Just a heads up as I post this chapter, I think I'm gonna take a break for awhile. I don't know when I'll be back but I figured I should take a break on all of this.

While Issei was outside the others were still inside as Azazel pulled out some paper "Look, while I was out I did some sneaking around and sketched out a layout of the castle." He pointed at some spots on the map "There are plenty of large areas the further we go down. But at the bottom, there is a massive area that is where they are most likely performing the extraction ritual."

"The Khaos Brigade is down there as well?" Xenovia asked as she summoned forth her blade.

"Without a doubt, it's the only place where they can perform it. The Royal guards must be there as well protecting them."

Yumi marked a few spots on the map. "I know there are some patrols down there around these areas."

"Okay, then our plan is simple. Force our way to the bottom and stop the Grail Extraction. I know this is a horrible thing to say but the worse case is to Keep Marius alive if we fail to stop the extraction. He is and top-ranking people can still have valuable information. Anybody else is fair game, seeing as Issei is already at it. If an Evil Dragon shows up I don't expect you to defeat it. If we secure the grail on a failure we can use it to bring her back to life but we may have to do other things first."

Hearing that they gather up and stepped outside they saw the walkway littered with bodies and Issei standing next to the stairwell as they made their way over to him. "Well, this should be fun." He said as he was pointing down at the stairs. "The party is just now beginning."

A quick walk down the stairs to the basement as Yumi lead them around. They could feel the castle shaking as a battle was being fought place outside. When they got to the floor they wanted it was a larger open area filled with Vampires in armor holding weapons of all types. But they were not normal vampires as something about them was off as their powers were juiced up.

"Well then, any takers on the first hit." Azazel said as he formed a light spear in his hand. "Stronger foes will be down below so conserve as much energy as possible."

Akeno's hands sparked upon hearing that "Yes wasting too much energy would be a bad thing to happen."

Xenovia however had another idea as she prepared Durandal. "I would like to release Durandal's aura here. But holding back might be a better idea?"

Rias agreed with her assessment "It would be best to save the limited attacks for when they are needed.

Yumi sighed hearing that as Irina was quick to apologize on Xenovia's behalf. "It's going to take her forever to learn that as she's always been like this."

"At least she thought about it the downsides. We will talk about this when we get back home."

"I use my head all the time!" Xenovia angrily argued, "Look at Issei he used a bunch of power to clear out the last floor."

"Well, you see, the pool of available energy is quite different for us." Issei looked at the creatures before them as it seems as if they were ready to fight but not the ones to initiate the fighting. "I do love how they're letting us have this talk."

"Maybe it would be best to deal with them rather than talk."

Coming from down the stairs they saw Bennia and Rugal "The two of us can deal with it."

Rugal shrugged hearing that "It is an easy problem to deal with."

"I don't know, that's an easy hundred creatures."

Bennia swung her scythe around and slammed it into the ground as it was a bit larger than she was. "What would be the point of us coming here if we didn't fight?" She asked them as she disappeared running towards the enemy. They saw shadowy figures behind her as she ran towards them laying duplicates around confusing the soldiers.

"Can you do that?" Katase asked Issei as he shook his head. The creatures swung their swords through the images cutting them down only for them to break down and fade away in a heat haze effect.

Yumi however was amazed to see such a feat. "You can see that the shadow has a solid structure yet it's created with speed. That activation of it is so hard to catch as well."

"It's Duplication or Replication magic however you want to call it. I've seen a God do it before but never learned it." Issei thought about how Yumi was working on the same thing as she was already using it yet it wasn't as refined.

"Stare too long and you will die." They heard Bennia as she slice into one of the creatures as it fell over.

"Reaper's death scythe, Those slashed by it have their souls slashed and the damage they take is based on the strength of the wielder. Considering she was able to one-shot them, I would have to wager she's quite strong." Azazel pointed out.

"I think she's maybe a middle-class devil but she's far stronger than the cannon fodder that they brought last time."

"The Knight piece is applying her speeds but it fits her." Yumi complimented her. "Xenovia you should take notes."

"Funny story." Xenovia didn't care much for the treatment she was receiving.

On the other side of the battle, Rugal took off his jacket and shirt as his body started to change. It went from human to thick silver hair and his body started to get more muscular. His hands and mouth got sharper as fangs and claws. And then the Howl of a wolf echoed as he leaped into the battle slashing his claws at the creatures as blood splattered onto the walls.

"That's a lot of hair." Murayama said seeing the thick silver hair. "Wait is he using magic?" She pointed out as his hands were on fire.

"He's a werewolf that's a hybrid with a human. It's something of a hack together." Bennia filled them a little more in on him.

They watched as attacks bounced off him and he was unharmed as swords grazed him. "Seems Sona made a very good pick for her Rook." Rias was impressed so that said something about Rugal.

"Go forth we can deal with this." Rugal said as he ripped the armor off one of the creatures.

"Yeah yeah go on we can deal with this. This is why we were sent here after all. Buying time is what we were sent here to do."

"Very well then" Rias agreed to their proposition. "We will leave this to the two of us.'

"Tune into 446IR5." Issei told them as he taped his ear before they made their way down.

As they were walking down the stairs Xenovia spoke up "The Sitiri Group got a large increase in their battle strength."

"That's correct." Azazel confirmed her suspicions "She was lacking power on her team and those two have filled in the gaps that Saji isn't able to cover are the time. But it just makes them a more overall balanced team. Unlike Rias who has focused on raw firepower, the future of the games will be quite interesting."

"Sona has always been the smart one, she's well aware of what is happening and a few steps ahead of her." Rias said as they hit the bottom of the stairwell and exited.

"They're here just as the king said." They hear from one of the vampires.

"Oh, so there's a king now?" Issei asked messing with them.

"It matters not we are strong enough to deal with the likes of them." The Vampires were more than bold with their assessment. They were stronger than the ones upstairs but the level of strength was questionable without fighting them.

"They're not purebloods, definitely warriors who have vampire traits. My guess is they are loyal to the coup d'état faction even before it happened." Azazel said making his assessment of them.

Issei had an idea as he stepped forward. "How about we have some fun then." He said while the Red Dragon Gate appeared around his right hand. What appeared was the cursed sword and he held it up. "Let's swing some swords around."

"You… swing a sword." Yumi laughed at that as she stood next to him. "This should be good." Looking up at him she pointed her sword at them "You want to take the initiative?"

"Too slow!" Xenoiva said as she and Irina ran past them.

"We're going First!" Irina said as she started slashing at them.

Rias looked at Katase and Murayama "You going to let them show you two up?

The two of them tighten the grips on their swords "No!" Katase said as the two of them jumped into the furball that was starting. It quickly devolved into chaos as swords were being swung around and metal clanging.

The upside to all of this was there were more than enough Holy Swords to go around as Xenovia and Irina slashed at the Vampire imposters some of them had their armor slashed and others had it chopped off. The only thing was that they took no damage from the holy power as they shrugged it off. "Stretch!" Xenovia shouted as her blade morphed into a long floppy blade it wiggled around like a whip and it cut into the creatures. "Wait they didn't take damage from the Holy Power?" Xenovia was surprised to see that as were the others.

"Downstairs is the bottom floor." Yumi said thinking of that. "There's most likely an Evil Dragon down there and Issei will need his full power for that."

The sound of a suit of armor hit the ground as Issei punched one of the vampires in the face while there was a slash across the chest. "We should be fine for now."

"I have a plan." They heard Koneko as she stepped forward. She breathed in as her body gave off a small white glow. "Sister taught me this." A white glow overtook her as she was no longer wearing her school uniform as it changed to a white Kimono resembling the one Kuroka. Something else was different about her as she was now noticeably taller and more developed while having two tails coming out from behind her. "I can force growth by synchronizing my touki." Her voice changed as well more like Kuroka's smoother and calm.

Rias was surprised out of all of them to see the transformation take place right before her eyes. "So this is what your Shirone mode looks like. For a temporary power-up that's quite impressive."

"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" They heard from Issei "That's what she looks like when she reaches her second stage. That's hot."

"She looks like Kuroka just white." Murayama said looking at her as she had her foot on a Creature pinning it down.

"Not surprising they are Nekomata Sisters." Azazel said as he watched as white flames appeared around her and it turned into a wheel. "Oh, she can use the Kasha flames as well? Lure the dead to the underworld and strike the enemies ahead of us would send them straight to Purgatory. That's if they still had the weakness of Vampires."

She flicked her right hand as the flames shot at the creatures as it spread out covering them. The creatures screamed in agony as to them it felt like they were melting. "IT BURNS! WE SHOULD BE IMMUNE TO IT." For some of them, the screaming stopped as the bodies turned to ash.

"The flames will only disappear when the target dies. I adjusted it so the flames would also act as a purification ritual. You cant change the principle of your existence, you will always be a vampire at the core."

"I see" Azazel nodded at that "It's the opposite effect of Vritra's flames where he curses the subject with negative energy. You do the same thing with positive energy and then the Kasha does the work.

"All we have to do… is Attack" They heard from one of the Vampires before Issei hit it in the throat with the pommel of the blade.

He collapsed to the ground but Koneko had more to say. "My body is pure positive energy. If you were to touch me you will be vaporized.

"Interesting, maybe that would work on the devil dragons. Mind you it would require the medium to be strong enough to purify the target. But these guys can't do shit to her." Azazel said thinking of possibilities. "It would be best to just not touch her in general when she's using that."

"It's fine." She said as the last of the Vampires turned to ash.

"I have to say that was quite useful." Issei said as they grouped back up. He held up his sword and it disappeared "Didn't get to have any fun with it but what you did was much more useful."

"I've grown bigger." Koneko was embarrassed yet happy to say that to him.

Issei smiled and nodded "Yes yes I can see that it's quite a feast for the eyes. While I do enjoy your cute normal look, I look forward to seeing this as well." There was a big smile on his face as thinking of that.

The light started to fade "I can't hold this for long. But one day I will look like this." She was just able to finish as the lights went out and her body returned to normal and she fell to her knees.

Rias grabbed her before she fell over holding onto Koneko. "You did a good job. " Rias patted her on the head.

"Stamina drain must be high for such a new technique. Continues use in training should make it viable for longer when fighting an Evil Dragon." Azazel gave his conclusion on the attack.

Rias carried Koneko as they headed down to the final floor of the Castle they could feel something was waiting for them, and it was Dragon in nature. Then the laughter hit them as they heard it bouncing off the walls "It's time Ddraig." When they stepped out into the hallway they saw the tall black dragon and its silver eyes waiting for them. "Grendel" Issei said seeing the dragon.

"Yes, it's time for me to slaughter all of you."

"It's funny you say that." Issei looked at the Dragon "I don't exactly care what happens to this castle, unlike that dimension we were in last time. So I don't mind burying you here."

"Issei" Rias called out to him "You can't spend all your power here."

"Yeah, I know, Rizevim and Crom Cruach." Stepping forward his body parts were soon coated in the crimson armor as he shot forward toward Grendel. Rias snapped her fingers as Yumi matched Issei as around her she had one of her knights and many others surrounding her each holding onto her.

Grendel laughed seeing the attack coming. "Oh yes come at me!"

Issei got there first as he punched Grendel's kneecap breaking one of the scales on it "Seems your not as tough."

Irina and Xenovia followed up as they swung their blades at him only to have them bounce off him like they were swinging paper at steel. Irina held her left hand as it glowed a pure white till it formed into a spear. Chucking it the split into many smaller ones as it peppered Grendel's body. "It barely singes me."

Yumi got behind the Dragon as she lept into the air with Gram in hand she cut down his back. The blade gouged into the scales popping them out and cutting from his shoulder to his ribs before she ran out of juice. Blue blood dripped down as she looked at the damage she caused. "He can take a hit of that caliber? It barely even wounded him."

"I told you," Issei said "He can take a beating and one that you need plenty of power to back it up."

Grendel was quickly attacked this time by a rainbow of elements as Rossweisse let loose as her attacks impacted his upper body and face. When the smoke of her attack cleared it didn't do much to him "I hate fighting somebody like this. He doesn't even flinch when we hit him." Xenovia was quick to complain.

"It's worse… That Dragon only wants to fight Issei."

"What's the matter Ddraig! Are you dragging ass here? Show me your full power."

Issei punched Grendel in the kneecap once again this time the leg bowed in for a moment "No thanks, I have to save power. You know, for things that matter not like the dead." He said as he ran towards Rias and grabbed her. [TRANSFER!] "Make it quick"

"Everyone, buy me some time then."

"Time is something we can buy." Yumi said as she linked up with Xenovia. The two of them touched blades together as power was generated as they swung their blades down. What followed was a large wave of Holy and Demonic energy that ripped through the air and slammed into Grendel.

Grendel howled out in pain from the combined attack as it staggered him and scales were visibly broken. He didn't take long to regain his footing as the blood was squirting out from his chest. "Please make some space" Akeno said as her hands began coursing with electricity. Pointed her right hand at Grendel the power surrounding her morphed into a dragon as it shot at Grendel. When it hit him his body started spazzing as the electricity took control of his body forcing him to make random movements.

He however was able to force a smile as he took over his body once again. " I must say it's been quite a while since I've taken this much damage and even paralyzed."

"Why is he so Durable?" Yumi wasn't happy to see such damage do little to nothing.

"Seems there's a reason why it's said to avoid fighting them."

"He's enjoying it that's the worst part of it."

Akeno and Xenovia had valid complaints alongside Yumi. But you don't get rankings in the Dragon world without being strong. A light spear zipped past them and crashed into Grendel's chest. "How about that?" Azazel said as along Grendels chest some holes ripped through his body. If there was any more power behind it they would have pierced all the way through.

"What a smart Fallen you are." Grendel smiled at that "But you need more"

Azazel snapped his fingers and there was a secondary explosion as blood gushed out of the holes. "Ah, a shotgun approach." Issei said seeing the damage he did.

Grendel however was built like a tank while on all the drugs known to man. Air was quickly inhaled and a fireball lobbed at them. Barriers were quickly put up by Rossweisse as Akeno assisted in the reinforcement process using the power of the rook. "Going to need to try harder than that." Grendel taunted them as cracks were forming in the barrier.

Another light spear zipped through the barrier and then fireball as this one was going much faster than the last one. It pierced Grendel's left eye taking it out. Issei got a kick out of it "I took his right one last time."

Blood drained out of his eye as Azazel looked at him "Wanna take out the other one."

"No" He pointed at Rias "She might want to."

"Im going to crush all of you brats."

Rias held up a large black ball of pure destruction as she walked toward Grendel. The fireball he shot at then, gone. It was quickly sucked into the abyss. "I hate that there are many enemies who can just shrug off my attacks. So I can't have my servants show me up. That drove me to make this a special move of sorts." Everyone got out of the firing line "Disappear" She tossed the sphere at him.

It slowly floated towards him at a snail's pace. "That's it?" Grendel asked seeing it. "That's Pathetic, it's so slow." The sphere slowly crept towards him as a force was put on him pulling him towards it. He tried resisting at first but he started slipping "It has a strong attraction force."

Grendel was pulled into it and when it touched it his scales didn't break but they shattered like glass breaking into plenty of small prices. It was just as how science described a black hole as it ate everything close to it and that was Grendel. His legs and arms were pulled into it and his skin was shredded apart. The blood that would have gushed out was turned into thing spears that got sucked in. He tried to flap his wings but the attraction forces were too strong for him. Akeno however shot another one of her Lightning dragons at Grendel and forced him further into the ball as the lightning paralyzed him temporarily once again.

"Let's see, It doesn't have a name yet. And the attack has plenty of influences of Issei on my power. How about… Extinguished Star."

The ball kept eating away as eventually, it ate away at itself leaving only half of Grendel. Half of his head was gone most of his arm was devoured, his right leg was mostly gone, and his chest and ribs were exposed as most of it was gone. "So this is the power of the Bael power." Grendel laughed as if somehow he was still alive after all the damage he suffered. He laughed with what he could "Doesn't matter, I'll get a new body."

"A new body?" Issei said thinking about it. "Well then, you don't mind if we purge you from this world." He walked towards Grendel as he held out his right hand and summoned forth the red Dragon game. "I can't waste energy on the likes of you so, the humans have something that can deal with what's left of you." In his hand, they saw a black grip appear as it was soon followed by metal. It was a shotgun of all things.

"Why the hell do you have a gun?" Azazel asked seeing the shotgun.

"Oh man, the Vatican has plenty of these things." The barrel touched an exposed part of Grendel's brain as he pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang as blood and brain matter scattered over the floor. Grendel stopped moving as there wasn't much left to control the body. "Plus the Pope said I could take one. Also, it's Italian so that helps the purchasing power."

"Are you referring to the current one?" Irina asked as Issei laughed at that.

"That windbag? No, the German gave it to me." Issei moved the barrel down a bit further to where the heart should be located and pulled the Trigger once again this time far more blood was sent flying splattering the walls.

"Was that a wise choice on his behalf?" Rias was confused by all this.

He looked at her "When has the Catholic church ever made the right decision?"

"Seems Grendel is down." They heard another voice as they saw a man with a wild haircut in a black suit walk toward them. "Well, it won't be too much work to rebuild him."

"Rebuild?" Rias asked hearing that.

"Grendel has been dead for a few thousand years. He died before the war broke out." Issei looked at Crom waiting for whatever is next.

"He's not particularly useful, he lacks the refinement and isn't that strong." Crom was focused on Issei "You know I can't let you pass.

[It seems some backup is coming.] Ddraig said as Issei could feel it.

There was a quick flash of silver light as it stopped near him. It was Vali as he was already in his armor. His focus was on the man across from them. "You must be Crom Cruach."

"And you are the White Dragon Emperor."

"You late Vali!" Azazel yelled at him. "You left long before I did and you're just now getting here."

"Things happened… Ran into some interference when getting here. Had a chat with that Lucifugus guy, Euclid."

"And where are the others?" Azazel asked as there was a distinct lack of the others from his group.

"Stray Magicians "Hexennacht" Is what they called themselves. They have a member with Incinerate Anthem. So they happen to be fighting her."

"So Incinerate Anthem is working with the Khaos Brigade now. Unfortunately that such a relic is involved in all of this. Seems all of them regarding Father are now involved in this." Hearing that Azazel was far from happy to hear such a thing.

"Wasnt Incinerate Anthem involved in all that crap a while back as well."

"It was, only begs the question of who has it now."

Vali looked at Issei "How confident are you in beating Crom Cruachc?"

"Well, he's above you."

Vali quickly shot back at him "Yes and you as well."

Issei raised an eyebrow at that "Sure let's go with that."

"I have business with the one who is behind Crom. I don't want to waste much energy if possible. So that's why…"

"Uhhhh" Issei groaned hearing that from Vali "Talking like that is only okay when you're a girl. Do you want to fight Crom together or not?"

"It would be advisable."

It was obvious that Vali want Rizevim but didn't want to put in the work needed to get there."Fine, I was going to do it anyway."

"We have come to terms."

Issei laughed at that "Showtime then."

Azazel looked at the rest of the group. "Take this time to recuperate, if they can't beat him we're honestly fucked. Rias needs to recover as much Stamina as she can during all of this."

"I want to fight with them, but I should recover before a second time." They could hear Issei laughing at Rias poor choice of words "But it seems like we might have to be the supports."

Crom Cruach smiled seeing the two of them getting ready to fight. "Fighting the Heavenly Dragons is something that amuses me. Let alone that it's a two-on-one. I think I will have to enjoy myself here." Issei started the chaos as he dashed at Crom and got in a fast kick that hit his ribs. Crom was quite durable as he retaliate with a punch to Issei's back. It rattled his whole body shaking him as he dropped to the ground for a second as he got back up. Swinging a few quick punches Crom decided to not let any of them connect as his body flowed like water dodging everything Issei let out. "That can't be everything thing you have."

There was a smile behind Issei's helmet hearing that. "Vali, I have an Idea."

"Interesting" He said hearing that as he flew towards Crom taking Issei's spot in hand-to-hand combat with magical attacks mixed in as well.

Issei however fell back as he generated some energy and moved it around. First, it was in him then it was mixed with Ascalon, then it was shifted to his back as the cannons formed and began compressing the energy. The light in the space turned from yellow to green in a matter of moments. Vali was having fun as some of his attacks mainly the magic he shot at Crom were deflected by a large black wing that batted them away like they were nothing. Getting in position Issei aimed the cannons at Crom lining them up for a shot at him.

[FANG BLAST BOOSTER!] Ddraig Shouted as the energy rippled off.

The massive stream of energy flew towards Crom as his wing refocused to block the attack. Crom was taken over by a large green light as the walls behind him started to take a beating as the energy was thrown into them. As the light started to fade away the damage was starting to be revealed. His wing was torn up, and part of his face had skin ripped off as his facial muscle was exposed showing not the teeth of a human but the fangs of a dragon. The attack was effective as it did damage him but the internal damage was hard to tell right now.

"What about you White? Is there something you wish to show me or are you going to hold back?" Crom asked as he was in some form of pain just didn't show it.

"Is this power gained from the Grail? I've heard that people of your original land believed in you but never once thought that you of all things would be resurrected and obtained this much power."

Crom laughed hearing that from Vali "Never once have I died. The others however are another story. I did leave those lands long ago due to the invasion of Christianity and how annoying it is."

"You were never resurrected? So what have you been doing for all these years?" Vali's eyes wandered over to Issei "You took that hit on purpose to test yourself them."

"I thought that was obvious that he took it on purpose. But I was also under the assumption that he died… this changes things." Issei himself was at a loss now considering what he just heard.

"I wandered around the world, observing humans and the underworld as part of my training." Crom gave Vali the straightest answer he could.

"You trained for thousands of years, mind and body." Vali had a small laugh thinking about it. "It makes as if there is a dragon who wants to battle more than I do. And that is the reason why you are working with Rizevim, to fight as strong of foes as you can."

Crom smiled hearing that from Vali "I want to see where Dragon will be at the end."

Vali also smiled at that "Seems that we are no different. It makes me more interested in you Crom Cruach."

Issei however sighed hearing that "I just wanna see some tits. Some big fat magical lumps of flesh."

[Crom is just delaying time. If he has been alive for all this time then he is even more dangerous. Over two thousand years is a long time he has to have reached Heavenly Dragon Status in power alone. Battling him isn't wise.]

"So this fight is useless then?" Murayama asked as she heard everything.

"Oh most definitely" Issei answered her "Killing Crom is impossible now. He's stronger than I expected."

"Fine" Azazel clicked his tongue hearing all of that "Asia call Fafnir."

"Okay," Asia put her hands forward as a golden glow came out and the dragon gate appeared on the floor. "Respond to my Voice Golden King. Crawl on the Ground and receive my reward. Gigantis Dragon Fafnir."

The golden light lit the whole room as Fafnir crawled out "Panty time!"

"No! Wait um yes panty time!" Asia tried but how was she going to tell a Dragon King No that it couldn't have her panties?

Vali however was intrigued hearing all of this, so he looked at Issei "What just happened?"

"I have no clue." Issei shook his head. "Fafnir likes panties now or something. It's like his new golden treasure. Whatever it is I didn't do it."

"Fafnir!" Azazel got his attention "When I had a pact with you I gave you something. The replica of the magical Tathlum bullet, bring that out. We require it as Crom Cruach is here and it should work on him as it is of his mythology."

"Very well then, but I want something."

Azazel pointed at Asia "Go on and give him your panties. That's what he wants for such a cheap bargain. I had to give him tons of stuff beforehand. Now a legendary item is a simple pair of panties."

Asia however rifled through the tiny purse that she had on her looking for something to give him. She pulled out a pair and tried to hand it over to him. But Fafnir was dissatisfied with what he saw. "No, I'm not in the mood for panty!"

Everyone was surprised to hear that Azazel the most "What do you want one of her bras then?"

"Azazel she isn't a lingerie store. Bra's and panties aren't something we can just hand out easily." Rias was the first one to object.

"It's the underwear of a maiden." Akeno tacked on as they tried to shame him.

"It's underwear… it's a much better deal than some of the things he could ask for." Azazel shot back at them.

"I want Asia's school swimsuit!"

There was a stop once again hearing that "Dude were in the freezing snow of the mountains right now. She's not going to be carrying that around with her." Issei was the first to open his mouth at that.

"No no," Asia said as she reached into her bag and pulled out the blue school swimsuit. She held it up as it had her name on the chest "I have it, I brought it with me."

"What" There was a collective same thought from everyone.

"Why do you have that with you!" Xenovia tried to understand her logic.

"Sona told me to bring it before we left." Asia informed them. "She said that Fafnir would most like request the school swimsuit next. She watched the Dragon King swim around and was watching me in the swimsuit."

Rias was scratching her head at that "She really thought that far ahead, that's impressive."

Crom was even confused hearing all of this. "Fafnir wants to swim?"

"No you see…" Issei tried to explain.

"That's horrible, just horrible. There's nothing I can say to that." Rossweisse was just frustrated hearing all of this.

"Here" Asia held her swimsuit up "You can have it."

Fafnir moved over to her and pushed his face into the swimsuit and breathed in the smell. "Asia's swimsuit." His mouth opened up and ate it. As he looked like he chewed on it he was happy "Tasty."

"The fuck man" Issei's perversion wasn't even this bad and that was with years of learning how to deal with it.

{It's so horrible nothing but panties} Albion was freaking out.

[Get ahold of yourself, you think I like all of this. Between this and Oppai Dragon, your complaints are nothing. I have to live with being called that.]

"Well, I'm the Oppai Dragon." Issei had to argue that point "That's my thing, I love boobies while the rest of you like fighting."

Vali however points at the Fafnir madness "So what's going on with that?"

"It's far too long to explain, Long story short Fafnir likes Asia and normally wants her panties." He told Vali as Irina and Xenovia ran over to Asia and hugged the poor girl to protect her from the upcoming madness that Fafnir was.

Asia however had already peered into the abyss "I just want to marry Ise and have some kids. We can do all the fun things together."

"I take it this is not normal?" Crom asked looking for something.

"For humans? No. For Fafnir? Seems to be the new normal, I have no clue what caused it."

Fafnir however was having fun as he smacked his tail down on the ground as a dragon gate opened up. Out of the floor came out a large cylinder it started looking more like a familiar item. Azazel went over to it and picked it up as there was a handle as he lugged it over his shoulder as if it was a rocket launcher-like device. "The replica Tathlum should do the trick." Azazel said as a magic circle came up in front of his face he took aim and the weapon locked on.

When he fired it the projectile launched out as it zigged and zagged through the air like it was a mind of its own till it flew towards Crom. "That brings back some memories," Crom said seeing the projectile moving around erratically. "Impossible to avoid and threatening…" He put his hands out as his arms bulked up. The projectile smashed into his hands exploding with a flash of gold enveloping him. When the light faded enough so they could see again they saw a hole in Crom's right hand and a large smile on his face. The projectile was in his mouth he caught it between his teeth. "But not for the current me."

"Well, I wasn't expecting that."

"No refunds" Fafnir looked at Azazel.

Crom however dropped the projectile and pointed at the door behind him "It's time." He told them as he walked over to the wall and leaned on it looking like he was going to let him pass.

"Are you quitting?" Vali was surprised yet suspicious seeing this.

"Ten minutes, that was what I was asked to buy. Anything else isn't my problem, next time we meet it will be a fight." The battle ended just like that with no ceremony or climax.

See that there were going to get past they all made a quick blitz to the door and down the stairs. When they got down there the last door burst open. It was a large door made of stone and dressed for ceremonial use. The interior of the room however was closer to a library as it had status books and scrolls lining the walls.

"Gas..per" They heard Valrie's voice as they saw in the center of the room as she was on a bed with a magic circle surrounding it. Next to it, Marius was using the magic circle to some factor as it was glowing and that glow started to take over Valerie.

"Valerie!" Gasper screamed as he ran over to the girl but smashed into an invisible wall."Let her go. There's no reason to bully her. Just release her" Gasper cried out as he smashed his hands on the barrier.

Marius let out a twisted smile hearing that from Gasper. "That's what I'm doing. Releasing her from her pain. Soon the Grail will be removed from her destroying her mind and soul. Releasing her just as I promised."

Gasper screamed as he smashed his fists on the barrier Valerie screamed out in pain. Xenovia and Yumi teamed up once again as they attacked the barrier. But their swords bounced off it. Issei put his hand on the barrier looking at it [BOOST!] [BOOST!] [BOOST!] [BOOST!] [BOOST!] [BOOST!] [BOOST!] [BOOST!] "Wait!" Azazel called out but it was too late as Issei already punched it with all the energy that was rapidly generated. The room shook as his fist smashed into the barrier but that was fine. "The Barrier is a protection code that belongs to God of the Bible. How you can use such a thing I don't know but it sounds like Rizevim gave you the information for it."

Marius smiled at that "Quite perceptive, he shared a lot of information with me. Thanks to it my research on the Holy Grail skyrocketed to the point where I can revive things that are not supposed to be in this world anymore."

Issei ran his finger over the impact site of the barrier, he felt small imperfections in it as it wasn't perfectly smooth. "I see I see. Seems the caster isn't as bright as he thinks he is."

"It matters not!" Marius held his hands up while out of Valerie's chest, a small golden cup appeared. Valerie was having a hard time controlling her body as breathing became hard. "The Longinus Sephirot Grail. A true masterpiece that already has the requirements of unleashing its Balance Breaker."

Azazel was looking at the cup and Issei was also confused hearing that. "Balance Breaker?" Issei asked herring that.

"Yes, it seems that you are a simpleton after all." Marius tried to poke fun at him.

"Sephiroth Grail has no balance breaker, dumbass." Issei was quick to shoot back at him. "It's locked out of getting one due to the ability to revive things."

"And just what do you know of it compared to my research?" Marius was far from offended hearing that.

"I don't know, just lived in Heaven for years, you know with the people who maintain the Sacred Gear system. Done some reading, and talked to the woman who is one of the heads of the faction. You know a bit more than you do it seems like."

The Barrier around them fell as Gasper ran over to Valerie. "Valerie"

Valerie lay there doing her best to look Gasper in the eyes. "Your such a crybaby Gasper, ever since you were little. But look at you your so strong now." She reached over and stroked his face wiping away his tears.

"I… sorry… I… wasnt able to save you…"

"But you did, at the end of it all I was able to see you. My only friend… and my family." She laid her head back looking up at the ceiling. "Gasper."


"I wanted to see the sun… the outside world… the picnic with everyone… even the beach."

Everyone knew what was about to happen. They had seen it once and it's happening again for them. "I can take you there, we can still have that picnic."

With what little strength she had left she pulled Gasper's head down to her chest. "You are Gasper as well." Her voice was getting softer and softer as she spoke each. "You have to acknowledge it and they will accept…" Her hand slipped off Gasper as her body went limp.

Gasper was holding onto her body doing everything he could for her.

Marius however was clapping as he heard all of this. "Anyways." He looked at Rias. "Rias Gremory, please attack me with your legendary power of destruction.

Rias had never heard of such bullshit before and the rage kicked in. A vein in her forehead bulged as in her hand a ball of energy formed almost instantly. "Then disappear!" She pushed the ball forward as it zipped at Marius.

No guard, no nothing, he didn't bother doing anything against it. The blast engulfed him as the upper half of his body disintegrated. The only thing that was left was his legs and the Grail floating beside him. It only took a second as strands of muscle started to regrow forming the upper half of the body again.

As his body reformed completely the grail snapped to his hand "And the Grail exactly as I asked of it. Only a small fraction of my soul needs to reside in the body and I can revive."

"Most impressive" "Regeneration like a Pheonix" They heard multiple voices as a few older men appeared behind Marius.

"Ah Uncle, so what is it that you will do now? Further strengthening?"

"Vampires are the residents of the night. For that, we will become the ultimate species, and Humanity will become ours. WE will replace them and conquer the world." One of the men said as they were speaking.

"Hey Issei, if he can regenerate with a part of his body can't you burn him to death?" Katase asked him.

Issei put his finger up in the air as he started to draw a line with each thing he said. "Fuel, Heat, and an Oxidizing Agent." He said as a triangle of fire floating in the air. "Fuel can be created by the user and then transferred to the target to consume from there. Heat well the caster provides that. As for the Oxidizing agent, well we are far from lacking air. Soooooo burning them to a crisp in one go is quite easy. Or we could just shove them into Rias attack and make sure nothing is left. You cant regenerate anything if the medium is gone." Inside the middle of the triangle, a black flame appeared. Issei looked back over to the Vampires "Oh I'm sorry, was I interrupting your monologue on how you're going to take over the world?"

Azazel however was taking it differently "A Longinus is a masterpiece in its construction. Its existence alone can break the principles of the world let alone being born with one. Your so-called Research is nothing, you know nothing of what they can do, only that it can do something."

"Should we just kill them and skip the small talk? I mean their idiots anyways."

A deep dark laughter echoed in the area stopping everyone as it wasn't from any of them. |Ridiclous| They heard the voice that matched the laughter as they looked at Gasper. There was a black ooze-like Aura coming from his body as it leaked out and started covering the walls. Gasper stood up as his eyes were glowing a bright red and his body was taken over by the black substance |Nobility and the beings. Show me your power.|

The whole room was covered in darkness one that blocked out all forms of light. What they could still see was that Gasper's body was transforming as it was turning from man to creature. |Show me your superior beings.|

"So this is what you guys saw." Issei said as he watched Gasper transform.

Hands turned to claws as sharp nails grew out of them. The body took on muscle and the leg joints twisted around reversing as if it was natural for the creature. The head took on the form of something resembling a dragon as the eyes were glowing a deep red It then howled like a wolf. "What a phenomenon" Azazel was watching it with the eyes of a hawk as this was possibly something new.

"Calm down," Marius said getting a handle on the situation with his associates before they said anything. "This is the true form of Gasper Valdi. It was reported to us by Euclid. There is however nothing to fear about it. It is simply a laughing matter to deal with such a thing of a half-blood."

"Yes that's right, we are the superior beings who have gone to the next level. After all, it is just a mere half-blood."

One of the men said as the shadows on the floor opened up and crashed into one of the men. They could make out what looked like an alligator or crocodile mouth and crush the man in its jaws as he was swallowed into the darkness. |What was that about the next Stage?| Creatures began appearing around the room, one of them was a three-headed dragon in the likes of Cerberus, a flower with teeth, and even a butterfly. The creature's appearance alone had the men shaking in their boots from it as Marius was the only one of them who was calm about it.

"Shadow monster…" Was all one of them could say as the butterfly picked up the man and started chomping on his head while his arms were pulled out from their sockets only for him to disappear into the darkness.

"Marius! How is it that our powers don't work?"

There was a smile from the creature |I can answer that for you. It's as simple as stopping the element that is causing your power-up.|

"You freak!" He shouted at the creature as the Cerberus Dragon monster smashed its claw paw down on it as the man died as all of his blood was expelled from him.

Marius, however, had no others around him, so he looked at the creature with joy. "How interesting. Half blood with abnormal powers. It's said that you sacred Gear holders are quite interesting but you excel in that category. So how about it, want to help me with my research?"

|Like you did with Valerie?|

"Oh does that make you angry? Well, hear me out, with the Grail…"

The right arm extended out and swung at Marius, claws and all slashed at the left arm as it dropped to the floor. "A rough customer aren't you?" He looked at where his arm should be at and the Grail was glowing gold but had no regeneration effects." My arm isn't growing back. Is the effect weakening? This is odd." The claw came out once again and this time he dodge it only for the crocodile head to burst out from the floor as it chomped on his right leg sending Marius flat on his ass. "Now my leg? No matter…" The Grail glowed gold once again but nothing happened. Marius was now doubting the ultimate power that he held. "Why doesn't it heal? I have the ultimate healing factor." He tried transforming into his bat form but even that failed "This is impossible. I'm holding onto the Grail why doesn't it work." He looked around and saw his leg, the spot where the wound would be was being eaten slowly by the darkness. "The Darkness is stoping my Regeneration? Impossible that's not possible, how can it be beyond the Holy Grail?"

|Hurry up and Regenerate yourself so I can destroy them again.| The Creature approached Marius and he started to panic.

"Wait wait wait, I can make you a clone. It will be like the real thing and you can take her back to Japan. I can find her soul that's easy. It's a Great deal, you should be satisfied with that." Marius started to panic in trying to find a way to appease it.

|Do not speak of her, or ever speak again. You should die here.|

Issei smiled hearing that as he held his hand out "Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done."

They watched as he closed in on Marius and the claw was swung down once again severing his other arm. "You freak!" Was all Marius could cry out as they watched as the monster ripped Marius to shreds body parts went flying and blood was everywhere.

"You're going to have Restrictions placed on him for Raiting games in the future. Whatever he is, is a far more dangerous existence than us."

The sounds of Marius's screams flooded the room |Even your soul will be purged from this world.|

Issei however saw it differently "Gotta admit, brutal but effective. Whatever the hell it was."

"That speech was from a video game…" Murayama thinking of it.

"Yeah it is… but it's a good one."

After plenty of murder, screaming and blood the darkness started to fade as Azazel went over to what was left of Valerie. He started looking at her and checking her. "Something isn't right about all of this." He ran his hand over her with a magic circle getting as much data as he can. "Mmmh yes I see."

"What's going on?" Rias asked as she approached him.

"Well, it seems as if her Holy Grail mutated into a Subspecies, I don't know if it was always like that or a recent thing for her. Two Grails exist when they shouldn't be more than one. She's not 100 percent dead right now that's why I was wondering about this. So it's possible she has one still inside her as the Extraction of a Longinus should have been much more of a flashy affair."

There was some shock all around hearing that "How can that be? Two of the same Longinus?" Rias didn't know what to think hearing that.

"Right, that's what I was thinking. But a subspecies is considered as one even if there are two. But this is a first for me so I will have to look at it some more. Considering she isn't dead it's a wonder that it's still in her body and not trying to leap out of her. But if we put all the pieces back together it will return her to her normal state after some time. I don't understand you Longinus Users right now. Nothing but oddities this generation." Azazel looked up at the Creature that was Gasper now carrying to figure out what it was as he snapped his fingers at it. "The Grail, give it to me."

Hearing that Asia let out a few tears "It's good it's not all painful."

The arm extended over to Azazel as he gave the cup to Azazel and quickly got to work. Issei on the other hand looked at the Creature "So uh what exactly are you?"

|I would have thought the Red Dragon Emperor would have known|

Issei was quick to shake his head "Nope you got me, I have no idea what you are."

"Are you or are you, not Gasper then?" Rias was quick to ask.

|I am Gasper, except I also am not Gasper at the same time. I am what possessed the boy in the womb. A fraction of Balor's consciousness was broken."

Azazel looked up hearing that "Wait, your Balor? The Evil God Balor of Celtic mythology?"

"So the connection is Forbidden Balor View." Issei was able to connect 1 to 2.

"Yes, Balor was famous for his eyes. The god that controlled Crom Cruach. The Sacred Gear was named as a reference to him. But to think that even a part of the real Balor resides inside the boy. Wait are you in the Sacred Gear or someplace else? Better yet why didn't the Tathlum respond to you then?"

|I am only a fraction of Balor's consciousness. The power and divinity are long gone as only the evil remained. Balor who was killed by Lugh is gone. I am Balor yet not Balor at the same time. It's easier to say that I am Gasper Vladi. Seems your Father made something interesting after all with these Sacred Gears. Possession of Legendary Dragons to powers of an Evil God. A terrifying creature your father.| Azazel nodded hearing all of it as he quickly grasped what was going on.

"So what caused you to activate?" Yumi asked, "Gasper once showed anything like this till now."

|Rage, and not Gasper's| He looked at Issei. |Shalba|

"I was quite mad hearing him not give me an answer I wanted."

Xenovia and Irina walked over to him. "Are you really Gasper?" Xenovia asked and Irina looked at him "You're much bigger now, but super scary." the two of them weren't wrong as most of them were scared to see what he was doing.

A hand reached out to Valerie as the darkness faded away it was Gasper's as he touched Valerie's face. |The need to save this girl was beyond comprehension. My other half is indebted to her and this was the least I could do. I don't know much about her powers but she had been using hers for quite some time. I don't know if she is the one who willed me to this place or if this is what is called fate.|

"Fate is a fickle mistress."

"Wait," Azazel thought for a second. "Losing one's divinity… reincarnation… are you saying that Valerie willed the two of you together as a child? All because of the Grail and Forbidden Balor View? The logic behind this is… insane yet plausible? Why didn't Crom say anything then? What about…"

The hand stopped Azael from running his brain a mile a minute. |What you see here is a fusion of the Sacred Gear and Balor. Maybe it's what you call a Balance Beaker but most likely not. Let's call it Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast. |

"That's basically the qualification for a Longinus class. And considering what just happened it might as well be called one as that is no longer Forbidden Balor View. I'll have to talk with the others about this."

"I thought you said Longinus was only the thirteen. Better yet why thirteen to begin with?"

"There were thirteen at the table for the last supper." Asia said that.

The darkness on the body started to fade away |Seems that my time is up here. He can't handle much more of this. I am an existence of pure Darkness, but as long as you are friends of Gasper, I will never hurt you. I have seen what you have done for him and that is the least I can do for him.| The darkness faded away Gasper collapsed.

Rias went over to comfort him as she held him "We always cared for you no matter what you are."

A bright flash came out of Valerie's body as Azazel finished putting the grail back into her body. He poked the girl in the face "She should wake up." Looking at her he saw a few things. "She's breathing better. But her consciousness has yet to fully return." He poked her a few more times "Did something mess up?"

"It's quite a simple uncle, you need something else to bring her back. Perhaps this will do." They heard the all too familiar voice appear in the doorway.

"Rizevim Livan Lucifer" Vali said as he looked like he was about to blow his top.

In Rizevim's hand, there was a golden cup floating there. With a big evil grin on his face, Rizevim opened his mouth again "It seems that little Valerie possesses three Holy Grails. Such an interesting subspecies of a Longinus a three-in-one package." He twirled the cup around "Marius didn't realize that I got my hands on the first of them. It's still funny that he calls himself a researcher of the Holy Grail."

"Called" Issei was quick to correct him as he pointed at the blood on the floor.

"Well what can you do, he wasn't that bright anyways." His smile got wider "Anyways kids it's time for the fun to start. Grandpa is gonna tell you what's going to happen." Next to him, two people appeared one was Euclid the man with silver hair, and Lilith the clone. Looking at Vali, Rizevim laughed seeing the anger overflowing. "You should see the look on your face boy, I feel like I'm about to come from seeing the rage."

The girls were out of the loop seeing the hate boner that was happening "What happened between them?" Murayama asked.

Azazel was serious as he looked at them. "Rizevim ordered his son to abuse Vali."

Rizevim looked at them hearing that from Azazel "I told that stupid child to bully him if he was scared of him. My son however was a pussy and was fragile and couldn't endure that a child was stronger than him. At the end of the day little Vali ran away from home as he couldn't handle it. I heard Azazel raised him so something became of it."

"And just what happened to that man?" Vali asked

"Oh, you want to know what happened to dear old Dad? Well, I killed him for being a pussy. I saw him acting like a fool so I killed him. Just like that poof dead. Are you shocked maybe even mad that I killed him?"

Vali shrugged his shoulders at that. "No, you just beat me to it. I was going to kill him anyways not like he was worth anything to begin with. After all, I want to kill you the most of everyone. You who is called the Morning star, Descendent of Maou Lucifer."

Rizevim was happy to hear that as he looked at Azazel "Seems you raised the boy quite well."

"What are you going to do with the Evil Dragons and the Grail?" Azazel was quick to change the subject.

"Fine fine I'll tell you so think of it as a gift. A truth was brought to the world some time back, something that we didn't know about. Yet it's been speculated for such a long time and now we know it exists." Azazel looked at Issei "You understand what I'm saying don't you Azazel? Back when Loki attack Japan and possibly become reality." Rizevim point at Issei "And you are responsible for it Oppai Dragon."

"Chichigami," Issei said hearing that "A god not of this world, not from Shinto or Hindu. Yeah yeah yeah we know the old records, we were there when it happened. You don't need to recite the texts that I wrote myself. The question is do you know where she comes from?"

"Maybe? Why else would Great Red Guard the dimension of this world? Only making it harder to get to their world"

"So your after Great Red after all."

"Your so Clever Azazel. If I was a teacher you would get an A. I want to defeat Great Red so I can get into their world. But who can beat Great Red? I can't, I'll die. Samael is an Option but then I have to Deal with that old bag of bones. Plus the curse would affect my army of Evil Dragons. Cant use Ophis as the brat fucked up. So what else am I to do? But just what if I were to make the Verse of the Apocalypse into a reality."

"Oh hell Trihexa"

Rizevim was so happy to hear that Azazel knew what he was referring to. "You always were the smart one. So nice that you can answer my questions. Seems that it was worth my time after all. But Great Red isn't the only Legendary creature recorded in the Apocalypse Six Hundred and SixtySix sounds about right. Why would that old man record something based on a Dragon who does nothing when there is something far more dangerous out there."

'Ddraig start boosting I'm going to need plenty of power if a fight is about to break out.'

"And guess what he exists! God of the bible found Trihexa and put a strong seal around him. Thousands of them maybe that's why he died in the war. But the seals are quite strong and at a level far beyond what other mythology gods would be able to cast on the regular. So him dying in the war from Fatigue is possible."

"So that's how the Marius was able to cast a sealing spell of that level."

"We're currently unsealing them one at a time. It would be easier if that brat with the Spear would have cooperated but things are going smoothly with the Grail and Cross. And that's why we're going to revive Trihexa and crush the world. Going to destroy this world and rebuild it into my own Utopia." Rizevim started laughing as it filled him with Joy. "Evil Bring an Evil beast with a horde of Evil Dragons to bring disaster to this world."

"So dumb shit 101? I mean seriously, what's going to stop Trihexa from killing you after it's all said and done?"

"You call my plans dumb? You have no idea what a life of a Devil can live aside from laying on the couch and drinking wine all day. There was no object to drive one forward only a long life. Ambition is what drives one forward and Euclid brought that to me. The power of Ophis, the Holy Grail, and proof there are others out there. I was excited to hear that for the first time in my life. I felt excitement as I get the chance to burn the world in my way."

"Yeahhhhhhhhh" Issei dragged it out "The more you talk about it the more sounds more and more retarded. But considering you got Cao Cao to fracture Ophis into two uneven parts I can't say I'm surprised at this point."

"Listen hear brat, Devils are beings of Evil, wicked and brutal, the real scum of this world. We are not the heroes or the justice in this world. We are evil and horrible existences if you want the others to see humans and Angels." Rizevim laughed thinking about it "You are hopeless after all, you are a monster who acts as justice in the world. Yet you are the most dangerous of them all."

Issei smiled hearing that "It's even funnier how you think Humans are justice in the world. We dropped two of the smallest nuclear bombs on a country just to see what would happen. God may have made humans in his ideal image but we are one fucked up species."

Rizevim waved his hand at them "Fine, bring it then. This old man will be your opponent."

Issei was quick to hold up his right hand as a red ball of energy formed and he shot it at Rizevim "Issei that isn't going to work!" Azazel shouted.

The ball of energy went towards them as Rizevim held his hand up as the ball vanished. It was only for a second but where the ball erupted into an inferno of flames that were belched out at them. When the flames died down they saw a silver magic circle there blocking the attack. "I would think the attack worked."

"Then why did the ball disappear then?" Yumi asked as they all saw it disappear.

"His ability is a freak among devils. He has the ability to cancel Sacred Gears. Anything that falls under a sacred gear can be canceled by him whether it be an attack or a Balance breaker. It's part of the reason why he can hold the Holy Grail without any major backlash from it." Azazel filled them in on the oddities of the situation.

"Two-pronged attacks using two different methods however do work."

"And at the end of the day, the attack did nothing."

Issei smiled upon hearing that from Rizevim. "Funny you say that, but you showed me the absolute minimum you would need to defend yourself from a nonsacred gear-based attack. So at the end of the day, the attack did something."

"It doesn't matter, it's impossible for you to beat me. Impossible to get that through your thick head."

Xenovia ran at him with Durandal as she swung it at him "How about a Holy Sword then" Off her blade came a wave of holy aura. When it was traveling towards Rizevim they watched as Lilith held her hand up and the attack hit it and bounced it to the wall.

"Anyways" He snapped his fingers as a projection appeared between them "Do you have an idea where this is?" They saw Snow and a castle city.

Everyone had the same idea "Carmilla castle town." Rias said looking at it a little more.

"Exactly the right place." He snapped his fingers once again "Can you predict what will happen? Destruction, plague, dirty water?" He laughed at it "Don't bother." They saw a black spec in the sky as it turned to more and more through the contrast of the snow. The specs turned out to be large black dragons as they circled the town. "Mysterious Black Dragons have appeared. Oh, and they're attacking now."

"The hell is this all about Rizevim" Azazel questioned him.

Rizevim could only put a stupid smile on his face hearing that. "It means that Vampires in the Carmilla faction fell for the same thing the Tepes did. They long for a body with no weakness and made a pack. We enhanced their bodies, we just did it so much that they happen to turn into mass-produced Evil Dragons. And all with a snap of the finger."

"This is live…" Rias spoke softly seeing all of it unfold.

"You know it's funny, the Vampires said that vampires need to handle Vampire problems. So I thought it would be a great idea to let them do exactly that, well there former Vampires at this point. But they can deal with their problems." The ground shook violently.

"Earthquake here?" Murayama asked as it was a strong one while everything shook for a few seconds.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to say that it also affects the Idiots on the Tepes side as well. So now there going to wreak havoc on this town as well." He snapped his fingers again as the room lit up "Have fun with that."

Force Teleportation was always fun as they were on the roof outside in the cold. "Where did they go!" Vali shouted as he took to the air looking around for Rizevim. The rest of the castle however was surrounded by Evil Dragons as there was destruction being flung around left and right.

"Oh, boyo!" Rizevim called out to him as he was flying in the air holding Lilith.

"Get back here!" Vali took off after him.

"Shit!" Azazel was quick to swear seeing that Vali was now gone "Rias get to work dealing with these. Split into teams and take these Dragons down. Evacuate the Civilians and arrest the Higher-ups if you find them. This is their shit they need to lie in it while we fix it."

"Right," SHe nodded "Xenovia, Irina take Asia, Gasper, and Koneko to safety. Rossweisse Yumi, Katase Murayama, Akeno and I will work as teams." There was a collective agreement from everyone "Good let's get to work."

"Shelters should be on the east side of town outside of the gate."

There was a split as everyone disappeared off into the town and got to work. Issei got to work punching Dragons left and right as they were hardly a threat to him. It didn't take much power as when he punched them they turned to dust instantly. At this point, it was a light exercise for him with how many there were.

"Well look who it is, the Red Dragon Emperor" Issei would remember that voice as he saw a silver-haired man with his matching robe.

"Euclid Lucifigus, and just what do you want?"

He smiled hearing that from Issei "I just happened to find you when I was finished with my work here. But I do find all of this Ironic as the Vampires are assaulting their own homes. Turns out pride can but bought and sold."

"Uh huh, you did it to them after all."

He sighed "Longinuses breaks the Balance of the principle of truth and its foundation. It gives you a choice but for the others, it's to go with the choice." Riddles were not Issei's strong suit. "Fine then I will show you one of the recent choices." Euclid's left hand reached up and pulled his robe off revealing his body and more importantly his right arm. Oh, his hand there was an all too familiar gauntlet of a well-known red color. "You will be my opponent as this is fate. So let's go further. Balance Break" A red light came out from Euclid's body as he was shown in Red armor.

"Scale mail" Issei said seeing the all too familiar armor.

"Indeed a replica of the Boosted Gear Scale mail."

[Absurd, You cant copy a Sacred Gear let alone this one. Even Azazel hasn't done such an impossible feat.] Ddraig said as he thought for a minute [Such an act would surpass God of the Bible, And your research would be far too advanced…]

"I can't make something from nothing." Euclid looked at Issei "What if I told you that you were the basis of my research."

[You would still need something to study.] "A that's creepy, B that's creepy."

What they saw was a corpse, it was rotting away but filled its purpose as it was cut open. "Skin, hair, DNA. Yet we can't copy Ddraig's soul, we got enough to make a replica armor out of it. We just substituted it with a few dragon souls to achieve the same effect."

"Just where did you get such a thing? I have never died… fully so no corpse would have been left behind. So where… what universe did this come from?"

A smile crept on his face. "I didn't take it from any universe. I was merely given it, as a Balancing act."

Issei sighed as he understood what happened. "Fate is a cruel mistress, she giveth and taketh."

"I can't confirm if that creature is a woman."

Issei however waved him off "Fate is a woman." Gripping his right, a flame appeared in the center as he tossed it at the corpse. "And we can remove that link to it." The flames burned as it melted the body down so there was nothing of one of himself left.

"So let's have the battle to see who is superior." Euclid said as Issei quickly flew at punching with a swift right hand. When the two armors collided there was a loud sound of metal smashing together that was followed by the all too familiar sound. (BoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoostBoost) It echoed around amplifying Euclid's power. "I must say that your Crimson armor up close looks interesting. It's something I can't replicate."

"That's because it's my power that makes it that color." Issei said as Euclid was quick to swing back as he planted an attack into Issei's stomach. The armor broke and struck skin but fortunately, he was resilient enough to not take all the damage as he felt the attack surge through his body.

"My power has never once lacked compared to my sister Grayfia. And the Scale Male strengthens the user the stronger the possesser."

"Yeah, no shit it's called base power for a reason. But I hate to break it to you. Your sister bitch slapped me into next week one time, great thong but she still hit me harder than you have so far. So you might need to rephrase that power statement." Issei let out a swift kick knocking Euclid back as cannons on his shoulders appeared Green energy formed on the tips rapidly and he fired them at Euclid.

Euclid saw the attack coming how could he, not it was a large green beam of energy. He held his hand up and a Green ball formed "You call this the Dragon Shot if I'm not mistaken." He fired it off into the beam as the two collide. There was an explosion that resulted and a large shockwave that followed as the two attacks canceled each other out.

"Well shit, I'm impressed."

[Don't compliment him you asshole. We are the Red Dragon Emperor, we can't lose to that fake.]

"Yes, I know."

[Then show him that we are better than a fake.]

"I have just the skill." Issei put his arms out as the gems on his armor started letting out a silver light as they rattled. The gems started morphing as they started morphing as wings appeared. Wings were only the start as the rest of the gems turned into elongated heads and then bodies. As the light died down they saw an army of little wyverns flying around him.

Euclid looked at them seeing as they were not green only silver in color. "The power of the White Dragon Emperor you stole…"


"Righhhhht" I requested Vali Lucifer to fight me with his full strength. But he refused to use his Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive. He told me that he would only use it against you. Called me a Fraud and ran away after that."

"You know if Vali was a chick the weird relationship he has with me would be interesting. But it's honestly kind of weird." Issei snapped his fingers as he pointed at Euclid as all the little wyverns looked at Euclid "Go" They scattered around the field surrounding Euclid on all six-axis. "So want to see something you can't do?" Issei smiled at that "Oh what am I asking you for?" He held his left hand up as he pointed at one of the Wyverns. "Dance bitch." A green ball of energy formed as he shot it at one of the Wyverns and when it was about to strike it there was a call out. [Reflect] The energy was deflected off the wyvern as it was sent toward Euclid.

The ball flew at him but he quickly dodged it as it wasn't going that fast as most supernatural creatures could dodge it at that speed. But as it passed him they heard it again [Reflect]. The ball was now moving around wherever it felt like bouncing around gathering speed with each attack but there was a pattern. After it was reflected it always went for Euclid so he had to dodge it lest he wanted to take the hit.

So Euclid swung his left hand to slash at the ball as it was coming towards him but the ball moved just so much out of his reach skipping past him. When he turned he saw Issei moving his fingers around "You're going to have to try harder. Wait let's make it harder for you." Issei let out two more Dragon Shots and three balls of Red fire as they started bouncing around. "Evade or take and Explosion or Fire your choice… oh you didn't know I could redirect my attacks? Well anybody worth their weight in salt can but you should get back to dodging." Issei snapped his fingers as the attacks while staggered went to Euclid. If it wasn't energy it was fire one after another as every six attacks they picked up speed with each reflection. Euclid didn't have time to counter or speak as dodging was his main priority but even he was having a hard time as fire grazed his armor singeing it and other parts were just gone as the Dragon Shots started to chip away at him.

Euclid however had an idea as the Boost Command was heard a few times and the aura around him was getting thicker. "I don't have to charge my attacks unlike you do." He quickly pointed his hand at Issei and a large ball of energy appeared and then fired him.

"That looks Dangerous butttttttttttttttttttttt" [Divide!][Divide!][Divide!][Divide!][Divide!][Divide!] Was heard from the Wyverns as the area around the attack shrank the power was siphoned away as it disappeared from the sky. Euclid was surprised to see his attack just gone like that with six callouts. "What? It's Vali's power you didn't think that was going to happen? You can't be that surprised to see that it's just gone."

"Interesting, I guess the warm-up is over then."

Issei could only agree with that "Yeah, I haven't done much today so I have plenty of juice in the tanks. You however have to sacrifice something to double your power, and those Dragon Souls are nowhere near the level of Ddraig so your not getting a true multiplier out of your power. You are burning something to achieve such a goal, and I think it's a portion of your stamina."

"Show me more then! Show me what you can do with the power of the Red Dragon Emperor."

Darkness started to spread around at the town below as up next to Issei he saw a blob appear as it turned into a beast that was floating in the air. "Gasper?" Issei asked seeing him.

|Issei im here to help.| They could hear Gasper's voice coming from the creature. |I heard about everything from Asia, and I'm ready to go."

Issei pointed at Euclid "Knock yourself out then." Looking down the Darkness spread across the whole town covering everything. It was to the point that Gasper's Sacred Gear was hardpressed to not be classified as a Longinus. The evil Dragons were being drowned in the darkness as they disappeared with ease.

"Euclid!" They heard Rizevim as he flew towards the man.

"Yes sir." Euclid was quick to respond.

"I do believe it's time to leave, that Darkness is quite dangerous. Where is Crom?"

"Around? I haven't followed up on him yet."

"Such a free Spirited Evil Dragon" Rizevim laughed hearing the situation.

"IM NOT DONE WITH YOU RIZEVIM!" Vali was shouting at him as he chased after Rizevim.

"Persistent child. Let's head back we have things to do." Hearing that from Rizevim, Euclid summoned forth a Magic circle under them.

|Give me back the Grail!| Gasper shouted as he lept at Rizevim.

Issei however held his right and up with index and middle fingers extended, thumb latched over holding down his ring and pinky fingers, and pointing it at them. Rizevim swung his hand at the three of them. A wave of energy washed over them "Too bad so sad. An off onto our journey of terror!" Vali and Gasper were stripped out of their powers before Rizevim disappeared."Oh and before I forget. Our name is Qlippoth, so Ta Ta!" He said as they disappeared.

Issei only had parts of his armor on as his chest plate and most of the way down to his legs. "Interesting" He said looking at it. "Seems you can penetrate something that is made to break down our power."

Vali was another story as he was about ready to destroy something out of rage "Am I no different than him? I just want to fight Great Red." Issei and Gasper watched as for the first time they had seen Vali display emotions that were not the need to fight something.

Some time passed and the immediate disaster died down as the immediate fighting was over. Everyone gathered up for the most part as they were in the center of the town square. They saw that Elmenhilde was on the floor looking like she just ran a few miles as she was tired. "Traitors… they turned to Dragons and attacked us…" She muttered as the Carmilla castle town was in much worse shape than the Tepes side was. Turns out they learned from Azazel before he left to deal with Valerie, Heaven set in their forces to clean up the Evil Dragons in Carmilla town.

Coming down from the Castle they saw Gasper's dad walking toward them seeing the destruction he didn't say anything as he looked at everything. Gasper however walked up to the man and bowed his head. "I am a Servant of Rias Gremory, the Bishop known as Gasper." He raised his head looking at the man. "Thank you for the time you have given us, but I will never be returning to this place. I will also be taking Valerie with me to our House in Japan." He said to him and walked away to go find Valerie.

No words were exchanged between the two, but Issei looked at the man. "At the end of the night, you have contributed to all of this. Pride tore your people apart, Pride tore a family apart. Learn some humility as the darkness fades. And do better for those around you otherwise, you will become what destroyed this place."

They left as they went to regroup with Azazel as he had Valerie. "We need all of the Grail parts to bring her consciousness back. The Grail turned into a Subspecies so we have to put all the pieces to the puzzle back together before it's listed as finished. "

"Why take one when there's three?" Murayama asked Azazel.

Azazel shook his head at that. "Political Reasons? I honestly don't know. Maybe he can only use one at a time, or he can use one to its full potential rather than three. It's honestly hard to say. Her body holds many secrets as one Grail alone is tough, but three is something else. Who knows what happened to this poor girl because of this transformation? Maybe just maybe the grails have reduced effect on their own to compensate for the fact there are three of them."

"So Euclid recreated the Boosted Gear."

Azazel looked at Issei as he said that as he blinked a few times "WHen you say…"

"Boost and Balance breaker. Dragon Shot as well but that's just a simple skill we all can use."


Issei shrugged "Fate is a cruel mistress, seems she balanced it out by giving him some information."

Azazel exhaled hearing that "It's still a cheap copy at the end of the day. A Replica Sacred Gear's base potential can't surpass the original. There's nothing in it that can stop the world or turn it upside down. How strong was it?"

"His armor wasn't that strong but he was studying mine. So I expect it will be stronger the next time we meet. Not much I can do about that. But he was surprised that I could use Vali's power, figured Id mess with him."

Gasper however was sitting next to Valerie as he was holding onto her. Looking up at everyone "Rias, Issei, I will retrieve the Holy Grail." Issei raised an eyebrow upon hearing that. "I will become strong enough to take back the Holy Grail. I will save Valerie."

Rias smiled at that "We're going to support you all the way."

"Savior of a woman then… we will test that resolve tomorrow. No, complaining no nothing, you will get stronger then."

Azazel however looked at them "Go back into the castle and retrieve your goods and go home. I'll be taking Valerie to one of our Medical wards. She's going to need constant attention while she's in this state."

A week passed after the incident in Vampire Country and it's been nothing but meetings and discussions going on. Chief Gods of mythologies had to be informed of what was going on, that Rizevim had the Holy Grail and he was acting on his own doing whatever he wanted. Chaos is something nobody wanted aside from a few people. This chaos was bound to spill over into humanity and that was already a major problem. But it was late in the afternoon and the VIP room was crammed full of people. The whole group of the house was there, Azazel, Griselda, Dulio, Slash Dog Tobio, Sona, Seekvaira, Sairaorg, Sun Wukong, and all of Vali's team were there.

"Well… how are the officials responding to all of this?" Rias asked Azazel as he was back and forth in all of this.

"Not good, this isn't something they are taking lightly or ignore it. Many other factions who wanted nothing to do with us are in active discussions for full support. That's how big of a problem this is for everyone. Rizevim wants to bring chaos to the world with his ideas. And after the Vampire incident, everybody is on deck and not ignoring him." He sighed before speaking again "There's also radical talk from someone who will send in their military to deal with it. Zeus and Odin are trying to defuse that bomb. I understand the logic behind it as Rizevim needs to be dealt with so I can't blame them. After the last incident with the Monsters in the Underworld, Evil Dragons of all mythologies running free led by Rizevim, and the possibility of Trihexa being revived or awakened will quite possibly be the end for us all.'

"So you're saying that the fence sitters who didn't want to help with the Khaos Brigade because it didn't affect them now want to magically help because this affects them? All because it's gotten to the point that they can't ignore it." Rias said too that.

"Yeahhhhhh" Azazel drawled it out. "Common problems crop up every once in a while.

"Lord Michael is negotiating with others as our representative of our god… Many other mythologies want to help. Fortunately, Lord Michael has helped calm down some of the extreme fringes."

Azazel nodded hearing that from Griselda. "Yes there is something else of use that did come of all of this, scary I know. Since the last incident took place on Vampire territory the factions have been nervous now that they have no clue what's going on. Each mythology is going to be stocking an Ultimate Tier god in large regions under their control till the incident is under control."

"Ultimate tier gods?" Katase asked.

"Think of them as the top combat jobs, Greek mythos would have Ares, Athena, Artemis. While in Japan we would have Susanoo the drunken bastard, Tsukuyomi, and Takemikazuchi while the gods here are already regional."

"Right, it's mostly just for the in case something does happen. However a Team is going to be built, a Counter Terrorism team that consists of Strong fighters that can fight Rizevim and move when and where it is needed. That team is receiving the right to act freely in any participating land when the mission calls for it. And yes you guessed it, all of you have been picked for a mixed background team. Devils, Fallen, Angels, Vampire, Youkai a Valkyrie, Grimreaper, Werewolf, humans, and Dragons. Let's just say it's relatively easy for you all to move around."

There was no opposition from the looks on everyone's faces. So Rias took the lead hearing that "Very well we accept."

Azazel looked at Sairaorg, Sona, and Seekvaira as each of them nodded. First Generation Sun Wukong nodded as well. "I have no objections to this. It will be easy to work with the younger ones rather than doing this all by myself."

Dulio however was tilting his head to the side thinking of all of this. Azazel noticed it "What is it Dulio."

"This needs a name… cant has a team with a name."

"DxD" Koneko said quietly as all eyes were on her. It was to much attention for her as she was a little embarrassed to have all of it. "It's a team so I thought it was a good idea."

Rias looked at her rook "DxD like Great Red? Or does it mean something else?'

"Devils and Dragon."

"I see" Azazel caught on to her thought process. "Devils and Dragons, X being in-between. The protectors of Great Red, after all, that is part of Rizevim's goal." Azazel looked at the others "What do you think? Any objections."

Dulio shrugged hearing that "Good enough for me, at least we have a name now."

"Whatever a name is a name." Sun Wukong didn't care.

"So what's the catch to all of this? There's got to be people who don't exactly want a bunch of devils running around their territory taking action as we see fit." Issei threw the question out there that was bound to run into some issues with some places.

"Well, there's not much they can do about that. It's whether they get our help or they don't. And everybody wants our help right now. And you kids are the best choice we all have as you have plenty of experience dealing with this already. That and you're the Oppai Dragon, everybody likes you in some way or another. Anyways Dulio" Azazel looked at the Angel. "You're going to be the leader of all of this."

Dulio was quick to wave his hands around "No no no, not me, why me of all people."

"Appearance wise if I or a Devil were to run this it would be seen as somewhat evil in the eyes of some people. Now if an Angel were to lead this it would be seen as a better image for all of us. You're an Angel who was reincarnated as a Human, you have all the selling points from anybody who doesn't exactly care for Devils, let alone Humanity if they get dragged into this mess."

"No, such a role isn't fit for me." He tried to argue with it.

There however was a smack on the back of his head from Griselda "Dulio, it's a role that will be seen as Honourable. You are called the trump card for a reason, so you should do it as it's likely that your name will be written in History for such things."

He straightened up "I accept."

Issei looked at Griselda "Did you just bribe him by saying he's going to be in the history books?" She only shrugged as she wasn't going to give it away.

"Right, so Sub Leader then Sun Wukong? Are you fine with Second in Command?"

"It's okay, it gives them a learning experience. I would be more of a detriment than a symbol towards our enemies."

"All Right sounds good." Azazel looked at the only ones who didn't agree to anything "Vali. I have nominated you and your team for this excursion as well. Seeing as you are looking to take Rizevim out as well, it's the best way to remove some of the distrust in your members."

"Well, Albion?"

{So be it, that leaves time for other things. Like catching up on the past}

[AH the fun times.]

Vali seemed surprised about that "Wasnt expecting him to be so cheerful about it."

{I am not afraid of some Breasts or Butts.}

"I would hope not."


"[Where?]" Issei and Ddraig said at the same time looking around as they could hear Albion laughing.

"Isn't this a problem that Vali Lucifer and his associates are still criminals?" Sona asked Azael as it was still a hot topic.

"About that, Odin has legally adopted Vali as one of his children."

"I thought you said you raised him?" Sona prodded more.

"While yes, I did. Fallen Angels are regarded as Evil or Villains, even tho most of the time we didn't do the things that were said about us. But Odin is different, he's old, and if he's going to take Vali as his adopted son then what's Asgard going to do? Other Gods don't have much room as Odin is one of the Eldest and other forces don't have as much power or sway to go against him. There's going to be restrictions but considering the reality it's not that bad."


"So that's a yes then." Azazel marked that down for later.

Vali looked at the girls in his group. "I'll leave Kuroka and Le Fay here and summon them when we are in need of them. "

"Yahoo!" Kuroka was happy to hear that.

"Le Fay." Arthur looked down at his sister.

"Yes, brother?" She looked up at him.

"This is perfect for you, you should join this to receive a pardon." His eyes wandered up from his sister to Issei. "Red Dragon Emperor."


"You don't have a magician pact yet, my sister here would make a good partner. If she were to make a pact with the hero of the underworld then she would be able to return home as well."

Issei held his hands out "I uhh don't exactly have much going against that proposition."

Arthur smiled hearing that "I'll repay your gratitude somehow."

Azazel's focus was on Kuroka. "Your role will be a resident house guest. So I will have you stay here for the most part.

"Nya, I can lounge around here. After all, I already have a room and bed." Kuroka was all too pleased to be a cat and do as she pleased.

"Good so don't annoy them too much."

Sun Wukong looked at his descendent "You will be summoned when it's deemed necessary, there will be no declining my summons." He looked at the rest of them "I'm going to train all of you from scratch. There is no point in having a team of High-Class Devils who cant punch in their weight class. So your training is gonna be tough."

Azazel agreed with Sun Wukong "That sounds like a good idea, Issei has trained them but that can only go so far."

"Amature teaching all more flash than substance.

Vali however smiled at that "My empireo Juggernaut Overdrive and reach the level of a god."

"In Raw power? Sure… but you're a one-pump and are done. You don't have the stamina in that form to maintain it so you're only wasting your ability." Vali didn't bother arguing as it was true."I will teach you how to fight Longinus's possessors and Gods."

"Gods?" Sairarog asked

"There's always those out there who want to control the earth. It's best to be prepared." Sun Wukong said as he left to go prepare things for their training in the upcoming days.

With all of that concluded they said their goodbyes and took for the night leaving just Kuroka and Le Fay still in there. Kuroka move over to Issei as she sat down on his lap. "Hey, Ravel." Issei looked at her. "Prepare the ritual, to make a contract."

"If that is what you want." Ravel made note of just another thing she had to do.

"As for you." Issei's hands snapped to Kuroka's chest as he rubbed them. "I told you to trust me that it would happen

"I guess you were right nya." She moaned slightly from his groping.

It was another story in heaven as Griselda and Dulio reported the news to Michael and Gabriel in Sixth heaven. "Good then the team has been formed and operations can start when needed. That's good as discussions have been rough trying to convince everyone of the plan."

"Putting our new duties aside for a moment, I have a question about the person at the center of all this." Griselda looked at two of the leaders of Heaven.

"The Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou no doubt." Gabriel asked seeing a nod from Griselda. "What is it that you want to know that isn't already out there?"

"Aside from the fact that he is infatuated with you, my King. Issei has been on a Journey looking for answers all this time. Does anybody know the answer to his Journey? Or is it just a fever dream of his?"

"Sometimes, I forget how perceptive you can be." Gabriel looked at her brother for an answer.

"Very well, but what we are to say stays here." Michael said as the Queen and Joker nodded.

"We are aware of what happened and Father's Gift is to blame for it. We looked into it but not sure 100% of the way it happened there was a malfunction in the Sacred Gear. It induced him into a berserk state and he committed Patricide and Matricide killing his Father and Mother. I happened to be in the region and was asked to see what was happening. I found him covered in blood while in his frenzied state. I struck him knocking him out of this state and took him to Heaven for medical, and mental treatment and to find out what happened to his Sacred gear." It was hard for Gabriel to recount the story. "Ddraig was not awake during the incident so he has no revelation of what happened. His body changed into what we see as a Dragon. We found out that the Juggernaut Drive activated causing the state he was in and that caused him to be more Dragon than Human at that point."

"That's quite a bit to take in. And does he know what he did?"

Gabriel nodded at that "We believe he is aware or at least to some extent. While it is cruel to ask him if he's aware of what happened. We're sure that he knows to an extent."

Dulio looked at Gabriel "And his fascination with you?"

"Humans have their urgers, Dragons are no different. I however acted as a mother figure to him so we built a connection. He knows that mating with an Angel is complicated. It's part of the reason why the room was built. What he thinks of the idea now I can only imagine has gotten stronger. But he always understands my position, maybe one day maybe not. As for the Rest of the story, you've heard it before, I along with others trained him and tried to reintegrate him into a world he maybe shouldn't have been in."

"I see…" Griselda looked at the two of them. "So do you know what caused all of this?"

Michael nodded "There was a slight malfunction with his gear activation. Doesnt seems like anybody caused it to activate but it's just one of those freak accidents that are one in a trillion." Michael looked at Dulio "I'm sure you know what I'm referring to."

"Yes," Dulio nodded "I never thought that it could be that cruel but it seems that there will always be people who suffer in this world."

"It's rather unfortunate that things turn out such ways for people. None of us are psychic yet anything is possible if other outcomes had taken another route. But this is the route we are on and nothing can change that now."

"That's all we can share with you." Michael said as the two of them nodded as they were dismissed. They watched as the two of them left leaving them alone. "It's been some time Sister, but you are going to have to deal with that. While we did start the rooms as a way to better off our species, my Ace came around and accelerated that. We know it works quite successfully so what are your plans? We will support you all the way no matter what you chose."

"We will have to wait and see what happens, discussion is always needed."