A Life to Live

Disclaimer: Didn't you understand that I don't own it by the first disclaimer? duh...

Summary: Wufei was married to Melian, or Nataku, but what if she never died, but was hidden from Wufei. In this story, Nataku never died and has escaped from OZ and the Alliance and is searching for Wufei. What happens when she finds him? 5/M

Chapter Two: Party at Duo's Part 1

Duo's doorbell rang and he jumped up to answer it. He threw open the door to find the other four gundam pilots standing on his porch along with Relena, Hilde, Cathrine, Sally Poe, Noin, Zechs, and Dorthey. He stepped out of the way so the others could walk inside.

"Alright! Glad you guys could make it!"

"We were glad to come Duo!" Relena said happily. It had been a while since they had been to a party. Duo shut the door behind them and led them to the living room where all the food and drinks had been set up on tables. Duo sat down on the couch while the other's all took off their jackets and shoes.

"So, what are we doing first? A game or something?" Cathrine asked.

"What games do you want to play?"

"What games do you have?"

"Ummm...truth or dare jenga, monopoly, scrabble, regular jenga, pay day, life-"

"Where did you get all those?"

"-candy land, arch rival-"

"Candy land?" Heero asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ummm...yea...my parents bought it when I was a kid and I didn't have the heart to throw it away."

"How about truth or dare jenga? Or just plain truth or dare?" Relena said.

"Yea, that sounds fun." Hilde agreed.

"Ok, jenga or regular though?" Duo said.

"Regular!" the group shouted together.

"Ok then, we all have to sit in a circle..." he began and the group sat down in a circle.

"Who wants to start?" Relena asked.

"I will." Quatre said.


"Ummm...Trowa. Truth, dare, double dare or promise to repeat?"


"Oh great...umm...-"

"I know!" Cathrine said suddenly. Cathrine ran to Quatre and whispered in his ear. Quatre's eyes grew wide.

"Ok...anyway, have you ever kissed a girl. Besides Cathrine?"

"Yes." was Trowa's simple answer. The group grinned mischeviously.

"Ooooh! Who?" Relena asked.

"I don't beleive that was part of the question."

"Oh well...your turn Trowa." Quatre said with a sigh.

"Ok, Heero. Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"


"Mistake!" yelled the rest of the group. Heero shrugged.

"Ok, you have to-"

"Kiss Relena on the lips!" the group shouted besides Trowa, Heero and Relena.



"We told you dare was a mistake." Quatre said.

"Fine..." Heero grumbled standing up. He walked over to Relena as quickly as he could kissed her on the lips. The group hooted and cat called and Heero threw dagger glares at them. "Now my turn. Cathrine. Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"


"Ok, do you like Trowa more than just a friend?"

"U-uhhh..." stuttered Cathrine while Trowa glared at Heero. "Okkkk...yes...I do." she whispered. The group sans Trowa and Cathrine all laughed. "Well, Hilde. Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"

"Ummm...promise to repeat."

"Ok, you have to say...ummm...Duo I think your sooo totally hot but you need to quit ignoring me all the time."

"WHAT?" Duo and Hilde yelled at the same time.

"You heard me."

"Ummm...Duo, I think your sooo totally hot but you need to quit ignoring me all the time." Hilde said, a blush staining her cheeks. "Anyway, Wufei. Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"


"Everyone's so boring! Picking truth all the time. Oh well. Ok, Wufei, before you came to Earth, did you like or have a relationship with anyone as in a girl? If so, how and who."

"I find this incredibly personal, but I had a relationship with my wife, Nataku." he said. The group fell silent.

"Your...your married?!" the group exclaimed.

"I said I had a relationship with Nataku."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she is dead." Wufei said quietly and got up. "I am quitting this game. I am sick of it." he said turning away. Hilde frowned.

"I'm sorry Wufei, I didn't know."

"I know." he said and walked away.

"Wait! It's your turn!" Dorthey called after him.

"So what."

"Leave him be." Heero said. "I think we just touched a sore spot with Wufei." he said watching him go. Sally looked at the floor. 'Why didn't he ever tell me he was married?' she thought.


A/N: Sooo what do you think? Do you like? Hope so! Next time, Chapter 3! Party at Duo's Part 2!