Disclaimer: Harry Potter isn't ours. Fintastica owns the Alaries, though.
Also, this is a collaboration with Fintastica! This is Semo (StupidOneShots) speaking.
(P.s. Fin is still writing Olly, and Semo is writing Draco.)
(P.s. from Fin - do you ever get that feeling you missed some major plothole somewhere and have to go back and try to work around it? Also, I hope you guys enjoy the new book cover :) )
3rd person POV:
Olly pretended to cheer for his team as the Quidditch match went on, when in reality he was just there for the strategy (and maybe because one Draco Malfoy had been so shocked at his lack of interest in Quidditch that he dragged the French boy to the game and made him sit right where Draco would be able to see him if he tried to sneak away). It wasn't all bad, really, but Olly much preferred horseback racing if he had to do anything athletic. Flying a broom at terminal velocity? Yeah, no thanks.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Granger, Longbottom, and Lovegood cheering on Weasley, Weasley, Potter, and some other Gryffindors on the team.
Olly almost felt sorry for Draco, having to play against Potter.
Almost. He felt more sorry for Draco's team than Draco himself.
Draco looked around and saw that Olly was still sitting where he left him. Good. He flew around, an eye out for the snitch and another for Potter, in case he saw it first, so he could follow him. His normal strategy. Not that it works every time, but oh well.
He dodged a bludger thrown from his team, and he glared at the Beater who did it. Stupid. The beaters were also doing their job, and so far, the Gryffindor team was in the lead. As usual. Draco scoffed.
Olly was just waiting for Draco to catch that - what was the word? Oh yes, Snitch - and then he could get the hell out of here. Too much direct sunlight for his tastes.
He tapped his foot impatiently. He was praying to high heaven that one of those two (preferably Draco) got that Snitch...he still had Ancient Runes homework to do. He rolled his eyes when one of the beaters on the Slytherin team swung the bludger at Draco, who thankfully avoided it. Quel idiot, he thought.
Draco looked around some more. Then, to his surprise, he saw it. The Snitch! He looked at Potter from the corner of his eye and found that he was still looking around, which meant he still didn't notice it. Draco leaned forward on his broom and quickly went after the Snitch that was already on the move again.
He could feel Potter right behind him and he was catching up fast. He mentally cursed Potter's fast broom. Draco swerved to the left after the Snitch and followed it where it was heading towards the stands. He leaned forward to go faster and extended his arm.
Just as his hand started to close and before he could even touch the flying ball, he felt someone crash into him from behind, and he lost control of his broom as he shot closer to the stands. All he could do was grip his broom tightly and close his eyes. The impact of the crash and screams were the last things he heard before everything went blissfully black.
Both Draco and Potter ended up crashing headlong into Olly, who also blacked out from the concussion from Potter's broom.
Olly woke up to find himself in the infirmary. And of course, true to nature, started cussing at a rapid fire pace in both English and French the first moment he felt awake enough to do so, scaring Madame Pomfrey out of her wits and getting a scolding for doing so.
Draco was still unconscious on a bed near Olly's because of the crash from both his forehead and the back of his head. He had crashed headlong and then Potter crashed into him from the back. Olly had only gotten dive bombed. One hit from a broom, the rest of his injuries (including his legs...again...) were from Draco and Potter. Madame Pomfrey eventually just gave up and put a Silencing Charm on him to shut him up.
Harry Potter was also just waking up from his own sleep. He groaned as he sat up slowly. He knew he ended up in the hospital wing again. No surprise there….
Madame Pomfrey was dealing with Olly. "Now no more cussing in any language, young man. Just because I don't know the language doesn't mean I can allow such profanity in my hospital wing." She uncast the Silencing Charm, before turning to Potter. "Oh good, you're awake," she said cheerfully. "You had a nasty fall, after that Bludger hit you and you cannonballed into the stands. Just proving my point further that Quidditch is a much-too-dangerous game."
Olly gave her an annoyed look and started muttering under his breath so Madame Pomfrey couldn't hear him.
Harry grimaced. "Yeah, I was just going to ask what happened. Thanks for the update." His eyes wandered first to the angry Slytherin that Pomfrey was talking to and then to the unconscious Draco Malfoy. "Er...What happened to him?"
"Oh, it was quite horrible. A bludger ran into you, then you hit Mr. Malfoy, and both of you crashed into Mr. Allarie," Pomfrey answered.
"Ack! I'm gonna be late for class!" Olly suddenly yelped, having just noticed the clock. Pomfrey had to basically hold him down.
"No leaving the infirmary!"
"Um...I'm sorry?" Harry mumbled abashedly, rubbing the back of his head then wincing slightly as he passed over the bandaged spot. He resisted the urge to ask how the match ended.
Olly glared at him. "You should've watched your back."
"Watched my back? What are you talking about!" Harry said, incredulously.
The blu-whatchamacallit came from behind. Which you didn't see since you didn't watch your back." Olly said, then muttered something under his breath in French.
"How am I supposed to watch my back exactly!?" Harry demanded. This guy was so weird!
"Figure it out on your own." Olly snorted. "Get more glasses if you have to."
Harry bristled and was about to retort when Malfoy's voice came from the bed nearby.
With a groan, Draco sat up. He looked at Potter and sneered disdainfully.
Olly glanced over. "Morning, Blondie. Thanks for ruining my perfect record and crushing the other leg. I'm finally evened out now," he said sarcastically. "By the way, I don't think either of you got the golden whatever-that-thing-is, that little gold devil or something."
"Ugh," was all Draco said as he lay against the pillow. "Damn you, Potter. I almost got it! But, no! You have to catch the bloody Snitch every bloody time, even if it breaks your neck. And anyone else's!"
"More like my legs." Olly grumbled. "I don't think we'd be able to talk if it was our necks. After all, the nerves in our spinal cords would've been crushed and thus paralyzing us completely. There would probably be a very low chance of survival or recovery. Lots of pain too."
Draco turned and glared at him. He huffed in exasperation. "That's not the point!"
"I did not mean for that to happen, Malfoy," Harry said coldly.
Olly pretended to ignore the guy who was supposed to be his friend, as well as the guy who was his sort-of enemy and kept right on mumbling about "nervous systems" and "paralysis treatments", like the muggleborn nerd he was.
And then Ron burst in through the hospital wing doors.
"Harry! Harry, you're alive! Did'ja hear? Since both Seekers were out, we couldn't do too much, but Ginny caught the Snitch even though she's a Chaser, so we still won because we were already ahead in the first place - What's he doing here?" Ron pointed at Draco.
Before Harry could reply, Draco said sarcastically, "Oh, I don't know what I'm doing here, Weasley. Hmm, let's see, could it be because of Harry BLOODY Potter who bloody CRASHED into me?"
"Calm down, Malfoy, I said I didn't mean to!"
"He didn't. A bludger was aimed at a 45-degree angle and as Draco was going at roughly 130mph and Potter at 150mph, with the Snitch at about 19.5, the bludger's trajectory was aimed in such a way that all four elements lined up perfectly and everyone crashed into me. Which reminds me, you owe me a good bit for dragging me to the game. I told you it wouldn't end well and I was right." Olly went into full nerd mode and he was also determined to get his payout.
Ron looked highly confused. "Merlin's pants, he's worse than Hermione!"
Harry stared at Olly with his mouth open.
"Close your mouth, Potter, you don't need to attract any more flies," Draco sneered. He turned to Olly. "I am not even going to ask how in the world you managed to make all those calculations."
Olly took that as a cue to keep on going. "Your Nimbus 2001 goes at an average speed of about 130mph and the Firebolt goes around 150 at the very least, and the average speed of a Bludger is-"
Luckily Ron jumped in and interrupted before Olly could scare everyone even more. "Blimey Harry, your broom goes that fast?!"
Harry blinked, then said, "Um, yeah? I guess. I mean it is the fastest broom there is so far."
"Show off," Draco muttered.
"I'm not! I was just saying!" Harry defended himself.
"Il y a cette société japonaise de balais qui développe actuellement un balai plus rapide que le Firebolt. Cependant, leur dernière tentative a été beaucoup trop instable et a fini par s'écraser dans la maison d'un ami de ma sœur," Olly yawned, switching into his native language. (Translation: "There is this Japanese broom company that is currently developing a faster broom than the Firebolt. However, their last attempt was far too unstable and ended up crashing into the house of a friend of my sister's.)
Draco could not resist the urge to slap his forehead, so he did just that.
There was a moment of silence, where Weasley and Potter stared at Olly open mouthed, and looking like idiots.
"Alright, I hope you satisfied your urge to show off," Draco said, addressing Olly.
Harry turned, confused, to Ron, "What did he say?" Ron shrugged.
"Of course you would not understand. That watermelon in your head you call a brain won't know the delicate language of France," Draco said with a scoff.
Olly just rolled his eyes at one Draco Malfoy. "And I'm more surprised that those two haven't figured out I am French, much less notice I exist."
Harry bristled. "You two have only been making fun of us and I'm sick of it. Shut up! You have no right to insult people like that!"
"No, we have all the right to insult you when you need to be insulted!" Draco said haughtily, feeling gleeful about getting on Potter's and Weasley's nerves.
Ron looked ready to punch something at this point. "I'll-I-!"
"You'll what? I've already crashed off a dock, crashed into a nest, crashed into a tree, crashed into my house, and got crashed into by both brooms and people." Olly smirked.
Draco leaned back on the pillows and sighed, trying to relax. He rolled his eyes as Potter moved around restlessly, and Draco could bet that Potter could not wait to get out of here and cause more trouble. Just as he started to close his eyes, the hospital door swung open loudly. Again. He gritted his teeth in irritation and looked to see who came. He almost groaned when it was Granger. Now the Idiot Trio were all assembled.
"Harry!" Hermione cried as she reached Potter's bed and started checking if he was okay. Draco scoffed.
"Mione!" Ron greeted, and started telling Hermione about his epic saves.
"Will you keep it down? Some people are trying to sleep," Olly grumbled loudly.
Draco agreed with Olly by groaning and covering his eyes with an arm.
Hermione turned to Olly with a glare. "Well, excuse me if I am worried about my FRIEND. Speaking of which, I don't see any of yours," she said pointedly.
Olly rolled his eyes. "First off: this guy," he pointed at Draco, "is the only person I've been hanging out with outside of the library-"
And then an owl interrupted as it came in through an open window with a very red envelope and dropped on Olly's head. He groaned as the envelope opened and the screaming voice of his sister rang out for all to hear:
"Olliverro! What in the name of Merlin!? Why on Earth were you even at a Quidditch game? You hate sports! You told Matt that yourself when he tried to get you on the summer soccer team during vacation! What did you even get mixed up in this time? Wait, I don't want to know. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? (Cue some stuff in french Fin was too lazy to write)! Anyways, you'd better be coming back for holidays or I'm telling the others that you drowned or something! Actually scratch that, I've got a much better plan to make sure you don't skip vacation again!" An so on.
Ron winced and gaped. When the letter had finished its work and then burst into flames, he said, "Blimey mate, who was that? She's even worse than my mum!"
Harry muttered, "And that says something."
Hermione nodded in agreement and looked at Olly in semi-pity.
Draco snickered behind his hand, turning his face away to hide that fact.
Olly rolled his eyes. "You can quit the laughing Drakey. You're terrible at hiding it." He nudged the owl away. "Shoo, go back. I don't have - ow! (Cussing in french, which loosely translated to: 'Why did his sister's owl have to bite')."
"Blimey, it bites!" Ron supplied helpfully.
"Yes, and I will set it on you if you keep letting flies into your mouth." He scowled as he scrambled for something in his bag to give it to the owl. "How did she even know I was in the hospital wing anyways?" he muttered. "I swear she put a tracking spell on me or something..."
"Maybe she did..." Draco nodded, then shrugged, "Or she is just acting like a paranoid older sister. How would I know? I am an only child."
Olly rolled his eyes. "My sister is younger by a full year and she's at Beauxbatons, which explains nothing because it's Durmstrang that deals more with this stuff." He rolled his eyes skywards as the owl pecked him. "Go find some food in the owlery, I ain't got anything on me."
The owl hooted indignantly, nipped Olly again, brushed against his head on the way out, and disappeared with his letter.
"I sorely regret giving her that thing for a birthday gift," he groaned. "Remind me never to buy anyone else animals for their birthday ever again."
Draco snorted, delicately mind you, and watched the owl fly out of the hospital wing. "You used wrong grammar, Olly. I thought you were better than this," Draco said, smirking.
Olly rolled his eyes. " I'm keeping you alive in your homework so I think you'd be great to remember that fact. I have a life outside Hogwarts, you know."
Ron whispered to his friends, "Blimey, he's mad!"
Draco sat up indignantly. "No, I always did my own homework without your help, thank you very much!" Then he heard what Ron whispered and said, "Exactly!"
Harry whispered back,"They're BOTH mad." Hermione shook her head.
Olly shook his head and ignored Draco. "Actually, that's my brother's job - to be an idiotic genius madman. At least I don't spend my complete life in the library." Even though he actually did...He also knew he was right about Draco and homework. Mostly, anyways. Eh, who cared?
Definitely not Olly. Though maybe that was Draco rubbing off on him-he'd definitely never been this social before.
Olly was still in a bad mood when he got out of the hospital wing. A very bad mood. Mostly it was from the lack of productiveness he had during those few days.
They were all discharged together. Potter was chattering with his friends as if going in and out of the hospital wing was a daily occurrence. It probably wasn't far from the truth, Draco grumbled to himself as he followed everyone out. At least he had a story to tell to his fellow housemates. A very heroic story about how he almost died to win the game for Slytherin. Hmm, yes, a bit of drama won't hurt.
Olly was having a rant fest to no one in particular (though it was most likely to Draco). "I wasted so much time, I should have asked my study partner for more textbooks when she asked if I wanted any from the library. %&*% that Bludger, I officially hate Bludgers-"
Harry and his friends separated ways with the Slytherins to go to their own common room and Draco walked with Olly to the dungeons.
Olly, of course, was still ranting. He had quite the lung span. Too many years of barely talking, probably.
"And I'll fall behind in charms, no wands in the hospital wing for physical practice, and I didn't have my textbooks anyways-"
Poor Draco's ears.
"Olliverro, for Merlin's sake, shut up!" Draco said, finally fed up. "We still have time to finish whatever you want to finish so just get on with it instead of complaining my ears off! Besides, you do know that we aren't allowed to use wands in the hospital wing, what did you expect?"
"I need to get an O, I've been getting Es and As!" Olly waved his arms around and nearly knocked someone in the head. "I'm taking the same number of subjects this year as my sister and brother. Do you know how bad it looks if I get a lower grade than my sister does next year? Or even worse, outdone by my younger brother? I'll be back to office duty! Or worse-" They'd reached the common room and Olly dashed off to grab his books.
The poor boy really needed to destress. And maybe take a long vacation away from his siblings.
Draco facepalmed and sat on an armchair, a nice non-study related book in his hands.
Olly went into full "don't disturb me or I'll hex you" mode, chugging pomegranate juice as well of course. Addictions were great.
Draco got up after a while, and headed to the common room door, calling over his shoulder, "I'm going for a walk," just in case anyone wondered. If anyone cared enough to wonder.
"Don't die." Olly said like a good friend.
"Wow, thanks," Draco said just as the wall/door of the common room slid closed behind him. He started walking aimlessly around, just thinking,, then he decided to head for the Room of Requirements so that he could see what he could do about his little "project." And THAT's when he found them. Again. The annoying Harry Potter and his equally annoying friends.
Because of course that was going to happen.