A young Issei was sound asleep in his bed as one night he was awoken by a loud noise. He got out of his bed to see what was going on. As he walked down the stairs he was rubbing his eyes only to see his father lying in a pool of blood. He ran down the stairs latched onto his father as he started crying.
"So there is a third one." A voice came from the darkness "Oh well he's not going to be a problem, unlike the woman."
Issei felt cold as his vision faded to black as his body slumped over his father's.
"Wake up." A female voice called out.
Issei shot up from his sleep as he saw an older woman with braided grey hair wearing a blue and white maid outfit. She tossed a towel to him and said, "You were crying in your sleep."
Issei wiped his face off as he looked at the woman "I was having that dream again. Why are you here Grayfia?"
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked Issei as he got up from the bed as he was in a T-shirt and boxers.
"There's only so much therapy you can get from a dragon that lives inside of you and that saint." He looked at Grayfia as he threw the towel back at her "So again why are you here?" He asked her now with a more determined voice looking for an answer.
"Lord Lucifer has a need for your skills." She handed Issei a piece of paper with magical runes all over it. "And this is an unofficial job."
"Nothing is ever official with devils, that's just how it goes." He held the paper up and looked at all the runes. "So what does he want dealt with?"
"His sister Rias Gremory is in need of a savior." Grayfia's words triggered something inside of Issei when she said that.
Grayfia nodded "She is due to be wed to Riser Phenex in about half an hour. And Lord Lucifer isn't exactly happy about it." Grayfia wasn't too thrilled to talk about it.
"Is she okay with the marriage?"
"No, she is not. It was arranged by her father Lord Gremory many years ago. And Riser's attitude since then has soured. He even turned into a womanizer as the power and ego went to his head."
"A harem huh always wondered what one of those would be like to have." Issei walked over to the closet that was open, he grabbed ahold of the door and closed it then funned some magic into the handle. Once he opened it the contents inside had changed as he grabbed clothes from it and was getting dressed. "Are you aware that I am friends with her?" He asked Grayfia as he was getting dressed.
"She asked if anybody could tell if you had a supernatural connection. But we told her that you were human. Considering that you're not in her peerage she must still think that your human."
"Yes, it's not as she could reincarnate me anyway." He grabbed a black cloak and closed the door. "Shall we go?"
"Yes I will be headed back and during the ceremony, I will be by my master's side. All you need to do is crash the party." Grayfia prepared a magic circle as she was getting ready to leave before she placed a box on his desk.
"I hope you pull the stick out your ass one-day Grayfia and call him your husband." Issei watched her teleport off leaving him alone. He walked over to his desk as he grabbed his phone and swiped on the screen. Once the phone was unlocked he went into his text messages as he found an entry called A.P. and started typing awhile. Placing a hand on his desk he left a magic circle on the desk. With that dealt with, he stuck his phone in his pocket and donned his cloak putting the hood up as he activated the runes on the paper as he was transported away.
When he reappeared on the other side he was in a large drafty hallway with a ceiling that reached over thirty feet from the ground. As he walked down the hallway he heard noises coming from the other side of a large door and knew this was where the magic was about to begin. The door was massive and made of metal so he placed his right hand on the door and summoned flames as he sent them crashing into the door.
Meanwhile inside there was a large party going on as Grayfia stood next to Lucifer as she whispered in his ear "The preparations have been set and he is here as the paper was activated."
Lucifer looked at Grayfia "Then where is he?" He asked her as the temperature in the room spiked from a warm day to a hot desert summer afternoon in a matter of moments. "So that's how he's going to deal with this."
Plenty of the party guests started sweating in their Suits and dresses as the temperature kept rising as it was getting unbearable. "Did you Phoenix's forget that the rest of us don't take too well to extreme heat?" One of the older party guests called out getting the attention of the head of the clan.
"I am quite aware and we are doing nothing to cause this rise in temperature. I have already asked one of the maids if the other rooms are hotter than usual and so far it's just this room. So it must be an outside source." He tried to reassure the crowd but his words meant little to nothing to them.
"Lord Phenex," Lucifer called out getting his attention as Lucifer pointed at the door. "I think that's your problem."
Everybody looked at the door as it was glowing red as a large chunk of it fell down slamming on the ground as cooler air rushed into the room. In walked a figure draped in black showing no visible features. Nobody dared to confront the figure as it made its way through the hall.
From under the cloak, Issei could see Rias in her wedding dress and standing near her was he could call a textbook definition of a womanizer if he had to paint a picture of it. "Guards!" Lord Phenex called out as they tried to block his path as they pointed spears at him. Issei didn't feel the need to deal with them as he touched the point of one of the spears causing it to shatter from the tip down through the shaft.
Riser was impressed as the guards failed to deal with the intruder. He snapped his finger as 14 girls showed up "Deal with this trash, I will have no interruptions before this occasion." Everybody backed away giving them plenty of room to fight. Some of the elders were more interested in seeing the fight that was about to happen than the high society party that was happening.
A Blue haired girl with a wooden staff charged towards Issei. As she got closer to him another girl who dressed like a belly dancer snuck up behind him. The staff struck Issei in the chest as he raised his arm up in the air swiping away at the belly dancer. The impact caused the staff to shatter as wood splinters flew everywhere as her hands throbbed from the impact.
Riser looked at the girls and six of them nodded, two maids, two catgirls, and two small children all prepared to fight him. Issei was perplexed by the two younger girls as they summoned sports bags and pulled out chainsaws. However, the maids and catgirls took this as a distraction and charged him as the maids took the front and cats circled around back. Now surrounded Issei was starting to get bored of this game they were playing as he back hopped a couple of times hitting both girls in the gut with his elbow. They passed out from impact sliding off his arm and crashing into the ground. He looked at the maids and pointed at Grayfia as he finally spoke: "Take some lessons." He pushed the two of them out of the way as he advanced forward.
He ignored the two smaller girls as he got closer; two girls drew swords of different types one was a large two-handed sword and the other was a standard European style of blade. The girl with the large two-handed sword ran at him and leaped in the air swinging her sword in a downward slash. The problem with her was it was a predictable attack for a sword that size as he sidestepped it as it slammed into the ground. She tried to dislodge the blade as Issei stepped on what he could of it, "Slow and predictable." His voice crawled down her spine as he pushed down on the blade, snapping it in half.
Once Rias was able to hear that voice that came out from the cloak her eyes were locked onto his every movement as she didn't think it was even possible. She continued to watch him with the hope that her worst day could possibly get better. "Draw a weapon." The other knight called out as her blade was already drawn.
"I carry no blade." Issei responded surprised that she would even ask.
She sheathed her blade upon hearing that "Then there is no point in fighting you."
The three of the four remaining girls had no interest in taking a beating that there was no hope in winning. That left only one tall busty woman, she raised her right arm up creating a large ball of fire. Issei walked up to her and grabbed ahold of her chin and stuck his left index finger into the fireball. Shaking his head no as the fire sizzled out she fell to her knees as she saw and felt something that wasn't normal.
A single person clapping in the distance could be heard as Issei let go of her. He looked to see Lucifer clapping as he stood up. "You crashed a wedding, destroyed a door, and demolished the poor man's peerage. Quite impressive for a human."
"There is no way he is human!" Riser shouted as Lucifer stuck his hand up as he got the picture.
"That cloak you wear is the same design as the church? How about you take at least the hood off."
Issei raised his hands up and peeled back the hood revealing his face as there were people in the crowd who recognized the moment the hood was dropped. "Issei?" Rias called out seeing him.
Issei ignored her for the most part as others in the crowd pushed their way forward to get a better look at him "So we have a name and a face now we need a motive for this."
"I'm here for many reasons, first and foremost I'm crashing this wedding as the marriage is worthless." Shock rolled through the crowd as he said that.
"Worthless? I'm the great Riser Phenex, did you call me worthless?" Riser flared his powers trying to prove it otherwise.
"Yes worthless, you devils hold your blood purity above all else so much that you're blinded by stupidity. Just because you get to stick your dick in…." He paused for a moment "I was going to say fourteen but then you have those two young girls who can't be older than 12. So let's call it 12 women your fucking and you think your hot shit."
Riser was fuming as he heard that "And you are? You think you're all high and mighty coming in here demanding all whatever you want."
Issei's left arm reached up from the cloak and pulled it off, twirling it as it disappeared in a flash of red light revealing that he was wearing black pants with a redshirt. He walked towards Riser as a large pair of dragon wings burst out from his back as a tail came out from under his shirt. "News flash your not. People humor you because you were set up with an arranged marriage, you are nothing but someone so blind you can't see the forest from the tree. I saw the look on her face she hates you did. Did you ever think that she could disintegrate your dick if you ever thought she was going to put out? No, you didn't, you only thought about yourself, and for that, I am taking her away from this."
Riser raised his hand up and coated it in a fire as he swung and hit Issei in the face "You filthy dragon."
The punch had no effect as Riser tried grinding his fist in as he grabbed a hold of his wrist as a loud pop echoed through the hall as Riser's wrist was broken. "Are you dumb enough to punch a dragon with fire? Let me show you a punch." With Issei's left hand he delivered a punch to the chest knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor.
Issei's wings retracted as he walked back to the center of the room. "Now that the children are quite the adults can speak." He looked at Lucifer "Now for the other reason I am here. In the past four years, the ebb and flow of the church have been disrupted." In a room of devils, most were quite happy to hear that their mortal enemy had been weakened. "Now that might not seem like a problem for devils. But when the church can't deal with it they call up their bosses. And then Heaven now has to look into it. Then they have to call on me to deal with the problems."
"And what exactly is this problem?" Lucifer asked as he saw the crowd's reaction.
"Sixteen maidens of the church have disappeared or been excommunicated. One of them is in this room and the fifteen others are a member of one devil's Peerage."
Sirzechs knew exactly where this was going "Diodora Astaroth is the devil you are inquiring about. We are aware of habits but we could never prove how he got a hold of his peerage members."
"Well, this makes it so much easier now." A large red magic circle appeared with a red dragon in the center as Issei stuck his hand into it. He pulled something large out that was wrapped in a black cloth and threw it on the ground in front of him. With a kick of his right leg, the large object rolled over unraveling itself revealing what was a bloody corpse. "This here is or shall I say was Diodora Astaroth." Gasps and murmurs were heard through the crowd. "After the last maiden was excommunicated on behalf of the said corpse and is now a devil not among his peerage some people wanted answers."
"You had no right to kill him." An older man shouted from the crowd
Issei looked at the area the voice came from "Remember when I said the Adults were talking? That's Lucifer and me, not you. I suggest you shut up if you don't want to become like this sack of shit." Issei looked back to Lucifer as his expression did not change "The church was monitoring people who they thought would be the next target, and Heaven asked that I watch over one of them. Turns out it was a pair of twins and after a while of watching them Diodora showed up on the outskirts of a church. He assaulted them, almost raped them and he had one of the girl's panties off. So I drove a sword through his spine and twisted it separating some of his bones and sent the rest of the sword through his heart. So he died for his crimes against humanity and now the twins are in therapy."
"Did you take orders from Heaven?" Sirzechs needed more information about his relationship with the church to come out.
"I don't take orders from Heaven, Gabriel is the only one up there who can ask and I'll consider doing anything for. As for the church, nobody cares what they have to say they dug themselves into a hole long before we were born."
Lucifer moved back to his throne and sat down and looked at the whole crowd. "While we were aware of Diodora's peerage the details of how he acquired his peerage eluded us. I believe there is more to your story than you are letting on about. My guess is some of the elders are going to want your head for this act but shooting the messenger is far from the correct course of action. This party is over, so take your leave."
People were in shock hearing that the head of their government let somebody who killed one of their own leave freely. "Tell Bael to come to talk to me if he has a problem with it. I'll pull the stick out of his ass." Issei headed towards Rias as he got close he held his right hand out as she grabbed a hold of it. She walked down from the platform as they started walking out of the room as they got to the door Issei raised his left arm up in the air revealing a large red gauntlet that covered his fingers all the way to his elbow "Speak softly and carry a big stick." He said right before he teleported with Rias. Above the spot, they teleported away from was a giant logo of the Red Dragon Emperor made from fire as it floated there.
Lucifer got a small chuckle out of him saying that "Close but you missed the mark." He quietly said as Grayfia heard him.
"What of the body?"
"Seal it up, we can decide what to do with it later." Grayfia nodded as she walked over to get to work.
Lucifer sat there watching her as people were leaving the room. A woman in a light brown dress with brown hair came up to him "Can we talk Lord Lucifer?"
"Of course we can mother." He stood up walking towards one of the doors near him with his mother following him. The two of them were the only ones in the room "Do you by any chance know anything about that boy?"
"He lives in Kuoh the same as Rias. Other details about him can be talked about at home."
"Sirzechs, If that is who I think it is then he has been in the family home once before with his mother."
Meanwhile, Issei and Rias arrived back in the human world more specifically back in his bedroom. Rias quickly turned towards Issei as she tackled him and started crying "You...Idiot."
He wrapped his arms around her as he sat down on the bed. He could feel her tears seeping into his clothing as he rubbed her head. "It's okay."
"No, it's not." She wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked up at him "You hid what you were from me, why?"
"Why did you hide that you were a devil from me?" He questioned her back "It doesn't matter that you didn't ask me for help, but you are free now."
"I'm sorry Issei, but thank you for everything. You saved my life from being a person who was about to be nothing and you gave me hope." She let go of him as she stood back up and turned around. "Can you help me here?" She lightly shook her hips getting his attention.
Issei stood up standing right behind her as he pulled the zipper down on the back of her dress just enough so she could slide her arms out of the sleeves. As she slid her arms out he unhooked her bra and moved his hands under her arms and cupped the bra slowly pulling it away. With no straps in the way, he threw it on the floor and held her breast up. Rias looked down as he was holding them "Looks like you have some practice."
"Some things have happened before." He whispered in her ear.
"Then finish taking it off." She said as he moved one hand back pulled the zipper down to the base. He moved both of his hands to her sides and pushed down on the dress. As it reached her hips a pair of lacy white panties he was going to skip pulling them off but Rias had other ideas. "No those as well." Her wishes were not to be ignored as he hooked his fingers under the waistband and slid his hands down pulling everything that was left. With her skin free of all clothing she kicked the dress out of her way as she turned around showing her naked body off to him. "This is the only way I know how to repay you." She looked at him as she grabbed a hold of his shirt as took it off.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this? I'm a dragon and things can get weird."
She shook her head "It's fine, you basically claimed me as yours anyways." Reaching down she unbuttoned his pants and pushed him onto the bed. She yanked off his pants and boxers all at once revealing his dick. She moved her hands over to it and started stroking away trying her best to make him get an erection as she moved her other hand down to finger herself. After a few minutes of stroking and some occasional licking, he was at full mast.
Issei saw that her nipples were hard as rocks and he could smell her arousal. He reached down and pulled her up onto his lap. Her sacred entrance was hovering just above his dick as some liquid was dripping out of her. "As a dragon, we take pride in our things. Most dragons don't partake in the values of flesh but I do. If you choose to go any further you will be connected to me, and I might even ask for it anytime anyplace or anywhere."
Rias grabbed a hold of his dick lining it up with her vagina as she lowered herself onto him. As she was slightly in he grabbed a hold of her bringing her down as a small amount of blood leaked down her thigh. Once she was down all the way Issei saw her nipples were prime for the taking as he pinched her right one. "Issei it still hurts." She cried out.
A grin overtook his face "Well what did you expect?" He asked her as she was turning from pain to pleasure. "Did you think just because the ladies at school like me that I wouldn't be familiar with the flesh?" He slid his hands down her back and put them under her legs and lifted her up slightly. He stood up supporting her as he pushed her into the wall and started moving his hips back and forwards. "Did you think that a dragon would know how to use it?" His movements got faster as her insides got warmer and wetter. "All you had to do was ask. I would have gladly helped you. That's what friends are for."
Issei gave her no mercy as Rias crumbled away as any sense of control was gone. Her brain was turning to mush as she was overcome by pleasure. Minutes passed of Issei having his way with her shaping her into his and his only, Rias had other plans her body didn't care for them. As Issei was no longer pinning her to the wall, her body rested on his shoulders as she had passed out from her first orgasm. Issei saw that she was out as he looked down at her 'Good thing that crazy lady taught me things.' He thought to himself as he released inside of her.
As he pulled her off the wall and off himself Issei moved her to the bed laying her down as she was already asleep. He crawled in the bed next to her as he was going to try to get some sleep for the night as tomorrow was going to be an eventful day. As Issei laid there Rias rolled over latching onto like a security device in her sleep.
Morning came rather quickly as he woke up to a knock on the door "Issei are you awake?" Another female voice came from the other side of the door.
Issie rolled off the bed and he walked over to the door opening it up, revealing a girl his age with long golden blonde hair whose eyes went wide as she started to blush. "Yes, I am Asia."
"Um, Issei?" Her hands covered her eyes while she peeked out through the gaps in her fingers. "Your Ummm…." She wasn't able to finish her words as she was too confused to get anything coherent out.
Issei looked down as he saw he was still naked from last night's activities. He moved his hands down covering his private parts. "Sorry about that." He apologized for showing off to her. "We have a guest today," He looked back towards the bed seeing Rias was all sprawled out over the bed. "Yeah, it's your boss Rias."
"Oh…." Asia saw Rias sleeping "Is she alright?
He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know, I'll deal with her. Once she's dealt with we can make some food."
"Okay then." Asia headed downstairs as Issei sat on the bed next to Rias. He pushed on her face with his finger trying to wake up getting no response. Running his index finger down her chest and over her stomach got some results as she made some noises. He leaned over and whispered into her ear "It's time to get up."
"No." She mumbled
"It isn't proper for an heiress to sleep in somebody else's bed" He waited and with a smile on his face "Till noon of all things."
Rias' eyes shot open looking up at Issei with a grin on his face. She looked over at the clock on the nightstand as it read 7 am. "You asshole."
Issei laughed seeing that Rias was pissed as she thought it was noon. "Don't feel so bad. I finally slipped up and Asia saw me naked." He stood up and walked over to his desk.
"Umm Issei we have a problem." Rias said as she sat on the edge of the bed "I don't have any clothes here."
"Well, the clothes Asia wears aren't going to fit you." He picked up a red box off his desk and handed it to her. "Fortunately the maid solved that for you." Rias opened up the box and looked inside seeing a lacy white bra and matching panties spare school uniform and her normal socks and shoes. "Shower is the door across from this one."
Some time passed as the two of them both got cleaned up and were downstairs with Asia making food. As they sat down to eat breakfast a magic circle appeared with the crest of Lucifer and out came a letter. Rias went to grab it "Nope." Issei called out and grabbed it and read the letter.
'Dear Issei Hyoudou the Red Dragon Emperor, have Rias bring her peerage to her club room along with Sona Sitri and Her Queen. Your attendance is mandatory as well at 12 pm Japan time. Signed SirZechs Lucifer. Ps Serfall isn't happy.'
"Well, that's not good." Issei said while looking at the letter still.
"What?" Rias asked.
"Gather your Peerage and Sona Sitri and Her Queen in your club. A meeting is happening at noon." Issei incinerated the letter instantly. "Don't ask why because I don't know why." Breakfast proceeded without a hitch as everybody ate in relative silence.
It was almost noon as Issei walked down the hall of Rias's clubroom as he came to a large door. He opened the door to the room and saw multiple couches in the room and a large desk. Rias was sitting behind the desk as on the couches he saw Asia next to her Akeno Himejima, a voluptuous woman who would be right for any man. Next to her was Koneko, a petite and quiet white-haired girl. On the other couch was a toned blonde girl who went by Yumi Kiba. Next to her was another long black haired girl with glasses Sona Queen Tsubaki and finally finished off was the heiress of Sitri, Sona a short black haired girl.
Sona looked over to Issei "So why are we all here?"
Issei shrugged as they didn't know what was going to happen exactly. That's when the clock rolled over to noon exactly as two magic circles appeared one Red and the other Blue flooded the room as three people appeared: Sirzechs Lucifer and Grayfia along with a woman dressed in a magical girl outfit.
With a swing of her staff ice formed around Issei lifting him up and encased his body in ice. The younger people were on guard of what was going to happen next as she walked over to Issei "Do you know how much trouble you caused me Issei-chan?" She waved her staff around as sparkles fell out of the staff.
"Oh no." Issei feigned ignorance "I caused the great magical Levia-tan to have to do work. Whatever will I do." Black flames engulfed the ice, destroying it completely as Issei was now back on his feet. "Yes, Sera I can break your ice."
Serafall pouted as she walked back towards Sirzechs. "Look Issei you have caused some issues with your show last night."
"The elders aren't happy Issei." Grayfia's words weren't as calm as Sirzechs and Serafall.
"And?" He repeated himself "There about as stuck up as my mother's thong."
Everybody on the couch's eyes dilated like they were owls. "But I thought you said…" Asia didn't want to continue on. "Please explain Hyoudou, you said when you applied to this school you stated that your parents are no longer around yet you made that crass joke."
Issei looked at Sona "My biological mother and father are dead, yes. But the one who I consider my mother now is someone much different."
Serafall snickered "Tell me Issei, does she even have a thong?"
"Unfortunately she doesn't, I think it would be a sin if she did have one." Issei thought hard about what he said. "I don't think she would let me sleep in her bed if she had one. That would be a fun sight to see. Reminds me of when I saw your Sera."
"Stop stop stop." Sona called out trying to stop the madness. "I think we're missing something here. Please start from the beginning and tell us how you got here."
"You see when a man and a woman." Sona groaned hearing that "The beginning huh, my early life wasn't that important till I was around 5. One night I woke up and my parents were still awake and I went downstairs. But when I got down there I remember seeing my dad dying in a pool of his blood. I remember crying and my mom called out to me and there is another voice of a woman. I still get nightmares about it every so often. Sometimes I can't see that woman's face, other times her mouth and eyes are in the opposite spots with a nose being flipped upside down. And I know for a fact I died that night."
"You're not a devil so how are you here now?" Sona asked.
The boosted gear appeared "From what Ddraig has told me to what I remember. Right before I died I activated the sacred gear awaking Ddraig. And things happened, most of the bones in my body were broken." Most of the girls cringed hearing that. "But Ddraig saved me by some stroke of luck. After everything was all said and done Gabriel of Heaven found me from a 'power surge' as she called it. While the devils were no longer in this town Heaven and the Shinto were aware of the power. Gabriel found me and took me to Heaven's hospital."
"Problem is I was in a coma for about a year. Turns out changing over all your body parts over to a dragon isn't the brightest idea, but now we know that, and knowing is half the battle. After some time in the coma, I reverted to my 'normal self.'" A cloud of smoke engulfed his body as it lingered in the area. The Maou knew what was coming next. Out of the smoke floated a small red dragon about three feet long as he landed on the table in front of him. Rias almost jumped over her desk to grab a hold of the new Issei. But she was held back as Serafall moved over to him and picked him up keeping him away from the blood-thirsty girls. "Anyways I turned into a dragon Taa daa." The surprise he was expecting wasn't all there. "Right anyways I lived among Heaven till I was ten. For the first year or so I mainly slept near or with Gabriel as she was the only person there that I could feel comfortable around. Something something scared shitless something something she likes me."
"When you say with…." Akeno asked.
"I slept in her bed with her." Issei said as Asia's face lit up bright red.
"Did you ummm…" Asia tried to speak.
"No. I wish I could sometimes, and I think she knows it." He shut down any chance of saying he had fun times with her. "I never slept in the bed with her as a human, only as a dragon. During the day I accompanied her on her work through the early days as she introduced me to the supernatural world slowly. Most of the time I was asleep on her shoulder but we visited places and I received the nickname 'Gabriel's Dragon'. In the early times with her, I was very dependent on her. Trust was also extremely lacking during that time and around till I was 8. After I learned to control my powers and learned how to fight I went on official assignments for them mainly to catch and retrieve targets.
"Did you work for other factions?" Akeno asked as he nodded his head.
"Once I was around 9 I went to Takamagahara and did a job for Amaterasu." His tail moved so the girls could see as a back ball of fire formed on the tip of his tail. "After getting to know Amaterasu she taught me how to apply the way her black fire to the natural black fire I can generate thanks to Ddraig."
Sona had taken off her glasses and was rubbing her face as she heard the story. "Okay, so why were we called here."
"Mainly because you go to the same school as him and I need to make things official." SirZechs said, "To save you all more headaches this is an official investigation disguised as getting to know who just laid a corpse out for everyone to see."
Issei looked over to Sirzechs "Be thankful I didn't show you the other corpse I have. That would have caused some issues."
Sirzechs and Serafall looked at him "Who else did you kill?" Serafall held Issei as she was about to shake the truth from him.
"Some elf looking dude. He tried to kill me a while ago because I was gathering information. He blathered on about how he was the true Satan or some junk."
"Elf?" Serafall asked as she looked at Sirzechs as he was thinking who it could be.
"Creuserey Asmodeus?" Grayfia said, "Show me." She looked at Issei as his tail formed a circle on the ground as a body came out. They saw the pale skin and pointy ears.
Sirzechs waved his hand as the body was engulfed in the signature power of destruction and broke it down completely. "Officially came to talk about Diodora. I don't need more problems. There are enough people who support the old Satan's children in the shadows as it is."
Rias looked over to Issei "That's an ultimate class devil descendent of a Satan no less. How strong are you?"
"Look, life hit me hard, and I amassed more power than I know what to do with. At this point, it is almost the same as asking what color Serafall's panties are. You're going to get the same answer." Issei watched as the girls didn't understand his ramblings. "White if she is wearing that outfit." His tail reached down and hiked up the front of her skirt enough to show color.
Serafall's grip on Issei tightened causing him to drop her skirt "How do you know that?"
"You run a kid's show. And you run with the magical girl trope so there's only one color choice. I have to beg you to put on anything else."
"I was going to guess blue. But the magic girl trope makes more sense." Tsubaki spoke up
"This kinda reminds me why Olympus is a weird place."
"And why is that?" Rias asked as her head was starting to hurt.
"I do one job for them and then they tried to get me drunk and then I found out I was sexually stupid and or repressed."
"Could have fooled us." Akeno muttered while looking at Rias.
"Hehe. So I did a job for Zeus, the pay was quite nice too, wanted me to track some idiot. He said that an outsider was needed and I came on a recommendation. I ended up tracking the dude and when I reported back Olympus was in party mode. Turns out Olympus parties at the end of every month so nothing special. But when I came back to report the news everything was fine but I was asked to stay for the party. The Greek gods are hardcore alcoholics drinkers and they clean up real well. Well, I ate my fill of food there and then this blonde bombshell sits next to me and puts down her glass and hands me a drink."
"Is this why nobody could contact Olympus three years ago?" Serafall asked.
"Yes, but for once I didn't do anything wrong." Serafall and Grayfia weren't impressed with his answer. "So we had some small talk and found out she's Aphrodite hindsight is 20/20 and I should have read up on the major players in the faction. At the time I thought she was just being nice but she just wanted in my pants."
"It's Aphrodite, why is that not surprising?" Rias asked.
"Because Issei is big dumb dumb." He stuck his tongue out. "Anyways she found out that I was a guest and a dragon no less and then shit hit the fan. She poured some of her magical 'love potions' into some of the booze before she gave me some. The reason why and I quote 'I always wanted to fuck a dragon.' So everybody is drunk, horny, and in my case both so she dragged me back to her room. Armed with the fact that I lived with Gabriel she figured out real quick that I had no clue what to do. One week later I came out of that room of hers, let's just say she is a good teacher." He looked at Sona "She turned me into a controlled pervert and with that, you got a summarized version of my life story you good?"
"There was entirely too much said. And things that could have been left out."
"Oi, My time with Gabriel is mine and mine alone. Nobody else needs to know of it." Issei wasn't going to divulge any of those times.
"Right now you know more about Issei here." Sirzechs said "Diodora is dead and the elders are far from happy. They want answers as to why he's dead and not captured."
"I thought it was obvious you know the whole rape thing I brought up." Issei looked at Sirzechs "This is coming from the same people who started a three-way war and one who sat on the sidelines while you three fought and then picked a side in the end. Tell them my official answer is they need to look at the corruption in their own faction before they dare question my actions."
"Good enough for me." Sirzechs said "I doubt they will do anything if I'm honest. The last hundred years or so they have been all talk, very few have been able to do anything. They have been letting us rule as Satans and less like well you know."
Issei nodded "Just keep them off my ass while I continue to do what I have been doing. You know Meliora." Serafall let go of Issei as he extended his wings, giving them a flap keeping him aloft as he glided over to the couch with Asia on it. He landed on the armrest as he walked over to Asia and laid down on her lap with his back towards her.
"There's plenty of paperwork to be dealt with regarding this so we will be returning to the underworld. I'll do what I can to keep them off you." Sirzechs said as he teleported away with Grayfia. Serafall waved goodbye as she disappeared in a shower of sparkles.
"Issei." Rias asked with a soft voice "How much of that was true? For as long as we have known you never talked about your past."
"Rias you should know that some people don't like to talk about the past." His tail rose up as the tip made a jabbing movement towards Rias.
"I... I'm sorry." Her shoulder sank down as she apologized.
"It's alright, I don't hold grudges over it." A red magic circle appeared under Issei as it was emblazoned with the crest of the red dragon emperor. "As I said earlier knowing is half the battle." He disappeared in a burst of light leaving the room in them.
They sat in silence as Issei left. After a few minutes, Grayfia reappeared in the room. "Did you forget something?" Rias asked.
"No, but now that Issei left we can talk about him." Grayfia saw some confused faces on the girls.
"What would you have to share with us?" Sona asked.
"Issei is a lonely person." She said getting concerned looks from everyone. "Due to his powers and how they progressed he never made any friends his age. And those friends he did make are my age and older." She saw some looks from the girls "Leviathan enjoys his antics, and if rumors are true then Amaterasu fancies him."
Sona thought about problems that could arise from that "Are there any other people that we should be worried about?"
"No." Grayfia shook her head. "What you girls should be worried about is his tail as you saw earlier."
"His tail?" Akeno thought that there might be something more important things
"If his tail is out keep track of it. As you all are young ladies he tends to have a mischievous side when he's bored."
They understood what she was talking about when she said that. "How mischievous aside from earlier can he get?" Akeno wondered about things.
"It can move quickly enough to lift up my dress should he want to. So if he wants to he could have his way but he's not dumb enough to do that."
"I guess I will have to punish him." Akeno was happy to have something fun and exciting to come across her plate.
"You enjoy that." Grayfia told Akeno "But whatever you do don't destroy what trust you have with Issei. He is a valuable ally and yet he has chosen you, girls, for the closest thing he has to friends. If you keep him happy he will keep you happy and you're bound to learn something from him. When it comes to combat the kid is no joke so if he wants to teach you listen and apply yourselves. The last thing we need is somebody like him running around causing problems." Grayfia placed a tablet on the desk "This has some video of his spars with Leviathan. Once you see this you will understand what Issei has to offer. I suggest you watch it now."
I've been sitting on this one for a while. I have a second chapter prepared already so we will see how this goes.