Author: Mayuka
Disclaimer: I only own Mikazuki, Kokoro, and Kiken. Oh, yea and I own my muses to...
Duo, Heero & Nataku: WHAT?!
Me: Yep, they're my muses, just used in t.v. shows...*starry eyes*
Duo, Heero & Nataku: _ _ dream. on.
Me: *still babbling*
Duo, Heero & Nataku: On with the fic!
A/N: ^_^ Reviewedness! I knew people liked my story! I knew it!
Duo, Heero & Nataku: -_- you keep telling yourself that.
Me: *evil grin* I will.
Another Note: BTW, remember, they are highschool so they're about 17 ok? don't think they are young and stuff.
Chapter 6: Kidnap
Tomoyo's eyes fluttered open and she suddenly became aware of her unfamilar surroundings. She touched her temple trying to remember what had happened.
A hand came over her mouth and an arm had encircled her waist and began dragging her away from the street. She was kicking and trying to scream but his hand was muffling any noise she tried to make. Her kidnapper growled in frustration at her before she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck making everything around her suddenly go black.
*~*End Flashback*~*
Tomoyo touched her aching neck where her kidnapper must have hit her to silence her. She tried to move her other hand to feel it stop. She looked down to see her handcuffed to a bedpost. She sighed. Oldfashioned, but it deffinately worked. Without a key she was stuck. She was terrified in reality, even though her face was calm. She had heard of this sort of thing happening to people on t.v. but never imagined it could ever happen to her. Her mind was slowly absorbing her surroundings as her mind was flashing quickly wondering whoever might want to kidnap her. She looked around the dimly lit room. She was sitting on a stiff single person bed, her left hand handcuffed to the headboard that was bars. Next to the small bed was a wooden tablestand with nothing on it except a candle and lamp with a flickering lightbulb. She looked around a bit. It was a rather non-furnished room. There was a single chair in one corner and a coatrack in the other corner. The walls were a disgusting color of grey and the room looked like a scene from some old movie. The only colorful thing in the room at all was Tomoyo herself. A white door with peeling paint was to her right with a black doornob. The room was dusty and smelled old making Tomoyo feel the need to sneeze. She sighed, there wasn't much she could do right now until her captor made himself or herself known. She looked at celing to see a very dusty celingfan that looked like it had never been used and was beginning to rust. Her eyes flicked back the doornob to notice it was a lock from the outside and that she was locked inside by a key, so even if she got out of the handcuffs, she couldn't get out the door. The room had no windows and was making Tomoyo feel slightly claustrophobic. She leaned her head against the wall and was amazed at the first person that came to her mind in this situation. 'Eriol...' she thought sadly.
Eriol woke with a start the next morning and nearly fell off the couch. 'Why am I sleeping on the couch again?' he silently asked himself before recollections of the night before came to him. 'That's right, I pissed of Tomoyo and decided she'd kick me out of the room anyway, funny though, I didn't hear her come in last night. I'll check the master room.' he thought silently getting up from his position and walking up the stairs. He walked past Mikazuki's room after seeing her still sleeping peacfully. He saw the master bedroom's door still open. He looked in curiously to see the room untouched. The bed was still made and the lights were still on as he had left them last night. 'Hmm...I guess she spent the night at Sakura's. Can't blaim her I guess, for whatever she's mad about.' he thought. Just then the phone rang. He lazily walked up to it and picked up the reciever.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hey Eriol." came the cheerful voice of Sakura.
"Well I was wondering if you and Tomoyo had made up yet."
"Well can't say we have. Haven't spoken to her since last night." Eriol said skeptically.
"She ignored you huh? Well can I talk to her?" she asked. Eriol froze.
"You mean, she's not at your house?" he asked, his mind racing.
"No, she's supposed to be at yours, isn't she home?"
"No, the house is totally empty besides Mikazuki and I. I thought she just spent the night with you."
"That isn't possible, I saw her walk out of her house saying she was going home." Sakura said back. Eriol's eyes widened.
"She never came home."
"Mabe...mabe she went over to Meiling's?" Sakura thought timidly.
"Mabe, go ahead and call her and call me back straight away, I don't know their number."
"Gotcha." Sakura said, worry lacing her voice. They both hung up and Eriol stared numbly at the phone. 'If she wasn't here, and she wasn't at Sakura's, and if Meiling say's she wasn't there...' he thought, his heart racing. 'I don't know what I would do with myself if she got hurt...' Eriol thought wildly. He ran his hand distractedly through his hair. 'What would I say to Mikazuki?' he thought.
Sakura hung up and immediatly began dialing Meiling's number. She tapped her foot impatiently as it rang a few times. Syaoran came down the stairs tiredly and looked at Sakura's anxious face with worry.
"What's wrong Sakura?" he asked. Sakura held up a hand as Meiling finally picked up.
"Hello?" came Meiling's groggy voice from the other line.
"Hey Meiling, sorry to wake you up, but did Tomoyo come to your house last night?" Sakura said in a rush of words. Syaoran's eyes widened at Sakura's question and mouthed a 'what?!' to her. Sakura glared at him to be quiet.
"Nope. I talked to Eriol at the end of the festival, but I haven't seen Tomoyo since you guys went into the haunted house."
"Why, didn't she go home last night?"
"That's the problem, she did, but she obviously didn't make it all the way home, she isn't there and Eriol says she hasn't since before the festival. I have to go though, I promised Eriol I'd call him right back."
"Alright, call me if anything comes up or you need mine or Yamazaki's help." Meiling said with worry.
"Alright, I promise, bye."
"Bye." Meiling said and both hung up the phone. Once again Sakura immediatly was dialing another phone number while Syaoran watched her sadly.
"Hello? Eriol speaking." came Eriol's rushed voice from the other end of the phone, he had picked up on the first ring meaning he was still by the phone.
"She wasn't there Eriol. I don't know where she could have gone."
"That leaves about one option." Eriol said, panic evident in his voice.
"Your right...I'm afraid it seems Tomoyo's been...been..." Sakura's voice was faltering, she didn't want to say it.
"Kidnapped." Eriol finished for her, his voice bitter and panicked. Sakura sighed and Syaoran came up behind her pulling her into his warm embrace.
"I'm sorry. Call the police and let them know that she is missing." Syaoran said as he took the phone from Sakura's shaking hands.
"Of course. Thanks for your help." Eriol said before both hung up. Sakura turned around in Syaoran's arms and cried. Syaoran rubbed her back his own shock finally settling in.
"Tomoyo..." Sakura whispered as she buried her face in Syaoran's now tear-stained shirt hugging him tightly.
'I wonder if they've noticed I'm gone yet...' Tomoyo mused to herself as she was planning her escape route. 'I can't escape yet, my captor hasn't come to check on me yet, meaning I don't know when to expect that door to open, and I don't want them to see me picking the lock to my handcuffs with my hairpin when he or she walks in.' Tomoyo's quick mind was quickly fluttering through options from kicking down the door or waiting till her kidnapper returned and knocking them unconcious and fleeing. She twisted a violet lock of hair around her index finger when the doornob turned. She turned her head, her eyes squinting in the darkness.
"Hey, Tomoyo..." came a voice from the doorway. Tomoyo's eyes widened frantically in recognition. 'Oh no...' she thought desperately.
Eriol was running his hands through his hair yet again. He had finished his phone call to the police but they had told him they couldn't run a search until a full 24 hours, in other words tomorrow. Kyo walked up lazily to him and jumped on his lap and they both sat on the couch in silence while Eriol absent-mindedly stroked it's fur. He pushed the cat off his lap and stood up and walked slowly up the stairs. He stopped to look inside Mikazuki's room, his eyes glazing over in sadness. What could he tell Mikazuki? He walked past her room and went to the room Tomoyo had first picked out in the beginning. A few of her belongings still remained inside. A few pictures were on the dresser and two were face-down. He walked over and looked at the pictures. Many of them were of Sakura in ridiculous costumes and some were of Sakura and Syaoran when neither where paying attention. A long photograph was a group photo of all of them and their childhood friends. He slowly picked up a face-down frame and turned it over slowly and his eyes widened at what he saw.
Meiling was pacing around her house with Yamazaki and Kokoro watching her. "Sakura's late!" she yelled suddenly while the other two flinched slightly.
"Meiling, you should know better, Sakura is always late." Yamazaki said quietly.
"Mabe so, but Xiao-Lang is with her and he is never late!"
"And Syaoran would wait at the ends of the Earth for her."
"I don't care!" she yelled when the doorbell rang. Kokoro silently got up and answered the door to see Sakura, Kiken and Syaoran standing there, apologetic looks on their faces. Kokoro stepped out of the way and beckoned them inside and Meiling was sitting on the couch fuming while Yamazaki looked up.
"Ah, Syaoran, Sakura, you're here." he greeted.
"Finally..." Meiling muttered.
"What was that Meiling?" Syaoran said a steady glare forming in her direction.
"Nothing. What are we going to do about Tomoyo?"
"We obviously have to search for her ourselves seeing as the police won't."
"Shouldn't we have Eriol help us?"
"I don't know, but what about Mikazuki? If he goes, who will take care of her?"
"I'm just saying that I think Eriol would want to help us look for her."
"Well, I guess Naoko, Rika or Chiharu could probably take care of them."
"Sounds good."
"Then you call them."
"No way. They'll slaughter me for trying to ask them something." Syaoran said quickly. Meiling and Syaoran exchanged glances before turning to Sakura with angelic looks on their faces. Sakura's eyes widened.
"Huh-uh. Make Yamazaki do it." she said with pleading eyes.
"No way! He'd get off topic way too fast! You're our only hope! Please Sakura!" Meiling and Syaoran begged.
"Meiling, you SO owe me. Syaoran, you better get used to sleeping on a couch." Sakura stated coldly. They both winced.
" wouldn't do that to me would you?" Syaoran asked timidly, his amber eyes widening.
"Watch me." she replied switcly picking up the phone.
"YOU WANT US TO WHAT?!" came the shocked yell of three girls as Sakura held the phone away from her ear at arm-length distance her eyes shut tight. She had just explained the situation to Rika, Chiharu and Naoko and they were yelling at her already. She silently cursed Syoaran, Meiling, Eriol, and Yamazaki at the same time.
"Let me get this straight, Tomoyo has been kidnapped and you six want to go play hero so you want us to watch over your kids?" Naoko asked being the calmest of the three.
"Basically, yea." Sakura said bringing the phone back to her ear.
"Figures, but I guess that's ok, how long do you think it will take?"
"Not long I hope."
"Well call us the second you find her, understand me?" Rika shrieked as she grabbed the phone from Naoko. Sakura sighed.
"Of course."
Eriol hung up the phone with Sakura and ran his fingers through his navy-blue hair for the upteenth time that day. He sighed, he wanted desperately to find Tomoyo, but then again she was mad at him and then there was the matter of Mikazuki. How could he explain that she would be staying with other people for a while. Would she get the wrong idea? Just then Mikazuki walked down the stairs and looked straight into Eriol's eyes.
"Papa, where's mama?" she asked innocently. Eriol sighed.
"She's at another house right now."
"Is...she going to leave me like my other mama did?" she asked tears forming in her eyes. Eriol froze in shock. What could he say to her? "Does she hate me to? Is that why she isn't here? It's all my fault again isn't it?" Mikazuki cried slumping to the floor. Eriol rushed forward and pulled Mikazuki into his arms and hugged her tightly.
"Of course not Mikazuki! Mama loves you dearly! Never think otherwise!" Eriol swallowed. 'How can I leave her with someone else now?' he though desperately.
Mayuka: I can't believe how fast I'm getting through this chapter. O_o it's kinda creepy.
Duo: Tell me about it. Is Heero that great of a muse?
Mayuka: ^_^ Must be.
Duo: I just read the review by nightglider-star. o_o she like...threatened you.
Mayuka: *reads* o_O obviously I need to be threatened more often because I'm just a slight bit over that week...*cowers* DON'T KILL ME OR THIS FIC WILL NEVER BE FINISHED! *cries*
Heero: Or mabe MORE people need to threaten you...*takes Duo's gun and twirls it around his hands*
Mayuka: O.O SHIT!
Not Applicable - Pissed off is a cuss word? o.o sorry, didn't think of that. Also Tomoyo in my story is a very emotional person and'll see that she gets worked up over a lot things and you'll see why later. Sorry but I don't want to ruin the story! Thanks for reviewing!
amethysapphire - don't worry, my story would be way too short if they got together that fast! More fights in the future, trust me!
Autumn Willow - Yes...I'm really bad at updating... sorry! How do you know she was ok with it? I didn't put in her thoughts...kekekeke surprises all around! You'll see reason in the future ok?
flitter bug - I'm glad you like my story and yes, Eriol better go save her! *glares at him to watch him shrink under their gaze* Thanks for reviewing!
midnight blue - Thanks for the review! Sorry for the long wait!
Angel335 - Well, when you're email is back to normal I'd be glad to email you when I update ok? Thanks for reading my fic and reviewing!
kagome suboshi - Glad you like it. I think the kids are awesome and S+S totally should be together, I agree. Thanks for reviewing!
alesca munroe - sure thing. Thanks for reviewing.
Next Time: Tomoyo is still missing and it's driving Eriol up the wall. Syaoran is blaiming himself and Mikazuki is beginning to wonder where her mother is. Tomoyo on the other hand is struggling with herself and her captor.
Next - Chapter 7: º Tomoyo's Captor º
Keep Reviewing though alright? Please? Even if I left you with an insanely evil cliff-hanger?