So this one is even thinner than the last one. The details get added it as I'm working on the previous arc so this one didn't get much to it, but I was very excited to get to write a cave scene. I've always wanted a cave exploration part and I thought this would be a perfect tie in to the fiance/girlfriend. I hope the reveal lived up to the loooong hype. Honestly, this fic grew into so much more than I ever expected and I enjoyed writing most of it, at least until my struggles. If it didn't live up, I just ask that you keep that feedback to yourself. I wouldn't usually care, but given my situation I really need to focus on my positives.

Thank you all again!


Cave Arc:

1) Mae & Narcissa kidnapped to cave

2) Snape & Lucius to rescue

3) Duel with Williamson when they arrive

4) A wayward spell causes the cave to start collapsing, blocking the exit.

5) Lucius explains how the cave is enchanted from Voldemort to prevent disapparation

6) Williamson tries the dissolving spell, but it doesn't work.

7) Lucius and Snape know Voldemort had a hidden portkey further into the cave. They have to search for it.

8) Take Williamson as a prisoner instead of killing him - debate between Snape and Lucius

- Girls are injured so they move slowly

9) Eventually they need to stop to sleep – Lucius and Snape take turns on watch

10) During Snape's watch, he extracts memories from Williamson but doesn't get a chance to watch them

11) Find the portkey but it's broken – need to continue to find an exit

.... cool cave stuff happens...

12) Exit the cave with MW tied up

13) Snape & Lucius look like bad guys to awaiting Aurors (need to figure out how to explain why they are there)

14) SS reveals MW memories in cloud of smoke:

Memory 1: Williamson finding Ash's memory of the fiancé's death when he's extracting the memory of the Diagon Alley attack. Snape confirms that the original attack at the Alley was just Ash and Talpin messing around. Also learned about the dissolving spell here and worked on improving it.

Memory 2: Memory of Caroline and Williamson at the NYE gala. While sitting at the table, Caroline tells him she's pregnant and Williamson proposes to her there. Picture taken of them while dancing later that night.

Memory 3: Williamson arranges the poisoning of Talpin and Ash at Azkaban – his idea that if he can get them into Azkaban, no one will care when they suddenly die, allowing him to get the others who killed Caroline.

Memory 4: Williamson (in polyjuice) asking about the death eater masks and how to identify the people. Montage of him finding the other identifies

Memory 5: Obcasio sand: Finding it through the DMLE permit, Getting it - illegally bring in, Using it - wandering during one of Draco's inspections

Memory 6: Jugson & Gibbons first stabbing followed by Taylor's death

Memory 7: Letting the magical creature into Hogwarts by using the newly tweaked dissolving spell

Memory 8: Finding the Belladonna manifest in the book when Kingsley and Williamson questioned Snape in his quarters. He found it while Kingsley and Snape were in his office, left book on the table.

Memory 9: Jessica's death: polyjuiced as Snape, poisoned wine, imperious-ed Jessica to drink it. Made eye contact with the neighbor as he left.

Memory 10: Narcissa and Mae's kidnapping.

15) Ends with Williamson getting arrested and Mae questioning their relationship

Epilogue Option 1: Harry's death day anniversary? Talk about proposing to Mae? Implies that they made it past their issues

Epilogue Option 2: Harry's check up a year later, Snape runs into Mae even though they haven't talked since that night. Later at home, Harry and Snape fluffy talk gets interrupted by Mae's phone call asking him to dinner.