Faded Photos

Story By: Mayuka

Disclaimer: Card Captors Sakura is not owned by me. It's owned by some lucky dog.

This is an E/T fic! Still has S/S and other characters though. Tomoyo and Eriol start out a bit OOC.

Summary: Tomoyo, Eriol and the CCS gang are in high school. Tomoyo and Eriol seem to be worst enimies, but when a poject puts them together and Tomoyo ends up living with Eriol, will things change? E/T, S/S, M/?(Kinda crappy summary)


ohairi kudasai - come in

oyasuminasai - good night

hen otoko no ko - a strange boy

nani - what

sumanaku omou - sorry (feeling regret)

Faded Photos

Chapter 1: The Project and the First Week

Tomoyo was daydreaming in class. She knew everything about the Meiji era already. Her eyes drifted out to the scene in the window. She sighed. 'That would make a wonderful picture for my video camra...' she thought.

"Ok class. I have an announcement! Please put your attention to the front." the teacher called. All the students looked at the teacher. "Good. Now we are testing a new all year round project. If this goes well, we will continue it for the other freshmen to come in the years. You all are growing up very fast. You all need some experience of the real world. This project will do that." he said. The class became slightly interested. "Since there are an even number of boys as girls. So girls write your name on the slip of paper on your desk. We will be having the boys pick their girl partners out of this pot." he said holding up a pot from his desk. He took the pot around and the girls dropped in their slips of papers. "Now, boys will pick a girls name to be their partner. Don't look at the name until I explain the project." he passed the pot around and the boys each took a name. "Now...the skill you will be learning and developing...is...parenting." he finished.

"WHAT?!" the class yelled simultainiously, heads all snapping up to stare at the teacher in disbeleif.

"Yes, I was expecting that reaction. Now, anyway. We have houses for each male in the housing area by the school. This is why they were built. Both you and your partner are expected to be moved in completely, no boxes laying around by the end of the week. I suggest you don't put it off. You will have some shopping to do."

"Huh?" some kid asked.

"You all have an account which I will give out to you. You are going to be going to the orphanage on Friday to pick up the child you will be taking care of. You will not only have to buy furniture to help it and mabe, just mabe, you'll want some belongings like beds in your house. Don't worry, as long as you don't completely waste your money on lavish things you don't need, you should have enough money for the whole year."

"The-the-the whole year?" the class stuttered.

"Yep. This will be your grade in all your classes except your electives. You will be doing class related things to this project as well. Also, if you do happen to run out of money, talk to one of your teachers and explain your situation and you should receive some more money. You may now see who your partner is and tell them boys." All the boys opened their slips of paper cautiously. Syaoran and Eriol gulped and looked at their slips of paper. Their jaws dropped. Syaoran couldn't beleive his luck! The slip wrote Sakura Kinomoto in her pretty handwriting. He grinned and called Sakura over. Sakura had a wide smile on her face. Eriol stared in horror at the name on his paper. The words Tomoyo Daidouji was written in neat handwriting.

"Who did you get Eriol?" Syaoran asked while Sakura hugged him. They were both going out so they didn't want to get someone else.

"I-I got Tomoyo." Eriol whispered. Syaoran and Sakura exchanged uncomfortable looks. It was common knowledge Tomoyo and Eriol hated each other.

"Tomoyo!" Sakura called. She walked over.

"Yea?" she asked.

"Guess who your partner is?"

"Who?" she asked. She had been wondering why no one had called to her.

"Umm...well...you got Eriol." Sakura said lowering her voice to a whisper. Tomoyo stared at her in shock.


"WHAT?!" she shrieked as Sakura's words finally sunk in. She looked at Eriol. He was looking to the floor. 'How? How could I get stuck with Eriol? Eriol of all people!'

"This sucks!" Eriol and Tomoyo said at the same time. They glared daggers at each other. The whole school knew that they hated each other. They both made it so obvious. One time, they were standing in a hall by the classroom, ten feet apart yelling at each other. No one knew why they hated each other so much either.

"Don't forget, we have to live with our 'husband/wife' shall I say, and raise a kid!" Syaoran added.

"Shut up." Tomoyo said with a glare.

"Tomoyo, it could be worse..." Sakura said, trying to console her raving friend.

"How?" Eriol and Tomoyo snapped. "This is the worst!" Tomoyo added.


"You could have to live with each other permanetly!" Syaoran suddenly said, the idea coming into his head. Sakura nodded. "That would be worse wouldn't it?"

"I guess..." Eriol muttered.

"Well, from our adresses, we both live on the same street. That's good." Sakura said, looking at the adress on the paper the teacher had given them.

"Well guess who I got?" Meling said, an annoyed look on her face.

"Who?" the group asked.

"Yamazaki." she said with a frown. The group all gave her a look of pity.

"I'm sorry." they all said.

"What sucks the most is that if we do bad, our grades go down." Meling sighted. The group nodded in agreement. Tomoyo couldn't beleive it. "I can't belevie our parents didn't tell us! The teacher said they knew the whole time!" Meling said in outrage. Chiharu came up to them.

"I heard who you got Meling. I'm really sorry. If my brother even starts to bug you, just say the word." she said with a wink and a smile. Rika came up behind Chiharu.

"Did you get as good of partners as us?" she asked clinging to Chiharu's arm. Chiharu grinned and blushed slightly.

"No." Eriol and Tomoyo said together.

"Yep!" Sakura and Syaoran said happily.

"Well that's kinda cool then." said Naoko from behind Rika and Chiharu.

"Yea, we all got good partners. Right?" Rika said with a smile.

"Oh yea!" Chiharu said dreamily.

"Yep...we got the three best looking guys in class! Besides you two of course Li, Eriol..." Naoko added quickly.

"What? No way! Why couldn't I? I think anyone is better than Eriol!" Tomoyo cried. Eriol scowled at her.

"I'll trade you!" Meling said.

"Ummm..." Tomoyo said.

"The teacher said no trading. Weren't you guys listening? Plus he wrote down the pairs. There is no way you guys can switch." Rika said. "Sorry to burst your bubble and all, but it's true."

"This su-"

"You may want to watch your language Ms. Daidouji. Or should I say for this particular school year, Mrs. Tomoyo Daidouji Hiiragizawa." the teacher said from behind her as he walked from the classroom. Tomoyo was silent, a frown on her face.

"Yes sir." she said. The others couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey Tomoyo. I can't walk home with you today. Cheerleading practise. Then I gotta pack up my stuff. So I'll call you later." Sakura said.

"Ok, later then." Tomoyo said with a smile.

"Oh and remember! Try to get along with your 'husband'!" Sakura called behind her as she ran to cheerleading practise with Rika, Naoko and Chiharu. Tomoyo simply scowled at her.


"Mother! I'm home!" Tomoyo called as she entered her house and dropped her backpack on the couch. Her mother came into the room.

"How was your day sweetie?" she asked.

"Terrible." was Tomoyo's one word answer.

"Oh goodness? Why?"

"We are having a parenting project at school..."

"Oh I know the one. I received a letter about it a month ago."

"Anyway, I'm stuck being 'married' with Eriol!"

"Oh, that sweet boy who used to come over here a lot when you were younger?"

"Eriol is not a sweet boy mother! I hate him! I hate him! I HATE HIM!" Tomoyo cried. Sonomi frowned. Tomoyo had never had such strong feelings of anger towards anyone before, and her and Eriol used to be such close friends. "Plus we have to take care of a child together! Do you know how terrible this is? We have to live in the same house, take care of kid, for a whole year!"

"Yes, I know all about the details of that project. You want help packing?"

"Do you know how insensitive you are being right now?" Tomoyo sighed.

"Well, since it's for school I don't care if you hate him. You have had wonderful grades before now, and this won't be an exception!" Sonomi said her voice turning stern.

"Mother!" Tomoyo whined.

"Go to your room and pack your things now. I don't want to hear it anymore. Complain to someone else." Sonomi said coldly. 'This is good...mabe she can resolve her problems with Eriol...what ever happened between them anyway?'

Tomoyo stomped to her room where boxes were already there. She went through her closet and put the clothes she liked all in a box. She had her list from school of what she would probably need. She scanned the list.

Helpful Items:

clothes (also nice outfit for specific reasons and a 2 kimonos. If only one is owned, bring one. One for the festival)

extra furniture

extra food (if you don't want to spend all your money on it)

personal belongings (for your room)

anything else you think you may need.

Tomoyo read over the list again. 'Short and sweet I guess.' she thought. She finished putting her clothes in and then went to her closet. She pulled out her kimono. It was a baby blue with turquoise ribbon around the waist. The kimono had navy blue flowers, leaves and swirls covering it. Carefully she placed the kimono in plastic and put it at the top of the box. She went back to her closet. She retreived two items from the closet. One was her outfit that resembled one from a japenese shrine. It had a pink and white leave checkered top, black belt, and red large pants (the ones like Rei from Sailor Moon wears all the time at her Grandpa's shrine...dunno what it is called.) and placed this too in plastic and in the box. Next she picked up her second kimono. It was burgandy with multi-colored designs all over it and a black and yellow waist band with pink laces to keep the band in place. She placed this one in plastic and on top of the rest. 'Should I take these also?' she wondered as she came across her yellow kimono with pink cherry blossoms and the blue kimono with a pink waistband and pink material on the inside of the kimono. 'Oh what the heck. Why not.' she thought and wrapped them in plastic like the rest and put them in the box. She sifted through her closet for a nice dress for the 'specific reasons' she was not aware of. She couldn't decide between three dresses. One was lavender with lace at the top and a overskirt at the bottom that was transparent and flowed behind her, the second was a pale green with puffy short sleeves, and orange and yellow flowers around the neck of the dress and flowed out from her waist to the ground with a creme colored underskirt underneath it with ribbons she wore around her neck, and orange and yellow flowers she always placed in her hair, and last was a red dress that went to the floor and had a large overcoat that was whit and had large sleeves with pink cuffs and a slit in the back, and had a high pink colar and had matching white shoes. 'Which one...I love all these dresses...' she thought. 'Oh well, I'll take them all and decide later.' she concluded and put them in plastic and in the box and was about to shut her closet when her eyes fell on her mother's kimono. It was white in color and had yellow shooting stars and red flowers and a pink waistband and pink rims at the sleeves. 'Mother's kimono...I couldn't forget it when I took the rest of my kimonos!' she thought and quickly put it in the box like she had the rest of her kimonos. She taped the box shut and took out a sharpie and wrote clothes on the side of the box. Tomoyo looked around her room for extra furniture. Her eyes fell on her bean bag chair, hammock, fold-up lawn chair with satin seat covers, and her cd rack. She took her cd rack apart and placed it in the box with her other 'extra furniture' and closed the box as well and labeled it as well. 'Personal belongings?' she scanned over her room for things she wanted to take. Her eyes immediatly found her video camra, her jewlery box, her cd's, her touch lamp, her stereo, and her eyes finally landed on her photographs on her desk. She put all the previous items in the box and walked over to her desk to her framed pictures. One was of her and Sakura from fourth grade, both were laughing happily. Next was one she had taken of Sakura and Syaoran when they weren't looking. It was very cute and worth the yelling she had heard from them both after she had taken it. Next was all her girl friends from school. Sakura, Naoko, Rika, Chiharu, and herself. Last she found the picture she had shoved behind the rest. It was the photo of her and Eriol from their childhood. They both looked so happy, wide smiles on their faces, Eriol with his arms around her waist and herself with a small blush. As she stared at the picture, hot tears streamed down her face. She wiped her eyes and went to the picture she had missed. A group shot of everyone. Sakura, Syaoran, Naoko, Rika, Chiharu, Yamazaki, herself and Eriol. She took all the pictures and placed them in the box as well. Finally she added her laptop and her video camra software and closed the box and labeled it. 'Anything else I might need? Hmmm...food I guess and oh yea! A mirror! Got to get my hair good in the morning...plus a brush, toothpaste and shampoo...' she added each thing except food as she mentally checked off her neccessities off in her head. She went downstairs to the kitchen to find food already on the table and ready to go. She sighed and went back to her room and brought down each box one by one. Finally she was ready to go.

"You ready? May as well get this over with." her mother said as she came into the room.

"Oh yea."

"Ok. Let's go then. You will remember to call won't you? Since I won't see you all year?" her mother asked teasinly.

"Of course!" Tomoyo said mocking fake hurt feelings.


They arrived at the house to find a car already there and Eriol and his mother outside of it talking. They stopped however when Tomoyo's car pulled up. Tomoyo got out of the car silently and opened the trunk.

"Eriol!" came Eriol's mother's voice in irritation. "Where are your manners?! Go help her at once! Those boxes must be too heavy for poor Tomoyo!" she scolded. Eriol scowled at his mother but followed her orders.

"We are putting the boxes in the living room until we know which room who is staying in." was all he said and picked up a box and left before she could reply. Tomoyo watched after him and then picked up the lightest box and followed him inside. Soon Mrs. Daidouji and Mrs. Hiiragizawa were chatting and all the boxes were inside the house. Neither teen had said another word to each other. They walked back outside to their parents.

"-really though Sonomi! I insist that you drop by our house sometime! It has been too long..."

"Yes, we could have tea or something..." Sonomi said. Finally the adults turned to their children.

"Well, we must be on our way Eriol, Tomoyo. Happy marriage you two! Don't forget to call your dear old parents sometime." Mrs. Hiiragizawa said with a laugh and both parents got in their cars and left Tomoyo and Eriol standing on the driveway. Both walked back inside the house. Tomoyo was first to break the silence.

"It's a big house." she said trying to make a stab at conversation.

"Yea." was all Eriol could think of to reply. Neither could beleive that they were going to be living with each other for the rest of the year. It had hit them too fast.

"Well...we shoud pick our rooms. Then mabe go shopping for house stuff. You know how to drive right?"


"Aren't you full of amazing and original answers all of a sudden?" Tomoyo snapped.

"Yea." Eriol said trying to hide his smile. Tomoyo put her hands on her hips and stomped upstairs. Eriol followed her. Suddenly Eriol tripped on a step and crashed onto the ground. "Owwww..." he said. Tomoyo rushed back to him.

"Are you ok?" she asked kneeling down next to him, her voice full of concern.

"What do you care?" he snapped at her on accident. Tomoyo's eyes widened in shock, then quickly turned to a look of anger. She had tried to be kind!

"Fine! I don't care! Get yourself killed!" she yelled standing up again and turned around as Eriol stood up. Tomoyo had turned and ran into a wall and fell backwards into Eriol. Eriol barely kept his balance, then he realised he was holding Tomoyo. Both slightly blushed and Tomoyo pushed herself out of his arms.

"I don't need your help." she snapped.

"Oh! I get the picture! Would you rather I let you fall down the stairs next time instead of into me?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Tomoyo growled and clenched her fists. "Or mabe you rather perfer if I fell down the stairs to?" he said his voice rising. "Or mabe-"

"Shut up!" Tomoyo yelled interrupting him.

"Why should I?" Eriol yelled back.

"Ugh! You are hopeless!" Tomoyo shouted and continued down the hall and looked into the rooms. Both slightly calmed down. "This one can be for the kid..." Tomoyo muttered picking the smallest room, which wasn't really all that small. Eriol nodded in agreement. "I'll take this one if you don't mind..." she added turning to face Eriol. Eriol nodded again not really wanting to talk.

"I'll take this one." he finally said. It was the room across from Tomoyo's.

"Fine. I don't care."

"You want me to bring your boxes up?" Eriol asked.

"Is that an offer?" Tomoyo asked, her amythest eyes sparkly, the look on her face was devious and scared Eriol.

"It's the only time your gonna get it so speak now or forever hold your peace."

"You sound like some priest, but yes."


Tomoyo was unpacking her room when Eriol suddenly appeared in her doorway. Tomoyo looked up at the door. Eriol had a strange look on his face.

"Ummm...you know how to cook right?"

"Why? You don't?" Tomoyo laughed. Eriol scowled.

"I never have had to cook before."

"Don't worry. I know how. You already done unpacking?"

"No...I still have some books to unpack."

"You read?"

"No really?" Eriol said with sarcasm again. "Actually I love to read...call it a past time. I work with computers to."

"So do I. Mostly I work with video software. I don't know how to fix it when it breaks though." Tomoyo said pulling out her kimonos.

"Those are pretty." Eriol said suddenly.

"You think?" Tomoyo wondered aloud.

"Yea, I do think." Eriol said with a smirk.

"Wow, there is a surprise. No really, do you like this one?" Tomoyo asked holding up her burgandy kimono. Eriol finally got a serious look on his face and looked at it.

"Yea. It's beautiful." Eriol said quietly.

"Really? Thanks! I made it! I also love to sew and make clothes in my spare time."

"You-you made that? Amazing!" Eriol said, not noticing that he had just paid her a comment. Tomoyo's face glowed.

"Argito! Just for that, I'll make you a fantabulous dinner tonight!" Tomoyo said.

"Ok cool. I better finish unpacking, then mabe we can go shopping." he said and walked out of her room. Suddenly, realization hit both of them. 'Did I just have a civil conversation with Eriol?' Tomoyo thought. 'Did I just pay Tomoyo a compliment?' Eriol thought. 'Oh good god...' they both thought.


Eriol was in her doorway again. Tomoyo didn't notice it this time. She was putting her pictures on the floor. Eriol couldn't see them however. He cleared his throught and Tomoyo jerked around.

"Ever heard of knocking?" she snapped.

"I have, but I didn't feel a need to use that knowledge." he said with a smirk. Tomoyo growled. Eriol was such a jerk.

"Oh yea? Try it next time."

"If I feel like it."

"You had better feel like it if you know what is good for you..." she said through gritted teeth. Eriol's smirk widened.

"I already know what is good for me. Really though, should a husband have to knock on his wife's door?"

"You know good and well it is only a dumb project!" Tomoyo yelled, her face flushing.

"Right right. I forgot."

"Yea right."

"Well, I really didn't come here for a vocal sparring match with you, even though it is fun to test your nerves." Eriol said calmly and Tomoyo growled.

"Then why did you come?" she snapped.

"We did say we should go shopping today..."

"Oh yea...you want to go now?"

"Whatever. I don't care."

"Then let's go."


Eriol and Tomoyo walked back inside the house with lots of bags and packages. Even though Eriol did most of the carrying, they both were exhausted. Finally Eriol asked the question.

"Are we getting a boy or a girl?" he asked. For their 'child' they had bought a bed and a chest for clothes to go in it's room. They had decided not to buy anything specific in case he/she didn't like it.

"Let's decide that Saturday when we go to the orphanage." Tomoyo sighed as she deposited the rest of her bags on her floor. Eriol nodded in agreement.

"I have time to put a bed together while you cook dinner so one of doesn't have to sleep on the floor." Eriol added.

"Alright. You work on that while I work on that fantabuolous dinner I promised." Tomoyo sighed. "Open a window if you get hot. It is summer still you know, and putting stuff together is hard work."

"Like cooking isn't."

"True..." Tomoyo said as she put her hair in a ponytail behind her head and started pulling ingredients out of the pantry they had just filled with food. Eriol went upstairs and began putting a bed together. Tomoyo ran upstairs to her room after twenty minutes to turn on ther stereo to find Eriol in there, her window open and he was not wearing a shirt. He obviously was hot. She stopped short in her doorway as she stared at Eriol. Eriol turned around.

"What are you doing?" they both asked at the same time.

"I'm putting your bed together."

"I came to turn on my stereo." Tomoyo said and turned the stereo on and tried her hardest not to stare at Eriol. Then she ran back downstairs to the kitchen. Eriol went back to work on her bed. 'She was staring at me...mabe I shouldn't have taken my shirt off...'


"Eriol!" he heard Tomoyo yell from downstairs. He clomped down the stairs to Tomoyo holding two plates. Tomoyo automatically noticed he was wearing his shirt again.

"Let's eat upstairs. The bed is finished."

"Oh, ok." Tomoyo said and they went into her room. They both sat on her now finished bed. "It looks good. Argito." she said as they began eating.

"Your welcome."

"Do you have time to your room?"

"No...it's too late...I'll do it in the morning. Along with everything else."

"But where will you sleep?" Tomoyo exclaimed. She hated him, but she wasn't heartless.

"Duh...on the floor."

"No way. I may hate you, but that just isn't right."

"Where do you want me to sleep?"

"I dunno...not on the floor though."

"Whatever..." he said and began to stare out the window. Tomoyo did to. 'What is this weird feeling...mabe I should move...I feel slightly uncomfortable being so close to Eriol' she thought. She turned her head and saw that Eriol was already asleep. His head rested on the headboard and his face drooped to his chest. 'He looks so peaceful when he's asleep...but he's a nightmare when he is awake.' She turned her head again and looked out the window. Suddenly she felt arms around her waist. Eriol's arms. She blushed immediatly and looked at Eriol. He was only moving in his sleep. She tried to move but he had a tight grip. Then he let go of her, but she too was already asleep and didn't even notice.


Eriol awoke with a start but kept his eyes closed. He noticed he was sleeping on Tomoyo's bed by the comfort. Then he felt something move. Something was next to him. His eyes snapped open and saw Tomoyo was lying next to him asleep. He sat up and looked at her. She looked so sweet asleep. Her hair fanned out behind her and she was curled in a ball. Her breathing was even and her hands were underneath her head. The ribbon that had been in her hair was lying forgotten on the pillow. Eriol watched her for a while before climbing out of the bed and returned to his room and began putting together his bed trying his best to not make too much noise and awake Tomoyo. He was almost done when he heard noises from Tomoyo's room.

Tomoyo opened her eyes and automatically closed them again when she was greeted with the sun's rays. She opened them slowly and sat up in bed. She looked to left to see Eriol was gone. Memories of the previous night flooded through her. 'We...slept in the same bed...' Tomoyo thought, but quickly shook it from her mind. She got up and shut her door after quickly peeking into Eriol's room and saw him working on his bed. She stretched and looked through her clothes. After a few minutes, she decided on wearing her pink dress that cut off just below her knees and had creme colored cuffs on the sleeves and a creme underdress and a creme collar that had purple strings that tied it together. She pulled on some creme socks and her brown shoes. She stood in front of her full length mirror that she had bought the previous night and began to brush her hair and put them in two pigtails at each side of her and put a red ribbon in each pigtail to keep them in place. She opened her door and walked downstairs into the kitchen and began to make pancakes. After about half an hour when she was flipping the pancakes, Eriol came downstairs in brown kacki's and a black t-shirt that had some writing on it. Tomoyo decided to herself she didn't want to know what the shirt said. Eriol looked around and sighed.

"The table isn't put together yet..." he sighed.

"Oh well. Pancakes are almost done. Oh, and I guess good morning..."

"Huh? Oh. Good morning." He leaned against the kitchen counter and watched her flip the pancakes. He had to admit it. Tomoyo was a good cook.

"Make yourself useful and get two plates." Tomoyo told him after a while. Eriol decided he didn't feel like arguing with her at the moment and walked over to the cabinets and pulled down two plates. He also opened the drawer and pulled out two forks. He set them on the counter by the pan she was making pancakes in. She put two of the pancakes on a plate and handed the plate to him as she began her own pancakes. "Butter and syrup are in the fridge." she added as if reading his mind.

"Okay." he muttered and he sat on the counter and began to eat them. They were delicious but he wasn't about to compliment Tomoyo again. He had already made that mistake once, and he wasn't about to repeat it.

"How are they? I don't get to cook all that often, so I hope they don't taste bad. If they do, feel free to tell me. I always want to improve my cooking skills."

"They are fine."

"That's it? They are just fine? Do you like something about your pancakes, do you have any suggestions, do you-"

"They are good ok?! Just shut up!" Eriol said in an annoyed tone. Tomoyo fell silent. She understood. He didn't want to compliment her cooking.

"Oh. Sorry...didn't mean to press you into that..."


"Ok." she said as she finished her own pancakes and sat on the counter as well. "Seriously though. Do you like a certain type of pancake better? Like blueberry or something?"

"Why do you care if I like it or not?"

"Uh...ummm...I don't know...must just be that I'm over self concious of my cooking and I always want to learn new recipies, so if there is a specific meal you like, I'd be glad to add it to my recipie list."


"You don't beleive me?" Tomoyo asked, her voice rising in anger.

"What if I don't?"



"I don't know!"

"When you figure it out, tell me." he said in a bored tone of voice.

"I hate you!" Tomoyo shouted and left her meal unfinished on the counter and she ran to her room and slammed the door shut. Eriol felt a slight pang of guilt. 'Should I apologize?' he wondered. 'No way. Apologize to Tomoyo? You hate her to remember? Apologize to her and your life is over.' he thought. He sighed and began to put the dining room table together.

Tomoyo lay on her bed crying in her pillow. 'I hate you Eriol!' she screamed in her head. She punched her pillow and began to cry harder. 'Eriol...why are you so mean to me?' she wondered. She sat up on her bed, the tears kept coming. 'Why am I crying so hard? I haven't cried so much since...' she shook her head. She didn't care why. Tomoyo hugged her knees and cried for almost an hour. Tomoyo walked back down the stairs to the kitchen and saw Eriol setting the chairs around the table. He glanced at her. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying endlessly. Eriol looked down in shame. He hadn't meant to make her cry.

"Tomoyo..." he whispered to himself. Tomoyo sat down in a chair and looked out the window. "Are you ok?"

"Worried about my well being now?" Tomoyo said rather coldly. Eriol didn't answer. "Forget it. I'm fine."


Tomoyo stared out her window at the stars again. Eriol was outside sitting underneath the willow that was in their back yard. Tomoyo couldn't help but turn her gaze to him. He looked peacful sitting there, reading a book. She sighed. Why couldn't he be like that all the time.

"Eriol is a...hen otoko no ko." Tomoyo said aloud. She saw him stand up and put his hand on the tree. Then he walked back inside the house. Tomoyo left the window and changed into her pajamas. She slipped off her dress, socks and shoes and pulled on a blue silky night gown. It was skin-tight at the top but loosened at the waist. There was no sleeves and lace between the night gown straps. She took her hair out of the pigtails and brushed it quickly. Then she slipped on her furry blue slippers and lay on her bed and stared at the celing. There was a knock on her door.

"Dozo ohairi kudasai" Tomoyo said. Eriol opened the door and Tomoyo sat up.

"I just wanted to say...um...Oyasuminasai."

"Oyasuminasai Eriol." Tomoyo said and she layed back down again. Eriol didn't leave though. She turned her head to look at him. She noticed he was looking at her outfit slightly, but not staring at it or drooling over it. "Nani?"

"Umm...I guess I just wanted to apologize for earlier Tomoyo...so...sumanaku omou." Eriol said quietly.

"Apology accepted. Argito Eriol."


A/N: Interesting chapter ne? Some E/T going on...a bit of mixed emotions between the two. Feelings seem to go on and off for them. I took all Tomoyo's outfits from images I've seen of her. Yes all her kimono's and dresses, and Eriol, well I've only seen him in his school uniform and his clow outfit so I made up his clothes. The japenese should be correct, I got it from my bro's japenese dictionary. If it isn't right, please tell me...anywaz...please review! What do you think?

Preview for Chapter 2:

"Eriol...your hurting me..." Tomoyo said quietly. Eriol let go of her wrist and walked away. Tomoyo slid down the wall so she was sitting on the floor and held her wrist and stared after Eriol.

Please, please, onegai shimasu, please, please, onegai shimasu, read on? Reveiew also!