tissues either.

Watanabe nervously watched the man, his anxiety growing as he stepped closer to Izuku. Watanabe was worried that the man was a villain who lost his lung in a fight. He clutched a crowbar that was sitting nearby and waited. Just as the man was a few inches away, he rose to throw the crowbar.

But, before he could do that, the man greeted, "Hello young Midoriya!"

Watanabe stared for a second before ducking back down, "So Izuku knows him?" he thought to himself.

It didn't look like the man had noticed him so Watanabe eavesdropped.

"All Might!" Izuku yelled excitedly.

Watanabe spluttered in surprise, "All Might? Him? That skeletal guy?"

"Shh, not so loud! People might hear," Yagi warned. Izuku nodded.

The two fell into a hushed talk and Watanabe couldn't make head or tail of it. His first thought was it was a joke. After all, there was no way the symbol of peace actually looked like a skeleton. Secondly, his X-ray had picked up a second toe joint on the stranger as well, which would mean he had no quirk.

Watanabe tried to push a bit further but his first step made the glass from a monitor go crunch. He swiftly sat back down. Fortunately, the pair made his way closer to his position, "Remember young Midoriya," the blonde man said, "You must not tell anyone that I'm passing my quirk onto you,"

"I know. I haven't told anyone,"

Watanabe gaped. He was totally flabbergasted. He nearly squealed in excitement, "All Might's giving Izuku his quirk! Holy crap that's awesome!" Watanabe thought extremely happy for his cousin, "Wait, can you even pass on your quirk in the first place?" He thought. He'd never heard of quirks being passable. The only way quirks passed was from the parent to the child. Then again he'd heard of weirder things.

"Is he a conman?" Watanabe thought. As much as he hated to admit it, his cousin was pretty gullible. Although, he doubted he'd be gullible enough to think this stranger was All Might. What if he was indeed a villain trying to lure Izuku? He probably thought no one would miss Izuku since he's quirkless.

All Might and Izuku kept walking closer to Watanabe's hiding position, concerning him, "Did they notice me?" Watanabe thought. After all, he doubted he could fool All Might if that actually was him.

Now that they were closer to his position, Watanabe switched back to his normal vision. The stranger was still a skeletal figure but was fast approaching with Izuku tracking behind him. In front of his eyes, the man suddenly transformed into All Might and uprooted the fridge he was hiding behind.

"Uhm, hi?" Watanabe said nervously.

Yagi stared at the boy, in his All Might form, his eyes widening. He had felt a presence when he had arrived at the beach but he had attributed it to the stray animals that frequented Dagobah for food. He didn't think it was actually a person spying on them.

Izuku was too shocked to speak at seeing his cousin and remain speechless and unmoving.

"You're All Might!" Watanabe said excitedly.

"Uh, indeed I am young man!" All Might nervously gave his signature smile. Inside, he was panicking, "Oh god, how much did he hear? I didn't speak about much except about the training regiment, but what if he heard about me passing on my quirk? SHIT! He saw me transform too!"

Watanabe sat awkwardly in the dirt. Both Izuku and Yagi were frozen in shock and Watanabe couldn't understand what to do next. He loudly cleared his throat, bringing back the attention to him, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anyone about you actually being a skeleton. Your secret's safe with me!"

All Might sighed, "Thank you, young man," It didn't look like the boy had heard about him passing on his quirk, or so he thought, "Although it's awesome you're passing your quirk on to Izuku!" Watanabe exclaimed soon after.

All Might stared at him for some time, "Now what?" he asked himself. The boy knew too much. Could he trust him to keep this a secret? The thoughts were racing through Yagi's mind when he suddenly remembered something, "Wait you said, 'Izuku.' Do you two know each other?" Yagi demanded from Izuku.

Izuku gulped, "Y-yes, he's my cousin," he replied in a whisper.

Yagi looked slightly betrayed, "I thought you didn't tell anyone?"

"I-I didn't, I don't know how-" Izuku stuttered but fortunately his cousin came to his rescue, "Oi, oi! He didn't tell me anything! I followed him here!" he defended ferociously.

All Might was slightly taken aback at Watanabe's outburst. He smiled, it was good to know that Izuku, while quirkless, had such a good friend, "I suppose there's no use crying over spilled milk," All Might resigned, "But, you should have been more vigilant to ensure you weren't being followed, young Midoriya,"

Watanabe snorted, "Really?" he asked rhetorically, "You're the number 1 hero and even you didn't realize! How was Izuku supposed to know,"

"I did realize, but I thought it's a raccoon or something," All Might defended.

"Just having a hunch means nothing if you don't act accordingly,"

"Watanabe, that's enough," Izuku warned his cousin who shut up pretty quick.

All Might smiled and reverted to his original form, "Since there's no use hiding it, considering you've already figured it out, my actual name is Yagi Toshinori. My quirk is One for All and I'm passing it on to Izuku because I believe he has a hero's mentality,"

"Well, I'm happy for Izuku. There's no one else that deserves it more than him!" Watanabe said proudly as Izuku turned red with embarrassment.

"Not even yourself?" Yagi asked rhetorically.

"I already have one. I wonder if you would have passed your quirk if your lung didn't disappear," Watanabe said uncaringly.

Yagi's eyes widened, "How did you-"

"My quirk,"

"Your quirk?" Yagi asked, "What is it?"

"Eye color changing," Watanabe grinned.

"Huh?" Yagi was confused. How on earth would eye color change help Watanabe know that he didn't have a lung?

Meanwhile, Izuku facepalmed at his cousin's audacity and took it upon himself to explain, "His official quirk name is Eye color changing but his actual quirk is vision change, like shifting between infrared, ultraviolet, and X-ray vision. He probably used his X-ray to see that you have a missing lung," Izuku replied much more confidently and without a stutter.

Yagi looked amazed, "That is a really good quirk for hero work," he admitted, "But why wasn't your official quirk name changed?"

"Can't get in trouble if my quirk wasn't proved to be used," Watanabe bragged.

Yagi gulped, "Do you… use it for villainous purposes?" he asked slowly. If so, he wouldn't put it past this new arrival to not sell this secret.

Watanabe laughed, "Of course not. I just need it from time to time to beat up some bullies, that's all,"

"I see… So, you will, in fact, keep this all a secret?" Yagi repeated.

"Yup, but on one condition,"

Yagi stiffened, what would he ask for?

"You have to train me too,"

"Wait, that's it?" Yagi was surprised.

Watanabe nodded, "Well Izuku is going to get your super awesome quirk and get into UA easily but I need to beef up too! And who else is better than the number 1 hero?" he asked rhetorically.

"Well, I have no problem but I need to focus on Izuku to build up his body," Yagi said,

"Is that why you're at this dirty beach?"

"Yes, Izuku will be cleaning this entire beach to make up his muscles,"

"I will?" Izuku asked.

Yagi nodded, "Yes, now get to it! There's not a moment to spare!" Yagi ordered. Izuku nodded and rushed to start clearing the beach.

"So, should I help out too?" Watanabe asked.

"No, as I said, Izuku needs to build up his body. Otherwise, when the quirk passes on to him, his body might explode,"

Watanabe choked on his spit, "E-explode?" he asked worryingly.

Yagi waved his hand, "Not to worry, I know when he'll be ready for it,"

"I figured considering your quirk was passed on to you as well," Watanabe told him.

Yagi stared at this enigmatic kid, "How did you know that?"

"You have a double toe joint as well which means you are originally quirkless, thus you must have gotten it from someone else. Am I right?" Watanabe asked.

Yagi laughed, "Intelligence must run in your family huh?" he asked, remembering Izuku's quirk analysis book.

Watanabe shrugged, "How many people had it before you,"


"Does Izuku know? About him being the ninth successor? And about you being quirkless?"

"He knows about being the ninth successor but not that I'm quirkless," Yagi admitted.

"Shame, he'd have confided in you otherwise,"

"About what?"

"About how he's bullied by everyone at his school!" Watanabe said through gritted teeth.

Yagi's eyes widened, "Surely not?"

Watanabe shook his head, "It's true. I only found out last night. We used to live separately. We just moved in and I found out about Izuku being bullied,"

Yagi looked shocked and saddened, "I must go talk to him,"

"No!" Watanabe interrupted, "I was supposed to keep it a secret. I don't want him to lose his trust in me!"

Yagi nodded understandingly, "In that case, I must take it up with the school,"

"That won't work either," Watanabe warned, "If you go as Yagi, people will wonder why a stranger is interested in Izuku, and Aunt Inko might figure things out. And if you go as All Might, it will be a news story and villains will target Izuku for your relation,"

"Then what should I do?" Yagi asked loudly. He was furious at learning this news.

"Nothing yet," Watanabe told All Might, "Look, I'm going to attend his school starting today. I'll tell you tomorrow about everything I see. Is that alright?"

Yagi didn't seem too convinced but then again Izuku's cousin did seem pretty capable considering he had discovered the fact that Izuku was training with him. He nodded slowly, "I'll leave it to you then," he said firmly.

Watanabe nodded, "Don't worry," he assured, "I'm not going to lose Izuku too," he added as an afterthought, "Anyway since Izuku's moving boxes, shall we spar?"

"Don't we need to build up your physique too?" Yagi asked.

"Oh, no need to worry about that," Watanabe grinned and lifted his sleeve to show heavy weights underneath.

Yagi smiled. The kid seemed to be prepared for everything, "You know, I still don't know your name,"

"Hattori Watanabe,"

Yagi grinned, "I'm pleased to be able to train both Izuku and you, Hattori Watanabe."

"You don't look too good," Izuku told his cousin who was breathing very deeply, nearly gasping for air. The two had been dismissed by Yagi a while back so that they could freshen up for school.

"Yagi-sensei is definitely not a pushover," Watanabe gasped, "He turned into his All Might form to spar!"

Izuku chuckled, "I'm surprised you're still standing,"

"Me too," Watanabe replied. There was a short silence which was broken by Watanabe, "You know I thought you'd be mad I followed you,"

"I kind of am. But I'm much happier that you know about One for All too! I was dying to tell you yesterday when you told me about your quirk!" Izuku replied excitedly.

Watanabe grinned, "Well, now we're both definitely getting into UA!" he emphasized.

Izuku nodded with a smile, "I wish we didn't have to go to school today," Izuku confessed. It had been a very good day and he didn't want Bakugou ruining it.

"Don't worry. I'll be there to help you!" Watanabe assured, "If I can fight a turtle, I can handle a bit of explosion!"

Izuku smirked, it was nice to have someone looking out for him. He was still scared of Bakugou, but having Watanabe with him gave him a boost of confidence. Part of him was scared for Watanabe, thinking that he'd get pummeled by Bakugou but another part of him had hope that Watanabe would take care of Kacchan.

Izuku shook his head, "No, that's not possible," he argued. He had seen first hand how versatile Bakugou's quirk was and how strong he was too.

Meanwhile, Watanabe had a confident smirk on his face, "It doesn't matter if I lose to Bakugou or not. Phase 1 of my plan will go ahead!"

A/N: Phase 1 will be on the next chapter