Chapter 3 Temptations

A month later. Elizabeth sat listening to her Proffesor talk. She smiled lightly. For a week her and the trio had been working on building a motorcycle from scrap. Lexington was doing most of the work. Brooklyn was picking her up to go to the garage they were using. Lexington was almost done and Elizabeth knew Brooklyn was eager to ride it.

"Dismissed." The Proffesor said. Elizabeth grabbed her things and hurried out of the classroom and out of the school. She disappeared into the alleyway and found Brooklyn waiting for her. He grinned when he saw wher.

"Ready, Liz?" Brooklyn asked. Elizabeth might have hated the nickname at first but Brooklyn was the only on allowed to call her that along with the Clan.

"Ready." Elizabeth said. She climbed onto his back and he started climbing the wall. She got off when Brooklyn reaches the top. He scoops her up with ease and takes off heading for the garage that was in a ruff area of town. "Excited to have a ride on the motorcycle now that Lex is almost done?" Brooklyn looked at her and grinned.

"Yes." Brooklyn said. Elizabeth smiled. Elizabeth was starting to have feelings for Brooklyn. Unknown to her, he was also. Both were to stubburn to admit it and their flirting was being noticed by the clan. Brooklyn flew towards the garage to see that Lexington was already working on the bike. Brooklyn landed and set Elizabeth down. They walked into the garage. They watched as Lexington finished welding the last piece to the bike.

"Isn't it finished? We've been here every night for a week." Broadway said, earning a eye roll from Elizabeth.

"Come on, you've ridden one of these before." Brooklyn said.

"You both need to learn some patience. He's almost done." Elizabeth said. Lexington finished and put down the welding tool. He brought the bike to a standing position and put down the kickstand.

"You rode a horse once. Could you build one from spare parts?" Lexington asked. Brooklyn goes to grab the helmet that Elizabeth got him and punched two holes in it for his horns. He puts it on

"Why bother with a helmet? Your head's hard enough." Broadway said.

"Hey. It's all part of the look." Brooklyn said. He wrapped his wing around his body as Elizabeth got the jacket and brought it up to him. He took it and put it on. "There. It's ready." Brooklyn got on the bike. He looked at Elizabeth. "You coming with?" Elizabeth grinned and climbed on behind him. Broadway and Lexington started teasing the two. Brooklyn shot the two a death glare.

"Knock it off you two." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn reved up the engine and sped out of the garage. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Brooklyn and held on tight as he sped down the streets.

"Oh. This is great! I love this bike!" Brooklyn said.

"Your going pretty quick." Elizabeth said, pushing her hair out of her face as Brooklyn kept going. A siren came and Elizabeth turned to see a cop car right behind them.

"We got a problem." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn turned down an alleyway.

"Hold on." Brooklyn said. He went up over a makeshift ramp. He released his wings to glide them over the wall. Elizabeth sighed in relief as Brooklyn landed the bike on the ground.. They had lost the cops. "That was close." He rewrapped his wings around his body.

"To close." Elizabeth said. Roars of other motorcycles came and a bunch of motorcycles sped by. Brooklyn rode towards them and joined them. Brooklyn spins the bike around as the other bikers came to a stop and he comes to a stop.

"Hey, righteous hog, man." A biker said as the bikers got off their bikes. Elizabeth got off and Brooklyn followed. "That's some cherry rig, bro." The Bikers came over. Elizabeth got nervous, not knowing what they would do.

"Glad you like it." Brooklyn said. Elizabeth put a hand on Brooklyn's arm.

"Be careful. I'm not sure on them." Elizabeth whispered.

"Where'd you get it?" Another biker asked.

"My friends and I made it." Brooklyn said with a grin. He was proud of the bike and Elizabeth couldn't help but smile.

"Hey cool." A biker said. Brooklyn pulled off his helmet. The bikers freaked when they saw Brooklyn's

"What? It's a freaking monster!" A biker said.

"Get him!" Another said. Brooklyn quickly pushed Elizabeth out of the way as the Bikers jump him. ELizabeth hit the ground.

"Hey, What are you doing?!" Brooklyn yelled. Elizabeth turned and saw Brooklyn throw the bikers off him. One biker hit one of the motorcycles. Brooklyn stood up, growling and his eyes lit up.

"You wanna fight? You got one." Brooklyn growled, releasing his wings, making the bikers gasp.

"Brooklyn!" Elizabeth called.

"Stay out of this Elizabeth." Brooklyn growled as one biker came at him. Brooklyn sent him flying into his motorcycles knockng them all down. Elizabeth ran at one that was about to attack and punched him hard in the face sending him flying as Brooklyn sent one flying into the wall.

"He's just trying to fit in. Get him and grab the girl." The biker leader shouted. Elizabeth grunts as one biker grabs her from behind and the others tackle Brooklyn. Brooklyn started throwing bikers off. Elizabeth elbows the one holding her hard in the stomach, making him grunt and let her go. Elizabeth spun and kicked him hard in the head.

"Let's see if you're bulletproof, freak!" Elizabeth turned to see a biker pointing a gun at Brooklyn.

"NO!" Elizabeth yelled as she ran and tackled the biker to the ground. The gun goes off and the bullet hits Brooklyn's bike. Brooklyn gasped.

"MY BIKE!" Brooklyn growled. A growl came as another gargoyle knocks down another biker. Elizabeth was struggling with the biker and knocks the gun out of the bikers hand and she punches him. Another biker grabs the gun as Elizabeth runs to Brooklyn. The biker starts shooting as they follow the other gargoyle into the ally. Elizabeth climbed onto Brooklyn's back as the other was climbing the wall.

"Who is it?" Elizabeth whispered as Brooklyn started climbing the wall.

"Not sure. You alright?" Brooklyn asked.

"I'm fine." Elizabeth said as they reached the top. The other was gone and they heard a motorcycle roll away as Brooklyn scooped up Elizabeth and flew off. Brooklyn flew off. Elizabeth held on. Brooklyn noticed movement on a roof and quickly flew that way. He landed on the roof and set Elizabeth down. A shadow moved into the shadows. Elizabeth and Brooklyn shared a look.

"Broadway? Lexington?" Brooklyn asked. Silence and Elizabeth saw red eyes glowing in the dark.

"None of the above." Demona steps out of the shadows. Brooklyn grabbed Elizabeth and pushed her behind him.

"Deomna?" Elizabeth said.

"Don't be afraid. I just want to talk." Demona said, stepping forward. Brooklyn and Elizabeth started moving away from her.

"Uh huh. Yeah. Last time we met you wanted to blow me and Elizabeth away with a bazooka." Brooklyn said.

"That was then." Demona said.

"Brooklyn let's go." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn jumped on the railing.

"And this is goodbye." Brooklyn said, reaching for Elizabeth.

"Wait please." Demona said. Brooklyn turned as Elizabeth grabbed his arm. "I'm sorry, Brooklyn. I know I shouldn't have shot at you. I was crazy with rage and fear."

"But yet you did." Elizabeth said, earning a glare from Demona.

"If you only knew what I'd gone through for hundreds of years dealing with the humans." Demona said.

"Hundreds of years?" Elizabeth asked.

"I thought you were under the sleep spell like we were." Brooklyn said. Something wasn't adding up to Elizabeth and she knew Demona was lying.

"It's a long story. Centuries long. I'd like to you it, if you let me." Demona said.

"I don't trust you Demona." Brooklyn said.

"And neither do I." Elizabeth said.

"Wasn't this like old times? Fighting together side by side. Comrades in arms." Demona said. She moved closer and Elizabeth backed further to the side.

"Stay back!" Brooklyn said.

"I saved yours and this girls..."

"Elizabeth." Elizabeth said, earning an eye roll from Demona.

"Life just now. Doesn't that at least entitle me to a moment of your time?" Demona asked.

"Alright." Brooklyn said.

"Brooklyn no." Elizabeth said.

"We should listen to her." Brooklyn said.

"She's been lying to us since you were released from sleep. How can we trust her when she is probably lying to us now." Elizabeth said.

"You don't have to come with us if you don't want to." Demona said. Elizabeth shot her a glare.

"Liz. She is right. I want to hear what she has to say." Brooklyn said.

"Fine. I'll go. I'll catch a cab home. Stay safe." Elizabeth said, heading to the door to go down the steps. Brooklyn and Demona took off the skies. Elizabeth hated leaving Brooklyn but she didn't want to listen to more lies from Demona. She had a bad feeling Demona was planning something. She just hoped Brooklyn would realize the truth before it was to late. She headed down the step.

Brooklyn didn't like to see Liz upset. He knew she didn't trust Demona since she first met the female gargoyle. He would make it up to her later if she would let him.

"I want to help you." Demona's voice pulled Brooklyn out of his thoughts. "Help all the gargoyles. Those humans you met. What did you do to provoke them?"

"I did nothing. They just attacked me." Brooklyn said, not looking at Demona.

"Exactly. That's what humans are like." Demona said.

"But Goliath says when they get used to us..." Brooklyn never finished as Demona broke into the conversation.

"They were used to us a thousand years ago. Did that stop them from betraying and destroying our kind?" Demona said, anger clear in her voice.

"I.. I don't know." Brooklyn said, looking away Demona jumped on the rail right next to Brooklyn.

"You don't know the depths to which humanity can sink, my young friend, but I do. Over the centuries. I've seen horrors that would blast your soul." Demona said. She held out her hand to Brooklyn. "Come let me show you what mankind is really like." Brookyn hesitated for a minute but took Demona's hand and stood up. Demona took off and Brooklyn flew after her.

They flew for awhile and land on a roof as a scream comes as a man stole a purse from a woman and took off running.

"Help. Police! Police!" The woman yells. Brooklyn growls and gets ready to jump off the roof. Demona stops him before he could.

"What would you do? Capture him for human justice? He'd be out of jail and back on the streets in a day." Demona said. Brooklyn gave her a sad look before she flew off. Brooklyn sighed as he looked around and then flew off after her.

They flew till they landed in front of a building to hear a couple arguing. Brooklyn walks up to the window and looks in.

"Look, his grades stink. His friends are hoodlums." The man said.

"What do you care? You're never home, anyway!" The woman said, throwing a vase that hit the wall, as the man ducked. Brooklyn noticed someone run out of the room towards the door. He moved to look out to see a kid go running out the house, crying. Demona's eyes were glowing red.

"They can't share their own homes without fighting. And you think they will share this world with us?" Demona asked. Brooklyn was starting to realize that she had a point.

Later. They sat on a roof looking over what looked like a murder scene. Police were taking pictures of the scene and a couple men were loading a body into a vechicle.

"They hold each other's lives completely without worth. Do you really think they would accept us with open arms?" Demona asked. Brooklyn sighed and shook his head.

"No." Brooklyn said.

"And this is not the worst of it." Demona said. She reaches for Brooklyn and rubs his beak. "We must make Goliath see the truth. Humanity will never trust or accept us."

"But not all humans are like that. Elisa and Elizabeth are our friends." Brooklyn said. He didn't miss the hatred in Demona's eyes for the girls, but it disappeared when she saw that Brooklyn was watching.

"Perphaps they are the exception that proves the rule, but can they keep you safe from humanity? And has Elizabeth told you the truth of her past?" Demona asked.

"What past?" Brooklyn asked.

"So she hasn't. She was left on the Xanatos's front doorstep as a baby. Abandoned and left alone. Her own parents didn't want her and abandoned her on some strangers doorsteps." Demona said. Brooklyn wondered why Elizabeth hadn't told them that. Maybe she wasn't ready to reveal it to any of them. Demona stood up. "Only we can prtoect each other, Brooklyn. We must be united and strong. And willing to deal with the humans as they would with us. Goliath thinks we can hide in the midst like mice and hope for their understanding. This is not possible. Remember what happened to Goliath and Lexington and I heard that you and the Xanatos girl were with them. You were hunted like animals because Lexington trusted the Pack."

"How did you know?" Brooklyn asked.

"If you think I'm wrong, then show yourself to them." Demona said, pointing down towards the cops. Brooklyn looked down and hesitated then he shook his head no. "Very wise, my young friend. They would shoot you down like a dog." Brooklyn stood and faced her.

"Let's say you're right. What can we do? Goliath still believes humanity will accept us eventually." Brooklyn said.

"Goliath must be made to see the truth for the good of all. There is a way, Brooklyn. The Grimorum Arcanorum. Bring it to me. There is a spell of truth in its pages. With it I can open Goliath's eyes. Once Goliath understands. The rest will follow." Demona said. Brooklyn nodded.

The elevator door opened and Elizabeth stepped out. She headed towards the tower where the Gargoyles sleep during the daytime.

"Hey Liz. Where's Brooklyn?" Broadway asked seeing her come up to the tower.

"We seperated so I could run some errands. He's not back yet?" Elizabeth asked, deciding not to mention that Demona was alive.

"Not yet." Lexington said as Hudson and Goliath joined them. Broadway jumped on the ledge and looked out over the city. Elizabeth saw Brooklyn flying towards them. He landed on top of the tower.

"How was your joyride?" Goliath asked.

"Uh. Illuminating." Brooklyn said as he walked towards Elizabeth. Elisa came up to talk to Goliath.

"What did Demona want?" Elizabeth asked.

"Nothing. When were you going to tell us you were adopted by the Xanatos family?" Brooklyn said in a whisper. Her eyes widen. How did Demona know about her past.

"Cause its something I don't like to announce." Elizabeth said.

"You could of told us now that we are all friends." Brooklyn said.

"Brooklyn. I..." Brooklyn jumped on his perch and Elizabeth sighed.

"He'll be out of jail in a month!" Elisa said making all of them turn towards Elisa and Goliath. Elizabeth realized her friend was talking about her brother getting out of jail soon.

"So you said before. Why does this concern you?" Goliath asked.

"It concerns you! You'll have to find another place to live. But don't worry. Elizabeth and I think we've found the perfect place." Elisa said.

"There is no need for that. Xanatos has been beaten. The castle is ours now." Goliath said.

"How do we know? What if he reclaims it?" Brooklyn asked. Goliath turned to look at Brooklyn.

"We will deal with that if and when it happens. But we are not leaving our home." Goliath said, firmly.

"But Goliath..." Brooklyn turns to stone with the others before he could continue to argue as the sun rises.

"Well. That's one way of avoiding a conversation." Elizabeth said, walking up to Elisa.

"It sure is. I just wish Goliath would understand that they aren't safe here. You sure you want to go with them?" Elisa asked as they walk down the steps.

"I'm sure. I don't know what my brother would do if the trio keep coming to get me." Elizabeth said. Elisa nodded.

"You and Brooklyn seem to be getting close." Elisa said. Elizabeth blushed, making Elisa grin even more.

"Its nothing." Elizabeth said.

"Sure it is. I'll see you tonight?" Elisa asked.

"Yes." Elizabeth said with a grin as Elisa got in the elvator. Elisa waved as the doors closed. Elizabeth yawned as she stretched and walked towards her room. She turned the tv and started watching whatever was on till she passed out.

That night. The Gargoyles woke up roaring. Elizabeth wasn't there to greet them. Hudson and Goliath jump off the tower and fly down to the courtyard and land. Bronx takes off for the stairs to go join the two.

"Let's get some breakfast." Broadway said, rubbing his stomach.

"You coming, Brooklyn." Lexington asked.

"Maybe later." Brooklyn said. He watched his brothers take off to join the others. Brooklyn took off in the other direction and flew towards another door and headed towards where the Grimorum was stored. He entered and walked up to the podium. He broke the keycode and lifted the glass, grabbing the book. He looked around to make sure no one was watching and ran out. Unknown to Brooklyn. Elizabeth was watching from the shadows and stepped out. She put her hands on her hips.

"Brooklyn. What are you doing?" Elizabeth said.

Brooklyn flew till he reached the Cloisters where he was to meet Demona as soon as he got the book. He landed in the courtyard and looked around.

"I knew you'd come." Brooklyn turned to see Demona stepping out of the doorway and walking towards him.

"I brought the book." Brooklyn said, holding the book out to her.

"Excellent." Demona said. She snatched the book from Brooklyn and held it against her chest. "Now all I need is Goliath. But how to get him here?"

"I'll handle that. Anything to make him see the truth." Brooklyn said. Demona smiled at him.

"Take your time. The spell required is complex. I'll need to study it." Demona said, opening the book and flipped through the pages, looking for the spell. Brooklyn runs and climbs the wall to fly back to the castle to get Goliath.

Goliath sat on his perch talking with Elizabeth, who was telling him the history of King Arthur and Merlin. He was fasinated with the story as Brooklyn flew towards them and landed on the perch next to his leader. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at Brooklyn, but didn't say anything about seeing him snatch the Grimorum.

"Goliath. I found a fascinating place." Brooklyn said.

"How so?" Goliath asked.

"It's like the world we came from. It's the Cloisters. Would you like to see?" Brooklyn asked. Goliath smiled and nodded.

"I like to come and see as well." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn opened his mouth and shut it when Elizabeth gave him a glare that there was no arguing with her.

"Alright Liz." Brooklyn said. He scooped her up and he took off with Goliath right behind him.

"What are you and Demona doing?" Elizabeth said in a whisper. Brooklyn didn't answer her. "Brooklyn. I'm not stupid. I saw you take the Grimorum. What is Demona planning?" Brooklyn realized that he was caught.

"Its nothing. Just drop it." Brooklyn said. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, but she knew she would find out soon as they near the Cloisters. They land in the courtyard. Brooklyn set Elizabeth down as Goliath looked around.

"It's beautiful. I wish we'd brought the others." Goliath said.

"It's good you didn't." Demona stepped out of the shadows and Brooklyn quickly grabbed Elizabeth and moved her away from Goliath and goes by Demona.

"What? Brooklyn." Elizabeth said, as he held her in place.

"Because we wanted you here alone. Except. Brooklyn. You brought the Xanatos girl?" Demona asked.

"There was no arguing with her." Brooklyn said.

"Demona. So you did survive." Goliath said. Elizabeth sees her open the Grimorum and starts flipping through the pages.

"I always survive." Demona said.

"The Grimorum. Brooklyn. What is happening here?" Goliath asked.

"I would like to know as well." Elizabeth said.

"Just listen to her, Goliath. Please. She has something very important to say to you." Brooklyn said.

"He's right, Goliath. Listen and obey." Demona said. She raised her hand and it started to glow green. Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Sine Dubio, instantatum." Goliath ran at Demona who aimed her hand at him and sent a fireball of energy at Goliath. It surrounded him. He yelled in pain.

"Goliath!" Elizabeth struggled to get free of Brooklyn. He held her in place. "Brooklyn please." Elizabeth watched as the green disappeared and Goliath put his claws to his face.

"Goliath." Brooklyn said. Demona shut the book. Goliath looks up and his eyes were green.

"What did you do?" Elizabeth said.

"What's happened? I thought the spell was supposed to open his eyes." Brooklyn said.

"It will. Watch. Humans are our enemies." Demona said.

"Humans are our enemies." Goliath repeated back. Brooklyn let Elizabeth go.

"No. This wasn't the plan. I wanted to free his mind, not enslave it." Brooklyn said.

"You were fooled by Demona who wants nothing more then Gargoyles to hate humans." Elizabeth said.

"You wanted him to know the truth. Now what we tell him will be the only truth he knows." Demona said.

"Your insane." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn jumped at her and she moved away.

"Give me the book!" Brooklyn said with a growl. Elizabeth quickly followed to help.

"Brooklyn wait. You must trust me." Demona said.

"I was a fool to trust you!" Brooklyn said. His eyes glowed white as he went to strike.

"Goliath! Restrain him!" Demona shouted. Elizabeth ducked as Goliath went and grabbed Brooklyn, lifting him up.

"You might be able to restrain Brooklyn. But you can't me." Elizabeth said, running at Demona. Demona swung her tail around and hit Elizabeth. She went flying into a column and hit the ground.

"LIZ!" Brooklyn yelled, letting out a roar. He breaks out of Goliath's grip and walks away from Goliath, putting his hand up as Elizabeth groans and gets up. "Goliath, It's me, Brooklyn. Stop!" Goliath tries to grab him, but Brooklyn jumps out of the way and makes a run for it. He jumps on the wall and snatches Elizabeth up with his hand and holds her close as he breaks down a door with his body. They disappear into the shadows.

"We have to break Goliath out of the spell." Elizabeth whispered.

"I know, but we have to get the Grimorum from Demona." Brooklyn said. Elizabeth nodded.

"Wait! Brooklyn!" Deoma's voice came. Brooklyn looked out to see Goliath and Demona enter where they were. Elizabeth put a finger to her lips to shush for now. "I won't hurt you. Don't you see? This is the only way. This is only temporary. He will obey whoever holds the spell. We can protect him from his naivety. Until we reach our goals." Demona moves away to look at them. Brooklyn ran up to Goliath as Demona wasn't looking. He tried to reach for Goiliath's face, but Goliath grabbed him and turned to look at him.

"Goliath, listen to me. You can't let Demona control you. Snap out of it!" Brooklyn said. Goliath tossed Brooklyn to the wall. Demona walked towards Brooklyn.

"I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice." She started the spell but Elizabeth ran towards her and tackled her to the ground, sending the book flying.

"Brooklyn! Grab it." Elizabeth shouted. Demona kicked her off sending her flying into the wall.

"Goliath! Stop him!" Demona shouted as Brooklyn quickly got up and ran after the book. He grabs the book and opens it. Demona jumps on him and grabs the book from him. She grabs him by the neck and lifts him in the air. "You fool! Do you think I have come this far just to let you stop me now?" She throws him into the wall and walks away. Elizabeth ran towards him.

"You alright?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm alright." Brooklyn said, getting up. She saw he held papers from the book. She smiles at him and he smiled back.

"Goliath, destroy him and the girl!" Demona demanded as the two friends turn towards where Demona was ordering Goliath. Goliath didn't move. "I hold the book. You must obey me." Brooklyn and Elizabeth came into view.

"You may hold the book, Demona, but Brooklyn holds the spell." Elizabeth said as Brooklyn held up the papers. Demona's eyes widen. She opened the book to see that the pages were ripped from the book. "Whose the fool now?"

"Goliath. Take her!" Brooklyn shouted. Goliath jumps at Demona and she dodges his attack. She knocks him down to the floor with her fists and then takes off running to get away, knowing she lost. She flew towards a tapestry with Goliath right behind her. She rips it down and on top of Goliath. She grabs the Grimorum that she tossed. She runs and jumps onto the balcony. She turns and see Goliath right behind her.

"Let's go." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn grabs her and runs to jump on the balcony as Goliath tackles Demona threw a window. Brooklyn jumps on the window and sees Demona flying off with Goliath right behind her. Brooklyn quickly gave the spell to Elizabeth as he picks her up and flies after them. They arrive to see Demona throw a rock at Goliath, who jumps out of the way.

"Even with no will of your own. You're a force to be reckoned with." Demona said. Brooklyn lets out a screech. Goliath runs to tackle her, but she dives out of his attack and grabs the Grimorum. She runs to a cliff.

"Set me down." Elizabeth said. Brooklyn set her down and she runs towards Demona as Brooklyn flies towards her.

"You've won this time!" Demona shouted.

"NO!" Brooklyn shouts as she tosses it over the side. Brooklyn flies after the book. Demona takes off as Elizabeth nears and roars as she flies off. Elizabeth watches as Brooklyn catches the book. Elizabeth sighs in relief as Goliath joins her and Brooklyn flies up and lands next to her.

"Come on. Let's go home." Brooklyn said. Elizabeth turned to Goliath.

"Goliath. Follow Brooklyn home." Elizabeth said as she held the spell. Brooklyn picked Elizabeth up after he gave her the Grimorum and they flew back towards the castle. Both were worried that they would not be able to break Goliath out of the spell.

Before dawn. Elizabeth called Elisa to come help as Brooklyn was having issues finding out how to break Goliath from the spell. The gargoyles and their two friends gathered around Brooklyn as he stood holding the Grimorum.

"I've gone through the Grimorum page by page, but I don't know how to reverse the spell Demona put on Goliath." Brooklyn said.

"You mean, he's going to be like this forever?" Broadway asked.

"I don't know if you can understand me, Goliath, but I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't let Demona talk me into stealing the Grimorum.

"How are we going to help him? We can't defeat the spell?" Lexington asked.

"Wait a minute. We don't defeat the spell. We use it." Elisa said. Elizabeth gave her the pages of the spell. Elisa walked up to Goliath. "Ok, Big Guy. I'm holding the spell and that means you have to do what I say. Goliath. I order you to act for the rest of your life exactly as you would if you were not under the spell." They waited as Goliath blinked a few. He closed his eyes and shook his head, letting out a low growl. When he opened his eyes, they were back to normal. Elizabeth sighed in relief, putting a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder as he let out a breath he was holding as well. Goliath looked at Brooklyn then smiled at Elisa.

"Very cleaver Elisa. It worked." Goliath said. The Gargoyles cheered.

"I knew Demona was wrong about you at least." Brooklyn said. Elisa smiled at him. "Any species that has you for a member can't be all bad. Including you Elizabeth." Elizabeth and Elisa shared smiles.

"Er. Thanks. I think." Elisa said.

"Goliath. I'm sorry." Brooklyn said.

"You apoligized once already, Brooklyn. I could hear, even though I could not act." Goliath said

"What Demona said sounded true at the time." Brooklyn said.

"Of course it did. It's a half-truth she has thoroughly embraced, but its not the whole truth. Come. The sun is rising and I could use some rest." Goliath said. Brooklyn turned to Elizabeth and handed her the Grimorum. She took it tenderly and held it close. Elisa gave her the ripped pages to put back in the book as the gargoyles jumped onto the ledge.

"Hey, what happened to the motorcycle?" Lexington asked

"Uh.." Brooklyn and Elizabeth shared looks. "It blew up"

"Oh. WHAT?!" Lexington yelled as sunrise froze his shocked look, earning a laugh from the girls.

"What a night." Elizabeth said.

"Sure was. Up for breakfast. On me." Elisa said as they headed down the stairs.

"Of course." Elizabeth said.

AN: And I end it there. You won't find out about Elizabeth's true parents till later in the story. I got plans. Till next time.