Chapter 5- Earthquake
After Danny and Scout fell asleep on either side of Willow in her hospital bed, Sam watched them for a few minutes and limped to the waiting room. The storm finally calmed.
"How's Krissy?" she asked Alexis.
Alexis kissed Sam's forehead, then wiped her wet eyes. "She's going to be fine. Just has a lot of cuts from all that glass."
"Same with Willow."
"You saved their lives." Alexis eyed her up and down and touched her right knee. "But what's going on with you? You're bleeding and I saw you limping."
Sam shrugged. "Oh, I cut myself a little, but I'm fine. Any update on Molly?"
Alexis frowned and shook her head. "She still won't wake up. Your father is blaming himself since the cupcakes were sent to him. But I told him it's on both of us. We should have stopped it from happening."
"Hey, it could happen to anyone. It almost did with us. After I picked up the kids from school, I noticed some cupcakes on our porch. If Kristina hadn't told me about the ones delivered to Dad, one of my kids could've eaten one too."
"I want you to get checked out too," Alexis said.
"I'm fine," Sam insisted.
Sam glanced around the waiting room. Brooklyn was leaning against Lucas' shoulder, Bobbie and Carly conversed, Luke stood with Lucky and a very upset Lulu as they spoke to Patrick about Tracy, Sarah, and Rocco.
"You're not fine, you're bleeding," Alexis insisted. "At least see a nurse and get your cuts cleaned—"
"Mom…" Sam interrupted. "The cupcakes were addressed to Dad, right?"
"Well, yes, but—"
"And the cupcakes at our place were addressed to Drew. Look at who all sitting in this waiting room…"
"You mean, the Spencers? Plus us?"
Sam walked over to Carly and Bobbie. "Bobbie, who were the cupcakes delivered to your house addressed to?"
"Why, they were addressed to Tony, why?" Bobbie asked.
"You had cupcakes delivered too, Mama?" Carly asked.
"Who were yours addressed to, Carly?" Sam asked.
"To Jax, why?"
Sam nodded. "And both Jax and Tony were the ones to eat them. Lucas, who were the cupcakes that Leo ate addressed to?"
"To Brooklyn," Lucas said. "They were delivered to the Quartermaine mansion."
Sam scratched her chin.
Patrick headed off and Luke, Lucky, and Lulu sat down.
"Who were all your cupcakes addressed to?" Sam asked them.
"To Dante," Lulu said.
"To Spanky," Luke said.
"We never received cupcakes," Lucky said. "Sarah just started getting a headache after our flight."
Sam turned to her mother. "Now, who do you think would be targeting the Spencers and your family?"
Alexis went white as a ghost. "A Cassadine. Helena, no doubt."
"But why is she trying to take out our spouses?" She looked over at Lucas and Brooklyn. "Or exes?"
Luke kicked the table in front of him. "It's gotta be a warning for us!"
"Wait a minute," Lucky said. "Stavros was on our flight. He must've poisoned Sarah."
"I'm going to give Helena a piece of my mind!" Alexis started towards the exit, but Sam grabbed her arm.
"Don't go on your own," Sam said.
Luke rose. "I'll go with her."
Bobbie sighed. "No one's going anywhere. They cancelled the launch due to the storm."
Alexis groaned. "Of course, they did!"
"Then we'll go first thing in the morning, Natasha," Luke said.
"You should've let me drop you off at home or at Hayden's with the boys," Jason said as he and Elizabeth walked towards Kelly's after he picked her up from the hospital. The stormed calmed, but it was still windy.
"Cameron is my son too, I'm going with you," Elizabeth said.
He opened the door for her where Nathan was talking to the cashier.
The cashier cleared her throat. "We're closed!"
"We have questions for you about our son," Elizabeth said.
"I will only answer questions to the police."
"I work for the WSB." Jason showed her his ID.
Nathan nodded. "As long as neither of you interfere with the investigation, you can stay. I'm going to check the camera footage again. It wasn't working properly, but maybe it picked something up." He headed to the back room.
Jason walked over to the cash register.
"Now, did you actually see Cameron steal the money?" Elizabeth asked her.
She shook her head.
"When did you last count the money in the register?" Elizabeth asked.
She sighed. "I hadn't counted it all day, until the young man told me that money was stolen."
"Then how do you know that it wasn't stolen before we even arrived here?"
Jason cleared his throat. "I found something." He held up a keychain with the picture of a kitten and the letters AS on it. "This was buried with the change."
Elizabeth walked over to him and scrunched her face. "A-S?"
"I never noticed that," the cashier said.
Elizabeth locked eyes with Jason. "Anastasia Spencer."
"Good morning, Grandma," Anastasia said the next morning, as she flipped a pancake over on the pan.
"Good morning, sweetheart." Laura smiled. "You don't need to make breakfast for us."
Enzo smirked as she sat across from Kevin.
"But it's my way of thanking you for letting us stay here," Anastasia said. "You and Grandpa Kevin are such good company."
"Well, we enjoy your company too. Your dad spent the night at the hospital with your mother. Unfortunately, she hasn't woken up yet."
"Ah, well, it happens." Anastasia served the pancakes.
"I thought I could take you to visit her," Laura offered.
Enzo rolled his eyes.
"I'd much rather spend the day with you, Grandma," Anastasia said.
"Actually," Kevin cut in. "Mac from the PCPD called. He needs you and Enzo to come in for more questioning."
"Oh dear," Laura sighed. "I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much after only being here for one day. I'm sure it will all be over soon, and they'll find the real thief."
Luke and Alexis arrived at the launch at 9am sharp. Julian wanted to go with them, but Alexis worried since they (likely Helena) tried to kill him just the day before and she wanted him to sit with Molly and Kristina. He only agreed when he knew Luke would be going too.
When they arrived at the water, they discovered the launch was once again closed.
"Closed?" Luke pounded his fist against the sign. "How could they do this to Tracy?"
"And your grandson…" Alexis reminded him.
"They won't answer their phones for anything. This makes me wish I never stopped Mikkos from taking over the world."
Alexis rolled her eyes. "If you didn't stop him, who knows what kind of communist world we would have today. We wouldn't have any freedoms. Probably couldn't even leave our homes or go to work without his permission. I bet he'd tell us what we can wear too. He'd use the disasters he created to drive fear into people until he would step in to save the only survivors. But then in return for his help we would have all kinds of restrictions."
"Yeah, yeah. So, what the hell are we going to do, Natasha? Swim to spoon island?"
"Or get a boat. Or maybe Monica will let us use the Quartermaine jet. In fact, I'll call her right now." She pulled her phone out, but dropped it when the ground began to shake and she grasped onto the sign for support.
Hayden pulled the helmet strap under Violet's chin. "Okay, we're all set."
"I haven't ridden my bike in a long time," Jake said as he swung his leg over the seat.
"Well, today's a perfect day for it," Hayden said as she looked up at the sun beaming down on them.
Aiden grinned and looked between Jake and Violet. "I'll race you to the bridge."
Hayden laughed as the boys took off and Violet rode as fast as she could behind them, with Hayden bringing up the rear.
It was a close race with Jake just inches in front of Aiden as they reached the bridge, Hayden and Violet far behind but still within distance as they heard a rumbling sound.
Hayden scrunched her face. "What was that?"
She and Violet started to cross the bridge and Jake and Aiden reached the middle when everything began to shake violently.
"Boys, stop!" Hayden yelled as she yanked Violet and her bike close to her.
The boys came to a halt and looked back at Hayden.
The bridge split in two and the boys went crashing down to the valley below. Sparks flew from the cables above as a utility pole plummeted after Jake and Aiden.