Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my OC.

I felt disappointed.

Even as my blurry eyes and ringing ears, coupled with a throbbing headache all around my cerebral area, reminded me of my situation, all I could feel was disappointment.

Not for the world, no.

Not for my parents, no.

Not for this moment suspended in time, no.

Disappointment like this couldn't be expressed or explained. As I felt my eyelids get heavier, I could barely see and I was slowly losing consciousness.

The pain, it was no more.

Everything turned numb.

My throat kept filling with bile and the iron-like taste of blood as it pooled right underneath the lowermost thorax region of my food pipe, threatening to spill out if I tried to open my mouth.

I couldn't move, I couldn't reach out to anyone.

As I saw people, numerous amounts of them, some familiar, some not, as they gathered around in a hurry and fear. Some had taken out their phones, aaaah, the gift of social networking. I had my phone on me too but I couldn't move. I couldn't feel it through my pants.

Did it drop out? Did it make out? Did it break?

Questions, upon questions but one question stood out above all, as to how surprising it was.

The feeling of innately knowing about one's approaching mortality. About one's death. Death, the concept, had always been fascinating.

Why won't it be?

It was the end of a journey called life. The major full stop to a story written of experiences. Of own choices. Of own mistakes. I felt it.

At that moment something within myself opened up. It freed itself from my deepest clutches of a mental cage, and it seemed to innately speak to me.

Whispering to me about my demise.

My breathing became ragged. My ringing ears could hear the crowd screaming at me to hang on. That help was near. That they couldn't carry me in fear of inflicting more harm to my body, as if there was anything left for them. That was my thought.

I could feel my chest beat slow down. The precious air that kept me alive for so long, now rejecting my attempts to be with it again. Denying to enter and breathe into me, the gift of living. I fleetingly thought back to my parents. To my little sister, my bundle of joy. I recollected back memories of my friends. I thought back to the life I lived.

As I felt my eyelids slowly drip over my eyes and everything went numb and dark, the only thing that was prominent amongst all this was nothing more than the feeling of sheer, utter…
