Hi everyone, so this is just a one-shot, I won't be continuing it (I have way too many on the go already). Julian was not shot in this, Sonny and Jason never found him. But the Sam and Alexis stuff hold up until the officer escorts Alexis from the interrogation room. Just some things I wish happened at Christmas instead. It might give hints at where I'd like couples to lead to, but no couples reunite officially in this, it's more about parents making better choices, not really about couples. Gosh I wish I could write for the show lol. Enjoy!

The Christmas that Should Have Been

Sam's heart broke as the police officer escorted Alexis out of the interrogation room towards lock up. It seemed like only yesterday it was Sam who'd been arrested for shooting Diego, and her mother despite the cancer and despite Sam being the constant thorn in her side, she still defended her daughter like her life depended on it.

Alexis suddenly turned, locked eyes with Sam. Sam wanted nothing more than to run into her mother's arms. To tell her about kicking Jason out. To tell her that she chose to follow in her mother's footsteps and put her children first. Yet now, it felt like that mother was long gone. Sam and her sisters weren't Alexis' priority anymore, the booze was. Sam turned away, not allowing her mother to see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Wait!" Alexis blurted out. "I—I changed my mind."

Sam whipped around and noticed Alexis' eyes wet with tears too.

"I want to uh… I want to check myself into rehab."

"Really?" Sam asked.

Alexis lowered her gaze. "That way maybe I can see my grandchildren for Easter." She lifted her head and looked over at Sam. "And hopefully my daughters too."

Chase nodded. "Very well, if Sam wants to pay the bail, I'll get the discharging papers ready."

Alexis stepped a little closer to her daughter, and Sam crashed into her arms.

"I want to turn myself in."

Sam turned her head abruptly at the sound of her father's voice.

"Julian?" Alexis said barely above a whisper.

"For my part in keeping the secret about Wiley, for causing Brad and Lucas' car accident, for almost blowing up my grandson…" He cleared his throat and his wet eyes met Alexis'. "For holding a knife to my wife's throat, no matter the reason."

"Is this some kind of joke?" Sam laughed a little shakily. "You really expect us to believe that you suddenly had this 180 epiphany to confess your sins?"

"I want to be a better example to my children."

Sam swallowed hard.

"I tried to run. But ever since finding Danny's baseball cap," he started to choke up. "Something was pulling at me, deep inside my gut. If something happened to our grandson… I know that's something neither of you could forgive me for… something I could never forgive myself for. Then I got thinking about Wiley. He was my grandson too. Yet I helped Nelle kidnap him. I've been putting children at risk for my own selfish gain. I don't want any of you to remember me that way, and I want to be a better man. I need to pay for my crimes."

Chase nodded. "Very well, I'll book you."


Jason swallowed hard, pushing down the anxiety building in his chest as Sonny dropped him off. He didn't even have a gift with him. But this long overdue—thirteen years and seven months overdue in fact. He walked over to Elizabeth's door and knocked.

It didn't take long before Elizabeth answered the door, wearing an apron and flour all down the front of her.

"Is it Grandma?" Aiden called from the kitchen.

Elizabeth smiled slightly at Jason, then turned to Aiden. "Not yet, it's Jason."

"Oh, maybe he'll eat a piece of pie when it's ready!"

Jason smiled. "If there's extra, I'd love some."


Jason cleared his throat. "Is Jake home?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "He and Cam went shopping."

Jason frowned. "Oh."

"They should be home soon though. You're welcome to wait."

"I think it's ready to go in!" Aiden said brightly.

After they put the pie in the oven, Elizabeth said, "Why don't you go upstairs and wrap your present for Grandma, and I'll call you when the pie is ready to come out? Grandma can really use some Christmas cheer right now."

"Okay!" Aiden turned to Jason. "You'll stay to have some pie, right?"

"If you'd like me to."

Aiden smiled and nodded, then raced up the stairs.

"He's a good kid," Jason said.

"He is," Elizabeth said as she sat on the couch and Jason sat on the chair. "Jake is too."

"That's why I'm here. Sam broke up with me."

Elizabeth scrunched her face. "Oh? What does that have to do with Jake?"

"It's the reason that she broke up with me. She thought Danny and I were in the Floating Rib when the bomb went off."

She nodded. "It's the most terrifying feeling in the world. I don't know what I'd do if Cam was killed in it."

"She wants a safer life for Danny and Scout. She wants a normal one for them."

"That's understandable. It's different when you don't have children, but when you do, they need to come first."

"Sonny and I were on our way to hunt down Julian, and I got talking to him about it," Jason continued. "I told him how I knew that Danny was safe and never experienced the feeling of my child in danger. But right after the words came out… I realized that was a lie."

"Are you thinking about Jake and the Russians?"

He nodded. "But not just that. When Maureen kidnapped him, and Sam didn't let it happen. And when she hired those men to terrorize all of you."

"I pushed that to the back of my mind way back when you reunited with her."

"But I also had that feeling when I returned and found out Franco was living in the same house as him."

Elizabeth sighed. "Jason, if the reason you came over is about Franco—"

"It's not. It's about Jake and Danny. I want to be a better father, but I don't know how."

"Well, you could start by not being so passive when it comes to your kids. And I'm not saying be aggressive instead… but like a few minutes ago with Aiden. He offered you some pie and you said if he'd like you to. Aiden's not your son, but that's the exact same way you always are with Jake. You put the ball into his court, always. That shouldn't be up to him to be in charge of your relationship. He needs to know that you're always there for him, even if he puts up a fight."

"But my life is dangerous for them and I can't leave the mob."

"You can't or you won't? Because Drew proved that it's possible to leave the mob. And even if other mob families target you, isn't it worth it to do the right thing and try? Because you're already a target. Obviously staying hasn't been working out for you, has it?"


Cam and Jake stepped into Kelly's carrying their shopping bags. The Chipmunks Chrismas song played in the background as they ordered five hot chocolates—for themselves, for Elizabeth, for Jake, and for Laura. But on their way out, they ran into an emotional Joss and her bodyguard.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cameron asked, concerned.

Joss nodded, but then burst into tears.

Cam led her to a table and Jake joined them, while the guard stood at the front door.

Joss buried her face in her hands. "I just don't know how much longer I can live like this."

Cam frowned. "Because of Dev?"

She nodded. "He shouldn't have died. Mom didn't even want him to come live with us in the first place, but Sonny insisted. Why does Sonny want so many kids in his life when we all end up injured or dead? Don't get me wrong, I love Sonny and I love Jason. And I know they'll always be there to protect us… except when they can't."

Jake sighed. "At least my dad is there for someone's kids."

Joss looked up at Jake and frowned. "Nothing about the mob life is fair. Part of me just wants to pack up and move in with my dad and never look back."

"Then do it," Cam said. "You deserve to feel safe. You shouldn't have to be followed by guards all the time."

"But my mom and my sisters—"

"You could still see them lots. But by actually living with Sonny, who is always going to have a target over his head, you will be in constant danger. This isn't the first time you've told me that you wish you could live with your dad and have a normal life."

"I just don't want to lose anyone else to the mob. I love Sonny… but part of me wishes Mom would leave him for our sake. But I know that's selfish of me."

"No, it's not," Cam reassured.

"Sometimes I wish my dad would leave the mob and Sonny for my sake," Jake said. "But I know that won't happen. I don't think he even cares about me at all. He might do it for Sam and Danny, maybe. But even for them he probably won't."

Joss reached for Jake's hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry, Jake. I guess either way, having parents involved in the mob screws you over no matter what."


Laura felt as though every fibre of her being was shattering non-stop. The tears wouldn't stop falling. She tried to be strong for Charlotte and Rocco's sake. She wanted nothing more than to kick out Valentin and Nina, after the ways they treated her poor Lulu, but that would cause a scene and neither of her grandchildren needed that. She was invited to Elizabeth's house to exchange gifts and eat pie that evening. It was very kind of her daughter-in-law to invite her over for a distraction, but she felt like she was abandoning her daughter.

Her head spun as she glanced around the waiting area at Valentin and Nina consoling Charlotte, and Kevin doing his magic tricks with Rocco. Her mother Lesley and Nikolas sat on either side of her.

Dr. Finn left Lulu's room. "I apologize, but I have to get to the ER. A little girl was just brought in. I will be back shortly to check on Lulu." He took off towards the Emergency Room.

"Ma petite, let's go home and get some sleep," Valentin suggested.

Charlotte shook her head. "I want to be here when Mommy wakes up."

"Valentin, why don't you and Nina head out?" Laura finally said, thankful for the opportunity. "I'll stay with Charlotte and when she gets tired, I'll take her home with me."

Valentin gritted his teeth. "This is my night with Charlotte."

"Yes, but she wants to be with her mother tonight. This is where she should be."

After a great hesitation, Valentin and Nina left.

Dante appeared in the doorway of Lulu's room. "She's starting to stir! Charlotte, Rocco, Laura, why don't you come in?"

Laura anxiously took Charlotte and Rocco's hands and led them into Lulu's room. Dante and Rocco went to one side of the bed and Laura and Charlotte went to the other.

"Lulu, your mom, Charlotte, and Rocco are here," Dante said softly.

"Mommy, please wake up," Rocco said.

"We really miss you," Charlotte said. "You need to come home for Christmas."

Laura reached for her hand and gave it a soft squeeze. Her fingers twitched a little and her eye lids moved.

She slowly opened her eyes and focused them on Rocco, then Charlotte. Then she looked up at Laura and Dante. Fresh tears streamed down Laura's cheeks. "Merry Christmas, baby girl."


Sam carried a box of Christmas decorations down the stairs. Danny and Scout were at the dining room table finishing up their gingerbread house—icing messily circled Scout's mouth and Sam laughed.

"Getting a little hungry there, Scout?" Sam asked as she set the box on the coffee table.

Scout blushed a little. "Are we gonna see Grandma, Grandma Monica, aunties, and Uncle Jason?"

Sam frowned a little and sat on the couch. She patted either side of her. "Come sit, we're going to have a little talk."

Danny and Scout settled on either side of her and after licking her thumb and wiping off the icing around Scout's mouth, she wrapped her arms around them.

"Grandma is sick again," Sam said. "But she's going to a place to make her feel better. So, she won't be with us for Christmas. But I know she'll be with us soon. Hopefully for Easter."

"Oh," Scout lowered her gaze. "Can I make her a get-well Christmas card?"

Sam smiled. "She'd like that. We're going to see Auntie Krissy and Molly tomorrow though. And while you guys visit Grandma Monica for a little bit, your aunts and I are going to visit Grandma."

"What about Dad?" Danny asked, uncertainty in his voice.

Sam rubbed his back. "We're not going to see your dad this Christmas."

Danny nodded a little sadly. "He's busy with Uncle Sonny, right?"

Sam nodded. "You'll still get to see him sometimes, but it won't be that often."

He shrugged. "He's not around that often anyways. Not like our other dad was."

"Hey, it's okay to feel sad," Sam said. "I'm sad too. And it's okay to miss and still love your dad, but this is what's best for us right now. But there's lots to be happy about too. We have each other and we can still make Christmas special."

"Can we hang our stockings, Mommy?" Scout asked.

Sam smiled. "That's a great idea."

Sam pulled out three red stockings with their names on them. Danny and Scout hung them on the mantel and Sam took a picture of them.

Ring. Ring.

Sam pulled her phone from her pocket and her heart started to race when it was Jason's name on the screen. "Hello?"

"Hi Sam. I just… I wanted to wish Danny a Merry Christmas."

Sam handed Danny the phone and his face lit up. "Hi Dad! Yeah, we just hung our stockings. It's all right… Okay." His face went sullen. "Okay. Okay. Merry Christmas."

Danny handed the phone back to Sam. "He said he loves me and Scout."

Sam ran her hand through his hair. "Why don't we check out Grandma Monica's gifts under the tree?"

"Yeah!" Scout ran over to the tree and started shaking a present. Danny plopped down beside her and turned a present over to look at it.

Sam placed a hand over her heart. As hard as it was, she knew more than anything that she was doing the right thing.

Ring. Ring. It was Monica's name to come up next. "Hello?"

"Hi Sam," Her voice sounded emotion, yet excited.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's more than okay. Epiphany just called me. Drew was brought into the ER twenty minutes ago. He's alive!"

Sam's chest went heavy.

"He's alive, but he's injured. I don't know anymore details. I'm heading to GH as we speak."

"You're sure?'

"Yes," Monica said. "I couldn't believe it when I heard it."

"Keep—keep me posted. I want to see him, but… but I need to spend Christmas Eve with my kids."


"And I learned to make the figure eight," Aiden told Jason excitedly about his skating lessons after Jason called Danny.

Elizabeth tucked her phone away and joined them. "That was Laura. She's going to come tomorrow instead. Aunt Lulu woke up."

"Yay!" Aiden's face lit up.

"Grandma's sorry, but she needs to stay with Lulu and her kids tonight. But she's looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Moments later, the front door opened, and Cam and Jake walked in carrying five hot chocolates and their shopping bags. Jake locked eyes with Jason and froze to his spot.

Jason smiled. "Hi Jake. Hi Cam. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Cam said. "Is Grandma here yet?"

"No, she's coming by tomorrow instead," Elizabeth said. "Aunt Lulu woke up."

"Great!" Cam grinned. "Jason, you want Grandma's hot chocolate?"

"If you guys would like—" Elizabeth shot him a look. "I'd love some hot chocolate. And I'd enjoy hanging out with you guys."

"I—I better get my bags upstairs," Jake said, heading towards the stairs.

"Are you going to spend Christmas with us?" Aiden asked. "Franco is in Europe. It would be fun if you stayed."

"I can hang out with you guys tonight, yeah," Jason said.

Jake stopped on the third step. "He'll be too busy to spend the rest of Christmas with us."

Elizabeth's eyes grew wide. "Jake! Don't be rude."

But Jake hurried upstairs.

Cam plopped down on the chair. "It smells good in here."

"Mom and I made apple pie," Aiden said.

Jason's eyes were still on the staircase. Guilt building up in his chest. Ring. Ring.

He pulled out his phone. Sonny. "I… I better take this."

Elizabeth sighed as Jason headed out to the porch.

"Julian turned himself in," Sonny said.

Jason scrunched his face. "He did?"

"He had some sort of epiphany. He did it for his kids."

Jason looked through the window at Aiden telling some exciting story to Elizabeth and Cameron.

"I wanted to take him out myself," Sonny said. "But our focus needs to be on Renault right now. Catch him offhanded. We do it tonight. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes."

Jason looked back inside and noticed Jake come back down the stairs. The disappointed look on his face realizing Jason was gone already. He flashed back to Christmas when Jake was a baby, watching him through the window when they hung stockings. To watching him from afar when he first returned from Port Charles and the relief he had when he learned he was alive after. To rescuing baby Danny from Heather Webber, to finding out he was his son. Was all that for nothing, just for Jason to keep running around doing everything for Sonny and Carly? He loved Sonny and Carly and was loyal to them. But how did he get this far as to not being loyal to his own sons?

"Jason?" Sonny said. "Are you still there?"

"I—I won't be helping you take out Cyrus tonight."

There was a pause.

Jason cleared his throat. "I'm going to spend time with my son."

"Okay. We'll attack tomorrow then."

Jason squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled deeply. "Not tomorrow either. I—I need to leave the business. For good."

Sonny tried to argue, but Jason stood his ground and walked back inside to eat some pie and drink hot chocolate with his son.


Josslyn ran into her father's house and crashed into his arms.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Jax asked as he stroked her hair.

"Can I live with you?"

"Of course. But why the change of tune?"

"I can't do it anymore… No more guards, no more fear of getting killed just by being around Sonny. I just want to be normal."

Jax led Josslyn to the couch.

"Mom expected me home twenty minutes ago," Joss said. "I don't know what to tell her. I don't want her to hate me."

"She won't hate you. You are old enough to make your own decisions. If this is what you want—"

"It is. I just wish Mom would get out too."

Jax nodded.


Each of them pulled out their phones.

Breaking News. Six-year-old Avery Jerome-Corinthos, daughter of the well-known Sonny Corinthos, shot in their home earlier this evening.

"Oh my gosh!" Joss jumped to her feet. "I need to get to the hospital, now!"


"Where is she!?" Ava jumped out of the elevators towards Carly, who was cradling a wailing Donna in her arms.

"She's in emergency surgery. It should be over soon."

"Where was she shot and why didn't anyone call me!?" Ava demanded to know. "I had to find out from a news alert on my frigging phone!"

"I was a little too busy, getting her to the ER and trying to calm down Donna!"

"Where was she shot!?" Ava repeated. "Her chest? Her head!?"

"Calm down," Carly said. "She was shot in the shoulder."

"You're acting like it's okay because she wasn't show in the head or her heart!"

"Of course, it's not okay." Carly moved Donna to her other hip. "But getting upset isn't going to do her any good."

Finn walked over to them and removed his surgeon's mask.

"How is she?" Ava asked frantically.

"I was able to remove the bullet," Finn said. "She was fortunate that it didn't hit any arteries." He looked over at Carly. "Next time she might not be so lucky."

Ava sighed in relief. "When can I go see her?"

"Once she's moved to ICU. Epiphany will keep you posted. But she should make a full recovery."

"Thank you, doctor."

The elevator doors opened once more and Jax and Josslyn stepped out. "Mom!" Joss ran over and hugged Carly.

"Joss, thank goodness you didn't come home sooner." Carly exhaled deeply. "It must be Cyrus. He's targeting your dad."

Jax rolled his eyes. "Carly, why does that surprise you?"

Ava moved over to a bench and pulled out her phone.

Joss stepped back from her. "I'm going to spend Christmas with Dad. And… and I won't be returning to Sonny's."

Carly's mouth dropped slightly. "But why?"

"Because I can't live like this anymore," Joss said. "I want better. But I still love you and want to see you and my sisters. But I don't want to be around Sonny anymore…"

Carly frowned. "I overheard you talking to Sam last week, but I thought it was just a reaction to Dev's death."

"It wasn't just a death. This is a normal occurrence in Sonny's world. And I just can't do it anymore. I kept going for your sake, but I want a normal life. I didn't choose the mob life, you did, and Sonny did. And we've had to pay for it. Especially Morgan."

Carly lowered her gaze. "That was Ava's fault."

"She may have had a part in it, but if we weren't in the mob life, Morgan might still be here. And I don't want that to happen to me, or to my sisters, or to Michael and Wiley. Don't we deserve better?"

"Yes, but danger can be anywhere. You could step out and get hit by a car or—"

"Yes, but being in Sonny's world just ups our chances of getting killed or injured. And I don't want to walk around with guards anymore."

"I'm with Joss on this," Jax said. "I've always felt this way."

"Well, if that's what you want," Carly said. "I will support you."

"Okay, thank you." She turned to Jax. "Can we go home now?"

"Of course," Jax said.

"Wait," Carly said. "Can Donna and I at least come over once we know that Avery will be okay?"

Jax nodded and Josslyn smiled.


After overhearing Sam telling Kristina and Molly the next day about Drew, Danny and Scout begged to go visit him at the hospital. Monica kept Sam posted. Drew had been trying to get home to them ever since the plain crash.

With bandages on his arms and face, Drew was laid up in the hospital bed, it looked like he hadn't shaved in about a year.

His face lit up when he saw them. "Danny, Scout." He smiled at Sam. "Thank you for bringing them."

Sam felt her eyes well with tears as Danny walked over to him.

"How are you, Danny?"

Danny shrugged. "I'm okay. We missed you."

Drew patted his arm. "I missed you too. All of you."

Scout looked up at Sam unsure.

"Why don't you go say hi?" Sam suggested. "I'll go with you." She held Scout's hand and led her over to the bed.

"Hi baby girl. You're getting so big."

Scout smiled a little.

"Scout has your picture right by her bed," Sam said. "She can't go to sleep without saying goodnight to your picture. Isn't that right, baby?"

Scout nodded. "Are you going away again?"

Drew frowned.

"Baby, we've talked about this." Sam stroked her hair. "Daddy didn't choose to leave you."

Drew cleared his throat. "I'm going to do everything in my power to stay here forever and always."

Scout smiled and reached up to hug him. "Merry Christmas, Daddy."